Newspaper Page Text
111 EVENINQ BULLETIN HONOLULU, T H., SATURDAY, AUG. 19, Mil. - O. t-i4tm I W rf ft WANTS ANNOUNCEMENTS. Jlr. OKlfnnl Oontrnetor mid builder. House piilntliiiT, paperhaligltiK, nml sereins, of nit kinds, l'ort Ht., nbovo Hire Inula; l'honc. 1127. 5U0S-1IM T. Knnnl Ice vreniit Mid cold drinks', 1 1 tars nml toilet nrtlcli'H. linker Roods. I tnko unlets. 1277 Tort f?t , Honolulu. &008'3m II. A. l)n Is Hefolnu machine, repair ir. Mmhliiis cleaned nml put In onlcr. 12C0 Port 8t , nenr Orpliumii Til 117, &008-2W PUOST HALOON' Hue wlms nml liq uor. Call nml are us. K. Hasnkl, prop. Ilcretnnta anil MaunaLca Sis. " ms-nin H Klnoililtn New nml second-hand KimiH bought nml sold. 1281 Tort Kt, llonnlulii. ' 11008-Cm It lkeda New and seiunel-hnnd fur nlturn boiwht mid sold. 12G4 Kort Bl, Honolulu. COOS-Cm Sunrise I))cIiik Houses-All kinds of elothen clinliod nml repaired with special care. f,008-3ni K Oslilrcnln I'lnc chlnnwnro of nil de scriptions. 1377 Tort St. DOM-Cl Visit the Hale at Sing Fat'. 1013 Nuu- anil St. ' 458-3m AUT08. NUUANU AUTO STAND. For hire at all time's, 1 Packard, 2 PopeH. Competent chauffeur. Nuu onu, near Beretanla. Phone 31SS. 4924-ly For hire, seven-seated Packard. Phone 2611. Young Hotel Stand; Charles lleynolds. 4540-tf --- l BICYCLE8. "Tried and true" rainous Pierce cy cles. For sale by B. Miyamoto. Ill cycle supplies and repairing. All makes; now and second hand. 182 King St. 4048-ly S KmneyH Hxpert bicycle repairing; nil work guaranteed. New and second-hand wheels nt, low prices. Queen and Punchbowl; Phone 2431. 4947-3m 1 1 lull-trade bicycle repairing; expert work. New wheels at lowest prices, Also sultcnses nml trunks. N. Kugl ixkl, 19S Hotel SU near River. 49IC-3m CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 1 Itihlniurn, contractor and builder. Stunowork, dialling; hauling sand, roll nnd wood. Estimates furnished. Day work also. Til. 3302. Anla St, N at Konlshl store. G003-3W ' - Asahl & Co. II. Hatsiito, prop. Con traitors nnd builders. House paint ing und p.iperliniiKlng; screens of nil kinds. 208 Ilert'tnnlu St.; Til. 1420. 4U8G-lm Oeorgo Yninuda, gemral contractor. Estimates furnished. 508 McCnndless llldg.; Phono 2157. FURNITURE REPAIRING. "Little" John Rodrlgues Cabinet' maker. Picture framing and furnl turn repairing. String Instruments repaired. Miller nnd PunchbowL 45G-3m 80DA WORKS. Keip cool by drinking the most de IU Ions soda water made In Honolulu. All flavors. Delivered to jour home. Sunrise Soda Works; Til. 1345. 49C2-2m IVo use artesian uter, making our soda superior to nil others A drink of our pluctipplo Julco will convince. Drngou Soda Works; Tel. 3153. 4934-3m SHOE REPAIRING. John PontesShoes" to order, 87; soles and heels, 81,30; patchtH, 2 5c. J rub ber heels, 70c; ladles' soles and heels, ,31,10, Work guaranteed. Bear of Orl'll'.' " 4940-3m M. Bodrlgues Twelve yours of aatls faction. 137 King St., formerly of Betlul St. Expert shoe repairer, 4939-3m Y, II. Jong Expert shoe repairing. ' Union St . opp Auto Delivery Co. 49S8-2m Thayer Piano Co. STEINWAY AND OTHER PIANOS 1S6 Hotel Street Phone 2313 TUNING GUARANTEED FURNI8HED H0U8ES FOP. RENT. furnished house, (or the summer. All convenience: flno view over city; very reasonable rent (or a desirable tenant. . "Pratt," lot Stangcnwald Illde.; Telephone 1602. 4943-tf FOR 8ALE. Tmi bts, (icenti Vnw Trnct, adjoining Mlntun Trait, Kniinukl. Cleared ready to liulld i.n. llenutlful levvs: live inlnutis' walk; from cnr. W. II. Craw, lhnineliith & Co, or Kalmukl. C007-tf Wllhclinlntt ltlso lleautlful home; mngnltlcint lew. Building now being- completed. Attractlvu terms. Bee Dr. U U Hutchinson, care Kalmukl Land Co, Ltd.; Tel. 1CC9. 4&-tf Tho Transo envelope a time-saving Invention. No addressing necessary In sending out bills or receipts. Bul letin Publishing Co, sole agents (or patentee. - tf New D-room bungalow, Kallhl; lot G0Vtx218 22000; easy terms. Don dcro & Lanslnf, 83 Merchant St.; Phone 2C53. 4953-tf San Sun Fine Imported stationery. Chinese literature, drawing Inks, paper of all kinds. 133 Beretanla 8t 49el-3m Bargains In real estate, on sea-shore, plains and hills. "Pratt," 101 Stan genwold llldg.; Telephone 1C02. 4943-tf Selected Caravonlca wool cotton seod. A. V. Clear, 1214 Fort St.; P. O. Box 404. 4603-tf Inter-Island and Oahu Railroad ship ping books, at Bulletin office, tf Visit tho sale at Sing Fat's, 1013 Nuu ami St. 4958-3m BUY AND 8 ELL. Utnnionds, watches and Jewelry bought, sold nnd exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort St. 47S2-tf EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. l'UKUDO UMPLOVMKNT OFFICE Cooks, waiters, ynrdboys. King and l'unchbowl Sts ; Tel. 1883. , T. I'ujlnioto, Klnnu Employment Office; Phono 1879. 4896-tt HAT CLEANING. Any man can wash windows, but It takes an experienced man to clean hats. Joseph Roman, 122 Beretanla St , near Fort, next to fire station. 4988-lm LIVERY 8TABLE. First-class llery turnouts at reason able rates. Territory Livery Stable, 348 King; phone 2H3C. PAINTER. Honolulu Pulntlng Company House and sign painting, paper banging and tinting. Jobbing a specialty. Import ers of wall paper, paints, oils, etc. 74 Beretunla St, opp..Maunakra St. W. 11. Knm, manager. 49t8-3m VETERINARY. Dr. I- E Ciise Office, Lewis' Stables; Phone 2141. Residence phone1, 1113. 4957 2tn TAILOR8. The tailoring company of Chee Quong has ihangtd liuuds and Is undirnew management. Having engaged a CUTTER FROM MAINLAND, they guarantee satisfaction. 14 King St. Wa Sing, manager. 4962-3m roOK SANO, formerly tho Oahu Tail or of Emma and Beretanla Sts., wishes his old patrons to cull and Inspect his fine line of new fabrics ut his now store, McCuudlcss 111k, Nuunnu und Puuahl. 4931-3m Tho Lion Tailors. Dyeing, cleaning reprlrlng. Work guaranteed. Phone 27IS. Culled for nnd deliverer1. Hero ant. i, next to pumping station. 493G-ly ALL THE LATEST CREATIONS IN men,'s clothing. Clothes cleaned or dyed. WINO CHANO, ICO Hotel St, near Kekaullko. 4947-ly ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Pacific Electric Co Motor nnd dynamo repairing a specialty. Motors and gem Tutors of nil capacity for sale. 1132 Tort St i Til 3l33. 4988-tf Victor Records Try some of the new "Bed Senl" Records by fuuiuus urtlsts . DCRCSTROM MUSIC CO, LTD. WANTS POSITION WANTED. (lentil Minn, Rood npponrnnce, nilrircst nnd cnpihlllty, wimlil like cnmiiiprclil or rlirlcnl position In Honolulu In nxohnngo for country. Address "l'n- ergetlc," Bulletin office. :001-lw 8ITUATION WANTED. An Amirlean wishes work ns roaihmnii In prlvnto fauilly. Rxiierlemv it nml good references. Atldrts "Conch inan," Bulletin olllce. tOOS-lvv By experienced chnuffeur nml over- liauler. Oood references. "Q", Bul letin office. C007-3t HELP WANTED. Holiest girl for housework. Apply IIp-f,00G-3t nolultl Wire Bed Co. LOST. Between St. Andrew's cnthedrnl nnd School Ht , Bold clmln bracelet with luart nnd key. ltewnrd If returned to Bulletin olllce. 4992-tf Kvtrythlng for your homo library In complctu editions. Monthly editions tf ill sired. Hnlllday Wlthtrspnon, 80 Merchant St. 498(-tt FOUND. FOUND tallies.' senrf, near flsh market. Owner can linve snino by calling nt II ti lie tin olllco nnd proving property. fi00S-3t TO LET. Cottage) threo bedrooms, etc.; newly domi up. Bunt $20. 216 Vineyard St. C007lm The property known as the Wilder building, corner of Fort and Queen streets. Dimensions 41x6S. Tho build ing will be remodeled to suit tenant Apply to C. Brewer & Co, Ltd. ROOM AND BOARD. Till: ABOONAUT (formerly tho Le-laml)- Rooms 812; with board, J .13. 657 Beretanla St.; Phono 1308. Mrs. J. A. DoIe. preprletor. 4941-tf Room and board, private family. Every convenience. Two car lines pnss door. 1942 King St 4864-tt Nlcely-furnlshed rooms Apply 13C6 King St. with board. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. No. 73 Ueretinla St. Electric lights and running water In each room. Price reasonable. J. H. Townsend, proprietor. 4870-tf FURNISHEO ROOM8. THE ELITE--Furnished rooms. Hotel St., opposite Yoiiig Cafe. .Newly ren ovated mid lefurr.lshul. Under new management. Terms reasonable. Lo cation central. B008-lm FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. Building lot, size r.OxlOO, corner Lenhl and 13th Aes. Pnloln Hill Tract. Splendid soil, no rock, nnd within flo minutes' wnlk of lurline. Apply P. O. Box 2J0, COOS-Ct SANITARY PLUVBER. The sanitary regulations ate strict. Save yourself trouble by being pre pared beforehand. Have Chns. It. PI hires, the sanltury plumber, look over )our work. 2G years' experience nas nuido him competent. 1128 Union St. 494S-3m You should hnvo your plumbing done by a "FLUMBEK." Ten years' ex perlenco tins tuught mo tho science of plumbing. The only and safe way, C. I. Almeida, 11 Puuahl St; Tel. 2493. 4940-3m Won IjiiiI Co. Sanitary plumbers nnd tinsmiths. Hold St, bet. Mnunnkeu nnd Smith Sts.; Til. 1033. 4937-2m Yeo Sing Kec Plumber nnd tinsmith. Smith St. bet. Hotel mid Pauahl. CHIROPODIST. DR. BIRCH Office, 64 Xlex. Young Bldg Phone 3308. Vienna Bakery has the best Home-Made Bread, German Pretzels and Coffee Cake. He sure and ring up 2124. 1129 FORT STREET FOB STOUK OROGEBIES. BEX AMERICAN BROKERAGE 00. 3.99 King Street, new Mauiitkta Phone 22A1 Daily Deliverr ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS WITH MASSAGE A natural method of recovery from bodily disorders ladies and gentlemen. (upstairs). BARON 8CIIOOL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE Phone 2467 or call at 176 8. King 8L WANTS WANTED. "We lend, others follow," In tho manu facture of carbonated bevi rages Ono prlco to nil 1'reo delivery. I'liona 3022. Honolulu Soda Water Co, Ltd, 34A North Beretanla St.; Cbas. E. Frushcr, manager. 40 1 1-tf Young man for plantation olllco, stm- ornphir mid tlmikiepor; soino'crrat stilke knowledge of liookKiiptng rculrul I Inline Is ileiiiornll.ei1 fi'mn fllrisgnw Opportunity for nilMinci'ment. Ad-'tii PI) mouth, nnd frelsht Is tied up, dress In own handwriting, 'S", this while passi tiger service Is Internillliiit olllce. 5003-3t Irtml mil el tain. ' You to sample our lending brands, such as "King's Choice" Scotch, .Mcllray' cr, llirald nml Colby's Canadian imns.uid troops nre pourli whiskies. Thos. r. McTIghe & Co,tlt) mid the nilllt iry nralm proprietors, Progress liar. 4951-3m Pntionln homo Industry Puro old I la wallan eln, made tinder the stiporvl slun of tho U. S. tiovt, obtainable only nt tho Occldontnl Bar, King nml Ataken. 4919'Gm A )oung man fur gem rat olllco work. Must understand stenography, t)w writing nml card Indixlng Apply nt II It. T. .c L. Co'h olllie, Alnpal St. C007-tf For plantation store, Portiigueso )oiing man as hilt clerk nml store nsslst nnt. Apply "P.", this olllce, stating references nnd salary epe ted. 500.'-3t Clerks, by U. H. Goirnimut, Hono lulu. Eianiln itlons Oit 4. Pieparn tlon free. Franklin Institute, Dipt. 459H, Rochester. N.Y. 4999-lm plain for iuaniifnqtuili)R,purpos(sTr'''' Vork tnninrinn nioriilng. 30x10. T?ocntl'im no object. Mult bo well entllated. "Maniifncturir." Bul litlu olllce. r,0OS-3t Kecund-linnil sltr. or sit-down lnth; rensoinble. Address 'Sit," Bulletin olllce. 500G-31 Sninll-slo roll-top desk; must be cheap. Address "Desk," Bulletin of fice." MflG-St Million) or small safe; ihiap. ' Safe," Built tin offici Address 5Q0G-3t Visit tho sale nt Slng'Fat's, 1013 Nuu anti St. 4958.3m A. N. SANF0RD OPTICIAN Boston Building ' Fort Street Over May & Co. URINARY DISCrHRQES nnui'.vnD in i 24 HOURS: Km!i Cup """N! ill. ..ear (MIDYJJ itic ft nut 9$rmS ' Brte-Tf oft vuntt frti . iiuri.insTs mm...., 4A ABSOLUTELY PURE ICE CREAM Delivered to All Parts of City PALM CAFE EAT AT THE Capitol Cafe Everything New Strvle Excellent SIERRA CAFE 16 Hotel Street OPEN DAY AND NIC1IIT Fresh CSnmu mid I'lsli received with enili ship from the Coast. WONQ CHLNG, Proprietor Drink May's Old Kona Coffee Bast In the Market HENRY MAY A CO. Phone 1271 Ptoneer -Evaporated.Milk (Unsweetened) The Best Milk You Can Use AT ALL DEALERS llluiik books nt nil mirts, ledKors etc , niunufuctured by the Iliilletiu PubllHhlug Comiiuuy, Cook a a c With U A J HOLD LONDON f.socliteij Pri-is riMi" ) LONDON, Hug. Aug 18 Not onli tills ellv. lull tjn-lt Britain Is trlpdul In Its ttiiuiixirtntton facilities by the Fifty Thousand Troops. I.omlon Is iilckly ussiiinlng the np penrnme of n luujiy nrined romp Fifty ng Into the Idlim nil of the rnllnnd stntlmis nnd protecting mllwn) propirty Food Prices Co Up. Already pilces of food ore soaring and the suffering mining the poor Will , teirlble .Dock Workers to Resume Work. The one bright spot In the sllinllon Is the fact that the tiouble with thn dock workers has been sittlul nml the men will return to work tomorrow. Steamers In Liverpool Helpless. LIVERPOOL, Ens?.. Aug li-.1l the steamers In this port me now tlnl up by thn strike mid lack of workmen to inovo enrgoofl. Tho troops mo patrolling" the cltyi ATWOOD NEARINO END OF HIS TLIGHT SWA.VVII.LE. 1'n, Aug It Ilnir Atwood, lli aviator, who Is ll)lng from St Louis to New York, rem bed here this exiling nfltr a sustained flight; of fght-fotir miles He wilt stnrt for 1 i EXPLOSION KILLS FOUR. JOI.IET. III. Aug 18 A tcnlflc ex plosion In the sttel works In this rltv toda) killed four workmen nml Injured fourteen olhirs The oilgln of the explosion Is n mys tery The ihuingc cnuscil Is consider- ntile, but iiiiestlmnteil. STAGE FAVORITES MARRY. LONDON, Hug.. Aug IS E. II Solium the well-known American ac tor, nnd Julia Marlowe, the famous ac tress, who hni. supported ench other 111 numerous probations both In Eng- iml mid America wero married hire today. ,,, ' J..J.irt44- I: 1 '. PRESIDENT'S VETO TO . ,BE CAMFJAGN ISSUE WAHlilXdTON, 1)1 C,' Aug 18 r- Clinmp Clark was given nn oyutlnn tiKltt' by tin Deinisirsllh inein bers of the Ilnusit when ho nsserted lhstdies,eiit 'nift's-vcM of'Yrrff'wol srhiilulo vvnlihl he tho enmpAlKii Issue In 111! ! Wl Pass Cotton Bill. ,. l It vvii's stall il tht Ilia JIousij will now lass. tho cotton tariff revision bill on Monda), und that Congress will ml oirn earlv In the vviik. Tln Senxte toda) completed nil nf tho work In fore It for this session and will probably adjourn on Tnesda) 'J'lici nverthiow of tho llaytl in, kov iriiuieut and tin- estnldlshiueiit of l'lii- liiuatui l.eioulo In tho liresldmiey. IhIdk back to niliid the stlrrlni; events that uhhlcil aiouml Nord Alcls, -.n- liresldiut of Ha)t, Tho nliotiiKrnpl) i.l live was taken shorll) In fore hi vvnsj ov 11 tin on 11 Alexis has Men many n. revolution and morn bloodshed piob ably tluu an) c-iu!tr now llvlnn lie win. so accuistninc'il to tiluuiili that he l.i llcil to take the last revolt sulously until he saw even his on 11 Hildlery In lebilllon aKalliKt him Tin 11 It was too tale. Ills I'uwci had iiunililed, mill ho wni fuu id to 1 111 11 ovii the uuvirn on ut to lis or sin miikr to the n luls. Ho ilmto tho former. -s-w m 1 gTJ. -.-ST.-..- 0N fmmmt& Unr X JVifaWilI.HJ. UlDAlU' SAVE MONEY ON (Vsrs.'.N mi TSSxv. l'i gLJi MY , a-7 DOORS Stiuifir Our Ccmplttt CataUgue Today Mailed Free This book will i;vo you the Low est l'rlci'3 of Doors, Sash, Glass, Mouldings, Taints, Hardware, Ktc. Wo ship all orders promptly and guarantco tho (roods. P. A. R0VIG CO. tOiaWMtsraAm. IUTTU, MN. CENTRAL UNION CHURCH. Sunday son Ices Autfisl 20lh ns fnl lows. Illblo Sclinnl nt 9.",0 n. in., W A. Iloucu, niipeiluti'mtcnt Classes fur nil ngi's Illhlo class for men mid wn lncn led h) 1'icsldunt (lltmoro nf tho College of I law nil, , Moraine worship nt fl o'clock. Ktenlng wotshlp n' 7-ni) o'docl,'. Clulstlnn EndotiMir nt C::!0 In tin) Parish House. "The iimiiilnp; nnd evening sermon will ho liy I)r C. .1. ltydcr of Now' Yotk City. Moinlng topic: "In tho School of n Blind iiinn " i:enlng topic: "An i:culng with llio Lenders of u ltace." This Is an account of the men who nro liolplni; solve the ncgiii problom fiom thq Inside, negroes who hmo won distinc tion fot son Ice Tho tliolr will slip; feeiiil negi-ii lolk songs. The ntor of these moil luilmlcs remllugs lit dialect fiom l'nul I.jwrenci Imnli.u, tho ncgiii n't. All me Invited. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Tito, luornlns servlco at tho Chris tian Cliurih Is a merger of ttio Illblo tchool nnd Iho tuiiriilng scnuon, open- lug nt 10 und closing iilinut 11. HO or 11:15. Tho Kovvahi mission school is held nt "MO III tho alteration nt llio mission houso on Kavvnlulino sticct. At 11.20 In lliiM.-ri'nlngHhVi.vonugtVoo-plo'fif 'tho thnrch hold tlidr sculco nt Ihu. chinch and the u cuing scr- liiOnlwUl IjoVelMOn nV 7:30. Vodtip ilay'oToiilnRMho iiilclivvfck nicetlng in bold regularly nt tho chinch. Ati)ouo will tl ml n cordial welcome nt any of thcho meetings, TJiu meeting houeo In qn Alnken ftfect, Just off King. Pci mint, dcslilng conferences with tho minister' cm find lilni' nt llio church from V1:?0 to 1:.10 on .Monday Wednesday and l'rldny of cacli week LATTER DAY SAINTS, (REORGAN. IZED). Church on King sttcct near Thomas Square 9 IS 11. 111, Sunday, School. ' in both Hawaiian niftl Cngllsh. Les son topic, "The Restoration 11 a 111, Morning worship Rnrnioo by Killer Waller with .linwnllnn In - teriirctor. fi i. 111.. Uin'st HoIIkIo I.ttcinry So- rlety. Icsfon BHuj). wllh - lect inimical nnd literary program 1. wii p. in., i.veniui; worHiiii. nK clnl music by tho ilinlr. Ilver.vhody Ib welronio nnd a Rcn ctnl Itivltntlon Is oNteinlod In nit In como and worship with us. ' TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quirrino Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box PARIS MEDICINE CO., l. Lout. 0 5.4 Tips On Getting Next to Live Business Chances V7SiT7li tia?. ' -f Mmtow, m-Jsm -&, v $5.50 lf4 The people who fore ahead art the ones that range their ear to tht sound of chances and act upon them. The Want 'Ads In this paper reflect the wants and opportunities of thousands. A dally watch upon them has meant 'dollars ot profit to scores. These little Want Ads are the logical workers to bunt (or an proposition for you. The cost Is never but a few Cents. Use them. You ate sure to learn something of money value If you Read and Answer Today's Want Ads. ABE MARTIN d?! Thcr's oiltinn' l' bo loo many folks that work Jist lone enounh t' git a suit o' clothes. Til' feller lint won't pay anything believe In treatin' ever'buddy alike. A. BLOM, Importer Fort St I I The LEADER CLOTHIERS Fort Street Near Beretanl MILTON & PARSONS have received ex Lurline 8TREET and DRESS HATS) also the latest In OSTRICH BANDS and TRIMMING. Hotel St, opp. Young Phone 3088 Mrs. S. F. Zeavc, Temporarily closed while away on buying trip. Open again in 'September. 68 Young Building ADVANCE SHOWING OF AUTUMNJ1ATS ' MISS POWLR'3. PARLORS S Boston Block ' SB MADEIRA EMBROIDERY ASSORTED RIBBONS EVENING GLOVE8 MISS WOODARDV V , .t Fort Strsst I. uicut 1027 Nuuanu Street HOLIDAY 8ALE BEGINNING JUNE 3 V.I the Hats at Reasonable Prices For GENERAL OFFICE STATION- ERY and FILING SYSTEMS,, call or , wrlt ,0 u ntl ' r'" )""" wants. . ., Mfrp SlinHlV fft I tli VMIt-t JUllljr VU,, LIU,, "Ml FORT STREET '" oirr Tin: "Campbell Kids" rriii Torn Kins ' A. B. ARLEICH &. CO., LTD. k Hotel 'Street 21 85 editorial rooms 2U50 liuslui'is uftlir. 1lici nre Hie tele Idinne iiinuliers of the II 11 1 1 nil 11. mmmmmKmmtm m lSJ