Newspaper Page Text
tf' -T EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1911. A m W i Masonic Temple A Weekly Calendar MONDAY! Honolulu l.iiilgc- Sliilril. TUtSDAY: WEDNESDAY! Hawaiian Lodge I'lrvl Degree. THURSDAY: Honolulu Cluiplir, I!. . .M. lirgnliir, .", p. in, FRIDAY: Oiinnlc l.iiilui' 'I'Mril He gi it. 8ATUnDAY! H:i rmoiij- CIiiiiit, No. I, I), i:. S. licgiilar. At) visiting larrabirn ol tas Onlur nre cordially Invited to attnnd montlng of locol loduM Meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month t K. T. Hall 7:30 P. M. MARINE ENGINEERS' 0 he a0. BENEFICIAL A?S0IATI0H. elation, cor. iially invited. AWAIIAN TRIBE, No. 1, 1. 0. E. H. Moeta (Terr first and third Thursdays- of each month at Knlghta of Pytulaa Hall. Vlnltlng brother eor lially Inrltrd to attend. W. J. ItOUINSON, Sachem. U V. TODD, U. of It. OK0IUIU I0DGE, 618. B. P. 0. 1. Honolulu Lodge No. 618, D. P. 0. Elks, meets Sn thoir hall, on King treet, near Fort, every Friday eve ning. Visiting Brother are cordially Invited to attend. n. i. it. isnxmina, e. n. uno, t. ki.ui:i:u sec. WM. HcKMLEY I0DQE. HO. 8, X. of P. ' ' i Metes every 2nd and 4th Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock In K. of P. Hal), cor. Fort and neretanla. Vlilt Ing brothers cordially Invited t" at tend. F. F. K1I.DKT, C. O. E. A. JACOUSON, K. It. B. OAHU LOpGC NO. 1, K. of P. "Meets every flr-t nnd third frlday at 7 3d o'clock, Pythian JIall. corner llcre tonlii nnd Fort streets. Vlsltlns broth- rs cordially Invited to attend., k. unc'iCEit, cc. o. 111:1x1:, ic of it. & s. HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. O E. Meets on second nnd fourth Wednes ilny evening of each month nt 7:30 o'clock, In Han Antunlo Hall, Vineyard street, nenr Ihnmn. Visiting brothers nro Invllul to ntl-lid. ni:o. a. ruvis, w. v. WSI C. M'COV. Secy. 1 !!!S 6 Varieties Of- Bread Baked Daily You can have your order changed daily ond La supplied with any of theso variolic from Love's Bakery PHONC 1431 1134 NUUANU ST. C. Q. Yee Hop & Co. MHAT MARKET AND IMPORTERS Telephone No. 3151 FOR SALE rivo-horscpowcr hoisting gas cnslnn In pirfect ordir Can ho soin ut my wnnhotiso nt foot of I'V HI, t007-lvv l.Qh.V l.riW. FOR SALE ALGAROBA BEAN MILLS And ONE SECOND-HAND STANDARD GASOLINE ENGINE. 16 H. P. 1494 EMMA 8TREET Talephon. 2435 21S5 I'dllorlitl rooms 225G , ofllcc. 'I'hcMi arc (lie (ilc jlilioun number of lite liullvllu. LOCAL AND GENERAL Get It, n nickel nt n time Aslt tho niiin on Aluken Koyu Nagano vuis grniited n dl vorco this iiKiriilni; fioni Alsu Nagano on the grounds of desertion. Judge V. .1. IloliltiKon this morning grunted Fusuno Yiniasiikl n dlvoiee from Kaiiiolnyn Yatiasakl on the gi omuls nf dcertlon. Snd.ilrhl Ota was successful In the pint for divot co ho brought against his wife, Stugo Oln, for deserting lilin, .ludi;o W. .1. lioliliiKOti graiitliig him Hie (leered IIiIh luoriiltiK. The iH'llllon nf thu KiiiiimiIiu Kanch Company for un Inlorlocutory niieal In tho Hiipretuu court In connection Willi the ruHu iiRnliiKt Ihn Kalieolie lllce Mill t'oiup.iuy Iiiih been duuled Mai Hi j (' Hnpulaul secured her ti mm I pjpi'rs In the dlvoiie cuiirt tliln inoriilUK in loiiiieillon with (he case idic hiouulit iiKnlusl William 1' Kit inilniii The giouuds nro thoso of non-support v Phillip F. I'renr hns lllcil a petition in the clr nil court for Morris ltsen Idedl to t-how eatiFO an Id why he should not comply with the older mnde out by the equity mint In ioii nortlon with the UBleeuielit between the pl.iliullT nnd icHpmidcut In connec tion with certain land ' TUNNEL 10 COST (Continued from Page 1) mated Hint ninety iier cent of, tho on tlio dlHlance of fifteen miles oVqr which the ditch U to run' will ro qiilm l be il(tvcn through, Tho main tunnel tliunmh tho ihlgo will belhreo mllea In length nnd proscntu tho chief constructional dllllrully. HenIdoH tho ordlnury dllllculty of running a tunnel tluough thu hill there mav ho nil sotta of other dim cnltloH eiopplnR up which nro at pre sent not known because, nolhtng of this soit has .nt been attempted. One of the main things they mny have to contend with Is that of water scop.tRo during tho time the tunnelling wotk Is being iciirrcd nut. It Is thought thnt dwlng'.t'o tho kious nnture1 of the lock 'thronch which tllev 'will linvo in go they may hae to keep a pump continually going or elso run the ditch on such a grndo thnt tho water will clear Itself. Tho tunnel will bo about ten feet wide and cither six or eight feet high nnd II Is tliohghl will bo constructed of cement. It Is also thought, Judging by what tunnels huo been ruu..ln tlio Islands,'' that there will not be any need for timbering ns tho character of tho country Is peculiar In that It does not, neod nnyv support when n tunnel Is" driven through.' ' Estimated Flow. Although tho matter of estimated How must ho only of n cry nppioii niato nature the present plans nrq for It to havo n minlijmm of l&,ooo,0i)0 gnllons er ilny. As u matter of fact It Is thought that It wilt novcr run ns low ns tills. A maximum of 100 000.000 Is to bo allowed for. while tho Mer.igo may be nliinit 30.000,000. Although this maximum mny seem to ho a loin; wuv ahead of all reunite incuts It Is to be'nlluwcd for to catch the Hood w liters, 'fills Is one of the main things that tlio ditcli Is belli; coustiucti'd. for nit at tho picsont time all that enormous volume of water goes to wnslo. Theiu mo many things thai ma) iitigmint tlio ordinary now' whlih e.iunot be ahcei tallied for vol lulu but the above Hgnics mo those that 'ate being estimated for at tho piesent time It Is uudeiHtooil. One of the main outside realities that may up- et tlio rnlculatlons mid which It will be impossible to ascertain until Hit tunnel Is through Is that of heepjgo. ll 1 ho munli'v lliiough which thu tun nel In to ho driven Is of ihiioiis lock ilien nil Hid water which bo,i1h Ihiough the g d will be e.iuglil hv the tunnel and thus It will uugiiieiit the (low. This will fuilher bo added In light along tlio wliolo llflecii miles of Hie illteli at. tlinio will be tunnels nt only tliort distances npnit. Tho wliolo pin- Jcet Is looked on ns iiillo feaslliloiind operalloits ate to stall as soon as the engineers nro Ihinugh with their lev polt. t'.ul Woillien It Is. understood Is to stay down hero nnd stand by the job. In Time of Wtr. One of the uses of tlio tunnel, II hns been pointed out, may bo scon In tlnio ol any wnr trouble heie. With tho tunnel ten feet wldo nnd bIx or eight feet high i mining right through the hill It would bo posslblo lo tram for tioops ft diii ono side to (ho oth er without any tioublo or chauro of cxposuro to (lie enemy., This of cotirso Is only ipilto on tho side. MRS. K. II. u:VIS, wlfo of a pro minent huslnesB innii of Honolulu, is In Stockton visiting .Mr. and Mrs. B. It. llaslam of 1814 South Ban Joaquin B'reet. Mrs. Lewis lecently won a trip tn California oiTeied as a prlzo in a Biibscilptlon content conducted by Iho I'.venlng llullotlii, ono or tho enter prising papers of Honolulu, nnd through additional piomltims gained In tho contest, Is enabled to visit Deliver. Stockton Kvcnlng Record. Weekly II u Hot In !. per year. Furniture and City Transfer Co., - J AS. H. LOVE hippih nUNBQAT PRINCETON MAY PICK UP WRECKED PURITAN MEN BARK WAS EN ROUTE TO HONOLULU WHEN LEAK DIS ABLED SHIP. TEN MEN AND ONE BOAT MISSING. MAUNA KEA IN PORT. LUMBER LADEN REPEAT IS HERE FROM GRAYS HARBOR. MATS0N STEAMERS MONDAY. The I'nltod Slates gunboat Prince ton having taken on about two hun dred Inns coal nnd got away for Pago Pagif, Samoa and other South sea Isl and V"l"ts, may be Iho menus ot bringing ten, men huloliglug to Hie wrecked bnrli I'lliiltm, luck to civi lization. Taking to nil open bont on the .morning of Juno "7th, ten seamen nftcr bravely manning the pumps In tho distressed American bark laden with lfi95t !j)im Atistnillan coal, lln nlly' abandoned tho ship. Finding that a savago sea wns raging Cnplaln Cliaptmin, master of the, or dered two boals stoioil with provi sions, nnd wntcr. Tlio ship's company took to the sea and at the time were about eight bundled miles from Ta hiti. Ono boat with Captain Chapman, Second Mate Collins ami ten men ar rived nt Tahiti on July J 1 tit. In thu darkness and stoini, three nights lat er, tho boats became separated, and one, contalnng tho mato nnd nine men, has not slncp been fioard of. It fls ibolleved she ,h:is fouudeied, and that all the men hiuo been drowned. Howator, thcie Is still held out n faint ray of impo for tho salvation of tho men. Tho oillcers In 'the Oiina-dlau-Australlan liner Mnrama wero ordered to maintain a eloso watch for tho boat or oven any trnco of wreck age. Tho nrrlvnl of tho llrltlsh vessel at ,tho port, was, eagerly awn I led by tho oillcers In 'the Princeton 'and In de parting for the South seas this morn ing they declared that incniiry will bo made at the several Islands touch ed at on tho way southwaiilr Just prior to tho ilcp.ti Into .of tho Mnrama fiom Sydney, tlioio;-nrrlvcd by the llttlo steamer Tuluiie a party -of survivors who had spent four teen days In on open boat. Captain Chapman who l cached San Fruiiclsco some weeks ngo ns a pas ronger In tho Mariposa from Tahiti related his story of huidshlp and dis tress. The boat which contain Cap tain Chapman, Second Matr Colllnn and ten men nrrlved nt Tahiti on July lilli. Collins, tho second innlo, Is a Syd ney man. In an Interview he said that soon alter leaving Newcastlo the Puiltnu encountered a succession or gales. On the inoiiilug or Juno 20 II was discovered Hint (hero wjVo Hi In. of water In tho well, Tho hniiil pumps weio got lo woik, mid loduced lite water slightly. For three days the pumping wns continued nnd the water wns pieveuted from ilslng. Then Iho gulo Increased In violence. ,imd the water .gained. II becanut fllfilruli to hamllo tho pumps, tho lie. ivy sens lieiiuenlly washing Iho men away flout llielr places The donkey enulno -was rigged, and the pumps roped with Iho billow itulll an mvldonl nccunud to Iho inn eliluciy. Thu water then galneil mp Idly, and when tho nlglil iirv.Iuno 27 wus icached they futiud themselves with tho hand-pump only workable mid all hopo of saving Iho vessel gone. Tho captain assembled Iho crow nnd provisioned two boats, and thoy left tho ship mid sot out for Tahiti. Tho night was pitch dark, and thu lint quo wns then nearly gone. Tho boats io malued together for Ihreo days, but on tho third night thoy bec.imo sep uratcd, mid tho initio's bo it disap peared. Tho weather Improved, and all went well with tho captain's boat for two or three days when It wim discovered tlint water and previsions wero slioil. Th tiro twolvo gallons of wale left for lwolo men to seivo for mi Indefinite period, Tho tillownnco was W. C, Peacock & Co., Lid. Tel. 1704 Wines and Liquors ' Tel. 1704 Family Trade a Specialty ( Mont Rouge Wines Sole Agents Mumm's Champagne ( Schlitz Beer . w iT "Vi ' Piano Movers -' Phone 1281 nt once reduced to n sixth of n pint of water mid two biscuits dally for each man. On this fare tho boat's cievv cIfIci1 for eleven days, when they reached Aim Island nnd ou'ectc I a landing. After they hud rested mill had replenished their stores with cocoanutB nnd water, lliore.'tptnln pin- posed Hint the should proceed Jo Tahiti. Soveial of Iho oiew preferr ed tho safely of Ana Island, lint the captain, tho second male, a seaman ami tlio cook took lo Iho sen. Their boat stove In ,:i plank on n coral reef , when putting out fioni Iho Island, hut I nfter constant balling and lowing fm 11 da.vs. they landed nt Pacctc. The Puritan was it Htoc'l fnur-mnst-od lijniue of 2.VS:: Ions, was built by J. Held nnd Co. at (Ihisgovv in 1899, and was owned by S. W. Chapman, of Now York. She wns 301 TL long, 43.1 ft. In lieam nnd -1.2 ft. deep. Waller Drown, cook of tho Puil tnu, considers It piobable that the missing boat will turn up safely. Thev have, he tliluko, taken lefugo on ono of the Islands hi Hie neigliboihood. .The mate was an exiorlonced nnvl gator, and tho boat was uuslnkable. nnd well provisioned. Tlio weather wns moderately lino, with no heavy teas to ctuiso u mlsliup. Bark Wlnkleman Sailed for the Coast. The hiuk Mhry Wliiklemau sailed from Illln for San Francisco on l.ikt Wednesdny after having discharged a ipiautlty of lumber nt tho Ilnwntl liort. Tho A. F. Coats, whlcli Is ills ehaiplng nttho Rnllroml wharf, has completed work, on .her deck load mnMlig.'unusu jlfy, good ?tline. ArconUiig' tp'rcliort .fio'in 'Purser Phillips of Iho steamer .Manna Kp.i which arrived fiom- Jllln this nioiii- Ing; llievAniorlcnn-llaviillan freighter Mexican with ;i' largo quantity of sug ar departed for Sallna Cruz on Fri day evening. Tho Inter-Island steam er hi ought a small genernl cargo In cluding tho regulation "empties" such as beer kegs ami boltles. A shipment of 10 colds wood. f,8 sacks beans, ti0 bales hides, 1300 feet nallvo lumber and 237 p.iekuges siindiles weio 10 eel veil. A largo list of cabin and deck pan sengers unHoil In Iho vessel. W Wllhelmlna Will Not Lay Up. The Malon Navigation steamer Wllhelmlna In not to be laid up for ono i nnd dip nt Snn Francisco ns llrst announced. It has been found that Iho nccess'.iry repairs and overhauling Such ns lep.ilutliii; and minor work on inaehliiPiy can be done ut Hie coast port without the liner missing u tdnglu hip or even causing any ills- urrangcnient In tho existing sched ules. The vessel Is duo to arrive fiom San Francisco on September nth mill will deinirt for Iho coast on Sep tember 13lh. Miscourian Here on Tuesday. (leiteral Freight Agent Moiso or tho American-Hawaiian lino oxpoehi tho freighter Mlssourhiu with general car go fiom Iho Fast coast of tho Dulled States In urilvo hero on or iibout noxl Tuesday morning. .Tito Mlssoiiiliin sailed from Sallna Cruz with cargo which left Now York on Juno 2llh In Iho Callfoinlau and nlso on July 1r.t In the AnierlcauT Tlio Mlssouilan called at Sin Finnrlsco and Pugol Sound ports for additional freight and I'uppllcs for tho Hawaiian Islands. Ookala Harvest About 'Over. Tho sugar season ut Ooknla Mill Is said will be' over with Iho eloso of another week. Tho mill at that plnco Is predicted will 'Close down within n slioit lime. Tho steamer I.lkellko an arilvnl at tho port this morning biought 2712 sacks sugar ami 10 hnises and t, head culllo fiom Mill nt konn and Kuvvnthtic. Owlhg to nil nctltlent to the who lantllng.thu ves sel was liicvoittod In taking nioie iir the iOOO sacks sugar nwnlllng sltl incut at Ooknln, Reading Matter for Princeton Boys. Heading matter for tho sailor lads i.n (ho Pi Incciuri In the form, or hun dreds of Iiiugu7iiic4 weio. generously supplied through (ihe- offoris of 'Hid local Sctimoii'it InslUtilojj'liIsi branclt of the vvorf'bolilg umlvr tho dtrectlod of Hairy Tinner, ' 4 ' I'lom eveiy liaml hOarlfeltWjiprcH slons of iippieclulloii vvtyoklvoil for the Kindness illiiiln'ri(i bi'jljjo.j'loo.iy' people tiiwuids (bo Pi Inceloii tni'ii dill- lug tltolr stny nt tho port, Tho Se.i men's Institute appeals til tho rending public or Honolulu for uiiy tniil nil literature that they may havo which might prove available Tor sonfnilng men. it is staled lluil tlio institute will gladly send a representative for liny biicIi books or magazine If woul is left at hondnuuitcis. Hilonlan to Arrive Monday Evening. Cactle and Cooko have iitpIvii1 later messages Irom Iho Mntson Na vigation steamer llllonlmi lo tho ef fect (hat thu vessel will bo an aril vnl at this port on or nbntit 'five o'clock Monday evunlng. The' llllo nlan In lugs general caigo supplied ut Sim Francisco nnd Pugol Hound Kirls. It Is tlio presold Ititeiithln to dispatch tho vessel for Seattle ou Tuesday evening, the voi'Eel lo call at Kahuliil Kannaiinlt and Poll Allen whore IT.tiil Ions piigar will be loaded. Tho Hilo nlan may lul.o on a limited shipment of plueapiifcs nt Honolulu but, tlieie will be lilllo or no tugnr from this port. ,' . ra I Ships That Pans In 'the NlghL . The Norwegian height -steamer njoin-IIJoiuson fioni Puget Sound vvllb u large slilpnient of luinlier dim tilled for Melbourne and Aiistinllnn iMiits Is believed to havo passed with In signalling dlstunco of Honolulu on Tliuisdiiy evening en inula lo Iho southward. A largo steamer displaying no sig nals wiik sighted by the lookout sta tioned at Diamond Head. That iho freighter was the lljnrn-lljornson Is bom out by tho report Hint the hump steamer sailed from Pugot Sound on "August fitli. The steiun- er Is credited with l"A net tons, Sparktifrom the Wireless. M. rf. K.'S.' Hilonlan, cii jnuto Seat tle to Honolulu, 8 p. m. 730 nillos on"; duo vveiilhor. T. K. K.'b. ,8. TenjolMani, eu route Sau-Franilsco fioni lloiioluln, S p. in. 31 miles out; strong northeast wind; sea moderate. T. K. K. s. 3. Chlyo Mam, en route Honolulu to Yokohama, 8 p. ni. 1.100 miles out; lino weather; sea smooth C.-A. H. S. Marnuia, cu tiuilu Vim- couver fiom Honolulu, 8 p. ni. l.osu miles out; light breezes; sen smooth fine, clear weather. Perila Three Days Late. The Pacific Mall liner Persia sailed three days lalofrnm Yokohuma and H. Hnckreld ami Company, herngeuts do not expect Iho vessel to attlveitt Honolulu much licforo Sunihiy. Aug. 27th. The Persia lert tho JniwiieHB ports well llllcd wllh passengers mid freight, Tltero mo threo bundled tons Oilenlal meichandlpo for dlseh.iigont Honolulu. It Is the Intention to glvo Hie l'uisla a quick dispatch, Tlio ves sel will go lo tho Alakea whaif. Chancelor a Big Oil Tanker. Tho J. A. Chiimclor which hns sail ed from San Fianclsco wllh destlnn Hon ns Island ports Is ono of tho largest oil tniikcis In Iho Associated Oil Company fleet. This vessel wns launched In .Maich or last year an 1 slnco Hint time has been trading (long tho coast. The Chancolor Is fitted wllh a flue wireless ( qiilpuieut uml has a liet tonnage or 3121. The vesbel Is listed as "A" No. 1 In l.loyds, Ml Plenty Sugar at Makaweli. There et lomulns a largo quantity or sugar nt Makawell plantation ware houses according to reports which huvo reached tho olllco of tho Inter- Island Steam Navigation CnmpHiiv Kauai hiigar awaiting slilpnient In clude: K. S, M. 3700, M. A. IC. Ill, Ml fl. & It. Mill. Mcll. ir,,IIC, IC. K. P nr,o, p. i. ii,r,02, m, s. Co. noort, k S. Co. 3:,00, 1,, P. 14,733. Tho Inlor-Islniid stennier Wullcln Is discnnrgeii or a shipment or iiinq sacks sug-ir. Tho vessel Is an arri val from Kitwalhtto mid also burnetii n slilpnient or 73 head cattle. Tho Wullelo Is to bo dispatched soon for Hawaii ports or cull. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. i Every copy of the E v e n- ing Bulletin served on the city carriers' routes should reach the subicriber by 5 :30 p. m. Subscribers who fail to receive the paper by this time will confer a favor upon the Bulletin circulation department by telephoning complaints to 2250. A special messenger will deliver the . Bulletin after this hour when name and address of subscriber arc given. ? s j. !. j $ s ;, $ tf ,f 5 j, j, Fit for an You ol more than g onil Hnvana' tobacco In" Von 'Dyek "Quality Clpars." - ' You net Hie choicest lenvea ot Cuba's finest crops, and only the choicest) - tobacco thnt Is selected for its rare perfection in flavor, its exquisite frngrance. Roynlty command no better, ' ' VAN DYCK "Quality" -Cigars Not if you were 'to pay $1.00 apiece, could you get a cigar that afforded greatsr luxury, more thorough onjoyment, more en during satisfaction. Yet you will pay half for these cigars what yoil would for equal quality In the imported. The difference lies in the duty 27 Different Shapes M. a! GUN8T cVCO. "The -jr- ,IN FOREIGN PORT8. Hi' Saturday, Aug. 19. YOKOHAMA Soiled, Aug. IS! 8. S. Peisln, for Honolulu (3 days laic will arrive about Sunday, Aug. 27). 1111.(1 Sailed, Aug. 10: Sehr. M. Wliikleuinn, for Ktireka. MUlCIIrilO Sailed, Aug. 18: Schr. Hubert Seniles, lor Honolulu. C.AYIOTA Sailed, Aug. 19: S. S. J. A Chaucclor, for Honolulu, SAN KHANCISCO Ai rived, Aug. 19: S. S. Hyades, fiom Polt Allen. Wireless: S. S. HUonlnii, will arrive from Seat tlc, Monday. Memoranda: Nor- fitfur. tljurn Iljoinson, passed hv; Paget Soiliiil to Melbourne, Apg 17, nl night. S. H. I.urllno will nrtlvo noxt Wed nesday morning fiom San Fran cisco. BURGLARS KEEP SHERIFF BUSY Maui Official Still on Hunt News Notes From the Valley Isle. (SkcJ.iI llllllllln I'oriospr.lldcnre.) WAIl.t'Kl'. Auk. IS Thu Kliuhulu plantation olllee uuriiliilM lire still ut Urge, iillboiigh scmimI KoreiuiH have hi isi ancMcd under siiHpletoii mid were illHih.irKed. Hhi riff Clciiienl Crow ill Is lllll.tliilo working out the eiin's. D.p illy l.'ouutv Attorney Duos Vincent goes owrlicre this luoiulng, us the shiillf bus Ills eye now on tlio guilty pailles I lo 'believes lie will laliil them III Will liiku J.ill nevt vveik. This Is probably the llrst time In lliu iiliuliiul history of this eoiinly where Iho sheriff goes lo mi oiilsldo dlstiiit and stiijs by Ills work for nearly Ibreii vveiks. C. A. C. to Play. Tin- I'lilmiiu Athletic Chili of Hono lulu will pl.ty iiKiilnsl All-Aliiul lit Hie K.ibulul baseball grounds lomorruvv lift- riiooii. Tho slum tenuis will play ut tho s.-inio plan, on Miiiiil.iy iifteruooii Next Tucsdaj nft riiixm thu I'. A. t'n will meet tin, Ijihalnu lenin ut the a hnhia li.iselrill park. Much Interest In Lands. TJiu drawings of boinestead lamls III Klhel and Kiila dislrhts wile well ill teudid, a lingo number ut iuiIIvch be ing present at tho YVnlliiku uiilltlioiise last U'ediiesdny when the driiwlngs wire held. Sulsllstrlit Agent W. O. Alkin, iiHHlsted by F. I lardy, wnit kept busy mil II Into Hint iirtiinoou. uliru tho last iippllcaiit lind Ills lot seleclid. Tim Kllii-I lauds were nlited lit iiliout $40 nn lido, the tweiity-lbieu lots ranging between twenty uml tidily ncres npleco. Mint of Iho lots nro now covued Willi iilgaiolia wood, mid that's tho hli-r Inducement which niinlo tho natives mid others apply for tho limits. The t'nimvcll Dslate, however. Is thu present Miese lauds, uml Its leaso will not evplro for another six pioiiths, nud by that Hum most of the treis anything above two or throu feet will bo idled lileh on Klhel beuvli for shipment wherever a market Is found for them. The natives will then prob ably ImVo to milt for six yiars or morn before the trees will be or marketnblo size, and hi the tneniitlinii most of the applicants will bo compelled to glvo up their lenses to tho government unless iilgaiolia trees spring up lil.u mush rooms us the only salvation of there liomestenderH. Tim sandy soil of Kl hel fiom Knlcpolepo to Kiilunulhnknko nnd bevnnd nro well ud'iptod for grow ing nlgarohn nnd coio.mut trees, but their growth can not ,o forced by nny means. "For Sale" cards at Biillotln... Emperor . . t which we save by making our cigars in Tampa, Florida. In all other respects, they're tho same as the Imported. We even employ Cuban experts in the making. And there's a. Van Dyek' Qual ity Cigar for every taste from tho thin, mild paneteln to the fat, full-flavored perfecto. 3-for-25o and Uuward House of Staples" Distributors i I ' v. ARRIVED j , ' '- Friday, Aug, 18. I Vancouver mid VlclhilujrSiiiliiiiilla, C.-A. S. 8 1 12:30 p. in. Saturday, Aug. 19. Illlo via way Kits .Manna Ken, Mmr., u. in. Hawaii ikiiIb I.lkellko, slim1., a. in. (lraH Haibor Itepeat, Am. nchr., n. m. Hawaii ports Nlllinu, stiur., a. in. DEPARTED Jl Friday, Aug. 18. Australian p'lils via Suva Zealan ilia. C.-A. S. S, 3:30 p. in. San Francisco Tenyo Maru, Jap. stifir.', ! i. in. 'Maul and llawull,; ports Cla inline, lOOIIj, ,, O. fll. . . ' l I'hviuil Kirtt4V. a. Hall,ftinr., 5 ii in. - ill P. ni , ).; Snturdavi Aug. ,19. , IMgo. Pugo'LtPrliicetonJ II. S. hij 'i?l iVhi nt . S., a PA3SENGER3 ARRIVF.D I Per stiur. Manna Ken. front Illlo via way imrlR. Aug. 19. Miss 8. Hub erts, Mrs. 1. August, Miss M. it. Davis, 0. W. Kent mid lfo,prof. F. II. Smith, P. 11. t.angihin. Miss It. 11. Kller, Mrs. I.lpplucott und son. Miss I.lplilticott, Mrs. A. Nelsen, Mrs. II. S I Ian Is, .1. S. de Vloirn, 11. C. Mead, W. W Hauling, A. S. Prescott, 11. O. Ticdemnn, J. O. Vlcrrn, .Mrs. C. K. Ni chols, Mrs, S. Johnson and sou. A, Ileibeit, A. (Initio)'. J A. Scott, J. l.eul, M. Nakniuoto, S. Illlndao, F. Arakawa, S. Ilussey, T Oshulo, II. A. Peteisen, 1). II. Hitchcock, wire nnd 2'T, sons, Mis, C. I.ambeit and 4 children. Mis. llr.ldley ami child, F. Meyers, Misses Meyers (2) nnd maid. Miss II. ' Watson, S. K. Mookinl und wITo, H. (1. Hods, wife mid I children, II. Nli liiilelun, wlfo and child, .1. V. Mar clel, .1. 1'. Woods nud wife, 1). ,. Wlthlngtoii, It. It. Dlgin nud wire, Miss It. Hell, Miss M. O'Sulllvuii, Mrs, 1,. Ileen, Miss Okamoto, Master T. Keains, Jus. Parker, P. W. Mllver ton, a, I). Hell, Master Pullrdy, J. I). Cosho, Adj. Lewis, A. W. Keech, Mis. J. C. Senile and 3 children, Allss Kiimakawloole, .Mis. See Moo and 2 children, Master 1), Snpulos, Mm. W. Weir and daughter, Miss Sehraeder, Mts. .1, II. Itiiyinoud uml 2 servants Master lt:i)iu 1, Mastor llalstead, Miss M. Cation, A. Itiunsey, H. K. Olds and wife, 11. F. Vli'liqrH, Tain Yen. F. F. Ihlilwlii and wife, A. Fer li.iude nud son, clmng Ylng, Alls. IC. Nap.ila, Mrs. O. Takiikiiwa J. llap llslo nud wire, T. Osakl, Hov. Y. Ya mau.ika, Miss I, Sllva. PASSENGERS DEPARTED. Per Mmr. CI. online r. ll.n.-ill ,.i Muul polls, Aug. 18. Airs. K. Alud den. .1. A. Medelros, Mrs. Aledelios, It. Webor, llolen t'orreu, Aiiulo Cor len. Father Slevcn, II. AI. (Illtel. Minn A. IC. (lay. Ahs. Anderson, J. II. Jones, 1. Tohilner, II. 11, Pciihullovv, Mis. I'enliallovv, 1). Hosenfold, Jon Sllva. J. Carvalho. J. Vincent. l'or slmr. W. (1. Hull, for Kuuul IHUts, Aug. 18. Miss K. ICdwards, Mis, J. Nuhummllo, Airs. 8. Yautigu fill. Airs, lllsliep, Dr. Dethy, R. I.nn-. ger (I. N, Wilcox. v PASSENGERS BOOKED. 1 Per stmr. AIniuia Ken, for Illlo via way pints, Aug 22. C. S, Ilolloway, (. A. Doll. Airs. Hell, Prof. W. T. lllnglium. F. W. Damon. Airs. Damop, Mastor Damon. I,, von Tompsky, Miss N. Wallace, Air. ami Alls. A. 1iwls, II. II. alrrord. .Mrs. (llirord, AI. AI. tlrnhnm. Miss Doyo, H. W. Diirden, Mrs. IliirdeA, J. Alonsnrrat. Per stmr. Klniiii, lor Kuuul imrts, Aug. 22. Airs. C. II. Cooke and 3 children, 1). l,ons Airs. Lyons, Airs. K. Illschop, W. A. Lime, Mrs. Uine, IC. A. Knudsen, .Mrs. Kuudson, Allsa P. Stowait. lllank "books of all sorts, ledgers. etc., manufactured by tho Uullotln I'ubllsuluc Company, r4 !' ':l