Newspaper Page Text
"B 10 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1911. A' DATE CHANGED TO SEPTEMBER 4 VON HAMM-YQUNG COMPANY MAKES r fTiTS JWl fclfcl IHM SPORTS I Ll ami NatioaaX I TRUNKS CLEARANCE SALEOF SECOND- m- ALL READY FOR HOI CONTEST Kauai and Cavalry Fit As a Fiddle for a Game Greater Than Last Week's. ruling (iii(inltlon oft, IIiiiipoii la In n rlnsw b Iitynsrlf Lieutenant Slitrlilim ntul Cniitnltt ji-. Hi KI.C Up lUlOIlt tilt! Knllll', Illlll Trnliifil to the minute nml In excel lent (uiulltlun, nnil the 1'lftli (nynlr lire renily to crnHli Into one of the flMifxt nml lmrdet jiolo lairawi liter lilijeil It will lie a gnmn full of linns nml luiiimu rlnn from tliu very Btntt to the eml, tinil the tenm ouxtlnK tho otlur will be welt entitled tu litis home lliecuim. TIip envnlrjinpii hnvo vvorl.eil liaril to iut n elianiilonMili iiintl Into the toiiriiuiiitiiit. They foil nil ot the lonir, tiillous Rrltiillns of iirottlH" hui lint lnyi(;for ii.uiKlit nml when, they leave tlii) Krlillron at. the end of the senium It will lie ovir tho ciusheil nml nn iulilieil forces of the iip(i!ilt!uii. . The Knit ilH do not Felf-nwrt thein selve n utroimly n ilo the cavalry. tiul tin ilo ntntw t)iey liuve the liet . u.-i '',' i . v .. 1.. .. .t. i. .-.i IfUUl' Illlll PIHHIHI will, 'Mill nil ifiiv.i qiilitly nnil wiy the' riiil of the Kiune nfler the Bnioke Uenrs, will reel the better of the two Lnilumnce In Koine to be . IiIk lnBiie, rldliiRtHlJiOliy clilo with imicli, ruKBeil UKKrexxlveiieHfi, ulul the one that ran WT IU rexer More to lt fullcit rniurlty without blowing up or breukliiK a plitou li the one Unit In colni; to rush the other out of Mo analiii John Mnllna . the ICidltit UbnuVr, Is slacking up line ami vhouhl play the game of bin I. re toila) Mnllli.i Is it rKUlar I'msnek when 11 (otm-t to the roiish FtulT of lirenhnti-k rbllnu nml Ioiik, miMflilnir stk-Kwurl. lie xeemi tu have mine ehiriliil nriulKi" iiKtilint the poor mute 'polo ball every time he f yijii 'cuii Jmlgoi by tlin vi llous finasli jut Klve.t .t V I'harleM Itlee pin an kiiium very hIiii llar lo or'Mallna. Ill twobiolli. Vrf.nre vCmuln-x nl, Hi" iunlliinl III. tll.V-llHll.Jllt tiijH of Ilioi-potllRlit nearly ns melt i .Hie nlji'i) Ivvo rnim Uin Cl.inli'ii !! The mvulry lm rnisltt to ' rilme rlhrmiBli nml trqfit the fans ttr lujlllljnt pl'aV.yxj'tlfej. nre Kiilnchiiln tlie trtiy or litko no Scharch Takes Zink's Place on Relay Team and Expects to Do Well. The ten-mile relay race lina been chahKcil to September 4, Ijibor Day. which Is n wlxc move on tlio part of the. runner. Tim Iniiol linitnnnlttfr In tlin rnillllll? are both tine plairx. They xhoiihl Jiu . . .. .trol...i ut of stlnlc. tho the poliil-iarnerx for the rifth, jrr(h ;nva1rj-mitn. nml l'rniik Selmrsch Sizing tlihiRB up with n illxlntercst-'tnknB j,, ,,lnce. eil eve the two ciiinbntlntf tentna lip- i Tj(, ,n,,or tur,10l, out for pmctUo for pint nx two pinx III llkenoii, nliil the tp rft m(, ,, ,l(lt nld rnn for one xhowlng up tho least bit eniloweil w,n(1 Klng nnJ jnck,nl, i,ellee thnt with link nlioiiM receive the ilay'n ... ,.,,.,. ,.,. ,.,tP,i ,,-,.. Kl"" I tin. relnv tiiev can lo mire of winning The ciima xtnrtf. nt 3 o'clock xharp , . , ,..,,,, ,., n., ..i ,.., nml the tinnix lire compuxul ns fol- 0() ,1(,uVj. for .itnuc,. of two miles onx: Inml he win nut on becnuxe there wax Cavalry. Kauai. .. nil,,,, comt mnn nvnllnhle nt the I.leut. Sherhlnn 1 Arthur Wee. tm( ))Ul . scharxcli hnx conxent'eil l.leut llmixnti 2 John Mnllna , ,,;,, on tlc trnck Knmo nKUni nj Caiit. rorxjth 3 t'linrlex nice ,)p ca j)e ,icp,nieii upon to makegooil. Jlmmle rltsgernld Ix not worrying over1 tiie cjiange, nx he bellevex tlie change will not make much difference In tl'i'e event. Jlmmfe l working on the ,.. .. .. ,, ,, i .. , i ii. quid iiu eiin n b i tic i. imi'n" Mntt WclN. the J'-ngllxli HRlltwelght. , . fe Labor Day. I The change of date has pleased both the Chinese nnd Cavalry bull tennis, nx I.leut. Quclenieer..4 l'hllllp lllcc IX zt u DRAW FIGHT IN HILO chnuinloii, Ix matched to meet "Knock out" llronn In u ten-round bout to tnki' place In New York on Augtixt 30. .... .... .1 . ......1 .. tl. .. ..!..!. I.. nk itie i.iiB.ixi. . mini the soldier boys much preferred to play 133 poundx at to. lock on the day of on A)(. mmlo In stxt-ral ixir. GOOD VALUES GIVEN AT SPECIAL SALE. MOTOR TALK. FIRES AND HOW, TO STOP THEM QUICKLY. FOUR BUICKS ARRIVE FOR LOCAL PEOPLE. OFFERS BIG SUM Manager Danny Morgan of "Knock- gttxt 2C. The game will he a dandy when the hoys meet on tlio diamond. nun Wlicn Owen Morim, the defeated MANAGFR MORGAN laigllxii iiKUtweigm cnatnpion, reacueu home he cl.ilmnl Hint he hnd inadu IfiO.uoo on his Annrlcnn tour. lie xtnt- id thnt Wolgaxt was inmu of n wrestler out" Hrown Ix ready to gunrunteo $IU, thiili hiAer nnd wuh willing to bet S,-Jo00 to Wolgaxt to appear III n ten-round 000 that he loulil beat Wolgaxt If ho tight agalnxt Urown, nnd litis 11000 put lights 111 nugland. lup nx n forfeit that Drown will meet ' Wnlguxt. He goes o far nx to gunr- The ymltt Hawaii, commanded by antee J1000 n round for evtry round riioige t'roler. Iimms this iifternoon lit lie llghtx Drown. 1 o'cliick mi a pleaxiire trip around the Jle xays that he will glvo Wolgaxt Island A big onwil of jiiclitHincll will two weeks to think the offer over. If tnuke the trip Tim boys expect to he reruxes men, Morgan will tuivcriixe liti n swill time while on the crulxo Drown ns champion becuuxe he lias nii.i nr. .n..riil linuiii Intn tomorrow .enmed two ileclxlons over wolgasi nt ariiriiooti ready mid will gtlgiuatl.e AU us lieitig nfruld to meet K. O. Drown. It Ix believed that Torn Juliet, Wol- gaxt's manager, has declined to accept paliv nifiilo n hid of $ 1 1,20 on tlin cfI hlililct when the lenders were In conquer iiinl will glv ouartcr. , IJititcnant tiitekunojer, Cuptnln of thu Klftli Unrreiiiiji..iHJi t.uoil iiian ti"l In mix will! when the battle waxes uni'iii lie ililex iinelr mid Ix n mnn tir with Hie Hull I.leiiTenint llnnxoii. the roiighhouxe rlilei fiom l.ellehtia. Ix (10m under nilvltenipnt alio a nun to wt slgnalk for and leavo the Hear for hlni to pit'i. In All iiihi rs of thu Olympic Cluh nrc ..... I. .1 In i lull It.iiM.titlii Tliev WlirbHiiB ii track' nml hiM-ball team til swell offer. The reason for tills Is along If plaps wink out O. K. The club loillllllix soiiiii linn 'muieies, f ! " : i " , ,) The'tViliu Junior games ut the Ath letic Pork tomnrtovv morning tiro ut It acting much :itti ntloii, as the ball phuen expii't lo nee the MuhookH beat tin- r.ilani.lf.. ' ' m Tho l-iird-Yniuig Knsliiporlns coin- nut known ut present. BAND CONCERT TOMORROW. Tlie Hawaiian band will givo a pub lic 'cotcert tomorrow nlteriioon nt tlio Catholic church at Kullhl comntuic Ing nt lltree o'clock. The piogram will ho ns follows: The Old Hundred. Mnrch Kehtlvnl Sous.", conl.acl fur b.ullillnr; Uif new Imml-j uvcniHo-i.iBiii wiviury , auppo nrant leccivl.ur hl.illnn. nml wan low- u.imm .'uiriuug Selection Ilohcmlan Olrls...,. . llallo opened nl the hoard or Immigration vocai-uawaiinp ny iiergor .,m i,i ,nuin,.i nri,,,., Thorn Sclecllon Sitiidny l'nrndo ....Hume 1 ' rt ,.. ...!......., woro nvo bids, mid the board look uiuin iu u. j.i.iKliiV..( I'liiate me iioiy unost ixuppcy Aloha Oc, Han nil I'onol w.i.lli Itu I et in t nr im Tho Htnr Spangled Banner Tho 'von llnintn- Young Compiiny has been liavlng u bit? clenmnco biiIo ot second-linml enra nt reniurktilily low prices this week, nnd lliero liuve been quite u few biirgiilns tuken out of Its big salesroom. Tho sale ls.stlll on. nnd If nnoiie wtints to buy n good car clioap now Is tlio tlino, It lias been wlilspured itround on rather good authority that the Slod-OurS-Dayton loiupany will. Install Silent Knight motors In one of Us models for 1012. Tho Stoddard, with Its usual ndvttnce, will go the other manufacturers ono belter this year by putting out a cur of this type with six cylinders. The great feature of the Silent Knight Is the abandonment of tlie iKtpliet vulve. In other words, It has no vulves at nil to stick, leak or grind. Insteud of the vnlvcs, It has two sliding sleeves betvvetn tiie piston nnd tho cylinder, which opernti' ns cutoffs and' close und open the Intnke nnd exhaust ports. These sleeves hco operated by eccentric rods which nro driven by tho ram shaft. Tho cam shart Is In turn driven by a patent link chain, which Is Just as punitive ns gears and much more silent. The elimination of poppet vnlves nnd cum Blutft genre makes tlio enfelno very noiseless. Tills machlno bids fnlr to, be u prize-winner ninongst tho 11)12 curs. Auto Vires. The number of ntitomobllo llres which are supposed to Imvo their origin from liaikllrlng of tho car bureter leads us to gay n few words concerning the same. If u itiolor In variably backfires there Is certnlnly something radically wrong, and thnt wrong should be corrected ut tho earliest possible moment. Ono of the most prominent causes of bnckllrlng Is weak mlxtme. Tho rate of Uaine generated in micIi n eltnrgo Is rum iiarntlvely slow, as tlio excess of nlr over thnt which Is necessury for com plelo combustion is not only useless, i out is it great iiiuuruucu iu inn uuiei. It weakens the mixture, unnecessarily nnd absorbs n gtenl deal or tho heat liberated by tho fuek Under such conditions the charge may still be burning when the Inlet vtitve opens. This being the. ense, tlio fresh mixture will probablybc Ignited and thp llaiiin will shoot bick through tlio lnuiilfold to the carburetor. This tendency to buikllre Is mote dellued when tho motor Is running wili n retarded spark, for llieti Igtiitlnn tnkes place later In tho ejcle and tin' coinbiinlloii will .not bo completed until a later period. Other onuses of huckllrlng may bo trtieed, to leuky Intake vulves, n car very lurgo englno wltli enormous power. This car Is to ho alcllverod to Dr. George Herbert. , A model 27 touring car,' nut ot Ibis flamu shipment, Is to bo 'tWIIveted lo i:. W. (Julnn on his return from tho mainland. Tilts cur Is very powerful or it small machlno nml Is of the Biuno model ns tlio cur recently pur chased by Sunt lie l'Heest. Tho other two enrs in this shipment nro tlie popular model 26 runabout, which bus made Itself so popular In Honolulu These two cars nre un exhibition In tho salesroom of tho von 1 latum Young company. Mr. nml Mrs. Kuger nro stopping off iu Honolulu for a week, n route from Australia. Asia und Hgypt tu Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Kuger represents the Overland In these countries, nml reports wonderful success for the Overland enrs of nil models In these distant countries. Mr. Kuger Is rc I'tirntng to Toledo io book up for ns ninny Overlnuds.-ns bujiian possibly obtain ,for tbo''lal2 seWoji. Ho hits been n visitor In Honolulu several times 'before, nml Is an nrdent ad mirer o7 tho climate, bore. After rest ing n 'Honolulu' for a week Mr. nnd Mrs, )?ngr wllf'sall for the mainland on tho Slerm. PACKARD FOR ROAD Oil RAILS , , ...... i TMVi Kin A'19 If M ; 1 .- -MH Hk ST . .d-7&L mam Mb SWMj KVH iSrOiMiWLmfLLlSi M J J Jmfm W mmmr Jmm' f W mmmmmr . ,fnJlSHlaM&iT .-i' j T!icJ3ccr That's Jrewed To Suit liic Climate C"0'tl boii deposit In the cylinders or poor Ignition. Often times vulve springs become weak nnd tho motor will baektlre when running nt it high rnte of npeed. This Is ono of the hardest things to truce, as tlin valvo ttppar- jcntly seats Itself ut till times und Is apparently Blrong enough, but In reality Is no tslrong enough to keep up with the quick action of tlio cam shaft . Stopping I 'I re. Often times, n llro rntiscd by back firing may bo stopped before nny great damage is doitn by simply shut ting oft tho gusollno supply from the Carbureter nnd opening tho hood to glvo the llro' Vent. If tho operator of an nutoiuobilo familiarizes himself with the gasoline sbtitoff he can oftoit get to it and close It before, n tiro gets much headway, nut frequently, as havo been cases recently, tho op erator has no idea where tho sbiitoff valvo Is." Ownere and operators of automobllcs'do not spend enough time finding opt -these small things, which are really bo Important In n vital moment, or, which often times suvo tlio owner a good deal of expense. Tho enre and operntlon should bo studied vory closely by tho owner of a car, even It be docs not do the driving himself, ns frequently tho driver is more or less of a machine and Is not equal to emergencies. All buyers at new cars nre provided with very valuable Instruction books, which, it carefully lookod into, will help thu operator in n great many different ways, particularly In tho oiling and euro of a machlno. As n rule these books tiro looked ut for a few minutes, then put uwuy nnd nover looked nt again, und tlie owner de pends on some ono clso to look after liis car who has much loss Interest at stake. Vimr HtilcliN In, Ily tho Slerrn, Friday morning, tlio von Hnmm-Young company rccolvcd a shipment of four Hoicks, which tills year uro nmongst tlio topnotchers. Ono of these, which is a model 39, Ih equipped with forodoors, straight dash, 30x1 Inch tires, Strombcrg car bureter and prcst-o-llto tank. This car I" not only n very handsome model wltli very pleasant lines, but Is also made for rough nnd hard work. It has unusual clearance nml will pasB over most nny height of rock which tuny be in tlio road ut nny tlmo. Tills enr Is ono of tlio most satisfac tory iill-nrotiud enrs which has been Railway Man Perfects Won derfully Speedy Equipment on Auto. A l'ackaril "3n" touting car, equipped to inn (ill cither road or rails', Jjas been perfected by V, tl. Irwin, president ot tlio Indianapolis, Columbus nnd Southern Traction company. On n recent trial trip fioni Columbus lo Sevmoiir. thu inaUiInn ran nearly llfty-fottr miles 'nip hour ugnlnst n head wind und sixty lullen on thu lettuii trip. Wood rims nimle by n pulley cont pauy lit into life standard lima of tho uiitomohtlo. and lit place of the pneumatic tiro there is it Hanged steel cur tiro. TIicm) pulls, nre bolted to gether In such n way thnt when tho rar is wanted for road use (ho special equipment can bo enslly removed and standard nitlouiobllo tin's utluihed Iu Its place. When tho motor enr Is being lispd on the traction lino It will riiu us it u'cond section of tlio enr II Is follow ing, and will itlwuvs opprulo under outers of the train dispatcher. The car Is to bo equipped vlth a tele phono for connection with tho train dispatcher's olllcn from any point along thu line. Tho driver Is t'lusslo Cumiillnn of Columbus. Intl., who bus qualllled us a molorniuii us well ns a rhuiiueur nnd mechnnlelan. Tresldent Invln Is contemplating u trip to llulfalo, go lug nil tlio way by mil in bis gasoline car. TWO NEW RECORDS FOR ALTITUDE MADE RECENTLY Another world's lecord wits broken jexlerday In Chicago, when llrndley mailii n wondetftll ultltiide lllght of 11,720 feet In Itlx biplane. TltoiTsnuils of people saw tint hlrdmaii rise, to that tremendous height. At Kttimpes I'm nre, on August li. l.'aptalit I'MIx, illtcctor of the military aviation xilioul.'ioso to nn altitude of J 1.3:10 feet. Captain 1'ellx mnilo tlin lllght In one hour und tin en minutes, which (.eeins to bo a long time but he cumu down in an nvvful fnxt tlmo of twetvo and one-)inlf minutes, which certnlnly wax a great sight. Up to this tlmo tho otllclal ultltiide by M. I.egagneux, who ut mil, rranie, In December of lnxt J car ascended to it height of lO.t'JS feet. loiter Anil Jluxxey renched a height of 11,7 feet ut tho law Angclex uvi ntlon meet on Deietnber 20. lie died live days utter milking hlx reiord by nu accident while Hying. CHINESE TEAM SAILED FOR MAUI LAST NIGHT The Chinese bull team sailed for Maul lust evening on the Clnudlne. Twelve memlieis made thu trip, lm lulling Kua. Ill, n member of tho Hawaii tenm. I'our stnr plajers of thu tenm were left behind on tu count of business Apait, Hit Hue, Akiina and V. Aynu Tho tenm Is under the maiiagdiient of Hit Yntu l'tittg, and Its (list guino will 1m played this afternoon, beginning t 4 o'clock, nt Wallukii, wliiro the lioyh will tueil a pit kid tcunr, Tonioirovv the team will Journey over to Kiihuliil to meit thu icpicxcuttitlvcH of thnt town. Ad Wolgaxt lb tu' meet I'.tl Mooto nil Labor Day Iu a sK-iouud bout In l'lill aililpltla, and thru (levcii diys afti r brought Into tho country and Is the will tneit I'.uKcy McKniland In Mil very first ot this model. It baa uwuukeu. We have Jut'k "liyW jjhlpjncnt of Steamer Trunks nnd Sullentes. Wo Imvo Fiber Trunks, Canvas Trunks, and Black Zinc Trunks Genuine Leather Suitcases, Panama Matting Suitcases, . Cloth Suitcases Ve paint your Initials on trunks nnd a hi free of chnrge and wo tio tlic same work on your old trunks nnd suUcmes without charging anything KAM CHONG CO., GENTS' FURNISHINGS Corner Fort and Beretanla Streets ... Harrison Block WHEW! But It's Hot ) V Of course it is, and it'll STAY hot, too. But there's no reason why YOU should. A cold bottle of RAINIER BEER rr ri t - T . " h1, "T WL:- wiirrhake'things lovely ORDER A CASE ' The Real Goods We have chosen Kodak goods for our photographic department because they are the real goods not the imita tions. We know that they are right that . thty come from dependable people and we ofl'er them to you, our customers, with the knowledge that tfiey are gojng to prove satisfactory. Here is the smallest of" the pocket series, the NO. I FOLDING POCKET KODAK So small that it is easily carried in any coat pocket. The pictures are 2. 1-4 x 3 1-4 ; J kssmi inches. Price $10.00. Let us show you the full line of Kodaks and Brownies, and help you to a selection Honolulu Photo Supply Co., "Everything Photographic" Fort ielq.w Ilotel I j V.. &yi f