Newspaper Page Text
fM'-MF'r'''-v'Ti'- JjrV" EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, AUQ. 19, 1911. Guests of Honor at Notable Garden Party : L "V?, W' i iv ft. r; 1 pgbadSI I SOCIETYIEVENTS FOR AUTUMN SEASON MANY WEEK-END PARTIES POPULAR WITH SMART SET. COM ING OF FLEET PROMISES TO GIVE ADDED ZEST TO ACTIVITIES. nri 111: tun piiniliMl snilih cu'iilsi TIoi the week, .no (lie kii ili'ii pirfv plvcn lij Mri. 'I hu mus King mill tlio iI.iiicImk url will be given this evening lit the llo lel lij l)r nidi Mrs Krnoxl W.iter hoiiso l."js tlinn tno linn lie 1 kiichIs ll.iU1 been Imlleil nml Hie Kevimle of the ttrr.ilr will lie lufoini illlv. Sen nlor anil Airs llilc irieil Kiitnlwii. wlin m (i kik.Ii fimnlu-s In the itl.tnlM are the imeiitlve Tin tlio i u lerliiliiineii! The tleior.itloiiH will b' of a rui!cat nature, lint will no be I'lnliuintc. While iiuiKiiLilleB wlildi In a niMiillo llower with the Riicst iff hbnur. will be tlio iiieilnniln iIIiir How--r nsoil In the mluinmcnt The (.ileilng .iii.I ilceor.illons me In Ihc r.ip.iblo .mil a 1 1 1 h 1 1 o huiiils of Mil Mm .lohii'on, tlio niopiUlnr or the Inshliinnhle an.) "Cnlnni il ' Knul a (JnlnlLt CI nli will furnish the music, nml a ik'tisili.iblo Unto Ik be ing until luleil It Is iiinmieil that Sin i nun Dr anil Mis Chiulcs lit -ntil Cooper, Mr .mil Mrs John AVnl ilnni, Mr unit Mrs. I.iiikc. Mr ami Mia. Itliliml hers Mr. ntnl Ml. Ilottoinlcy. Mi. niul Airs IMwai.l Watson, Mi tuiil Mis. Clinton linllen tvio, Jtnlge ami Mm Oh irlcs dem ons, Mr anil Aire. Weston, c-(ln- oi nor nml Aim floorce Carter, nr nml AIih ClliTonl II IIIrIi. Air. nml Mrs .(inlil. Mih FoutliRnlo, Mm, l.ceil. Mr mill Airs .1 0. YimiiK. t'-ip-tain nml Aim .1 Carter, Mi nml Mis Host H.itilrnn Mr ami Mm, lf.irobl DlllltiRham. Mr ntnl Mm. rreilcile Kleb.ilin, Air mill Mm Krnest Uost, Air niul Mrs Arthur Mackintosh, .IiiilRO nml Mrs V'lulnin AVlillncy, Mr anil Mrs I.. Tcnnev I'ock, Mr. ami Mm William Uto, Mr. ami Mm. lhitibltt. Mr nml Mm 1' Damon, Mr. nml Aim .1 It nnlt. in. nml Mm. Mobilv, llr tuiil Mrs Shcphfril. I.lcil lennnt nml Mm Guvler. Mr. tuiil Mm llnriv Mncf.irliiiio 1'iofcsMtr nml Aim. M M. Froll, Miss Marlon Scott Mies tuiil Mrs Clarence. CimiKo, MIbs riant he Sopor, Mr. nml Mm. I.. ni.ickninn, Mr mil Mrs. AIonttiRiio ( nnky. Miss ll.illi'lil.Mie. Miss llornlcq ll.utwoll, Miss l)orolh llailwell, Mr. .mil Mm. H on l Mat line irepbiirn, Mr anil Mm. Chnrlcs Krkh.irt, Dr. nml Mrs. .lolinstotio of I'ort Shutter, Colonel AVIliler, Dr. MikIrIiis, M. Ilobett Thompson, Mr l'otcj Clcn horn A'nirfclnn ntnl Lieu tenant l'rlco of Tort IliiRcr, Mr (ieorp.o Wnlcrhoime, Mr Allison .tnr (inii. Mi lloby AA'.ilkcr. l.lontenint 11m rill. U S N., Mr. I.twrcneo Jmlil, Mi l'l.uik Armstrong Mr Walker, Dr. Tucker Smith of tlio II. S. N.. Mr .lor 1 in Mr tliorgo roller. Mr l'hlllp llleo. Mr Illihiuil m',i..i,i ii. ivritlimiiil tleilcminn Mr. Ilenloii, Mr Slnclulie, Mr Ar tlinr Itlco niul Mr. Will Hlco ,1r. Mr. (lullfonl AVhllnev, Mr. Carter n.ilt, Mr. Dickson Noll, Mr Wlllliim Itolh.J I.lCUtellllu I'.iriICO ill run nun"... 11 II M C. U.i1iih.rorntiT, Mr. IM. lleilenimm. Mr Carter, Mr. Charles 1'oml Mc.Ao, Dr. (Ichiro, .... ... .. i. , ciw,.i iicniriio Mrs. Thomas King's Garden Party. iiniii uml liu.iulirul new tnllitlcK will (1mo KpIIc. Jinjirc and Mr. St'in m WsyH isiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' B ' ,'4 sEiililililililH iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifl llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllA. " 'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHLL isi.i.i.H sVBsVBsVBsVBsVBsVBsVBsVBsVBsVBsVBLvfl BBLwBLwBLwBLwBLwTliistBLwBLwBLwBLwBi ivina. bUMHLta of Kpuai. H H Ml lieu.- n nc mm. Mrs. f' II. O It. ill. S111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111B Sopor. AVnl- llcrn(.0 mIhs Cordelia M Il,u On, .11,. BlllMBlllllllMBlBBBB'BlllBlllllBBiBBlBlllllBBllllllBillllllHBlBilBM Mrs. Thomas J KIiir cntortalncil :u John McCamllcss, Miss .Alnrgarot i ir.inleii ii.irly, Thuisil.iy iiflornooti, .Mcltiliie. Miss Katie Mclntrc, Mrs In honor of her ilaimliter-ln-law, Mrs wllllam, (5(il.ilo, Miss C.itliorlno Thomas A'. KinK, ntnl lior ilauRlilcr, (j,,, Mrs. AVIIII.ini .Alontroso Mrs Ch.irleB Ulco of Kaiml Tlio ti lo iirnhani, .Aim. Cllrfonl 11. IIIrIi, Mrs. or Mulety women rerclc,l mOlcr iuroii K. Ilalnl of llllo. Mrs. Homy ttatolj palms with n li.iokRioutiil of wuinir (wife of Captain Wilbur of Ihc lloweilnc kcailet oorliis ami iol j.Vit IliiRcr) Mrs. (lirrlt Wlhler, iKiiiL'einllleii trees. JiiiwIiiR In tho mIH- wlllliim C. Ilobilj, Aim. K. AV panlcn. Tlio Kniial pilii colors of icil jorilan, Mis. lUiij.iinln P. DlllliiRhniu ill illi UIHI MM.Iiliiilll IIV' iiii inn ..nil n i, v ,.-,i, j, .iiti.'.v ,..i ...... . .- bo wo. ii. A number of .llnner pi.tlcB.luy. Mr. nn.l Mm. nlrhanl Cooke, Mrs.! ami wlilto wero use.l cxcliisUol) Mis Waller l.n.o.y. Mrs U.urles will piccclu this fnshlonnblo iirtilr. AinnUK the InWtul RiuMts too Ouv eruoi nml Aim Wnltei Picar Senator i:il7.ibeth Chtiuh. Mrs Mills. Miss Mills, Airs Councils, Dt anil Mrs. C. II. AA'ooil C.iplnln ami Mrs SHiirIs. ntiii Mm T.ilc Kiiinlscn, ntnl! Cnpt.iln anil Aim, Orton ami C.ipUiln Mis AValter Cowles, )r ami Mrs.lniiil Mm C Sh1ne HalRlit or sctio .liitues .liuM, Mr ntnl Mrs lames ficht Darracks, Mr. ami Mm. Trank AVIliler Mis IMwnnl Holmes. Mr. mil Thompson, Mr. nml Mrs, Moses ClcRK. .Airs Alfieit Cnstlo. Air uml Mis I Allss (Icrnlillno Ncuninnn Miss Do- rrnnols Mills Sn.ni7. MIsh (leitrule! ntrlco Castle, Miss .Icsslo Konncilv llnrilliig. Air. ami Mm Oerrlt WIMci, MIhs IMlth Cuwlos Mr mill Mrs rtcilitlek Watirliiiuso, Mi. nml Mis. T. Cllvo D.iles Air nml Mis. Henry Miss Itooncj of California, Miss I.ll I'atv Miss Nina Ailnnis, Miss IMlth Cowles, Lieutenant nml Mrs. Philip AVrlRhlion, Mhs Helen Achilles, Mr Diittou, Han, mil Mrs Charles nice nml Mm Chniles Jinlil. Miss Iiur.i Alnjor ami Mis IMuiiul J Tlniher-I Null, Miss Cathorlno dooilale. Miss l.iko. Mr. ami Airs. Waller I r.mcU' I lilnnoy of Calirornln, Mr. ami .Mrs, DIllltiKham. All. anil Mm D tuiil lluchlev, Alius Mninl .lotilin, A. .lor lints. Alt. .mil Mih, RIiuvIda Wllilei.lilnn. Miss Aruos AValker I.lentoirint D tuiil I lluchlev, Alius Mninl .lotilin. A. ,,,.,.,... I ...... !.... ........ 1..,11,., f Iniif, HUSB, .Ml. .11111 MlHr lSlluni'4 Wlllll'l ,-nun, mm inura .......... ...v ...v. . ., . . . .. " .. .. Mr. uml Mrs J imcs Cockburu. Mr I ami Mia. Hoy Smith of tlio navy. Mr. fhti.le. completed tho stiitiiiliiR cos-U,10 Keuiii..mi, Mm. AVIIII.ini .Mm mnl Airs Hoh.Mt Itoii-l Mnjofaiirtinna Mm Arthur Smith, Miss Muv tunic. Mm. Thomas V. M.iR Nike 1 , .,(, Mm. W AV. 1IUI , Mm. Jaiiu Mm Onrp. I'nttcr. IiuIro mi Mrs Damon. Mr ami Mrs. rrcderlek linnilsomo In a ImciicIi oJllo wilder, Mm l.dwurd Holmes, Mi Arlliui AVildir Air and Mis OeorRO Ftecio, MIbs Josephine Soior, Mr. the ilecomlho schemo Tho iintuial nrj,uit Coojitr Mrs. H.irrj (Mtirlln beauty of tho spicloiisKromuls, sur- nt.pbiirii, Mm 1 loicnco UoIro, Miss KiundliiR the King's honio Is so belli- ni.inclie Dwlnell, Aim i:innnl fipild- llful with pilms and tioplcnl tices nBt jrts uflm, SiiiiMIiik Mrs. Jnck liiiil slniibs of r.iro nrletlcs Hut nr- Duwso't, MIbs IMlth Cowles, Miss tlflcjal decoiatlons weio almost slip- Helen Achilles, Mrs William lllchanl irnuous ror In "Hawaii ncl iLiino mi- custte Mrs, i:. 11. Watet house, Mrs. luro cannot bo lmprood npin. Mm, uichaiil Ivcis Mm Aithiir M;irh, Thomas .1. King " attired In Mrs (laidiici Wilder, Mrs. i:rlc Al- lmiiilKOiiio gown of grey crepo do j10. Kmniscn Mm. Visiter of Kng- ililnc, trltiimcd with Duchess laco. A ,,mi, Mrs .1. II Sopei, Mm. William l.irgo black plumed hut added lo the h. Sopor, Mrs Hinij Dultoii of S.m iltecllvcncBS of tho costume., Mrs. nmicisco. Mm. Chailcs I.'Hoiiitnc- Ch.irlcs Itlco looked bountiful In iilcii, Mrs. (leorge l'ottei, .Aim. V. A. hand embroidered confection, tilm- Schnefcr, Mm. Donald ltoss, .Aire. moil with Humilities of Il.iby Irish ;rnest ltoss. Mrs. M. M. Siott, Miss lace, u shower hat of pink chiffon Josephine Socr, MIbs Marlon Scott, oeicd with Kicnch loses In tlio s.imo .MIbs Allco Mncfarl.ino, Jilts tleral- Mim- JlllllCS s over satin, cmhiolilercil In n convin-ji, h, jntiileBoii, Miss .laiulesoii, .Mrs llonal design and claboi.itely James .ludd, Miss Soin-r, the Alfred Ilrnest Wntcrhousc, Mm. Waller rianpls Dillingham, Mrs. C. II. OlbOn, Mrs. Irwin J. Shophcrd, Mrs. CIllToril Klmb.ill, Mm. John Usliorno, Miss llcnilco Ilnrtwcll, Miss Cordelia AVnlkcr, Mrs. Krcdcrlck AVnterhouse, MrB. I.linlicnxtn f 1'nrllaml, Oro , Mrs. Mary AVIddlllolil, Ms. South gate, Mrs. Hllxalratli Church, Mrs. T. Itnln Walker, Mrs. Boatrlcu Haiti AVal ker i)inl othcis. Tho Misses Hartwell's (Dlnner. Tho Misses Ilnrtwcll cntorlalnod with a bcimllfiil "lose dlntior'' Tues day evening lis a coinpllnioiit In Sen ator and Mm. Krlc Alfred Kiuidson of Kniial. rink was tho color sclir-nic. chosen. A profusion of long-stenitnod roses were used tliioiigliout tho house and ns n lablo ornamcntalloii. Dur ing tho dinner a Hawaiian orchestra furnished music nml played later for tho Informal danco. Among thoso Tircscnt woro Miss Hcrnleo Hartwoll MIbs Dorothy Ilnrtwcll, Senator and Mm.-"KrIc Alfred KmiuVn. Dr. and Mrs. Jiiincs Jildd, Miss lllandio Dwl nell, Hon. and Mrs. Aliierl Judd, Dr. rcrdliiiuiil lledemann nnd others, distinguished Guest., In Honolulu, Among tho through passengers on bo.iid the Chlo Maru Tuesday, woro Mr. and Mrs. Sevvill Dolllvor and their daughter, Miss Kathleen Ilootli. MRS. THOMAS VICTOR KING Miss Kclley's Luncheon. A number of soclcl women cn Jo)ul the liospltallty of Miss Cl.iro Kcllcy at n swimming p.ut.v mid lutichclm that was given at Knlaw.ill on Thursday of this week. .Mm.Hrlc Alfiod Kniiilhon was the Incoiitive for tho affair. Define tiffin a lefreslilti swim wns taken. At one o'clock mi Mrs. (Jcrrlt Wilder, Mrs. HcruiiN AViillirlilgo anil Mi. and Mm. .I.nk Unit. Miss Thelma Murphy's Luncheon. Thursday afternoon Miss Tliclm i Murphy was hostess at a swlniinlni; party ntnl luncheon that was given al tho AA AV Halls' peninsula home, r --?r &m0 Everybody Admires a Beautiful Complexion- DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Jin Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Requisite for Fashionable Women. A ilnlly necrMlty for tho liuHe' toilet whollier at liumu or while truvcltnB It iirolirts tlio nklii fitun injurlnua 'Itoits nf tint plrmpnta. gives " wonderfully cf frctliii lipiiuty to tlio lomnlrslon. 11 Is a ih rfcit min-grpiisy Toilet Cream nml ki ltlvily will nut mum or ein oiirnup the Krottfli ot hair which nil luillen should Kimnl ngulnnt when nelectlng a toilet pro r.r.,tin, u it. n .lulu Inc. huwllnc nr oth- !r pxirtlnna liiut tho bkln. It prevents a urcnay nppenrHnie Couraud's Oriental Cream has been i.i.,i,iu .. nnitiinrmlMl liv nhslelnna. aet resaea, atngera and women of faihlon for over nnii n ccniury unu tumiu. ,, ., pnaaeil whin preparing for dully or even- "" ""?.... ...... ...... cibo tilmenaeq nml relieves Sunhiirn Ttomnvea Ton, ..I'lmplea. Illaekheiuls, Miitli lMtehea, Hnsh, Kreekl( and Vulunr Ilmtness, Yellow ana Muaay Kin. Kivins ti ilellcutily iiar "nil rcllned comploxlon which every woman dcalrcs. S. ,4 iv, nin hv rinieointii niul I'nncv Qooils Deatera. Fcrd. T.Hopkins, Prop., 37 Great Jonet Street, New York. KCiH srtllfeS&mlilal! KSaff rTwiPiKnn&KnBHnifli Kifidl ' uuJstomiinwTMO'ncu. UW ,. IWSJIIP , ' Ht5tS50!lP I trimmed with Irish crocliot laco. A black plcturo hat, cnclnkd with n willow plitnio, gnvo tho flnlslilns tojich to the chic coaliinie. Iletwccn tho hours of 4 and the olllo of Ho nolulu paid llnlr icspcclH to tho hos tess nnd her two guests of hotioi. Tho ho.iullrul Bccno will linger In tho mommy of tltovo pteseiit for Thuis- da's lunitlon cm well be inaikcd Misses AV.iid, Mrs. (leorgo 11. Cartel, Mrs. Kinlly M. Stno Airs. Homy lloiiil llcsliulik. Mis. llendiy, Miulntu Klinliill, Mis. Andievv Puller. Mis. A. AA'. T llottnniley Mlt-s draco Car- ml, Mis, lYuncIs D.iiuon, Mis. T, Cllvo navies', Mrs. Paul Isenbeig Jlis Mid.iuley of San rr.inilsco Mis. Klicn Low, Mis Kopkoj Miss Jessie Kiiiueilj Mis Krcdcrlck Klc on tlio slicing calcmlai, ns cmo of tlio. Imbn, Mis llnrj Wilder, MIhs BinaileBt ulTiilrs of tho bOiBou. Mis. beihon, Mrs Zono Aljeis, Mrs. Iten J. II. Sopcr, wife of Sopor jjiimln Uidgo Marx, Mis. .lolin Palmer nnd a sister of Mrs. Thomas .1. King I Mis. (leotgo Slieiinan, Miss Dorothy served punch In a lloworliig urboi of lid troplcil llovvirs uml was ashlstud by Miss Sopcr .mil MlhK Illaucho Sup er Miss Juliet mm Miss IMIlii Itlco of Kauai alto assisted. Mis. Charles M. A', foister and Mrs. Cllffotd Klm It lit, il.iugliteiii of tho hostess, wem In pioniotlng tlio plen l.tilo of tl.o guests, for they wero inli cltnus that every mm hIiiiiiIiI enjoj themselves, flitting hoio and llioto, and seeing Hint every one's wants wero attended too. K1.ibni.ito re freshments wero BcrviM by a corps of Oileiitnl seiviints, Mis AValter I'lcnr, Mis. AValter Cleveland Cowles (wife o'f Admiral Cowles), Mrs. f,. 0, Hlackinnn, MIsj Uintwull, .Allss Agnes Wallier, Mrs. 1$ Hearts arc lutil luwhi when onc'n cnmptcxloii !; nuncd liy pimple, Maikhcads and HH IiIdIlIics, IStrcngtlicn )otir V clnrmn, by keeping your Lumpluxlon clear, wllli Glenn's Sulphur Soap Sola by rirufctiU. Hil'iHibtU Wikltf Drt. lUik u li.wi. Ml, niciitcil 111 while nml green. Those present wero Miss Clnro Kelloy, Jirn. Krlc Alfred Kiiudoen, Mrs. Charles AVIliler, Mrs'. .InmcJ Judd, Mrs. IJrnest AVntcrhoiiBO, Mrs. Ilnnnoy Scott and Miss Ulmiihe Dwlnell or Callfoiiil.i. Mr. A. Lewis Jr.'s Dinner. Tuesday ov cnlug Mr, A, Lewis Jr. entertained with eight coveia nt din ner In honor of Dr, and AIis. 1). S. Jordan. Tho dinner was given nl tho Hotel Colonial. During tho icpast a Hawaiian quintette club 'placed. or S.iti KianciBco, who havo many ecirict nn.l sine iniuiiio m ino (ilemlM In Honolulu. They nro on a smo sliado dicoi.ited tho oblong i,.,Uiir irli, thfniii!li tlio Orient and tabic. Among those picsetil weio their friends lioio that iiiKin.lliclr rc-r- and Mrs. P. S, .Ionian, Mr. and. turn, they will niakd Honolulu a stop- E plng placo between slcaniers. Mr. Dulllver Is a ictlrcd business mini an 1 tho fanill mo among tho leaders or San Francisco smait set. . ! Miss Marlon Scott's Bridge Party. Mis. Kdvvanl Holmes or lteikctey was Ihc guest of honor nt an Informal 'bildge pirtj"' that was given Tliuis day evening by Miss Minion Scott at her homo on tho coinor of l'ciiB.icola and Hasslnger streets. There weio a iiiimbei of Interesting games con tested at each ouu or the IHc tables. At lmir after cloven o'clock a do lldmiH buffet Liitipcr wan served Tbofco piesont wero Iltofcbsor audi Mrs M M. Scott, Mis. IMwardl Holmes Miss Scott Ci plain and Mis. I Wilbur of Port linger, Mis. .lanios J AVIliler, Judge and Mm. Arthur . AVIliler, Mr. mnl Mrs. Itloh.ird Ivors. Captain .mil Mrs. Clifton Carter, U S. A., Irs. lljion K. Ilond or llllo, Hawaii, I.lciitonaiit nnd Mis. Ouler If, 8. N. Mi. and Mis. AValter Fran cis Dlllliiglmui, Major nnd Mis (leoigo 1'otlor, Mr. Illiluinl AVilglit. Mr William Uotli and Llclitcnant Jaikson or Lclleliua. nppclizlng ami delicious liimhcoii where tho Augustus Min-phs an was solved nt a cliculnr table, nrn.i-. niendlng tho month or August. After parlnkliig or a delicious luncheon, tlio lining pcoido enjojed n long swim In the briny deep Miss Murphj'a guest I wero Ml3s liosaniond Swanry, Mlsa I'aulino Sifiacrer. Miss Ruth Sopor Miss Mmg.irct Ceiitei, Miss Melon Jones, Miss Margaret Jones nml Miss Helen Hogcrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dillingham's Dinner. Mr. mid Mrs AValter Francis Dil lingham will entertain Monday even ing al dliinci .In honor or Ihu Hon and Mrs Chniles Itlco of Kauai. MUs I.ll raty Is visiting tho Hon. mid Mis. F.rncbt Mott-Smlth at their suburban homo. Something New EnameledLined Gas Ranges Call and see them at tlie ' r i, , Gas Company's Office ALAKEA AND BERETANIA PONGEE SILKS IN NATURAL COLORS and CHINESE BLUE. We have just placed on sale a choice line of these popular Silks. They Avere imported from Chcfoo, the center of the Chinese silk industry. We guaran tee them free from all impurities and padding. 33 in. wide, in four grades $,25 $1.75 $2.50 $2.75 per yd "Normal College" and "Peter Pan" Children's and Misses Coats Are the "acme of perfection in style and Avorkmanship. We are showing the advance Fall Models in Scarlet and White Serge and Shepherd's Plaid and Fancy All-Wool Mixtures. Leather Hand-Bags and Mousquetaire Bags The latest in Black Leather and Fancy Hand-Bags are now being .shown at Sachs' from $3.25 to $9.00 and $12.00 each. What we do not advertise is just as important as what we do. Sachs White Flaxon vMSHHSissssiVssssasMSiBSMssssssstsBsBsasssnnssiisssM The recent warm Aveather has caused an unprecedented demand fur this popular summer fabric. We have on display another consignment which we have Just received from our NeAV York agents, consisting of many neAV designs in all qualities of Dimity, Stripes, and Checks, Muslin Plaids, and Fancy Madras patterns. Hard-Wearing Striped Linens for. Boys' School Suits BroAvn Linen with Black, Navy and "Cadet Blue" Hair Stripe, at 45c per yard. , .., . .,.,...,.,; i J A"