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TW J ,3 , tl'M. Hl'irJtli" AjvSyxm (m,,, imw.ui,! . pi v J I "1 x . 10. EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H, MONDAY, AUQ. 21, 1911. m .'l T t 1 1 . II , I UL'- V. 7 M n HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Gery Street, above Union Squtie Juit oppoiln Hold St. Frtncu Eurooean Plan SI. CO a day up American I'lan $3.00 a day up Steel and brick structure, furnish ings cost $1!(JO,000. High cl.utj hotel at moderate rates. Omnibus meets all trains and steamers Hotel Stewart now recognized as Hawaiian Island headquarters. Cable address, ' Trawets' 'A tl. C Code. Heservationa made through Trent Trust Co., Fort Street, Honolulu. " Hotel St. Francis Union Square, San Franciico Under the Management of JA.UIIS MOODS FACING thfl beautiful park In (lie heart of the city, ,, which It the theatre of the pilnclpal evenU of the fa m (i us fcstltuls of San 1'rumNco, thl Imlel, In en. tlrnunient and atmosphere, ex- presses most pleasantly (he comfortable spirit of old Cal ifornia. The royalty nnd nobility oi the (lid World nnd the Fur Knst and the men of high nehletpment In America nho Hsemhle here contrlhute lo the rosiiiniolltiin ntmosphrre of na Inslltiillon which rrpresenli the hospitality and luiiltlilnal Ity of San Francisco to the traveler. The hullillni;, which marks the farthest iiHianre of sclenre In ken Ice, has now the largest raparlly of any lintel blriiciiire lu the West, ami upon comple tion of the Tout street nnnei nlll he Hie largest raruTnnsery In Hie nnrhl. WIIII.K TI1K SEUVIOK IS U.. tlSIIH,, THE l'UICF.S AUK NOT. European Plan from $2.00 Up UOOMY Hl'ITi:S ANI APAUTMIINTH AT The e Colonial API-HAL TO TOl'IUHTH Will) LIKI5 PI.KNTY (IP Aiu ami Pitnnno.M PltOM CITY nXVIUON- MII.VTH T1I12 IIATIJS AIIM NOT 1II01I . EMMA STREET Above Vineyard in: spin: yop oirr in oni: ,. wixic at Haleiwa uwoni: Tin: khakon-kndh. ii. .HUT OUT YDPIt UOOMH IN AUVANC13 WAIKIK1 INN Rooms and Board FINE BATHING W. C. Bergln, Prop. Macfar lane & Co. Ltd. Agents For INGLENOOK WINES h Phone 2026. P. 07 Box 488 Tf t CI04R HOW Is M. A OHNST en Ajrent NEW DRUG STORE Well 'Stocked vth New Drug, and Noveltlei ' BODA WATKIl FOUNTAIN HAWAII DRUG CO. '?:.,. 0WI7 " i 42 Hot.l Street, at .nd of if. aVHHHR U,- I THE GRMT BENJAMIN COMPOUND it jiiERBALo am li W'- I fre Constipation. IBKr I V. I Ulood. pSL I Vft' Slomath and Liver SLfBBm 1 1 & I Kegulator. VaB I J lOurestha Kidneys. !yllyr Don't Persecute' your Bowels CiiouiuifianinuMi milw TWmlnaf "iniHi"uaiinxu jt iff CARTER'S UTTUt. UVER PILLS PutJrnrt.Uf. Aaj rbaunt InW. tad A oolMIMddMsetf A ftifnbM el 4i)xtwtLi im n. S2""l 3kliltJul.uJWrM,.,nbn,. Small Pill, SnaB Deio, Small Ptiea- ''Genuine mibi Bigtinturo mmmmmmmmmmmmmm von Hamm - Young Co., Ltd. Pioneera and leaders in"' the Automobile Buiinen Agenta for such well-hnown can in Packard. Pope-Hartford, Stevene- Duryen, Cadillac, Thomas Flyer, llutck, Overland, Ilaker Klectrle, and others. Automobile Supplies & Repairing Associated Garage limited . For the BUST RENT CARS In th. city, ring up 2999 For OLD3MOBILE, No. 401 RENAULT, No. 404 llANDAULET, No. 6M C. H. BEHN Automobiles 8CHUMAN" CARRIAGE CO. Merchant 8tr..t y Use a PREST-O-LITC TANK on your Automobile and save Generator Troubles. Acetylene Light and Agency Co., Ltd. Crepe Goods COTTON CREPE 8HIRTS, KIMON08 AND PAJAMAS H. MI YAKE, 1248 FORT ST;, ABOV5 BERJETANIA , V, ,. , DRY GOODS FOR ECONOMICAL BUYE,R8 Yee Chan & Co. FINE LINE OF DEY GOODS WAN YING CI1QNG CO., King Street, Ewa Fiihmarket Wing Chong Co. riNU ST.. NEAB BETHI, Dealers in Furnitnre.i Mattnitei, etc., etc. All kind of KOA, and Mil- aiun ruwiuruitis maj,to order. ?WSfHHH , .. a finest rr -:,K And ClotV-of Al auality Ob'Vi Purchaied from , SANG CHAN HO OANDLESS BLDff. P. 0. Bos 8I . .Telephone 1731 IM?0STF.B8 "qF OIENTAi;, ftQOflS Wing Wb?Tai & Co. 941 Nuuanu, near King Street PllOfiU 1C20 FineCine ot- Carpenter Tools At the New Ifardware Store CITY HARDWAR CO. Kinjcand Nuuanu Street Kauai Fights Tooth and Nail to Finish of Extra Period Victorious. St "Rnmp a wonder and clean all IS It the way through," Ha8 every tt it one. tt tt Lieutenant Quekeme)er, Cay- tt tt tain uf Cavalry "I don't know tt tt when I lime enjojed playing tt tt with a team moie than I did with tt tt Kauai. The ilayor3 acted Alio tt tt all the way through and iilnjed tt tt exceptionally clean and friendly, tt tt I have no excuses to make wo tt tt simply did our beat and tost aft- tt tt er a hard fought game." tt tt (leorgo AngHB, Ileferco "The tl tt teams wcro most evenly matched tt tt and I think tho team with the tt tt greatest luck won nt In tliq ninth tt tt nnd oxtra period. Tho gamo was tt tt as clean as could he. No III feel- tt tt lag wan evinced throughout tho tt tt cntlro fray. Taking It all nnd tt tt all tho game wnB a wondor." tt tt Charles Rice, Captain of Knunl tt tt "It was a great gamo one of tt tt tho cleanest I ocr, In tt tt each side had to gtvo and take tt tt on account of slippery field, tt tt Oalm will have to play a better tt tt game, than they dlu" against us, tt tt to beat tho Cavalry. Tho spirit tt tt was flue all through the gamo. tt tt Next Satm day's gamo will he tt tt an) body's tho one with the tt tt horseshoe In their iiockct." tt itattitttnnnnttnanttttiittt! Knunl 7, Cnvnlry.G. Amid conditions that were far from fnxorable, the rain falling in a spite ful manner, the Held sllupery and badly cut up, Kauai and tho Cavalry waged a battle for'blood and honors of tho day that will never he forgotten by thove so fortunate in witnessing Kauai skinning the Cm airy out by one point. It was n clonic game that dolled tho ory rages of the heav ens. In Its bicikneck dashing and smashing from one end of tho Held to the other. In n most persistent man ner, the rain tried to dampen nnd les sen tho fury uf the raging lire but nuthlug doing a tidal wave could not hmo extinguished tho bent. Hashed from the brilliant, dazzling rays of great, wonderful playing, than shown In all Its glory from tho ttmo of rtnrt tit tho very finish, when Kauai pranced trlinphnntly from the grid iron, victorious amid a bedlam of toot ing horns and cheers. Tho wonderful game, played a week ago Saturday, seemed destined lo go down in polo history ns tho greatest ever beheld on these Islands, hut Sat in day's contest trapsed gingerly out onto tho center of tho stage nnJ lit erally shoved the one standing In tho spotlight, far Into tho darkness and then stood magnificent In Us clear-cut beams. It was spectacular from tho woid go nnd kept tho fans breathless, won dering with ees widely extended, what was going to happen next. It win nip nnd tuck throughout, n won der of a gamo to win nnd a rough, cruel gaino to loso . The teams woro tinlned to tho minute, prepared to fbre tho hardest ordeals that could nrlso. They took no quarter, neither did they glvo any, but smashed, tore, fought and rushed one another about ns It their very lives deluded on tho outcome. And wlthaU tho hard, gruelling fight, there was not ono lustancq when tho play was not con ducted cleanly or ill-feeling shown be tween tho team members. It was ns clean and friendly ns an Inferior practice game. Tho Held was terribly slippery auc) bndly cut up, inviting many accidents to occur. Few acci dents happened however, nnd thsso wcro very trivial. George Angus, ref eree, treated tho spectators to a laughable fall, when he was bounced from his mount, after a had collision with n player, nnd landed squn,ro in n soft, slushy pool of mud, Lleuton- nnt Hanson fell heavily in tho I.rst period and Charlie Rice, Captain For syth, Lieutenant Sheridan and Lieu tenant Hanson, not to bo outdone in the act of graceful falls, took nasty spills soon after, but quickly ic mounted unhurt. Tho turnout wns ery great, prob ably -.r.O autos were ranged nlotig the side lines, filled full of excited en thusiastic funs. A, good many of the Maul pcoplo were present amongst whom wero Frank nnd Harry fiald- wln, Lctlchun was well represented and tho side lines wero packed with army folk from Uncle. Sam's encamp ment. The air and beautiful Mounuliui hills rang und rovcrbernted the 'In tense, rooting put up by tho respective teams' ndmlrors. Never a second was there a chance for a lull and quiet ness, tho gamo was so fast and fu rious. Team work was perfect on each side. The stlckwork and riding wero beautiful to behold. Mullua of. Kuuat was easily the star of the game with tho otljer members not fur behind fighting for second. Mullna Is sure wjth his club and jvthen ho connects with tl)e sphcro It sure does get over somo ground. J to Sviib tho man tho Cavalry were wish ing had, noier heard of polo, and whom tho Kauai wore thanking their stars jho had, Tliu threo Itlco brothers put up u remarkable exhibition, never overlooking a change, tji.iotno, thrpugU with plays, that proved the downfall of the Cavalry. Lieutenants, Ilnnson nnd Sheridan put up n game that would bo hard to eqilal nnd played their positions liko champions. Almost every mlnuo of the Kuuie they would Hash out In re innikable maiinor nnd do extremely of- ectlve work. ' Captain Forsyth nnd Lieutenant Quekemeyor more than held their own, with their rugged riding and line stick work. Kvuryono rode, at it nervo thrilling speed, unmindful of tho bad, dangerous condition of the grouhds. lloth contesting sqiuds made the snmo number ot goals, but the. total was changed on account of safeties nnd fouls. At tho eighth It looked like the Cavalry would nchleve victory, but tho sound of tho gong at the end showed tho score n tie. An extra period won then decided upon, to play until cith er scored, Kauai had tho IncWtnhlo horscshoo In their pocket nnd copped tho decid ing point."' Tho following skeletonized sum mary will show when tho points wero made and by whom, K Kauai, nnd C Cavalry, for htlcfness sako: I'M Period. K. starts with a rush, sweeps C. aside. Mullna drives first goal In .1 minutes. C. then does somo heavy smashing. Sheridan pilots sphcro be tween posts In G minutes. Nip nnd tuck for next goal (' scores safety, V4 point off. Gong. Score, K 1, C . Second Period. Start near goad a heated battle forc ing (Ito make surety, after 1!V4 'l utes of" smashing play Mallnn drives a beautiful goal. Hall Is then chased around In exciting manner until C. Hears goal and Knisyth puts tho ball through after 5',5 minutes of piny. Tough scrapping lo end. Angus fulls from horso. K foicid to make two sareties, losing 'i point. Scoio even, 1 !i points to each. Third Period. ltaco throughout. Time and timo again goals vero driven lor but missed. .Mullna- finally Hashes from mass and shoots hall homo utter 4 minutes of 'piny. Another hard strug gle stopped by 'gong Foul ugalnst C. takes off ',i, point. Sioro K 2'-, C. 1. Fourth Period. C. stcnls hall and eludes K Han son forces two bonis In - minutes and H minutes. K. then hii ish C oft their fei't and Mullna oiup more makes n point after 7 minutes. Cong. Scoro K 3',&. C. 3. Ilflh Period. Most exciting nnd much rushing about, hut neither could cop n point. Sixth Period. Whirlwind stnrt by K, who gqt point nindo by A. Hlce In IT, seconds. Tug and lug for honors until end when Hanson smashes a' goal In "'A min utes. K, loses Vi point on safety. Score K. 414, C. 4. Seventh Period. rt Alter heated fight lasting r.',i min utes Arthur nice adds point to K. score. Moro hair pulling. Tho gong. Scoro K:.'4, C. 4. Eighth Pi'rlhd. Fight full of cayenne. Teams smash nt one another for' blood. Spectators driven frantic with excitement. Han son llys from horse, gets hurt hut re sumes playing. Mullna scores beau tifully In 2 minutes nnd C. recipro cates by taking 2 points mado by Sheridan. K. loses 'A on safety. Scoro G-6. Math PrrlnI-Ktrn. Fans crazed and yelling. Tennis tear nt ono another like demons. Ma llnn sneaks from mixup and drives tho pill home, making In G minutes. Thnt vanquished 3. Final scoro K. 7, C. G. Next Saturday nnother great gamo will takep laco between Oalm and Cav alry. a tt t: YACHT HAWAII ARRIVES FRONiROUND ISLAND The yachts Hawaii and Mollllou ur- lived homo yesterday atternoon from n pleasure trul'n around tho Island. Tho' Haw nil, commanded by deorge Cro?!cr, arrived 'In tho harbor at 3 o'clock." Itay Illetow, who went along on tho cruise, reports a flue trip and wys that tho boys pll had a kooiI time. Tho Mollllou follow cil tho Hawaii nil the way round nnd Mulshed nt Pearl Harbor, Tho Hawaii made fast time on the cruise, nltboitijli It was not n race, tt n u Harney Joy was on tho bench yes terday for the 'first time this season. Harney loves to ploy ball but 'Oh! My sore thumb!" prevented him 'row plnylng. depend upon proper nouriih. ment a balanced ration. The moit frequent lack li bone-forming material, cautinj toft, weak, dlieaied, crooked bone. Scott's Emulsion supplies every element needed, t It's a balanced ration for bone as well at flesh. Every child should have a small dote dally. alc. oHuaaitrm PICKEttTEAM wmmn I i -i V Boys Out at Fort Shatter See Good Game Played An other Match Soon., . liver since tho bnscbnll season open id there lias been much rlvalty be tween tiHins nut at Fort Shatter. Many fiumcs have been plued to determine the Miijiuplonshlij of the batta)lon, and ns nn outcome, tho Company U men decided that they wore na Kood as any liinlii flint "f, ir finlrta m n itin tiltsn" iviiiii i V'V uXi IMS (I""V l.iid so lsued a chnllenice to the rest of the battalion lor a game Saturday luminal a picked team chosen from the letnalnlng threo coiniianws. Out; on Saturduy, much to thq disappointment of tin) men, rain coma down n tor ivnts and the irnmc wns postponed until Sunday, In tha meantlmo Man ager Drew was busy picking his men, n ml when he mado his rounds of Com panies V nnd 'It ho found that he hail enough' irood player to make up. the nine, so did not visit Company K, say ing lie would keep, them In reserve for another game which In. to como off soon. Company a prepared1 Its regular team nnd did not change the list of jlu)or, uilntj tlio same lineup n for the entire senson. tDrevys.and.Uoloun the, hits down until the third was reached, when Com nny O netted' two runs off Drew, who seemed to lovo tho ball. The picked team camo back nnd scored ono In Its half of the Inning-. In tho'llfth the champions added two more runs, nnd tho "Dopes" ndded one more to their credit in the Mxui. The seventh wmr proverbially lucky for the, "Dopes," ns they managed to get four men ovtr tho plate In easy fashion. 'This gave them a lead, over the champions. There was no further scoring until tho ninth, when each team mndo n run, tho gamo therefore Kolng to the picked team of tho post. Company (1 Ilolnun, p.; Itoberts, c.i HnntWi, lb.; Doliskl, :b ; Pletrykowskl, 31.. ; Hlierman. ss.; Itllea, rf.i Tntum. ir.i Frltts. cf. All-llnttullon Drews, p; dee, c.; Salisbury, lb.; Rlroh, 21).)' Collins, ,3b.: Ynger, ss.; Woodruff, rf.; Straus, If.; Crnnt, cf. ' . Company fl 0 0302900 1 C lAll-llnttallon .. ..00100140 17 h tt at 'VU winn Tho Hul Nnlu Is certainly getting popular, ns more nppllcntlons for mem liershlp nro coming In every week since tho club mado such a wonderful show- lug In the uquntlc meet held In tho harbor somo time ago. The swimmers who do not belong to the (.lull believe that If they enter tley will do great stuuU when the next races come off. At n meeting held nt tho homo of Don Lemon Inst night. Prince Jonah Ku lilo Kalanlannnlo wns elected an hon oraiy member of tho Hul Nnlu. Manager Thlelo of tho Moana Hotel was also elected, to honorary member ship He has taken gjeat interest 1n the boys. There wero eighteen candidate seek ing admission to tho cruh nnd all were elected regular members, which brings the totali membership up to fifty, which is going some. Tho Outrigger boys will have a dlfi lerent story to tell after the ocquatlc sports In future, as their rivals are the best In the Islands In aquatic events. Deputy United States District, Attor ney "mil" Raw lint, who Is also a mem ber ofttin club, Is Rolng'to make a trip across tho continent soon, and whllo In tho Hnst he will order fifty bathing Butts from Spalding's, with the Hut Nnlu monogram on tho front, Tho club will now turn out crews for rcpulur training for the regatta which will be held next month. nan i PRIIECUPin GO! GAMES ON bAHUD Standing of teams of the Kauai base ball leaguo: Pv W. U pet, Maknucll 14 .11 3 ,7SC I. time 16 1Q G ,C5 Kllauca, IS 9 6 .C0Q Kleelo .. ...... ,,.j'4, 7, 7 .609 Kolua IS 0 10 .375 Homestead 14 5 9 ,357 Kavvulbau IS 4 U .207 Hanslti Junior Lgu. ' P. V, U Pet! Hannlel 7 7 0 1.000 Awa ItootH ,1 1 ; ,333 Ilaena 8. 1 V 125 Down on tho Garden Island, base ball Is tin. main attraction In sports, and evert body who. llnd time to fee a kqiuo travels, miles to the 'ball grounds eatl Hundqy. I There nro teven teams In the league, add all are playing somewhere every Sunday. The boys 01 e having the time ofthelr live, with IIib good old Amer ican game. N . The teams nre given fre transporta tion to nnd fro when they play teams uwny from home, nnd this has helped n lot to make the sprles'n success., Ijist Sunday the ball fans were treat ed to the best gnme rdnyed on the Garden Island si Inr' t'lli 'senson. The game took place, at Llltue Park before, 0 largo crowd of, fnn, ln-tjvenjn the 1.1 hue and Homestead nines. It took twelvo long Innings bt-rr the, game turned Into a victory for the farmers, by the score ofiU-IL, Another good, gnm w,n, that p)ayed at VnknWell, wh'n the homo ten in trimmed tho Koloa. 8-C. The Mnku well team Is, q strong one, and, It looks like nn easy winner of tho series. The Fuw-oth boys of St. I.ouls CollcRe nnd Clement Aklnn are some of the , star players there. At KUnuea, Woods, who ptlched for the home, team, kept the. Elcele bunch, dpvn to a 0e sco(q of, 3-3 up to the Inst Inning, when the Elceles danced around Woods and batted his curves 'to nil corners of th field, lleforc they got through with him he was done for rl. runs. WILLIAM DESHa'IS STAR . IN CHAMPIONSHIP GAME , The Mooheaus have cinched the championship of1' tlio' Hllo .Baseball Leaguo by, uVfeat'ng the Hllo' nine to me tune ni u-2. li wns nn easy vic tory, nnd due to the Desha boys, who piled up five of the eleven runs. . 1 Four Desha brothers were seen on the" winning nine.' UIU Desha', the pop ular ball player of the Hawaii team of the Onhu I-engiio, who was visiting In ltlio last week, made a record Yor him self In the gnmo by netting tlireit hits, Jne of them n tvyn-bagger (Alec De siin, who occasionally iiltchW for the Hawaii team here In the Inst series, pitched winning ball for the Mooheaus. All through the game Alec worked with a free delivery. His speed nnd shots puzzled the Hllo players, nnd there was no chance for them to sccurn moro than two runs. The winners played nn er rorless, game. Alee sent fourteen men tq the bench by the strike-out route before he got through with them. Pill Desha played right field, Alec pitched, George held down left field and Eddie covered the first cushion. FANDQiv? AT RANDOM Qeorclo Mclntxro. tho "Irish" on tlio llawall nine, made a big. muffle off Cordelro'i easy sky In the very first Inning of the Star-Hawaii game yes terday. No excuse for hlin for he had ntblg enough mitt to catch tho ball wlth.i Sumner came to bat and landed another sky to Georgia and Corderlo thinking he would fumble It again run on to third but'the "Irish" liId It' tight this time and both were out. Manager Marcalllno of the Stars held down first cushion for his team yesterday. He played, his position well and Williams kept blm busy when ever there was a man on first. "Klddo" Chlllngworth, while urn nirlmr behind tha bat. nleased the fans with his Btrlk-er one. Henry knows tho game 'thoroughly and he did, well yesterday. IF YOU' ARE LOOKINO FOIt ' ' A WEDDING OIFT YOU , WOULD DO WELL TO. BEE OUR, "Wallace Silver" WUCfK IS, dA.VNN.Ct POPU larity with 'every housewife'tiiat - USE IT JARWieiraSCo. 1.13 Katil St" " , . jwra IE Sierra Cafe wlsbos tq nnnounca to the public that It has secured tho llnest chef in town and, Is now ready to servo the best of everything In good style. Private IlOftes, for. Ladles, 'Opri Pay and Night Y. Yoshikawa, The BICYCLE DEALEB and IE PA1HER, hM moyod to '18 0 H'Na.lTIIII Hw, looMoit-44 front um Young Building. Telephone tSlB. BELLEVUE HOTEL San Franciico A QUIET, REFINED HOU8E OF UNUSUAL EXCELLENCE Arrterlcart Plan Room with Hatty and ' JUoord rrojn 4 00 a Dayl 1. ' ( cviryiivvn rian ivuuin vviiii. puin iruiiq ' J t . f.00 a Day ' 8ptcll Monthly RaUl A high-class Family and Tourist Hote), Halt block from Columbia Thesb-r, anfl nn the edge of, the Retail Hh'op ptng District Every room with Pri vate Bath. Positively Fireproof. ' W, E, Zander, Managir ROSA J CO. Good Old Guckenlieimer Pure Rye BottUd In Band ' JULE8 PERCHARD8 A FIL8' CALIFORNIA 8PARKLINQ WINE We Deliver td Any Part of the City PHONE 3111 ROSA & CO., 1 ' " Altkea and Aoeen Itreeta " Rainier Beer TOK BALE AT AIL 1AM Telephone 21JJ t acific Jaloon i s 1 ETKO AND NJJIJAHD nEEETI ' HI ,-Tjrftt. nadey'w, all mo4 fel low keit. "It's the Fashion? Hotelar. Fort P.4H. Davlee. Froi. Pioneer While Lead ' 18 STANDARD ' You can not afford to expert 'ment with, cheaper leads. A ruin 'ad paint job il surely be th resijlt. No lead, l too good In this, climate. PIONEER. LEAD Is the best. BOLD BY i Lewers & Cooke, 1 1 Llrnjted' 177 80. KING STREET 1 I i I ii Hoi-aes, Mules and Brood: $ai;es, HOR8E8 FOR WORK OF ALL KIND8 MULE3 BROKEN TO HARNE8S, CLUB STABLES . 11Q4. ' fw Ka (ta, MOVES THE EARTH J 1 Forcegrowth Will Do II "WW stewwsH s 2185 editorial roouig 2250 bualoess oftlcc These are the tele phone numbers ol the II u 1 1 e 1 1 n. I v PRIMO BEER Lx r immMWim