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- k 111' 11 ffr sr "X .. Mfc ft? yfv f) U B I to- I 1 4 DAILY and WEEKLY Published j CO., LTD., at Kerr Building, Alakca St., Territory of Hawaii. vtf Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday. ' MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. CIRCULATION LARGEST OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED ,in the Territory of Hawaii. WAi.iAcr. R. Fakkinuton, - Eduok SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ItVKINItStl IUJI.I iriiN i tr Mimtti, arnwhrrr hi U S t.9 .711 t'r Uufttttr.ntiywlitrt'ii US . t rt Vrftt, itir-licre In US ..... M.tHi t'tr Vmi, I'oUauI, Imtlftn, . .. I3.m Tpfl I Editorial Rooms, I CI.Busnea8 Office, MONDAY If III (III- lift' Jllll llll Mill Mill till' )irlst'f l.i'l imt iinullicr's viliiului: (toiul die okll'lj d ivhut l nnti, Imt what niii( mil lie litst 'I here nil (lie mirlli, ami nil llir l (lnii I lev. Jiiiiii'i l.anc Allen. lli'if'H hnplnn Dr 1'ratt rpIr in .gonil a man for rhlef uuiiltury vUlcr, as ho has liooii, TO' r ,"m Xlr" N",,:,n" lMin r.ittcrson has been W' it'iiipttti'(l hy the Suierlnleii(li'iit nf Jj$rc t I'tihllc Works to ilcnno slop into the fi( llmollKht The roininon poopto nro Milking all kinds of gains In Kiipjiiml. Soon the llrltlxh i:niilro will have no use for i; wealth and aristocracy except Tor nrn.iuiont. lt.ia RrallftlUK to know that tho np polnttuent of Dr. I'mtt ns l'roslilont of tho I Ion id of Health catlsllos oven rmiiftNif tho ohjoclorn, aftor thoy thoiieht It over as presented liy tho II ill! o 1 1 n. Sonic of tho IlKii-ri'S KlmuliiR tho tanrkod Increase of manufactures In llanall during thu Inst ton years, ranees ono to 'question whether tho data for ISO!) vvcio aft roiupleto art those of l'.Hlll. Now that tho money Is piling up In the hanks, try to flint some method of liivontmi'iit that will hrliig a return for vniirself and for Honolulu. Knoimh iof It has already gone to fill the pock ets of mainland promoters. i ' Tho heauty of this year's polo Is that Ihn games hnvo hceli Hist class coulesls -good polo fioni stmt to Mu lsh. Tliat'H what the ciowd likes to reo, and (hough lctory Is ory sweet, defeat this jear louu-s no unpleasant ness. Klrst report had It that Admiral To go would leave for Japan from one of the American poits of thn north. Can It bo that tho lit of Indlgostlon hu suf fered after his visit Willi tho Itoston eso has mused him to chuligo ills Itinerary? Take It us ono of tho certainties of fllfe that you cun do hotter by rein vesting In Hawaii than Is posslhlo In nlno out of ton of tho "opportunities" offered you from tho mainland. You would bo a wizard Indeed If you L$. phked tho tenth. Mainland papers are declaring that lii.iti has as much right to shirt sleeves as bus to tho shirt waist, lllghts or no lights, the warm weather levels nil distinctions . Man has n light lo keep cisit, and only u woman can look pretty while suffering nil the discomforts of fashion. .Mr. Notley, speaking for tho Homo Hull! party, refuses to come out In , favor of Delegate Kuhlo for fiov.irnor. Goodness knows what tho Homo Itule party amounts to nowadays, but from what tho Delegato lias said of his own plans wo urn inclined lo belleyo lie Is In entire Hympathy with Notley on this particular point. i When tho 1'roniotlon Committee, de cided that ult tho schemes for Floral Parade posters nro uniformly bad. In the estimation of the committee. It Is kind enough lo withhold tho names of tho competitors, who might II nil boiuo EVENING SMILES "Daughter, did I not see you sitting on thai oung man's lap when I piss ed tho parlor door list evening?" "Yes, and It was very embarrass ing. I wbli von had not told mo to." "florid heavens! 1 never told you to do anything of tho kind!" "You did. You told mo that if ho ntleuilted to get sentliuentnl I must ell on li I in." a cci wwiH "w 'ii rc .i'4-i !! ' tt i "1 V i ill lisaiaBii-"': 'feV' by BULLETIN PUBLISHING WmjKI.V ItUI.I-llt'lN Pffl Sit Montn trto Pet Vcr. -nwlwteluUS I. on Per Yrftt anywhere? n (.'dikIi. I.rto Pet Veftl po0aM, loittiu.. . . 2185 2256 ntrred at th Pott office at Honolulu m tml-flim matter AUGUST 21, 1911 Ii.'ilm fur their woe In (he fact that Honolulu has loner put nut n poster that Iiiih not liceii crltlclHtHl ut huiiio. 1'iesiilent Taft taking to tho road on the aihltratlou ticulleH shows that he lias more nerve than tho luiinorlal Theodore on this particular point. When the Senate said "lloo" to House- ell. ho xtinlghtvvay called for Ills aihltratlou tieatles and pigeonholed tlieiu without further coniiuvnt. Keducllon of tho working staff of tho railroads In the west and the cot ton and woolen mills of tho oust, may ho accepted us thu response of tho standpalters to tho proposal to re duce the tariff Tho working people will ho hilghty hungry nliotit tho I lino Congress reassembles, and mighty haul pressed when election time Is Hearing. THE MOSQUITO FLOOD. While not assuming to take Issue with tho i lunsiulto cxpeits on the ciiuso for recurring "epidemics" of mosquitoes, it seems reasonable to be lieve that there am other onuses than tho activity or luck of activity of tho Inspectors. It has been noticed that the excep tional swiirms of mosquitoes have been general throughout tho town and In sections whoro previous to tho last few weeks there had been neither In spectors nor mosquitoes. If memory serves correctly this smile condition has been noted In pre vious years, and nt about tho same time of the year. Tho mosquitoes ap pear lo linvo been brought fairly wall under tontrol, when suddenly nil sec tions of the town nro visited by mil lions of tho post. The mosquito In spectors aro held responsible and while wo do not wish to rub tliom of anything that Is their Just due, It would be Interesting mid very Import ant as well, If the men who have kept un absolute record of thu conditions could tell us whether there nro condi tions of wind and weather that have un liillucuco on tho musqulto supply, uIbo whether there are Bpeclal breed ing seasons. It Is significant that sections of tho Island whoro there wore practically no mosquitoes four weeks ngo, should liu ns liberally postered as other por tions of the, town mid nt thu same time. As over) ono who bus had anything to do with It bus said, the mosquito piohlcm of Honolulu Is n mighty big one. To conquer tho pest means n careful research mid observation car rylng over u considerable period. If It bo found that tho mosquito thrives better iititl- travels farther In certain kinds nf weather, we cannot climigo tho weather but It should bo posslhlo to search out the sources so us to bo f oi canned nt tho periods when "mo squito weather" may bo expected. CAPT. r7s. PRATf FOR SCHOFIELD BARRACKS Captain llnymniul 8. 1'rntt, First Field Artillery, Is relieved from duty In tho t'hlllpplne Division and will pro lied, to Seholleld Jlarrarks. Pratt will ho detailed for duty 111 bis company at llio Lellehua camp, hy tho command ing olllcer. After saving her niece from drown ing nt Coney Island, N. Y., 15-year-old Fannin Westeruinn lost a light Willi llio undertow for her own life. cup of coffee over n fellow's colored trouseis " "And gnt out of p.l)lng for tho trousers, eh?" "Why," ho talked llio other fellow Into paying for tlfo coffee." Aillsl My object was In try nnd oxprcss all llio luurois of 'vvur. How do you like It? Friend I hnvo novcr Been anything more borrlblo, '?-J. mHliiAie.titM.. Large Attractive House For Sale Formerly a Rooming House Price $9000 In Downtown District TRENTTRUSTCCLtd. I F YOU have any attractive investment in view ana require funds lo enable you to tVe It up, call nil tee ut. We may be able to help you. We have money to loan on Sugar Stock or Real Ettate. We buy anil tell Slocks and Bonds. Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. 924 Bethel Street PINEAPPLES! BANANA8II A Crate of Six Selected Pinei or Large Bunch of Bananas Simply leave your order we do the rest. ISLAND FRUIT COMPANY (With Wells, Fargo Express Company) " watgsg HUSBAND LEFT OUT, IS TO CONTEST WILL reeling thnt ho lias n right to regis ter a kick, thn husband of tho late .Matilda Hrlglit Hnrkwltz. lias notlllid tho court that ho will contest the lu- gallly -of tlie will by which ho Is left entirely out In the cold. Those who benefit nro Miss Hlbn hi til Cloodwln, who draws n house'and lot at Chagrin Falls, O., and Mrs. H.iek wltu's stipson, Chailes Kackvvltli of I'alolo, gets the remainder. The will came up for probate this morning nnd the ensu has been con tinued for n week. Waterhouse Trust Land of Puupueo Manoa Valley WHEN a man buys something useful which at the same time is steadily in creasing in value he is twice fortunate. 'It is only a little over ten years ago since the pioneer settler on the land of Puupueo made his home there. Then there were none of the many conveniences required hy the exacting suburbanite. Now all the ad vantages that can possibly be asked for are procurable: Mountain spring water, tele phone, electric light and Rapid Transit service, and gas for cookipg. BE TWICE FORTUNATE, and purchase one of the most desirable house lots to be had within three miles of the Capitol. Remember, Easy Terms Are Offered. .juill htiHiiSU&itLto! .i, ,f- SALE OF PRINTS To clear out surplus stock. Half pricet ir out surplus stock. Half lek. GURREY'S this week. The' office hours of the WIRELESS are from 7 m. to 5:30 p. m. on week days and on Sundeyt from 8 to 10 a. m, and until 11 every night for ships' messages SANITARY COMMISSION AWAITS APPOINTMENT Chairman Oiorge It. Carter of the sanitary commission stated this morn ing that no moro meetings of tho com mission are likely to bo called until uftel un appointment of a president of llio Hoard of Health Is announced by (lovernor Frear, "Wu will wult now until wo know who tho president of tho board will lie, as there lire some matters we want to talk over," said Chairman Carter. Tim commissioners luivo n mass of Information now that they nro digest ing nnd will uso ns a basis for recom mendations. CITIZENS PEEVED AT EYESORE IN GROUNDS Many of tho residents of Honolulu who are strong for keeping this city the most beautiful In tho world nre somewhat peeved that wheelbarrows, Inilib rs nnd other homely things should be lift piled up In tho recesses formed by tho huge dowu-hniiglng roots of tho liunnn tree In the Capitol grounds. They want to know why this rubbish should be allowed to mar tho beauty of mi fine n specimen of nature, nnd bo u vclllnblo eyororo to those travel ing day by day past the grounds. It nlso does lint make a hit with tho tourists visiting Hawaii to view Its beautiful wonders. e Weekly H 1 1 1 1 tl oer Tear, e'.iiaaV lA.., I r' ... 1 i amMMmtv Imprisonment for two months was (ho sentence which I'ollco Judge Mon carra'i handed ilnvvn this morning to Fumllln ltnvviinnnnv tho ltusMun wo man whom I.luuor Inspector Fcnnell arrested Inst night nt fvvllel for llio il licit sale nf n bottle of wine. Tinrs rolled down tho difendnlit's cheeks ns she .listened to tho sentence of the court. Unlike other Russian women arrest ed lately, Itnvvunann. did. not hnVe n baby In her bands tnst nlghi when Fcnnell nrrested her. There was noth ing to cnuM tho svninnthy of the liq uor Inspector, when brought Into po lice court this morning slio pleaded guilty. GIRL SAYS L H. REED TOOK HER SJLVER PURSE ' Chief or Detectives McDutllo Is look ing for I.. If, Heed, n business ngent, who hfis been soliciting advertising for n publication In Honolulu. Mis I.ottlo O'.Mnllcy of tho Empire Theater, has reported to tho pollco that Reed took Iter silver purse. Chief 'McDullle said today that Miss O'Mnlley reported tho matter to him, emphasizing the fact Hint lteed would not return the purse when she de inunded It. It Is further claimed that Heed took the purse on the rcprcsen tutlon thnt lie would give her iln oil vertlsemeht. Now Miss O'Mnlley vvnnts her purse hnck, but ns Heed Is charged with having refused to return It to It owner, Chief McDiifllo wns naked to hpprclicnd Reed nnd nslc blm the rea son. MeDuffle expects to find Hpcd sotno time this afternoon. COMMERCIAL HOTEL SITE BRINGS IN $9,000 Tho old Commercial hotel silo on tho corner of Nunanu and Ilcretniila .brought 19,000 when put up to mic tion Saturday. It wns purchased hy Charles M. Cooke, Ltd. after Borne lively bidding. Tho nrea Id 8.1CS sqnaro feet nnd there wns a mortgage of $2,901.08 on It, tho sale being ordered by Judge W. J. Robinson. The complainant was Rulli Richardson Ouard and tho ros- pondents wero Ocorge W. Macfarlnno and wife, Fred, W. Mncfarlane cndj wife, Mrs. Emma Mncfnrlaiie, widow and solo dcvlseo under the will of tho lato Henry It. Macfarlane and a mini' bcr of others. V. M. Harrison, ap pointed by tho Judge, conducted tho sale. FIRST SUITS ARE FILED, P0I DEALERS VS. CITY The llrst of the cases In which tho chlneo P')l dealers aro suing tho city for closing down their shops during the cholera outbreak wero filed this morn ing In the Circuit Court by I-orrln An drews. Kvvong Kut Chung nssesses his dam ages nt $1005, Cluing Yung nt HCG2.20, All Sam at 310r..l0 and Sung Wo I.ung at 4CS0.10. The complainants state that tho city dlil with "force mill nrms nnd without vvanant or Justice In law" close their shops, and that they sultcred accord ingly. Flftv norsons nro dead In Nlclragua as ii result of thu recent Moods on 'tho gulf coast nnd In the Interior. The town of Ilenia was submerged, nnd tho gunboat Omatepo sunk In tho llcnia I Ivor. You Want MILK that Is PURE, MILK that la RICH, MILK that It WHOLESOME, MILK that la FQOD in haalth and M E D I C I N E in alcknass, MILK that la from abso lutely sanitary dairies, vvh.ra condition! ara open to all who care to Investi gate , That's' the kind WE sell. Call at our Sheridan street depot and see the new .lecirlcal purifying process in operation. Honolulu Dairymen's Association .Phone 1572 4tjimd'&k. Aik&& 'ToungManStyies Smart and Snappy ' All sorts a6i stylish shapei in the new Grossetts. Models in gun metal, black, tan or patent; in button or lace; with scallops and perforation. Fit the foot snugly; give the height of comfdrt. Look them over. . $4 (o $6 everywhere, Lw!e A, Crotieti, Inc., Maker Noil Abloiton, Hw, "Mak&s Life's Walk, Easy" Sold Manufacturers' 1 05 1 Fort Street. New Bungalow SIX ROOMS and BATH Electric. Lights Modern Plumbing PALOLO VALLEY Cheap for Cash Apply J. J., Bulletin Office Ira. Ianailri "' Cempound Herbalo Stwntch, Uvtr, Kldmy, and laddir Ramttly. BLOOD PURiriCR T.Mtaoaaaeao,atjisiN MS THIS flCTOSS MUST fie on gyewT mbhsi 9 TMt iil i alrT fic (PA S"J , 9l i rVw, OuWCnMLIfi "T&jTeSVWi Ladies' Misses' Girls' axe. -H J tljMesteeeaei lHWJ.ierww bj I utsrJtsi: teJctftl? I nonoiulu Drug to. t Clothing FOR THE WHOLE on FAMILY Literal Installment ym" Beretania St. at, Shoe Go., Ltd. Tel. 1 702 mu w Howard Watches Are the Acme of Perfection . in Pocket Timepieces They Keep Correct Time SOLD I1Y H. F. W1CHMAN & CO. . Umltod LEADING JEWELERS Local Agents l'lare jour hand on flip poise of Honolulu's business norlil lijr lielnu; n constant reader of tho AVaut Ad 'Section of the Hu lie tin. Men's Youths' Boys' w TEe Formfit Fstrt -I i s ! n b I i