Newspaper Page Text
EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1911. A tf 0 tf wX J ; M r S& &- w j Esfc, - n- n i!mR9 ,v M u- ."" i. rt u: IN BUSINESS CIRCLES An mtlvo nloil. tuiikct has 1) mil 1 Hubber Comp.itn, wllh largo holdings followed Hip rciiuiikalile ud.iUio In In tliu Htinlts Settlements, utiiililug the iri(o of tuw stignis, .mil thu whole Tli.tuu) ncics of Ininl Unit la good fur Hut has responded to t lie Inspiration ruhlii'r ciilttuc, .mil thu majiir portion of tlio higher prices that will uii- of thin will ho lil.mtcil out to uihhcr ilniihtodlj hohl Tor tlio season during tho coming enr The ntil question nt tho piesont lime Ik win Mum tho prlco will' go to I'rnlt Crii. live ipiiIh oi lintil In tho Wilnlty of 'Iho illfteient fruit inunirlcs lia o llguie until tho hew emp sug- hml olio of tho busiest unison In tlio inn coino In No.ulv all tho highest hlttnr of piconlng In Hawaii Simo' ill vlilcixl p.olng plantations arc plan- of lliom hao llnlshul tho lul fui tho nlng for extras that wilt tindoulitid- scuon. while others nro running day ly lie pilil on tho Ii.imIs of sugars il- anil night shifts In nil endeavor to - tiat at tho intrkit nt tho higher kicp tlio sldcliiicks dear for tho prices lndlintinns are thai I'loneei trulnloads of pines that ionic In cory stockholders will got their usual two rt.ij per colt this jc.ti, tlio aihlltlonal Ahoiit tho clnl of this ui ik will sco iminiiiil IipIiik ui.iiIo up In extras bo- the Mulsh of tho heaw woik at tho ginning some time In October lolo innnery, whon U Ik expelled that the for tho season will reach In Olio of tho questions now being Iho neighborhood of 2MI.O0O cases, askeil b thhso wlio Htuil tlio world's That Is tho sum nverngid for the sugar inarkit Is. what beionio pines Hint p lii'en pill up In r.ins, of Iho two million Ion surplus of beet The bottling of the famous Julio will BiiR.irM' Tlio ilalni Is niaile Hut n go on for some time to ionic Inrpo amount of this must line riiiio The Wllhclmlim, sailing on WcdncR Into Invisible Kiipillos mill m i mine di, e.iiilul 40,000 t isen of pints to output mix time to ileptesn the pike tlio toast; of these wolo pkkcil .wlien It Is liast expected Tho re- up at K.ilmtul polls from the lluioponn beet i rop 'riiclved bj null aio that the weight Wool, us u cnmmodllv of export, Is, of beets Is mi much lowci than last iiilotly makltiR u place foi Itself II) ,vcai though the suurtr content Is n 111- tho Hum! i) trip of the Intei-lsl.iml tie IiIrIici steamer fiom Kauai -0J lulen of a ., DiiiIiir tho last few ilas tlio ipio- lino Rr.ule wool imiiih to pint ami will tiitlons for beet sugars have bum bo foiw.iuleil bj the next steamer lo steadily declining Thu canto for this Hip oast. Ilenvloi shipments mo ex ln mil jet npp.iKiil reteil fiom anil Maul sin the Private i.ibbs from New York aro tllppliiR t.e.isnn advances to tin pUect Ihil tin piko In III in ami ail.incliiR roi centrifugals iinlldi mo In II lulu. j The (.' II Cooke llstulo has nc- Into o Hi nulled the Oipheiim 'I lieater pioperl) The nowlv title,! ' tiffin In tho "' '' "I"!. " lonsl.leratlon bo rooms lb, I weio formoilv occupied I'm. WO Of this ninqt.nt $ 2.n.)0 by Castle &. (W. wet- liken oxer by ' reprci-entid In n ini.rtg .go tho Waterhomo Company est.rda "' Hawaiian Trust Company 1 ho The ulllccs been llttul up In tho ......i ......In.n.lxl.. mill urn niiiclilimiu ponxpulent for Hie itmipiio ami the patrons ns will. I'iini.!ti) 'lux (Jul, I. A inciting nt the Honolulu Stock nril Compinv has been railed for parl npxt wpek, wliii It. It is stall tl. Is the beginning of tho end 'lime will be un clcillon of ollkcrs and thou .. .. .... ..... .it......... '...... .... .... .i ...,... comp.iii) has tiexer seemed to n cover Ironi the losses sustained some jcais ago through a tiro In Its holdings cw liuiiilgninl Matluii. The Hoard of Immlginllon held u meeting jCRlirihis lit wlikh thu bids Tor the building of Hie new ipcpIxIiir nlntioii weio opened Tin re wore lle bids olTered, all rangliiR within si few ilollirti nt eaeh other 'Iho Iird YoiIur Coiislimtlon Compiny was tho loweit bidder with Jll.'JSO. ,V eonsnltatlou will be held with tho nrel.lte.ts befoio anv of Iho bids uru nci opted 'ri.ostatlon vv II occupy tho luoocui lociuim u u.u ...ii i.u ...... K' raiiiin. Itubhor faetois who me luleiestul In Iho lMhatig and TanJoiiR niolt pi mm. Ions In tho MaliDslan illsttlcls .ire mmh plated over the ippmt tint comiM to luiiiil Hint Hip ptho of rub- ber has miilo a deddul upwurtl move. Bhowlng u 20, per pound Increase over the prleu llml has hung on for Bom" Hum t Tluro Is un netlvo deuiiind for nib- lier as tho summer season advances, and fiom now on better prlies can bo looknl for on this lomniodllv Along with the news of tho Junlp In tho prlio .' of rubber unites that of the (lencral 8m,,on 0f tho IHshop Trust Com 1 -",""-,"?""?'"-!""5,"S""S"? jM,y ttns niiined vice-president. It II. EiUblUtird I7M) Walter Baker & Co.'s CHOCOLATES and COCOAS Tor eating, drinking and cooklrtg Pure, Delicious, Nutritious UMS$C(lW,Xty. lUitMtrul U. ri 1'jlint Olllto Urcakfust Cocoa, 1-2 lb tins Baker's Chocolates (unsweet ened), 1VJ lb, cakes German's, Sweet Cliotolate, 1-1 lb cakts For bilo by Leading Grocrri in Honolulu Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. DORCIIBSTUK. MASS., U. S. A. S3 HIGHEST AWARDS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA r . x r.rrb l1-'!1" " "' "' "' ''" , "" sp,u '" '-'""Po in receive, mo .Kn , line or .Mis. Kiniiex Iho loiiug Hotel Cniuptny lias a lease on this plien of piiipcitj iinlll HMO. l'listofikp l'rnjn s. A leport of the most II itlprliiR im tuio been turned out li I'ost mistpr 1'iatt for the llmal" xear end- ... l... t.t.m nn Thcio h.ixu In en sub- ik '.iiu ..". buHlncis of every ilepartnient except In the foreign money order sales, un,! this Is full v un, united for Along xxltli tho Increase In tho business of the olllco there has been nil Increnso In tlio salaries of tho emplojees Tlipre aio fnrtj -seven employer on tho iaxroll of the Honolulu poslolllce. (mid Hank lluiird. The suvpntien banks nf the Terri tory nmkn a most uedltnbln show lug. ......... I I .. .. 1.. ll.n aAItili illlll llllO llflllfl ".' " " ' ' ""." "'.' ,"7 ,i nM ,u(, in1(r ' RnvprnmPlit tho ,l)mlnpll.,a, ,im,hUs havo Increased lover $l,2.r,i;,(nil and nlmost $730,000 III thu deposits made In tlio savings deposits ,., . ,,.,,, ,.ink ... ,,.. M w,icn !imi,1M1on K)k oiroUi nn,, pnr() U m (Ill,(, ,UC ,)ppn nnn m((, ,,,,,,,, mllnl)ir f tliom siat- (( r(i( tiroll;1I)Ut ,lf, Tcrillory for tho ((mlinpmo f (so living on tho li((jr ,,,,, llll( mlmi0r towns, ( Stoik llxiliaiigp Animal. , A( 10 nnmini meeting of thu Ilouo- 1tl j.ttV ,, m i;xdiango, liulit uir, )n (ho WCL.V; A))crt F- ArK 8,1(.irel,.( William WHIiamsim us ,1,,.u,,i1 ... lf .ii., nxchaime. William Trent secretin y. nnd tho Hawaiian Tiust Company treasurer. Noxt lo tho cleellon of ofllrorH tho most Impoitant feature of tho meet ing wns tho riductlnn of tho commis sion to bo charged on tho handling of stocks that hell for less than $1 a shuro lloietofore tho commission has been 2Vc a Hli.ui', but has been placed at lc a share for sales of the future. The loport of tho secretin)' of tho Ilxrhaligo shows that the inovpnipnt of stocks for thu piii ending August 10 Is of much less vnlumo than for the previous year, but this stato of ulTalrs Is offset bv tho report that tlio majority of tho stocks handled worn of the lower-prlcul class haliiilul Harbor. lllds for tlio di edging of Kalmliil harbor nro asked for bv Major Woo (pii, and thu tlmo limit tor tho bids ip he In Ills ollleo Is given as Oclobni 13 Thu drudging will consist prim I pally In enlarging tho basin of tho harbor and tho lotnoval of n number of coral reefs that extend nlong tho breakwater and nro a sourro nf dan ger to tho inter-Island boats that at tempt to mnko tho wharf This harbor has been dredged out lo a certnln extent by tlio Katiiilul Hallway conipnii), but u fiiithnr dredging Is consldeied nectssnry by tho Ttdornl (loverniuent for tho hot torment of the Islands IViirl llarlitu- llurr.uks. According to news that has reached here fiom the mainland, Hip tevlsed plans nnd speclllcntlnns for the niti llno banurks ut Tearl Harbor hnvo bcpn Issued, but havo not reached this city so far ns known Local con tiuctors uro much Interested in tho how set of plans, through it desire lot sen what changes huvo been in ulo fiom tlio funnel hot so as to luJng Iho cost of the bariaiks within tlio Appropriation 'Ihls work, It U cxpcitetl will ho starltil soon. In loliiuillini with tho work now going on thcio, will make I'eiirl llnrlmi- u busy place foi some time to conie Tho net he incmbcis of tlio llaibor Commission weio busy tho Hist of the week ami in.uli) u s!lic of (he (onilltlon of tlio ilocks A number were fount! to bo In neeil of icpilr, n ml un order lias bicu glien for milk ing plans for the lehullilliiR of the rin.m wharf, while spetllli nitons 'iru to bo compiled on it srawall those who nro Rotting up Hip plain; for Iho new work, and also for Hie rep ill work, haVo been Instructed to furnish estimates of the cost In dlf fcient materials. Another uttpiupl ut lcllen, linielit Is to he Inaugurated by the Supol- vlsors In thu establishing of u guru go for tho liousliiR of the iii.ii nines that nro in lisp by the different depart ments of tho ill) goxprumint (inv- crnur Trenr hns Rrnnted u pleio nf hind near tho Jnll us u locution for the gunge, and, aiiordlng to the Bu pirvlsors, tlio i In will l.non that it Is getting what It p.ijs for when It Is running Its own g.irago and tilling its own tanks. Ikll Holds, l'lnns and specifications to bo used In connection wllh tho building of tho proponsl bell loads weio thoioughly discussed bv tlio mrmlK rs of Iho Ikll Itontl Commission at il met ting that was held last Tuesday Tlio work was of n picllmlnarv nature, Count) Hngluecr (lore being puseiit ami go ing over the plans Hi an explanatory way No part of tho woik was gone Into iloipl), nor wns llieio any tie- lislon arrived nt In ngard to lotting the cpntrncts for building tho' sections of load ITans for the first live mllos of roadway that will form the 111 si stntili in tlio belt rout constitution aw llnlslicd and will ho placed on exhibition noxt week. It Is thought, so that conlraitor.s may make their bids for doing tho work Tho plium. were approved bv tlio commission at a meeting Hint was hchl Thursday. Sin 1 1 lilcnlng. The widening mid stialrhlinlm; out or Hold street, the opening of lllshop street through to Hcrctnnht ami tho rloslnR of Union, street aro public Im provements Hint nro to receive tho nltenllon of those most Interested and the Territory stands read) to lend a baud If neu'ssary. Are You Going To Panama ? If So, We Can Help You Wc arc going to aid in llic development of several hundred thousand acres of Panama Government lands, the most fer tile on earth (See U. S. Govt. Reports) which have only re cently been thrown open to all Nationalities on equal terms. To encourage cultivation, this Company is taking charge of the development, and, where desired, the first owners can have their lands cultivated on shares. As the country is filled up, owners will be expected to attend to their own de velopment. Thus, there is every incentive to buy now, and as sugar lands can be placed on an income-producing basis within a period .of 18 months, here is YOUR opportunity to have your own plantation at small cost. Price. $6.00 per acre; payable $1.00 per acre down and 25 cents an acre per month for 20 months, with no taxes to pay for five ycarsl The opening of the Panama Canal will bring Ijordes of land hungry emigrants to this favored ,regiori, where the United States Government is now spending THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! Think of the times without nlirriber that land values have in creased because of increase in population and development. Time and time again has this occurred, yet how many times have you profited by it? Are you going to let this, the great est of all opportunities, pass? Investigate. It will cost you nothing, and may prove tho foundation of a great fortune. Remember, the people connected with this Company com prise some of the best-known men in Panama, who dre also connected with the present government, which is very anx ious to have the country developed, and every legitimate . aid to that end is now being made. Apply today. Panama Development Co., 216 Mercantile Place Between Fifth and Sixth Sts. Los Angeles, California. Tho Ilrewer l.'state, wllh plans ill- rt aily ilriwn for u Inrgo IiuIIiIIiir thai Is lo occupy tho Kirner of Hotel and Union streets, has slgnllicd a willing ness to hold up Iho erection of tlio tmlldJiiR Tor a limllid time ami give tho illy u limine lo sotllo on Jusl Vhat It is going to tto In tho mutter oj closing Union sired, ami will nllor tho plans of the pioposcd linlldliiR It the ehitigu Is mule It Is expected tint thu boaitl of np pralscis will bo appointed as speedily no possible, mi Hint tho work urn Iiu carried through to romplctlon. Tho eiittlliR off of tlio Jog In Hotel strict foriucA b) the Culm m stnro, tho Huh anil the Manhatlnil rostnu- iitnt Is iinothci pliro of work Hint Is roIiir to teeclvo Immediate attention, I pi Iv lieges granted In the case of ilo- Nrn haml'cr Pri'sMi n(. 'nustle sales. The Trench regulations At u meting of tho members of Imd tho general elicit of nn Indirect Iho Chamber of Comiuetre, held lust bounty on production which nffectcd Widnesilii). i: I Spalding wns iinnnl- even limit1 conspicuously tho export inously elected piishknt of Hint as- limn tlio domestic trndp. The cxportn Ion, ntler It was nuidu known lion of Kusslnn sugar conferred a spc Hiat .lames V Morgan had positive!) elal privilege nn tho domestic market ri fused to serve as president for n which hint h commercial nlue. Ilftli term. Tho oilier tinkers olocted ' In order to eliminate nil regulations wore ns follows Vice-president, .1. A.1 Hint might luno tho effect of granting Kennedy; secielary untl treasurer, H. Roverninontnl nld to exported sugar, I'. Wood; trusties H 1'. lllshop. J. the llrusscls convention consequently ! Cookf, C. II, Cooke, T. Cllvn Dixies, 'prohibited nil bounties on exportation, .1 I) Dole, .1 M Dowsed, 1' Klnmp.. direct or Indirect bounties on produc- Tinne.v, W V. W'aldton, Albert Vn tcihoiDie. flip report mule b) Mr Morgan on the general business nspect of the dlfTueut ilcpaitmenls of tho city was most fliitlerliiR and satlsf)lng The strumous work of tlio Promotion Comiultleo ciimo In for n largo shuro of ireillt flir the piesenl high stand-; nrd of ndlvlly Hint Is hc - ing en Jo veil bv this ill), and tho move for sntilt itlon wan treated with spc t lal roni irks A iiii-iiilininni vole of dunks wns tender, d to tho rellrlifg prcbhlcnt. roliu.ikcrs Sup. A number of Chlneho )iol maiiufuc- tnrers, whose pl.u es of business vvcro noted ny tno aiiinnrilies tiuriug mo rpldciulc of i Inderal some tlmo ago, have coiulnrd nml rtro suing Hip rlty for d images In a sum Hint runs' Into Hip (hoiiMiuds TIip" thilni Hint under the condlllons a' the llinc their places or luMlnpsH wore Illegally rloseil and thai Hip llpput) SbPiHT had no Juris diction In tho in. liter. Keadtis of TIip Uii I lot I II who follow Hip sugar mirktl should place III thi'lr simp books Iho following farts, to which lefeienie Is frptiuptitly made, but px.ii t liifoimatlon Is not alvva)s hand). T he "convention conn- tiles" aio of Ion spoken of. but few ' recall tho details of tho Urusscls con- Million. The llrusspls CtinTPiillon. ,ln u rovlovv of tlio International sugiu situation Issued by tlio Depart ment of Agriculture It Is stntctl: I'rlor to Spctcmber 1, 1901, when tho Brussels lonvontlon went Into ef fect, ti prohibitory Import ilnt), n high excise, and governmental encourage ment of exportation xvcro general throughout continental Kuropc. The Hriissels convention aimed merely to equalize tho competition of sugar In tho International market by eliminat ing all legislative, aid Rrnnted directly or Indirectly to exported stign'r; It Hindu no attempt (o modify t)ie strict ly Internal regulation of tho sugar trade1 In many Instances, however, tno anility to foii cnenpiy on tno world's market was duo Indirectly to ami txipsslvo drawbacks, and also liuiitcdtho excess ot Import duty over Iho consumption tux lo G3 cents per 100 pounds In tho enso of rellncd sugal and 48 cents In the caso oi raw. Tho convention tuns aiioiisiieu all direct hid to tho sugnr Industry mid even nil discriminations in tho domestic market against foreign 'sugur beyond n fixed limit. Tho lilt tcr provision1 wns not to be enforced against Iho non-exporting countries Suction, Italy mid Spain. Spain did not ratify tho convention. Denmark mid Ilussla did not partici pate In tho conference. Tho conven tion consequently Included Germany, Austria. Hungiirv, Trance, llclgliim, t)l) Netherlands. Sweden, Itnly and th,. United Kingdom Trice mid Cost of Traduction. Another Importnnt detail of sugar computation and forecast lug Is the prion of production In various coun tries. When sugar drops to tho point of resistance It Is at tlio prlco of pio iluctlon and cannot go much lower unless conditions nro exceptional. Senate document No fir, has tho following, compiled from statistics as sembled by tho Department of Com merce nnd Ijitlinr: A comparison of tho rnw-sugnr prices ipioled In tho principal Un lopean markets shows a fairly close corresHindcnco of quotations. The sumo is trtto to n lnrgo extent also ot the prices ot rellncd sugar, it tbo jr j f , New Bungalow SIX ROOMS and BATH Electric Lights Modern Plumbing PALOLO VALLEY i ii i ' i i - ChefofOish -Apfiyj.'J., Bulletin Office varying rates of domestic oxclscs nro 1908-1910. Tho Oovornmcnt of Aus- eoiisldcicd trla-llungary, while abolishing thu It should ho Hotel that toilio of bounties niut reducing tho surtax on tho principal European BiiRnr-protluc- Imported sugar, did not, however, re Itig countries, Including (Icrmany, tluco the Internal revenue duties (cx-Austrla-lliingnry, Prnnco nml Del- clsos) on consumption sugar. Hut Rlum. by International ngi cement even these measures, resulting, as (effcetlvo September 1, 1903), nliol- they did, In tho brpak-tp of tho sugar Ishctl their bounties on sugar nnd to- cartel, were followed by n conshtil iluced their surtaxes (I. e , tlio tllfler- able decrease in the domestic prlco of enccs between tho rates of Import sugar, though tho general price move duties nnd those of Internal revenue tiient tor the yenrs following 1903 Is duties) to 48,'J cents per 100 pounds reflected much more In tho upward of raw and C2 ! tents per 100 pounds course of ravv-siiRiir prices (for ox of refined sugar In nccordanco with port) than in tho downward course ot tlio ptovlslons of tho Urusscls itmvcn- domestic prices nf rellncd sugnr. (an of March H, 190.'. Germany, In Ktisslu, Krniico and llclgliim nlso reditu il at Trices of sugar for domestic con- tlio snind lime tho. Internal rovonuo sitmptlnn til ltusslnn markets nro reR- tlutlcs (excises) on domestic sugnr. ulntcd most effectively by thu (lov- Tho lesult Is scon In tlio movement emnieilt, which llxcs tho maximum ot sugar prices for domestic consuiup- rnw-sugnr prices at tho beginning of lion nnd export beginning with 1903 each season. A comparison of tlieuo artd 1904. jofHelal maxima nml tho actual prltes (Irrmilll Market. In tho Kiev market for tho last ten In (Icrmany, for Instance, where jenra shows Hint, on the whole, tho the tax on domestic sugar was re- latter did not exceed much tlio upper- tluccd from 2 10 to I r,l cents per most limits set by Hie (lovprniiipnt px- pound nnd tho tax on Impoitctl sugar cept during the 1901-10 season, whin from 4 32 cents jier pound til 1.99 Importations nt reduced tariff ralei cents pcrvmiuntl of iitirellncd and 2 03 wore nuthorlrcil by the tlovcrnmcnt rents ot icllncil sugar, tno niinuni average prlco of raw sugar for export nffects only tho export prices of llus nt Hamburg rose from 1.4 J cents In shin sugar, which vary qullo Inde- 1902 (the year preceding tho ratifies- tlon of tho Urusscls iiRreemcnt) to 2.13 cents for 1901, 2 fij cents In 1905, nnd nn average of 2 21 ccntB for tho live-year iicrlod 1900-1910. On tho other hand, the irlco of rellncd sugar ut Magdeburg, which In 1902 had uv- craged C 10 cents per pound, wns but 4 30 cents In 1901, I 4 cents in 1905, nnd 4 42 ccnls for tho llvpcar'ppilod 190i!'19l0. Trench rnw sugar In bond sugar market, plus tho high Import averaged 1.69 cents In I90J nnd roso duly 8 07 rents per pound In Italy to 2 30 cents In T)04 nnd 2 60 cents mid (175 cents In Spain. It may bo In 190.. whllo tho domestic prkc nf stated In this connection that in Iho prime rellncd sugnr, owing largely to enso of Hal) tho high rates of Import tlio clmngo of llscnl treatment (reduc duty and surlnx (about 2fi cents per Hon of Hie Internal rcvenuo lux nnd pound) woio sanctioned by iho Ilrus qf the surtax on Import, d sugar) fell bcIb convention for tho tlmo being, from 8.10 cunts in 1902 tn 6.11 cents so long ns Ilia Italian sugar was not per pound In 1901. ami nn n)craijo exported Tho Spanish Oovcrnincnt ot 6 46 cents for tlio llvo-ypiir pqrlod (Conllnuid on Pa 7) AUSTRALIAN PAYING HIGH Australia!! pffortu for wlillo lnlior nro liiiWiiR hcrloiiR cffcclK on tlio bur nr IniliiHlry tlicro, nccorillnR to re liortH from Iho Antipodes. It Is now miRKcuted tliut tlio Incrnisril cost of production should lie borno us n na tional burden, of fnllliiK on .i fow. A. V. P.ilfiojnmn, iiuiikikIiir dlroc ttir of tlio Austiiiliisinn Jinn anil Pre servini; Company, tidvocatod tho ap pointment of n royal commission to Innuho Into tlio wholo question of iltil) nnd tlio regulation of tlio In dustry. Ho says: "It Is (iiito evident that the siiKar Industry or Aiibhallii is in nn unsatis factory state, In Its relation as a raw material to other lonnufnctiuliiK htis- Incssen. It is calculated that up wards nf 70,000 tons annually nro used, from that aero. 11,11 further con In tho lain, confectionery, biscuit. I tended Unit (hero aro about tho samo cakes, and browing factories. Tlio Jam factories alno account for nbout r.ri.OOO tons. All these Industries uro supported by a tariff on tlio manufac tured lines of othiir countries, nut tho burden of tho Australian sugar duty Is novortlioless felt severely by them all, and so they openly declare that they do not want any duty on lm poitcd J.inis. What thoy rcqulro Is cheap sugar, which they regard ns a big portion of their raw nmtorlal, and with tho splendid fruits grown In tills country they say they can competo against tlio world. This looks llko a rcusonahlo position. At tlio s.imo tlmo they nro not unmindful of tho big sugar Indmtry of this rnmnionwealtli. nnd readily rciognlo that slneo tlio Parliament disturbed Iho pro duction of nine by lilac K labor, and deported practically all Of tho knna knK from Queensland, they must sco Unit Justice Is done tn tho present growers by white labor, and all thnso Idontined with sugnr production, not ocn excepting tho Colonial Sugur Hetlnlng Company. "The main question seems to bo, whnt Is the amount of Increased cost of sugar produced by black laboi as against lb it which complies with tho Australian lilt hI of a whlto Austra lia? A Hoyul Commission would seem to bo wnntcd tn deternilnn this ques tion, and Its composition should bo so llxed as to Include a roprescntntlnn of the consumers, rugar growers, fruitgrowers, manufacturers, sugar inlllots, and sugar lollneis. Tlio Australian public nro unquestionably paying about $7,200,000 annually In tho way of a sugar tax. About 200,000 Tlio situation in tlio worm marsei ppiulcntly of tho movement of doines- tic prices. These export prices niu Invariably lower than tho correspond- iir prices for local consumption by mote Hum tho Internal rcvenuo duty of 2 r ronts per pound. Italian and Spanish refiners, as n rule, are nblo to maintain prlcis slightly below tho Imtiort level; I. e, export prlips at the nnniest foielgn FOR WHITE LABOR tonn nip iiroilnccil xvltliln tlio com- inoiiwc.iltli, anil another 10,000 tons aro Imported, on all of which the im port duty of $.10 per ton operates Jusi iih surely ns If thcio weio no produced within our nun ten Hoo. Only about 1,f, 10,000 of this lingo sum rem hen thu public treasury, so that $ri.Mu,U00 Is tlio amount wc arc point; annually to support tho biiKiir Industry of thin cominonu'altli. Thin tax lis it affects tf fruitgrower Is n 'iy'icinii8 matter, for It requires olio Ion of siiRiir to convert one ton of fruit Into Jain, and ns a fair ciop of nprleots. peaches, qtllilies, or plums Is live tons to tho acre, the tn nn tho orclmrdist Is no less than 30 per acre, or Just about tho ouuUnlcnt of tlio gross proceeds of Ills produce number of people 30,000 cmplii) id in tho fruit-growing Industries nnd Jam factories as tlicro aro In tho sugar Ileitis and mills In this con nection It Is interesting to remember that tho tonsiimptlnn nf sugur per capita In tlio commonwealth Is 113 lbs , the United Kingdom coming next with 102 lbs. per capita per annum. Sugar was advanced tn prlco this morning XI per ton, and tho piesent cost must bo Infinitely beyond that which obtains In any other llrltlsh community. "Tho sugar duly lis It stands ut piui ent is liijitiintlsly affecting oilier equally Important Industries, and tho wholo question requires oxluiustlio examination and Inquiry In order to place It on an equitable and sound footing. Tho bounty of 3 per Ion was In the first Instanro legislated fnjj for a period that has alreiMv pastel but Its continuance Is In some quar ters now tegnrded us Insitlllclcnt, and n further Increase of JC4 pei ton Is being sought by a deputation of grow ers which Is on Its way to Interview the Minister In Melbourne, us well ns nn Increiiho In tho present Import duty of C per ton. On tho tithur hand, the frultgrowors nnd mnhufne tilrers nio nsklng for tho sugar mi that their Industries can proceed and dnnlop on nattiiat lines, and without help 'or hindrance, suggesting at tho snmo tlmo that tho production of sugar by white labor Is n national Ideal, mt 1 that Its cost should be home in n untlounl way, Instead of falling so heavily on, and Injutlausly affecting, tholr own natural and equally Important Industries." SUGAR GROWERS Uv iTJt .l V .. M k xi