Newspaper Page Text
i, -, its' i" V For THREE DAYS ONLY we will offer the following Bargains i i I a. M I I V T R ?l v "' 1 i i ml Sjytntl t II . I IV 4 Terms: Cash Only Ladies' Underwear DRAWERS t'orinuly 0c, jinvv 30e ronmrly 60e, now :...35o l'nruiuly 00p, hovv..... 4o Formerly 75c, no ,..,.. 50c Pornurly 850, now.. 65c Fornnrly tl, now ...7Ge SKIRTS riirimrly I .7r., now .W Formirly t 90, now 05 Porim r1 tl 00, now ; .75 rrin.ry II 7fi. now... 1.25 Forimrl) (2 00, now 1.50 ronnt-rl) 12 HO, now 1.75 CHEMISE I'nrnieily t .50, now .35 Formirly I .71, now 50 I'urimrly 1100, now .75 Formerly tl jr., now 90 Fornnrly tl in, now 1.00 Formerly tl 40, now 1.05 l'oimirl 1 CO. now 1.10 QOWN8 Formerly t .80, now V .55 rornierly I ..90, now 60 Formerly $1.00, now.. .75 Ponnerly tl.Ili, now 85 Fonmrly 1125, nowj....... .90 Formrrly tl.SG, now 1.00 Formerly tl HO, now 1,10 Ladies' Vests Formerly $ 1 .50 dor., now - 1 00 Formerly $2.25 doz., now " 50 Domestics PILLOW CASING 15c, 16 l-4c, 25c, and 30c yard SHEETING 27 l-2c, 30c, 32 l-2c, and '40c PILLOW CASES 122e each 42x1C 17'2o each 12x20 20o .each (nx-IC ...'. 25c each Three Days Only SHEETS t ' 03x90 .45 each C8x0' .50 each 90x90 62'j eaoh 81x90 .70 each 83x90 .75 each 72x80 M each 90x00 .80 each (0x49 1.10 each Food Commissioner Says Must s Conform to Law or j"" Get In Trouble. , fMnectnl D u 1 1 e t rti Correspondence ) 1IILO, Aug. 2 Strenuous mensurcn wilt W token with the oda works. In tlila city, unless stcpn to mnke radical lihnnges In the local soft Orlnkn have been effected wltn n the next thirty days, nicordng to a. statement niKdo hy Kodd Commissioner Ulanchafd just liefore leaving here mi tho Mnuna Kc'ft Inst Friday. Ha rlntcd thnt the soda w liter manufactured here wan bad,' In that bad coloring material were used and that snccuarlne wan lined for eweetfnlng Instend of sugar. The use of the former In foodstuffs of nil klndi) linn rloen ""peelflll) forbidden In thin Territory. In Kiinktiin of the matter lllnnelinrd' Htnted tha there wait no reason that soda water of Just an good iiiiallty an could lie produced anywhere, should not be manufactured here, and that while at the present time considerable soda water from Honolulu wan being; Kent here, If tho local brand rhou'ld be brought Up to standard they should completely control tho local market. He Htnted thnt there unit no one place here that wan bad, but that all were In sad need of Improvement. Ptwft RStf.-P .CARTtrSLITTLS LIVER FILLS as Ui. Psatlywa. nV w "v aariDnn SsrBri riff i ie1 trV jCTwL STfKlt TmliXSm " CmmUm Signature 7 f ap A j &&&& PLANNING AHEAD HONOLULU AMUSEMENT COMPANY. LTD. FMP1RE THEATER L. B. KERR CO., LTD., Alakea Street aHaaM ftMlftV vlB A Cold. Bottle ..... Of Prifaio Beer k& fflfajOrtffo Hm MMm W !ZLuIlLl M LmW'-iLr r .aBTfi.TJ &r'-Z!F fGocs well at any time, but it tastes best when taken with the evening meal. It sharpens the appetite, aids the digestion, and quiets tired nerves. It is the best beer you can drink, because it is the purest. And it is the best tonic you "can take and'. the most plea saone,;too7i MV OCL x . t 1 r ! i AttMr-y The .Beer That's IBrewed To Suit The ClTmeie ,pB;yww)a,'Hjiiitnii i 3. Boys Will Give Benefit Enter .. tainment at Park Money Needed to Start. The St. Louis College team In look' Ing around for money to pay Its pre llmliiary expense), to the Coant, and one HCheme whjcl) It haH worked out Is to gle threo big lion at the Park Theater Monday, Tuesday and Wed nenday nlghtn of, next week. The Ho nolulu Amusement Company has loan ed tho Park to the boyn for these three nlghtn, and also has been kind enough to allow tl em to have the best talent for their orchestra. lull pian ifc ,n gnou, one, ana win give ever) body a chance to help ad- ertlso Hawaii oj the mainland. Among tno .inter sling eenis on ine program will beLthe ijppearance of the Kaal (iiilntet club, which made such a lilt to a ful, house nt the Opera House last month. Mirny of the St. Tallin Cnllego bon will entertain with Instrumental selec tions. , The St. I.ouji baseball teonj, with the word Huwtiu marked In lurgo lit ters on tho la era' shirts, proiiosen to tour the l'nclllc, ,Cnat next spring. A (lulntet dill) and Hill Hlce, champion sprinter of Hawaii, will also accom pany tho team on Its tour. Thin ag gregation of placers will compete against the best college and university tianis on the Pacific. Coast. When It conns to sprinting. Hill nice, Kn Sue, ltushnell, Chllllngworth and Akana will uphold the honor of the team. No doubt n line relay team can be picket! I fron; tho aliove-nnmed players. Uarney Jo) will handle thetwelghts, and Isllo will guarantee -to' throw. ihe ball across the icean. The boys will ''start play ing in San Francisco., then going south ns farVn Son JDlego, thence) north to Vancouver and return to' 'Honolulu. While on.thevmalnland tho Saints ex pect to secure tho services of Johnny Williams, foimer pitcher of the Bt. Louis team, who will no doubt greatly strengthen tliet,cam. The boyn will give their first entertainment on tho evening of the fourth of September at tho Fark Theater. The entertainment will Mart at 8 o'clock, and the pro-, gram will consist of four numbers by, people now acting In the various the aters, who were kindly loaned to tho bo)s by the amusement company. Ar orchestra and Kaal's quintet club will be there to enliven mattern. The pro ceeds derived from these entertain-1 ments will go toward helping the bo) out on their proposed trip. REGULAR MATINEES Monday Wednesday Friday MONDAY PROGRAM NEW ENTJJhTAlNnn , . Louise Bright CONCERT SINOINCI BIIID of Sr. Caronl of Italy 8wetett Girl In VaudavilU O'Hagans Comedy Skatch Artists Navy Odditlas RIJOU THEATER MONDAY NIGHT Whitney & Marsh, Limited Owing to the conditions existing in the Cotton Goods market in New York, we were enabled to purchase some White t Wash Goods at extremely low figures. These we will place, on, t ' ' i Sale On Friday Next, Sept. 1st Goods of exceptional value as low ; ' 'as a yard See' our window display NEW, NOVEL, NERVY WORLD'S GREATEST RIFLE SHOTS Fox and Claire Shoot Dollars From Each Other's Lips Eldeds Trick Bike Nerve Racking,. Feats MIIK1ET Mm?. Leonora Harrison Prima Donna from Tali's GREAT BILL ALL NEW ESTIMATES (Continued from Pago 1), property should be opened un u public, highway und be likewise Improved and metaled. Thin will reduce the entire fength of ithe wugou road from the naval station boundary to Kort street from 9 0 to Y.2G miles, nnd will give satisfactory road facilities to the Pearl Harbor station Such a road would. In my opinion. from tJeV reTum.anT.,.o'nct,.e;te !, advantageous to tho Cy of Aoo1fe1Ut,'shop;-vV.t.,ma. ' V" ' . ORPHEUM THEATER MONDAY, AUGUST 29 DO YOU WANT TO LAUOH7 -Than 8s AYESHA . Only Woman Hypnotist in tho World And ' BARNETT "The Man with Ihe Green Eyas" In Their Original, Sensational HYPNOTIC NOVELTIE8 The Funniest Show on Earth COMMISSION TO - r. nun a iy Members of the loan fund commis sion with one or more members of the elt) and county board of super visors will vlBlt windward Oaliu to morrow, tho party lenvlng; "city hall'' un or uuaut eight o'clock In the morn ln)liitwp automobiles, , ' ,, It, Is tho, purppse of the" visit tq Investigate' tho needg of better roads lending to Walkane wharf, The par ty Is due to return to Honolulu early In Ihe afternoon. Supervisor Eben Low has tliui arrangements fur a visit to the othor sldo of the Island under consideration. Hoiiitor Hepburn mndo a bitter hut unavailing iit'ttick on the appropriation tor n toufederute naval moiiuuitnt ut Vlcksburg ARE YOU COMING? WHY, OF COURSE YOU ARE POPULAR PRICES 25c, 35c, 50o AMUSEMENTS. Wwlil i ii liliiT " ill irffcWIi ( itiiliilii ' a jttuti .!C" '. chlnery and puttlnt; the intlre plant In working condition will be pushed on more rapidly In the ncjir future. Pearl Harbor Traffic. "In this connection the. Importance of convenient travel for Jtlre personnel now emplo)ed at this stntlon, and wlili h will bo lurgely Increuned when tho station ut Peurl Harborls estab lished, should nut bo overlooked. "The present carriage rod to Ho nolulu Is 9 0 miles long, measured from tho eorner of King nnd Port Htreitn to Hie boundary of the naal hroptrty nenr Puuloa. This route Is ln tlio Klin; f.treet rond nast Fort khnfter, througli Mr. 8. M. Darrton's'es- tnto at Mounaluu, thence along the (iubllc hlghwayt"to a point between Salt likc and Alia' nay, mis distance ue fag C7 mllej Tho road for this dis tance In In fairly good condition, being rock metalled road, but It passes over n high hill mar Salt Lake. From 'this point the road pusses by a dlrtToad following a hilly, devious and 'circuit hum route through the Honolulu plan tatlon to the railroad station n't iPuu- Ion, 2 G mile., this section of the route being (i private road owned by the Ho nnlulu plantation. Prom Puuloa roll road station the distance to the boun dary of the naval property .33 mile, this road alhO being privately owned, the property of the'' plantation corn puny. " "There In a county road which branches off from the King street road at Moanalua, just I eforo Salt Lake hill Ih nuched, which passes to the east of gait Luke bill. Instead of over It, and crosses the railroad at a point one and a halt miles cost from Puuloa ra.ll- roud station, thence follows 'the south ern sldo of the railroad track In a di rect line to Puuloa. Tho length of this hictlon pf road from King street road branch ut Muanulua to Puuloa rullroud Mutton Is 7 3 miles, as' against the length of 5 C miles from the sn'mo point on the King street road to Puuloa go ing over, the tifcuolly traveled route ov ir Suit Lake hilt nnd via tho plan tptlon road. This' county road lsfo rough, hilly and" uneven that It Is riot often used for ordlnury tratllc 'Tor Improving this road and making It satisfactory us a currluge routo to Peurl Harbor, the following improve incuts are necessary; "(a) The section from Moanalua to Reserved Seats for center and wings Puuloa, passing east of Salt Lake hill, of grandstand can bu booked at E O. 'should be stralglitimd. Improved and Hull & Son's (.porting department, En-'ini tilled, to carry heuvy tratllc, und the trance, King street i heaviest grades (Unlimited. Tickets on sale nt Cigar Store from 1 p 11 a in. Sunday. ! tourists' oiid other vlMtorn, -nurOunts und tradespeople to the naval stntlon, which will undoubtedly Income In time one of' the grin test points of Interest on this Island 'A communication was addressed by my predecessor, ltenr-Admlnil u. r. Ilees, U. 8 rnvy, to the Superlnti nd- cnt of Public Works, on the subjdt of Improving the short stretch of planta tion road between Puuloa rulhoud sta tion1 and tho boundary of thu naval station at Pearl Harbor, but nothing prnctlcal has ever hem done In the niutter.'nnd I trust that In connection with the extensive road building which Is soon to bo undertaken, this matter of great Importance to tho uaval sta tion at Pearl Hurbor may be given dilo consideration 6I "" "I huVe ttij honor to be, Blr, Cery respectfully, F , "(Blgned) W. C. COWLES" "Rear-Admiral, U. '8. Navy, Coinnmn , itartt." T Athletic- Park . Baseball SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 31 . , TWO C1AMES - - TWO OAMES 1i 30 J. A. C. vs. STAR8 330 HAWAIIS v: P. A. C. Prices! 35, 25, 15 and 10 Cants M, A. (luiiHf.! "(b) The section of the plantation m Suturduy to roul between the rullroad,tutlon and Puulou and tho boundary of the -naval IN SALES Jordan8 begins tomorrow n sore of 3-days sales, which will conllnun right through Septomber, A year ut;o this firm did u record business, In September. Now their Block is so much bigger und tbey have bought specially for this sale,'' They cuuuot show all at one time on account of want of spaco. The first throo duyft will bo specials In household goods, featuring linens nnd towels. Tlio.'two large windows are crowded wlth'jiur gulns. Thu management expectu to close out the lot before the utorn closes on Saturday, Other lines aro planned for next weeK; In fact ', tho wholotiiiontb ut Jordan's Bhould 1e a very bimy one. The particulars of each three-jluys spuclulu will he' fully detailed In tho Ilu 1 1 o tjti. r Judge W. J. noblnson yestenbiy approveil tho &piolntmcnt of James L. Mclean as executor of the will nt tho late Mrs. Mario Sturncnbeck. An Inventory Ir lo be filed within thlity dus. Mrs. Bttiruenbeck directed that enough money should be put asldo to pay for the up-keep of her burial lot In Nmmnii cemetery . Tho tost of the estato Is divided In etul shares among Mrs. Jennie K. MoUmn, wife of Jumoa I. jUcUuui anil Mm. Eliza Cu3Bldy," wlfo of John Caasldy, 'iri.,fi, "-r- wM(wrw-wk i,i' f -' iftint i'ViTH i I il iiin.-1 urn , i Vca riiir 1 rih vittltttiii-tiHilfe Utifii i iaSiittr i? km ' rt 1 1 r ? "r