Newspaper Page Text
& ''4-' l ;.; ' ' V' ' , '' ' "" " ' . -' EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H, MONDAY, AUG. 21, 191t. TRUNKS We have just received n new shipment of Steamer Trunks and Sultcaset. We have Fiber Trunks,-Canvas Trunks, . and Black Zinc Trunks Genuine Leather Suitcases, Panama Matting Suitcases, tf Cloth Suitcases We paint your Initials on trunks and suitcases free of charge, and we do the came work on your old trunks and suitcases , without charging anything. KAM CHONG CO., GENTS' FURNISHINGS Corner Fort and Beretanla Stroeto Harrison Bloek Bjy jSSSjimJ The best lens made for all photographic purposes. Have one fitted to your Kodak. Come in and we will explain Its ndvanlcgei. Honolulu Photo-Supply Co., T.vmivTiitN'rs iMinTofhiArmr Your Summer Wardrobe. At Saving Prices Reasonable Instalment Terms Ladies' THE CnnMClT Sachs Bid Frocks I HE lUKlTini Reretahia l.trHJiaV - A Record. 14,820 Bottles of PINECTAR. Were carbonated and sold during July In Honolulu. Popularity'mented by ex cellence. ARCTIC 80DA WATER WORK8 Miller Street - . s Telephone 1557 Crystal White Soap Has No Equal in the Laundry TAKHB OUT TIIK DIRT QUICKLY AND TIIOROIKHII.Y ioi:.s not iNJtmi: tiih hands H. HACKFELD & CO,, LTD. Distributors Evening Bulletin THE CELEBRATED BAUSCH A. LOMB Zeiss Tessar Lens Beretania TTTl 75c. Per Month sfflff Y. M. C. A. PLANS ARE FORMULATED Tlio program for tlio fnll nnd win ter terms ut the new Y. M. C. A. build Ini: linve now been finished and 'Gen eral Secretary Super hopes that mat ters will start about September 25 The plans wero submitted lo the trus tees meeting held last week and re celcd their approval. I he lobby and will be the natural centers of the snclnl work, which is divided Into various subsec uons. Tlie vlctroln and piano will be In the iiiiirIc room. There will be n game room In which checkers and chess nnd other like games will b played. Then I hero wll ha Hip bowl lug alios and 'the billiard room In which tlicro iiro to be four tables. There is the roof garden, the gymna fditm, Indoor running track nnd largo games floor for basket ball, etc. The large hall will hocused for socials, banquets nnd hmateur plays. The religious work hns been fully looked after nnd on mo-it nights through tlio week there will be a class of some sort to be handled. .' a . McDUFFIE'S SQUAD BREAKS TWO GAMBLING JOINTS Chief McUulIln's squad broke Into two Rumbling Joints Inst night nnd ar rested twenty gamestors, who wero lined up In Police Judge Monsarrnt's court room this morning. Seven of them were arrested In a tenement house on Vineyard street, nnd the rest were pulled In nt On Till camp. Most of the defendants were Jnpanesc, nnd, rather tliun appearing In court to face the. Judge, they forfeited their ball money of $10 earli. Sam Kuhiltihl, once a lieutenant In King Kalakiiiia's army, wus In court charged with being u participant In'a scven-eloven game. As ho stepped forward ho raised his right hand nnd extended to tlio court n military sa lute, much to the nmusemeut of court officials. Judge Monsnrrat lined Ka laluhl five dollurs. which he paid and walked away. BAND CONCERT. The Hawaiian band will glvn n con cert Jhls ovcnlng nt Rovcn-lhlrty at Knimn Squiiro: March Liberty Hell Souna Overture Ilosnmonde ..... Schubert Finnic I.olicngrin Wagner Selection I.n Ilohomo (by request) Puccini Vocal Hawaiian songs.. Ar by Merger Selection II Trovntoro Verdi Waltz Dreams Fuclk Finale Chnnteolor ......... Thurban Tho Star Spanieled Ilanner. a a According to n Tnblo received by tho flovernor Saturday, tho money for tho bond Ipsue will bo depositod to tho credit of tho Territory Wed nesdny next. Tho cablo wai from Treasurer I). T Conkllng, who Is to leave tho big city for San Francisco on tho following day nnd will come along hero from there. New Lingerie Dresses SACHS9 PICTURES a COPLEY FBINT1 PACIFIC PICTURE FBAMINO 1090 Knoann Street ca QUARTER SIZES at Regal Shoe Store Phona 3128 BANZAI 8HOE 8TO"P SHOES Brtanls 8trt, Ntir Nuuanu HONOLULU, H. T. TVtphon 1003 a. p. Mcdonald, Contractor and Buildar Rstlnint'ea given on all kinds of lulldlng. Cancrott Work a Spielalty AUAIII STREET. NEAR NUUANU EXPERT PLUMBING JOHN NOTT "The Pioneer Plumber" 182 Merchant 8trt Phona 1931 Honolulu Monument Works. Ltd. BEST WORK LOWE8T PRICE8 P. O. Box 491 Phona 3088 MAKE THIS TEST How to Tell If Your Hair Is Diseased. F.vcn If you have n luxuriant head of hair, you may want to knqw whether It Is In a healthy condition or not 98 of the people need a hnlr tonic Pull n hnlr out of your head, If the bulb at the eud of the root Is white and shrunken, It proves that the hnlr Is diseased, and requires prompt treat ment If Its loss would be molded. If the bulb Is pink and full, the hair Is healthy. We want everyone whose hair re quires treatment to tryx Itexnll "93" Hair Tonic. We promise that It shall not cost anything If It does not glwi satisfactory results. It Is designed to overcome dandruff, relieve scalp Irrl tntlon, to stimulate the hair roots, tighten the hnlr already In tho head, grow hair and cure baldness. It Is because of what ltcxnll "93" Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith In Its goodness that wo want you to try It ut our risk. Two Rles, COc. and $1.00 'Sold only nt our store Tho rtexall Store. Uenson, Smith & Co. Ltd. A "WILSON SISTER" CAUSE OF SUICIDE? Miss Ornce Wilson, ono of tho Wil son sisters who figured In the local theaters several months ago and later went out to tho Orient, llgured in u morn exciting sceno In .Manila, ac cording to the Manila Cublo-.N'eus. Tho paper says: 'George II. Hay, a well known and popular traveling drug salesman, com mitted sulcldu-ut ll:CB u. m, Thurs day by Bwullowlng prusslc acid In beer. The deed was done In a calesa on the I'usny road Just ufter Miss draco Wilson, an actress nt the Apolci mentre, Hat! rerused for tho Inst time to marry him. After taking the poi son he stopped tho calesa nnd got out. Miss Wilson (lagged a passing auto mobile party nnd appealed Tor help. They rushed htm to the (lencrnl Hos pital, but he died at 2:40, a few min utes after reaching the hospital Mr. Itay hud many frl Is In the Philippines nnd ull nlung the China Coast. Ho was honorably discharged from the 3rd U. S. CuvuIm- In 1908. The funeral will be held at (Jiilngue's parlors Sunday artcrnoon at 3 o'clock under 'tho uusplccs of th Veteran Army of tho Philippines, United Span ish War Veterans. JUROR STR0UP WRITES OF RESOLUTIONS MADE Judge Cooper of tne Circuit Court lecelved .1 Icttcr'thls morning from onu of his Jurors that shows the Inlliioneu of Jury duty on Mr. Hlroup. The let ter follows, "Honolulu., 'July (, 1911. Hon. Henry K. Cooper, Judge, First Circuit Court. "Dear Sir: As I leaco shortly lo tnke up my iihodo on the Island of Ha waii, I beg to request )ou to exeat.) mo from further Jury duty during this term. "I thank you for the many nets of courtesy and kindness, not only by jourself, hut by ull the mllc-ir of our court. "During my sen Ice us a Juror In jour court, I have In en painfully Im pressed by the congenial rel itlous ex isting between nkohol mnl crime. Fully 60 per cent, of the can's uhkli 1 sat upon wero caused by liuon In one form or another. Wine may he u mo. ker, nnd strong drink Is iindotibte.ll) rrtKlng. hut lioj1"1 m"' """ ""'"" "oveq who soaks his s)slem hi .i.ign red 1,,.1'lrc.llnii.. " Ihnuvnd, $tl,7r,0.nOO) who soaks his s)slem h. ,l.,go red ,. I lurlts a license to sat his neighbor.! his nelghbor-s wife, his neighbor's man ' and maid servant, mid likewise .,- nelRlilmr'i. ass. 'After viewing ull tho misery, sor row iinil heartaches brought iiii.Hr my ohservntlon In your court, cuused by u iy. the Indulgence of ll.iior In some form,l,,,y- WUB l"lrr,,al";r "' "10, cnuro is- 1 will henceforth and foreerinore sul uni. scribe myself, yours truly. TIIOS. D. HTHOUP, T. T. 'P. S. -T, r: Is mi honorable do sreo unconsciously conferred upon mo by )iur court, nnd for 'leeto laler.' T. 1). S., T. T." A now nnd moro substantial floor ing, u rain and weather proof shed Is to adorn thu present Khmii wharf, now used by the lutcr-lsland Steam Nuvigution Company In the handling. "' imnauilBUIH ui.u ireiuuc iioui steuiu- ars such us tho Claudlne, I.lketlko, Kl- nan aim Wallelc. Tills morning divers wore ut work making u careful examination of thu piling which supports this structure. Tho Inspection is a matter of much concern to tho Harbor Commissioners, wno nave the construction of tho wharf In hand, The Klnuu wharf has for some tlino past been declared as not safe. It Is claimed that heavily loaded trucks can,iia longer enter the shed for fear that the unstable flooring will give way with wagon and contents, send ing them In tho bottom of the harbor. The old ram-shackle structure will booh glvn way to n moro commodious and wutor-tlght shed. m II il 1 1 Klin l-Mllnrlal Ileum Phone 2185. Hulletlu liuslurHS Ofllre I'lioue 225ft BEGIN WORK ON KINAU WHARF vzr-C-aiBwI fH?n OAHU RAILWAY (Continusd from Pao 1) ., Tho lime of ociui'lon from tnxos grunted in tho frauchlso of jour com pany upon nil llio property essential to the i ftallam of tlio tn id, oxplruil on the :10th it June. Taxes iiihiii alt l of the Company's properly commenc ed from that date. The considerable Increase In the cxonio for 1910 nnd 1911, as shown nbtm, Ik l.ugel.v-duo to taxes, local and Federal. Tho refunding of your Company's; IS PROSPERING bonded .Iiini; 30lh. 1909. by tho Moxlcnn War. In 1898 Mr. Uruco mar. Irfsue i,f $2,000.1 on 5 10-IJSs Opldlrled Miss Julia Andrew... of Youngs uoupon iii.nus, r?.iuce( your ..llxed !"'arKCH '20niM I,0r ,"""" .'l I'.itor1 ''red I ami firiy 'thouyin. $U.7r,l).non) Interested In sp. ,)""',r8, i,f ""' "cw 1r""" wa? Hoh .," womlei """i"""" "f,1 ' n?''Amoi ,9P9' "ae ,lmo l'eld TJ.o Ivlanru of the .V.Msmib (?25n,uno) 'championship, i """ H'1,1 N'ovi'liihi'r lP 1910, nt the.tldnnl lllln rout samo rate An underwriter's, commls- skin of 1 ' was paid upon tho wholn Irnnsiction. W. tl. II win, then lu this ,. , . ., ., , B,,-. Table No. 9. gives Btnllstlcs of pag. lenger traffic, Including mail express, nnd b.iKgug!', showing u steady In crease fiom tho year ending June .10, 1908 ($IC8.!ni 04) for each year, to Juno 30, 19)1, tho j ear 1911 nninunt Ing to )21i;,1G3.39. Tablo No. 10 gives Interesting com parathe fieight statlstici showing that for tho )('.ir cndljiStJuu? 3)lh !;u,l, there wero Sin,ii97 tons of frelglit hauled, ylchltng a tovcuuu of f .'TG, 18fi.r,0. " No passenger has been' Injured dur ing the )cnr. In closing, the President nnd 'Hi lectors duslro to expiess their appro elation of tho good and faithful xer vices of olllcer.t nn. employes, Tho financial statement, shows gross Income for tho cnr of $1,020,373 30. niieratlug extieuses wero JHS.Cni.SI, and net earnings ll.r,.2rt2 "" Monllily dividends paid at nine, per cent upon (lie capital stock of $1,000,00(1 niuouul c.t In $3(10 000. Tho surplus for lh year Is $8.r. 202.75, and together with tho net revenue halnucn from last year mukes $.198.01 1,90, or This, $10, 873.99 Is written off for depreciation. Sierra Taking Many 'Passengers. Ono bundled an dtcn cabin and sev eral slcerago pnssengcis havo book ed trniuportallon lo Ihcr m ilulaud In the' Oceanic steamship Sierra which Is lo sail for San Francisco, nt. ten o'clock on Wednesday morning. The vessel will 1m supplied with a fair cm go Including bhlpmoutn of sugar, pineapples, epffeo and lice, MciulieiH of the l.ito lamented Nor ton Comt'ily Comp'iny nio to dep.iit for tho Coast In Iho Sierra. , Benjamin's Clothes The Best There Is What, More Do You Want Than Superior Styles Superior Materials Superior Workmanship "Benjamin Clothes" possess these essential points. We handle this' lamous make because we know it is the best. Clothing with a re putation, and sold under a guar, antee, isvthe safest kind to buy. WORLD CHAMPION RFLE SHOT DIES I The Army nnd Navy Journal In forms of the dentil of America's greatest rlllo shot nnd goes on to suy: I "Mr. U-slle C. Ilrnce, ono of the (most famous rilln shots In the world, died ut tlreenulch, Conn., Aug. 2, 1911. I Mr. llruce, shortly ufter the establish ment of tlio, National Itlflo Association of America, took n great Interest In title shooting, nnd early became a life member of the orgunlutloii. He was born in Lexington. Ky., In IS 19. being n son of Col. Saudeis I), llruce, who, with Mr. Hamilton Ilusbey. es tablished Turf, Field and Farm. Ills 1I10,hcr Murn lur IImrr,aBa Wli; illM Ijibeilo Combs, daughter of Gen. U-s- lie Combs, u famous lighter of tho tWn. Ohio. who. with i,. Harriet and Ix-sllo C. Jr., survive nuu-,i,iin. Mr. llruco was always ileuply Interested In sports, and was for many rful rule shot. He ut the individual world's and for tlnee Internu- t.iuiii.i lino contests net neo tne Aiuer- Jean team win. He was cupliiln of the victorious American title team at llls- ley, Knglaud. eight years iiku. He . .. : " was at one lime a memiier of the 7th tors, iiii.i uc ins iieaiu wus ll member of the Union Inguo Club, Ardslcy Country Club, Oikdnle (U I.) (iolf Club and Greenwich Country Club." WANTS ACCOUNT8 SENT IN. Marshal Hendrv Is verv niilnii r,.e all Ihiisn who havo any bills against Iho Fedeial authorities In cjnncctlou wlllu tho winking of moving across fiom tho Judiciary building to send .. . . them in. Ho wants to get the whole of tlio accounts settled up ni they are not coming along quick enough to suit him. I.lkewlso he would bo very much obliged If the accounts would be madn out sep.trtel,v,thnt Is so much for moing the Judges' hoiks nnd so much for shining Iho ciisldor for tlio watchman's' olllce, o!c, 1 EWA TO CUT MELON. Tho expected two percent oxtn dividend on Hwn slock was declare.! this moinlng by tho Kwa dlieclors, (.ITccthe August 31. In addition to tho regular ouu per cent. Tho high prlco of sugir and tho excellent plijslril condition of jjhu plantation nio tos imiihllilo for tho extut melon Hint will ho cut. mm a Hxport plumbing nt reafonulilo prices. John Nolt, tho pioneer plum ber nnd tinsmith, Mciclinnt street, near Alakea. Say "Owl" when jim want, tlio best In cigar. Sold by M. A. (luust &. Co, and all retail dealers. GUARDSMEN GET A LOW PRICE Colonel J. W. .tones says that thu purported mint In thu price of meat won't boiher tlio National (luar.l much. Tho g.i:ir.lin. it will begin an exten.led fall fiicninpinciit soon, nil. Colonel Jones In his ciip.ielty ns adjutant-gen- al of the orgaulralloii H nmv con- .lu.tlng an Infill mill 01104 Into Iho prices of Htibslktc mV, 'ltlidtr tlio Inw, we lire ulloue.l In piirchuso our suliNlhteiice nt the con tnut price glon tlie federnl nrmy." he) said this iiiornlug, "so nny rulso In prices will not nITirt us as miuli ns It othciuli-c woiit.l." Captain Hhultlcworth of the nrmy N lo bo the Instructor when tlie guards men begin their thr.e wicks' Septem ber tneauipiiient ut l.elb him. Tho lllln. ' Hauiill, mid Maul tmii.iiil. will ennui the llrst nnd second uiw-ks In October, m thai tho mllllla will have three Sep. arnte ciieampiii.nls this )ear. NEW LAW WILL BE . TESTED mjj THURSDAY For Hie first time since It hns been ' made law, section fi of Act 84 of tint lust U'glslntuie will bo put to tho pi oof on Thursday next, beforo Judgo wiuiney. Attorney Uirrlu Andrews will nsk '"" JIK lo dismiss two uppeals from "'0 J'ltrlct Court on tho grounds that, W,1L'" ,1I,MK tlu-'lr """I" H'y did not f."ow "Mt ,,,,, WI'it melhod ns laid. llflU II I.V fllla ........ Mt ... .. ........ .... .,,, ,L-V1-4lt I.IIUII..II. Ill tUO amendments of tho Territorial luw, 1 ine ciisea nro thoso of Lilian , Auld ngulnst J. M. Olles nnd M Na Icnnn ngulust Ijini I.ung. PEACE MEETINO REPORTED. Tho peare niee'lng between Urn American and Ilrltlsh residents of Ho-1 , miliilu lias fnuii.l rec ignition In tlio Sprlngflelii lleiuhlican Tho piper -also pilntH the resolution that wus lnsscd. l Collier's Weekly his also a picture i-linuliiK the Ililtlsh ciulser II.' M. S Kent firing a tpliitn nt Honolulu 011 Julv 4 anil commeuls on Iho fuel "ll8 ls tIle "rf,t llin that It has ee happened. lloth papers were sent nlong to thu rUnernor and ho hauled them out Ibis moinlng. John W. P.Vcil, mine rescue expert In Iho fg.lerpl bureau of mines, lias be gun a campaign of education for res .no crews throughout Hie country. WANTED. (Ill In work In candy slnip. Apply rlcnccd plefened. Apply at Sweet Shop, 6010-21 1 . ' J''.: 1 u '" TJI ,, j A m in .-V. VM .1 " m Ml. 1 I w 'BULLETIN AD8 PAY- ' ft ' ' .