Newspaper Page Text
w EVENINQ BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., TUESDAY. AUG. 22, 1911. a fcF ffit En Hi if1 t T Masonic Temple & Weekly Calendar :XX l.ialil 'liiii)irtl.' 2-u l.'i MONDAY; t' TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: thurqday: FRIDAY: SATURDAY: ' I I COURT FILINGS TODAY Furniture and Piano Movers City Transfer Co. - - Phone 1281 JAS. H. LOVE All visiting members of Uo Order nra cordially Invited to attend meetings of local ledges H each month t K. P. Hull 7:30 P. M. MARINE ENGINtEaSr Ano- sttEFICIM.ASSw.lTIQL ciatiom cor. iitlly invited. ' AWAIIAN TRIBE, No. 1, 1. 0. K. M. Meet every first and third Thure T ot each month at Knight! ot Pythlaa Hall. Visiting brother! eor tlally Invited to attend. A J ItOHINHON, Saihem. r Todd, c. or n. SOHOLULU LODGE, 618, B, P, 0. 1, Honolulu Lodge No. CIS, U. P. 0. Clki, meets In tliolr hall, on King treet, near Fort, every Friday tre eing. Vltiltlug Hrothnni are cordially Invited to attend. r i it isUNnnuu, n n. 0 to T. KI.UHUUL, Sec. riilum nf documents In the Supremo .(ml ChcAlt courts ui to noon tndi)' i.n'.plvii below. 1 no lelicrs Known uiicr uio uuic m lllhiK "uio used for IiuIoxIiir purposes nnil ine.ui us follows. 1), divorce; J., i. mils : I j. law, lied 1', probate, lire lISunHJitro "Iso t"r H fere nee Supremo Court. August .'I. 1U11 2 15 l' in Akl s. AM Mllnul it ton ,iiKlit JJ 1 1 V ii in KSI Heckle) lirnvvu Hrtet or planum. Circuit Courts. August SI. It'll- 3 21 p ill I). 4.122. 1'nrtitln ! snino. I.lliel unit Mini' iiiiinx riled unit I wind. 3:D1 p m I 7J2U. laini! Co IjiiuIK Joinder In I.Miiin r r August - 111 S I'm in t). 1251 Akvvnl vs sumo Answer or respondent III II 111 l 111"! Klllllll K. H.UMC. I Ibcl .mil Kiiniiiioiin ntiirnul 8:4r h. in ti mil lTtneil i ml Knmo. I.lliel Meet on the ll( ..mnmmis returned 8.4G n m ,1! 2nd and 4Ul ,, ,r H. KoKciihhdt Subpoena ro- nonuayi ,,, ... )r, m. i- 4in. vm, y. I! Iirlnt :crlurr OnUr appointing mi ni u udiuliihdriitnr 10: ir. n.vtn. J 4 MiitHiiinurii s mine I.lliel mid iiitinioiis illcl mid Issued 'JMO u. m. II !,r,s l'rcur x. ltn-clllilcilt. lte turn mid miniver, to order to show cause 10: IS u. in. 1'. -niG. Hawi- motii vs. S.iKiiiiiolo Motion to setaslda iliiree. 10:10 u in, 4350 Illnzo Shlnu b Pnl I.lliel Tor divorce. No sum- mens 11:03 1. !32 Territory Mi. lice I 'nt (',1111111,11111' mid summons retained It 20 I) 1276 HnKiunnto . Willie. Durni of divorce. 11.31 1 7.WJ. Joe Jnrdln i, Jim- Complaint mid film limns filed mid Issued. 11.10. I'. He inle Louise H Arli lull Petition of re Icjhc for iirt.iln' propeity 11.15 I I :r, Ksiute Louise K Arlclgh Order lor ii Iiiiho of proper!) 11 10 1.. 7.".7C. Sebum in Carriage Co. x ltlce 1U LOIltlllllld sa : RECREATIONS-1 kUKKHRXMHHRHXHIIii CYCLISTS MAKE GOOD IN RIDE FOR LIFE Shlppimg STATEROOMS 1 BEGGING Room For One Hundred Additional Passengers Music as Mauna Kea Departed For the Island of Hawaii Buyo Maru From Infected Ports to Be Fumigated Hilonian to Lose Its Chief Engineer Several Changes In Officers. ARRIVED Tuesday, Aug. 22. Sun Finiiclacu vln Scaltlo llllo nlnn, M. N. S. S, n. m. I DEPARTED WX. HcKINLEY L0D0E. NO. 8, Mecca every 2nd and 4th Saturday veiling at 7:30 o'clock In K. of P. Hall, cor. Fort and Uorctanla. Vlilt irg brother! curdlally -invited t at tend. v. p. KIL11CT, C. 0. C. A. JACOHSON, K. R. 8. OAHU LODGE NO. 1, K. of P. Sleets rurj llrxt mid third IVIdiy nt 7 50 h'iIiilK, I') till in ilnll, turner Here Inula iiud I'ort streets VNlIliiB hroth erB conll.illj Invited to nllcnd h. Di:'Ki:r!, c. c. o utiiN'i:. k ot n & s. HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. O E. Meets on coud mid fourth Wcilnc da) oenliiB ot emli month nt 7.30 o'llotk. In Kim Antonio Hull, Vineyard street, nenr lhninii. Vlsltlnc brothers urc Imltcd to nttend. ano a. davis, w. p. AM. C M't'OV, Secy. ARE FINED Tliti'O tliutiBund tuhlc feet inens uroment nf frelRht Ii.ih been orfcrcd Iho. Occnnic Ptemnshlp Slcira for Bhlpment to Iho liuiluliiiul Thu liner Is depurtlnK for S.m Framco iniunr- mw mornlnu. tiuMtiR nt least tweniy thoumilid ciises of picserud plnenp- plc, n tlwusnnd Ions of, qimn tltles of rice, eoffec tind hides. At tho olllco of, C Ilroner &. Co ono hundred anil twenty p.iHscnuurH lme booked existing docks, wcio in.nlo Ii) the snnio firm. II Is t.lled Hint nllhoiu'li MriwiH. W.ilker's lendor wus not Iho lowest .In price of thi)o Kliliniltlcd. their splcllluillniis for the cnlarKo incnt of tho Kirt wero moro nrcopl nhlo thiiu llioso of oilier conipetltoii. Tho Willi net price of Iho wmks Is iiboul JB4,"R",i)0. The cuntr.ict Is In bo BlRiiqJ within thiep months fiom Iho duto of the iictrpt.inco "f tho 1 twenty I"mCiirow m o mi , ?"! "l.C W.". !"!! " f'" 'T,. roinmcnlei. w.lhln six n.on.hs f.on, win seeuiu iiiiiini'iniiiiHMi ..v.... ..." hour of Bulling Tha Slerrn hnn ne comuiodiilluu for two hundred und twcntV-llo llrst rlns4 V.icnKcis nnd us bookings stiind nt present It would npponr Hint the essel will depart with many ncniit Btaterooins. Pa In Make Short M.iJ. Ciipt.iiu I'elorson does not Intend In remain long n vlslloi to Honolulu. As muster of tho good ship Hilnnt.ui ho bus ucelied orders which mil for Iho date of the signing of the coif- tract, and arc to be completed with In Iho jenrs under :i penally of i::!,- Mlo por month. The coiidlllons call for u sullleleiit depth of walcr In Hie channels and doeks tn iicimll the entrance of essols dinning 30 ft. of water. The government, however, bus a icscrvatlon to rcduco tho depth of water for vessels drawing mil) 27 ft. An exhaustive review of the stud ies for Iho works Is being prep nod no nil orueis .,.... "" ,lv lho j,nHj r public Works, nnd ?" nmipaHr't'1"''' - !"'"- "' " 6 Varieties Of- Bread Baked Daily You can have your order changed daily and b supplied with any of these varieties from Love's Bakery (Continued from Page 1) Incut Japanese contractor, Jnnnh Uumuilugs nnd C. Waldejcr. Qnjlor and Corey got their cases postpoied tho others pleading guilty. Doiidero explained Hint his ma chine was going Just n llttlo ovep the speed limit and In bioad da)llght on n quiet street, hul Asshtant Prose tilting Attorne) Drown, thougli ail milting that noiio of tho defendants me "nrorchcra" And that they usual ly drive their machines at n low rate of speed, declared the law should ho observed and would not recommend that tho rases be dismissed. Mtiny of tho men who were arrest ed by tho inotorc)clo slouths hay that they havo been going about twenty miles un hour only. Considerable (iimiucnt on tho cases has arisen some of the defendants declaring that the) have been singled out for nr est while drunken pirties whirl nt) und down tho principal sheets of the ill) each night, constituting a leal nienaco to safely. Tho case against, John Mattoi, who pleided guilt), was stricken fiom the calendar. Ho told the court that lie was limiting on his mnihlnu to get a pliyhlel.ui to his d)lug child nt his house. On this showing, Judgo Moiiuarrat lei him go. PHONE 1431 1134 NUUANU ST. C. Q. Yee Hop & Co. MEAT MARKET AND IMPORTERS Tolephone No. 3451 " LOCAL AND GENERAL 1 1 Fri ' yj FORJALE Flveiliuri.i.pow'ir hoktlug gux eiisln'V In jurfeil orili r. I'mi iiu seui lit my vmiii liousu lit foot of !" ' Ml 5007-tvv Un.S l.i iV FOR SALE ALGAROPA BEAN MILL And ONE SECOND-HAND 8TANDARD GASOLINE ENGINE, 16 H. P. 14M EMMA STREET Telephone 24J5 llluzi) tihima s bringing a dlvorco suit against Fuji Sshima for deser I lou The Tcrrlton Ihrough llio laud (ommlusloiicr, Chmles S J mid hi ttik iu gacllon to have ono lieu l'at p.i) up Ills rent for laud on Kauai or gel out. Mr. Clynrente A)chod, who has been slaying In Honolulu with relatives, is leaving for fr'nn Francisco Wednesday morning Ho leaves many friends to ngiet his ilcpattiirn 'I Mo Jnptncbg ficighfcr llii)o Maru whkli ai lived nlT Hid port thlu'liooii will ho luoiight to Hackfcld whajl lomorrow nrurnliig. Tho essel Is ral lying eleven cabin mid ono huudruil !,nd twenty, stevrago passengers tu .liipauiso polls. Thole are I luce appointments hang ing (lio at tho pioseut tlmo. Thero Is the outdoor man for the market nlicine, tho man In take Dr. Piatt's plaro as ph)slclan on tho hoard ot health mid also the appointment nl a man to fill Coiu;iiIm(oiui Howill'a lilure on tho Maul loan fund coiiiiiiIh Hloij. ' A iplstnko was rectified In tho court tills inotnliiK licfoiu Juilgo W. J. Hob Inson In roiiiu'itlou with tho i.iso ot KeuJIlo Hakmuolo ngalust Kouieju bakaiuulii. On a previous occasion die lllicllaut hlalid that bo had mil) been In tho (ountiy n )cnr mid tho cin-o was dismissed Now this mom Inat ho brings an nflldnvlt Inloicouit btatlng Hint he hni boon hero two veais He has leeovered his loss or. and llllo on or about eight o'lloik this evening. Tho llllonian was an nrrlv ul off tho harbor shortly lifter J o'clock last night. Tho vessel showed up too late for pintlUiuo by tjio Fed eral fiiinrnntltio uuthoiltles ljut tho steamer was promptly entered this morning and chuio" iiiongsiuo uio Hnckfeld wharf, thero to tllacli.ireo u cargo iimouutlng to nearly' tvo thou sand tons. Tie freight list includes nuantltlcs of beer for the pinched throats of over-hented mankind whllo thero nro generous consignments of feed of famished oiiulnotf. All US' sortment of wine, oil und gonernl lines of supplies has been dlschargrd heie. Tho Hilonian brought no passengers as sbo can led 1211 eases of d)immllo hestdeH shipments of gasoline and oil In drums. Sparks from the Wireless. M. N. S. S. I.nrllno, en loulo fiom San Franrlsco to Honolulu, 0:30 p. in. 390 miles orf; light wind: smooth sea. T. K, K. S. 8. Iliio Maru, en roiito from South American ports lo Hono lulu. 9 p m 20S miles off; arrive .1 p. in. Tuesday (toda)). T. K. K. S S. Tciijii Maru, enioulo from Honolulu to San Francisco, 8 p in. 1.170 miles out; fine weather; smooth sea IU1 Many Inter.lstand Steamers Depart, llegiuulng nt ten o'clock iIIiIh inoin lug, n' uuinber of coasting vessels In the Inter-Island servlro took uieir nc. parturo. Tho Manna Kea with a srom or moro nassengoiH who luleinl to visit tho volcano sailed for llllo. Tho vessel cariled n goodl) list of rabl'i and deck passengers for tho vnrloui ports of riill. A fair shod Height wcio illspnlihrd for .Maul and I la-' wall. The lwalanl with general (Inoi of supplies sailed nt noon for Maliu konii and, Tho Wullelo follow eil at tho sanio hour with des tination as Honokaa, Paauhau nnd Kn kiilhaclc. Tho jile.uuer l.lkellku wus also dlspatdicd at Iho nisin hour for Hawaii irls of rail Inking extensive shipments of fcitlllzcr nnd lumber. m Twenty.three Million for Wharves. Tho nenr apiuoach of Iho time when Hie Panama Canal will bo an liuporlnnt factor In wmld maritime commerce, has awakened tho ship plug Interests of llucnos A)iea to thu urgent need of bettor wharves. Ap pioxlmaloly tvvcnty-lhito million dot lars Ii.ib been set nsldu foi linpinvc nient of tho nliead) largo futilities nt South American pint. Tho (onliatt for tho extension of Iho lluenos A)iei docks lias, as pro vlously nnnnuiiieil, bton uwnrded In Uio well known llrltlsh c'onlractoih Messrs. C. II. Walker nnd Co. Tho Spanish. Buyo Maru From Infected Ports, Dr, Carl Hnuiiis nrdeied u careful oxmniniylon (if the Tovo Klsep Kal sh.i fr, vlgh tcr IIujii Mum that appeni (d oft "li'o haibor at noon today. Tho lluv'il '.Maru niiuics fiom Central nnd Snulji American isirts nnd nccoldlii' to ml vices receive. thtotmh olllclal cliannels ho cmcI touelied nt ports nlong the. route wnieii nro nuiro oi ltss Infelcd with )ellow fover na velt as malaria. The llu)o Main brings sonio sW himilicd Ions nltiates for discharge heie Tlio.Sissel will undergo u lliouiiufi fumlgnllou befoio beugmT mil led (o c'litcr the h.nhor and tako a beilh at the upper cm! of Hacl.feld whmf. Tho Hii)o Maru will ictclvo a prompt dispatch liiougii ncioro go Ing, tho 'vessel mav bo supplied with a small shipment ot hunker coal. Tho vetscl In cnrr.vlng u niimbei of cililn md steerage passengers cu louto to Japan lorts. Ml Away for Kauai this Evening. Tnklug freight and supplies for wiudHiud Kauai ports of cull tho lit tle roiblei Noeaii will bo dispatched at llvo o'clock tills evenliii; Tlio No eaii will bo followed by tho dopailuro of Iho steamer Klnnii for (linden Isl am! poi tn taking a goodl) number of pissiugeiH us well as n largo Height list v - , The iitqr-Islaml sleamer MIKahala is mso on inu oonus nr uispaieu oi .Maul, Molokul and Uinai ports, sail ing at live o'clock Ibis evening. Ml Ch.idwlck Now Hllonlan'a Wireless Operator. M. Chadvvlek la now purser nnd wlieliMs opcialor In the MiiIhoii Navi gation sleamor Hilonian Inking thu plato vacated by Mr. Piirsons, who wado ileverul trips down lo Iho Isl ands In II Ko capatlt), Chadwhk Is uo stiiiugcr'to tho Islands mi bo has vIslttM Iho poll on previous occaslotfa while connected wllh oilier tians Paclllc companies. Schooner Patterson Due. Tho American schooner V. ,1, wllh u full Khlpmeiit of lum ber hum ani)H Hurbor should nrilvc at tho pott nt any dale. 'Iho vcsstl Is now twenty das out fiom thu I'll- get Sound lumber poll, JM Mlndoro Made Fair Time. Tho American sthoonur Mltidoio iiiiuIq a fair passugo fiom Honolulu lo Heiiltlo, aiiivlng Jit tho ,Soiind In Iwonty-sU ilu)H, Tho vessel left n shlpmoiit of liunlicr heio. m s e WMr H p 1 1 1 1 n 1 pnr Tear. Until (ho DIJou itlid (lie Umpire the nteis put on fairly good bills last night, that, of the'llljmi lieinii pintle- tilarly strong,' ciw lug to the really meritorious work of the Hhtcds, c) ctists, who besides pulling off some tricks, ura daring In the extreme. Tho much-ndicitlscd 'Iilclc for llfo' Is ically u tin tiling performance, mid not n few of tho spectators turned their c,vci nwny, unwilling to witness n possible iu tldent. A number ot tides down the inclined ladder were made. The Hell trio was up to Its high stundmd and interpolated specialties Willi Its thoi us singing In nn accept able manner. Mine. Leonora Harrison was u Utile hoarse Inst night, but Rang chnrmliigly nevertheless. Over nt tho Kmplro tho fentilro was Hie nppenranco of tho O'llngiins, n singing und ihinciug trio, who figured pilnclpnlly In n mugh-ivnd-rcitdy sketch that had to do wllh mi Iralo father, u lovelorn daughter und her lover disguised us it burglar. Tho comedy was pretty thin In spots und rather loud In others und most of It was rattled orf so fast half ot the un dleiue couldn't get tho dlift of It. A good bit of work was done when tin; buiglar-lovor und a policeman meet. The O'llngiins work haul nnd deserve lo succeed on that score. - 1ittle O'Malley had n schoolgirl dance Hint was far ahead of her sing ing. Neither wcrn Bqusatinnal. )'' FORTY-SIX APPLY FOR' . FIFTY-0NELAND LOTS I'oity-sU iipplleiiiitb applied for llfty- ono lots In the Oman trait, Kniuil, for tho Oman HctlUmrul Association nt tlto drawing which took place lit the land olllie this inoiolii',' I .anil ('oumiliiloner I'liarles H Judd leuvis this evening for Knunl nnd will be pigsent at Iho selection ot Hie lols. Nils Is the llrst of u scries of trips ho U to make In order lo get acquainted with Hie vnrlons lind iiuestloim. Monday, Aug. 21, ports Nllhail, stmr., 5 p. lit. Tuesday, Aug. 22, lillo via way isnts Mauna' Kea, stmr., 1" n m Hawaii ports Wallele, stinr., noon. Mnhukoiia and Knwnlhac lwalanl, sinu., noon. llnwnll portu l.lkellkc, stmr., noon 4-T-T- rrrr PAS0ENQER3 BOOKED - Per O. S. S. Sierra, for San lYan- elsco, Aug. 23 ., (I. Hiinn, Dr. and Mrs. I.lssiior, Mis. (1. II, Uimhorson, Miss Uimhersom, Miss 1). Hoi dun, Miss Connie, Miss I.. Ithotes, Miss A Ilhoibs, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Council, Judge and Mrs. Smith, MIsb A. F. Sllvn, Miss M M. Cooke, C. N. Mni iiucs mid wife. Miss C Kickhoff, Miss I). Daniels, W. Liiltlmcr, W. Morton, Miss 11 Itoscwarne, Mrs C. It. Smllh. Mrs. A. I'. Ktiudscn Miss M. 11. Davis Mr. nnil Mis ltiluhildgc, Miss II Dwlnell, i:. J. Ilnidlncr, Mrs, M. Kill man, .Mr. mid Mrs. C. F. Uynnhard, F. Hnrle lpe.v, II., Mrs. Hi. Connelly and ihtuchlcr, P II Lang- don, Miss II II. Newle), Miss II 15, Peter, II. Wllherspoon wlfo nnd child Miss i:. von Tmlc. Dr. S. S. Sinllli, (1. W. Mooic. Miss K. Ilonuette, Miss HaAvond, (1. Detlioat, J 1 Ilallcy, I !l,'ehiiot. .M. It. Moninrint.i 'r an'' Mrrf. A. 1". TeioMr. mid .Mrs.'.l. II Hmvey, J. Vlvlclnves. H. Farla, L, Heed, Miss A. H. Conies, Miss W. Doll, MIsr It. L. Petri iff, Miss IX Slill innii, Mis. Miller, Mrs. W. F. Moss man, Miss llartnrn lion, Miss Mildred Hon, Mr. mid Mm. ItohL Webb, Judge W. II. I.ymcr, P. C. Jones, fl. Fred Piilcslnn. (1. A. Hrown C. (1. Ihirl lell, .Miss Ilcalrico llaillell Mr. nnd Mis. F. A llcnl), Mr. and Mrs. Hngeit, Miss II. K. Nooly, Mis. U M. Hcen T. Tabila, I.. S. Dunham, Fred Shin gle, II. W. Shingle, Col Sum Parker Tom Hun, W. C. Aehl, Jr., J. P. I.lp- plneott und fmnlly. Mrs. 11. Hoot and Infant, K. S Hudson and wife, Mrs. P.. I.. Holmes, MIbs Holmes, Mrs. J. (Itossc, Miss I diosso, Martin Oriine, T. I.. Chirk. 4 : COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS RULES IN FOREIGN PORTS. a i '2185 ropiys -,2250l,1l p,",, "' tl I'l" ''' " k "' l.linsliiMii.ofncc. llH'so nro llio tele- AtH'llif'ciHo- h!cli has been set on ;j ..iiliouo'uuinbcrs of ' Uio1 1) II ' tiib'inticimar'UBwm '- ' W.'C.Peacock&Co.,Ud. . Tel. 17,04 Wines and Liquors Tel. 1704 Family Trade a Specialty ( Mont Rouge Wines Sole Agents Mumm's Champagne ( Schlitz Beer & KitHt-gron Iiik opposition to tho pio poscd regulations for fielght cm local wharves, as contemplated by tho har bor commission', took the form ot thu announcement of u Joint committee of six Horn tho ihamher of commerce nnd Iho mcichanlK' ussoclalion to In vesllgalo fi-Mlght-handling nnd icpoit bitk to tho roiiimoicliil bodies their lecommcnilations. Tlie comiyiltloo was uuuounccd this moinlng, consist lug of T. dive Davlcs, Ocorgo Ho dlek mid W. II. lloogs from tho cham ber of couimorto und Norman Wnt- klns, J. II, Drew mid Fied Matfarlano fiom the meithants' ussoclntloif lilchmd Ivcrs was oilglually named fiom the (hmuber ot (oiumcire but was imahlo lo scive and Hoogs took his plate. 'I he mcollng ot Iho two comiucitlnl bodies )cstcid.i) afternoon, (a ac- (duut ot which Is given In aiiolhci loliinm, hud teveial aflciuiaths. One of them Is that members' of tho har bor commit slim feel aggrieved thai they neic not luvllcd to nllcnd Tho meeting. Secretary lleiiult, when ask rd about the matter, said this inoin Ing that no Invitation was extended the iiinimisslon Seciolary II. I Wood of the clumber of 'commerce huwovcr, sa)s that over) member was invited lo he picscnl, thu Invitations being given bv telephone. As it wus, Jiimes Wakellehl was Iho mil) mem ber who appeared In speak, and ho voiced his views only as ono member of tho commission. Another inlcicbtliig mailer camo up when Ihu businessmen cudenvmed to Hud out If tho commlsstou ptoimscd to adopt the itlcs its scut out. Mr. Wnkcdeld said that ho underslood Ihcy weio only suggestions. In nil swer lo this n letter was lead from Mmslon Campbell, rhalimau, tho pur pent of wlili Ii Avaa that tho tomuil) slim Intended lo lake action tomo.' iovv nnd Hint any suggestions or ob jections on tho part of businessmen should bo made befoio that tlmo. Secretin y Hermit this morning ex plained Hint thu letter was based on lesolullon pasbcd nt thu last meeting "Wo had tiled by usklng suggej. lions by letter to get a lino on what thu businessmen wanted, but got oul) flvo icpllos," ho said, "It seems that this piotest on Iho part ot tho busi nessmen roines veiy Into" PERSONALITIES II, VITHi:itSPO0N and family will sail foi thu coast In thu Sleiru lomoi iov qui:i:N i.ii.iuokai.ani win hold n leeoptlou nt Washington pluco on Scptcmhoi 2, hor birthday. Tho little red hilck building In the "back yuid" ot the stnte. wnr nnd navy building. Washington, which has neived as the while house stnblo for nearly half a ccntuiy, Is about In be destiu)cd. ' 4i ' , Tuesday, Aug. 22. KAAN-Al'Al.l Aug. 19: Atrhod, S.S. Hosecr.ius, 9 d,is from Unvlotn. HONOIPU Arrived, 'AuBJj 'tSclir. Muriel, 17 days from San Fran cisco. ' f ' ' I ' COLUMHIA ntVUll Arrived. Ag 21: Scbr. Mludorci, hence July 27. POUT SAN LU18 Arrived, 8. S Santa Maria, Aug. 21, hence Aug. 12. (SAVI0TA Arrived, Aug. 21: Sp. Mil lion Chlltott, benco July 20. VICTORIA August 22: Arilved, S. S. Murumu. henro Aug. 15. SAN FHANCISCO Arrlvod. Aug. 2.', noon: S. S. Wilhclmlunlicuco Aug Id. COI.UM1IIA IHVKR Arilved, Aug. 22: SUir. Hcllance, hence July 29. SAN FRANCISCO Sailed, Aug. 22: S. S. Mongolia 2 p. m , for Honolulu. R.R. OFFICERS ALL RE-ELECTED A gcneinl atmosphere or prosper ity and juhlevenniit pcivaded the di rectors' loom of tho Oahil Railway & Land when the iinmial meet ing of tho BlnckholdeiH was held )cs torda) afternoon. Tho tITorts of See itliiry A. W. Vim Vtilkenbiirg bid broueht out un unusual number 'f BfocMioldeis. The clitliu list of tilhccrs und dl- reois was ro-eletted, and It was slated this moinlng uo clotures liio been liui.lo In Ihu geneial pcr- ronucl of tho company. In Its second edition )cstenlay alt cumuli the 11 11 1 1 o t l.n pilntod Iho le port or Piesidcllt II. F. Dllllnghaiu. Tho repoit of Siipciliitcndcut (Icorgo P. Deulson on Iho physical condition of thu piopcrty Is of unusual Inter est mid Is pi luted below. "Tho road bed, track und hildgei have had the usual attention und nro In good roiidllloil. , "All locomotives pussengei and Height cam havo iccelved ncccsairy repairs, During the latter pait of tho )c.n Kiiglno No. 22 was thonged fiom n comp iiniil lo .t simple loco motive, This hns increased Iho haul ing capacll) and dccreised Iho cost of ii keep. The, olhqr c'ligluo of tills l)po, Kli. ill, Will 00 similarly ani'liMl this )enr. "Tho p'llntlng nnd rcpalilng or ill Hie station buildings along the lino has been completed, "New station buildings, wllh ce ment sidewalks havo been ctcctcM at Alea and Walpihii. while Hie build ings formcily nt those places havo been lemoved to Pnuloa andllnnii ullull und ngints inslallcd. "Two nc;vv locomollves of the ton wheel t)pe Tor passenger service, tvvciit)-llilil)-tou stoel hopper lioltom curs, twenty thlrl)-lon box, llfteeu thlr)-ton flat and lwcnl)-flvo Icn-ton open pineapple cars have been added to the rolling Block mid four new passenger coaches nearl) completed. "A lrovv toncreto cm ham has been completed. This building Is slly four feet by llirco hundred nnd fifty foot tmd wll liouso thirl) -two coach es. '"In in)' Inst report ll vns liiculloii cd that a cpnsldernblo jepalr would havo' It) bo c1i;nu to tho wh'urves. Only it small portion has tlmeii; completed, which will lenvo nIurga ninnmit lo bo done during this jt'.trj It hcljiB lmS'S Blblo to postpone this work any long er. "With the exception of two Height locomotives nnd possibly twciity-llvo ptnenpplo cms no fuither uiliUtlonn to lolling stork will bo required this )rnr. "Plans aro now being made for tho icbulldlug, wllh toneietc, of llio ma cliliic shop," SEVERAL EXTRAS NOW EXPECTED Hwa plantation Is expected lo pio iliico nt least two mine two pprceol exliu dividends, following the an- nuiihtcmcnt )estciduy that a two pet C(.nt had been decided upon by the illiectoiH. With a clop of moio than 35,0U0 tons, u largo umoimt ot which Is getting to market with stigur tit a veiv high pi he, Iho stockholders con lldciitl) expect that tho comp no 'u past leiotd of 1( per cent , counting extins, will ho again eiiuilled. Announcement was in, uio today that Onnnion Sugar Company will tut up an cxtia of titty cents per shnio for Seplcmbei 5 In nddltlofl to the regu J u- thlity pel cent dividend. Wal.ilua, now on a sevenl)-flvo rout per sli.uo monthly dividend basis, h looked upon u ceitulu to declaiu tin cxli.i sikiii, and It Is icpmtod that the extra will ho at least one and one-half per cent. W.ilalua also h is a lecord cum. netordlng to latest es timates, and llieio is talk that Hits company ma) go lo a one K!i tent irguhii dividend basis Instead of tho present 'tluce-iiuarteis of one per tent. i Tho local market was quiet this uioinliig cousliloilng Uio fuel that sug ar stands at only u auction uiidui flvo cents. Some moio McIlr)do sl per tent bonds wcro sold, following tho heavy tiansfcrH' of tho post fow iluss.i'Oiihu Sugai foil off n nuarlei of it point nnd tho lower price pio- uncoil seroini suits at,, itono kun was ncllvo at 12 60 Hinall' block changing bunds und UO Hutchinson went for 1(150 a iuailer imlnt nd vanco. A good deal of Mutual Tclo plioiio stock went at 1G GO. Hawaiian Agr(citltuinl declaicd Its icgultii fl illvldcud us of August 20 POSTER DESIGNS WILL BE WORTHY Stirred by Iho aithm of the promo tion committee und a special commit tee In tin nlnn down Hat all the floral p.iladc poster designs otter submitted In tho $100 pi lo competition, many wall-known mllsts nro now nt woik nnd will enter the loiupellllon, le- ported I). P. It. Ihcnlieig, chilimun of the special committee, this morning. "That action of Iho coniinllteo was tho best Ijilng ever happened," said Isenberg this morning. "People uudei'stand now that the lemniltteo will not accept an) thing infeiuu, mid as a result, we will get cuinu splendid designs." It Is icportcil that D Howard Hitch cock,, tho nolcd ailist Is winking on u design Unit will bo In befoio Sep lembei 1, when tho extended tlmo lim it ends. e MIMM h'lt'S Will: I.MI'IIOUMi Mis. I). (J. PeteiH, Iho wlfo of Iho Chilstlau minister In this cllv, who has been hcrlousl) III und has been toulluud lo tho (linen's huspllal for the past six weeks, Is liupiovliig lap Idly now, und thu fl lends of tho fam ily will be glad to know that It in hoped that she will bo ublo to leturit to bur homo In KiiliiiukI within u shoit lime. MASSAGE. H. Ilnshlmnlo Massnge, baths; rheu mutism, biulses,1 sprains, Hied feel ing mid other ailments idlcved 17X Norwegians on the Buy. Noiweglan ownorT"whu havo pur thiised many of tllTT sailing vceselt sold In Huiopo during Ihu last twelve mouths ovldeull) mo hIIII In tho m:u ket fur second-hand sail tonnage. Hu lopean advices announce, thu sale of flvo well-known wlndjaniuieis, Unco of them tn Noiwoghin bU)ois. Tho sales Include the III it lull bark Kail of Diiumoio, tho Ililtlsh bark I'-ast African, tho Fionth balk Uiaudo Duthess Olga, ttio Ililtlsh bark lllen osk nnd Iho Hiltlsli lurk l-och i:tlvo Sovoial of theso vessels huvo bean on Uio Pacific many times. Nicholson, chief of tho nivlKutlnu bin ( an, has hud the curious nnd dlsuRiieablo espcilence of leading rnblPRinuiH uddiessul to tils family cn Iiiessliig K)inputhy und coiidulentoovr ... Ileretuula; Tel. 2C37, . SUll-Cnt. his .death. - 'f H'.'lfn 1,i t . ,M 3 tiJf 1,1 1 ii r i i i i! Ugiii