Newspaper Page Text
Bulletin Want Ad Section h ' ' M ' IX rw V h lb. V x. V k X ,Ye om English smbeOn joraan ana umer 1 nings The following papers were founi recenuy unci urougnt into Tlio llul- 1 1 1 ii ofllco. They nro yellow with ngo, mid evidently wore brought across hy one of the early Kngllsh discoverers of the islands They nio written .'In the old Kngllali style, which lends to the belief that tlicy were n rcllo passed down from somo early generation. Parts of them form Interesting rending and aro given below: Ye gieat peace loctlirer. Dr. Dnvid Starr Jordan, who poureth out yo words of wisdom In such profound and mighty manner that ye poor per sonn who sit In yo seats aro so over come with yo peaceful sound of ye great doctor's volco that they aro Uko to drop off Into oleep, was in Hono lulu this week;. It was yo great and glorious occa sion and great was yo rush for seats at vn rooms ot'yo I'uhllc Service Iluieau. On yo afternoon of yo lec ture day many of ye populace were turned away from ye rooms disap point!. b if Ye balcony will he open at nlEht," mm yn refialn of yc hard worked l'rofessor Ilryan, "and such an can ho sealed .will bo accommo dated." Whon yo night camo around there was woeful dlstippoluuuent among those of .ye' 'populace;' 'who were perfoico seated In yo balcony, ilmvn below they could efen sco many empty seats, and they were soro disposed to get hot under ye collar.1 Likewise yo heroic youths who nro cnlled Boy Scouts forgot to place upon their feet ye shoes with rubber soles that do not make any noise, and yo assemblage In yo balcony fnlted to hear many parts of yo Interesting discourse. Yo great doctor spoke of yo many advantages 'of universal pence, and pointed out yo fact that war of yo future would become ye matter of Impossibility. Yo poptiluco went nwny and continued their sleep in ye more comfortable beds and read je account In ye paper next morning which c stenographer took down for yo Haiuls;Around-ye-PnclHc Club to publish and which was lent to yc morning paper. Whereupon they threw up their hands and exclaimed "Splendid!'' Kven while 'ye great doctor was ill Inking water and making himself ready for -his- -speech, somo of ye gentlemen at yo back"'of yo 'stage held a meeting of yo dlnmetrlcally oppnsllu style. Yo electrician was In jo hurry, and iye man who helps llandiiiastcr liergor 'a males beauti ful nolso was not. Therefore jo electrician picketh up yo man of music and throw cth him down je stairs, cutting open hys head. In front jo great doctor and great audl enen listened or dreamed to ye words if peace and wolted not of yo war that was eon going on at '0 back. (. Llkowlso no sooner lias yo great ..etor got upon yo ship again and Balled away than news cnmctli thiough that ye great fleot of war vessels Is coming In chase of him. Likewise that theio will be no play, for jo bojs In blue must oven pre pare themselves for yo war time. Onn of jo ofllrinls In high circles had je great experlcnco ye other illicit, and oven might huve gotten himself Into jo bad reputation did other tnwsfo1ks,not know that ho waB not one of yo bunch of guys that haunt jn precincts of yo Unlou Grill during times-when ye cocks delight in making yo biggest noise. Yn whole of yo trouble lay with yo tliler of ye automobile. Ye jinitli set hys alarm clock nnd forgot to wlml It up. Yo olDcIul, who was to meet ye good steamer Claudlne, rrawled out or bed at ye hair after lio and wondered what had hap pened Ho uing yo telephone and npoko In words of rcpioach to y'e driver of ye chug wagon, who salth that ho had even mnilo yo awrul mis take and had been waiting for yo telephono message. " ' ' Yo high 'oftlcial got to yo wharf loo Into foryo passenger ho was to meet, and then onco moro he told yo youth nt yn Bteerlug wheel of yo biuz wugon thoughts that wern even run ning In his mind nt that time and which had special lofornnco to yo Eamo youth. Wherefore 'ho ordered that ho should run lilm about yo city until ho should find o fair maid whciefor he looked. Yo couplo riib Jeod Into eery one of yo eating shops and also Into hotels, but could 11ml no trace. At last ye. man on yo wharf told yn high ofllclnl wjiero ye luggagn nf yo fair muld wns going to, nnd lo nnd behold It wns to ye high nniclul'B own placo. , Finally ho discovered yo fair innld on Punchbowl hillside nnd escorted her homo In yn street rnr. During yo time ho left yo house In yo first pluco and that when he wns finally -ready to set put for ye oUlco yo high otlltjlal used much language that was or n blue and lilnk variety, built a chicken houso nnd changed his. shirt Ihlee limes Uisllj-, In spite nt nil, ho had jo miny merry Binllo on when ho blow Into ye ofllco and found that yo boys hnd ovon been doing all yn work Just yo same as though ho lint uecn ttiero. Yo presidency of yo Hoard of Health caused much enjoyment for je town during yo week, and also much food for redaction. In yo llrst lilnco hot air merchants felt that jo opportunity ofyye lifetime was bo foro them and that they could pour out Inside dopo Into yo unwilling ears oi yo innominate listeners, aim tuns enjoy themselves heartily. Yo novvs pnpcrR mado much copy out of yo whole affair, and yo town generally had ye good time. Yo most poculldY part of yo wholo proceeding wag yo way In which yo political part of yo whole scheme, came out. Onco before when It was mentioned In ye newspapers that yo Hoard of Health olllclats had a vote and that they cicn ns much us knew yo meaning of ye word politics, yo whole town threw up its nrms In hor ror at ye mere thought of ye thing, Ye Morning Knocker assureth ye peo plo that jo board was free from iiid- tliltig of 'ye like nature and that ye Hoard of Health should bo kept-so, Now, however, when ye whole situa tion depends on .who je Republican conuuittec should elect', yo Morning Knocker remalneth silent and swul- iowetll with n smile' yo pill that yo mild committee haudeth out to It. Yo only man who' was not je poli tician and who ye politicians could get no hold on wns Dr. Pratt, and therefore they worked In yv hard manner ngalnst jo doctor. He wns backed by yo quitting president, 'Mott- Hmlth, nnd also by yo Idol of ye populace, Dr. Hobdy, but yo cry rose up that If yo committee appointed him yo doctor would hnvo no Btrlngs to pull and ye houses of all would have to be cleaned up. Likewise yo sugar plnntera, who had a grudgo against ye doctor for ye cleansing of ye Filipinos, pulled hard at je rope. And yet yo popular Idea Is that politics cannot survlvo 111 je iloard of Health building nnd that je disinfectants would kill it oven as yo bad germ. Ye blylhsomo youth who bath taken up yo work of yo old Sidelights in yo Morning Knocker showeth off his evor-ready wlt-ln Bomeof "yo articles In which ho dclighteth to "put it over" ye evening papers. Last week yo bljthsomo youth seemcth In especially- humorous mood, nnd those of yo public who breuketh ye Sabbath by lying In lied and rending yo snld Morning Knocker no doubt wero mightily tickled at yo remarks of Sidelights, An old friend of mine had ye say ing that no ono can telleth ye purity of jo hen's egg hy ye examination of yo shell. Yo remark npplieth to ye re marks of yo blythsomo youth. Under neath all yo rippling wit lay deep and rankling sore, for ye blythsomo youtn was badly stung during jo previous week by one of ye evening papers. It liappeneth in yo rollowlng man ner. Yo document in yo most iniKin aut case wns llled In yo Circuit Court nt yo hour of flvo p. in., but yo blyth somo youth, who posscsscth ye great Blore of perspecnlty, nnd who can al ways 1111 jo pages or yo Morning Knocker with bright front-pago stories, had neglected during ye edu cation ho hath received ut ye bandit or jo eumlng papers to take notice or yo ract that although ye record olllco closes nt ye hour or hair-past rour o'eloVk, documents can be llled at yo later hour. Now yo scrlbo of yo evening pnper tnketh notice or yo said document and telleth ye readers or hys paper that yo Morning Knocker bnlli for gotten to mention yo fact or je Im portant case being llled when It put tetli Its paper full of yo front-page stories before ye uncomplaining anil long-sultorlng public. Thereat ye blythsome youth was mad and sworo revenge on ye evening paper scribe. Ye next day ho telleth yo same poor old public that two certain ilocumentB wero llled yo previous morning, thoro by Intimating that ye evening papers had missed yo good front-page stories, "ii per usual." As ye matter or ruct, yo documents wero filed In ye after noon, nnd yo blytliBome youth had mado direct misstatements In ordor to have yo editor or ye ovenlng paper get yo goat or yo poor searcher or nows. Yo connection between yo rippling wit or yo blythsomo youth and ya renson ror running yo front pages or yn ovenlng papers down oxplaluoth Itsoir. ST. LOUIS, Mo, Aug. S. Aviator Horace w, Kcarnej- nf New York, while making a descent, fell with n biplane of his design here this evening nnd wns rinnKernuslv Injured He had Mown a distance nt mi altitude, of 1000 feet While yet TM feet up he shut off Ills power nnd attempted to nnko a glide at nn nmilo of about 4r. degrees. When 200 feet up Kearney, In tittcmptlng to 'avoid f.nmo trollev wires, lost control nnd tho machine, turned over nnd fell upon Dm aviator. jom l; smnfUN John L. Sullivan and hl.s latent wlfo liao returned from their honeymoon In Huropo. Now the famous old gladl- ator saVs he's golip to retire to n rarm, pommuno with nature ami write somo hack-to-thc-soll artleles. Annie U. Sullhnu or Ceiilcnllle, It. I., llrst w lfo of John U, snj'S she know'3 until- Ing of the divorce which he Is s.ilil lo NEW YORK POLICE ELUSIVE "TAXICAB THIEVES MWMWi KjprjprTwri? iaj JlkllHC AKi'llJIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHl IIIIIIIHwllllllHIHI a4,i0BTMIIIH 4!'4 iff wrMH(kv('UMHHilf lULlB S.& fc XBiMhMi fM JilBgsv-rxM.VJm'SrT: ZW:..:,: .-aJL v.i-rrrrf J . w : .-T ) . i - v kK i TH:..(.i,ii.r j ji."'" .-. vii.iii.'rin ki'iTflnmlf tf &nm ,i. A-;i 1 riw, ..j jlT N13W YOKIC This city Is gieatly disturbed ncr a now funu or robbery which linn appeared hcie. Tho thieves are even moro up to date than the celehruU'd "Unfiles," because they op- erato hy menliB of a taxlcab. Tho dailng men diliu up to a store, leuv- Ing n limn In tho-iiutn to start it ahead at full Sliced. They enter tho stuie, echo the cash drawer's contents at pistol's, point mid dart ijulckly Into thn tuxl. wllrh soon placid them bu- yond pursuit. In tho case of tho bold rohbeiy of Jacoby's jew ell y store, A DAINTY T01XET ARTICLE. Every lady who desires to keep up Ier attractlvo appearance, while at tho Theater, attending Itecep- tlons, when shopping, while travel ing nnd on all occasions should carry In hor pur no n booklet of GOU!tAUlVS ORIENTAL 11HAUTY ' I.KAVKS. Tills Is a anility Uttlo booklet or exquisitely perfumed pow. dered leaves which nro easily re. moved and' applied to the skin. It Is invaluable when tho rn'Mieromci illK'lKtkv'li HIiHfti&k,: , m. fZ, i.l-'y'Srjoi .Esi AND NEW WIFE "BACK TOTHE FARM" have obtained from her In Chicago Injho tells mo thoro nro no pnporH 190S. Sho has s.ild shu does not coil' shier hcrn-lf the divorced wlfo of the ox-chaiiiplnn, but his wife, and she has wiltleti lo the clerk or tho Suiiorior Court nt Chicago .inking ror u copy of tlio pjpers In the alleged dlwirco proceedings. ''I got u letter from the clerk," she Said. "In which ARE AFTER '-v-i H-W, xW)--i A'rf..,;.. ww.v4xi'ti. .W.v. Sixth avenue, mid Thirteenth street. ' UwV uroke tho front window, seized ""u' W01" (,r J'. M'l dead .la- vam ,n tu, Kox, 10J. (.l')tul.c ItoRenhaum's shoo stole In llleecker Bticet, hut weio ropulhed In uttemplH to rob tho cush diawer. ltoseiibiiiiiii, Bhot at several times, n.iiiuwlv eH- caiied with his llfo. lnspeclnr Hughes. the joungest Insiiecloi' on the New York pollio force, Is making ilesper- uto ufTurtH to bienk up thu gang of holdup men. Ho lias placed mi the task every iivnllable man on his staff. moist and flushed and Is far sirpvlw to npowilcr puff as it docs not spill nnd soil the clothes. It removes dirt, soot nnd grease rmm the face, Imparting a cool, del. icato bloom to flio coniploxlnn. Sent anywhero on receipt ot Ton Conla In fctnmps pr coin. V. T. HOPKINS, 37 Oreat Jones street. New York. Inter-Isliuid ami O. It. & L. Shipping boks for sale nt the H u 1 1 1 1 n ittlcn, nOi" each with my hlguaturo or anything on fill, nuil I don't bcllcio that hu cer got n dUorce, If the clerk of the court has nothing to show for It." Tho couplo wero married In Itoxbury, Mass, In 1SS2, ami lived apart many juars Sullivan's imuri.ige lo Mlsrf Kate Hnrklas took place In lloton. u ii HUIi:, l'a, J. C. Mars. Amoricnn aviator, known mound the world ns "Hud" Mars, who was badly hurt In a rail while mailing a flight here, re cently completed n globe-glrdllug lour, during which he g.iwi neiophinn exhibitions In many oriental coun tries. Miuh fnmioily was a. il.neilmll high diver, ti.ipee performer nnd aeronaut. Ho Is now woll ami flying ngalii. BY C. S. ALBERT. ( Mullet In Cnrri-simnduioe,) ' UAHIIIS'dTO.V, 1), C, Aug 7 -Of- llcirs of the United States cnxiilry must hnproo thglr horseinaiishli, and plans me on foot to luiiho the ununited hiniii'hcH nf the American nrmy tho eiiial In illlileiicy of uiiy In the world. Tho War Dtpiulnieiit li.iri Jusf IshiIpiI lUHtructlmis lo nil dhlnlon oniiu.inders to ImpreHH inieil tho Hi hi otlkeis nnd captnii! uf tho mounted lirniuhis t lint It Is their Imp. ratlvo duly lo iiii.iliry In eiiulthllou In nil ict.put lu tho c.iso of nn ulllctr who Is Incapable of thoiouKbl) iiallflliK llliuself, thu fuel will be noted on tlio "elllchncy rcpoits" whleli nro Hindu to tlio War Impart ial nt, ns liulkntliig llu Inch of an es soin il for the mounted . nice This maj iiltliiuili-ly le,ul to Jili. rillrcuyjil. Thu cniKiiMir to linpiovo horvipiiu- IE DEMAND NOW MM I IMillAM BILL IS A BY C. S. ALBERT. (Fpfclnl I) u lie tin Curreioiiilence.) WASHINGTON I). (., Aug 7. Senator Dillingham, furmoily chair man or the Senate Committee on Im migration nnd also Cliali man or tho liiimlgtatlon Coniiiilrslou which pic sciited ItB lloal ioiurt In Cmigiess ut thu Inst session, indaj Introduced a geueial liutiilgiatlou hill which pio poses ninny mltioi and rndlcnf thnnges In existing Immigriitlou law. nio bill also prepoj-cs the of tho Clilucso exclusion laws, except so far as they i elate to naturaliza tion, and substitutes theiefor an amendment to the Immigration law wlilili provides for the exclusion from the United States or "persons who aro not eligible to ln-como i lllr-cns of I tho United Stnles by naturalization," unless such persons nre already ex cluded by trcatj or otherwise. (in criiineiit olllcors, traelleis ami mem leis of the leal lied piofesslolin, lion oier, nro admitted lo tlia United Stales regardless of their ellglhlllty to citizenship by untiirallzitlon Vari ous fc.itutps of tho present Chinese exclusion laws aro mado applicable to all Immigrants, and except for tho fact that manual laborers not ellgl-l bio to eltlzenshlii by naturalization nr excluded. Hie Mil proposes to glvo Asiatic Immigrants Hie same leg-il Hiatus accorddl to all oilier Imnil gianls. The only section nf the nrl ous Chinese oxcJiudoiLlnwR not u iea Is thnt section or tho act ot IS82 which pi in Ides (hat no Statu couit or court nt tlio United States shnll admit Chinese to citizenship. Literacy Test. Senator Dillingham's bill also pin vldes ror tho oxcluslon from tho United Stutos ot "all in.ilo aliens six teen jeais or age or tnur, who aro pbjslc.Uly capable or leading and writing, but who aro unablo to lead mid wiitc in somo language or dia lect." It provides, however, that an udmlssablo alien may In lug In his father or grandfather over Utty-llvo years or ago, or a son hot over eight een j cars of age. whether such ier soiib are Utcruto or not. Tho bill makes It unlawful for any steamship .companies to bilng to the United States any Illiterate alien of the class mentioned, or, wfl lithe exceptions noted, any alien not ellglblo to natur alization, and it is provided (hat If It shall appear to I ho satisfaction ot tlio Secretary r Commerco and Ijihor Hint theso disabilities miglit have been detected by the exercise or rea sonable piecaiitlous' prior lo the de parture or such nllens fium a foreign pint, tho trnnspoitallon company or perion bringing them shall 1h) subject to h flue of one hundred dollars for every violation. ' Boards of Inquiry, The bill proposes an luiKrtnnt change In tho chmaclcr ami manner or appointment or boards of seclal Inquiry, which boards n.iss mum Mm iidmlssnblllty of aliens. Under tho present law tlii'Mj ho.iuls, w'hlch eon itt or Ihreo poisons, aro appointed bj- Ilio comuilKHhmers or Immigration ut tho vnrlous ports and nro compos ed of such inimlgiatloii olllclals as tho ComnilssloncrIeneriil or Immi gration with (lie npprovnl or thu Sec ictnry or Commerco ami I.iuor may uesignalo Tor such service. Senator Ulllliigliuin'H bill provides that such hoards shall lie ppjulnted hy tlie See retnty or Commerce ami Ijihor ami nhall consist or "persons whoso abil ity and Untiling lit them ror tho judi cial junctions performed." The bill rotalus the contract lalmr provision of tho Immigration law pinctlcnlly In Hk present form, but adds to tho .excluded "'i snns who have come In cnnsemiiMit'o or ndvertlseineulH ror manual labor era pi luted, published, or distributed lit a foreign coimtrjV' and provides for the criminal prosecution or cor porations, companies or liersons who oollclt or nssUt in the linjHirlatlou of conlracst laborers. The provision of tho present law which permits die Importation of skilled Inlxir If lalxir of a llko unemployed cannot bo round In (his country, Is amended so as In permit the Secrelnry or Commerco and Labor to ilnleimluo tho necessity for such Importation pi lor lo Its ac complishment. Strengthen Present Law. Tho bill proM)ses to strengthen I ho llinKmit lilu tllrnlllfit C.IImII l.i.t ..H ...- couraglng aliens to comn to tho Unit . cd Stales by providing that any per j son violating tho saiuo shall bo sub ject io an administrative lino of rour hundred dollars ror each violation. Tho hill further provides that when ever It shall bo hliown to the satis faction or tho President of tho Unit ed Stales thnt this provision or tho law is being persistently violated by or on behalf or any tr.iuspoiUitlnii company ho Mial! havo tho power to deny to such company the prlvllego ;. 4. ... .. .? f. ... . . a. , . ., ship Is coincident with (ho 'depart Hit id's ifTort lo proeuru u bitter grndo of mounts for the urmj. NATURALIZATION i v?' DRASTIC MEASURE or landing p.isBcngors nt United States ports tor such ii peiiod as In his judg ment maj bu necessary to Insure, i ,, proper tihst rvnneo of the law, j Tho bill pint Ides Dial the Secro laiy of Commerco nnd Labor may de tail Immigrant Inspci'tors or illations for duty In tlio steerage of vessel carrjlng aliens lo n frnm porta ot the United Stiles., ami also that lis may detail sin genus ot tho United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service for duty on audi ships Certificates Supplied. It Is piovldi'd that each alien ad mitted to tho United .".talis shall be given a ccitlllcjle of admission and Identity. Another new fcitum or tho pro posed law is thai any allui who Is leuteuccii to Impilroniiii'tit for it term of one j ear or more hoeaiKO of mm. vlclloii In thin couiitr) of n nlnio in volving moral turpitude, cifmuillti-jlf wllhlii (lvo je.ira oiler the eutiy ol tho alien into the Uililod Sfites, shall bo dcjHHted. Thlj juovluliln, io cver, (iocs not apply In pertonH who uro pjiiloued lu) in caketf when; Ilio eourt Impoiihg feiiteuee reeduinicllds that ilejurliitJitij slujl nbt btci;iii) The bill fm liter miiflilris ihat . Jn nflen who beeom(4 a nibllr- eliarge Itoin any c.iliM. within tluee joain attei lauding In the United St:i(es maj be deKirled in the discretion of the Secretin j of Commerco and La bor. It Is also piovldi'd that the Com-mlssloiicr-Ceiicinl of Immigration may remove to their native country at the expenfo of tho United Stntes aliens who fail Into distress or need public aid and who uro desliniis or being so removed. Willi a view to making effective the pinvisloiis of law lebillng to tho pinleetlon or aliens from fraud ami loss nnd the distribution of aliens, tho bill provides that tlio Secretary of Commerce mid Labor shnll establish Inimlgiaiit statloim nt such interior places aa may bo necessarj', and that aliens in transit from ports or laud ing to such stations may be accom panied by immigrant Inspectors.' Allen Seamen Noted. Boveial sections or (he hill nre de voted to alien reamon, tho provisions In Ihls regard belngnpractlcilly Iden tical with a bill lonoi ted tiulho Sen ate and House during' the hifct session or the, ClBt Congress hut not acted upon Ii) eltbi'r limlv. Numerous administrative changes in the piohi'iit law tuo jirooai'd, but no chaugn s mado 'n tlio liend tax except that residents nf Diumuda are exempled from (ho p.-ljincnt of Iho tnx, a provision whleli now applies to residents of Canada, Newfound land, Mexico nnd Cdb.l. ROYAL FAMILY a it iW x KING AND QUEEN ueenoeA rHEm rwo - mil w niYtj ncfrt &QNS ALPHONSEAND tjEB &t ( ' i j -tij til. BULLETIN AD9 PAY' j- -u i l.iOit'WN. ft-1 4Mf " ' ' ' pj" 4' a .". .. '"sM&Xr, t'Jt . ' i i- V'