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R tjv y tW'- W-)tyAtVi!M? d(X44 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H, MONDAY, AUG. 21, 1911, l mmJmm$ SfflSrlw Th modern (nd thoroushty I cjD tqulpptd pltnt in which $ SHOE rv men IB made, permits leaving the shoes on the lasts for a month or longer. This means additional cost of making, hut insures their perfectshape until discarded. Nounsightly sprcauing or running over at the sides. Our Expert Fitters Are At Your Service. Mclnerny Shoe Store Jas. W. Pratt REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, LOANS NEGOTIATED Stangenwald Building $6000 Will buy a BEACH LOT near Diamond Head. Excellent Sea Front Eetidence lites Fruit trees and frtti pow I on lot. t MagoonBros., 1 TBUSTS, BEAD ESTATE AHD COLLECTIONS f' Cor. Mercnanrand-Alakca fts. Have You Read Our Ad. in the Morning Paper ? Phone 1 884 Island Investment Co., Ltd, For Sale Fivo-bcdroom Cottaijo on Wilder Ave., thnit dlsl.thio frum cur. hot Is Siix'Jl l:icilrlu lights Property mat owner our SJTOI). Will lu bold ut unco fur (inly J2000. W. acres of Agricultural Land at Kalihi Valley. IMruly of utcr uml rain, l'rkv, $150 per acre. P. E. R. STRAUCH Walty Building 74 S. King Street FOR SALE. The best ami most rciiHonulilc-prlccU building lota on tliu market toiluy nro In Nuuuiiu Tim. I (niur tho Country Club), whero olio llndx d cool, hcnlthy loonllly; clcatcd uml well-dralncil ground, fcrtllu roll, m.icailniul.ul fclrcilH, Kincriimcnt wntcr from tho niMrliy reservoir, Untile lights uml all this cufclly iiihI quickly iucchhIuIo from town by tho Nuimim clcetrle curH. UjIk fiom ISSO up, on c.iHy term. Liuul lit Mmiki.i, Kallhl and l'.ilnnu. FOR RENT New lottugo nt U'5. J. H. SCHNACK. 137 .Merchant Street, v-nnm!' ' Stop Paying Rent See j. DONDERO & lANSINO Phone 2353 83 Merchaht St. $500 to $15,000 CHANG CHAU . GENERAL BU8INESS AQENT, INTERPRETER, NOTARY PUBLIC Ulhco Corner Hotel and Smith 8ts, P. O. Box 946. Phone 2542. P. H. BURNETTE . Com'r. of Deeds for California ami Kw York; NOTARY PDBLIOj Brant Htrmge lioemes; Drawi Mortfrages. Decdi, Bills, of laU, Leaiei, Willi, Etc. Attorney for tki DiitrictJSonrti. J MEROHAJIT IT lONOLtLU. PHONE 1310. TKc Custom Way vi making rackard Shoes them the ' sterling wearing qualities (or which they are noted. Better Thah "Green Backs" When you want to carry a lot of money with you In traveling, without the bother of being Iden tified at different banks, put your money Into travelers' cheques. They can bo cashed as readily as "green backs" anywhere you go and are as safe as letters of credit Bank of Hawaii. LIMITED Judd -Bldrj., Fort and Streets Merchant BARGAINS. We deal In listed and unlisted soci rltli-N ot nil kind;. La Kacniilpa, Chi npas, Mo Michel, Hidalgo rubber; Mm cot coppw; Prulsslnm Hills oil stool W. E. LOGAN Room 17 Bacen Block, Oakland, Ca' Fire! Four OF THE Leading Companies LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., 923 Fort Street WHEN IN NEED OF Paper of any description Phoiie 1410 HONOLULU'S LARGEST PAPER AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN PAPER & SUPPLY CO, LTD. Fort and Queen Streets GEO, G. GUILD Manager ii in j fr . i ki 'MM Mm. vJlmr Williamson & Btittolph Stock and Bond Brokers 83 MERCHANT STREET Phone 148!! P. 0. Box 623 Honolulu Stock Exchange Monday, Aug. SI. NAME OF STOCK. Wt Asked. MERCANTILE. 0. Brewer A Co SUGAR Ewa Plantation Co Han Hilar Auric. Co Haw. Coin. & Hug. Co. . . . Hawaiian Sugar Co Honomn Suga, Co Honokra Sugar Co. , Halki' Sugar Co Hutchinson Sugar Plant. Kahuku Plantation Co. .. Keknha Sugai' Co Koloa Sugar Co McDrydo Sugar Co Onhu Sugar Co . ..i Onomcn Sugar Co Olaa Sugar Co. Ltd. t ... . Olownln Co Ptaiihau Plant. Co. Pacific, Sugar MM Pala riantatton Co Pcjiceken Suxar Co Pioneer Mill Co Walalua Agrlc. Co Walluku Sugar Co Waltniinalo Sugar Co. ... , Walraea Sugar Mill Co. . . MISCELLANEOUS. Inter-Island Hlcam N. Co. Hawaiian Electric Co. ... Hon. R.T.&I, Co.Pref. . Hon. R. T. Ac I Co . Com. Mutual Telephoue Co. . . . Oahu It. ft . Co Hllo IL It.Co.rfd. Illlo It. It. Co, Com.... Hon.B-ftM.Co. Hawaiian Irr. Co, Ltd... Hawaiian PJueapple Co. . Tanjong Olok K C. pd up l'ahang Hub. Co (Pd).. Pahang " (Ait. o Pd) BONDS. Hcw.Ter.4 (Fir CI.) .. Haw.Ter.4 Haw.Ter.4HX Haw. Tei.4V4X Haw.Ter.3Vi 25 nX 3i?f 250 2". 4o; 44H 4" 140 I2H "3 1 CM 16 7',( 47. ' 6 45 fit 13' MS lOj 215 17 M7K Jfxj Tis" 170 M7 10 lO'V ) 21 38 "20K I40X 20H 3SU J 5 I9 Cnl. Beet Sug. ft Ret. Co. 6 ICO Hon. (Ins Co, Ltd, Ca.. Hamakua Ditch Co., Upper Ditch 6a Haw. Irrgtn. Cc. Cs Haw. Com. At Sug. Co. 67. UlloR. H Co, Issue 1901 HIloILH. Co.Con. C .. Honokaa Sugar Co., 6 . . Hon. R. T. ft U Co 6 . . . Kauai Ry. Co. 6s Kohala Ditch Co. 6s . , . . . McDryde Sugai Cu. Cs . . . Mutual Tel. 6a Oahu R. ft LCCo. 5 Oahu Sugar Co 6 07ii ') J7 J2M 9 102 "9'2'jy 102K 101 100 u uianHugaruo. 87. Pac. Sug. Mill Co. 6a Pioneer Mill Co 6 Walalua Agrlo Co.r ... J4 SAI.KS llutwocn Hoaiiln: 9 Mc llrMlo $7; 13 Mcllijdo, $7; 25 Mc Ilijilo.' $7; li)0 Mrllijilo. $7; 30 K11 liuku, $111.23; .".I K.ihuku, $111.25; 15 Hillchliiaon, $16 25; $18,000 Mcltr.Mlo C,g, $9S; $25,000 Jlcllrjilc Cs $9S; $25, Mcllrjilo llri, $!IS; $50,000 Mctlr)do R $!IS; $3 000 Mdlljilc Cs. $96 25; $5,000 Mcllrjilc fin, $9i2.-. ScksIoii Snlci: 10 Houokn.i, $12.50; 10 i:wi. $1..75; $1000 OI.1.1 Cs, $92.50; 50 Mclindo. 7: 35 XtL-IJnilc. J7: 20 Mellrjde, $7. Latest sugar quotation 4.9925 cents or $99 85 per toij. Sugar, 4. 9925 cts Beets,J4s 3d, EW WIIEMII&E IRUST (.0. Member Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange FORT AND MERCHANT fflBEETS Telephone 1208 rrOOKB AND BOND! Trent Trust Co., i-Liraito ,. MEMBEB -HONOLULU BT00X AND BONO EXCHANOE Harry Armitage took and Bond Broker Member of Honolulu Btock au Itond Exchange Campbell Block, Merchant Street Giffard v Roth . STOCK AND BOND BROKER! Memben Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange StangtflwaldBldg.,,102 Merchant St. !?H? JAS. f. MORGAN, 8OCK BROKER ' Information Furnished and Loans Mads 857 KAAHUMANU 8TREET Phone 1572 Home Insurance Company of Hawaii, Ltd. x WHITIIH AM. KINDS OP INSl'ItANCn Office, 610 Stangenwald Bldg. Telephone 2062 Weekly Unlle tl II per ;ar, LOCAL AND GENERAL St. Louis CollcRu lll open Hcjiti-iii-bcr D. dot It, ii nickel nt u time. Ask the mini on Alnkca . Flowers and Ida. Jull.i Knluklcli Telephone 3170. It Ror8 without xuyltiR thai ccry thing Ih Ileal nt Tho Liu me. Tho blggcBt cliolcra gorm known Is on exhibition nt tho Author Siloon. Qo nnd see Jos. ltoniiui lo hae jour lint rlcuncd. 122 Dercuittla St. 'Round tho Island summer ram, $30 Lewis' Slabtcs and aaragc. Tul 2141 Tho gvnulho Cnniphcll KM Dolls right front tho factory at Wall, N'lchols CM. Ltd, lino nsfdrlmcnt of I.ily llullis, $ per doen. Mrs. Tnjlor, riorist, Phono 2339. Wo have a now lino of noell) Iojb and favors for chlldrcns' parlies. Arts nnd Crafts Shop Tho Hojnl SchiKil Alumni will hold Its rcKulnr monthly tiicctlng at K. V Hall tills oeuing ut 7:30 Aerotdlng tn news from Illlo, D Howard Hitchcock, tho aitht, Is plntinthK n now Volcano picture If )ou wunt a good Job done on nil auto or carringo tako It In Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co , 427 duccii Bt If nu nro cn'isliloilug n ,icnlli)ii for a low do 4 write In Ilulvlna for accommodations. It In a delightful bpot. Tlilrt)-thrc.cnscs of new goods. In cluding Hoy Scout suits. i:rr)thlug frco for Green Stamps. Toil and Her ctatiln. For distilled water, Illro's Root Rcer nnd all other popular drinks, Hng up phond 2171. Consolidated Soda Works. Tlrst get ptlces from the Honolulu Coiibtructlon nnd Dra) lug Co for nn Icrlals for curbing nnd tement walk:! They nro low. Tlio rain IhiIot In tho .lppioich to Athlcllc Park nro being llllcl nnl patrons ran get tlioio with more com fort than heretofore. Mailn K. Enn rocrlo( her ills chugo this ihornlng ns gu.iidlnn ot her son. John K. Kua. He lcaehcd Dio ago of twenty-ono today, l'nsbcngcrs sailing li S. S Sierra. by baling tho Union Pnilllc Transfer Co. attend to their baggage, will ac nil trouble nnd worry. Tel 1S75 Passengers sailing by S. S. Sierra, by lulling tho Union P.iriflc Transfer Co. attend to their b.iggngo will sno all trouble nnd worr). Telephono 1875. Aiintirtllnn butler nnd meats nt tho Metropolitan ileal Market aro supe rior to any sohl In Honolulu. They arrived from the Colonics by last xtcantur, j Two KiiKnlaubo)H from Honolulu, Vleclll and Wllnkle, nro reported as having hrcn nneslid nt Clilco, Cnl, for petty thlclng. They may bo sent hack to Honolulu In tho Akl v Akl dUorco ensd, Mary Akl filed a motion this morn ing for teasoii.iblo iiiutiscl fees nnd alimony. In connection wllh tho mo Hon pending beforo tho Supremo Court. Judge W J. Hohlnson this nioiiilng grantcil letters of auxiliary adminis tration to tho Hawaiian Trust Co. in coniRctlmi wllli tho cstato of tho lata Walter K. Ililnekerhoff. Tho bond Is $10,000. Two Jnpanciio were drowned at Hai ku plantation within u day of each other, according tn nows from tho Valley IhIii. Iloth wcru drowned In the big resenoir, onu on August 12 and on on August 13. An old Hawaiian named Aca K.l lmil was pltkcil up on llio street )es tcrday BiilTeiliig fiom tho after ef fects of ii fit. He was tnkcu lo tho hospllnl for ticatmcut. A sailor by tho mimo of Robert Murray died at tliu l.cabl honiu last Thursday with nothing known of his relatlies. Ho was an Australian and had been at tho honiu saiuo four mnnlhs, Tho liienlory of tho cslnto of the l.ite Manuel Ilctteneoiirt On Hlhclr.i, lulo of Han riniKlscii, Cut, was filed I nlho circuit court Satunl.i). It bliowH pl'oiicity on Hotel ami King streets nlued at $2,000 and securi ties nluod at $11,000. Maria Lulsa da Sltvelra Is executrix. A movement to sccuro a largo reg ulation bcroro tho next campaign has been begun by Republican territorial ccnlial committee, which h sending out notices to secretaries of largo precinct clubs urging cNcry memhor to enroll himself on tho gieut register, under tho nccntl)-cnnctcd Icirltorlul law. A man by tho namo of H. Ilardon, who has been known under tho name of IM Moyor, Is said to have left this port on tho Mamma for Vancouver nnd his going hns gheh rlso to stories that ha is under tlio ban of Masons all over tlio country and is wanted by tho pollco for swindling us well. On August H a party from Wnl luku nnd Kiihuhil, Maul, doparlod up on nn outing of soieinl weeks' dura tion around Knst Maui Uo the crat er of Halcaknla. Those Incliidcil nro Dr, (5. 8 AlKon, Uov. William Short, Itov, nnd Mrs. Saylnr, Misses Aiken Short anil Jnklns, Mr. Thayer, of Honolulu nnd Helium Aiken. IMPORTANT Our sanitary wagons I our best nd vortlsomont. Our enntwl-nntshed cow stningn can not bo cxcelleil, ami our distilled water and Ico speak tor them 8elwn. dAHU Ice & electric co. W? No skimping ol seams or materials in these shirts' They will please the most fastidious dresser and give long service to the economical. Prices $1.50 to $3.00 Silva's Toggery, Ltd. lilks' Bid. 1-P Loose Leaf Specialties l-P looie-lcif pnec'books and memo, books are the strongest, simplest and most attractive books made. Made in sties to fit coat or vest pockets. HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., ALEX. VOUNQ BUILDING HAWAII'S CROPS BEAT ESTIMATE (HihiIiI II ii 1 1 u 1 1 ii .'oinioiidUH.) IIII.O. Aug. 20. Tlio shgnr season Is drawing to a close on tills Island with olio of tho best records which has been iniiilo. Whllo tho weather has been etrcmcly bad, tho continued rains throughout tho entire count ly luulng hud a vciy had effect on tho JiiIcoh, thcrd Is hardly a plantation In llnwnll County which hns not run well over tho cstlmnto Hindu by tlio managers. Tho stand of emu has been exceptional and hud the meat spell of dry weather lomn In April, tho crops -would hao been enormous. i:wn as It Is most of tlio managers nro extremely well satisfied. Starting with Olaa mid taking In all tho plantations along tlio Illlo ami llamakua coasts, Imgu crops luuo been taken off, Olua pioduees its I co on! crop nnd the same may ha said of Walakea. Waluakii has dona very well, Onomea, l'epeekeo, lloiioiuii mid llakalmi havii all iiiada linu lotmns, tho lust limned plantation as well as Onnmeii, doing cxccptloimlly well, (hough dollnltu figures luuo not jet been given out. '1'ln! coming wik should sen tliu cleanup of llonoiuu and Pepeckci) sugar. Tliu higher prices huva also cnnio In llnio to plcnso tho local ninniigeiH, s w.eikly II n 1 1 c 1 1 n II per Tnr, zBrnsfs WANTS WANTED. A Hicoiul-haiiit tjpcwiltcr State pike Address 'Stinogruphir," P f.) llox 873. SOlO-llll SITUATION WANTED. Ily gooil tlmiiffour and oniluiiilor. Ad ihess "J. K. P", Hulli tlii oillcu. COlO-lw E&W Negligee Shirts H;ivc a style about llicm tiiat is not found in any other ready-made shin. Not only are the lines distinctive, hut. the patterns are exclusive. If It's Paint AHD YOU WANT A Q00D JOB, SXE ME TOM CHAtP Sharp SigjstS All SEEN EVERYWHERE PHONE 1697 847 KAAHUMANU More Effective tbari'Turkish qr Russian Baths Electric Light Bath, followed by a , Massage 111- hClll'UM NS", 0.1.-....illil. l'linl tl in (l'n 1 1, lorj HrlllVII ll'(s, - flilroprni lur IISTIII, i:.irl Mu.-iir M KAN A, ljnllr Mn-iuliiiiliiliit MllMJ-itIM Mi WEEKLY BULLETIN $1 a Year I Girls' H Wash fj Dresses t fl All Sizes 4 to 16 Years M' j Wi WHITE and COLORED ft ' j $j.75 to $12.50 W JORDAN'S 1 King near Fort SCHURMANN INSTITUTE OF NATURE-CURE & OSTEOPATHY ;5II, hIiuiIji Ap tor lnlonl-1. 1'iiosh irci ! I i'i LtftimMhkkMi& Lx.uMh nikudti itMkLuaMiJiMkA I'lilJMriflWtflMMliriilCT