Newspaper Page Text
-y EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1911. r ir 8' M' V I 1 l STATISTICS SHOW MARKED CHANGE IN POPULATION OF TERRITORY lltliiw lire Klveii itntlslli on popit Inllon In Hawaii, Complin! liy l)r Vic lor B ClnrK. loiniiil-uduner of, ImiulKrn rl .1 ' I "I, . I MAl.HS AND rilMAI.lM 1 United .Shies, I'lOO 7C.101.1Ri llnniill, ltwvT.i Hawaii, 191(1 ,....,.. Chinese nml .Japanese, I'ioo. l"liltlio nml JiiiiniH, 1910., t'HO Jiip.incic, iio Hawaiian, tllli ....' Pnrluniiesj., pilo Ollui countries, I'UO U,1 mil lOI.'IO'l MI.S78 101,1111 21.(17 1 7II.C74 soon 22.01 14.SG7 C'otniiK iitlnrT mi the above, Or. Clark tii) y "A Miinci" at (he porconliiKo columns MlllWH Hull lllll I'MlXM 1)1 UlllllS III llll- wiii. wiiuo nun iionill l'f per ll in m tlm tntnl iiopiiliitlnii Kn itu lliiin In lllii United Stales nM a whole, has lonsld crnbl) ilii r iivimI (bj about I pircint. of III' total iiniiulullou) kIiico I'lOO. tliu iniinlur of inili'H pir iliiiiimnnl falliii?jlv dun ti tliu Incnuslm; piopurtloii of from r.oi In 1000 to 0I2 In 1010 This ounjj pnsnns In thn population oflln oxus In fouiiil liy the unnatural rntlos wall, n iiiiioiik IIi"i mule r 21 hiih of tin- H'Xi-H iiiiioiik tlm I "It Ipllio", Ko-nf its tin- rv proportions ait- mine leans, ninl white OM'ipt PnrliiKUcsc, the ninrh iiorimil tluin anions nillittH Tl 1 1 Hex ifttlos mnoiiK tlu Itnwullnns nml Inorinsln;; proportion of ihlldrin of It PortUKiUHo belnir iiuirly llm 'si If iiimaltules process Inwntit stablo proportion of women miioni; tho JupiMtlal lomlltloiiH, whlili mo tho ih.h uiiiw Ih marly 101-2 pi r t lit . of t'niMir pulinlu to a solution, of llin Tir- lot il popnl itlon winter tlimi miioiiKi'ltor'K priHtnt liuiiiHtrli tliu Cl;ncv; hut tlm mxlolouluil kIk-' prohh nix. Il POPULATION UNOlin Hi t V Nntlonnllty. , Uiiltul Kliitox, 1900 Hawaii, 100 .., Hiiunll, 1010 Chill, x," anil Japmu'Ke, 1900. Clilnoio ami .Inpiiiisp, 1910. Clilni.".'. 1010 Jiipini'xo, 1010 llaVMidiln. 1910 Pmt-Uiiwntlan, 1910 PorttiituiWii, 1010 ...,,..,., Otlur lountrli'H, 1910 ...,., Ul f I rllivr tu Hill table, 31,2S0,21(! 48.MS 7J.0I1 1R.009 .-0.1V8 fl.382 . 24,001 10,917 'S,r.21 - 11,107 4,1.0.1 tOIUtlttlltH ItH follows: "Whllo In tho CiiIUmI Htnlei In 100U 402 out of i.irj It'OO pi'rSnlis uric nn' i 1 r 21 jinirrt of iiiri'. tho wmio year In Uniuill mil) 317 Mini uiulvr 21. Tlm iimiihor In llnwull luul Inbivnuoil, how- ru, to .181 hy 1910 Aiiiniii,' tho lln-.thniiRli II Ins rlmni from 183 to 300 pop will Inn In 1910, 4U'.irmfvlOOO worol tliouxiinil Hlnio 1900. Tlm prupoitloiiH iimjir 21 inrx of nKo. mnl mnoni; tlm of tho hcm'j. nro morn niarl, tiorinnl PortiiKimso Rtf ri J nilif-H toiy"'ii!iifci(K Dm l)li, r, i)im'i uf tf tli' pop-l 407 nilullh. Tlio hiiipijiloijof innr ijl itnui lilre' i ikhIi iltl.ii' iujiqnif tli pi rxoiiH ls nii?l,r5')iiii'5iii tlio jpUit ijljijIatJiM J'piHlblw heauiHf jjijjirn iilrlJ. CniHiiMlnni, hat tills In In part One to mo pout hniK to AbIu than Ihijh" J Jihii '" Hvran tND iTftHjiliV-nojLv'iiiiiJiNTLvus. vAvl i m""V' til l ! H m n,r ' ? lt 3 Natl.ln.?llty. " ' Total. 'l. rhlioiiWill Tiitill pi r Tlm Chliit-xo, 1900 4,020 Chinese, pilo , 7,191 .l.ipinoKO, 1000 4,877 Jnp.iui'M', 1910 19,890 Of tl.ixo IlKurex he snx: Tlilx ImllialiH tint tluro nro oir lf,,000 Japimxo In Hawaii ulici wire Iioiii aft.l Juno, 1900 Of tho 24,001! lUtmhh pr,,elon of thlx xort limy ho" Jiipiniwi ri shl, utH of tho Ti rrltnry un-1 fnlxlllul li) many iiuispeitul Inllu ili I 21 miiih of iiko, prohiilily lixx than imtx" IN BUSINESS CIRCLES (Continued from Pago 6) illil not tntlfy tlm IlruxxolH conten tion, ninl Simulxh KiiKurx urn Hiibject to u tnmitci willing iluly of 2 30 tonta per iiiiiinil when luipinti'il Inlii inun tlleo uillii'iliiK to tlm UriiKxolH ron- M'lltloll. llrllNh Prlns. Utltlli linpuit pilcoo for tho nioro Edison Phonograph The World's Greatest 1 NO Every home Alexander Young Building - itlun and slntlstlos, of wlilcti n sum - innry will iimlu In Ilia IlulH'llii 10-. - In nil); , , il - ft i ft )) i- IN TOTAL POPULATION. V 5 3 7 I? IRS 200 1M 107 2n 200 312 4"S4 '4SJ 178 ?1 5"" "3 C S9,fir.V.42 17,244,111! 43 -o. 12 KifiSi.D IS-lrtill g'i.mji 71ni 1 ll is r.i.isi 11,410 11.171 J,2M 47,01.! IHSUI 17.071 2'l,417 4,52fi 24,801 12.C.02 10,7.10 r,,G12 (1'JI CM SOI 710 701 OSS Alft r..2 nlflcnnoo r,f this fm-t I moillriiil liy tliu ki i liter IntiiiitirrliiKi' bitwicn Cht iii ho nml Hrfwnlhiu Tlit pioportlou nf women miiniiK tin' .Inpiucso N nip lilly nppioiihhiK tlm pioportlou tluit at prcsinl obtains Htnnm; tin, Amirlinn nml Nnrtli latropcuu riMdmts nf tin' T rrltnry The iiiiinlUiillnii of llio sexes Ispnrl- ninl polltknl ,ii RKXI1H 4 TXYHNTY-ONII, IIV ' 7 II a 7 "8 it a Tl i i 5 C. C-3 . f 1 r,02 40s r47 4SI 47i 020 ISO iltl 419 C41 4.19 mi 4iio r.oi 4oi C07 40! 601 407 013 4S7 SI 4G2 317 3M 183 sr sol 419 r,8i r,st 309 i 17,720,421 17,r,r,0,S11 2f!,7l,2 2J.00G 30,H)t .SLSIS 9,kC8 fi,041 10.142 1.1.040 ::,IC2 2.0-0 12.0S0 ll.UIP. r.,io4 1,119 4,204 n,r,09 o.sos 2,319 2,;44 Dr 'ClnrK tin, IntiiinnrrlaKo of mIiIIih unit IIu tu, ill nix, uhkh itiioilntH hircily fur thn uuulrliaulo pi ri'cutm;,', 681 In looo, nf )nuii)i p6rmniH anioiiK tlm ptrt-Iluwal- Iru impulntlon Among tho OIiIiuho mil .TapnnoKi' thn proporlloiiMif jouni: pcinonx in ntlll far litloiv tho noruial. limn ' J u f'oielKn Horn Tntill PirTliiiiixanil, 1.10 21,741 844 33J 11,170 fOS 70 r,0.21l 0J1 250 r,0,7Sl 750 14500 nro forelKii liorn It Is not lin- I" "Imhlo that hy iiiiollu rutiMiM n urn- ijoiii) or mo i nun so ami Jipnnixi.' ie- hIcIIiu- hi llauall will ho liltlui horn, rocont yt'ar of both raw nml rellneil HUKaiH, which In 1912 h.ul fallen ns low iih I r,G iciitH (iinri'llneil beet-root) anil 2 24 tents (icllneil nil otliur), on the whole xhow mi upwaiit trend, ami for tbe your 11110 worn nbout 20 to 30 per lent lilfilier than for tho jour 1902, when the IIiuhkuIh loinenllim was com Imletl. DomoHtle. prlci'H fill- I 4 SCRATCHING PERFECT REPRODUCTION can well afford an Edison. No The Edison Amberole low a xlmllHr cuiirae, partly In x)tn patby with tho higher prlies of raw BtiBiir, jiartly nlxn by tenton of tho Inipuit iluty on KliRiir mloptuil In 1001 (0 901 cent per pouml of rellneil from April 19, 1001, to May 18, l'JOS, utiil 0 39S tent per pound of rellneil since). Tnle'H lubes, No. 2, which avur.iKed 31R tentB In 1900 (prim to thn Intro dtiitlon of the duty), toxe to 3 Gt cents In 1)01, una' to 113 tenlx and 4 Cl centM Ser poutiil In 1901 nml 190", tho yenrx followlni; the rntlritatloii of thu ItiusBUla tontentldn. Tho lowcrlni; of thu Import duly In Mn, 1U0S, from 0905 cent to 0 39S cent per pouml of ruined arricted but xllKhtly domestic prliofl. becnusu of the Hlniultanious ilxli lit the pilco of unrollmd Biigar durlii't; that jciir, Nuw York iiuntiitlons of ntnndnrd cradoK on tho wfiole show the antun imirxo of ilewlnpinent In the c.ixo of Cuban bukhi tho reciprocity con cesxloim (0 3J7 lent per pound on 90 cetitrirtifriilB) were followed by a rlRO of the minimi uveriiKO price of that Kraile of (c. and f. prlie at New York without duty) fiom 2 0.11 itntfl for 1902 to 2 02t! cents for 1904. Blntu then the quotation, nfl rUcu by Sleaxrx Wlllett S. tlrny, bno followed fairly tlimely tho deelopnicnto In tho world market. The price of rellneil Kiamiliitcd BtiRiir, which averaged 4 4", cents In 1902 mid 4 G IX routs In 1901 (at the end of which )ear reciprocity with Cuba went Into ef feit) lose during the next yearB. when prhi'S of the. raw pioduct wont up, nnd fell li) I 'IOC. when thorn was a ilecroaso In the prim of the unVe llned article. The 1010 nornKo price of rollned bIiows nn Increase orr tho 1909 average of 0207 lent per pound, as against an Inrronso of 0 ISI rent In tho price of tho unrefined product (0C renlilfilKiils) for tho Biinio jear Cost nf Prniliiotliiii. ThePiodiico Market Ilevlew of I-on-ilnn, Oclolier 22, Kiiyx: It Is genur.iily hel lined that the cost of prodilijiiK SS biet lu Kood nml woll-sltu.ited factories Is about 8s (d per liundrcd welKht (JJOflfi per 112 pounds); ndd liiK Cd (12 cents) for tho transporta tion to Hamburg, this would bring the llrst cost to 9s (2.19) f. o. li. HnmlmrK. without any prollt to thu mamifiiLturers. A fair return of If, per tent to tho factories wyrklng only u fnw uinntliH In the year would bring tho price up to 10s 3d (nbout ?2r0). It Is nine crjstal can be rtiIwii In Jimt at Cs (?I4R) per bundredwelKht (112 pounds), or ny 7s Cd ($1.82) landed In I-nndou. I'lftecn per cent prollt on this would brliiK jellow .Taa ryB (als up to fu Ss Id ($2 13) per hmi iliedwolght ns against 10s 3d for 88 beet. Cuba, with Its great central factories', can iiIro produce nt a ery low cost, probably from tis to 7s ($1.40 to $1.70) per hunilredw eight. It Is understood that about 2s (4!) emits) Is tho luwost remuniratlvn margin to tlm (Ionium rentiers, bo rween lhu'insl of TlS" fleet niid (ho prko of lli'fif mm lis of gramilatcd. Here, again, thu rellners, In addition to tho future competition ,ijf white cine, lun e-' ((' lne'e tbe Increltlng iuanufai.turn,pf granulated..ibil 'oven of iiiinmim tubes direct froln.tlio biet Jtilte. , llegarding the nboo statement, Messrs. Wlllett nnd (iruy nro of tho opinion that thu tost llgurcs for beet nnd en no piodiictlon uiny prou loo low. Mi. C. C.irnlkow, In an analysis of bout-sugar tost, arrives at the con clusion that tho usual cost of beet roots, woil.lng expenses nnd yield, for 8S sugar Is 9s fd ($2 31) per hun dredweight f. o b. Hamburg, without profits to manufiiitui'i is, while under nrylng eiiuiwiknts between largo mid small factories tho cost , may rnugo from 9s to 10s ($2,1!) to $2.43) per hiimliedwclght, plus ,1s (24 3 cents) for Interest and sin plus of working capital. Thu CzarulKow estimate fur licet Miliar Ious not vary ninth from tho Produce Market, Hot lew, but wo, must take exceptions to the cost of pro ducing Cuba centrifugals at' Ox to 7s per hundredweight, my Cs Cd, equal to 1.42 cents 'per pound. Whllo lingo and small estates lu Cuba vaiy In cost of pi intuition, thu xaiuo ns with I HAWAIIAN NEWS GO., LTD. but factories, ct thu lowest cost of tliu huge estates Is understood to be 1 fi nuts per, pound up tVi 2 tents per pound fur others thn mi'i.ige nut of production mny fairly bu exilmatPil at, tints per puiuid I n b Cuba, or sny 1.95 cents t mid f New York, 1 181 tentB per pound fob Culm Is Ss Rd ($2 07) per hundridwelght f o 'b Cuba, which wo must mushier ap j proximately corrtct for mt of Culm production, or say 9s 3d ($2.2.1 per hundredweight landed In thu I'nlted Kingdom Ileets nt Ss lO'il (In low' cost pro duction) elinl teutrlrugals nt 3 SI tents per pound New York, whllo Cuba centrifugals at 2 cints per pound, cost and fielghH ubnvo umt productlun) eipinl 3'i! cents pur i pound New Yolk, a difference of one 'linlf cent per pound, whlth illrferenco !ln parity Is usually made dm lug tliu height of the trop Finally Mr. Prlnten Oecrllgs pub lished recently In the Intornutlunnl Sugar Journal nn estimate of (ho cost of sugar production in .Ini.i Ho bisos bis estimates on the llguros obtained by him In 1902 for fnity-lwii well- eiiuippeu intioriex i ne average insi fur these futilities was full ml by him to bo C7 fis HVt'l litr metric Inn, or 1.01 cetitB per pound Whllo thu av erage. lild per acre has since In ci eased. Iho priio of many lit tides nml of labor bus likewise grown The average c'ost of raw Java cryxtats, basis DC Hr tout, In bags or discs. .delivered nt the purls and Int hiding llio tost nf management, cultivation, piodiictlon, tiuUHpmliillnii by pipe Una, depreciation of lu.ii blurry, itfuttuip, fielhl to roast, iii.ilnle naiico and deprrclailnn of factory and iillmr stiucliiies, but exclusive of In terest on capital Invested lu thn factoVles and innihlneiy, may bo oxll jn'ialed tit r,'n guilders per plcul of 01.7(1 kilos, uiiltul to about 7h 0'id per huiidiedwelght, or 102 lints per pound With ficlghts at 20s ($187) per ton from Javu lo Kuglaud or In ((he United States, this would m.iko Ss C'jd In Croat llilfilu, or 1 13-10 cents per pound In New voik Willi freights nt 21s ($GuX), the cost would bo 8s 9Hd in Urltlsh ports nml ITx cents at New York 0 w JOBBERS FIGURING IN RISE OF SUGAR Discussing (no sug-ir Hltuotlnn, the San rrnlitlson Call of August 12 buvb: Market conditions hiivo been jnr tleul.irl) inlerestlng dm lug tho week by reason of thn loimnkablo advances In some of tho leiidlug pimluils nt rec ord llgmes. Ilnrle) has niovid to un usual blights, and fruits am jMdtug lurge revenues. I Tho sugar sltunllon lias Ik'oii d.nk cmd Eoiuevvluit bv tho fear of ad verso tafilf legislation. Worn It ant fur this und tho pending investiga tions; tgar shares would have re sponded more violently to tho upward trend of the market. There has been a halting Inlluinco nlso In tho,cou tactSjinnde nt prlqcs'blow. tbe pres ent love). Jobbers, have dlspla) oil n deslro to'tm'y for tireVent 'needs In tlm open m.nket und to postpone pur chases on their tantr.iits until later dates, anticipating still greater ad vances In the prko of raw The continuid drought, abroad and tho active market In Loudnti had fur nished ground for tho belief that tho topmost notch hod not it been I cached. In order to force the Jobbers to ntiept dcllwty on t lit I r itintratts, some of tho couteins bud i eased the sale of raw oxropt on thefo coutrncts. Laupahoehoe Mill Will Soon Close Down, ' Cirlpillng nt Laiipahochoe pl.iutn lion will soon ill aw to a closo uc folding to leimit brought In Ibis city by PurHor-ltuclilor of tho steamor lle lene. This vesbel Is an anlval with 7200 sacks Kohulalelo and ISOO xucU Il(ip.ilUielioc The mill nl ilniitatluii will bo through tho sc.imhi cniji by the end of the mouth. It Is predicted that ll.ini.ikii.i Mill lie will te.iso grinding by llio first Init of Seplembei. 4J, .1- Sound-Producins Instrument ' i, home should be at $'95 js simply "NO ONE IS STRONGER THAN HIS STOMACH." misi i:i ii:ii. When You Are Sickly and run down and subjected to spells of Stomach trouble, Biliousness or Ma laria, Fever and Atiue, you cannot take a bettor medi cine than Hostct ter's Stomach Bit ters. It icmoves the cause by toning tho entire digestive sys tem, Try it and sec. HIT INSIST ON Hostctter's Stomach Bitters Tor snlo by Il'i nxnn, Kmlth ,t Co , Ltd; Ch.imhirs Drug Co, Ltd; Hllo Drug Co, u lid nt nil wholexnlu llipior dealt rx. COMMISSION FOR BISHOP STREET (Continued from Pjg 1) tereslid nwnirx, tin government not 1 1 lug npris, utiit 'rho n port that tin v furnish, piovldlng tint the vnrl oiix hodlex miutloiiiil wilt full lu with llm xiiKKostloii, will not he In any way binding, but vvIIMh' taken as u hixlx to work on In nulling nt tlm lust mi thud to adopt It vvlllcnuslxt of three uninterested pirxinis, who will bo nxkid to devise Mime fuixllilo sihtnic for tho tiirrlng out of the work In vuih n vva) that It will lilt pt ovirjhndj'x Ideas. Tie (loviruor xtalid that the ipiix tlou Is n ur lomplhattd one and that the commlsxloii wllh nho be n'keil to try nml ih In mine what pirt the, illy mid the Tinllorj Khoiild inch binr Su tonuiiilon with tho mattir BIG ORDNANCE SHOP BUILT MOST RAPIDLY Ome nioro tlm 1inliim oeim utt gl)n now lu opt ration nt Port linger ',lioot Ing" up hulliHiigh i onus Into the lime Jlght of unistriii lion meii ('aptiilu lMwards, who hixiihnrgu or tho nppiiatiis and supi rlnti nils Its work, put Itjn opnatloii of construct-j lug tin' I n gest nrdnanco 'simp ver hul'n 'r,Vr tho t) S goviruMuut ub'iut the llrst' nf thin month. The building Ik ihilxhid nuw, or, rat In r, will ho Mon- day, whin tliu Hull llnlxhlm; toiuli of p. ilnt Ix put upon It IMwnrdx Inviutid n new nnrzli', which ivpiilltox loiiKlruitlon Kriatly, lis the mlNturo uxid does not i lot; up this 1107I0 nnd ih lay tho work nx wax1 Iho ciiko with tho former ones. F0UR-BALL FOURSOME AT COUNTRY CLUB There will bo 11 four ball fnursonio golf meet tmuniiow' 11101 n I m,- at the Country Club Tho contestants nin tit best in Iho club ami a 1 iiko Dum ber of Iho luenilieis 1110 expected to bo present. The links nro In excoplloiinlly jmod condition Ibis jear allowing fust llnie. Thu Aiiiuilc.iii-ilawiilinn Ifielshler Columbian has sailed fiom tjin I'iju cscn for Honolulu lij way of Pucet Koiind ports The vessel left Sun I'liikIsco Tlmrsd.o, , 1 without one. Edisons sell from wonderful. Sold only by Polo A La Mode "o-oM' VocidCH'1 BUSY BLIND GIRL Miss Mary E. Morris of Bridge port Uses Typewriter, Sew ing Machine and Phone. Miss .Miiiv i: Morils of if l'liclde Bluet. llildKCpot ,1s V Ktjuilo M th" Cunutctltiit Iustltiilo for the llllnd ul Ilirtrilrd .She Is a Slamford clrl nnd hmt lieen blind Tor ilKht Jo.uh. I1u ro cently she opined lmr Illtlo business of e.nie und Lilian xe.'itlui; nml broom makltiR. Hho did lur own hoIIi ItliiK, took her own oiduis. did her own work ninl dollvorrd her own fioihls Shu Is now on Iho load to luitepend- inee, not illone self-supixnt. .Miss .Moirs dots uther llilnsH he slileii tho cmlliK l,r ch.ilis She uses it typewriter and itets out neat and cornet cop on It She Is Iho Stnul- foid iiKCiit fm a poult 1 Join mil and inner puiiiic.iiiiins . 'I his mouth Miss Motrls Is koIiik to spend a toimlo of weeks ut Hart ford tnklnu a iome In thu leseatliiK of jxirch chilli's. IK'i elllilencj will Iheii bo ninth Ineie.ised. In hei own loom mo mini) Ihlncs whlth one would not exixtt to dud there. A sowing luaclilnu is lu one coiner, a tvjiow liter on llio tilde, bexldo It a telephone. "Yes, I had that put In List month " tdio said. "II le.ill) Ix a Kieat lime ami money saver tor me WI1010 for merl) I had to CO to places, fniiienl- l) iisIiir tho trollo) I now tulephoue and tinnsiitf husiniss uulto well 'Oh, I lomeinher iliuens mid dozens of .numbers," shu uxpl lined lu n' spouso to a iii:sllmi, "Of course. If 1 want u now uumhci, I have to got mine one to look II up, but I can ro- membir It then all riitht. You know, I operated llio switchboard fin tho Connecticut Institute, for six mouths "And the sovvIiik muibliiu? Why, 1 rail), main easy, ion. wo uso llio hcir-Uin-ndlm; noodles joii know, nnd niuko out quilu well with it cm pin In pieces. "I consider mvsilf inni of rnnneell cut's Hiiicussfiil blind," shu continued. '1 am biippoitliu; mvsoir In cnnifprt. 1 iiivn plenty or wnrk to do, nnd I net inilliliiK from ,iu nun (lint I do mil earn." 1 Wsii-sss t ft r i II (irrntrn An nit 'inpt vvns 111 nli to vvtuk tho I'm in li linik lloiiih imp lu tliu torturoiM loral-llniil Hho lis of W'al llm Itiy this luoinlmr. but the 1 ITortx (n put tho slain h titift out of hiixlnexh wiie on -llmd i-i'li'lj to iiimorlxtH who ilnrlni; the imiiiilm; hoiux Kpn'.nl alnnit (lie liport that tho visxil was In ills- tlIKH 1 , I The Itomnmp was plckul up off tlm harbor h) I'uptalii II) do of the Alutxnii .N'uvIk.'iIIoii I UK Intrepid und was towed" to an inn liouiku IT thu harbor 111 trum.11 at noon tiuhiv The si, 1pp. r ftiitos th it ut no xtnuu of tho vo)aiio wax tlm freneli h.ul. lu 1111) ihum'ir of' lomlni; In unit ut with tho mfs Hut !' HUrrouuil the Island 1 iiptain i.ii,enii is miixtir or tliolrlm V lurk that has kIiuo Julv V bun on a vii) 11K1' fiom I' to tho llavvnllaii. IhIiiiuIx. 'Iho Itotich imp inuies hi re for ordtrx. nml whllo nt tho port her In:, ti lists mo hiliur lookid nftu hy Hind, ltolph Co t'nptaln l.oln.ui expects to receive urilirx tiV prim 1. 1 to Pnrthinl or PiiKitj' Sound polls for uraln lie will not coinn Inside, hut remain nt the iinihor 11K11 until read) to iikiiIii put to m a, whlili will prolnhl) ho within the next tvvtnt-fnur hours. ' . In ruse joii nave suliscrlheil for the H v 0 n I n K II 11 1 1 e 1 1 11, und have up H to thu present tlmo failed to recclvn'ii our impor, tho circulation depart ment or the Hullo tin should bo notified at once, (live exact uddress when in.iklnc emnplalnt us It is due to faulty addrcR that your paper Ins not been started sooner. Telephone S.'ECjOr cnll nt tho II u tint In olllce nnv Alukcj street to innkn rompUtat. Wmk I liu 1 itl Bi ur mi, $17.0 upward J4 KV.t.'vT?' y iPSvJti Alexander Young Building .1 K