Newspaper Page Text
'nUBHMB i.ix$xm&mMmKMmaBmM.w c,." w;;' m ... - , ljr-r mf-j-r. !! Mil . -. r- (3 CVENINQ BULLETIN, HONOLULU,' T. H., SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1911. go l .r i o THE IMPERIAL htavy duty Marine and Stationary Gat Engines are built In "fin Franclteo, Cat. 1, 2, 3, 4 and C Cylinder! 4 to 250 H. P. M (.1 AMATEUR PROFESSIONAL Your Summer Wardrobe At Saving Prices Reasonable Instalment Terms ii SPORTS LOCAL FOREIGN PDRTIJGIJESE ATHLETIC CLUB OUT TO WIN SERIES J i v- - H AL iSaaaHHtiHPinPnaaV , H. W M Imperial rapid advance In trade due to Its having the highest effici ency of any gat engine in our market. Every possible precaution Is taken In the manufacture of Imperial as to best of material being used, exact, and standard sizes turned out. .Be sure the name "Imperial" is on your engine. Good engines are cheap at reasonable prices) cheap enjines are dear at any price. Call and we will show you Imperial anoints, big and small, marine and stationary, working in Honolulu. Imperial agent for Hawaiian Islands Is HENNING A. PETERSON, 1150 Alakea Street, P. O. Box 155, Honolulu. Young Hotel Laundry i Work Called For and Delivered . Ulon arid Hotel Streets Phone 1862 MAf LEAY, DUFF & CO.'s "Imperial Liqueur" Scotch Whisky 1 - GONSALVES & CO., Ltd., Distributors n.u.'nyj.n J. A. GILMAN Shipping and Commission Agent for ARTHUR SEWALL & CO., BATH, ME. PARROTT & CO., SAN FRANCISCO BADGER'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. . GENERAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. -(IIW.VNKI.I- AiriO.1l.VTK! SPICI NK M:it NEUMAN CLOCK CO. OVATCIIMAVS CLOCK) .ROYAL STANDARD TYPEWRITER ' AACHEN & MUNICH FIRE INS. CO. FOIIT STIttXT, SL'AK JIIMIOIIANT. THE CELEBRATED BAUSCH &. LOMB Zeiss Tessar Lens The best lena made for all photographic purposes. Have ono fitted to your Kodak. Come In and wu will explain its advantages. ' Honolulu Photo-Supply Co., 'IJVHUVTIIfVfS PHOTnoltAPIItC" 'BSaaaaaaaaafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam'iaraaaaaaaaaaaaal VBgajajsjaaaBjBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaMaBaBaBaBaBaBaB oaaaaw .4lasiaViBBaaaaaaaaaaVaaafcr -iaiMtaa saMaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Ladies' TUP FlODMFIT Sachs Bid Beretania COLLEGE OF HAWAII . , SHORT OF FOOTBALL MEN HIGHS EXPECT TO DO GREAT .THINGS IN ATHLETICS THIS YEAR. 'OAHU COLLEGE MAY TURN TO RUGBY. i KAMS TO HAVE NEW ATHLETIC CHAIRMAN . .( f , Tli" Lick School, which If. noted fori lug nuy of tli other hchnuls of the city lu&ttnit every other school In f'M'llmll tliN nr nro lull. Tho . , ,.,,'.. .1 ., I ihunces nro thai the tollogo will turn branches of ntlilellcs ciei tlio Coast, Mill " lei rugby. The Minus iiikI College of one of the most noted schools In tlio 1luill ltr ol llluI11I11B tll ,,. .,,, West, will liirn out Its first niRby . inu-i villfi;l.itw gnmo llil your. nnmul for iimctlyn.nii Annuel SI.- TllUl. - s ritiwMinH" ti'itwITuia cfiiiinploinlilii In' clllf" Clin Pong, at one, tlmo n nlmoil every line of Hiort. TliU will be the li"! tlmo :i team has tlaeil tlio Ic.lbdi K'ini" t Hi" school, unit tlio VIlfiK ospect lo turn out n xtruiiK ub-Ki-eBiitloti. They will luiMi nlimit thirty inn out for tliu (irt il.iy'H iiniitlao. I rnftwor ruliinn, wlm linn taken nn nitlo part In alliletlt-H nt tlio MuKln- ley HlKh Helinel, will lo at hN old poit jwlien Kchohl l.rKlns iiRaln, n tut lie hoieH I to litul innii) koiiiI material for the illf- fermt tenini from tlio iniilo reernllH juhn .enter the Mcliool thlH full, tin In 11 o Hvnooi eiucii. Tlio CoHori' of Hawaii has already loot n few nt (h footliall plnyem mill will xoiiii itiUh niiiither man. who Ktii'H tn.tllo SlateH to eoiilliiuo IiIm Htuitieh. Ho In a very valuable man, tlio ioIIi'ko Iioj'h cny. Crystal White Soap Has No Equal in the Laundry TAKHS OUT Tlin 1IUT QUIl'lvl.Y AND TIIOltOtTtllll.V DOKH NOT INMtmi: TIIH IIANDH H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. Distributors , 'il'.,. Uho Knm Htliletex liuCo Inst their iTeulal 'uthlcllc rlmlrmiiiip Captain W. II. 'Wlnlefii, who left for tlio Coast last ,i ek. lJci hns Berveil Ills tlmo as lull It n 1 J- liif Iiih tor nt tlin Kehool, Tlio hi'j'H aie'ntixloii"! In know who tlio next member of'the fuctilty to 1111 the vaeant chair wll o. Allan McfJowiui, n Krniltinto of the lviiiuehaiiieha rit'liooti with tlio elasH of 09, will' enter tlio MolClnley IIIhIi Ht'hool this full, Medowati was tlio eaptnln of tlio 1009 Imxohall tram nml nlno u member of the track anil Hopcer teiuiiu of thut )enr while nt Knmeha iiflin. Ho Is n kooiI riuthy player mul tlio tllKh ntliliteH will llml room for III 1 1 en llielr vnrous teams vhen ho tl Is fall. ' K WlthhiKlon, who has been on tlio HnrMiril rri'w for the pant threo yoarH, will be lillwd lit Ills piiHltlon lit No. 7 when tlin crew turiiH out for jiractlso next month. Hi. l.oiilb Ciilli'Be will hnvo n few ho calleil iirofeiislumil ball plujirii on Its teanl when the seaMiu np'.'iis nuxt year, tliiltlit of (.mini CoIIobo mill well Known III nlliletU'H whlle'here. In now nn active nicuiher In nlhletles lit font. Ho b n iiiember of the ClilneKV t-itllilellln' Alliance albletli! eoilllllltleP, which hail full clinrBe of iirruiiBemeiitH of tint vnniiil annual track nml lllih meit hebl nt the C.ilirorul.i track on AiiKUKt 12. Tlio' oilier two menibcrH of the coiiiinltteo wire II. H. Q. Jeo of Htuntoiil. who was chahinaii, nml W. K. of Calirornln University. HIliB I'hoilB Is II bliillnl of I'll Hue, tlio local ball pla)tr. HiiKby practise In most of tlio IiIrIi M'hools nn the I'nai-l has Hlartnl, ami nil tho other IiIb reboots will hoon havu their tennis out. The season for ruKliy will start sumo tlmo ihirlui; tho latter ait of 8"ptomher, ainl all tho teams I uro picMrini; for the coiiiIiib season. I'lio Alitiliiiln lllltli School, ono of i .. . . ......... ..... ...... (lll HIIOUBCSI IltllUTt'lllH in lliu uiiereoi b'i;jto colli! of football, la now conshl- erliiB tho possibility of takliiK u riiBby. Ono suio tiling has been set tleil, ami that Is that tho Htiuleiith at Al.imeila HlKh will enter Into Inter iIiibm Biiuies ruthcr than bo outshlo for competition In any branch of sport. Tho IpKlnley High Kchnol boys nro f.lail to hear that they nro boIiib to have, Kuinn ooil ntlileteM when Hchool npeiiM iibiiIii lioM inuiith. Thev will 'iiiIsh u few uoml uieiuberH of tho uth ililli' iiKsoclatloii In Kolimion I loo. Ken I net )t Abies mill l.estcr Mill Us. Tho latter two hao sulleil uwuy for colleBe. Theso threo boys Bi'iKlnateil with tho i lass of 1911, The prospects of Oahu Colleen iiicet- Tho St. Louis Ci.lleee opens on Sep tember 3. Tho lolloiro will lose one of Its most accompllsheil stuilentH 111 uth-j letlcs, JiiM'ph I'a.sKolli, who was inan ni.'er of tlio baseball team anil captain of the truik tl am. Ho iiraillialeil tlllJ year uml Is nuiv on Kauai. William Deslia, who has another term to sirvo nt Oahu CoIIcbu beforo hu Brailuatcs, left for tho Coast on tho Vllielinlnn Weihunilay mornhiB on a plea mire trip. If thhiKs suit lilin on tho Coast ho will not return to school here, but may luko up n, business course while there. 'lllll,"ah lio Is known to all sports, was captain of tho lootball teain this year at Oahu Col lege n nil also u star pel former on tho Irnck team. Tho Chlneso Stuilcnts" Alliance, nn organization niailo up of Cljuese stu dints on the Coast, hclil IIh secniul aiw mini track uml Held clinniplonshlpmeet on August 12. Aiiiong tho fttinlents urn miiiio speeily men, who would give lhi Sue n run for his money If ho wiro present ut tho meet. Ills brother, Hlnf Chong, entered for tho 110 ilash. n ttiiunnnminnntiitfl n a . SPORT CALENDAR. Saturday, Aug, 19. It I'olo Kauai vs. Cavalry nt Mil' It nnnlilii. tl Sunday, Aug. 20, tt Ilascliall J. A. C. vs. 1'. A. C. at Si Athletic I'nrk. t! :t Hawaii vs. Htara at Athletic Park, ti ti Saturday, Aug. 26. tl tt Ilolay Ilnco Ten Miles: ntz- tt tt Kcrahl ugjliist JhcKboii, KIiik, tt tt .Inks, at Athletic I'UiU. tt tt I'iiIo Oalm s. Cavalry nt Mo- tt tt analiia. tt tt Ilauehall All Clilncsu vs. Cavalry tt tt nt Athletic l'aik. tt tt Sunday, Aug. 27. tt tt Ilauehall Hawaii vs. J. A. C.J ti it Stnis vs. p. A. C. at Athletic ti tt Park. it it tt tt tt tt tt tt It tl it tt tt it tt tl tt ti J. A. C. OUT ' TO WIN P. A. C. Ball Games. Should Be lutcr- esting Tomorrow Stars Expect to Lead. The Oahu Lenguo will continue Itn iisiuiI iloubleheailer tomorrow afternoon nt the Athlttlo Turk, when tho J. A.' Cs, unit tho l'l.rtugiiesn nine meet on the (llauiiJiiil In tho first game nml the .shim tnrKfcftlU'Iftiwifllir iii-triio-VHHe-jl mul mateli or llie iifleriinou. 'Ihcsc two gauieil hhoutil bo of Inter, est, us I (it li lint Mais ami I', A. lis. hiio It In lor theli' iippoutut ami are iletermluiil lo knp tbeul ilimli III till', set les. 1 Tho leaders of tho lln.1 mtIvn ur.v tuMiig things Kcrlnusly since their de feat of last Sunday mul mo wonder-' line If more Is coining their way, I 'I hu lluunlls hnvo started out In the wriuiHT ilhcctlon this sirles, but they il.ilm It Is merely u iiuestluii of hard luck. Tho team has lost li good mull In Hill IVMia, who has sailed' for tlio Coast, liapbael hns gnno tu Maul mul Kuiilll has desci'ted the team and giiliu with the Chinese team to the Valley Isle. Aynii, who did nil tho planning of tho trip tu Maul for tho Chinese team, toubl not go, us he was prevented from doing so by his physician on, account of n bad ankle. Ho was hplked u fuw weeks ago while playing ugalust the All-Oahii team uml Is unable to play ut present. With .au uml Kunlll oh thu Hawaii nine, they nro left without n good play ir ut shortstop. Captain David Desha hillovcH that ho has to lakn "chanceH mul piny at that position himself Hun day. Tho Chlneso members of Manager Marcallliin'H team lire having a vaca tion uml the hoys nro having a swell tlmo on Maul, celebrating their victory over the J. A. Ce. last Sunday. They will leport for duty ut the Athletic Park on August 27, lloth Mnrculllno mid Cnptalu Harney Joy hnvo been busy (Inuring on how In 1111 four va cant places on thu team for tiimnrruw's game, mid nt last havu conio to the decision that Siimmr shall catch. On ilcrlo plnv short nml Plattu nil L. Tin's position at third. ' Tho American Japanese team will have It strongest teiiin out, mid ex pects to wipe out tho P, A. Cs , who sprung n snrprlso on the popular Ha waii team Sunday. Hiishuell will do tho twirling for tho P. A. Cs, while fleorBO Clark Is e peeled, to be In tho box for tho J. A. C. team. Williams and Sumner will form tho ballery for the Stars, nml the "Lld"cuu pilch some when ho gets started. For the Hnwiills, Iita and Wlnnti will do thu hombardlng, uml the old standby Is going to that the Stars don't win In the last Inning. , tt n a Sports ut tho old V M C. A. build ing have cciiM'd, mid little will bo doing III iithhlle Hues until tho now building is upeiuil on September 25, when Indoor baseball will commence. Baggage Carefully Handled Experienced Men and Expert Service ro hi: compop.tahi.k this wkathrh is to install an The Only Way roilTAHI.K THIS WRATH BR IS TO I Electric Fan TURN ON TIIH CimilH.NT AND YOU WILL NOT MIS3 TUB TltADK WINDS. TUB COST IS INSIONll'ICANT AND A KAN WILL LAST TOR i-li A US. ,i The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. Australian Beef & Mutton WU HAVK HKBN UNAIILH TO SHCURH KNOUCIII IS LAND HKBP TO ACC'OMMODATK OUR RAPlDLY-OROWINa TltADK. TUB NBXT HOAT PRO.M TUB COLONIBS WILL UIIINO US A SUPPLY OK HXCHLLUNT HBBK AND MUTTON. ' Metropolitan Meat Market HEILBRON & LOUIS, Proprietors TELEPHONE 3445 MWTT having the low, damp spots in j jf your yard filled in and the lot " graded you will he assisting in the campaign against'moscjuitoshesides making your place much healthier.. Estimates furnished. Constructing Contractor P. M. POND. Telephon 2390 Tho Stars have recruited many left? hand huttirs of late, uml they all may bo keen hi tho giiino tomorrow. Ay lilt, Joy, Hoopll, Plattn and Onderuiiro eonio of them, (Additional Sporti on Pago 12) IMMACULATE WORK UVURY OARMBNT PHItKIKfTLY LAUNDHRBD 1IY THU J. ADADIE, Phon 1491 ITR ITIMr U I A I IN1YB V J ABADIE. pp- Union-Pacific Transfer Co., King Street, near Alakea , Phone. 1875 ', M n 1h . I'M V) Weekly Bulletin SI Per Year I k tf'-u