Newspaper Page Text
8 EVENING: BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., MONDAY, AUQ. 21, 1911. "" h i.$ a. Oceanic Steamship Company Laavs 8. F. Arrive Her Leave Hon. Arrive 8. F. Beptembtr 2 September 8 Auyuit 23 August 29 September 23 . . September 29 September 13., September 19 first dees, single, 8. r. 1110 nrit class, round trip, den Franolteo. $ -oW 0. BRKWIK & CO., LTD., Cknwal Agents. Pacific Mail Steamship tJo., Bteamera of the nbove company will call ut Honolulu and leave thla port on or "Lout the dates mentioned belowi FOR THE ORIENT. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 8 8. Mongolia.. .......,.August28 S. S. Perila Augutt25 0. S. Portia ..September 20 S. 8. Korea September 1 S. S. Korea .September 25 S. S. Sib.ri September S. S. Siberia October 10 S 8. China Seplember22 8. S. China October 17 S. S. Manchuria September29 For general Information apply to H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., agents TOYO RISEN KAISHA Steamers of the above Company will cull at and leava Honolulu on or about the datea mentioned below: FOR THE ORIENT. FOR BAN FRANCI8CO. 8. 8. Tenyo Maru September 12 8. S. 8hlnyo Maru September 8 8. 8. 8hlnyo Maru October 3 8. 8. Chlyo Miru Oetisr31 S. 8. America Maru. . . November 21 8. 8. Tenyo Maru . November 28 Watson Navigation Company DIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN 8AN FRANCISCO AND HONOLULU FROM SAN FRANCISCO. FOR 8AN TRANCIBCO. S S. Lurline Augutt23 S. S. Lurline Augutt29 8. S. Wilhelmina September 5 S. S. Wilhetmina September 13 8. 3k Lurline September 20 S. 8. Wilhelmina October 3 S. S. Lurline October 18 8. S. HYADE3 of this line tails bout SEPTEMBER 2, 1911. For further particulars, apply to CASTLE A COOKE, LTD.. Canadian-Australian Royal Mail 'TEAM8HIP FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. Marama September 13 Makura , ...V. October 11 IHHO H. DAYEE8 ft CO., AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. From New York to Honolulu, via Tehuantepee, svery sixth day. Freight received at all times at Brooklyn. FROM SEATTLE OR TACOHA TO HONOLULU DIRECT: S. 8. COLUMBIAN, to sail 8. 8. ALASKAN, to sail S. S. ARIZONAN, to sail For further Information apply to Honolulu. C. P. Phone 2295 Reaches Hustace-Peck C.o..Ltd. ALL KINDS OF ROCK AND BAND FOR CONCRETE WORK. FIREWOOD AND COAL. (3 QUEEN STREET . P. O. BOX 212 FIRE INSURANCE The B. F. Dillingham Co. LIMITED Sanajral Agent for Hawaii: Atiaa Aaauranca Company of Lonaon. Nsw York Unasrwrltsrs' Agency. Prsvldsnct Washington Insurance Co. Hh FLOOR. 8TANUENWALD BLDO. LIFE INSURANCE la net a Luxury; It la a Nteeeslty. ut you Must have the BEST and tiiat Is provided uy tha famous and most equitable Laws of Massa. husotts, In tha New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. If yu would be fully Informed about Hiswe laws, address CASTLE & COOKE, MNIRAL AGENTS. t HONOLULU. T. H. 8. S. Chlya Maru October 6 S. 8. America Maru October 27 S. S. Tenyo Maru November 3 S. S. Shlnyo Maru November24 CA8TLE a. COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu. S. S. Lurline September 26 S. S. Wilhelmina October 11 8. S. Lurline October 24 from 8eattte for Honolulu direct on or General At enti. Honolult COMPANY FOR VANCOUVER. Makira September 12 Zealandia October 10 LTD.. OENXRAL AQEHTI. the Company's wharf, 41st Street, South AUQU3T 25 8EPTEMBER 6 SEPTEMBER 18 H. HACKFELD A CO, LTD, agents, MORSE, Gsneral Freight Agent. Oahu Railway Time Table Outward. Fur Walanae, Walalua, Kahuko and Way Stations "1:16 a, m., 3:20 p. m. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way BtatloDs f7:30 a. m., t:lS a. m.. 11:30 a. m., Ins p. m., 3:20 p. m., 5:16 p. tn., (9:30 p. m M1:15 p. m. For Wablawa and I-ellehua 10:10 a. m., S:1S d. m., J:J0 p m, tll:H P. m. Inward. Arrlra Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal aulua and Walanae K:J a. m. 5:31 p. m. Arrive Honolulu froui Fwa Mill and Pearl City-17:45 a m.. '8:36 a. m. 11:02 a. m., 1M0 p. m., 4:26 p. m 5:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m. Arrive Honolulu from Wablawa and Lellehua :15 a. m . fl:4 U m., 1:11 P. m.. (10:10 p, m. The Halelwa Limited, a two-hour trnlt (only first class ticket honored), len.e.,1 Honolulu mrv Annan.. a a. tit a. m.; returning, arrives In Honolulu at 10:10 p. in. The Llralteu alops only at Pearl City and Walanae outward, anil Walanae. end Pri rid Inward. Dally. tSunrtay licepted. IBuuday Only, Q. P. DBNIBON, F. O. BMITH. superintendent a. P. A. n lie tin phone numbers arei Business OJHre tilt, Knllrrlal Htu 118. Established In 1881 Bishop & Co. BANURI Commercial and Traveicri' Letters of Credit issued on the Bank of California and The London Joint Stock Bank Ltd., London. Correspondent! for t American Express Company and Thoi, Cook A Ion. Interest allowed! on Term and Saving's Bank Deposit!. BANK OP HONOLULU umriD PAID CAPITAL, 1600,000 Successors to CLAU3 SPKECKELS oV CO. Invites your Account and offers satisfactory sendee. Loans at market rates. Exchange and Cable trans fers. Travelers' Credits and Cheeks available everywhere. flS. The Yokohama Specie Bank, Limited HEAD OFFICE... TOUOU.lA Capital (Paid Up).. Yen 24,000.000 Reserve Fund Yen 16.000 000 General banking business transacted. Savings accouuta tor II and upward. ' Fire and burglar-proof vault, with Safe Deposit Uoxea for rent at 12 per year and upwards Trunks and casea to be kept on custody at moderate rates Particulars to be applied for. ID AKAI, Manager. Honolulu Ofllce, Bethel and Mer chants Streets. Telephone 2421 and 1594. P. O. Box 148. TWO FORD MACHINE8 Just as good as new) three seats. One S200 one $250. Oahu Machine Shop 301 QUEEN AND RICHARDS 8TS. Telephone 514 Honolulu Electric Co. Engineering uA Contracting Honse-Wiring Ejpairing Saaaliea 1187 A1AKEA ST. Near BeretJuiia PLANISHED STEEL A fall usortment, liies 24"xtS" to 48"xl20", and gauges . lg to N e8 jast to hand. We do sheet metal work of all kinds, and guarantee satislsvstioa. Your patronage is solicited. PE0MPT ATTENTION TO J0BBM0 EMHELUTH 4 CO., LTD. Phone 1811 148 King Street BUILDING MATERIAL t all raw. MALBJJ IX LUM1M. aIlh a tonnrua. 4imb Itrait : Hoanlala. I 2185 mtt0tbL """"" :,2T!6 buslorss onlie. These ure the tele- phone numbers of Hie II a 1 1 e tl n. BUILDING OPERATIONS Never In the history of Honolulu have the operations In building equal ed those of today. Improvement clubs are doing much in moving men to build wisely. They set a standard for surroundings which Include cement walks and stone curbing. We supply nsarly all of the materials for the pur poe, and the builders ore satisfied. Promptness In delivery a factor. Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd., ROBINSON BUILDING Alexander & Baldwin, LIMITED Sugar Factors. Commission Merchants, and Insurance Agents Agents for Hnwnlltin & Sugar Co. Haiku SiiKiir Company. 1'ala 1'luntatlon. Maul Agricultural Company, llawnllun Sueur Company. Kahuku I'lantatlon Company, Mcliryiln Sugur Company. Kaliiilul,Itallrouil Company. Kauiil Hallway Company, llouulua. Ranch. Haiku Fruit ami Packing Company. Kauai lYull and Land Company, Castle fc Cooke, Ltd ' Honolulu, T. H. I ! HIPPINO AND COMMISSION MEIt CHANT, SUGAR FACTORS and GENERAL INSURANCE AQENTB Representee Kwa Plantation Co. Walalua Agricultural Do., Ltd. Kohala Sugar Co. Walmea Bngar Mill Co Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. Fulton Iron Works ot St. Louis. BaWcoes A Wilson Pomps. Qreen'e Fuel Rcomuntter. Kataon NavlgMlou Co C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. s." j J UQAR FACTORS AND COM MISSION MERCHANT Officers and Olrectera: . I". Bishop President Geo.' II. Rouertson ....Vice-President and Manager W. W. North Treasurer Richard Ivers Secretary J. R. Gait Auditor Ueo R. Carter Director C. H. Cooke Director R. A. Couke .. nirfcetor A. Qartley Director C: Brewer & Co., Ltd. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCIES Koyal Inaurance Co. of Liverpool. London Assurance Corporation. Commercial Union Assurance. Co. of London. Scottish Union ft National Ins. Co. of Kdluburgu. Caledonian Insurance Co. of Edinburgh. American & Foreign Marine Ins. Co. THJC Chas. B. Frazier Company rODK ADVIETUlli Phone 1371 122 King St. CARBORUNDUM WHEELS They hold shaps and cut fattt will save time and money on any character of grinding work. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Agents for Hawaiian Islands Chemical Engines and Watchman's Clocks For Sale by 7. A. OIIMAI Fort tftreet PACIFIC ENBINEEBIXa COMPANY, LTD. Consulting, Designing an Cos- strutting Engineers. Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Struc tures. Steel Structures. Sanitary Sys tems, "Reports and Estimates on Pro tects. Phone 1048. E. 04. HALL A 80N, LTD. Cor. King and Fort Sts, HONOLULU Hardware, Palntt and Oils. 8hlo chsndlery, Stovet, Crockery, Glassware and Kitchen Utensllsi 8porttng Goods, Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition. Itor-tslan(, and O. K. & h Shlpplu7 books for sale at the Bulletin office. BOo, each. QUEEN 8TRECT REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Knlereil for Itrcord Augr. 18, 1011, from 10 ISO ii. m. to 1 1.10 p. m. Llbnim do Nobregn, to Syltnno do iNolirlKii ltd 11. A. lleiulornon by ntty to Sylvn- no dc NomIku l'nr llcl Syhnno do Nobregn to William woon I) OoofKci l'oolon mid wf to Im Yip ..I) llunk'of I law till Ltd to William 11 Cnatla Tr AM Kiiinm M Nnktilnn to Annlo Kculil- pnkn D Annlo Keiililpulcu unil hsb to Wil liam It Cnstlo Tr Mtc Hstof John i:nn by Tra to W II Hlco Cnn I, Kntcnd for llcconl Am;. 11), lull, from NillO it. in. In llltllfl n. in. Y Nukauiiui and wf tu Itmi Fujl- nnto T) W 11 Ackcrman to Josopli Whlt- niarHli llcl Aulln Ah Ioni; and hsb to A Fer nandez Mtg Vlctorlno Pcrclrn and wf to Frnn- cIkco da Sllvn I) Kunlll (k) to lobn Kclllinnkiinolo ..I) Kamul KalnUniui and hsb to John Ilrown. Jr T John Ilrown Jr nnd wf to lkuwn Knlakaun D J Luukinl,(k) to Nlalitniurit Sikndo.L Jnaqulm Dutro to K Muraoka L K Muraoka to William Qreen ....A I, .loepli Wliltmnrali und wf to Wul- ter Ackcrman ...., MIR Antonio Tailim to Jarlutlio KiiiIiih ..D Maria Srott and hsb to Maria l'a- ao I) Manocl 1'avno Sr. nnd wf to Joao rano ,. D John Iaao nnd wf to Antonp I'n- ao T Recorded July 31, 1911. A II Uumlcro et ill tu a L Stunsou, 1), lulu 1, .'. 3, 4, &, 0, tl, 10, 11, 1.'. U 15, IT, IS, 19, 20, 21, i'.'. '.'3, :N, 21, (, 7, -S. Jt, 3U nnd Jl, I'ul.ium Tincl, llu- iiuliilu, Oahu; tiito II 348, p I'TO. July :-5, 11111. I .mil Kio (widow) to City Mill Co I id, M; ur ii i 4, 11 1' m&. kill CJ4C. unil pc luiul, IiMk. rtntx, tic. Kiinm lila, Ilunululu, Oahu; J D00 11 347, i 4U!. July 2V, 1911. U'lislilliKlon Kuliuloll and wf to Muralin X Kouni, 1) A; main tlilUl, Jiiiiilh K Kalmlula, horn Apr SI, lull. It JW, p 130. July 31, 1811, Wulttr 1 turst by juilgu tu II Ananil, JuKilmt; ml damnum J 1.0 iuhIs mid rlmrKPH SU.73. II 143, p CI. Juno SI, 1111 I'ntbprlnn Kcully to 13 C PUcrs, P A; Ki'iicrul poutrt. II 3SG, p 1J7. July 11 lull. l'!rnt Amirlcnn ina & Tr Co ot Ha waii l.til tu IIukIi a lmlx.-Ilcl; lot 1C, I.Ik 104, 1'nlolo Viilloy. Iliinolulu, OiIiii; $3r.O 11 347, p 40S. July 31, inn. II i D.iIh nnd wf to I'lrxt Ainprl run S.ih a. Tr Co of Hawaii l.til. M lot 10, Mk 101, l'nlolo Vulli-y, Hono lulu. Oahu; 700. II 347, p 40C. July 31, 1911. C P. aitrnwpll by out Pt nt to T Ikoila, 1.; premlncK, Kcopukn, S Kona, Hawaii: SO th at J105. II 343, p 415. Jul) :r, 11111. W II Oreenwell to T HUpiIn. Per mission; tu A I. to II llntkfeld & Co l.til of Kmpukn, .4 Kpmi, Iluwall. II :su, l 41G. Oniimeii fiiiKar Co to Danlel.t Nnphu, ltd; It P 4 OS!), Kill 49C,Paukiui, S Ililci, Hawaii; S&0. II 347, p 40J. July 23. 1911. l'lrst Ilink of Hllo Ltd to Andrew Chalmers ami wf, Itel; land patent 4782. Knhukii. Hllo. Hnwnll; $1300. II 347, p 402. July 27, 1911. A M I'lrea nnd wf to rrnnclsen Jo- xcpli (widow), Ii; Int In Cn of It P 3S9il, KniiHhnmelkl, Knln, Maul; S70. II 3S2, p 1S7. July 19, 1911. I, M Maka to Moke Mokuniil, I.; Tl P (Kr) 2171, Kalaliiu, Hnnalel, ICnual; 10 sr at $1 per jr. II 343, p 412. July 1, 1911. " Kanakamnlkal (k) to Koloi SiiRnr Co, I,; wnter rlRhtn on 1-4 Int In It Ph 41SH nnd 4712. Kolon, Kona. Kauai S rs at IS per jr. n 343, p 413. Juno 17, 1911. William lliclo and wf to Kutna Sunnr Co, M; Int In R P 3749. kill 32C8, Wnl- iiluil, Koloi, Kntial; (200. II 347, p 400. July IS. 1911. Court of Land Registration. Oustnv Rledel to Tinnk of Hnwnll Mil, I); lot 3G, Dullck Tract, Honolulu, Onliii; Jl. C I, 11 Doc No 317. July Jl, 1911. see Purher Kent of tlio steamor Klnau hrniiKlit report of tlio ninouiit of bih; nr on luiinl at Qnrdcii IhUiuI ihhIs iih follows: K. S. M. 44C0, K. K. II, 850, V. K. 1000, Mnk 05,988, MrU. 2407, (1 & U. 1150, M. S. Co. 5000, K. S. Co. 1000, L. P. 11.0G2, K. P. 18, 415. S aaa - i mj BUSINESS NOTICES. NOTICE. Tlio tlmo for receiving designs for tlio 1912 rioral Parailu postrr lua been (xtcniHcl to Heptiinber 1, 1912. In the Hint tompillllon, no award Man made. Tlio prl7o ot Ono Hundred Dollaru olTircil Kt 111 holds K"nl for autli denlgn an in ty lin apcipted n p. Rr iBr.Niinnn, Cluili mini, 1912 riorul Piiinil Poster (,'ViiimltU'e. (.0011.11 r'OIV What About That Dandruff? There is just this much about it : Dandruff is a germ disease, is mostuntidy,annoying,and leads to baldness. When chronic, it is very stubborn, but surely yields to thorough and energetic treatment. All germs must be destroyed, the scalp must be restored to health. I Icre is the remedy: Aycr's Hair Vigor. Ask your doctor about using it. Ayer's Hair Vigor DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR ftnmi ly D. I. C. An- & Co., I " "" , U. 8. A. WATERFRONT NOTES l'nrt Midi IairkH for CounlrjN Aid. llowliiR, the head to tlio keeli-cdgcd bladu of tlio Kliearer, thouitandx' of L'liltiPRO tiro lepuled ns lialii; parted with their rnicn lined qiiouca nii'd the proceeds of this liiiinaii hair Is to be dctoted to tho potiRtriiotlon of onn or more powerful war essela. At leant this Is tlio Ktatcmeiit inado by ono K 1). Mnndull, iiianacpr of the IlniiK koni; branch of n InrKo exporting llrm with liuad(iiartcrs at Now York. Tlio story whkh Mnndull lotniled for the edlllc.itloii of Manila newspaper men wus to tho effect that his llrm as a side lino had largo interests In tlio iixportatoln of human hair, Us deal ings In that Industry being tlio larg est In tlio world. Mr. Mundell said that tlio business this year would run us high as two million dollars. Ho continued, in response to n question ns to tlio Inllueiice on the amount of hair obtained and tho prices receded since tlio Chinese began to cut their queues, by Raying that contrary to tlio general Impression that tho cutting of queues In China would flood tho market nnd causo prices to drop no difference was mndb in tho hulr mar ket whntoor. "In fact," he continued, "The Chinese, ennnot sell their hair, ns an Imperial edict bus gono out set ting forth that all hair cut from the head must bo kept In tho family of tho ono from whoso head it camo. Go ing further tho edict stated that, should tlio government deem it wise, nil such linlr must bo turned oer to them to bo disposed of by tho Chinese authorities, tho proceeds of which uro to bo utilized in the building of bat tleships' for the kingdom. All tho linlr wo obtain Ir brought from the Inter ior, and Is from tho heads of women slnco the liupetlnl edict proenlB men from selling theirs." S Would Iliirk llm Viulflc Hall. With tlio expectation that n larger fleet of steamers may linio tho effect of cutting down an apparent monop oly which othcrulso might go to tho Pacific Mail, the first step In a big tainpalgn of westcin business men to inuko the Panama canal as useful as possible In developing the' trade of the country, is being conducted by Representative Stephens of California, who will Introduce in Congress 'n bill to proldo mi appropriation so that the government can build six ships for Panama trade. Until tho canal is opened these, ships will operuto be tween tho Pacific coast cities nnd Panumii In connection with the Tana ma railroad and the great vessels ply ing between the eastern coast of the canal 7ono und tho Atlantic coast cities. After the opening of the canal tho line Is to be operated on a through schedule dlicct from tho Pacific const to tho Atlantic coast ports of this country. Stephens' proposition Is that tho got eminent essels should bo avail able us naval nuxlllaiies In tlmo of war. Ho belloxes that by this means practical results can bo obtained that would coiuo ft om tha establishment of u wider policy cjf ship subsidy. Tho limy win lie given me necessary ves sels for uso ns colllorfs In ovent of wur. If nothing Is done tho Pacific Mall Steamship Company, controlled by tho truns-continciitul 'railroads, presently will bo In position, to dom inate, tho canal truffle, und in thnt ownt tho coast pooplo feur, tho canal will piovo ot small competitive ulue, bernuso it wllj not bo permitted serl' ously to luduco transportation intes. Sparks from, the Wjreless. M. N. S. S. I.uillnc, en routo In Ho nolulu, fi;30 p. in., August 20707 mllesffiom Honolulu; light cast wind moderate sen. Has for Honolulu 2,2(0 tons of fiolght; for Sehiiman, ono lo comobile; for Ilaekfcld. 20 mules; 212 sapks of mall, 47 packages by Wolls Pargn; 500 tons of freight for Kahuliil, Torty-cabln pissonKeis. Will nrilio o.uly Wednesday inoinlng T. K, K, S. S. Tenjci Mam, cn rou'e to San rnjiiclsco, 8 i, m , August 20 77G miles fioin Honolulu. wind ton smooth. -MFVir Bale'! cards at Bulletin..-. MOVEMENTS OF MAIL STEAMERS VEStlLf TO ARRIVI 4 'Tuesday,1 Aug. 22. Central and South American ports IJuyo Maru, T. K. K. 3. S. Wednesday, Aug. 23. Hawaii .via Maul ports Claudlno, stmr. Snn Francisco I.urllnc, M. N. S S. Knual ports W, (1. Hall, Blmr. Friday, Aug. 25. ' Kona and Knn poits Mnuna I-o.i, Blmr. Saturday, Aug. 26. Hllo l,i way ports Muuna Ken, st in r. Sunday, Aug. 27. Hongkong via Japan ports Persia, P. M. S. S. Muul, Molokul nnd Lanal ports Mlknhuln, stmr. Kauai ports Klnau, stmr. Monday, Aug. 28. 8an Francisco Mongolia, P. M. 8. S. Wednesday, Aug. 30. Hawaii via Maul portH Clanillne stmr. Kauai ports V. O. Hall, stmr. f VIMEL TO DEPART f Monday, Aug. 21. Panubaii, Honoknn, Kukiilhaclc and polls Wnllele, stmr., p. m. Hllo via way isirls Mnuna Kui, stmr, 10 n. m Maul, Molokul nnd Lanal ports Mlknhala, stmr., G p. in. Tuesday, Aug. 22. Seattle la Island ports and Sail Francisco Hllonlan, M. N. S. S. Kobolalolc, P.iaiillo, liiipahoclioe, Pnpaaloa I.lkellke, stmr., noon, .Mnliiikona und Knwnlhno hvalanl, stmr. , Kauai porta Klnau, Blmr., B p. m. Wednesday, Aug. 23. Snn Francisco Sierra, O, S. S , 10 a. in. Thursday, Aug. 24. Hongkong la Japan ports Buy'o Mam, Jap. stmr. Kauai ports W. O. Hall, stmr., C p. m. Friday, Aug. 25. Hawnll la Maui ports Claudlne. stmr., C p. m. Sunday, Aug. 27. San rranclsco Persia, p. M. S. 8. Monday, Aug. 28. Hongkong l.-i Japan ports Mongo lia, P. M. S. S. Kauai ports Noeau, stmr., 5 p. in. Tuesday, Aug. 29. San Francisco I.urllno, M. N. S. 3. Mnnl. Molokul and Lanal jiorta Mlknhala, stmr., C p. m Hllo la way ports Manna Koa, stmr., 10 a. m. Knual ports Klnau, stmr., C p. m Thursday, Aug. 31, Knual ports W. O. Hull, Btmr., G p. m. . -- j MAILS. I I . 4 Malls are due rrom the following points aa follows: San Francisco I.urllno. Aug. 23.' Yokohama Persia, Aug. 27. Colonies Makura, Sopt. 12. Victoria Marama, Sept 13 Malls will depart for the following points as follows: ' Yokohama Mongolia, Aug. 28. Vancouver Makura, Sopt. 12. San Fianclsco 8lcnn, Aug. 23. Sjdney Marama, Sept. 13. I TRANSPORT SERVICE. Dlx nt Soattlo, out of commission. Logan, from Honolulu, for San Fran cisco, arrived May 12. Sheridan, from Honolulu for Manila, Auir. 14 Sherman, Balled from Manila, Aug. 14. Crook, arrived B. F. Apr. 13. Huford, sailed from Honolulu for San Francisco, arrived Aug. 15. Warren Stationed at the Philippine!. Thomas nt San Francisco" under re pairs PASSENGERS ARRIVED I Per stmr. Klnau, from Kauai ixirts, Aug. 20. II. Aasor Claudlno King, Mary Sllva, Vlctoila Sllva, Mr. Mull 6r, Mrs. Muller and itiald, Mis. Mlka cle and child, Mr. Pfotenhaiicr, Fran cis Gay, A. F. Knudsen Alhort Mc Ginn. II. i:. Leland, J. W., Mrs. J. W. Nenl and six children, K. 11. Urldgew ator, Jumos Lynch, N, II. Young, Mrs. J. S. Schmidt and two clilldien, Miss l.ord. Miss Parlte, 8. C. Waggoner, M. Mcdelros, Mis. 8. Knulana, Miss Kaulnii.i. Mrs. Napa huelna, Miss Cross, (I. n. Mead, Mis. II. C. Sheldon, Mis. L. P. Sheldon and child, W. H. Slownit, Mm. F. Kulil man, Y. Mljamoto, 8. Taoka, Miss 8. Nakatsujn Mlbs II. Nnkatsuja, Mlas S. Takannna. 1 PASSENQER8 BOOKED. I 1 Per stmr. Mnnnn Knn. fur III In vln way ports, Aug 22. C. 8. Hollowny, C. A. Hell, Mrs. Roll. Prof. W. T. Illngham, F, W. Damon, Mis. minor, Master Damon L. von Tempiky, Miss N, Wnlhipe, Mr. and Mrs. A. Iiwis, II. H. Clifford, Mrs. nlrford, M. M. Clrnhnm, Miss Dejo, H. w. Iluiden, Mrs. llurdon, J. Mnnsnrrat. Per stmr. Klnau, for Kami ports, Aug. 22. Mis. C. II. Cooko and 3 children. I). Lyons Mrs. Lyons, Mis. IJ. lllschop, V. A. Lime, Mis. Lane, K. A. KniidRon, Mis. Knudsen, Miss P. Stow nit. "Weekly Uallef In Sl-pe'r year. i-i&.uXl . wii H III 'f " I" i lriTniiwii,i,iniMwr tiwpiwi'inaflftfirHiliiiMirisiwiimiM,!! miwnwmiwiftiMMaiiMipiiH,, tuiw ,m r :ll isaWaVtfwisMM r,yj)p.trTjbiiigttttTiiBil'?.MlltJl.iJJJSasTi 1H.JIIM" HT-aaiia.iwu ajwrwaaaiBaaaaayK