Newspaper Page Text
0, A. , 5 Evening. ra From Sin Franelscoi I.urllno .1 Ai'iBUit 22 For San Franelscoi Sierra , , August 23 From Vancouver, Mnramk September IS For Vancouvirl , Mnkurn September 12 LETIN This It a time when the public wants to know everything about everything, and tri only way for a business to keep In touch with the public It to TELL ABOUT ITSELF IN PUBLIC PRINT. t ,v 9 3:30 EDITION Advertising Valiie Is a Direct Quantity ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 5010. 10 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1911. 10 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS. V r JiUL REPUBtlCAN COMMITTEE INDORSES PRATT NOW i. V. ...- J 4 A. I i t 3 SENATORS BEFRIEND ARBITRATION ALIENS WILL BE TREATED ALIKE UNDER LAW Dillingham Naturalization Aims to Establish Standard. Bill NON-CITIZENSHIP HELD UNDESIRABLE Japanese Little Affected By Proposed Regulations as Immigration Is Practically Stopped. BY C. S. ALBERT. (8xclal Mullet In (Jorrcsiiondincc.) WASHINGTON. I), (i. Ahb 7. Tint all alien Immigrant who seek ad mission Into the United States should ho treated according to tho tamo standard Is tho contention of the Im mlgrntlon commission whoso studios Uao resulted In tho "nntiiralUatlon law" Introduced In Congress by Sen ntoi Dillingham, chairman of the commission. Tho following is an ex planation of tho bllj-Mihmltted to Con gicss. i elating to tho naturalization provisions: Tills hill Is based in largo part on tho Immigration act of 1807 'but con tains many new provisions, tho smut' cr pnrt of which were recommended to Congress hy tho Immigration Coru miKSlon. Other provisions nro based on recommendations which appear In tho last annual report of tho Com-liilssloner-Ocnerul of Immigration. Tho bill proposes tho repeal of nil existing Chlncso exclusion laws and the substitution of u provision exclud ing rrom tho United States all persons who nro not eligible to citizenship through naturalization. Aliens of thu professional clnsscs are cxcjpl'd. Moreover, tho provision does not np plj lo persons who nro nlrendy ex cluded by treaty or other ngrcemont. Japani'M- Utile Affected. lit Icily stilted, the United States naturalization law extends tho priv ilege of citizenship to "nllcns bemg ficu white persons, and to aliens of (Continued on Page 6) NEW THEATRE IS TO ENTER FIELD Local Promoter Said to Have Connected With Big Mainland Agents. Pciplta tho fact that Honolulu pos sesses homu six theatres, not Includ ing Ihoso of tho Japanese und Chi- ncro districts, unotlicr .ono is to be built, which, when complotcd will ccllpso all others of this city In mat ter of slzo and modern equipment, It Is slated. The new thoatro whluh will bo called Tho l.lbcrtj, will bo feltuatcd on Kuuamt street and Chap lain bno nnd will ho built after tho Hljlo of tho alt domes so popular on (ho mainland, hut at tho same tlmo having a sound-proof roof, Tho build ing will bo entirely flrcpropf and ublo to seat sumo 1C00 persons, und will ho possessed of tho very latost then lio equipment so far as lights, scon cry, ventilation, acoustic properties, Ue., aro concorned, whllo a class of entertainment entirely now to Hono lulu thoutregoors Is promised by tho promoters, who hato initio nriango moots with one of Ilia Inrgoqt amle lllo circuits or the mainland to fur nlsh Tho Mberty with talent. A. K. Vlorra will bo at tho head of the now theatre with a roprescnta live from tho. SullUan & Cousldlno offlces of tho mainland ns his assist ant to conduct tho entertainment so far as (he vauileUllo acts nnd mov Ine pictures nre concerned Although Mr. Vlerrn denies that Sulllnn & Con (Continued on Page 2) Pratt For Practically Sure a I Governor Expected To Name: Him Now That His Indors menent Is Unanimous Unanimous Indorsement was given Or. J 8. 11. Pratt, health officer, for president of tho Hoard of Health to suciced i: A. Mott-Hinltli, by tho Re publican Territorial central committee ut u meeting held at noun today. Tho meeting hutcd but a few min utes, niRI action on tho Indorsement of Dr. Pratt's nninc was speedy niul muni ilillrd. Tho committee Indorses Dr. Pratt as u trained sanitarian, and It is stated that In tho cent of hit appointment by the Governor, which Is now fullv expected, ho will lmo every iisfelstuiico ami encouragement lntho administration or his onico that tho committee call Kite. Indorsed by tho medical- association, by the Hoard of Health Inst lYIilny and now by the Republican committee. Dr. Pratt Is looked upon us certain to bo named this afternoon or tomorrow morning by tho l!ocrnor to meceed Mott-Hmlthrv)' nlrciifly resigned from tho position, 'his resignation be coming' effective no soon ns his suc- eessor Is named. All of tho members of the commit tee wero either present today or hud previously expressed themselves ns with the committee In Its action In In dorsing Dr. Pratt. Tho committee has not taken action before' because of tho hope of securing Dr. Ilobdy's consent to nllow himself to figure ns u rcccp tlo candidate. Dr. IJobdy, however, not only declined tho proffered honor outright, but was himself one of tho Do ml of Health which guo Prutt Its unanimous upproal. MAUI CONTRACTOR ASKED TO FINISH AFFIDAVITS TO BACK HIS CHARGES NOW Contractor W. It. Patterson of Will- that tho mallor should not bo nllow lukii It) to bo asked to loo tho niaik cd to dtop and wiys that ho has ask and namo the man or men who offer- ed Mr. I'atlciwui to inako an alUda ed lilm J2.000 I" "pull" thu bids for It. Tho tecrotary of llio conunls tho road and Inldgo woik on Maul.1 slim Kiigliicor Howell, Is away Just Siipoilntendont of Public Works at tho present tlmo but as soon as no Marston Campbell, whoso loiter to comes back mid fho board can luno W. P. Pogue was published In tho n meeting tho matter will be uttend II u lie tin Saturday afternoon, ro-, ed to cehcil an answer this morning In which tho lra chairman of tho Maul load commission states that Patter son Is to bo asked for an nflldavlt giv ing a full statement on the matter. Poguo In his lotter states that ho qulto agrees with Marston Campbell JARED SMITH MAY GET FIELD JOB Jared (1 Smith, former president of tho Kona Tobacco Company and pre vious to that at tlm hcud of tho ex periment station hero, Is a possible If not prohibit- upponteo to tho oltltq of marketing superintendent or Held man, under tho reorganized department of Immigration and statistics, according to authoritative Information, H. T Stanelt, tho expert who came to tho Islands and reported on 'tho small. fin mhig plans, Is looked upon with favor for tho position, now that J, V IllgRlns has turned It down, ex cept fur the fact that .Starred can not tako tho position for inoro than a few months. Mr Smith Is believed to bo under consideration by tho Governor. Chairman Cooper of tho Republican Chief THRICE INDORSED TO HEAD BOARD OF HEALTH ' Ciovcrnor l'rear had nothing to add to the discussion of tho hltuatlon when seen Just at noon today. Ho was told of tho committee's action not long aft erwaids. It Is understood, and tho ap pointment, It Is now expected, Is only u inntttr of hours, tho Covcrnor wult 1ug only until tho Itipiiblluiu commit tee hid taken formal action Poguo hopes that. It will somo tlmo during this week and that by then l'attcihon will liavo piovcd Ills as sertion or withdrawn It. Ho Is fully In iiccnnl with Ilia doslics expressed In tho letter written him, ho sajs, and will boo tho mnttcr to a finish. Territorial central cotuniltteo said In day that tho tnininlttco discussed tho Indorsement of a candidate for tio po sition only bihlly, nnd postponed ac tion until another tlmo. Whether or not Mr Rinlth's niiiii has been pro se uted to the tnmmlttou could not def initely bo luirnid. BRITISH RAILROADS RESUME ACTIVITY LONDON, Eng, Aug. 21. The rail roads are rapidly resuming their nor mal condition. The employes who struck expect a reelgnlllon of their de- mands. -al, JssMsW a ' DR. J. S. B. PRATT THREE SENATORS REPORT FOR PACTS CAssoelnlid Press Okie.) - WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. Th rbltratlon treaties between the Unit- States and France and the United State and Great Britain are favored In three minority reports presented to the Senate today, following the advert minority report. Senator Root of New York, Senator Cullom of Illinois and Senator Burton of Ohio all oraientedl 'reports generally favoring the treatiot.l Senator Root favors ttfc arbitration clan, but would except ltt application wnre tm Monroe doctrine or other similar cases are involved. Senator (Burton favors tho treaties without amendment. CHINESE GET AN EVEN BREAK I (Special lltillitln Vlnless.) WAILUKU, Aug. 21. The Chlne.o Athletic Club baseball tll'm o? Mono lulu split even with the Maui team In two games played here. On Saturday afternoon the Chinese nine shut out the Vallee Islanders, 5 to 0. Yesterday the Maui team turned the tables, scor ing 10 to 8 for the Honolulu aggrega tion. A fair crowd taw the games. IKiH-elil II ii 1 1 c 1 1 n Cable.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. I General Leonard Wood, chief of staff, is planning to divide the army Into con ,tlnental and Insular forces with per maneni regimental commanus in ino Philippines. GET STATEHOOD lAHsorliitrtt nrss ClMr.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. President Taft today signed the reso lution admitting Arizona and New Mexico to statehood. The provision for recall of the judiciary will be elimi nated from the Ailzone constitution. WILEY'SCHIEF rAMMnelitril Press Cable.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, tes tifying before the Investigating com mltteo todaVi severely scored Dr. Har vey W. Wiley, head of the bureau of chemistry, DAUGHTER OF WANG LE01MG TO ENTER CONVENT HERE (Special II u I let In Cable.) NEW YORK, Aug. 21. Slater May Atlda, a daughter of Wang Leong, of Honolulu, Is returning to Honolulu to enter the Convent of the Sacred Heart. According to the lotnl mission's In formation, Sister Mn Alldii, who Is tho daughter of a Incut I'hlneso mtr- chant, Is about twent) -three jenrs old she has been educated In New York umi n urrlvo lieie lato In September, SCORES HIM DARING AVIATOR tori's. , '."Tv " ' 1-M.eaeajT MUPJ- S'iis$ "eeajjajaBIPP'iPM HIBBBrt.-8'' I aaa".;;.- flltlBair.S '.. llBH I M$!B&i$M'mr r r 'VM Atwood Is reported us hitxlnp suc ceeded In his night from St I.ouls to i Mi lea co mid on in Ne- York, tho first PEARL HARBOR CONTRACTS GO TO HAWAIIAN DREDGING COMPANY Scaled proposals for thu founda tions of bctcn Industrial buildings for tho Pearl Harbor Naval Station, wero opened this morning at 11 o'clock In thu ofllco of Itear-Admlral W. C. Cowlcs, U. 8. N Comiiiaiiilant of the local station. l'ive of tho local contractors sub mlltod bids. 7 hut of tho llnwnllan Drudging Company vns by far the lowest. Tho pilto named ir jurd was 17,S8'J In tho llrst Item concreto work, and In tho second CI cunts ier foot ior piling. Tho following con- ti.ictoiH tendered proposals Thu lord-Youiig Kngliiecrlug Co, foi tho llrst and second Items, $30, S'lO and J!.'.' j respectively, John 1' Howler -"..r.li0 and $1.2r, U M Whltchiuisu IW, TUS and $11, F. U Hadloy, $.3,'jrt and $.48. It will tako a few days for the na val engineers to prcparu tho final pa pers, before tho Hawaiian Drudging Compiny can slurt operations, oth- or toiitinclors say they cannot possl lily seo how this company can do tho! work for the figures named. Tho Hawaiian Drudclnir ncoiilo explain their low figures In this wny; They SHAFTER MEN TO SEE VOLCANO IPIhcIiiI till I let III Wireless) HILO, T. H., Aug. 21. A hundred soldlor from Fort Shatter are oxpect ed in Hllo on the Mauna Kea to mako a practice march to the Volcano. Tho ithov'o news toiillrnis tho nn liouiiteuieut prfuttd 111 tho 11 11 1 1 o 1 1 11 it few du)s into. McNAMARA "KIDNAPING" MAY YET PROVE SERIOUS (Kivetal millet In CaMi.) SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. 21. Gov- ernor Johnson has honored the request for the extradition of Hosstck the Los Angeles detective charged with kid naping John J. McNamara. COTTON BILL PASSES HOUSE: WILL BE VETOED (Special Ho I let 1 11 Table ) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. The House has passed the revised cotton tariff bill. It Is stated that it will be betoed. HAS GAINED fmt of Its Mud nttt milled Tho photo lira pi l iiIhiio slows Atwood In his re cent lllght to the White lloum from Philadelphia AT VERY LOW BID a lOO.UOO iird contract at the present tlmo for tho concrete work In Ibc dry dock and with all their material rlglij at hand It IsOust as easy to erect tho foundations at tho samo time. Their entire equipment Is down ut the workings and nil of their inen. They liae enough remnants to construct tho founlatlon with which only calls for 1,000 jards, trhllal com pared to the amount of concreto go ing Into tho dock. Thero will ba no expense at nil In shipping and' haul ing In Hie material ns the) have all Ihat at hand Three cirgoos of con creto material were received b thcni rot lung ago. Tho contract calls for SHOO fed of idling. All required ulmvc this amount tho diedglng company will piy $31 iicr linear feet. Tho foundation construction will Ktnrt In about two wroks, Tluo" mouths Is allowed for tlpi completion. The foundations will then ho ready so that tho steel frame wotk of tho building em bo set up liiimcdlntol) without nny cleln). Tho steel ncees snry Is lo bo on tho sites before) tho concreto has tct nbout tho llrst of December. GEORGE A. DAVIS United States Commissioner Ooorge A. Davis handed in his resignation to Judgo Charles 1 demons on Satur day last and this now makes his son, Charles S. Davis, commissioner In tils place. "When Davis went away on leavo of absence, his foii was appointed In fill tho position ami thorcforu thoro Is no need for n now appointment. CONGRESS WILL END SESSION TOMORROW (Assocl ltnl r'rss Oalilo.) WASHINGTON, D. C Aug. 21. Following the resolution introduced by Senator Penrose, Congress will adjourn tomorrow. WOULD INVESTIGATE THE PANIC OF 1S07 (Assoclale'I Press Cuble.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. Senator R. L. Owen of Oklahoma today introduced a resolution calling for an Investigation of the panic of 1907, ... GOAL-PACIFIC SURETY TANGLE Financial Affairs Involved Former President Sued For $100,000. A tangle In tho nlfalra of tho Pacific SureO Company, of San Francisco. Is furnishing worry for tho state Insurance commissioner as well ns for tho company officials. Almost simultaneously tomes tho announce ment that llio Hawaiian Trust Com pany, which represents tho Paclllc Surety Company In this Territory, lias resigned Its agency nnd Is refusing lo wrlto mi) further business for thu coast institution It Is now closing up tho arfalrs of tho nurety company ' hero, nnd It Is probablo that tho Coast Company will ecaso to do business In Hawaii This announcement will ho revolved with much Interest throughout tho territory, as tho company has a large lino of business hero and has been particularly uctlvo In bonding. In fact, bonding hai been ono of Its main features, but according to a statement by inblu to tho Hawaiian Trust Cnmpnti), as well as a later let ter of continuation, It has censed bonding and Is now confining Itself to einplcucrs vjlalilllty, pinto glass, ac cident and health, burglary and theft and team and vehicle Insurance. Hay Co in pa II) Is So hen I. Although Hie Hawaiian Trust Com pany has resigned the ngeney, It was stated at the company's olllccs this morning that no movo to tnko up tho outstanding policies or reinsure them will bo necessary, ns tho company Is not by any means Insolvent. A state ment from the California Insurance (Continued on Page 6) Annual Meeting Shows Steady Dcvclopmpnt of Industry. MNu pai'scnger has been Injured (lur ing the )car." With this simple statement Presi dent 11. 1'. Dillingham of tho (Jalm Hallway and Laud Company, 'cloaca the reort ho mado to tho stockhold cis of tho compiny nt n meeting held this iiftuinoon at 2:30 o'clock, Tho e.utiipan'a reports, plijslc.illy uiiil tliianulnll), aro very satisfactory. In his annual statement, President Dillingham sa)s- Tho dtcrctiso In the Knrnlitgs In 1911 ns compared with 1010, Is due to the fact that quite a largo ship ment of susnr which under ordinal)' circumstances would have been ship ped In 1909, was dclacd owing to tho labor strike and shipped In thu last half of tho calendar year 199, which Is the first hair of our flecil .vt-ar of 1910, thus making an ab normal Incrcaio In 1910, and loascn Ing tho cnrnln;s of 1909 considerably below what thoy othorwieo would hive been, (Continued on Page 3) U. S. MAY DECIDE TO SELL SPANISH WRECKS (MxUill 11 hi It. It 11 Cable.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. Messages were sent to the House and Senate today urging further appropri ations to raise the battleship Maine to determine from the condition of the hulk whether or not to sell the wrecks of the Spanish vossels. SUGAR SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21. Sugari 96 degrees test, 4.9925 cents. Previous quotation 4.92 cents. Boetsi 88 analy sis, 14s. 3d. Parity, S 03 cents. Pre vious quotation, 14s. 4d. OAHU RAILWAY A r. v n . Vf "!