Newspaper Page Text
mwz& 'MEV ?jf MW W1 W If v' l " t V !' From San Franclscol Mongolia ." August 28 Per 8n Franclscol Persia August 25 From Vancouver. Mnrnnm September IE For Vanceuvari Mnkurn . .September 12 ESTABLISHED 1882. No. PATTERSON PUTS MAUI CHARGES ON DUGGAN V.eMBaatWHBMHVtl.-.'aMtiaaMMMBMMalaH.'M. SOUTHERN STATES STAND BV SUGAR EFFORT TO CUT SUGAR TARIFF Southern Demo6rats Prepare To Fight For Paync-Ald- rich Schedule. WHOLE REVISION IS A GAME OF POLITICS Regular Republicans Delighted Will Make Capital Out of It at Next Campaign. BY C. S. ALBERT. (Kpeclil Uul let In Corn Kiiii1enrP.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 11. The Dunotrnt lire not reeling especlilly proud bec'.iuso of tho net rcHiilti) nc ioiiii1IhIki1 by their efforts to revise tin- tariff downward. In fiict, the de dui linns remaining nro Hint General Hancock wns c orris. t wlien bo tieelnrcel Hint the tnrlft Is u purely local" Issue. Any effort to modify tlio sugnr st lie did,- of the P.iyno-Aldrlcli net wns iibniiilonril becuuf-o some of tlio South rn Democrats, notiiTdy tlioxo from l.hulslann, wliero tho raising of caiio Is a ureut Industry, with preparing to fiercely Appose tho movement. A Khmlikr una bbaervablo on tlio Democratic aide' of tho Scnato every time reduction In tho Unties on cotton win mentioned. Tlio Senators from North C'nrollna took the lend In pre MiitliiK nUlon. They demanded hear ings, but wht'n tlio llnnnco committee assembled to Brnnt tliem but two cpt toii inilnufucturcrs from their home Slate .appeared to protest against ro v Hon Renilor Martin, the minority lender, made a warm speech. Ho ndvl'ed the (Continued on Page t.) CHN AUTOS, (Sptelat ,Hu 1 1 crVn Wireless 1 Illt.O, Aug. 21 Henry lleckley, su pervisor mid lumnger of the Voliano S it T. Co, of Wiilllien. nnd rteglnald T Guiird, manager of tho Illln Miiit Company, esterdny suffired broken linns while cranking their automobiles, AT TARGETS s. Fort Itugor liad Its Hist llr lug practice IIIh morning, since the Installation of tho batteries. During the last few weeks tho S. 8, James Makeo has cruised from Fort Aimstiong around Diamond Head and back, giving lliu heavy guns and moi- tais of llattory Harlow a chance to mukn themselves prollclcnt in track ing nnd range finding. Thoy did not expect to uso powdei unlll Bometlnui In September. The work ptoved so successful It was de cided upon by tho oltlter lo coinplele (his work and commence. Ilrlng at tar Kets. A target was anchored out In tho water from Diamond Head, and todti the small caliber guns lusido the mor tars were nut Into action. According to Major Tiinuorlake, the commanding ufllcor, the Ilrlng was most successful, The .records were kept of hits us the ptuctltu was nioie for tlio adjusting of the guns' mechan ism. They were teguluted poifectlj today and tomoirow they will Ilia up on u target towed by tho Junius Ma luui and tlio hits and recoids in.ulu of- 1U till, Tlio filing will take place fiom & lo 10 o'clock. -BULLETIN ADS PAY- Evening Bulletin 2:30 EDITION 5012. PATTERSON NAMESIBig PartyBLANCHARD NABS LOCAL CONTRACTOR Contractor ty. Ill Patterson, of Wal luku, names Joint Duggan, a well known llonnliilui contractor, as tlin man who offered Mm $2,non to with draw tils bids on llio Maul bell roml ami brldgec-work. Mr. Duggan denies tho charge. The charges wcro innde after tho recent opening of bids at Walluku. Iloiioltiln contractors talked of favor itism shown Patterson, and tho Maul tunii enme luck with the charged that ho wns offered tnoiicy pull his bids.1 This slnry, published In tho Hull o tin, started nn Investigation of the fact, Acting on tho slnry published In Dm 11 u 1 1 o 1 1 n, Mnrston Campbell wrote Commissioner Poguo and bus Rested that ho (should get a statement from Patterson as to tlio truth of lliu allegation, Pogue saw Patterson and tlip latter, wrote, His answer, which ni j Iveil by tho mall this morn I us. II reads as follows; Walluku, Maul, Aug. 21 1!11. Pacific Surety Co. Got In Trouble Here Investigation Into the local record of the PuclDc Surety Company, of San rranclsco, by n lliillctln teportei, brings lo light tho fact that nonrl) two years ago the rnmpany pulled off n stroke of business hcio that ne.irl) coHt In Its Terrltoilal license. The lions that tho Uiillutin published last Monday, of tho financial dllllcul les lecuntlj met by tlio company and of the fact that Its locil agent. Hie llawnllan Trust Company, has resign ed Its agency, Is but a chapter In Its history here. CHINESE OFFICIAL-HERE FROM ' ' MEXICO; COUNTRIES ARE AT OUTS I.crnusp tho Mexican govonunent icftiscd to recognise the authority of lie lniicrtal Chinese government li lts demands for tho sottlomenl of In demnity iisked lor the i ocelli assas- sliiiitlun of Chinese residents In Tor oon, Mexico, l"u Clilen Yu, Sccietaiy of the Chinese l.egnllou In MoxU-o, Is leiuiiung in rcKing in iuq tiujci Aiata lo advlte tho foielgn olbco us to China's futurH policy In Muxlri. He iullmntes that unless (ho Mol a in government will come foiwurd mid tottlo Us obligations to tho Chlueto oveinnient the Chinese l.ogitloii in Mexico, will clojo Its doois In tho near future and Hint bluntly after- llcforo gohlg to Mexico, Fu Clilen wards, luleriutlonil coiupllcitlotiR Yu was Consul In Manila. Ho Is rej niuj bo expected According to soma tinning to China now, piep.irnlory ,to niriceiH of thn llii)o Main, which ar- lived from tlio Moxlcan port this imiinliiR, n Clilneto cruiser Is expect ed In nriivo at a Mexican poit au moment. Rectetary Fu Clilen Yu has boon In charge of tho legation affaire in Mex - NEW YORK- WEDDING. HAWAII STYLE lllfl IUIII1 II LriJUlllUl llilllJlll UllLlLi Ni:V YOIIK, N, T, Aug IB Ab thu ...,, i. f r, ....... ..i.i.i. i ...,-,, ,inr- inir IIimIi- e.i life MIhhIMiih Dllllll uih int" '"'I'M 111 . . i. ma , daughter of Mr'ond Mrs. Hugh Ounn of Honolulu, will ho in irrlttl to IMwln M C'IiiiiiiIh iliiin ut ('iiinlylilge, Muss, tomoiiow In Hound Ilrook, N J Miss 10 PAGES. HONOLULUTERRITORY OF HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1911. Hon. .Mnrston Campbell, Honolulu. Dear Hlr In conversation with Mr, Pogue last Saturday, ho requested ino to make nflldnvlt to a rerlaln comer satlom vvhlcli occurred between mo and a contractor named Duggan It) Walluku. I would say In reply Mr. Duggan was under tho liillucnto of llipior and tho wholo business was a barroom talk. If It Is tlcimuiitoil, I will swear to this as the truth, (Sgd.) W. 11. PATTICIISON. In answer to this, Mr. Duggm said to tlio 11 it 1 1 o 1 1 n this nfteinom: "Tlio charges nro nlnolutely uti true. I never saw Patterson until I went to Maul lo bid mid did not have u" moment with him when I could hnve olToied him this money. Hn Is making Talso charges and no ono who knows lilm will pay nny atten Hon to them. He U-not responsblle, and nny of tho contractors who worn over thero nt Mho time will say Hit! same thing ns I do that there's no tliliiKli) lliu story. From tho records In possession of tho attorne -general's plllce, the sure ty coinpiuy got into trouble here late In WOO for doing what Insurance men call "o vet head willing" that Is, tho cnmpaiiv wrote somo locul business dliect, without handling It Hiiotigh thn local nccreililed ngei'cy as re iiulied by law. llait It Is lmdorfctnod that Ilia Tiust Compiuy, tiiioiiult neuigc It. Carter, upon finding this tut took up the matter cmphnlicallv with tho San (Continued en Paqa 2) loo for a oar. l!io Chlnoio Mlnlslcr resident having relurncd lo China mint) time ago. At present, thero Is only a Chinese heeicfiry icmalnlug " n " ,f "::r;.. '.,. r.T..ri z Constiluto uflalis In charge of nn Amo lltmi ngenl who tlio Chinese gov ernment thinks can represents R af fulls In Mexico nftor this. Pending scttleiuent of tho Indemn ity lij the Mexican government, it it oxpecled Unit (lie Chinese cruiser will remain In a Mexican port. After- wards she will return ! Clilm via this port. pioceeillng to n mom luiioitnut )io-l In tlio consulate seivlcc, As soon us tlio lluyn Maui docked this nioiulng, Mr. Fu Clilen Yu diovo nut to tho Chinese Consulate In in ntn n n Ho liinc"ind I o i.incand ' ' " ' carriage sent for lilm ' with tho local Chinese) consu Omni was grnilnnted from Wcllesleyln I'JIO nnd Chamheil.ilu from Harvard I, act l.i... Itrl.l., ....,1 1.. la. ..r,..i.,i will () ,,,,, ,IP fi,r tho llnvval- (ll1 ,,, aIIh i Oiimi will wear n eostumii of vvliltu sirge, with plcturo iml to eonespond, iiud Chainhirbilii will weur it suit of white llnnnel Advertising Keeps The Bussiness Politics Start I AssnelMe.1 Press Ctlite HACKEN8ACK, N. J, Aug. 23. A long time In advance of the next Prei. Identlal election, warm Indorsement was given the administration of Pres ident Taft by the Republicans of Northern New Jersey, who met here and announced their platform. DEMOCRATS ORGANIZING N'ATJONAL FEDERATION (Associated Press Cahle.V WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 23. The National Federation of Democratic Clubs la forming here today. TAFT SEES OLD SOIPIERS PARADE ( Associated Press .foible.) R0CHE8TER, N. Y., Aug. 23 President Taft today reviewed the pa rade of Grand Army men at their na tional encampment here. I UP TEN CENTS (AnsoclsteiJ 'rn Cable.) NEW YORK, N. Y., Aug. 23. Re fined sugar advanced ten cents more on the market today. -- J) UKMb AKc UAUb Nb DEATH IN LOMBARDY (Assoilnteil Picki Cable.) ROME, Italy, Aug. 23. Stormsf are rlevaatating Lombardy, and reports are that a number of people have been killed. GERMAN CRUISER IS AT BUZZARD'S BAY lAspoclnteil l'nss Cible.) BUZZARDS' BAY, Mass., Aug. 23. A German cruiser is at torpedo prac- tlse here, I SPANISH WAR VETERANS name their commander (Associated Pros rMMe.) OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla, Aug. 23 Maurice Simmons was today elected commander-in-chief of the Spanish War Veterans at their annual conven tion. namanA inn nnuro -rnnn UHlaHUH VVCUUUIilCO IUUU f Associated PreRS Cable.) WINNIPEG, Can., Aug. 23 Admiral Togo has passed through here and was given cordial greetings. . a John F, Colburn, defendant In tho case Antonio A, lng is bringing against lilm, lllcd nn nmcndiucnt . r , ,, , . m ,,.,, ininiimii inniiet m wi naiw umiNn.r,. . ,,,.,i,,j, ..... ...... S,,1",rBl"E t,, I,lam,,,fr w"'. "''reached the eoncluslo.i that It will bo'nlso found with the provision in tho T vouchers but Colburn , ,, 10 t.0nventlons In, French H.aty autbo.lzlng mtlllcatlou tlcflares the chartea me made In good riUr (o Rit ra(rllllo ,,, 1)y ,hnt K0V,.rnlll,.llt i mcrdnnco with lull lit i .... . kf..litiiir..11 ulll Itifu tliH I Itirt ir(n i ill iris r iilllnttl li tint InviH if 'ar-T-r,R &?rfT?. w,r wns roinnlQlely deBtlojed by nrclllr,1' lloth one tings wtro devoted to depetpleilcles of meat Ilrltaln shall bo .(,. ".. ii it la ra.uule.1 Hint sv.,tbe c-oiislderntlon of the dociimentH on cral boats on tho ways wero burned. Hubert Htenlii nson of N'eiv Yorkdovo ... ... .... Illln IVVII It t I or Vnur rtivt row 11 suo- nitigtd rock off tho Ilrooklyn water- flot and broke his nes.k In nn nt- tfiiiptt tl rescue of H-jtar-tdd John puffy Stephenson died almost In- Mantly. Young Duffy also drowned HILO DRUGGISTS Food Conimlrsloner i: n. nianch- nrd whofc cainpilgn U'culnst len- irodurts below cream dealers selling what he claimed as it., -i.,,.!,-.! stlried Honolulu a few tlns ago, Is ., , ,, i, .i.i i mi continuing 1.1s activities In llllo. c cording In a wlrclesi mcssigo recelv- e,l by the It n 1 1 e I I n from lido Ihl.i morning. The message Is as follow n: DilHam Bill Will Be Fought On Coast BY P ' ALBERT ' (Special llullet I ii Oorref h,ii,1. no-.) WA8HINOTON. D. C. Aug.' It.1 The DIllliiRhain It II, rccsiiiitructliig the Imnilgratfon laws, will have runali sledding In both hr.iuclies of Cuu- Kress. It will be violently nntagnn- Ized at all stages by the entire Pact- lic CoasL delegations beeatiju It re- peals tho Ctilncso exclusion act. Homo Senators ,and Itcpfesentatlvis from Hid Intcr-Mountuln Stales will assist, becaus6 their communities nro deeply affccleil by Oncntul labor. The measure futhered by Scnntor Dllllnghnm Is so sweeping and rov- orH so many topics, that It Is certain to arouse opposition in nearly overy a reasonably eirly adjournment In sertion of tho country. Tho changes cnuso of the Picsidcutial cmipilgn In the nllen contract labor law will not he Kindly received In many States, JAPANESE EXPERTS COMING HERE TO INVESTIGATE IMMIGRATION According to announcements, from Immigration olliclnls on the Coast, a (iiiiHldeiiihbi Imrtusa III Japanese lm- inlgriitlon Into the Unlit d States Is ex- pec t id, and Honolulu Is expected to be partlculirly uflectcd by tho Incrense, Two eminent Japancsei-will nrrlvo on the Mongolia next Mondty from Sail Fruiiclseo to Investigate thu liuinlgru- thin situation, They Imvu been ill- t petting conditions' on the Cuttt, and Irom stnteinciits iiuiilo by them to U. S Immigration o HcI.iIm. Honolulu Is hllull t,, see many inoru JaaiieHti nr- riving hero than has been the case for MVtrnl jiars The two Japanese are Dr T Kltuiiei nnd Dr M Iwul. The formtr Is goitruiiient medical luspie- WASIIINOTON, n ('. Aug 9 Friends of Hie llrltlsh nnd French nr- Miration Ire ntles in the Senate have Attn tw pruloiwil HlUUifTH the their merits, thu llrst 111 company with Secretary Knox nnd tho second by tho tlumstlvtH V.. ..ft-,. una .nrtiln In lirte thn WHY ARBITRATION ' ....-,. " - - - trtntles rt ported, nnd It beeiime ex-trealles, nnd somti went so fur as to tremi ly doubtful to some of tho frlcndsny that with u few changes It might of the ndinlnlstintloii wlittlpr suth n liu possible to get favoinble action nt course would bu wlsoiit present. thu present session, especiilly If It Hspeclal objecllun was inadii at bollijkhould bo preilouged to nny extent. Tide Flowing 10 PAGES. "HILO, Aug ?.1. Twelve merchant? l,a0 been arrested iipio ny i oou Commission! r lllaueliaid for selling drugs without n snecl il license. Two '": ImIr nut of four have been found below standard ,IIancllin ,,. ,. Ml,a, fe, ( id,,,,!,,- , Mission scc-et He exects to reluin soon and will again take up his pure-food eiiupilgn. Oilier siiKKMteiihanges nro euuilly obnoxious. i i -riie Paiunn (fannl Zone, throu;l ''i.le i1 b1" d tei Is being con ,jtructed, la Ui0onlyiorllon.i)ftUo ..i.,. nuM antl Its dependencies cxicpteil from the prlivlulons of thn promised law. All the other Tcrritit- rles, Inclndlm; the Philippines, Ita wall an 1 Porto lllco, aro Included.; K ninitlllcntlo nls made In licbalf of Ha- wall a'n'd tho other Territories, by which the cducitlonal lest docs not apply toMininlgriin's entering those , Torrllorles. With the great press of other luul ness arising during the long session of next winter, and tho necessity for tho Dillingham bill Is not likely to bo pissed, tor, stutloiud nt Yokohama, nnd (he grants nt Kobe. They have completed lliell liiHiHcllon nt Vitncniivtr, Vlclo rKli K,.,1(te, Tmoiiia nnd Km IYnn elsco, nod lectiitly tho two Japanese ntllilals boarded tliii liner MoiiKulla will: Chief Ouaraiitlue Olllcer Trotter of San Frnnclvco The medicos took copious notes of nil the saw, and nftir the Mongolia md pit.std iiiarantlnu gave their ut- tuition In the examhi itlon of Japanese ,y the Immigration olllchil 'the Mongolia Uiiultd moro Hum "W Japanese toulles at Honolulu Of these Uti were plcturo brides The Jupnti ese for Sin Flillielsco tneltideil 25 wo men, uioxt of them plcturo brides, IS sittings to the provision submitting questions of niffeiuico to the Joint high commission of Inquiry, but fault was j tlio prunlun nuulnul by tlio Iuwh of submitted to tho governments of such depeudeni es Mini) meiqbers of tho inmmltteo ex- 1 pressed tlieiuselvei ns friendly to thu eii.riil nr. .1 to-ell I. .11 llilf.lei.l In the. Live merchants Invett their money in newspapor apace with the tame assur ance that would govern their buying tilt. edged securities. Doth pay divi dends with satisfying regularity. One It as safe and sure a the other. PRICE 5 CENTS. SENATORS SCORE PACTS Committee Report Charges That Treaties Might Breed War. COMMISSION PLAN IS BLAMED FOR DEFECTS Unwilling to Have August Up per Body Abdicate Its row ers, is Gist of Objections. WAHIHNRTON, I). I. Aug IB Al most In the same hour that the Hoi lite Oominlttie nil Foreign Itdutiuu re ported today to the Senile Its convic tion that thq reccntl) mgotlated arbi tration treaties between this country and (treat Britain and Ijfunctj )ro ' breeders of (dtlernUs mill Waiy-JM' miiuy, llirougn us tmiussauur nerr. wns niinoum Ing Its desire to bu u party to n similar arbitration compact wjtl) the. United States. tleriminy made known to Secretary )iinx, tbroiigb Dmliassador von Hern storff. Its acceptance of thu general principles of nrbitrntlou, us-Juld down In tho secretary's draft recently sub mitted. A few exriptloiiH were noted, however, nnd Count von llernatofr will art Saturday for (lernmny to consult bis government further Ho will rtturn III October. While lie conference was proceeding In the State Department, the Oominlt tie on Foreign Relations presented u rtport to the Senate deel irlng tho pending c onventloiis with Kilghind nnd Franco would more likely provoke war than pnci. If consummated in their pi esc nt form The rtport wns In vig orous iltfeuso of the committee's ciiursii (Continued on Page 6) HEALTH BOARD Governor Frcur this morning re ceived thu resignation of Or, W. I). Ilnldwln as a member of the Hoard of Health. He has resigned in order ti make way for Dr. Piatt nnd tho con sequent trouble, which arose over his appointment, as u ilivslclun, to thn preshleiir), Tho way Is now clear and when a hi) man Is appointed ,lo take Dr. Held win's place lliu boird will once ngiiti bo fouucil In accordance with tho law, Speaking of the resignation, the Governor slid; '"I he board Is losing a ver valirililn man and we uro himy lo have lilm go. At the snmo tlmn his resign itlon, In older lo make thu way clear for Dr, Piatt, Is a veiy magnanimous net Ion. Dr. Pratt I am Hiiro will lulus lilm, for ho lold me so on out) occuslun when wo were talk ing over the matter." v J ? 5- r s ''! 'J- -5 ? 'i" i' " . ' -s THANKSQIVING DAY. f WASHINC.TON, 1). C, Aug. II. President Taft, It . was learned tod iy, will designate Thursday, November 30, at. a Trankhglvhig Day this )iar. It iiIwiivh has been the custom to tlx Hut Inst Thursday In the mouth This year them has bee u some doubt because. No Veiober happened to Include live Instead of four Thursdi)s. The White House bus been besieged by theatrical managers and thuso in charge of colle-gu foot ball games to stttle this doubt, so Hint ib Unite arrangements could be made for the usual ar my of special performances nnd sports that ninrk the day v s j ? y $i ;. BALDWIN QUITS w . . jmW&