Newspaper Page Text
rfV"l I'TyflW n ' "tmmW" r"""fyy tyt wr spT $ EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1911. 5 j fjJP,' '' , '.r. , Vi. " 7 SB. i I 'I . 1T I 1 lU "t , r N i Ms ' !. tf J H rv i J ( I, ,- -f. Pineapple Shoes Not Made of Fiber---Not Made of any Pineapple Product Out made to wear in plneapplo cannery, .. Ask to see our Pineapple Shoe. ' MR. Q. M. LINDSAY of Haiku writes, under date of August 12! "Send mo another pnlr of Pineapple Shoes. Tlic luHt pulr did what ou mill they would-J wore them ono jenr In tlio can mry." If you are working in a cannery, try a pair. Price $4.50 GUARANTEED TO WEAR M'Inerny Shoe Store Williamson & Buttolph Stock and Bond Brokers 83 MERCHANT STHEET Phone 148!! P. 0. Bos 528 Honolulu Stock Exchange Saturday, Aug. 19. NAME OF STOCK MEHCANTU.E. 0. Brewer A Co SUQAR, Ewa Plantation Co . .' Ilowallar Agric. Co. , . Haw. Coin. & Sug. Co. Bid Asked. Hawaiian Sugar Co. Ilonomit sugni Co. Jas. W. Pratt REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, LOANS NEGOTIATED Stangenwald Building $6000 Will buy a BEACH LUT near Diamond Head. Excellent Sea Front Eetidenoe rite Fruit trees and frau trow jr. on loti, Magoon Bros., THU8T3, REAL ESTATE ABO COLLECTIONS Cor. Merchant and Abtkca Its. Have You Read Our Ad. in the Morning Paper ? Phone 1 884 Island Investment Co., Ltd. Better Than A "Green Backs" Wlicn you want to carry a lot of money with you In traveling, without the bother of being iden tified at different banks, put your money into travelers' cheques. They can be cashed as readily as "green backs" Rnywhero you go and are as safe as letters of credit. Bank of Hawaii, LIMITED Judd Bldg., Fort and Merchant Streets Honokaa Sugai Co Halkr Sugar Co Hutchinson Sugar Plant. Kahuku Plantation Co. .'. Kekahn Suga,' Co Koloa. Sugar Co McDryde Sugar Co Oahu Sugar Co Onomea Sugar Co Olaa Sugar Co. Ltd O'owaluCo Ptauhun Sugar Plant. Co. Pacific Sugar Mill Pala Plantation Co Pcpeeken Sugar Co Pioneer Mil! Co Walalua Agrlc, Co Walluku Sugar Co Walmanato Sugar Co. . . . , Walmea mikv Mill Co. . . MIHUKI.l.ANKOl'R Inter-lsUnd S'eam N. Co. Hawaiian Electric Co. ... Hon. R, T. ft L. Co . Pref Hon. R. T. it L Co . Com. Mutual Te'ephone Co. . . . Oahu tt. ft L. Co. i . illloK. R. Co.. Pfd Kilo R. It Co., Coin.... lion. D ftM.Co Hawaiian lrr. Co., Ltd... Hawaiian Pineapple Co. , Tanjong Olok 1LC. pd up l'ahang Rub. Co. (Pd).. Pahang " (Ass.tOXPd) BONOS. IUw.Tei.4X (Fir CI.) Haw. Tar. 4 Haw.Ter.t4 Haw.Tei.4Vt7. Haw. Ter. 34 Cal. Beet Bug. Kef. Co. e Hon. Has Cc, Ltd, Ga.. Hamakua Ultt h Co., Upper Dltcb 6s Haw. Irrgtn. Or.. 6s Haw. Com. ft Sug. Co. 6 llllo R. R Co., Issue 1901 HlloR.lL Co. Con. G .. Honokaa Sugar Co.. 6 . . Hon. R.T. ftUCo 6 ... Kauai By. Co. 8: Kohnla Ditch Co. 6s McBryde Sugai Co. 6a . . . Mutual Tel. 6a OohuR.ftUCn.5X Oahu Sugar Co & Olaa Sugar Co. Pac. Sug. Mill Co. 6s Pioneer Mill Co. 6 ...... Walalua Agrlc Co. Rtr .. US MH 250 41 44M 40 2H 160 ifi irj J.-o BARGAINS. We deal In tinted and unlisted soej (rltlci ot all kind;. J-a Zacnulpa. Chi npus, Rio Mlcliol, Illdalgo rubber; Uu I cot copper; PrulsslmalIJIla oil stool W. E. LOGAN Room 17 Bacrn Block, Oakland, Ci For Sale Five-bedroom Cottage on Wilder Ave., short dlhtitiicc from cur. Lot In f.6!H. Kk-ctrluMlelitH. Pmpcrty coin owner over JJ700. Will bo sold ut unco for only 12000. 1014; acres of, Agricultural Land Kalihi. Valley. Plenty of water unci ruin. Price $150 per acre. P. E. R. STRAUCH Waity Building 74 8. King Street Fire! UK I J75 H 7hi 16K '30 6K 3'X 45)s 5 I4i 5I2H 160 lis" 170 H7 lb 140 20H 8H '.is " 19V 100 wX 102 ioo 07X 9' I02,' ICXl), 13 7 48 G5 6 215 117H LOCAL AND GENERAL iGX 21 ..... . 38K 205" h'i 102 yo io2 a 101 100W 08 yj 99 ')ii SAI.KS Botwccn Boards: 8 Plo r.ccrt,)l12.C0; 11 Pioneer, fL'I'j.SU; 10 O.iliu, $32. , I.! ScHhlon Sales: $1000 Hilo 1901 ri, m.50; 10 llniioktia, $12.59; 10 ' $lf!2S. Latest sugar quotation 4.92 cents ori$98.0 per ton. St. Ixjula Collcgo will open Septem ber C. (lirlb' school tlrcsbct nil kI2cs (it Jordan's. Klowcrs and Icls. Julia Knlaklcli. Tckihono 3176. It goes without buJ'Imk thut oicry thlng Is Best at The Kncorc. "Ilumnier," Iho polloo dnp Ins been rhlui;1ed to resemble a Him, Tho biggest cholera germ known If on exhibition at the Anchor Saloon. (Jo and see Jos. Roman (o havo your bat cleaned. 122 Bcretnnta St. 'Round the Island summer rate, $30 Lewis' Stables and Garaee. Tel. 2141.' The genuine. Campbell ,Kld Dolls right from the factory at Wall, Nichols Co, Ltd. Kino assortment of t.lty HiiIIh, $1 Iter dozen. Mrs. Tn)lor, Florist, Phono 2339. Wo havo d now line of novelty toys and favors for chltdrens' parties. Arts and Crafts Shop. Milton & Parsons lino received by Sierra the beautiful soft Mulsh Palm Beach hat now being worn so much on tho Coast. If you ant a good job done on an auto or carriugo take It to Hawaiian Carrlago Mfg. Co , 427 (Juccn St. St llsli millinery can nlwttya bo found at tho parlors of Miss Power, Boston Building Fort street. Tnko elevator. Thlrty-thrco cases ot new goods, In cluding Boy (Scout suits. Hirrythlng ireo ror urcciiiUiamps. 1'ort anu iier ctanla. - Arlelgh & Co, Hotel street, have tho solo agency for Kce I.ox. the finest typewriter carbon paper mado. Cull for' a sample , Vat distilled water, lllro's Itoit Bcor and nil other popular drinks, ring 'up phono 2171. Consolidated Soda Works. Fourteen Jnpinct-o comprised u g.uig of gnmlilcrs gathered In lift night by tho special xillco staff. They wcio caught at a 'p'-'eo on Young street. , When you visit a lionno that Is civ llrcly frco fntm dirt jru may safe ly conclude, that Pan ka lltita has been there before )ou. Your grocer will supply ou. (Ionian Pccko was arrested jes Icrday nm charged nidi .isslug a worthless check at "Cunlia's." Thn iheck was for tvvonty-flvo dollars, drawn on the Bishop bank. Tho Leonard (cloanulilo) Refriger ator Is a protector of heiltli as well i.h food. Rvcry home In tho Islamls thould bo cqulpicd with a Leonard. Sold by II. Hackfeld & Co. Mrs. Oeorgo Turner has sold her hoarding house 011 Kninm street to William South, of' Hawaii, through tho oftlce o( j lime's I'. Morgan. Mr nnd Mrs. Turner will return to their former homo In Ktislanil. Dr. Hugh I). Mltcholl, Dentist, has returned from tho States and re sumed practice In newly equipped of fice's In tho Young Building, having removed to Rooms 43-44, at corner of 1 t 1 Ei I . I.. I. -I -.11 II j I -J .1 1 I ....I E & W Negligee Shirts Have a style about iliem thai is not found in any other ready-made shirt. Not only arc the lines distinctive, but the patterns are exclusive. Four OF THE 'leading Companies LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED FOR SALE. Thn best and inoil rcasoimblu-prlccd liullillng lots on the mnrltct today aro In Niiuiinu Tract (near the Country Club), where, one llnds a cool, healthy liu'iillty; clovnted nnd wcll-rtralned grnutid, fertile soil, macadutnlzcd truts, government water from the iienrby reservoir, elcctrle lights nnd all this easily nnd quickly nccessllilo (10,11 town by tho Nuu.inu electric curs. Lots fium tiM up, on easy terms. I .a ml nt Million, Kullhl nnd Pulatna. FOR RENT New cottage ut $25. J. H. SCHNACK. 137 Merchant Street Stop laying Rent Sea D0NDER0 & LANSIN0 'Phone 2653 B3 Merchant St $500 to $15,000 CHANG CHAD GENERAL BU8INE88 AGENT, INTERPRETER, NOTARY ' PUBLIC Office Corner Hotel and Smith 8ts, P. O. Box 946. Phone 2542. P. H. BUHNETTE Com'r. of Deeds for California aat Nu York; NOTARY PUBLIC Grant Marriaire licenses; Draw Mortrifrei. Deedi, Bilk of lali Leaiei, Willi, Etc. Attorney for tk District Courti. 7 MKR0HAKT IT 0N0LULD. PHONE 1310. R iifiZ-H Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., 923 Fort Street WHEN IN NEED OF Paper of any description Phone 1410 HONOLULU'S LARGE8T PAPER BOUSE AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN PAPER & 8UPPLY CO., LTD. Fort and Queen Streets GEO. G. GUILD Manager Sugar, 4.92cts Beets, J4s 4d HEM WIIEMOU I1SI CO. Member Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange KURT AND Ml'icHANT STRUTS Telephone 1208 . , No skimping ot seams or materials in these shirts' t ' They will please the most fastidious dresser and give long service to thceconomical. Prices $1.50 to $3.00 ( '. Silva's I'lks' Bid. Tog ;gery? Ltd. Kin g near Fort King nnd lllshop Streets. 2081. Telephone T0CKS AKD B0NDI Trent Trust Co., Liinitet KMB&9 H0N0LULD STOCK AJTD BONO EXCHANGE Harry Armitage ttock and BouJ Broker Uembei of Honolulu Block aut Bond Eichange Ctmobell Block, Merchant Street Giffard fc Roth STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Member Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange Stangtnwald Bldg., 102 Merchant St. JAS. F. MORGAN, STOCK BROKER Information Furnished and Loans Made S57 KAAHUMANU STREET Phons 1572 Home Insurance Company of Hawaii, Ltd. WIUTHH Al.l. KINDH OF INSURANCE Office, 610 Stangenwald Bldg. Telephone 20f2 IMPORTANT Our Hiililtury wiikoiih Is our best ad vertisement Our eunmcl-ftnlihcd cold storage enn not he excelled, and our distilled wutrr nnd leu spenU tor them selves. ' OAHU ICE & ELECTRIC CO. INSURANCE RATE ON DWELLINGS IS CUT .t (Continued from Page 1) r. ono per cent rnle, or a dollar I'Ci i hundred of Insurance, even If no flro was qver niado In lly; ?civo, heroes a building with a brick chimney would go nt a Bovcnty-nvo rent or three quarters of one per cent rote. Under tho now urr.ingcmont, dwelling-houses will bo Mtcd generally nt Bovcnty-flvo rents with tuldltlonil thargo fur' special tlio rlt'k'. Mr. (lur roy says that tho cut, vvlillo It docs not affect all dwelling house risks, will amount to about twcnty-livo psr cent. Ily something not unlike n coinci dence. It Is understood that tho ro rontly formed llomo Insiiranco Com pany has favored a decrcaso In rates. I-P Loose Leaf Specialties. I-P loose-leaf price books and memo, books are the strongest,' simplest and most attractive books made. Made in sites to fit coat or vest pockets. j HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., .ALEX. VOUNG BUILDING If It's Paint AND Y00 WANT A O00C IW. ttt KE TOM THAU I Sharp SigdjS PHONE 1697 ARK SEEN EVERYWHERE 847 KAAHUMANU IVEW - TO-DAY DOWN A UTILE After thn heavy hujlns of the past few dns, thero uus a roiietlon In local MiKnr stueks ti cud tho week, nit li'illP ll lint iiiiiurIi cif ii reuetlnn to const Itute a flump. Tliu tirlees slaekeneil nil along tho line, many stacks weakening Just riinugli In sl'im' that the premium nf buying In the pat fow dnjs bud Imiiiiied them cinlilernlily. There wero smue esceptlons. Mono kan, which has been falling off, dun tu reports of n short crop, rallied mid was told this morning ut 1J CO, a con sldeiablo uilvnuee. (lenernlly Kpeaklng, however, thn inurlet Is unlet und Jn clllied to sag u little, iilthiiiIKh tho brokers cxcct ldinty of business next vv eek. NOTICE. The lime for lecclvlng designs for the l!M.' I'liiriil Varnclu pnster lias been extended to Hi pie inlier 1, 1912. In the first compttltluu, no unard wua ui.idt - Tho lirlzc of One Hundred Dollars offered still holds good for suih design hh limy Ira accepted. u. v it isn.N'iuirto, t'lialriii.iu, VJV1 Floral Purudo Pnstir Coiiuoiiti-e. 5uoa-3t NOTICE. Ewa Plantation Company. Tho stock books nt i:wa Plantation Company will bo ilosed to transfers Monday, August 21, Ititl, at 12 u'clncli noon, to Thursday, August .11, 1911, In ilutUe. CIIAS. II ATIHIIITON, Treasunr. Ilvvu Plantation Co. Honolulu, August 19, 1911. 0009-lt More Effective than .Turkish or Russian Baths Electric Light Bath, followed by a " Massage lr. HCIIL'ltMANN, OMiolmtlili- Phj. .Iiiii (lroprlelnr) llr. Ill.VIt l.l't'AH, fhlniprsi lur VV I.TI.II, - - - KsprrOlamvnr 5t. K A, Iji.ll.'-' Alli-li.tnnt uli.l MaMMieM SCHURMANN INSTITUTE OF NATURE-CURE & OSTEOPATHY 1T5 lkr Innin Ave, vr. Union M. WEEKLY BULLETIN WANTS HELP WANTED. Uookkoeper und stenographer Yimng mini for position in country, Single nan pnferreil Uood opportunity Must bo strictly mber Adilress "itullnuy," care Ilulletln. 6009-21 Carpenter; Portuguese preferred, ("oiin try Hood wages und stiady posltlont for right man. Address "Hallway," earn Ilulletln. r009-2t Place your hand on (he unite nf Honolulu's buslncs world by being n coiistnnl reader of tho Want Ad Section of the II u I let In.- ANNOUNCEMENTS. (1 DilIeo ream and cold drinks. Or pheuui Cafe, l'ort Ht., nbovo Here tanla. 11009-ilni BOOKS. I'ooKs hought, sold nnd exchanged. 12S0 Tort Ht. 5C09-CI11 $1 a Year -- I Girls' I Wash H I f j Dresses A f2 AU Sizes 4 to 16 Years M Wl WHITE and COLORED ft U $1.75. to $12.50 N JORDAN'S I - p. '' ami s v K't Hi V ''"