OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 22, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-08-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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From San Franclseoi '
t.urtltic AllRllst 23
For San Franclecol
Blcrrn August 23
From Vancouver.
Mnranui . i iBcplcmber IS
For Vaneouvari
Makiirn . .September 12
Evening Bulletin
Advertising Value Is a Direct Quantity
This it a lime wlien tho public wantt
to know everything about everything,
and tht only way for a buiineti to keep
in touch with the public la to TELL
ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 5011.
i i
Two LineslPropcrty-Owners
Are Not
Why llio MntHon Navigation Com
pnny mid the Oceanic Steamship'
Cnmpnn) have been psylng niuuinl li
censes to the Tcrrllory of $100 slnco
1109 nnil $300 previous to Hint, slnco
190S, while the Cnnadlan-Aiistralinn
( nil 1'nclfln Mull linen luivc not, is n
matter which tho iittomey-Kcnernrs
(lcpnrtmcnt Is investigating,
Attnrno)-f!cncrnl Lindsay Is now
looking Into tho matter, ho stilted this
morning. If he duds that tho two
Agree To Change
Majtfprity of' Interests Affected
Line Up For Downtown
Mann Says
Oil King Gives Million
To Relieve Suffering
A nmjorlty of tho property-owners tin inn ecu.
wbo will lo nlTcctcd by tho widening, through"
Associated 1'reaa Cdile.)
WASHINGTON, D. C Aug. 22. The
extra session of Congress adjourned to
day tine die. A feature of the adjourn
ment were statement! Issued by party
leaders. Champ Clark, Democrat,
Tho hnproLinent will go Speaker of the House, declared in a
t statement that the Democrats have
tho kept evtry pledge made before the set-
.... .. . ! J !.. .1 ,.. .-
.VltOOUKIl Hiu nvn op.nsu, rai.rnny pai iieuiarijr 10
Its imnngc- tariff revision.
1 On the other hand, Representative
I of Hotel street unci tho opening of Iniluilcd In the general plan Is
' Hit liofi "street uro cnllsteil for this bis closing of Union sired.
Mihllu Imiirnvtmcrit. hush City nnil Hrovvir Ilstntc. IhruiiKli
County Treasurer Hubert W. Shingle, meat, hns dtclnrid that It will pro
companies arc, liable, for dcllmicnt .'who bus been nctlvo In proniotlngplons cccd wllli Its plans for putting up n James R. Mann, tho Republican House'
' s. ..- at .-.... a. I a.. ... a. .lies . ... as... .. - -. ..!.... .a . e I a ah 1 am , ltllAla I .tAl at ! IambhI '
cense fees ho Intends to start pro-i ivors. jio expects tu ii-uvu uu( iiiiiiiiiiik on no turner ui union striri ,.,., ,,v m,,., ...., iiicih.ih
rnnllniru di r.illnri Mm ,,,.,J thu Blcrrn tomorrow morning for tlio.und Hotel strict, J It Oult of the Ifii- declaring that the result of tho session!
According to chanter 1C0 of tho re-i'""'1' al"' " l,' tN0 r n'" departure wnllati Trust Company, vvhlih rcpro- will be to strengthen the President and
vised laws of Hawaii -is anicndoil i,.' declares; Hint this Improvement. tho'scnta the estate, lias stnled Hint If tho weaken the Democrats.
,., ns ,,r ii, t0i t... ..r m,, I most Important In downtown property. city mid county mid the government, Appioprlutlnns pnssnl during theses
'!. -- ..... .... .. .,.
section 2023 states: "Must fllo pipers
F.vcry cnrHiratloit or Incorporated
(onipany formed or organized tinder
tho laws of any foreign state, which
may be desirous of criming on busi
ness In this Territory or of taking,'
holding or convening real cslnto shall
I for man) jiurs, lll go through
Of the thrco uppriilsers that will bo
niiiiKd by tho Kocrnmcnt to estimate
tho damages iimf tho private property
Interests iiffccUd by the strict changes,
oni' will bu u representative of the
commercial hodles and tho property-
lllo in Iho offlco of tho treisurer of owners.'snld Mr. Bhlnglo this morning,
tho Territory," anrtjhcij y states cor
tain paisjrsvhlch"imist"W filed1;
Section 2B25 sets forth that tho an
nual llcenBo shall bo lit the rnlo of
$100. Th 1 8 was further amended In
1909. however, and reduced to $100.
Tho section fmtlior provides that the
tic.isiircr is authorized to have col
leclrd an nccount against any com
pan violating this law and to have
fifty per cent added to tho amount of
tho license. I'urtlicr Ihcro Is n pon
ally of not less than $100 and not
more than $r00 or Imprisonment fur
hlx months or both.
Iho question which tho attorney
general Is looking Into Is why somu
of Iho companies pay It and other
do not. 'lhe Mntson and Oceanic
companies havo roKlsluicd and luiu
also paid their annual fees but tho
Cinndlan-AiiHtrnllan and tho Pacific
Mall, hoi h of which d" busliioss with
in tho Territory hnvo not so far como
niross, It was stated both by tho at'
tnrncj -general and at tho ticasuror's
olllc o.
The wording of tho pcnnlty soction
Is cry clear. It states that "anv
poison aclliiK ns itKont, or assuming
to act "as agent of any foreign cor-
P'untion which tins failed to comply
with art) of IDo statutes regarding ror
olgn corporations bhnll bu deemed
Kiillty," etc.
If after tho iittnrnoy general, lias
gnno fully Into tho matter ho llnds
that tho companies named havo to pay
the Ties tho bills will run to a nice
little total. Tho fees for each com
pany from 190." to J909 amount to
$1200. From then to tho present duto
they amount to $200, making a total
of $1400. Added to this Is tho fifty
per cont, which brings tho total to
$2100 and then ngaln thero Is the fine,
whlih may bo counted as $100, mnk
ing nllngothcr a bill of $2,200 each.
An opinion from tho department is
expected during this week.
Temperatures 6 n. in, 75; 8 a m,
sn, in a m, 82; noon, 81; morning
minimum, 7G.
Ilaromcter, 8 n in, 30 01; nlisnluto
humidity, 8 a m , 0 C60 grains per cubic
font; relative humldlt, 8 u m, CO per
tent ; dew point, 8 a. in. 65,
Wind 0 a. in, velocity 5, direction
II; 8 a in. velocity J, direction Ni: ;
10 ii in., velocity (,, direction Hi noon,
tloclty 14, illnctlnn NI!
It ilnfall Hariris' 24 hours ended 8 a,
, m , 0
will go iiheail Imiiiedliitely without fur- slon huvo totaled 1101,051
Iher delay hi the plans for closing
Union street, tho c.tate will libido by LITTLE AND T0UCHARD
Its original plan, ."""'' . WIN TENNIS TITLE
Minim .ini'i, mill ,iii- tpiiiixuih in,,..,
will be changed to allow for tho" new
Mr1. Hlilngla, Ha)sthat Hum Is no
Having personally talked with n ma
jority of the property-owners of tho
district, ha sii)sthnt no 'opposition Is
arising, nnd thut tho work now Is only
to upprniso tho various Interests, and to success of tho project,
start tho public Improvement.
"Plin imint tnniniiUv n Ihn nvnlvnrtv,
owners nroligreod upon tho Improve-'bear shooting on Uio (Joast. Fred
incut." ha said this morning, 'mid what Hlilnglr', his brother, who has been vis
now remains Is for tho uppriilsers to bo itlng here, will accompany him on tile
nnnied and get to work adjusting the, steamer.
(Xnrclnl B u 1 1 e 1 1 n Cililo.V
NEWPORT, R. J, Aug. 22 R. D)
Little and G. F. Toucnard today da-
reason vvb)-' tho w nrk should not goeatedT. B. Alexander 'and H. H.
ahead." (tiipi rlnictident Cumpbell lsco-(Hackctt in the national doublet eham
operating wUh tho proiierty-owncrs, ho plonshlp series, winning by tcoret of
sids, nnd ever)botly Is anxious for the 7.5, 13-15, 6-2 and 6.4.
I Mr. Bhlnglo xpccts. to Iw gono for QOTTON BILL VETO I '
a number of weeks and will do a lltlla A ' hit inTcn HDrtM
iiiui Hbicu uruit
M Assorts!,,! pnss Cable.)
WASHINGTON, .D. C, Aug. 22
President Taft's message containing the
expected veto of the cotton tariff revi
sion bill was received by the House to
day and referred to the waya and meant
committee to report for action at the
December session.
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The Iian Fund Commission, ihrough Would Tap the Golden Stream.
Heeretnry Petrle, has llred u center shot Tho city fathers would tap tho gold
Intn the citadel ot tho city nnd county en stream now inudo uvallablu for new'
supervisors which has given tho inu- work on roads to complete a IjcU'kjs
lilclpul fathers a scvero Jolt, from tern urn nnd tho Island. '
t. Iil.lt tlii.i' I, oil nnl t lillri.lv rf.n riil I'ltn nllv wimor, luiirM InwlMt Hull In
v" 'i"' " ' -' ." I-
at noon todu). Iniiko N una nil avenue passable and prc-
'Jlio goldin hoard of dollars now senliible ugalu It will havo to bo ro-
nvallablc lor tho construction Of u belt- graded and practically iniiilo Into u new
roud s)stem around tho Island of Oahu'striet It will tako at leust IJ5.000 to
cuii not bu diverted for making much- pirform this work to the satisfaction
needed repairs on tho lower section of of llm property owners who havo for
Nuuuiiu avenue, near tho premises of u many months waded through mlro nnd
large number of wealthy Honolulu res
idents. Niiuunu avenue must bo n pretty
wretched thoroughfare, according to tho
little tales of woo painted by u num
ber of prominent cltlens.
(Assocl iteil Puss Cillilc.)
LONDON, Eng, Aug. 22. A com.
mission hat been appointed here to in
quire into the recent railroad troubles
that culminated in the great ttnke.
LONDON, Eng, Aug. 22. Parlia
ment adjourned today until October 24.
KAN I'ltANCIKt'O, Cnl, Aug 22
Herts: 88 anal) sis, 14s 2d; pnrlty,
Dll.'c. Previous quotation, 14s, 3d.
wnsheil-oiit load material.
Commission Saya No.
Tho Loan Fund Commission has for
wardid u communication o tho board
with tho Information that no portion
of the $:00,000 set asldo for tho use
'The licit Itoml Commission has of tho Kelt Itoad Commission cull bo
thrown up down In tho matter of tnk-juseil In work which Is of tho nature
Ing up work on that portion of Nun- ns asked for liy,tlio supervisors on
mill avcniio extending beyond V)lllo lowir Niiuunu uvenue.
street and on to tho Country Club" This Is an opinion that has betn
Low contends that this work Is not a eagerly sought b) tho city fathers for
repair Job," but reconstruction pura some weeks, and when It was forth-
and unadulterated I (Continued on Pago 10)
tAsKoclatiMl Press Cable.)
NEW YORK, N. Y., Aug. 22. Announcement was made today of a gift
of a million dbllors outright by John D. Rockefeller to the Rockefeller Insti
tute, for medical research. The oil king's gift It in the intoreitt of science
to relieve tulfering.
1!. I. Spalding, maliagor of tho Hank
of Honolulu nnd nowl) -elected presl
dont of tho Chamber ot Coinmoice,
declared )istiday to a ioiirtcr for
tho It ill lot In that tho moneyed In
vestors aro apparently rccovorliu!
from tho fen rof sugar tariff revision,
and that local luminous shows a ile-
cldodly lo.issurlng tone as u result,
"Money l easy.now," said Ml.
Spalding, "Uio banks havo a largo
amount nt low terms of Interest, but
up to tho presont there has not been
Iho demand for It to put Into sugar
stocks Hint should bo expected In vlow
of the high price of sugnr. This, I
helluvo, Is largoly on account of tho
fear of Iho tariff revision.
"It may now bo said, however, that
thoio Is n much inoro reassuring
lotio to local business und an Incrcnb
Ing tendency to purchnso sugar
stocks, Less fear Is being folt of tariff
lovlslon. While I nm not suto of the
weight (hat Iho wlshos of Hawaii
would carry In Congiess, sugnr Inter
ests of tliu mainland wilt undoubtedl)
he stiong Then, too tho sugar tariff
Is n revenue, producer that Is not go
ing to bo overlooked. These consid
erations aro nldltu,; to stlmulnto local
Marine Corps Men Get Order
That Causes Some
An order from Major V. C, Neville,
lomiiiandlng olttccr of Camp Very, for
bidding uii'tiibcrj of the tnurlno corps
Irom wearing civilian clothes until lift
er leyear In the service, hus stirred up
Iho camp deeply, III fact, Bomo of tho
murlnos aro talking of forming n com
mittee to wait upon Major Nevlllo In
uu crfort to get the order rescinded.
Tho marine corps commanding mil
ler bus Issued his nrrtir IrKtho Inter
ests of 'llHclplhie. It is stilted that u
similar order liui been In effect up
pi) Ing to the men of tho various forts,
and that It Is n preventive of dlsor-di-rl)
conduct, ns tho soldiers will
maintain better demeanor In uniform
than In civilian clothes.
Tho order at Camp Very, however,
has not been wchoiucd Somu of 'the
in irlnis dcclurn that all are being made
Hitter for tho faults of some.
Major Nevlllo believes that the wear
ing of uniforms until tho marine, has
nt least n )ear In tho servlco In which
to show his worth Is a good move.
Divld OrownliiRber, n limn connect-cd-wlth
Iho Honolulu road department
for it fcoro or innio years iiiuer Iho
various forms of government, Is the
latest victim to bpw to tho kecn-odged
axo In the oftlco of Itoad Biiibrvlsor
Wilson, Tho head of Crounlnghcig
has now been drnppol Into tho official
waste basket of- tho to id department.
Itccent decapitations by ' Chief Ex
ecutioner" Chailes Wilson, has aroused
tho iro of road committeeman F.b3ii
"Wilson Is i mining things with i
high hand. Iho road committee 'is
being completely Ignored In tha in li
ter of nil iipiKilulmi'iitH In tho road
department," doclares. Low with ils'lug
"Havo Cieiwnlngbergf -'a lespcctcd
man and efficient cniphi)co Is sum-
mnrllv dropped fioin tho department
h) Wllt-on, mill for what reason?
"I want lo say that there hayi
boon several appointments imido b
Wilson which do not meet with my
"Aro we going lo let tho Honolulu
mail nvej-secr rldo roughshod over
this board?"
Wilton It the Boss
Wilson tnkes tho stand that ho Is
running his department. Ho will sift
out tl'oso men who ho believes have
served their nllotted peilod of useful
ness ami If ho Is not allowed In pick
his iissla'ants for ii.nl department
vork, he docs not fce Inclined lo
tako an) of tfbo lespouslblllt) for re
sults. ,
Wilson contends that while once
upon a tlmo Criiwnlnnbor was rated
higlil) ns n load department official
and overseer, liKduy has passod. He
contends that tho now ilcpoeod Jiiiih
Is too old for continued seivlto In
such nn'lvllles ns clt) roid and street
building. Wilson -wnuls to gel )iiung
or men nt the various heads of his
(Continued on Page 10)
Congressmen Will Not Be
Able to Come Next Year,
With Election Close.
Statesmen and Politicians Will
Be Busy Mending rolmcai
Fences From Now On.
It will be at lenst two )cars from
this minimi r bef re Hawaii can get
another vlilt of Congressmen here, ac
cording to well-informed Imsil ineli
What looked like ii golden opportunity
to git the benators nnd Htpreselita-
lives here late this full hns been loit
iciaiise Conguss scrapped so long on
wool and ciilton tariff revision and kill-
drill mutters.
John T, McCrosbon, who keeps as
elosily In touch with Washington uf
falrs us i erhaps any man In the Is
lands, said this morning that Hawaii
can siot expeel to sco any cnnKrmsiou-
ul lwrty next )eni "TKo election: will,
be coining ulorig, and all of tho' Con
gressmen will Ih! inisy nt homo mend
ing their femes," he snld. "It's too bud
Hawaii did not get tho party this )car,
r,s tho more members of Congress wo
get over here tho more friends wo
Now we'll havo to go to them. In
stead of their coming to us.'
Immediately follow Ing Iho announce
ment )cstenlay afternoon that Con
gress would adjourn tod.i), Iho Wash
ington correspondent of tho II till c
1 1 n, C S. Albert, cabled this paper
as follows;
"WASHINGTON, I). t, Aug. 21.
Visit iibniiiloned. Too luto. Other In
vitations incepted."
This ciblegrnni confirms tho nswn
published In Iho 11 u I ) e 1 1 n last
Thursday upon tho re-cclpt of n cablo
grnin b) Dclcgato Kulilo from his icc
retar), Oisirgo McK. .McClcllan, who
has been arranging tho party.
The long trip to Hawaii, nftor a
strenuous summer session in (ho hot
capltol, could not be arranged with
Congress adjourning. two weeks liter
Hum tho tlntu orglunlly sot. Fiirthui
mine. It nppcnrs thai conflicting en
gagements prevailed McClcllau from
securing Iho Cingressmcn whoso pres
ence hero was particular!) deslied.
Vigorous giowls wcro heard In kv
lko court this iiioinlug when i doren
(imminent men, uncsted u few da)s
bofoio glvlng'vent to their feelings
Among those who api eared In court
this ini'inlng wero T II. I'otrlo, n
Castlo d Cnokii. II IVindcro. Harry
ago for 'Sicorchlng" In Ihelr aiilomo- wildei. F M Frlesell, Manuel Correa,
biles, camo up Tor tilnl. Most of them Lieut C, It fln)Ior, or the naval sta
pled guilty, took a flno of llvo dollars Hon, Curl llriniBtroin, W II, Fatten,
nnd costs from Iho Judge nnd hui-, Allen Core), V Ko!nnshl, n prom
rlcd out ot the couit-ioom, but not (Continued on Page 2)
German Sailor Said to Have
Sold Liquor From Bark
In Port Here.
t'l(arBsI,wltli having sold llipior on
biNirjl tho fiirinan bark Alexander Isen
birg 1111 till" port In violation of II a
Unhid Htntes Internal revenue laws, u
(liriuan snllin, Kc'.iukirk, bus been sr
icstid 4i) Jack Wedayf harbor polite
man, and Is novvltii custody ut the po
lite station
Sthubcrk Is wanted b) thu Fediral
Mitliorlllts, who claim that they hivu
sulllilent evlddicn to prove tint on
sen nil iKinslons he dlsposid of u
Mtiuntlt) of llrjuor to his fellow workers
on board tho lurk.
As soon us tho mutter was reported
to If S Assistant District Attorney W.
T, Itnwllns. ho or(liied Ollber Wedny
to arrest Kehukeik and hold him for
According to Wtdiy, Schukerk lum
been visiting nt Kehotleld II irracks for
home time, where he sold liquor .to tho
roldlers there,
" Ml
' .sJ

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