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Wr?m ipppppyyffi- t?i & m EVENINQ BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T.. H SATURDAY, AUG.' I9, 1911.. KB&; I fl ,jf V'f 1 M m f Evening Bttjxetin DAILY and WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN PUBLISHING t CO.. LTD., at Kerruildir.g, Alakea St., Territory of Hawaii. fe, Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday. i MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. w . - r ' k) PIDnill A Tin IV I I innrnmr mtv mriiionmrn mini innr-n ,. uiiiuuL-Hi iui LHnucoi urHivi ivjcvvorHrcn ruDLioncu 'In the 'Territory of Hawaii. ' ' '" w allaci: R. Farrino ton, Em roR SUBSCRIPTION RATES'PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. UVIININU ItUI.I It I IN I'M Mouth miiwhere In U S ....41 ,7n Pt QuAnt,ftuynet'ilUS ... it.tto r Yrr, Knrhcielall3 M.uu Pel YriMiM.iul, tniriKn 0.k WKUKI.Y IHJt.t.KHN In Sli Montnt .v Ter Vmi, .ntwlxif In U.S l.ou Per Ytai unynhere n OnibU. l.fttfi Prl Vrir imilpii'i, Inutjtn... .. For Sale Kalihi r ,, modern bungalow) al n ,jfjpniost'new, very attractive. Two well- '' ' V planked Iota. Near carllne. ' ' 11 i H Tl i tiditoriul Rooms, 1 C71.) Business Office, 2185 2256 Meted l Itie rotloBm l Honolulu u BeconHclKsi mutter SATURDAY AUGUST 19, 1911 -Mini Is Ms iimii star; mill the -mil i n Homier an Imnol iiml n pirfirl nun Col the lull) 1 1 nf believing In Hono lulu, and then get together. That's Wlltlt Hl.lklS tonllB HUCCCSSflll mill en- ('iimin.iiuls it It Unlit, nil In II lit ) f. nil , nblos their pcoplo to take ndvnut.igo f.ilc. ntlilng In lihn fulls i .irli, nr tun l.itc. Our in t mtr migi N lire, nr good or III, Our Ii.iiIiims milk li) u Mill. .tnlin llilihcr (l.TIMC-J.'i). i , u AVIicn It mines to talking po.uo Ad in I nil Togo li.ii In refer nil com ment, to the Kmperor Is It tu lie, Mint people won't bc llco tho sugar dliinllon Is Just right ami ctitiltcil to full confidence, unions the price goes to live conts7 of nil the opportunities for progress that full In their wny. If memory servos correctly Seattle Is working the recall us ficiiicntly (is nmo a or oftcner. Taking tills as n satnplo would Honolulu tin Willi a s)xtem of commission govern ment ami the rri.ill frntnro? It would lie n might) slow three months didn't hnvo tlio makings of li re call utcctlon , . . It looks na If tliu courts would ho nil stuck up with poi for some mouths tu tome Ami tho mora the exports testify the loss well nil know iiliout IL Which does Honolulu Riipport be tween ttic Cavalry ami -it Htnmlli UK Jt nlw,iv6,dovn jil Hporx forln llrsl-chibs gamo, and limy the best team vvinv; , no 3n Tho esteem of those under whose direction he has wurknd ifor snvoinl jcarsJ la a pretty goonintan'dntil by wlilclj to Judge mi) m.injor elllclency, and In puhllr wij-vlco, " The first estlninto was right After lnuliifi passed (ho 'Hclpfotlly lilll ,ConBresa njmnliiecl lii nesslon for the bolo purpoi'SniftcrpatlliKMnnltrt'irtv'foV the campaign .afjQjr.jJiejH, Xtx s Arlnn vlll,1iot bu pJcujciJwUh StntctiorHl ntlhont the pnnlslon for rn nil of the Jiidtcinryi 1 tint A71olia will take whnt It can get rather than forcRo Statehood Admlrnl Cow lea snys the Hoot will ,couie fnr business on tills trip That's nil right, but tho na has inner ct descried tho practise that nil work und no pl.i) makes Jack if dull boy ' ' ' i , Wouldn't Charley lliialnco bu a plt- turesrpio President of tho Hoard of Health? If tho moHiiultocH dldn'tV" under Iilndliiliiistr.itlon IU wouldn't Ilieill III 3 ? (be herauFd bo didn't tell Tdcllnlte ternm to Ret out ' i t. i. On Gulick Ave. Price la $2200. eaay If detlred. Terms can be made Trent Trust Co., Ltd. Mosquito (pldemlca niuienf' iPlx' Rery real Not tho least of tho dutlca Tot tho annllarl.iiia Is- to loam tho rea son wliy, ami tints prevent tho return of tho niosn,ult after' v'JfCnppir ontly fairly well under control.' ' 'If (1 10 (iineiiior would now Ret Suicrlntendent of Public WnrkH Willi u record for iiccompllshincnl, ho would a Territorial orRiinlntlon that would Ruin Reiioral support und Ret full value for nil tho money spent JMlopubllcun stiilwnrts must lie , mighty Hiuo of their Rrounil If tliuj expect to muko tho mmpilRti nont ye.u one of support for tho I'nync Aldiicli tariff bill That seems to bo tho meaning of tho Tuft vein of tho !blll amending (ho wool niurdula. , OtllcinlH fiom Australia ntid Now Zealand who puss through thin city iiuo nlwn)a found to bo keen for 'wlilto3 Australia and Now SStulanu"' SMucli aa.tboy are phased with whnt ifbov kco In this city, they aro not con- .." " . . . (I .... M. .. . .. Kerted-to an apprccl itlon of tho aluo I jnvernmcni ot mo Territory wno uo- ot tho.Orlentnl for building up a white! icrvia tlio iiHslstnnio nnd co-opera- i)inn'acoiintry. "on of nil tho pcoplo nil tho lime, II J" Willi the announcement that tho I-i- h.iiiialunn. aluinnl will enter pollllos goes the statement that Judge Kalua ot Maui la tho head of tho organlu tlnn Just what tho I-ili.iliinlnn.i men Intend wc do not know, but It la nil uhsoluto ceilulnty that tho progress ive spirit of Joiing Hawaii baa out gtowu tho brand of statesmanship for which .ludgu K.ilu.i lias stood sponsor ' Cusi tho Suporv labia mid ones the m in who will nol cuss tho Super Vigors,!' Is itlio Tdo.v'niHjilti.iu lmt it at a recent mpcling of district Im- pi ii era Cussing la nil, right if It baa bitn provcd-tlmt.ieprrachtiitinns linvn lirt n mndo tb"1 tho '-Sufierv Isnra and uotlilnp.doue. Hut It la utterly fool ish to cuss tho SupervlsorHor anyone else when tlio facta show that tho clt bens who nro liissIiir mo not act lug In" unison nnd lfaVcTlnlifla-iltrcrrorrto' learn tho exntt (oitdltlona with which lllblnlirorvfiorssXdoil.tSrfibo' city ii whole. Dpn't.ciua until von fmW Jhd'fl'.iM n'nVl'kVsV cs'w'ltli IF DR.:SA1T BE PRESIDhNT. If Hr I'rntt nccddl to bo reminded of tliu Important work ho must do is Prisidcnt or (ho .Hoard of Health, he certainly would not bo tlio man for the place. Ills experience lias taitghl him all of that, and tho comment during tho Inst few ill) a baa been so general Mint nil tho unpleasant things usuall) i1d nf an appnlntio after ho has been In olllco a fow months have been ut Urtd. . j . Assuming llierefiiroJliiiLtho' OoyeS. tuir appoints candidate fnr the position hnwlll In n Inrgo inea stlro kcop on doiilg that which bo baa been quietly performing for a con- jlderablo time, with tho exception that lie w'lll bo under tho-spotlight nnd lUd solely roaionsiblti forsueccaBca r falliiros that may bo scored In Icallng with tho bis sanitation prob- liiua of Haw nil and moro especially of Honolulu. Ur. I'rntt knows what theso prob lems nro und ho knows bow slow tho iverngn community Is to take a dally Interest in measures that call for In 'idllRcnt co-operation, and bow quick in criticise and complain If ever) thing Iocs not go to suit. Primarily thcro la ono thing for tlio President of tliu Hoard of Health o do. In order to hold public favor ktqp tho town frio from port quaran tines that Inteifcro with bualnosa. In accomplishing this theio nro a thousand and ono details that Involvo Housing business men to a senso of their Individual duly. Ibis Is where lie, work tomes In. If thero Is nny olllcor In tho wholo i ' I o F -YOU 'have any attractive Investment In view ana require funds, to enablo . ii .(youj lo taW U iup.- and see us. 'Wo 'may' be able to help you. "I We have money to loan on Sugar Stocks or Real Estate. Wo buy end sell Stocks and Bonds. i 4! a rust Co.. Ltd. I 924' bethel' Street I jt'). i t Bishop Ti -5 I ' I t.t I.M' I SALE OF PRINTS Half prices To clear out surplus stock this week. L GURREY'S J PINEAPPLES! BANANAS1I ' "" " A Crate of 8lK' Selected Pines or a Large Bunch of Bananas Simply Icnvo )our order we do the rest, it J I9LANU fHUIT UUMrftUT w CWltll Wells, Tnrgo UxprCHa'Company) m i N-tln) President ot , tlio Hoard ot Health fnr, owing to tho location of this' port, bo nitrlcillii)' priwpoflty of tho whole town In tho hollow of his hand. Strntiga us It may appear tho pcoplo consider prospcilty llrst. Poor sanitation means n cost of life as well as of dollars. The office hours of the WIRELESS are from 7 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. on week days and on Sundays from 8 to 10 a. m-, and until 11 every night for ships' messages IWHAT THE CANADIAN TREATY DOES. (lenerull) speaking, tho ngiciment enacted opens tho in irkets of, the, United Stales n Canada's load ing agricultural products notably wheat und other grains, mid albo to her dairy products, eggs and poultry, lull, sheep, initio and other live mil n'als. Her rough lumber also Is ad mitted duly frco to the United Slates. In return for these concessions Can ada! takes down tho bars altogether on cottonseed nil nnd American fiplta mult some other prodmts and grants reduced duties on agricultural lin ptoAicnU and other inanufactutcd ar ticles. On tho basis of'rcsulta expressed jn dollhis and cents Canada has'(fi'e bet- i j .i a' i wtii, .i. i . .. tor (of tio agreeincnl. nltboiigh 1'iev Ideijt Tuft liai) pointed, out that tlio heni Ills to bo derived by tio United States lannot bp compulcd.ln this way at ilrctnL 'ho toUilaluo of arilclcs now (lutlahlo which, tho United States makes frco under hp agreement Is $Tl Jill, lino, or 7G.4 per cent or tho to tal dutiable, cxportatlons of Canada In to tho Hulled States In tho fiscal year 1910. Tho totnl Miltm-of nrtlcles now diitlabto which tCanndh makes frco tin tho other han'd is only J1,8.8,00). which Is It; ft per cent of all the duti able Imports Into Canada from the United States In tho same. year. Tho total amount of. duties to bo re mitted hv tho United Ktntci under tlio ugricmint is f I.S'.O.OOO, as cnnipated with 2,r,t,n,oo willi Canada. Tim Unltnl States, however, Rains n do cldcd advantage In Canadian reduc tion on Iniplemeiits, man ufactured unities and oth(5r ilullablo Imports vvhlih urn not put on tho free list hut on which .reductions have been made. Tho totnl value, ot Canada's (lutlai)lo nrtlcles In this class is $.'., 870,000, or lDft per cent of tho dull abto Imports Into Catiad i from tho United States In 1910. Tho Miluo ot aucli Imports passing from Canada to tho United States In 1910, on tho oth er hand, Is, only $7,5" 1, 000, or 14 4 per cent ot tho totnl dutiable, Imports for that year. Tlio greatest Interest in tho now leg islation N centered, of course, In Its possible! effect upon tho prices of 'food Blurts In tho United States. Presi dent Tuft has nindo It plain tli'at he does not oxpect tho unrestricted, intor (liangoinf food products will gicatly Iriliuo-tliclr cost to tho pcoplo of this1 country. Canada's small Biirpllls JfVfr j export makes this unlikely. Hut Mr. rail lias contended that tho opening of tho American markets to Cana dian grain nnd other foodstuffs will help to prevent speculative fluctua tions nnd will steady local prlco move ments. Here nro some of the moro Import mil Items placed on tho reciprocity freo list by reciprocity agreement. I.lvo animals, cuttle,, mules, svvlnc, sheep nnd lambs, poultry, wheat, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, corn or inalro; hay or strnw, fresh vegetables, Including potatoes; fresh and illicit fruits, dairy products, eggs, honey, cottonseed oil, llsh of all kinds. seal, herring, whale and other llsh oil, salt mineral wntcrs, timber, hewn, sided or squared otherwise thmi-jby saw lug; sawed hoards, planks 'and other lumber, mica, feldspar, iisbcs- tos, glycerine, salt, sulphate 'of soda. extracts nf hemlock bark, brass In bats and rods, rolled Iron or stool, sheets, cruciblo east steel, wire, gal vanized Iron, or steel w'lre; typo cast ing ni.d t)po setting .machines, barb fdiolng vvlie, coke, pulp wood und print paper. Under tho terms of tho agreement mutually reciprocal reductions nro mndo whorevcr possible on secotidmy food products. I'resli meats, on which tho United Slates placed a duty of 1V4 cents n pound under tho I'nync Aldrlch law, nro admitted under tho proposed legislation at l'i cents a pound. Tho duty on baron and hams, w'hli h la four rents n pound under tho present law. Is reduced to ! cents a pound. Corresponding reductions' hnvo v.m been mndo In tho duties, nn smoked and canned meats and on laid. . , Canada grants u reduction on plows', hnrveslcrs, harrows, reapers, mowers, threshing machines and other agricultural Implements on san itary tlxttnes, clocks and vvatihra .Tho mutually i educed manufactured com modities Include, motor oliicIcf. cut- lory, leather goods, plato glass nnd pi luting Ink. I'artlcillar stress has been laid by thb Atnorlenn ncgotlutors upon concessions obtained for Ameri can automobiles nnd motor i hides, The Canadian tariff on these wns 3' per cent und under tho present ngrec ment Is leduied to DO per cent. Can ada reduces her duty on-bltumliinus coal from f3 to I a cents a ton, which Is regarded; nrf one ot tho Important concessions In tho t?eaty. ' Slio also I dimes her duly on cement from Wfc to 11 cents for 100 pounds. Tho United States, on the other hand, re duces tho duty on Iron nro from 15 to 10 (tuts u pound. HMMEN HELPED Sr , 4 "YoungMan"StyIes Smart and Snappy AH sorts of stylish shapes in the new Crossetts. Models in gun metal, black, tan or patent; in button or lace; with( scallops and perforation. Fit the foot snugly; give the height of comfort. Look them over. $4 to $6 everywhere Lewis A. Crouctt, Inc., Maker North Abiastan, Mm. ink I (r , Makes . Lifes Walk, asy k&P .. t Sold at Manufacturers' Shoe Co., Ltd. 1 OS 1 Fort Street Tel. 1 782 his wife, ipiarKltd with her and thui.lnt Is end evidence of the uisc as gulh- enraged, struik hoi with Ills list nod mid and (oinplkd li lciut) Khcrllf stiungUd her tu ikalh. 'lhcii, nalllus! I'h.irlci lt'x-c. ,, lm not, eliocn tu t ftliKt lio li id lioiic, how ie Ii ul stolen lllc'bnik, placid tho mucmiiiio foim 111 il auci was inn hik iiniij kj iiiui .tuir neariii uiuk"ou n L-oiiM'r.i..ii pM hiij)i(nf n flit nil umis win li Inter- and J jho tnbytidd, V llic.ollrar w't-i p cMlCul bs- tho I'liliiiinum who iiv. m d I nesi a. tb iuVyrfifo llnfi tillitliJi v? r,-i 3 i (hr'liicl ayjjfid'lpjiuijj rjsUllitif fnulillr iilid'elinifteit tliaAuH Tiiclvvifu'nTutdciei' Ii;( levo.ikd tliojliinp iiarthij'jpurjiitrator f, 'iM''H? JI,.!S fait of Ids llilidlsh'tirhn tli Chief of MtlMillIu bqforei giving ma) send him to tho L-fllliiWK. to the iiiriiiui'H Juri. I III slir)iiin'(ilioriifiiI 111 ' ci j" il . w Ith (hi i-M-oplloirbf TIlldurdMliliRT tlio rait or ins iiim Oitiilvri A. I th story, that " EVENING SMILES fi.Mlslriss Ilavo )ou given up all ldeii i of,KCttliH; niurrlid Ilrldget Bilrldutt Ol have, that, mum Sun' Why should Ol glm up an ulsy Job wit' rood pay fer tho rovulrue? - I T JSSStra llrown John William, look mo (liijtlio vyol Im... 'tit.. iMiiiK iiniii tw in' juar?You nrcin to no moro cih'ii Uli-49k Mb-. .oi .'a iu, r 4 I Injpoti tho Jnlmnj," said tho visitor nt door, "is your fatbir nt homo"" "He's tr)ln" to ho, fcli." rnlil Jnhiiliy, but )ou Know, Mr S'lulggs, ma's Inotlur's heri''' "What'H tho lurdost thing oti en counter In ll)lnV" queried she. "At the present stage of the game," returned the nvlnlor, tenderly rubbing a bump, 'tho hnrdist thing vvo tmoun Jir Is, the eaitii" , , v Waterhouse Trust Land of Puupueo Manoa Valley WHEN a man buys something useful which at the same time is steadily in creasing in value he is twice fortunate. It is only a little over ten years ago since the pioneer settler on the land of Puupueo made his home there. Then there were 'none of the many conveniences required by the exacting' suburbanite. Now all the ad vantages that can possibly be asked for are procurable: Mountain spring water, tele phone, electric light and Rapid Transit service, and gas for cooking. BE TWICE FORTUNATE, and purchase one of the most desirable house lots to be had within three miles of the Capitol. Remember, Easy Terms Are Offered. TOOGOODWOMAN t p Group of Local Drivers Said to Be Acting as, Procurers jforViceji Collide p with the story ofwlfo-inur-ler cnuUhscd to Ihu pollen, unci to tho ujinnciN' Jury Mil night lyAnmi Toogood Is tho still more icvoltlng it or j of the woman's lire, In tin Infamous trade built up by lur with' tho asslstaiieo of a group of local hack drivers plays a sordid pait. When 'longuod murdered his wltc, Daisy Ijiulanl 'looiiood, or Dahy Spoil cor us she wns known, ho tided whit Is said by those who claim to know tjio fuels u vvell-organled tralllo fos tered by icrlaln proeuicis driving hacks, who dinendcd on Mrs. lookout! for much of tlulr own business. Ulio local ponce, 11 is nuclei sioou, have tiitd to bioal: up tho l.clatlons (Xlstng Letwuii rciino of tho liacl.iucii and women who live off tho (innings of shame Thai tiny vvero not ublo to do so In this uiso Is attested by many nn li who am familiar with tho night life or the city. A Alliul Tnogoocl, tho btisliaiid, told Ids story beforn tho coionei'S Jtli'yiast iilghl nml this morning appeared In pollen mint lie vv.alved examination lllid was (oniinlttid to tliu Circuit Court, Tho 'liirltorl it hiand jur) will probably take up Ids easo Into liuxt week. You Want MILK that is PUntl, MILK that is nlCH, MILK that is WHOLESOME, MILK that in FOOD in health nnd MEDICINE in slot .less, MILK that Is from abso lutely sanitary dairios, where conditions are open to ol.who care to invosti note. - ' That's the kind WE sell. Cairnt our Sheridan street depot and seo the new Jcctncal purifyinrj process In operation. Honolulu Dairymen's Association Phone 1572 spec,.., tho ividimo sciiueil iiiough tu (iiuviet hlni. .slpuiB, tvi HlHilv ShoillT JlofH tllcniPiltond tlio ebafu oftuiuitdei,(ilii llillml, dpgrcr. , 'liin iillit ugned upon by tho eor- oiii i's JbjrjjyisjiMiiHfoliojvH: "DiNv l.iulaul Tnoconil camo,lo her il.Tith jiui tho 14th id.iy. of .AhiiUdt. lilt t. iiiitilu, npni hi inqrrluRO wltli itll liT tin. I.rtlltl iiim In IiIiium oletieo u(cdlb) 6no Alljert loo- Ibevjiiry was riVinpnsdl of Thomas at ll n (until- iHd"v good", Carl II T. Cure), II rl'ton Nlepir, J IV Tun 111, James .' . llulmcs, lMdlo MeCor- A 1 hi it Tootood found Ids toiiKiio lit last, and (stcida oviiilui; at tliu col onel's liiipKsl (oiifossdl to tho vvliob) Imrilblo murder In baldly uudlhln vvhixpers. City Attmmy Cathcatt, assisting tho col oner, drew fiotn Toogood's mouth In u slow, quiet manner tho entire stoi) of how ho had stinted home with CTV m Howard Watches Are the Acme of Perfection in Pocket Timepieces They Keep Correct Time mjM) uy H.F.WICHMAN&CO. Limited LEADING JEWELERS Local Agents Ladies Misses Girls' Men's Youths' Boys' Clothing FOR THE WHOLE--on FAMILY Liberal Installment Payments I Beretania St. THe Formfit Fort St. K ,91 J t A. ti; f -T A . .'t ' S ? l '1 'fc! TVl V XT t fi i v i 'V