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PTWB.Ht'l flOTUffP y - ."yy.;, "-' "'n?.WW UCuS wrfifr wl 'rt- EVENINQ BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., MONDAY, AUG. 21, 1911. -Tt m AfKfgHTWf4f n 'TIK'w PACIFIC SURETY HONOLULU AMUSEMENT COMPANY. LTD. Whitney & Marsh, I Limited TANGLE ' I-?1 , .., j ; 'm ,! 11 54' iJ 1 i i - V :-A V ft 'f , 'V f I I , i L ' . J -Tv :f - a is WM.-T- ". .; if ALIENS WILL BE TREATED ALIKE UNDER LAW (Continued from Pag 1) , African, nativity, and to .icrnons of At rlcnn dcKCcjit," while the Chinese ox elusion net of Mny 6, 1882, Hpcclflcully ntulna "tttut "Wrt Mtatn rnnr, tr fViitrt states "that 'no State court or Court of too, united states, snail aimit cum- ese to.cltlienshlu.' The repeal of tun . ... ..'.,. . latter' provision Ik not proposed. Jt Is well understood that "foreign-horn inrsons of the Mongolian race, includ ing tho Chinese, Japanese, and Ko rean arc not eligible to citizenship under our law, and It is probnblo that at lenst the greater part of tho peon!o bf India and nthor countries of Aim. are likewise excluded from tho prl". ''tT. t iwJa. m M'MW imsir.iwuMJ Mi IJO m M m W rrf. M'iw'r m Jtm ' "-TivHits! Far ! Linoleum : Go To Coyne's ' ' - Our Sale Has , I V '? We have a large shiprritent of goods just received ex "Wilhelmina " - The throngs which filled our store every day last w;eek testify to the wonderful values we are offering.- Our stock is very complete; our values are such als nae never been offered before. We will not quote prices. -Gopds.areialliarkedain , plain figures. A visit will convince you that this is the place to buy. Terms cash only. L. B. KERR (& CO., Ltd., Alakea Street i?v'7A ... ,1 V rV'ft.a- The. Beer Thai's .Brewed To cuit The Climeie MUWSibi IIoro. At tho .lulmncso would bo little, It' ut nil, nflcctod by the pro posed IcKixIntlon, us under tho bo-t-iil Ifd passport provision of section 1 of the immigration act of 1907, and n subsequent understanding with Ja pan, laborers of that race are not per mitted by the Japanese government lo come to tho United States. Itciinons I'or Change. Granting that tho long established naturalization policy of tho United States Government ought to bo per petuated, tho admission to the coun try of any considerable body of per- sons who ennnot bo admitted to ci: Izenshlp Is undesirable. Tho purpose f tho, Proposed legislation Is to a-:- ' ... - " -- i-. or sucn per-,, time nvolJIns ,fon8. wh" ' the same ltnmli.Fiillnn Inirtalntlitn Immigration legislation directed sole ly against the people of any particular nation. Chinese exclusion laws havo been in force In tho United States since 1882 and have been successful i In accomplishing their purpose, nut! it Is only natural that a great peopld I should resent special legislation ai this nature directed solely against I them. In fact tliev so resent It, and . -.'" It is not improbable tnnl unless Cl-Theso exclusion laws In their pres ent form are voluntarily repealed tl o time. Is not far distant when circum stances will ttrlso which will maku such action u practical necessity. .Chinese Itegulallons. , Under tho present lawn Chlnoso of tho professional classes aro permitted to enter tho United States but aru subjected to certain regulations nnd restrictions which do not nply In the 'enso of persons of any other rnco or nationality. Under tho proposed law thO'CJiincso arc placed on 'an equality wjtlyevttry ptbor.pfoplo. In 'this regsud. Moreover, at present, Chinese of the excluded classes are slnglcM, out for 4 1 h - 14 (k v." WW m. j- H ;hssA.' oi' c 1 W -A " i tT !! $t. if , '., . l dlffcrcnt and moro sovero treatment than arc trio oxcluded classes of other races, and whllo the Commlsslonor- General of Immigration recommends a consolidation of the Chlnoso and Im migration laws, ho would retain all the harsh' features of the former and differentiate In several Important par ticulars between tho Chinese and al iens of other races seeking admission to the United States. Trent, All, Aliens Alike. I The law proposed by this bill would regulnte.jthe Immigration of all .aliens according to the ' same standard, on the theory that If' severer restrictions , ., Itl ,h ,, nf . ..,. tlcular race thcy BnouId be impartial- e(, , rtccg nratlon of tn(1 bm g0 My applied to all races, in tne prep some desirable features 'of the Chinese laws which do not appear in the Immigration act have been made applicablo to all al iens, nnd where tho laws differ only In detail these differences have been eliminated. As a matter of fact, thero is only one important detail of the Chinese exclusion laws which Is not Incorporated In tho bill In somo form. That detail Is tho provision contained I. ...linn .In n t It n nuntliolnn 1 In. tf III nUUllUll OlA Ul IMV Vl.iuniuil inn w. 884 which requires that every Chin ese person entitled to admission to tho United States "shall obtain the per mission of and bo Identified as so en titled by tho Chinese government, or of such other foreign government of hi nti a t l-i 41 tlmn all nil PhtnAflA rinr.1 nn h h B,lh,nM. In .,,,. , .,. m.j , -nriiH,., i,,nii.i.v such government." IIOItN. MACONAC1I1K-In Honolulu, T. II., Aug. 20, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. O. U. Maconachle, a son. Been Well Patronized During the Past (Continued from Pag 1) i commissioner, made March 31, shows t II..I II ... ... .......n... I...M a..K- . iimi inu nuruiy cum, mil. una i- nwi 'plus to policy-holders of f381.lS3.67. The ngency lias resigned, It was stat ed this morning, because tho llnnnclnl affairs of the company had been Romowhat unsatisfactory? According to news from tho const, tho company has been mixed up in spmo high finance methods that havo called forth a scrutiny from tho In surance commissioners of u number of States, among them New York, Col orado, Minnesota, Ohio and Massachu setts. 8." II. Wolf, nn Insurance ox-. pert, was Bent to San Francisco early last month by tho Now York .Colo rado and Minnesota State insurnnro departments, to, muko an examination of tho Pncillc Surety Company, tho Western Casually and Surety Com pany, nnd tho 1'aulllc Slope. Securities Company, all of which aro entangled In a stock-promoting, selling nnd pur chasing, In which Frederick 11. l.loyd, former president of the Pacific Sure ty Company, figures prominently. Promoters nt Work. .Tho Pncillc Slopo Securities com pany wnB promoted early In 1909 by tho Into Wllklo Kdwards. Tho money derived from tho salo of tho capital Btock wus used to organize tho Wcst 'ern Casualty and Surely Company, and Frcderick-Il. Lloyd was president of .this, Edwards having died. Tho cnpltnl Btock of tho Western Casualty company wns $3.10,000, nnd for nlno months only, It Is charged, it did bus iness, Its assets being used by Lloyd to get control of tho Pncillc Surety com pany. In this way Lloyd got to bo president of the latter company. In other words, tho Pncillc Slopes Se curities company wns UBCd ns a hold ing company. Lloyd's methods of doing buslnoss did not satisfy tho stockholders of the company, nnd ho was allowed to ro slgn. This was followed Immediately by n suit brought against lilm by tho new management, tho suit being now pending, for flOQ.noo, which amount up to Inst reports has not been locat ed. It Is said to have been lost Bomc whero In tho numerous stock-IIoatlng dans that came out of tho three com panies. The Hawaiian Trust company re signed tho ngoncy for tho Pncillc Sure ty Company, on, Juno 29 Inst, nnd Is not taking any morij business for tho company. Tho resignation of tho agency wns mode n "month beforo tho, affairs of tho company camo Into pub lic notice on tho const. Tho trust company hns recently made nrrringements to tnko tho local agency of tho National Surety Com pany of New York, n very strong In stitution. ' Tho Surety Compiiny had been do ing business In Hawaii for soven or eight years nnd was well Intrenched. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Entered for Record August 19, 1911. From 10:30 a. m. to 4i30 p. m. Martini Kuwehl to Mrs I. K Mnhiio Mnse I'nn nnd f to C Ahul ct nl Edah It Wllhompoon nnd hsli to Mnry V Kllvn .1 D Entered far Record August 21, 1911. From 8:30 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. Kamlln Smith t'o S 'KcIII'iioI ct nl.. h l.lllu K Katnaka-I and hsli to Hob- I! ert Kal.inul Jr O llcorge N Wilcox to' C Q Yeo Hop, I r ; u, Ocorgo N Wilcox tif C Q Yec Hop & Co ,,........ L, David Kaimhaklmolicwn and wf to I Young Men's Buvs Socy Ltd M Week. RIJOIJ THEATER MONDAY PROGRAM The Bell Trio Whoio Singing Has Captured All Honolulu NEW 1IAI.MONY SKLKCTION Eldeds BICYCLE EQUILIBRI8T8 See the Ridt for Life on Inclined Ladder Mmc. Leonora Harrison The Songbird, from Tail's Cafe NEW MUSIC NEW FILMS FMPIRE THEATER MONDAY PROGRAM TIIOSK LATKST FILMS FINEST IN TC4VN sun NE' AUTISTS O'Hagans 1 i "The Ideal Three'' 8lnnina and 'Dane- ing Trio Greatett Eecentrio Comsdlans 1'IIETTY Lottie O'Malley Singing Ingenue CUNHA'S ORCHESTRA l'OPBliA II I It I C K S AMU8EMENT8. Athletic Park Baseball SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 TW5 C1AMES - - TWO GAMES 1130. P. M. J. A. C. vs. HAWAIIB 3i30 P. M. 8TAR8 vs. P. A. C. Prlcest 35, 25, 15 and 10 Cents Reserved Scats for center nnd wings of grandstand run bo Imoked nt E. O. Hall & Son's sporting department En trance, King street. Tickets on salo nt M. A. Qunst's Cigar Store from lp. m. Suturduy'to 11 n. in. Sunday. August Sale Now On Furniture Rugs and Draperies J. Hopp & Co.; Ltd. KOA FURNITURE OAHU FURNITURE CO. King Btrtrat, opposite) Young Hotel P. O. Box 110 Pbont. 3911 J-. I " Hosiery Sale For 3 Days Ailover Lace, 50c quality 35c a pair; 3-$ 1.00 Lace Ankle; 50c quality 35c a pair . . -v.,.- i - ' ' : :' '.. , In Blacky White, Grey, Lavend.Pintiind Blue Plain and Lace, White- - Agent for Hall Borohert Dress Form Metal Hot Water Bag Iff II IS CHEAPER AND BliTTKll TlLk II ' HI Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., IMl f Fort and Hotel 8troete Ls ml ggTHEREXALLg Weekly Bulletin, $1 Year I .'I . .V' , in Tan, Black & - for 25c pair ..v " i i i 4. M 4' .isewWi(MMWM.' m, S uAt.'lU jiifiMfo: &juii- 'in,..--. "i'iA jeiTtWHMwRff71ff