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I 12 EVENINQ BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15,1911. VANIMAN CONFIDENT HE CAN then leao for S.iii riaiulsco, wheie (Icueial .Mlitui.'ls stationed .Mr. SlcCltiiig, the Culled Stales Treasurer, has retuineil to WiihIiIiir tou, after a brief niacin c l- iek Slclvln, fonnerlv of Ho nolulu, litis Imllt n wonderful dirigible tmllnou III whlih lo make Ills setond iiltciiit to cross the Atlantic, hi tin1 following IIhi.iIi1i shows ATLANTIC CITY, .N I, November I After Muring Into lame In mi hour-long iiinl tln'ii several Bhort Highlit In Ills huge dirigible Akron, In which lio hopes to cmts tlio At lantic, Slelvln Vanluiau and Ills cipw of fl' were marooned on Simile Is Intul, eight miles from the hangar at Hie Inlet, this afternoon, by the lots of ens from the bit; cigar, ami forceil to iiwull rescue 1 the lVilernl i; The dirigible was bruiiKlit safely back to the hangar this evening. Dm lug the HlgM. which was merely an ex)ieilineiit anil the first time the Akron hail been tested nbove the enith, V.iniman proud the feasibility of the w Is It successor to the ctillllnatnr, and showed perfect mns ti rv of the elements In executing spi nils, dips and half banks with the use of his "orlftable" propellers lie also en gaged In n rate with an express train nnd mine out wlmiei b L inure than the length of his ship ovi a stretch of n mile After the Might Vniiliuan said "We're simply tickled to death wi'li tliu performance of the Akiou The, only damage we sustained was .' broken propeller btade ami n snnpp'd Miy wlie ".Now we know the trip 'it ros the AtlantU Is merel a little more trying and longer, but eiitlttly pos sible. With such .1 goo 1 crew and a perfectb performing dirigible, suc tess Is nlread almost lertaln liills Loud, ihlef engl r: Jink Irwin, wlieliss opeiator; I.011L l'let- cher V Trench,; ! rimk Kelbcrllng Ir , sou of the llnalu haiker of the expedition, Cnilton Vanlman brother of the oinmauilM' or the Akron, and Vanlman, togethel with Tlent the cat masiot tnnipnsel the new (' H A, stationed at Moiiteie, fill The wt tiding will take plate In .hum ni, aflci which l.leuten.ilit .M lutil gerodo and his bride will go to the rhllipldliis, whele Lieutenant Sllnnl gel ode will be stationed. Sciiatnl (lenrgc II Chsitnbcilnlli linn dlniia have taken the house, '.'M leturiied to Washington from his linuiit In Oiegon lie was accompli tiled b Mrs C'hamberlalli and his two daughteis, MIbscs Carrie and I'aimle All will be at their home at lTI't (J stieet noilliwest until after the adjournment of Congress. Kecietnry Stlmsiiii, upon retuinliiK c .,, iik niwi Insneitlon tour, was! Joined by his wire. Thcv will occupy their home, No Ht' SIxlieiilh street, which they hare leased for two ears .Major William (1. I'owell, 1 H SI C and Sits. I'owell have taken the lesldcnce lilftO Klorhl.i avenue for the season. Sirs. (Ihcrnrdl, wife of Llciitonnnt ('omniander Waller K. (iheiaiill, U S N Is spending home time III New Yotk. Commander (Iheiardl Is at tached to the It S S. Delawaie, lit the tti ooUI II Nay Ynid The flcrmaii Ambassador to this country has gone from Ills home to Paris for a short stay before return ing to Amerlia The Ambassador nnd Coutilcss on Hi-riiitnrrf are expected here about the middle of Noetnber SOCIETY AT THE NATIONAL CAPITOL BY C. S. ALBERT. (Pperlil It u ll tin l'iirrtsaimlni ) WAHIIINliTON, October JS The ll.ichelors, at their llrst meeting of the season, elected olllcers and a d.iuce comuilttee for the ear Sir (list lll.ilr, who has been iresldent of the exclusive little organisation for n number of, has resigned that iilllip. mill Ml I-iwience Townseiid Ifus been elected to succeed him .Ml lll.ilr will win' as a member of the coininitlee Mr William I' Hilt was fin leil vim president Sir l'r.tnklln Fllis i li'i'teil treasurer, and Ml Chuunnv llatkett sucteeds Sir l'led fiiik II llrooke as secretni), .Ml Ilrooke 1i.iIiik resigned Sir ll.isll Miles ami l.leuten.ilit IMwurd Slt Cnule are new members of the com mittee The dates for the llnee germ.ins, the llrst of which Is lo be glell shortly after New Year's, will not be I announced until after the next meeting Slr and Mrs William 11. Merrlnm will spi nil the winter iibroml nnd ox peit to sail next month. Sllss Ijiurul .Men lam. their daughler. Is now Islt lng her sister, Slis .lolm Wheelwright, In lloslon. and .Mr and Sirs. Slcrrlam i will meet her there They will go at llrst to Paris. Trance, and lifter the. linliila)H they expect to travel on the Itlvlcra. .Mrs (leorge SI. I'ullman, lifter spending some time In Till ope, has sailed for this country Senator nnd .Mis Ovciiunn and their daughter, .Miss Cnlhcilnc Ovct inan, have rt tumid to their home In Ninth Caiollu.i. Sits. I). X. Kletther and the .Misses Tlt'lclier, wife and daughter f Hi'ii iitnr Th tcher of Tloilda who spent last week In Xew oik, hae leliiined lo their home In .Massachusetts uvc nue They left on Noembcr 1st for u montli's lslt to their liome In the South I Enhance YourBeauty by keeping your skin wcet, healthful and attractive, with Glenn's Sulphur Soap L Sola by tUl'i H.'.t ui WUIm Dr.. I 1 rft,ii. . klk mr kwa. S0C. I I The marriage of Sllss Winona l)erh and Lieutenant lluigln, C S A, took place on November "til at St Luke's Church, S.iii Trauclsc o, and was followed by u reception tit the Olllcers' Club lit the Presidio. The bridal patty Included Sllss Marian Huntington as maid of honor, Sllss Dorothy Churchill, Sllss Tranies I Pierce, Sllss Otlllii Lnlue, Sllss lloio . thy Palmer, Sllss I'lorenco Aitklu ami Sllss Tvelyn Palmer, Lieutenant Ti lery W Nlles, commander of the mine 'planter Itlnggold, stationed at Seattle, i was best Ulan, and the ushers weie 1 Lieutenant Charles Me, Lieutenant Unbelt (loolrltk, Lieutenant Itajuioud Lee, Lieutenant .lames 1) Old, Lleii , tenant Dolus Tminons and Lieutenant K P. Flest. The engagement has been nil- nouiiced of Sllss Tthel (Vllrlen nnd Lieutenant Tlt7liugh l'f Sllnnlgerode, Senator nnd Sirs. Shlvelv or In T.lghteeiilh street, the owners, Sir and Mm. Trauklln Sleele, having gone, iihroad for a year. .Mine. Cluing, wife of the Minister or China, necompanled by the Sllsst's Chang, nnd Sirs, and Sirs I lent y K. Chang, have retuineil to Washington fioni (nirlsnii-nn-thc-lludsoii, X. Y where they spent the summer The .Minister, who still Is In .Mexico, Is expelled lo arrive In Washington shoitly STOP GAMBLING The SllnlsleV or Norway mid .Mine Hon, who spent the summer In Kii lope, have retuineil to Washington. Sllss Adelaide Hivcro, daughter of the .Minister of Cuba and .Mine lllvein, who will he among the debutantes of the season, will be presented at n large tea at the legation on Decem ber lllth. AT HACKSTANDS Honolulu haikinen and chaiifTi urs nt nubile stands limit be good If the lull ntliin of ('hall mall Miirin.x of the pnllie iiuumltttu mo ennlid out tothe lillir. Mm my has mine rmunitl with a llt of reconuili wliitlmiH for lttu r, gill. it Inn of hail, iiinl niitoiiiiiblle slaiids He toiitcinls tint Here has bun ttm nine h phijlng of eirds. throw lug of ilhe iiinl dabbling with i heeli irs mound lhn' "publli lustliiiilniis and that the time Is ill" Tor a i hinge. Sliiriav also siikkisIs tin shlftliiKof a numbir of stiinds whlih iiffei I the owners of hacks mid iiiitiii In miinv pints of the city In sunal limtiimes last evening he deslgnali d but twilve ellliles to li stolid Willi ll III It Infill ' had hm bored u iiiuili taigir iiuiubir The matter of two in more leli plumes vvim tukin up. and In Inslanies but oiie'pbiiue'ls to I Iliiwtil It Is iiIhi that Chaiiffi urs operating n lit mat bines must p ly Sllss Sadie S1iiiay mid Sllss Cino 1 II Sluiray, daughteis of M.ljiil-Cell-eral Arthur Sluriay, If S A and tru 1i,M't. v. Ill l,.. tin. i.niiulu r..p LUnrnl cu,...l,a .,f ML. Mr..m.rll.. 11 ir. H ' "'" same IIS hail, Tlie hour Tim Misses Murray, who are '"' "m "' r,,,"r'- '", lr.l to now visiting- at Old Point Comfort.1" ''"'f' ll1"1 ll"'' "' '"' f'lulrcd will spend some time In New York regl-tir whinever n cliinge of ear of utter le.tvlng Washington, nnd will hIihmI Is niiule 81 m tern fefoNOLUUJ rtiniC0"Vvj t3JI.-.-SSta i ft (a 'F UHI A Cold Bottle of Primo Beer Goes well at any time but it tastes best when taken with the evening meal. It sharpens the appetite, aids the digestion, and quiets tired nerves. "It is the best beer you can drink, because it is the purest. And it is the best tonic you can take, and the most pleasant one, too. jH g jm M Hr wft m?iMW2tiJh .;& iiS. mVn. fhe J3eer That's Jrewed To guit The Ciim&je ii uo i udjcoi vviiniiv i. TIME OR NO KICK i. The court holds that where n sheriff levies n pi in and sells propel ty under ll writ of execution, upon defective no (lie. and the Jiiduiuiut debtor, having The Sunn nm I'niiit yestenlay innin- , ,,prii, to object, does not oh- lug handed down n ilc-lclim In thei-iso j,., , ,ln,M t, ,,t, -three days utter tllo of K Yiiiii.ii o ngallist Y,. pip,ri Is nd.l, the sale Is alld V. I lug mi appeal fioni the llh,ll h t Coin t Mmpi,) (,,ridii Andrews with him on of Wulltiku ii. ii, n r,.r iiiiitiiirr- it ,.. i...r The appi il was bisid on the ulliged for ilif.nil.ini. fact that the sin HIT lent a'ttnt bed some t m i propel I) without having the right to "- il m. I kl? Rullfll 11 r IMI ZMMmmmft Iiniloraett by p r o m t ii e ii i cieryvtn en.teach era una itnaem. 'who have foumt them to be inval uable for cltar- tng tlie voice. M. Mortn, ii French student of uvl ntlon, fell thirty feet while praclltlng nt Charlevlllo and was fatally Injured. TA WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE Because it is the only place in Honolulu where you are protected and have all improvements MAKIKI BEAUTIFUL GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR. Don't let someone else get the profit that belongs toy n A. H. DONDERO, 83 Merchant St mkJUm. t