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Newspaper Page Text
V . EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1011. I 4 r k" .r. K -It mirw& wwaftf ' i - WNKAND BOOBTHE IMPULSIVE GINK FALLS INTO AVERY NAYURAL gRftOR W'ww'yyfe TO GET JOKES IheTmdo -Ill-tilth Officer I'ratl attributes lliu Midden Increase In mo'viuitncs throughout tlio (own In t lie clinngo Iti (ho personnel of I lie liis"icr tlon stair. Heicrdl of llio old mos fiiiln inspectors wolo piomotcd to lliu position of sanitary Inspcelors and as P I'OllMMlUPIiru lliu woik has befcn left In tlio hnmln of now men These nro now getting accustomed ti their woik, however unit ho expects that the town Mill lie cleaner uguln with In t tic next week. Ho docs nut hellovc that tlio mat ter nf (Uninfecting tlio Mnnn.tstrcnniB has any thlttg In ilo with tlio provn Icneo of tlio little iphIb an tlio nnlv thing that was placed In tlio water was come iH'rnnngcnnlo nf pil.-isli and this was tn color II so that co plo would not drink mil of It. Tlio quantity put In was so small that It would not kill tlio Ilo has located ijonia of llio worst spolH for breeding up in tho valley ntid has taken stops to put an end to tho trnu hie. In most of tho Millcys ho has round had spots and has been that they wcro fixed up. LOCAL AND ' GENERAL Now Onlatcan 20o n yard at Whitney Marsh. (,'arl llaasritter nsks for n dhoreo from his wife, I.ydlu Ilaasrlttor, on tho grounds that sho has committed a statutory crime. Returning from a several week's hojouni with friends In Vancouver, h. C Miss Cnilotta Mover, genornl soci clary of llio Yotlng Women's Christian Association, aril veil on tho steamship Zcnlnndln eslonlay lim ing her vacation Miss Mnjer visited a numlicr of (liltlsh Columbia nsso (diitlons. Shu will lie In her nfllcu as Usual tomorrow. ? We I . .ti?sjjsss.s r sestyhitf533ej'""-. KEEPING UNDER THE MOSQUITOES Are Here, to Do Your Printing We Have a Lartfe Assortment of Type Ready to Serve You WE PRINT What You Want, The Way You Want It And When You Want It BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. PERPETRATED BY WALTAAPPOUGALL : 5AMPLE-TAKEN FROM COLD STORAGE -THIS. Why does a Chicken cross the Rood ? C Dont Shoot!) IN FRONT OF Afcl AUTOMOBILE . Renovated. Aerdted. Kiln-firlrrj nt Short Notice : Address The LOCAL AND GENERAL Nqw Dutch collars In Irish cioclict liml laws at Whitney & Marsh. I'll t your feet Into a pair of Itcgals otico and you will wear Moguls always tnciciuiur. itegnis ., t.u, si nun fit. Non-support and desertion wcto tho grounds on whlell Klilktclm (w) se cured her dlnircu from Nakalo (k). Desertion Is lliu' cause for which Kim I Yoshlkuvi Is asking for n di vorce fiimi Sukolehi Yoshlkawii of Haiku, Maul. Judge Wllllafi L Whitney returned this morning Xroiu his short vacation to tho other sldu nf the Island and dealt with soiuo uf tho cases In the Juvciillo court. Thero worn ipilto a numher of di vorce cases filed In llio circuit couit esterday. .ludgo W. J. Ituhlusou grunted sonic and others nro to conic up for healing. N. Kua. allegclng, that her luiHliand, Joseph Kua, Is addicted to thn uso of Intoxicating Illinois and has also left her to look after herself for tho necessities of life, Is asking for u di vorce. Thero will ho u meeting of tho II (itor ho.ud on August "." nt font o'clock. Tho matter of tlio license for u saloon which was lefused hefoic from tho Wailuku district will ho brought up, Tho llniil account in tho estate nf tho Into William lliedo was filed In tho circuit court this morning by tho Henry Watcihouso Trust Company, Limited. Tho receipts show $L'r,78.73 and thn expenditures $SG2.C'J. Tho suit In connection with tho right nf Mis. Mary lleatrlco lleckley Campbell to tho property which Is to conio to her when sho attains her ma jority has been sent tn tho supremo court on n reserved question of law. Tho 'attorneys In tho friendly suit which Is being briiuglit liavn admitted two points, namely that sho Is sixteen and that sho Is legally married. On this point, before tho supremo court, depends whether nr not tho trustees will hand over about $123,000 In cash now ur wait until sho nttaitis her ma jority. ALAKEA STREET (Nowmhowrdbout it ?) rtnr llrvklatcr-c J fa- Outlet TERMS CASH . TENDERS FOR JUDICIARY OCT. 1 ijupcrlntendent uf I'ubllc Works Mat slim Campbell cxpcctH that thn tenders for tho alterations tn tho .lii'llclai' building will bo In by Octo ber 1. Tho dual plans should be out car le next week tho l.ibt llttlo details having been fixed up during' this uonk. When llm ImlMInt- In flnhJinit II will be absolutely llio proof through out. MATTERS COMING BEFORE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE 'I heio will by it Inciting of the Hoard f Agriculture and roiestiy on Monday iftirnoon In llm Senate chnmbir. Tho ui'itter of whether or not tho herbarium Is In go ncreiss to the College of lln wiill und Mr Unci; In continue his work there will bo discussed. All application has also been mado tor n shipment nf tarn tn tie allowed tn vo across to Hawaii, but under what Is Known ns Itnle !l nf tho board's laws this can not bellone. Tho matter will l) taken up, however, mid iIImhinmciI, i, PERSONALITIES ATTOUNKY (lKNBRAI AI.KXAN- !)i:it LINDHAY, Jit., lian returned from his vacation. MISS KMlliY WAKIIINKIt nf Ilel llrigham, Washlnglou, arrived on tho cnlanilla tn accept n isislthm with thu II u I lot In. MISS ANNA ATKINSON wns not one uf the principals In tho Wilhol mlna hula Incident that figured In luoiu or less pioinincnro in tho Han rrauqlseo papeis. Thoro woio elovcn In tho steamer parly niul Miss Atkin son was iino nf tlio spcetittors with n minibor of cither passengers. Mil. AND MH8. JAMK8 UUSSKLL wcro passcngcis arriving on tho steamship .cnlanilla yesterday. They weio In Loudon during tho corona tion. Define sailing for Honolulu Mis Itusscll iindciwcut an operation In Vancouver, II. C, and although still voiy weak, stood tlio trip with lo mail. able fmtltudo. I.lly I.ycctt was, granted a dlvnrcn Irnm W. II Lyrott on tho grounds of linn-support. Sho has been allowed to resitmo lfcr maiden niinio of I.lly Christina. In tlio caso nt Charles Sorrcnson against Hoslo Sorrcnson papers have been sunt tn San Francisco. Tho complaint states that tho wlfo was sent to thu coast for n holiday, hut It fins sluco been found that sho has entered it house of III fnhio thoro. I lurry S. Lnhills has filed a domur ler In tho caso against him by tho I.anat Hunch Company on connection with n shipment of brood mates. Ho alleges that tho company took dellv ot y of them In San Francisco nnd paid for them there und that therefoio ho Is not leiipunxlhlo for them. FOR HEARING Business Interests Will Dis cuss Regulations of New Commission. CliiinlderatlAn of thn proponhl rulH and regulations dratted by the harbor cnniiulsslon will lie given by the bus iness Intel csts nf Hie city at a meeting lo bn held In tho Clumber of Com merce renins next Momlny afternoon nt !1 n'llnck, Tho meeting Is a Joint onq of the Cbntiiber of Commerce und Mer chants' Association The rules and rpgulntlniih ns draft ed by the committee of llio vvboln of (ho Hoard nf Harbor I'otnmlssloiirrs, governing the length nf lime freight may remain on the government wharves before tnnunonccuient of load ing of a vessel it m after It It ills charged from n vessel, demurrage charges, etc., me as follows. 1'orclgu freight limy remain on the Wharf forty-eight (IS) hours after it genernl order Issued by thu Custom House. Domettlc frolqlit. Including Inter-Is land, must be removed from n wharf within threo (3) dus aftir tho vessel has Unbilled discharging such freluht On all outgoing frelqhl threo days' free storage will be allowed prior tn tho commencement of loading of u vessel. All gasoline, kerosene, distillate, ben zino and all other products of pclro leum, paint, paint oils and turpentine must be leinnved from tho wharf by U o'clock of tho day nf their being dis charged. Any nf Hie nhovo-ineutloued articles remaining on the wharf after that time must be taken back aboard the vessel from It vv'as dis charged. Hay niUKt bo removed from the wharf within twenty-four (SI) hours after being discharged It out n vessel. Demurrage will be t barged at the into of twenty-live (:.,) cents u ton per day. Twenly-fnur (St) hours shall ronstl tuto a day, commencing nt 12 o'clock luldnlKht, liml parts thereof shall bo charged us a full day. Hxlrnit fiom it letter from Murstnii C.ttitphcll, chairman, harbor copi- "Any suggestions or criticisms which Sou 'limy linvn to offer In regard tn these proposed rules ipust he In thn hands nf tho board prior to Wcelncs dny,,Atigust 23. lit which time the com inltteo has rcm)lvcd to adopt rules. which, upon iidortlnn by tho board. will become, law." j Mcniliern nf tho Improvement club recently formed among tho Nuiiunu residents aro planning tn attend tho meeting of tho Hoard of Supervisors next Monday night, and their wants und wishes will bo voiced In no un certain manner. Link McCandless Is ono of tho men who will speak "right nut In meeting" unless the nu pervlsnrs show signs of4 recognizing what tho Nuiianu people think nro thn pressing needs of that section of tho community. Tho completion of llio N'uuanu road, without walling for tho bell road commission tn tako tho Improb able action nf dnlng this vvnrk Itself, is nno of tho things tho Nuuanu peo ple will urgo upon tho supervisors at mi early date. It Is regarded as very unlikely that the territorial com mission will agree to do this work, nnd tho Nuuanu people want the su pervisors tn ngico definitely to un dertake It. , COMMITTEE REJECTS ALL POSTER DESIGNS Tvvrtvo posli r designs, submitted for llm 1912 Floral Parade, worn all re jected by tho Promotion Committee yesterday iifttrnoon, after they had been previously rejected by tho spo clal committee headed by D. V. It. Iscnbcrg nnd iiamid by him. Thotlmo for deciding on tlio poMirs was ex tended tn September 1, nnd tlio mm inltteo hopes tn l.nvo further tenders. Tho designs shown yestirdny vviro al most uniformly bad, and not mm In llio lot Is regarded us better than inedl- jucro by tho critics. Tho MttUnn Navigation slc.iiucr l.urllno from San Kiunclsco Is not duo to nrrlvo at llio jsirt until Wed nesday, and wltelcss rupuitu which huvo been given publication announc ing tho arrival of tho vessel on Mon day apply to tho steamor Illlonlan now on tho way down frpm Seattlo. Tho Lurllno Is to dock nt Hnekfcld whatf. Thus far no wireless lues sages huvo boon received from Hit l.urllno at tho olllce of' Cnstto und Cooko srsss9 5 New Lingerie Dresses SACHS' in mi in t rm 'io mimiw ruLio : kB&Mmx If iWM J if : m A Very Remarkable Sale THIS IS It Is a rare chanco for most desirable bargains. (The following will command your interest! The Ileigstrom Music Company offers rare values In used I'lauos. y have a large stock nf Pianos taken In exchange for new Instruments, as well as I'lanns that havo been rented. All uf theso Pianos hilTQ been placed 111 perfect condition, und aro strongly recnmmeiided. Wo iniict movo them before September In make room for our new Fall shipment. ' We have a few Second-band PIANOLAS, In Black, Oak and Mahogany Cases. Prices from Vo.00 up. We are In a position to make nood terms on these instruments if desired. This sale started Monday morn. Ing, August 14, at 9 o'clock. Don't forget the time and place. Come in and look them over. Sold- Sold-Sold- BERGSTROM MUSIC CO., LTD., 1020-1022 Fori Street, Honolulu Benjamin's Clothes The Best There Is What, More Do You Want Than Superior Styles Superior Materials Superior Workmanship " Benjamin Clothes" possess these essential points. VVc handle this famous make because we know it is the best. Clothing with a re putation, and sold under a guar antee, is the safest kind to buy. A REAL PIANO OPPORTUNITY KROEGER Walnut Caso DQOC fC Extra vatu J)oZD.UU FISCHER Walnut Case CQfifs f( Splendid bargain ipOUV.VV KROEQER Oak Cate tf" HC (( Good value V I 0.JJ WILCOX & WHITE PLAYER ORGAN Oak Case. Sold new for $750.00) our price, with 60 Rolls of Music, (h-i f-( ff splendid bargain p4-0'-''-'U BOLLCRMAN (f-i QC ff Walnut Case pJLOO.UU BOUDOIR COTTAGE PIANO Mahogany) returned from short jj,- rental tpiOO.UU BERGSTROM Oak Case) Mandolin aq. a Attachment! In fine condition JpJ.yU.UU SINGER CABINET GRAND (hnnr rf Oak Case. Bargain tp040.UU DTa?gaV.a'.cr..:::::::::::::::: $190.00 SINGER Walnut Case (DOfin ff Soft, sweet tone t)4UU.UU VOSE & SONS Dark Case (1 QC Art Bargain tpJLoD.UU WE3TERMAYER Black Case rt-j q(- nn One of the best German makes..,. tpXD.UU SINGER Mahogany Case C01 f CC A 4 i 1 of Pianos II I. m VI