OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, September 27, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-09-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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". "' T
T f
wmmmkmmmKaa rniiiimrr iirrrpi.
Do You Know That
A Prince of Entertainers
is at the
To have heard him will be one
of memory's choicest
Preparations are' made to give
an unusually good show at the
SAVOY Saturday evening.
Maul will liavo to wait two years
more for a wharf, and when tho wharf
In Inillt, It will bo at Kihel, accord
ing to the Inside report h of tho liar
bur commission.
'Tho wharf Issuo has stirred up Val
ly Island residents considerably.
MeOregor's lanillnfC being a stroiiB
rontender for tho wharf site, but It
Is understood now that Klhcl has been
practically picked for tho wharf.
Only 9,000 Is now available for
Iho Kihel wharf, which Is resonsl
bin for the Informal decision of tho
commissioners to do nothing at this
lime. The next legislature will b
.Isked for twenty or thirty thousand
dollars more and then Kihel will be
tho situ of one of tho best structures
In tho Territory,
Ilenjamln Asam bus filed his answer
to the charge of desertion llled against
him by bis wife In the Circuit Court.
Ilu denies tho allegations.
Col. Knox sayB that (Jeorgo DavlP
raiHiucs wnen lie says Unit ho ap
proves of the colonel for givernor.
New Wash Skirts
Castle Cup to Be Played For In
Tennis Tournament Which
Begins Wednesday.
A large number of tho tcnnli play
ers of tho different clubs are out ov
cry evening buiy getting In harness
for tho big tniiiniincnt which will
Elart n week from today. The plJ
era hate been anxiously waiting the
call of the tournament to begin and
all are happy now that plain have
been worked out by the handicap
committee and the date for the open
lug of tho fall tournament set.
At the office of President C. O.
Ilockus tills moinlug of the. local ten
uis association tho handicap' commit
tee met ami decided on somo of tho
handicaps for the fall tournament!
which will begin next Wednesday.'
The first trophy to bo nlnyoil for will
bo tho Castle cup. Tho entries for
tho tournament oien tomorrow inorii-1
lug nt K. (). Halt's storo and will
closo Monday evening at S o'clock
and tho tournament starts Wednes
day. Tho entry fco will bo one dol
lar and it must bo paid In aihance.
The games will probably be plied
on the different tennis courts of tho
city. Alter the Castle cup U won
the Hall cup may be contested for.
There will no doubt bo a big turn
out thin season and some Interesting
matches will bo pulled off during the
Tho handicap committee, voted on
the following handicaps to players
Ibis morning which doc not mean
that these ore till the players that
will enter but whom are expected to
and the committee will act on any
new entry after the entries closu
Monday evening.
Class A Owe K and Vi ID: A.
Castlo and W. P. Iloth.
Class II Owo IK: A. M. Nowcll, J.
Harncs, II. II. Cooke, W. Dillingham.
Class C Owe U,: It. Sinclair,
W. It. Kcliiml.
Class I) Scratch: C. Q. Itockus, S.
Daldwln, N. Deer, II. B. Savage, I)
Collins. F. Greenfield, It. C. McKoev
er, O. Warren, V, B. Steere, J. Wat
erhouse, .1. T. (luard, 0. Deverlll, I..
M. Judd, (!. II. llottleph, R. (1111.
Class K Hub 14 IS: V. (1.
Slnglehiirst, .1. McCanllay, Hj dray,
CI. Brwln, W. A. Wall. J. O'lwdo,
W. Williamson, A. Smith, It. O. Mead,
K. D. nnrncs.
Class K Plus ir.; W. A. CJreon
well. T. Oray, It. 11. Uorth, If. Durs
ton, I', do llrettevlllo. fl. Duckworth,
P. II. Clifford, I- Armstrong, II. von
Damm, A. A. Ilobson. W, Smith and
I. J. Ilurd.
Tho above handicaps are only for
those who nro expected to enter the
tournament but the committee, wants
to bo mado known that all other en
tries will be looked after In consider
ing their handicaps. Tho committee
in charge of tho handicaps are us
C. 0. Ilrekns, chairman; W. P.
Iloth, Puclflc Tennis Club; A. I Cas
tle, Ilcrltinli Tennis Club; P. B.
Steere, Mnt.oa Club, and W. S.
Thompson of the Neighborhood Club.
ro. njamln
Compound Herbalo
SlMiuieh, Uvtr, Kidney and
lladdtr Rimedy.
tmi woBtae,aiiMiN
u t atnee
C.M InJkMm. Dnoriau, Sou Smb.
cK LkI J AmMt. Hmiuimmmj, Cu
ud Wd M.Smwk Houad Fnluf.
Phh h Suuuh ilttf un. Sci Hc4
ttht. Duifeua. CmM Team. DJiowmh,
1 1 fiiwi DwfM rmf, CImOim t.v,
mm ai'. w-"!- ", !
MwJimim, Rm Ww. U Cat
. A"" C"".
A CnM 1 h Wax.
rWefc-Bn. BfifT Oncoud HaUla
Ha m ricaU. Tbtnloi ta M
tmm UW mtt Mt.
Honolulu Drug Co.
Clovornor Frenr hos received a let'
ter from the legislative reference do
partment of tho Wisconsin commlS'
slon asking about ceitaln acts passed
here nt the lust session of the Lcgls'
luturu regarding homestead lug und
Immigration. The information Is to
be sent as soon as possible.
Whitehead Hoag Co,
Manufacturers of
.. ' . .
Advertising Novelties,
Badges, Buttons. Banners,
Gold and Enameled Emblems and Pins,
Leather Goods, and Metal Novelties
Represented in Hawaii by
The Chas. R. Frazier Co.,
123 King Street
Tom Kelly, the new lurltMie lit the
llljnii, It the kind of man ta paik the
big house. That's what hf'll il.i this
week with the Mings that In Is mas
ter of. Ki lly tiinde bis ,li tail before u
lot nt people waiting to (rltlel.e him,
but be sang splendidly mil lnmld gi't
large audiences tbtiiuglMUt tin1 week
of bis stay.
Jinny loeiil people reitciuher Kelly
when he was the star ol the team of
Kelly & Vlolette.
One of the mint liiipirtimt eases that
(nine up fur trial tbli morning In po
lice court was that it Illicit nl of
lliiior by (Jeorge Ijivlr. otberwlie
knouii ns "Plmny" IXvli.
The prosecution put Liquor Inspector
W. 1'. renin It inf tlif- stnifil.'iinil princil
Unit 'the ilefi'iidaiit Hdd llipior to u
certain woiniin for CO cintw.
Keniiell, win wiitehed the transac
tion, Jlllllpeil in ).ils mid placed ti in
under arrest n his bouse on Uki.atdi
According ti tho evidence adduced
In court, D.ivb iittemptid to lilt Ken
Hell with ll Initio of Il'inor, ulilch the
runner siilisnuently tlneu out of the
window. A gliss of beer was olTcicil
In evidence tlw inoriilng In court, ami
It Is expectei that Judge .Moiisarrnt
will remlir Ills decision tomorrow
morning. Dls was represented by
Attorney I,. Tv SUrulis,
Jomiuln Slln, who war up fur sell
ing lliiunr wlboiit u license, bail his
case nolle pruned. Manuel Kllvn and
Krnnk Urnella, also charged with sell
ing Itiiuor nndariestiil by l'miiHI, hud
their eases cntlnind until (X tuber I
The case iiglust Hung Hung, L'hlini
innn, who wn nrrestid yesterday fur
driving a veblle wltboiit tlrst obtain
ing u license, was stricken from the
calendar, the Jelestlnl having obtained
a license to il business.
J. Kllvn. clirged with drunkenness,
forfeited his Mil money. Pun Soon
Hill mid Ilakna each paid a Hue of II
mid costs of Hurt for getting drunk In
public places.
in mis cuy lai i
this move ml wi
live In lb" t-ar
(8pcrlal llul) ilu CurreiiHiiidi nee )
llll.o.'.Si'pi.:'.'. II Is reported here,
unolllelally, tat I) puty Sin riff l',r
nanile of til llmiial.ua district Is
iibuut to liai In liU resignation, lie
was a town vsltor last week, and while
lie said niilblg about iiiilttlng to Sher
iff I'ua, hu ml a niimhir of his frli'iids
In tills city tit he bad decided to tnkti
oulil come to 1 1 Ilu to
future. Ilu lias re
cently boiigli koiihi land In this city
and stems ti be piep.ulng to iiinkii It
Ills pirinaneii home.
There Is ntthe present time but one
applicant Cm Ids position, If Hie va
cancy shouliltomu nion John A. Ke-
aloha of Ilopkua, the principal of the
Aliualoa sclid. He evidently believes
that the llfuf a police olllclal Is u
more satlsfaory one than that of a
school tcaclie for the salary of tho
deputy niiiiiiiil to only TS per month.
which Is prolbly Utile morn than hN
present pay, ml the tenure of the ilrp
uty'K posltlmOs dependent elitlnly
upon the favoof tbu sheriff.
I I'M.
I mL
I mwr I
Is awaiting you. Wc have
a new stock of Men's and
Young Men's Fall Suits
and Overcoats
There arc io many good fea
tures about these clothes vou can
not get in other makes. They are
shown in a large variety of patterns,
and we can fit you perfectly and
satisly you thoroughly on the ques
tion ol price.
HOSE for Men and Women
Lieutenant J. A. Itogors of the 20th
Infantry has made his i1csihIou in
tho caso In which Oiii Nichols r,
teamster, and Ilert Dunlap, a private,
got Into trouble, at Fort Sh.ifier ami
!n vvhl h tliu former Is alleged to hnto
used n knife.
Kioiii the testimony It appears that'
the lieutenant and tho teainsicr hiul
an Interest In lliu two gotls over
which all the. trouble nroso and that
as ht was going away lio gave IiIm
dime to Nlcholi. Tho latter said that
he was going tu glvo them to the
sisl hospital, Diinlup Iheii asked lliu
llenteinnt If b" roulil have the giats
und was told that Nichols had them.
Tho lieutenant stated tint Dunlap
had been drinking tlm day but that
en was not drunk, Nichols had riiinii
to him and told lilin thalxt)nul.ip had
lliu two goats and wanted him to co
that they were given luck without
any trouble.
How tbp fight slnrte.i hu did not
know hut ho haw both men soon aft
er. Nichols had a cut tin the chin
mii nlxu on tho rheuk and hi: ulso
had thn knife In bis Innd with which
lio had cut Dunlap. lingers further
Staled that llllllllli knot rm'iillui?
that ho woutil get even with XlcholxJ
tor cniiing nun
The raso nimes up agjln on Octo
ber 10 when It will bo et fur trial
The Hawaiian band will give u con
ceit this evening at Aula Park, lit :'M
o'clock. The piogram follows:
.March All Moku Ilergor
Overture Krench Comedy Ilola
Waltz Southern Ilreeze Melsler
Iteiululsceuces of Italfe (lodfiey
Vocal llawuilan Songs. nr by Ilerger
Kelecllou Iji Travlata Veld)
liilirmezo l.litb, Toy Soldier thy
reiliest Itecker
I-'Inale llouollllli lierger
'I'lio Star Spangled llauuer.
Kauai Sugar,
Purser l.om or the Intur-Isl mil
steamer V. ( Hall reports thn fol
lowing siigariiwaltiug shipment on
Iviiual: m. a.C. t:i.r,u c, & it. :ioi
K. S. Co. I GO I P. 2UH3.
Waoklf lulltotla II pr jer
A Home
Made of the
ytt Jn:&. .
mtjsw mm rmm i "
The Jiccr Thivtii J3rewcd
To oSuit The Climtvie
'fSSI"" -1 "- '"'" " ' ""'
itii-liiM,iiii(iirtr'fAii'f;L'irti'ii'A ii nf-'Hlilli'
.Bn,., .iAtl.,-

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