Newspaper Page Text
ZGS!SZSS5E&a. jsidE3!iiE55EJHIKMBaiiM- swasho: Ff:?!JPfPWiW ywww - -vre w- - .-t .! . '9' EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H- WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1911. i 'M'rr iv- TsFiV - nS V vi-. ."WIIBBKS T . ". 35 Si', ,,(., 3; I i tf V. It f i J: M I 1. ; i- ill H: Sa'tlt .C ts fel Si m m EV'EIYOG- BtJLIETIN DAILY and WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO.. LTD., at Kerr Building, Alakca St., Territory of Hawaii. Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. CIRCULATION LARGEST OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED in the Territory of Hawaii. Wai.i.aci: R. Parking ion, SUBSCRIPTION RATES HVUNINd 111)1.1 JlllO ' WHIIKI.V IIUI .1.1 tTISV ' ri Mntilli fttitwt-ere lii US . ..It 7A I'M RU Mnnln jp ,Au .Miiitfi, flmhtT ii tl H . J.imi tr Vt.l, .iiywhcl? Mi U..S, .. I.otl I-' Vjr, a,iv'nr It tl S M.oo Pet Year aiiywlieit n Onmu. I. nil '"Vpii i-ii jiiil, Imt-ign IJ.i.u Pet Ver nliaM. Ifniii lpj i licllLorltil Koom8, 8 W'.iBusiness Office, WliDNESDAY To bo Iipo is in.t to do nothinci but to bo the solo arbiter of what wo do and wiiat we lo nvo imduiip, La Biuyere, KUIIIO-FREAR AFFAIR, A REAL FIGHT. Until such time as the full details of the protest made by Delegate Kuhio against the reappointment of Governor Frcar arc made public, the most significant feature of the news from the B u 1 1 c t i n's Washington correspondent published in this issue, is that the Delegate has put himself fairly and squarely into a finish fight. Delegate Kuhio keeps his own counsels to such an extent that he has not been generally credited with being entirely serious in his promise to earn on .a vigorous contest against the Governor. Although he stated on his return from Wash ington that he had seen the P, esident and secured assur ance of recognition for what he might have to say on the Governorship, very few have felt that he would carry this threat to the point where it would call for a show-down be tween the Governor and himself. But a show-down is what the present situation means. Mr. Talt must decide between them. The highest legislative officer of p Territory cannot attack the highest executive officer with written and specific charges without someone getting hurt. The Delegate has by this step crossed the line that cre ates a situation where either he or the Governor must win out or he discredited. This means naturally that Honolulu is in for a merry time during the next three months or until such time as the Presi dent sends the appointment ,of Hawaii's next Governor to the Senate. Many have believed that this; affair would be a repetition of the Kau incident when the Delegate called the Governor a .short and ugly name and then got in line, took a Republican nomination and helped elect a legislative ticket that sup ported the Governor. The B u 1 1 c t i n has confessed to be ing mystified as to what the Delegate was driving at anyway. But all doubts arc dispelled. The Delegate was not mak ing p bluff. He is in a fight up to his neck and jumped into it with his eyes wide open, because lie has lived in Hawaii long enough and served in Congress long enough, and has enough of natural savvy to have a full comprehension of what his action means. Governor Frcar will probably have the support of the vested interests because some of them are his enthusiastic supporters and others have thus far tailed to propose any one to take his place. Delegate Kuhio will unquestionably have the support of the Hawaiian-Americans,- and probably those who believe that a more vigorously American Governor should preside over the destinies of this 'Territory. The general crowd will be ready to flock either way on the news from Washington of the first impression the Delegate's letter has made on the President. On one point the Delegate has a"n advantage. He goes before the administration at a time when it wants political peace in all the outlying districts. To have a row on in one of the new possessions at a tiriie'whcn the President and his friends arc assembling the facts of a successful record for campaign purposes, is not inclined to improve the temper of the President and his adv:scr. Charges from a man who has been so many times given the confidence of the people can not be ignored, and all things being equal he is more likely to dictate the terms of peace than a man appointed by the President and who is 'reported to have once offered his formal and definite resignation on account of the appoint ment to the bench of a man whom the President found to have popular support. Like all propositions in Hawaii, the affair is many-sided. II will be one of the greatest mixtures of business and poli tics Hawaii has ever had, particularly on account of the fact that this Territory is bound to figure prominently in maga zine publications and in the. discussions in Congress that have to do with the sugar tariff. If the Governor had not stated in a set interview that he would like a reappointment, one might expect him to say to the President that he could hand over the worries and vexa tions of office to another as soon as he pleased. Apparently (he Governor prefers to make a fight for it. Such being the case there is one coming. Primarily llni Mustn't) and 1'IIo.h' Association was seeking from tlio' Harbor Commission a respeciful hoar-i Ink, In older In picfcent a petition for ellleioiioy In nlllco As those Wuwh to-' lnrlilu very Uostly v Itli Uuiri cx PiosfoiI liy the majority of iuorcfinntH who lmu business mi the wulurfiuiit, thero Is no occasion o consider' Eui l'OR PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 2185 2256 fcntetcrt III the tiMtnrtiCV M llmmlttll m RMiiiiJ-liKv matlrr SEPTEMBER 27, 1911 I lu; action n nnjthliig lint a dlgnl Hoc ami iioior light for what Ik light. Tint II a 1 1 tt I a Iiiih nut thu slightest doubt that thu average business man (if Honolulu would an noon leinu the administration or tlio business nr tlio jioU tn a uimiiiltli'ii from tlio .Masters nml 1'llntH, as In tlio Harbor Comiiils kIiiii wltli t'oinnilasloner WukullilJ alibt'lit. SMITH, ALLEGED IS BACK HERE (Continued from Page 1) other states. At tlio panic, tlmo It Is lint thought that .Smith Iiiih any con nection ltli the big rings that arc op erating lint that ho Iiiih a largo supply from which he can draw anil woik practically on hlfl own hook. The scciot agents of the Treasury department nolo tlmwi at the Htcuui or when ho was nrroHtcd ami It Is slated that they extracted much In formation from him. In his grip, which Is coming down on tlio lioM steamer with .Marshal Klllott himself, there ato a number of papers that show his connection with the Colum bian and also others that are sup plied to ho M'ry Important In cnli necllon with the ease. The $3400 whiih was found on li tin In gold has been held and In coming with the rest of the ldonco. i Cnnfi ".Iiin. According to what can he gathered from (ho various sources Smith did not make any confession after ho was arrested outside of wlmt ho told thu secret service agents of the Treasury who were acting under cabled In structions from Collector Stackable. Trail llril Kxtcnshcl. Smith has been a great traveler and Included In the Itinerary of bis trips are the Orient, .Mexico and other places through which the opium ts known to bo lu cliculatlon. It Is lu this connection that the local author ities I'cem to think that some of the other states may he after him with a charge of running the dope through their territory. (Jiilet anil (ollcrlcil. Sitting up In the .Marshal's olllce Snillli seemed unite calm and collect ed this morning lie was lying hack lu a chair reading a magazine and up p.irently ohIIUoiis to eerythlng .iiouml li i mi. It was said this morning that ho had retained R M. Watson as attorney. Ilalitil SoelalM. I'rnin what those In charge of hlui gatheieil during the trip down Smith Is a rabid socialist and Is a llrtu be liever in dividing up overythlng on an eipial basis. This was one of tlio things that he would talk about. When the case was mentioned ho s'tated that lie preferred not to say nil) thing, how eor. Likewise he ,1s a good poker player. Smith (.' ii a riled liny ami Might. Smith was not permitted to mingle with the passengers In the Matson Nalgntlnti steamer Honolulu!! during ills trip down fioin Sail Francisco. lie was placed nhoanl that vessel lit the California port and accompanied on tbo oyago by Deputy 1'nltcil States Marshals X. C Klllott and II. V. Towlo. Smith and the Federal olllcers were assigned a stateroom and according lo statements made by tlio olllcers lu the Honolulu!! made upon arihal this morning, theio was not :t moment either day or night but that 'the al lege d opium smuggler was kept under tbo closest surveillance. Towards the last few days of tho trip, Smith was permitted to Join a paity In the smoking room who es sayed cards as a meaim of whlllug away the time. In these games, Suilih was always under the oju of his guards. .ol roriulltccl In Talk. Deputy Marshals Klllott ami Towlo oxeiolscd particular care In tho pro ciitlou of any communication be tween their prisoner and the olllcers in the llonolulaii. Smith left the coast on the last trip of the Ilouoluhin and his return this morning as a passenger mnkes his third Miyago In that particular Matson steamer. A number of ollleei-H connected with the local stalT of tho custoius recog nized In Smith, this niotniug, tho smooth and dapper olllcor who for months served as (inartermaster In t a American-Hawaiian Irelghter Colum bian. In this role. Smith was piity well known about town ami was more or less u frcijiieiiter of the cafes and places where the spin Is congregate. Thosn who hao mot with hlm hero in former days state that ho iiIumvu appealed well supplied with funds. However, ho Is not credited with hav ing ever made any lalsh display ot Ills wealth, Sii) Has Not Coiifesseil, The declaration Is Hindu this morn ing that Norman II. Smith, now under an est with vending unstamped opium, has miido no confession either to tlio uutlioiltles at San Francisco or to tho two Kedoral olllcers who accompanied hlm to Honolulu. On hoard the llouoliiliilan the pos 1 1 1 v o denial was ma do that Smith hail In any manner confessed his complic ity In tho allegations filed against li'ni. Initially emphatic Is thu statement made that Smith had not Implicated others lu the trouble lu which he now lluds himself. The llonolulaii was met outsldn the haibor this morning by a delegation or I'eiloral olllclals. Including United States Marshal Hendry, Collector Stiu knblo and others. Marshals Klllott and Towlo then turned their pilhouor over to the Ho nolulu olllclals. Coast iidUcos received loil.iy give the Hist detailed Infm million about Not man I). Smith that has been learned heie. He J said to have been .1 ntiaiteriuastor on the Amerlcaii-lla- wullan liner Columbia, and wan dls Near Thurston Ave. Largo lot on corntr. Slia li 175 foot by 206 feet. For Sale at $4500 Beautiful marins view) good neigh borhood. Adjoint Neighborhood tennis court. Trent Trust Co., LIMITED We Have Money to Loan on listed ttockt or on Improved Real Ertate. We hiy and sell Stocks and Donds, aid make investments for others in 'approved Trust Securi ties. I i ivi: riiaI.i. hi: im.hasrd to TALK INVESTMENTS TS'lTII YOU Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. 024 lethel Street X PINEAPiLlj81 BANANXstl A Crate of Six 8leeUd Pines or Largs Buncd of Bananas , Simply leave your order we do the rest. ISLAND FRUIT COMPANY (With Wells, Fargo Kxitoss Company) charged last June. It t Viol loved from the knowledge ho) picked up on the Columbian ho "wltid up' to tho opium t mugllng game. A Coast papor publlslrs tho follow ing: ".Norman II. Smith, a tapper young man who has left the III of a seaman for snino occupation 111 t brings hlm a far greater revenue, .vas nrrested on board tho stcamshl Willielnilna when sho nrrlved from terday. United States lonolulii yes- Marshall Kill- ott mid Deputy Marsha Klmer War on a charge ner took hlm in custod. of selling unstamped ou am In Hono lulu, nn Indictment bnvng been re. turned against him hj the Federal Grand Jury there ufti piirliire from that Hirt. Smtib's do- WatThouse Trust Land Puupueo Hanoa Valley The leading Hme-bulldors are buvlng their homestead lots in the subuis. Thoro are reasons why health, main ly; then more lautl'ul surroundings) then moro room nbout the house ind no more of that "cooped-up" feeling that comes witl llvng In tho tricklysettled parts of town. We are offer g ots In the land of PUUPUEO varying In area from a I If acre up to any sire you may suggest, and ranging in rlee from $1300.00 up according to the size of the lot ou may select. These lots we all the ration, with th added features beautiful view, the city to tra FOLLOW TIE LEADEnSI erty that is sbdily advancing time giving yoJ an opportunity of the city Let us shoJ you that this We give an Individuality to copies of old DAQUERREOTYPE8, which makes them doubly Interesting. GURREY'S -The- WIRELESS Office is open on week days from 7 a. in. to 5:30 p, m., and on Sundays from 8 to 10 a. m. Ship messages re ceived every day up to 11 p. m. "After the Willielnilna soiled from Honolulu a wireless was received by her master from Collector of the Port Stackable of Honolulu, asking If Smith was aboard. Ily wireless tho Williel nilna captain notified the I lonolulii of ficer that such a man was n passen ger. Then cablegrams wore sent to the olllce of the United States Mar shal here Instructing hlm to arrest Smith when he arrived. "While Smith Is charged merely with selling unstamped opium, local federal olllcers believe that ho Is one of tho bends of the opium tratllc, which for moutliB Qn eminent sleuths have been attempting to stamp out. "Smith, who bus been known as M. II. Smith, J. II. Smith and has used a number of Initials for bis name, re fuses to say where he secured the $:ilU0 bo hud In his possession when arrested. Ho will not tell his busi ness or hm homo address, although from his papers it was learned that he was a quartermaster on the -teiimslilp Columbian, running to tbo Hawaiian Islands, and was discharged from that cshcl last June. Ho was horn lu Maryland and has traveled extensive ly nil Ills life. Ho is 30 years of age and single. "I was never moro surprised In my llfu," said Smith yesterday. "I never hud anything to do with opium I heard lots about It In Honolulu. I'.v erybody seems to be talking about 'dopo' over there. "I merely mado tbo trip for pleas ure, I have friends nml my family is well connected, but thero Is no reu i.on to bring anyone clso into tills muss. I have waived all formalities and expect to go back to Honolulu advantages of a downtown lo- of a lower temperature, best of neighbors and no unsightly part of I through on your way to and fro. and secure a piece of prop in value and at the same of llvir.g in the best part is true. iumuirow. I urn not foolish enough to try to tight Uncle Sum and will not. I will bo proved Innocent as noon as I hino a trial,' "Smith was token beforo t nltcd States Commissioner Francis Krtlll yesterday and his bonds fixed at $3001), He preforreil to remain In cistody. Arrangements have bten made to send hlm back to Honolulu today on the Honolulati In charge of Deputy United States Marshal Towle. THEY GOT ROCKS FROM THE YARDS Hccnuse an unknown porson be lloved lo he n Portuguese, entered his premises at Alewa Heights during his absence and dynamited a large rock, William A, l.ovo Is anxiously waiting for an opportunity to lay tils hands on tho guilty party. This morning, .l.ovo called nt tlio pollco station nml told Deputy Sheriff Chailes Itosc and Chief of Detectives MrDufllo how lie lost his bli; rock, Ho asked Hose and McDulIlo lo try to locate tho man, as ho wants to go after him. Hose and McDufllo said that slml lar complaints hnvo been brought to their attention by a number of Kal mukllcs, whli claimed that they too, hnd lost rocks nml stones from their lots. They promised I.ovo to lines llgate tho case. I.ovo stated that a certain Portu gucsc had been seen carrying nwnv mcks nml stones from the stono wall nn the picmlscs of A,' R Judil on Juild street. EJECTMENT SUIT TO BE FILED ANY TIME NOW Ml ejectment suit Is to bo started by the Territory against Cubrlnliii, n Por tuguese living lu Illlo, Hawaii. lie bus trecteil a store mid a house, part of which buildings are ou laud that he lenses from the Co.iu IMutc, but which the Territory claims as govern ment land. Attorney Carl Smith has been acting ns attorney-in-fact for the Conn lis tate nud (luring this time leased ccr tain laud to Cnbrlnba. The latter built on It iiilte satisfied Unit everything was all right. Then the Territory stepped In and said that part of the land which had been leased to Calirlnlm, ns being part of the IMatc, belonged lu reality to the Territory ami that he would have to get off, lie objected to this, mainly, however. In order to establish IiIk claim on tho .Conn Kstntu ufter- wiirris. If bo Is ejected by tluVorder of the court, then be has a claim on the estate, for this establishes the own ershlp of tho laud. Cleanliness The Watchword The milk furnished by this Association Is from cows certified as healthy after thorough inspection by the Territorial Veteri narian, and the milk Is handled under the most sanitary conditions. Upon arrival at our Depot it Is treated by an advanced electrical process. We deliver an absolute ly pure, healthy milk. Honolulu Dairymen's Association Phone 1572 Ladies Misses Girls' Clothing FOR THE WHOLE on FAMILY Liberal Installment Payments T5e Beretania St. IT GRC-tys HAIR Hero Are FactsWo Want You to Prove at0ur Risk. Mnnelmis as It may seem, Itexall "93" Hnlr Tonic hus" grown linlr on beads that were once bald. Of course, In none of these case.s were the hair roots dead, nor had the sculp taken on n glazed, Bblney appearance. llexnl "93" llulr Tonic acts sci entifically, destroying the germs which are usually responsible' for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of tho hair, stimulating and nourishing them. It Is n most pleasant toilet necessity, Is delicately perfumed, and will not gum nor permanently stain tho hair. We want you to get t bottle of Henll "93" Hnlr Tonic and uso It us directed. If It does not relleu; scalp irritations, remove dandruft, prewnt tbo hair from falling out nml promote nn Increased growth of hair, and In every way glvo entlro satisfaction, simply come back and tell us, mid without question or fornialltyt we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for It. Two sizes, Boe. and $1.00. Sold only nt olir stole Tho Itexall Store. Ilenson, Snillli & Co. Ltd. FREE GARBAGE (Continued from Pae 1) nml the county, working on the present IlKiires there will be Jlb.DOO muni mailable. The expenses 0f maintain ing the schools Is at tho present tlmo nbout $l!i,lion, wlikli rruni the llrst of next y,sir will bo collected under a spe cial tax ns laid down Ay the Legis lature and will thus not hnvo to come out of the general fun J. This nuikea ii total of $27,000 over ami above whut Is mailable nt the present time. It has also been shown by figures taken during II vo years that there Is u general Inciease from year to year of from 120,000 to $25,000. Added to tills again there must h taken Into consideration the raising of the merchants' license fee from I2S lo i00. Throughout the whole of tberlty and county of Uahu there will be, It Is estimated, nil Increase In the value of taxable property amounting to JI00.. 000, and this without any Increase tn the taxation rate or taking Into con sideration the raise In the merchants' license law. Under the new law tho city must prepare by tbo llrst of" each year a schedule of Its estimated expenses for the period In front of It, nnd the rom inltleo of, the federation sen that the necessary IfiO.OOO Is Included when It makes the first list up. Again. It Is going on the basis that no money will be needed for belt roads during the next two years and that this will latso lenvo more money, so that which ever way It looks at It, It Is sure to get Its $(10,000, BULLETIN ADS PAY- Printing i CJ Excels in Correct ness of Design and Execution. H. F. WICHMAN & CO. Limited LEADING JEWELERS Men's Youths' Boys' Formfit Our Copper - Plate i -jfci.i- J-i y l 1 - J f , rfA. , UJJMJi. t .Jeitff jfr " Ur. lMVU Jtifrti.t, w.w 41