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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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cft4 4riBT?''i'T? .7fiwww?.Trairr..i!viimr hbrksX''-mw9 sw 7?f ;r m. ?, y -? ' ' , EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H, WEDNE8DAY, NOV. 15, 1911. fa RARE MELODY iONTHE LIMINE V, . A nerles of musical recitals rendered oiitlio, opin decks of the, Mnt Kon Navigation steamer I.urllne durlni? thojojiBcQ-oin Son Prnncldco to Ho nolulu Is now u memory, but tlio rec nliiTllnii of It will ,bo ilnttirlnff itown thojturrhlorn uf time likened unto nn frighted cut drnKnInu n tin-plated np-poiilngc. ;Tbn Two Jnckn," a team which In ancient to liuvo runlcrlnliy nnninten inpft tlinii onn of tlio forty-nlno rnhln pnSM tigers to forget present trnublen sucK ns rr.ol do nicr, afforded nil sorts off rtinuxi incut on tlio trip. 'Till" I.urllne ntcnmctl Into tlio hnrtor thhj niornltiR, nnd from tlio dciks ema nittril nuuiids vvhlih brought one hack tojilia dns "down on the farm." A iwilr of Jniknnncs rained the welkin iinOiey scented llilds of waving groin from nfnr. fn nddltlnn to these bois terous, mid at tlnicH uiiKfntlemunly nn. Imtils, the doikloud of Kfutk Includeil 11a liiml, of whkh were n number of l.lX.I.-d initio for local ImportirH nnd thirty-nix bend mules mid sovernl horn on. Turner Charlie Wurrm linn been In diuid nt times to tuke n bnnd ulong the line or providing entertainment for bU p.u.M-iigtrs. Wurren ran hImk nomc vvWn It i tunes to n pinch nnd there In nothing doluR In the vnudevlllo line. It In r'iM tbut when the pinnengers htnrk- in .1 to the corrugated strnlnn ema nating from the Colorudo canaries, tboy iipiarid to lone nil Inti rent III furtlur error IS toward entertainment. In nddltlon to the cabin Jlmt, nine stternge pimnenKeri) arrived. Kour tiiu workuda)H wire takuin nt Sin rrnuclxtn tu nerve nn "chnmhermnldn" to the nnnortni) nt of town, bullockn, lulvin, mulun, hornon nnd lant, but not lenft the Jnckn. Ladies The line of Sample Dresses from $2.95 to $17.50, jusc opened ex Mongolia, are truly wonderful values.. There is Style, Cut and Good Lines to every gar ment. The material alone is worth more money. Last week our 75c line of Children's Dresses made every- body sit up and take notice. v The' Great Snap this week in Women's Apparel is a bigger wonder. The I.urllne brought the banner inrro of r.iiOO tons, of tthUh 2300 wire truh nblpped from American llaw'ullau frelKhtirn. Twelve uulos lire on the lint, nn In nlnu n big motor-driven traction engine. The venml mine nloiiKnldc the wharf nt fi o'clock, linv- iik bei n panned by Dr. (1 W. MiOoy of the quarantine ncrlce, who wan tt pnnnmgir The I.urllne In to proceid to Knhutiil, where 4 CO tonn of frelx'tt arc to bo dlnihnrgid The olllcirn re port the ellow fever nenre nn ntlll working much ilnmugu to tourlnt pro" ptctn along the Const. CAN TELL ABOUT Here's nn opiwrtitnlty for nil the peoplo of Honolulu who hnvo found wrlttBlers nnd mosquito larvno In Imii ana plnnts or eluewlicre to come foi wnrd with the proof. The "Inncct Rime)" of Honolulu In to he helped by the collection of nil evidence available. The Public Ser vice Annoclntlon roams hnvo been He- cured nnd nnono may ki there mul Klvo out the result of his observa tions. It will nil bo ciillccleil nnd mndo available for the citizens' coin nilltee. FULL HARBOR BOARD WILLMEET TODAY Thero Is to bo a meeting of the Hoard of Harbor CommlsslouciH this nfternoon nt 2 o'clock In tlio Cupllol, Commissioner James Wiikollnld, who lias recently returned from u trip tu the mainland, Is expected to give the Hoard bis Ideas ns tu what he nw during bis travels, mid Commissioner R A. Ilermll, who arrived this morn ing, Is ulno looked to for noiue xug- KCHtlollK. ' ' . M Mnll.llntl ...r Tr ! Have you se6i the Marvelous Value we are showing in Ready-to-Wear Apparel? It's no use talking. You can't help it. For Value you must go to Jordan's DRILLSHEDLOT BADLYNEEDED (Continued from Pago 1) inniubr of the Wcntcrn Dlvlnlon, will look Into the matter ilurlni; hit ntay lure, ni the illlilemy of the .Vatlonal (luiird oeuun dlriitt) iindir the head of ll.ibu'n ibfcnnm, which Hiihjxt he Is Invi ntlK.itluS tleneral Mnioinb, do p.irtnunt coiiiniiiulr, ban nlrcndv n nt to the Wur Uepuitimnt n ntron en iliirx melit for the rttiirn of the nlto In the Tirrltory lor nriuorv purpimen, I mid It It roiillu.ntlv expiitnl that (lui- irnl Jliirrny will miike the name no iimuieiiiliitloii whin he bin familiarized blinxlf with cniulltlnnn aft Promised Return. The nlte wiintul b the Ttirltory fur an minor) Imnine the pioperly uf tlm I'tilUil HtutiH by u pioilamatliiu Isnileil lO f'rcddiut .MiKluley In IkUU. At Hint time the nlte wan In Ing lined by the Guard of Hawaii, tlio ilrlllhiil ami ulhir bullillugn Hurt on bilng mod fur urmni) nnd nturagu pur punoH, In 11)01 I'.mlilcut Tuft, thin Secre lar of War. promfoe.d tbnt the lot would bo Kliirncd to the Tirrltory nfc mioii an ot In r uriiiliKcini ntn had Ixeil jinidii fur iiarUilug lVdiral Irmp". Ah ii mattir nt rait, on onl one uii'iihiuii, whin llie trminpoit W'nrren broku u piopiIKt nbart mul nun vvne imlmro fur ii wiek, ban the drllNhid bei u lined fur bounlug the regularK The drllNbed or prem lit arniory In H lorrugitid Iron liulhllug ii lt:lii;illj inn Mruitid iibiiut lsSi; fol the piupuuc or hoimlng en lain guivx, lbubim, harm-in, , In The ronf or file lillllilllllr In Hull- purKd li.l' Iron cnlumnn ami trunm, l.llt , the rour In nu loustriiilid that but hair, or one lorrupatlou ovirtapn Ii ilf of, the llrxt lorriigatlon on the iidjulnlngntar thin nbed, Willi Ii Is u great liitou nbeil, mi that nil lnav.v ralun and ull.vinliiiee, mid 1 1 are an uu tullu ur ralun aicuiiipinlid by the modunte i :-;v', ' f &..VHnLa......La..............l.lll r B...VLa.Va.l.H...Wjff nnHH UK iff MtRrfHaliaiiiBaiiHBiiiiiiiiiiiiHKHiliiflnrliiiiiiii Undo wlml (til" prevailing wind) me tin ulll thu Jolliln tliun iii.iiK, iiltluiuli III l&M, when flooring nnd pirllllniis Were put In, an attempt wun iniidi to ripalr the fnultn of the not b the uppllintlun of strips of tnrml taiivan uvir the Jolliln rtfernd to but mot of thine ennvan ntrlpM bnvi nlmeblouii off, nnd ulthuuKli tbi havi bon re nlnied iniiny tlmin. Iliei Imonie liuf- tectlve nftir n few niontlm The Jinf-'l nr ban had tu nla.v up all nlulit inoe.,1 lug nnd taring roruruin ami propmy lu thu loinpany ruulnn man) tlmm The nliltn mid eiUln of the building are or the mime ioutruitluu nn tlm luuf The inmpnio lonin, with one exieptlnn, are pirtltluuid mid with ntnriiooinn ejctiud uhuig the nlde mid one mil of the shed Tin dim! In diy wwl,r ,i the rain In wit wintlitr blow Into the drlllnlii d and the com- pnny rnu'iun thruugh the ventllitlug npaies nuir mo ruui inc nuur in worn nnd In bad rtpalr Not Weatherproof. As inrly an Jtiot tin t' ft. demt ipiarti riuanti r denlrnt tint the bullit- lug be mail, lulled mid turn down, uu the ground that It Wan limit fur nny purpuiu other than tiuipurary nturmte uf artblm pnu lluill minlTiili.l bv the wiatlur. It In true that the gun ratvk,i have been nhelterid frum virtkul tall of vvnti r leaking through thu ruuf, but the iiioliture-lnden air Is nt times' driven by the wind ngnlnit the nnim. and cr.vthlng else, for that millir Jin mine of thin the rlllm are lit nil thin , when not In list ki pt will iov I Till Willi glCIIM wllllll lllllst be II- inoved bi Tore drllln mal rtplat'id bo 11 ire the rlllen are put uvvav i nliilllng n great deal of I ilmr thai dom nut mem nlie to a man who IiiiM alroul) dune u diV'n wurk b ture i omlng to drill "tliiih r thiKe iiindllluiin the gun nltugn jilnu ITrtoine gri ined, nnd al- tt iiiikIi fniiiii nll.v ill am. I tiny are I.oiiikI to nt ill! the inen'n hloumn, udd lug another dNi iimfiirl uu drill night There ore mi nrlnalr in iluotn lu or Imllilug faelllllei 1 ..V i-tei'-,,.- The Grace and Good Form Ol ruir clothes will impress von at a glance but it takes wear to demonstrate their real worth. They nrc finely finished and expertly tailored, anil are the cor rect style. It will pay you, as a man of good taste, to see these good things in wearmg apparel for your busi ness anil dress .affairs. Agents for Phoenix Pure Silk Hose for Men and Women The Men's 50c the Pair The Women's 75c the pair ENORMOUS LEAKAGE 1 fContlnu.d from tq. It I from the Intake to uieamirliiK weir, vvliern tlio water In wild nud-ilivoitd fur the Irritation of cane. i "Tlio ditch Is liloaliy nltualed for obtaining ncep.iKo'nu'aaremeiiln, in t'luro In onlv one plnco below thu nnln Intiiko vvhero water entem tlio dllih 11111I no pl.iee vvhero It In diverted The dltili was conntrurlol nevurnlj eaiH 111;) ii'id connlnln In lurKo part' of tunnel, hut clilelly of opi n illleh. It In probable that It was mmh Iv- imii-' htructeil In the (lint place, no that n very largo pirt of the am duo In Unit fuct Thu lonsci In this dltili' arc uudoiilileilly much i eater than In' many ulhir dltchen; they may he.' however, less than In nomu othem. I "llec.iune of u nfcoinl Intake nbouti llvn mllen below tlio mntii one, it was leeennut) to make the momurenieiitH. lu two Kectlous. TIichu mc.isiircmentni weie mule on illfTerim ilavn, mid tlio! dltili w.m kept ut a unllumi KtnKu by dltdi men wliu reKiilaled .llie, llovv. , , j "Since thero w.ix uu rain, thu jluvv 011 the necoml ilu wan le;n than ouj j" Hie llrvt. Thin doen mil nffect the neuen III l!li'.iniiiiaiiieillH III Ull'll hoc. Hon, however. v iIIiiuIiik Ik the tab'e: le.i.iireini ills uf SirpiiKP l.iisnes m impurtiiiil Illleh In the Icrrllnri of Hawaii Made by llie I', S. lieuliiKlrul .Survej. DlHlauee fioiii I'low In Decrease lletween I'lilnis I'llf lluur IlllukeU:!) of .Me.isiirenieliH Miles Second I'l S'ee l"t. 'X S I'er Mile July IS II (Ml a, in.,.. u 3 1 a .inly is i r,u p. in i r. 3i a ::- nit: ti July1 IS 1:1)11 p in.... 4.0 L-J.K 14 4 r. 1 0 llll) I" I IT. ii. ii fi 3C7 July 17 II IK II III . . 7 314 , 3 3 !M) I.', July 17 1:311 p. Ill ! 31 I! IS r. I !!7 July 17 3 110 p in,,.. II T. I 3u 7 II !l ls nn Jui 17 4 uu p m Kir, ' ' i 2')fi i,2 :i'.i :i:i July 17 n in p. m 13 ' s 2ti3 3 2 HIS 4 ;l Total 13 . inn .Vole Tnt'il Inns In Hint heetloli, iihiuit f. miles lu lenntli, umuiiiiteil tu in per nut Total tonn lu second Hcctlnu, about S miles In IiiikIIi, niuoiiutcd to 2S per lent Average loin exieuled 3 per lent per mile lleluw fcidiud Inlake The Honolulu Sole Agents BAM ' if 1 a jrrn a "In the table of ineamirenienlK be low joii will no that the ila mid hour of nieanurement bivo been kIv eu, nlnu the esthn iteil dlntuncu of thu point of meahurement fiom the In take, the actual ipuntltv of water found at earh ineaHurltiK ncrtton ii. cubic fret per necoml mul tlio de erenso between itolntn of tnoisuro- tuent are expressed an necond-fect pereenlnKo difference, nnd pcicent per mile. "Von will lendlly see that Ions oe nirieil In every nertlon of the illleh tlioimh It varied eonnlderAb'.v fur the illffeicut neetlonn Tlio pjrrennse Ions per mile wun iih IiIkIi iih T.l 111 one section, mid an low an l.."i In .in other. Thu uveniKe lunn lu the entile 13 mllcB wun 3.3 per li'e, nnd the total long wan 4J pel cent. "lit other words this dltrh would huvo delivered no water at Itn end If It bad been 35 miles Iiiiik. Curly three pciient doen not teprenent nil the lews bectiiKu the water, after pisn Inc over lb" mennurlui: weir iiiiih tliroiiKh Bcvcral mllm of illtclierf on the pl.iutntlrii he'ore belli; uned fur IrrlKutlon It in piohablu that r,5 or CO pcuent of llie watrr ntiirta dnwu thu ditch never re.icliea the etine." &atW7 Music Co., Ltd., 88 King Street -' - t-- .ev'y j i mm u & UMWti m km ii n... r -PS'Ji&r.-MMTr- tT$S&Wm mi.x.sXrit ritmijiJtAM lii!ft. Vti V. i ' mm TtK i u& -im r9-nt V,1i'xJWa ??r PLANS PROGRESS r J Tin' piintHiniil ineetln; of the IiiihS liens men nained on comniltleen froii) vmldim orKiiulzitlonn ioiiiIiIiiIiir I'll (leet ii (oiniueiclul bullilliiK w m lu'fii M'Hterduv nfteitionii nnd another will lie liepi tiuinv ) iih mm vv'ui met ct eida dlMiiHPed thg p issllillllli a of various licilluns but no deelnlo'i w'm mrlveil at. Thu floro nlle. ficlni; I'.i'- nee Squire, vvnn e innli'ered ton fir dl?ltiit rem thu cunte of the elty V. It. Cantlo, vvltu wa mule pei ninueiit ihnlriuii'i nt jesterdav'n inert tlm. ileeluied Hint he, helleven Ilia bullilliiK Khniihl fue the l"e Imjl InilfilliiL' .mil Hm I. ille- iv 111 lm ireeted on tlm Mahukn nlte, and llrj.o In Home talk uf piilMiiR the ballillin; on ionic and lllsliup ntrectn, mi tlio WalUII.I-maiika rnrner If It In nvn I- rble. "2 Chit ken HilerrH nrn Mel 1 1 an busytlii the ilty's fuIiii lit. A nlulit or so :i"k fi H.trdeHty, a resident of I'.ilolo Vol ley, lost n llutk of about in .viiiiiik plllletu that weto but loinmeuelui; tu lay. Then) In a lilt; xuiprle In nluro lor thu Ihlet If he fn i.iurM In nny other of the vnido '" vlemliv 1 1 Paul It IkeuberK llled hl.t iii'ioiillts lu the esta'e of tlm I ite Wll lliim Woullinm In the I'licult Court, lie links lu bo charuoil with $IS3 IS mid allowed t312 2.'i New Wash Skirts At- SACHS V J ! i- aiJrJUjA J l. , 1 A 1