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-swyy mm 'v "-7 , .a(i isv -V-r? M?5 ift : V -, V ,"-1 j- i, n ,' tst! 'l"VV"fsr' fc: EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1911. wmjmsk Ml A 2? t ft' t - HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, aboee Union Squtte juil eppoilla Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1 .60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Steel and b'rick structure, furnish ings cost $200,000. High class hotel at moderate rates. Omnibus meets all trains and steamers Hotel Stewart now recognized as Hawaiian,' Island headquarters. Cable address, "TTawcts" A. B.C. Code. Reservations made through Trent Trust Co., Port Street, Honolulu. Hotel St. Francis Union Square, San Francisco Under the Management of JAMES WOODS FACINfl (ho bcnellful park U the heart of the clt, which Is the theatre ot the pilnelrinl erents ol the famous fcsllrals of Han Francisco, this hotel, In en vironment and atmosphere, ex. presses most pleasantly the comfortable spirit of eld Cal ifornia. The royalty and aoblllty the Old World and the Far East and the men of high chlcirmentln America who assemble here contribute to Hie cosmopolitan atmosphere of an Institution which represents the hospitality and Individual ity of San Francisco to the traveler. The building, which marks the farthest advance of science In sen Ice, hns uovr the largest capacity ot any hotel strncture In the West, and upon comple tion of Ihe 1'ost street annei will be the largest carnraascry In the world. YYHII THE SERVICE IS UN. USUAL, TUB I'KRUS A UK NOT. European Flan from $2.00 Up itooMV hui'j'i:b,and "APAItTMlJNTS '.AT Un Colonial aii'i:ai. to .tourists WHO LIKU n.KNTV OP A1U AND ntliUDOM PROM CITY KNVinON MI1NTS. THi: It A TUB ahi: not moii. EMMA STREET Above Vineyard IS YOU WANT A IIOOM AT Haleiwa durino Bi:pTU.Mni:n, you had nilTTIin HP.ND IN YOUll NAMI1 ALL TAKI'N VOn AUQUST WAIKIKI INN Rooms and Board FINE BATHING W. C. Bergln, Prop. Macfarlane&Co.Ltd. Agents For" INGLEN00K WINES Phone 2026. P. 0. Box 486 0WL CIGAR ROW is K OTJHRT CO Atenft KNEW DRUG STORE Wetl Slocked with New Drugs ana Noveltlee SOP.A WATKR FOUNTAIN HAWAII DRUG CO. 42 Hotel Streot. at end of Bethel THE GREAT BENJAMIN COMPOUND HERBALO Cures Constipation. Hikes Now, klch Dlood. Stomach and Liver I Emulator. Cures the Kidneys. iPH von Hamm-Young Co,, Ltd. Pioneers and leaden in the Automobile Bminen Agents for such well-known car. a Packard, Pope-Hartford, Bteven Ouryea, Cadillac, Thomas Flyei ilulck, Overland, Uaktr Electric, am it hers. Automobile Supplies & Repairing Associated Garage United For the BEST RENT CARS in the ally, ring up 2999 for OLDSMOBILE, No. 401 RENAULT, No. 404 LANDAULET, No. S8S ' C. H. BEHN Automobiles SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO. Merchant Street Use a PREST-O-LITE TANK on your Automobile and save Generator Troubles. Acetylene Light and Agency Co., Ltd. Y. Yoshikawa, the BICYCLE DEALER and SI PA1RER, has moved to 1 8,0 KINO ITKI1T New location Bed front, nern foung Building. Telephone 2518. Crepe Goods COTTON CREPE SHIRT8, KIMONOS AND PAJAMAS H.MIYAKE, 1248 FORT ST., ABOVE BERETANIA DRY GOODS FOR ECONOMICAL BUYERS Yee Chan & Co. Gents' Dry Goods V KAM CH0NG CO. Corner Fort and Beretanla Streets FINE LINE OF DRY Q00DS WAN YING CHONG CO., King Street, Ewa Fiihmarket Wing Chong-Co. JUNO IIm NEAR BETHKL Oeaiert in Furniture, Mattresses, no., etc AU kinds of KOA and MM HON FURNITURE made to order. FINEST FIT And Cloth of Al Qnaiitj Can U Purchased from SANG CHAN MC CANDLESS BLDO. f. 0. Box 961 Telephone 1731 IMPORTERS OF ORIENTAL Q00DS Wing Wo Tai & Co. 841 Nauanu. near King-Street N I'HONB 1C20 Fine Line of , Carpenter Tools 'At the New Hardware Store CITY HARDWARE CO. King and Nunanu Streets It u 1 1 1-1 1 11 IMIIorlnl Ttoom IMiono 2185. II u I let In llusluess Ofliro I'houe 225G. The War Fifty Years Ago General Scott's Cautious Policy In Defense of Washing ton The North Clamorous For Aggressive Move ment Fighting. Nearly Every Day After Battle of , Big Bethel Virginia and Missouri the Battlegrounds. Lew Wallace Wins Victory at Romney Johnston Evacuates Harpers Ferry Three Days Later Gov ernor of Missouri Calls on Citizens to Rise and Repel Invasion of Federals Lyon Defeats State Troops at Boonville Grant Appointed Colonel of Twenty first Illinois. By JANES A. LDCEIirON Copyright by American Prei AitoeU tltm. 1911 1 TO undrntiiud (hi- cimi'Mlmi In the Kiimtix'r nnil early autumn , of 1S(1I It Is well to tenii-tnU-r , Hint the a (;i'd General Wlnllelil t Scott wa In couimnnd. Scott was a ' liTvut soldier, lull cautlotn n nd drstr nut of kiiiIiir life 111 plnu ot earn imlen seelm-d to bo to futfi-Ktinrtl Waili lugtun nnd to turn the Conft-dt-rntP hark without grout lots of men on either side. lie wanted his Renernln to attnek only hen fairly sure of win nine, linidlni; Hint a Union , meant added hope and strength to the w. a. noHFCtuna, who wah couuirsios'kd BHioAuii.ii (iKNcntL ripnr ykaiis aiio pneiny. How Hindi ot tlla policy was line to ft'ntt's own Ideal nnd bow iniieh to Ihe administration mnuot bo leiernilm-d fully, but n part of the can linn ut lensi eaine from l'H"ldout i-oln anil hN iidrNerM The county; wuk In n i rueliil xiltloii. and the inor ill ellil! uf a Union defint una feared not niily for llx liitlnenie un the north and Hontli, bul on luount of tliu foreign rltnatloii All the diplomacy of the Lincoln ndmlnlMrntlon wnA then en Kneed In 'the cITutt to pieent the rec ognition uf the Sontlitrii Confederacy dy any of the crent )wern. It was felt that n Confcdernte ldory In the twjr bi'KliinliiR of the nnr would ren der thlx tnik more dllfli'iilt. 'J'Iiuk li van that ulille ttreeley and most of tlii north were crying "On to UP lnnond!" mill wire ehunorliiR for an ni;i;re4e polity the administration wait content to defend the capital und til ndtaute slowly, but surely. Into the eiieiny'n onuitry. After the buttle of Bis Bethel on lime 10 the Drilling became Kcncrat nnd continuous, a chum occurrtug somewhere nearly- eery dny. Com-pan-d in the later battles these early ensiKfineiitg were little more than Kklriiilshot, yet they were sufficiently eieltlni; at the time. Events In Virginia and Miuonri. In the mouth of June Virginia and Missouri were the halllecrounds. The week einllim June IT saw rather Im portant lights at Itoinney nud Vienna, Va . mid al llooiullle. Mo 'l'here were minor brushes, but of no particular moment. Other notable oventn of the week were the nsHeinblliiR of a conven tion nt WheelliiK and Itrt Issuance of a declaration of Independence for West Virginia, the euicuatlou of Harpers Kerry by the Confederates, the flight of (loenior Jncksoti and atnto officers from Jefferson City, Mo., and the oc- rupitlon of that town by General I.) oil's troops, the commissioning ot John A. Hit as major general, of John I'ope, W, S Itoses rnns nnd S. A. Hurl but nn hrlcndler generals and of U. S. ISnint ns colonel, the enpture of the Coufederntt' privateer Savannah and the declaration of neutrality by Spain. The fight nt llomney. In n hat In now West Vlrglnln. occurred on Juno 11, the next day after Hint at lllg llethel. The north needed some good news to dlxpel the gloom of the first defeat, and llomney bad tho joy touch. Tho Onion commauder wna Colonel Low Wallace, afterward the fnmous, gen eral and novelist. Wallace had but one Indiana regiment nnd was warn ed nt (Iraftnn Unit the Confederate were In the lclnlty of Itoinney. prov able youo Btrong. Neu'ithelesK ho Iiunheil on. made n foned man li. ran into, the Coiilidernti- nentrh-M near Itomney nnd tullnwetl them so cloudy that they i-canoly had time to give the alarm The fee, which, like the troubles we niillclpate, was lint bnlf so large us Imagined, hurried out of the tonn ami sought u moie fuuruble JZh'' at1sSs1salHBs t .V'-MSi L , A JussaM ifai . . agV ljkSBFi I'll , . mEwaw' tB .r t ( -, BfJJIIM-.seleBI-' MflMK position on a hill. They exiUsI the IVileiulit to follow a winding to the mtui'lt, but that was not Wulliiie's stylo llooslcr fashion, he charged straight up the hill through the brush, and this so surprised the Confederates that they soon lied Colonel Wallace reported that they rnn slxtieu miles, which Is something of n run for n hot dny In June The historian I.osslng Is authority for the sliitciiient that the bnttle of Itonmey bud niiuh to do with the evacuation ot llarjiers ferry by tho Confederates three duys Inter, ns It nlirmod General J C Johnston, who feared tho approach of all Mc Clcllnn's forces. . Western Virginia Loyal. The WheellnK cotirentlnn nssembled on Ihe, same dny ns the light nt Horn ne. There were few s'awa he'd west of the mountains, nnd the people ut that seel Ion uf Virginia were more In aympn'liv wtlb Ohio and I'ennsvlrnnln than wlili the eastern luilf of tin lr own stale. Almost Immediate!) after the ordinance of hcm'ssIoh mis pass, if-nt Itl'hmnud the niowinent for epara tiou hid started nnd now came tu a head In a comentlon In which pruc tlially all of the western counties were represented On June I" this conven lion adopted u formal declaration ol independent e. The ei intuition of Hnrpirs ferry, re fernsl to In a precullim article, oc enrred on June 14 although all ot the Confederates were not mil till later, ttefore leinlng Johnslon or tfered the destrut Hon ul the lung and expensUe railroad brldgi ncios the rotomac nt this polht. He then re tired tiiwnrd Winchester. The Union forces were then nppronchlng the I'er ry from Chnmbersburg and Washing ton. On June Hi nnd 17 General I'nt terson's Pennsylvania nrmy crossed the I'otnmnc nt Wllllnnisport. twenty klx miles abnvo Harpers Perry. On nccoiint of recent rnlns the river wns swollen Nevertheless the men forded the river In midstream, the water coin lug up to their nrmplts. There 'were alsiul Io.ihki in the nrmy, and eyewlt ncsses described the scene ns thrlllltlg. At Inst the Impiitlent Ket stone trtmps wen- about to enter the enemy's coun try, nnd It wns with glad hearts and with songs on their lips that they marched Into the wnter. Some wnr rlor has said that the singing army lights best, in the American chll wnr the men on both sides sung on the marih. by the cnmptlres nnd In the iliarge On this day the si iu. ot the Union rent heil the Virginia hills ahead of Its soldiers. Confederates Gather at Manassas. Both sides were busy sending out skirmishing nnd reconiioltcrlng pnrtles. The Confederate nrmy at Mnnnssns was constantly glowing and wns send Ing nut feeh-rs In many directions. It was this nrmy Hint kept Washington In constant nlnrm. nnd the belief there was that these skirmishing parties wero trying out tho lay of the land nnd the position of the Union army with tho design ot an early attack on the capital. ' Ouo of theso rcconnolterlng troops on June 17 attacked n trulnlund of Union troops near Vienna. General McOow- 2a.' lttvuS !BBSeK . . X .,' V- .lirfcv T mj LEW WALLACE, rrFIIAlll rAMOt'S UKN. iiiiAi. and ovFt.H, no hepkatiiu rosrsuEiiATra at i oust v. w. va.. junk 11, 18(11. r-ll hud ortlorod tii-nrral llolit-rt O frht-tn l and Oiloni'l A ,M Mil'ooh to Itiiard I ho inlltva In-tui-i-n AloxanilrH nnd l.i-i'hlniri; Tor this puriiost- troops tiiul Ih-hii droppt'd olT al Un- Mirlotis stations, and a naiill ntitula-r rt-nialn inn In Un- tutu oii- Just nitinilliiK " fiM- iipprou hln Mi-nna nhin tin- Hi-it- llti-d in In a masked tutlt-TJ . Ahlch iai,i'd tin- Mholi- sld(. of tho truth nnd I. Ills-it nnd noiindod a nnni 1 . 5 i lv " ...Js, ta wli SJJ7 JssssssBa? I ' ' ' i "ssier .! .. '-, ler of the Ohio troops The locomo . me was piisniug the cars niiiiiu or it. ( mid tin- eu.-lneir. liisti-ul ut running luck ullh the whole train, cut loose 1 his engine and tied, leaving the troops to their fate riirliinalely the Ciiufeil erales did nut follow up Ihe nihiiuliige, nnd the Union Iroops were eiuibltsl to debirk itntl gain a nuirbi nood after ward inarching k und cairylug tbclr wonnileiL Incident Much Criticised. This iiuldent niousetl nllnost ns nimh of u storm ot trllliNm In the north ns hud the Initio of lllg llethel It was tiiuleiidetl that to moi- a train load ol troops through a hostile conn try without n sklrmlli line, tidtniicc guard or some means' ot gaining knnwliilge of possible ambushes ills plajed ion i geiieialshli In the me.iiilliiie the war was also opening In trie West llurlj In the week there bid been u fruitless con terente nl St Louis between Governor .Incksoii or Mlssuiiil and General I.mui then In command of the Union forces 1'ollowlng the adjournment of thlsiou ference Gmernor Jtickson bad reluro ed to JelTerson City nnd Issued a proc lamatlon calling nn the cltlrcus to Her nial reiel Intaslon. Gcnenil l.vun wns ciiu.illr decisive In his mmemcuts Throwing n regiment out to lllrd s Point to protect Cnlro and tllsp-iti-hlug ntiother under Colonel l'rtinz Slgel to protect the I'nclllc nillwnv frmu St Louis to the OiiMiitinde rlter. I.J on himself atnrti-ft "i1th Ids army up the Missouri rler In steninbont. Ktenls uow follow id wlili lightning like rapid Ity The toiiftreiiti- had no urnst on lune 11, nnd the gmcriior" prnclnmn lion bad bt-eii ghen nut on the 1-1 h On the 1,'llh JntkNoti mid Ihe other state olllrers, alarmed bv the nppronch of Lynn, tied from Jerri-nton City, nnrt on the Ifith I. mi's troops tuok posses slun of the cnplltil Lyon's Victory at 3oonville. General 1'rlce, nt the head of the stale troops, had taken position near lloomllle, some distant e nlsite Jelter sou City, nnd Ihere liovernor Jackson Jollied hllll l.uii did not i-lilse long ut tVie capital, but pushed up ih- rltfi In tune nn eiigiigement with True On the I7th he debarkid near liontivtlK IOIIN l-tl) K. MAIIlt lUIIIIAPIEIl tirNEIIAL eaiily in juni, 181,1, Ai-rrnwAiii) ua JOU IIIiniAL, PtKEATKD AT BLCO.ND HUM. IlU.s. on dlsroirrlns tin- onoinj" fticninpcd on a hltiir When within :K) yards of tin-fin- lit- iIIkhisihI his lines for Panic, at tin- h.inif luiii' sonilliiK a portion of his tiit-ii up tht rlror lij boat Ho opi-m-d the aitark from a Pillory slatlomti at Hit- tfiilt-r of his Mm-, and at thu saiuc HUH- his fortt-son tho rlri-r tH-unu a lioiuliardnit-iit from another dlreitlon I'rtiv'a Hlntt troops ith lovat ud In n lirlt'L house and mi nttjolulni; wheat Held Atlai'l.ed thus friiui to sides al oiiie, nud the Uriel, bdWiiK tiet-u pi-netrattil liy seeral shuts, I hey with drew lifter lual.liii; a spirited tlclit 'l'he.v made a seionil stand In the edK" of n noarhy wood, tint were attalu drlv on out mid ttisl, lenilns a considerable qnnnllty of uillltary stores, which fell into J.nn's hands, Au iitniisliiK side IlKht oittie affair was the Rleeful claim of the New York Tribune that L)ou had Killed 3U0 nnd, captured rt or the enemy As a mnt ler of facL there were fewer than fifty killed, nllhoiiKh many prisoners were taken I.joii then pressed on nnd oc cupied HikiiuIIIu Oeneral I'rlte was uot at this Initio Out- aitoimt had It that lit- was sit Ic and nnoiher that lie had iidWsed apilnst a battle nud with drawn Grant Gets a Colonelcy, Juno IT was a momentous d i.v, aside from the Initios ot Vienna and IIoimi llle and the detliratlon or liidopeud eme h West Virginia Colnnel Stone that di mrupitd LetshiirK width hid heeti eai-uiitiil bj Ihe Confi derates Ulysses h tiiaiit was tint d ij appoint id toloiiel ut Hit- I went) llrsl Illinois Spiln that da, declined her neutrality, as Ihml.iud mid Kr.une. hud done .lelTeisoti Ditls til it day Wsltid ilanissis And on that day the ol;hlj-slti iiiinlM'isar uf the Initio of llunkei Hill was leleliMlid In llos tun, seM-ial troops remit for the front piltlilp.itlni:; also a iivlmeni ut .Mas sitlmsetlH Mildlers passed through Hal tluiure that tl'J and was i lu-erttt, a I IIioiikIi tin tho miuhersiry ufthe Out tie uf LiKliiKlnti uiiolhor Miissachiistiis reirlmcni hail been iiiulilied III the t-i nils of tho same city Skin uf Beauty is a Joy Forever DR. T. FLUX GOUKAUDS ORIENTAL CREAM OK MAGICAL BEAUTII ILR ft'tnATM Tfi, I'lti 1 1 rrrklfis. tit I'jtcl i, anii hkln 1-rii ini tvrrf brn m Waul r, tint fcl(-itll'i I 4iIimh1 It t if It yrrr I r harm! laMtlt tolm I tr kMt ft"1 Actrti ho count Iflt cr mint t Atnt If. I A Hn-r ftll to a lvjr of th tail tn (a tttlroin "A you lv1 n Will tlW thrfii, t iifn in n a '(Inuriimr) ( Ihe lfi luimfiii tt all tl itn prftitmMorie' Is rMihy alldrniici'if ar.l fair lictMl IKalnair ! f ttUcd Uif, .tin la aitl furute URn.T.KCraS,l:itp,37GfMlJcneiSlrei. HwTm tr nn' Am: i.ooms'g roll a out you wot'i.o do vi:i,l to si:i: ouii "Wallace Silver" which ja oain'ino roru- i.Aitirv with i:vi:uy uouHi:in: iiiat usi:s it Ji.R.VieiraSCo. 113 Hotel St. Jewelers The Sierra Cafe uislnu to iiiiiiouuio to Hit public lint It ban Kturitl the llucst tin f In limn nn I Is now rend) to sine the best of i milling In good sljlo I'rluili. Hois for l-nlks Open Da and Nl'jlit PICTURES IN COPLEY PRDTTI 'ACIFIC PICTURE FBAMIN0 1050 Nuusnu Street Ctt QUARTER SIZES at Regal Shoe Store, Phone 3128 BANZAI SHOE 3TOT. SHOES Beretanls Street, Near Nuuanu HONOLULU, H. T. POST CARDS Hawaiian Scenics ZOO Subjects , ASK I'OIl TllllM HAWAII & SOUTH 6EAS CURIO CO. Young Budding And All lst Card Dralirs CURIOR Pau Ka Hana MOVES THE EARTH Forcegrowth Will Do It Telephune 1003 a. p. Mcdonald, Contractor and Builder .Estimates given on all kinds ol lullillm; Concrete Work Specialty AUAIII STREET, NEAR NUUANU EXPERT PLUMBING. JOHN NOTT "The I'loiictr l'lumlifr" 182 Merchant Street Phone 1931 Honolulu Monument Works, Ltd. BEST -WORK LOWEST PRICES P. 0. Box 491 Phone 3030 uia-S r.T-n&Y'. r-3 i--' h 5d 5;i3 ?y "fr hprf mm mTHIKrGVn BELLEVUE HOTEL ' San Francltco A QUIET, REFINED HOUSE OF UNUSUAL EXCELLENCE American Plan llonm ullh lUlll nnd Do in! from $1 An n l)i Eurcpean Plan -tttiuni with It from t.'.nn a I)i) Monthly Rate hlcli-tlass ranilly innl T-iurlst lintel. Half blocl. from Coliiinbli 'Ihcattr, nml on Oil ciUe of Hie llctitll Hliop plug Dtstrlit IJurv romn vlh I'rl ate II ilb I'o-llhtly Klrrpioiit. W. E. Zander, Mansier ROSA Jt CO. Good Old Guckenheimer Pure Rye Bottled in Bond JULES PERCHAROS & FIL8' CALIFORNIA SPARKLING WINES We Deliver to Any Part ol the City PHONE 3181 ROSA & CO., Alskcs and Streets Rainier Beer rOl IAI.K AT ALT. XAJUI Telephone 2131 I acific 3 aloon KINO AND NtlUANH STREETS Order Cream Pure Rye old h LOTIJOY AND C 0 You'll find they're ell food fel owi here "It's the Fashion" Hotel nr. Fort D. H. Davies, Pro. PRIMO Pioneer White Lead IS STANDARD You can not nfford to cxjier! ment with cheaper lo.icli. A ruin ed paint job will stiroly bo tho result. No Icatl is too good in this climate. PIONEER LEAD Is the beet. HOI. 1,1 11V Lewers & CooRc, Limited KING STREET 177 Anyone found trespassing or shooting on the Waialac or Knhala lands will be prosecut ed to the full extent of the law. PAUL R. ISENBERG. July 1,1911. 'JD-" Horses, Mules and Brood Mares N HORSES FOR WORK KINDS OF ALL MULE3 BROKEN TO HARNESS CLUB STABLES Telepnone 1103 4s, TO