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ypprmmrw au'wisp mw "mymt nminm'XIKlmmm)V PW ' i'j ii lpii uijiunrnp EVENINQ BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15, 1911. 9 Oceanic Steamship Company Leave 8. r. ocronnit 14.... novum ui:it 4... NOVUM IIBIt 25.. DBCKMflBR 16.. JANUARY C Arrive Hea OCTOHKR 20 ..NOVKMHKIl 10 ....nncKMiinu i ...ui:ci:.Mni:ii 22 .JANUARY 12 first class, single, 8. F. S1 10 nrtt class, round trip, Ban Franolsee. ,-- 0. BREWIR A CO., LTD., General Agents. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Bteamcra of tho above company will en or about tho dales mentioned below: FOR THE ORIENT. 8; China OetoberW B. 8. Manchuria October 23 8. 8. Mongolia November 13 B. 8. Persia,. . December 6 for general Information apply to H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., agents TOYO RISEN Steamer of the abore Company will about the dates mentioned below: FOR THE ORIENT. S. S. Chiyo Miru October 31 S. 8. Nippon Man November 21 8. 8. Tenyo Maru November 28 8. 8. Shiovn Maru December 19 Matson Navigation Comptany DIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO AND HONOLULU FROM 8AN FRANCISCO. FOR BAN TRANCISCO. 8. 8. Wllhelmina October 31 S. 8. Lurline November 15 8. 8. Wllhelmina November 28 8. 8. Lurline December 13 8. 8. Lurline December 19 t' 8,8. HONOLULAN tails from 8eattle for Honolulu direct on or about NOVEMBER 28, 1911. 8. 8. ENTERPRISE of this line tails from San Francisco for Honolulu direct on or about NOVEMBER IS. Freight and combustibles. 8. 8. KILAUEA of this line tails 'on or about NOVEMBER 20. Far further partloulart', apply ta . CASTLE A C00KI. LTD.. Ctanaditan-Austrialian Roy al -Mail STEAMSHIP FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. B. 8. ZEALANDIA.... NOVEMBER 8 9. S. MAKAMA DECKMUKR a S. MAKURA JANUARY 3 IXE0 H. DAVHI A CO., LTD.. QEHIIAL A0EKT1. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU Via Tehuar.tepoc, every tlxth day. Freight received at all timet at the Com pany's wharf, 41t Street, South Brooklyn. FROM SEATTLE OR TAC0MA TO HONOLULU DIRECT 8. 8. ARIZONAN, to tall about JANUARY 14 8. 8. MISSOURIAN, to tail about JANUARY 25 8. 8. MEXICAN, to tail about FEBRUARY 5 For further Information apply to H. HACKFELD A CO, LTD, agente, Honolulu. C P. MOR8E, General Freight Agent. Phone 2295 Reaches Hustaoe-Peck Co..!Ltd. ALL. KINDS OP ROCK AND 8AND FOR CONCRETE WORK. FIREWOOD AND COAL. 3 QUEEN STREET P. O. BOX til FIRE INSURANCE The B. F. Dillingham Co. t LIMITED antral Agent for Hawaii: vitas Assurants Company of London. Now York Underwriters' Agency, fravldencs Washington Insurance Co. Ith FLOOR, BTANQENWALD BLDQ. LIFE INSURANCE la not a Luxury; It It a Ntcitilty. But you Mutt have tht BEST m tint is provided jy ths famous ,ine most tqulttbla Laws of Masta- hueetts, In ths lew England Mutual Life Insurance Co. B08TON. MASSACHUSETTS. it yu would bs fully Informed about rtisat la'wt, addraaa CASTLE & COOKE, MNIRAL AGENTS. . HONOLULU. T. H. Arrive S. F. OCTOHHIl 31 ...NOVHMIIKIl 21 ,...iji:ci:miii:ii 12 JANUARY 2 JANUARY 22 JANUARY 17. cnll at Honolulu and leaTa tnli port FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 8. 8. Mongolia Octobr21 8. 8. Persia November 10 8 8. Korea November 18 8. 8. Siberia December 1 KAISHA call at and leava Honolulu oa or' FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 8. 8. Nippon Maru October 27 8. 8. Tenyo Maru November 3 8. 8. Shlnyo Mrru November 24 8. 8. Chlyo Maru December 22 CA8TLE A COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu, 8. 8. Wilhrlmina November S. 8. Lurline November 21 8. 8. Wllhelmina December 8 from San Franoitco for Honolulu direct General Agents. Honolala COMPANY 0 FOR VANCOUVER. 8. S. MAKAMA NOVKMI1ER 7 8. S. MAKURA DKCEMHBR S S. S. ZBALANDIA JANUARY 2 Oahu Rail way Time Table Outward, Fur Wla, Walalua, Kanaka sad Way Stations '1:16 a. m.. I:20 p. m For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Bunions. 17.30 a. m., :1S a m 11:30 a. m., ejilS p. m., "3:20 p. SB, 6:16 p. m., t:S p. in.. tlltlK p. m. For Wablawa and Lellehua MOiiO a. m., !:! p. m., tl:10 p. in., tll:ll P. m. Inward. Arrive Honolulu from Kahuka, Wal aulsa and Walaoae ,;ls a. an. 6:31 p. m. Arrive Honolulu from Kara Mill and Pearl City 17:45 a. m., '8:36 a. m.. 11:02 a. m "1:40 p. ro., 4:2I p. m.. 5:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m. Arrive Honolulu from Wablawa and Lellehua :15 a. m., U:4 p. m., i:Il p. m., 110:10 p. m. The ilalelwa Limited, a two-hour train (only Drat class tickets honored), leu res Honolulu every Sunday at 8:36 a. m.; returning, arrives In Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. The Umlle.i slope only at Poarl City and Whlnnae outward, and Walanae, Walpanu and PearJ City Inward. Dally. fBunday Bicepted. JBuudey Only. O. P. DBNiaON, F. C. 8MITH. Superintendent a P. A, B a 1 1 e 1 1 a phone nambers arai tdlterlal msss I1U Bastnrss Oasr KM, Leave Hon. OCTOHIlll 25... NOVKMIIBIl 15., dhckmiikii ... dbckmhiiii 27.. Iitabliiaea is 1BII Bishop & Co. BAN1XM Commercial and Traelers' Letter of Credit issued cm the Bank of California and The London Joint Stock Bank Ltd., London. Correspondents f i t a American Express Company and Thos. Ccok 4 Bon. Interest allowed on Term and Bavinp Bank Deposits. BANK OF HONOLULU LOnTEP PAID CAPITAL, 1600,0c Sncceitora U CLAUS SFHECKELI A CO. Invites jour Account tasl ofers satisfactory service). Loans at market ratts. Exchange and Cable trans fers. Travelers' Credits and Checks available everywhere. The Yokohama Specie Bank, Limited MEAD fHTICR. .YOKOHAMA .Ten 24,000,000 CaplUI (Paid Up), iteserve Fund...., ileneral banking business transacted. Bavlugs accounts for II and upwards. Fire and burglar-proof vaulta, with Safo Deposit Uosea for rent at 12 per year and upwards Trunks and cases to be kept oa custody at moderate rates. Particular to be applied for. 1-U AKAI, Maaaar, Honolulu Olllce, llethel and Mer chants Si reels Telephone 2421 and I6V4 m. o. Box 118. TWO FORD MACHINES Just as pood as new three saata One 200 one 1250. Oahu Machine Shop 301 QUEEN AND RICHARDS STS. Telephone S14 Honolulu Electric Co. Xnt-ineering uA CoatnetiBi Honse-Wirinr Hjpairint, loislies 1187 ALAKEA 8T. Near Beretaait Wo do SHEET METAL WORK and PLUMBING of all kinds, and guaran tee satisfaction. Your patronage is so licited. Prompt attention to jobbing. EMMELUTH Phone 1511 & CO., LTD, 145 King 8tre4t BUILDING MATERIAL t ux mm. B1AIIIJ a iumiik. aLUM A BOBilMI. saea Itrset ;s :: eloaolala Blank hooka nf all aorta, ledgers, etc., manufactured by the llulletln Publishing Company Mosquitoes Breed in Water Puddles Consequently, to get rid of mosquitoes you should get rid of tho puddles. We have the material to use in filling them. The price Is right. Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd. ROBINSON BUILDING .... QUEEN 8TREET Alexander k Baldwin, LIMITED Sugar Factors. Commission Merchants, and Insurance Agents Agente for Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. Haiku Sugar Company. Pnlu Plantation. Maul Agricultural Company. Hawollnn Sugar Company. Knhuku Plantation Company. Mcllrydo 8tiRiir Company. Knhulul Railroad Company. Kauai Hallway Company. Honolua Ranch. Haiku Fruit and Packing Company. Kauai Fruit and Land Company. Castle&CooRe, LIMITED Honolulu, T, H. 8HIPPINQ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SUOAR fACTOIlS AND GENERAL IN8URANCE AQENTS Represent'ng Rwa Plantation Co. Walalua Asjlcnltural Co., Ltd. Kohnta Sugar Co. Waltnea Bufar Mill Co. Apokaa Sugar Co. Ltd Fnltnu Iron Wnrka ot 81 Looia ' Babcock A Wilson Pumps Qreen'a Fuol Kcouumtitrs Mataou Natliatlon Co C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND GENERAL MERCHANTS OKKJCHHB AND DlltHCTOItS li K HISHOP Prchldcnt IIKO. If, HOHIJItTSoN , Vice-President and Manager W. W. NORTH Treasurer RICHARD IVUHH.t Secretnry J. It. OAI.T Auditor OHO. 11. OARTKR'.'i Director It. A. COOKH... .fr... ...... .Director AT "O AIlfi5YVrr.i . k Director Chemical Engines and Watchman's Clocks For Sale by A. OIIM1I Fort (Street DLAKE-KNOWLES SUGAR HOUSE PUMPING MACHINERY Honolulu Iron Works COMPANY Agents for the Hawaiian Islands PACIFIC EN0IHEE1IM COMPANY, LTD. Consnltinr;, Deiifrninf an Cesv- strnctlns; Engineers. Bridges, BuiMing. Conerets Itras tores. Steel Strnctures, kBitary lyt terns, Reports and Estimates oi Re fects. Phone 1MB. Pau Ka liana MOVE8 THE EARTH W. C. Achi ATTORNEY AT LAW Kaplolani Building Honolulu, ', H P. O. Box MS P. H. BURNETTE Commissioner of Deeds for California and New York NOTARY PUBLIC) Grnt Marriage Licenses). Draws Mort- gages, ueeds, unit of Bale, Leases, Wills, etc. Attorney for the Distriet Courts. 79 MERCHANT 8T HONO LULU. PHONE 1S44V "BB-SB tax Chas. R. Frazier Company rODI ADVWTWIM Phone 1371 122 King It. LEOAL NOTICES. No. 210. 'TERRITORY OK HAWAII. COURT OK LAND REGISTRATION. TERRITORY OK HAWAII to MltH. C. 1.1.0YDJ Itl('IIAItl) ANTON Hi ANNA I'llll.l.II'H; J. IIARROMi M'.VI HOOKANOi J. A.MACIOON; K TANAKAl K. VUNAMUDAi J. J. COMIM; W.M. HAVIIMIIJ (Triia trp M llnri'to nstutf); K.OOAWAi I.OPIS rlONKAI.VUM: M. P. IIOM. INHON (Tnmtrp J llnliliiHon Ka tiitf): TAM gilONH; JANH DOU ADAMH (wlfp nr D.ivld Allans, ilc crnKi'dl: (inolUli: II lll'IUii:H.Si HUllKHTlllllttlCSS: MARY lltm (li:SH; WILLIAM Pt'Olli IIMMA putiii: ciiaui.i:h iiuiiokhhi rnilRITOIlY OP HAWAII, y ai xmidrr I.IihNh)', Jr, an Attorney (irncnil. and liy Maixtnn Inton Cnnip - ' . . .. ni III nf Pi Idle lirll, an yui'frlntfnclr WorkKj CITY AND COUNTY OK llONOI.IM.r. I.y Jocili J Kern. iih Mayor and President of tho Hoard of KuuervlMirii; nnd to AI.I.!Enrd 'or Reeord November 13, 1911, whom It inny concern: Vherenn, n pitltlon Iihh been pre pentnl to xiild Court liy Till: HOARD OK TIIK. HAWAIIAN KVANOHI.ICAI. ASSOCIATION, an Hawaiian corpor ation, Honolulu, llawnll, to reRlMcr and confirm IIh title In the follow InR dcxtrlhci hind: HeliiR portloiiH of I, C A. 818, Apanna 1, 2, and 3, to O lleckley; I.. C. A. 3330:1. to lliwahewa; 1 C. A. 1519:3, In Kapule; I.. C. A. 110.1:2, to A Adama; U C. A. S0.l:l. to A. Ailainx, and Mi helo Award SO, to liumaka, Kallhl, Konn, Oahu CoinmeiicliiK at a 2" Riilvnnlzed pipe lllled with ccninnt, act In concrete nt tlio South tornrr of thin lot, which icnra friini a flotrrninrnt Hnrcy Mon ument near the North corner of tlullrk Avenue and KIiir Street. 134" 3f.' 20" ill-lnnt 738 i'i." feet, and runnlni? us fol Iowh hy true nxliuuths: 1. 238 4.T 2f.0.8 feet nloiiR feme to Iron pin (Mrs, C Lloyd. owner); 2 251" 20' 122 0 feet nloriR mine (Mrs. C. I.lnyd, owner): 3 172' 3f.' 23 0 feet nlonK I. C. A, 818:3, to (I. Heckley, to Iron pin (It. Antnne, owner); 4 2M; 42' 3.'.8 U feet nlonK Ktoncwall and fence to Iron pin: K.3 39 lll.i; feet nlonK fence to Iron plu (J A Miikodii, owner): 1 r.r." "2 S45 0 feet nloiiR Haute (J. A MiiRonn, ouner); U4 52' 13. 4 feet nloiiR Hiune (J. A. MiiRonn, owner); M" 3'J' 30" 146.31 'feet nloiiR wuno (J J CoiiiIim, owner); .126 47' 93 0 feet nlonK hiiiiio ( (imiHaUcs, owner); 10. S.1 o:,' 4112 0 feet iiIiiiir miino (l.nuls OonMihes, owner); 11. 132 .4;' tiO.S feet nlonK fame (I.iiiiIh (IoiishIvcs. owner) ; 12. 61" ?7' 43.7 feet nlonK fence ami rondwiiyto-lron 'pin "(Ik flmi calves, owner); 13. S3 ny 14.9 feet nlonR Milne (I,. Onnsalves, owner); II. tii 47" .! feet nlonR annui (I.. tloinalveK, owner); 1!i 59 35' 123 0 feet nlonR name to 2" Knlviinlzcd pipe lllled Villi ce ment nnd set In concrete, on the new maiikit line of ICInR Street; III. :il 37' 30" 3S2 0 feit lllnilR the new inaiikn line of KIiir Street, to the Initial point CnutnlnliiR an urea nf f. sr.H-1000 acres. You nn hereby cited to appear at the Court of IjiiiiI IliKlxtnitloll, tu bn held at the City and County of Ho nolulu on I lie 1st d.iy of December, A I) 1 : 1 1 . ut one o'clock and thirty minutes In the afternoon, tu show i'iiiim'. If any ou line, wny tlie prayer of hi Id petition should not lie Kranted. And unless jou appear at said Court at the lime and place aforesaid your default will be recorded, and the said petition will be taken as confessed, nnd ou will be forever burred from con trstliiR said petition nr liny decreo en tep-d thereon Witness the Honorable W. J. HOIl INSON. JudRn or said Court, this 7th day of November, In the year nineteen hundred and eleven, AtlcM with Seal of said Court: (Keal) M. T. HIMONTON. ItcKlstrnr. f.077 Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29, NOTICE OF 8ALE OF PUBLIC LANDS ON HAWAII. At 12 o'llock noun, Saturday, No einber ii, 1911, at the front door to the Capitol, Honolulu, there will sold at public auction, under provi sions of Puit V, Land Ait of IK'JS. HcitloiiH 270-2X5 Imliislve, Revised Jjihh of Hawaii, general leases of the follow Iiir described lands: (1) (lov eminent laud at Moaula, Kan, Hawaii, lontaluliiR an area of 467 aires, more or less. Upset rental 11000 per milium; imiahli! seml-umiually In ailMince. Term of lease, 10 years from Juno 16, 1911 (2) (ioverniuent land of Pallmn, Kan, Hawaii, contnlulnR mi urea of 13S.72 ncrus. more ur less. Upset ren tal J I (10 per annum; payable semi-an nually In advance. Term of lease, 10 enrs flinii .October 1, 1911. Reserva tions reRiirdltiR laud required by the (iov eminent for settlement, public or reclamation purposes, will be embodied in these leases Tor maps and further' q. OryjG liifi.ri.iiitlnn, apply at the, olllie of thn'rllOne CVdO, Commissioner of Public Lands, Capitol lliilldltiK. Honolulu ciiAiti.HH s junn, Ciiuimlsslouer of Public Uimls IMIed at II lulu, October 21, 1911. Mitiii Oit -ii; Nov. 1, S, 15, 22, 25. Weakly U a 1 1 e 1 1 a II ser year, CORPORATION NOTICES. NOTICE OF CHANGE IN PARTNER. 8HIP. Nntin' l liiridiy Klicn that on th" ('.III iln) nr Nnciiihpr. A I) 1911, l.iiin Yt-p Klnc. I.iiiii I Jin .Sinn and "MtlK Patk ulllnlrpw n parltKrn from Kuone Kins l.oy (oniaii. and Hint Maid iirlnTli!i N now romiioid of tlio follow Iiik pi-rMiim. In wit Nk Chuck, Nk Ah Chi'W, Wal Toiik and N(J Chock All oiitMtandliiK lialillllh'x iiKiilnnt kmIiI Kwoiik SIiik l.oy Comimnv Iuip liwn fiHKiiinrd liy the fald Nk Chink. Nk All Chew. Wal ToiiK and Nk flurk. and all ilrliti iluc Mild llriu are i.i to the iirrrolm hint niPiitlonril KWONtl HINO l.OV COMPANY lit' Nil All IMIMVV - n.n , ,, r'09fit MnniiRrr REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. From 10)30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m S.iriil Kiitiohiiiilulu to J K Nnkoo- kon 1) J IC NakooUoo and wf to Mary H Koxtcr . 1) Knpeka M Cuiuinlnx nnd hxli to Henry Smith. Ir M llmll)' Nelxon and lili to Nclllu Yoiiiik I' Knhlklna Kanuha and wf to Ku- Irlmann Kanuha I) Haona Kuril and wf to Walalua Auretl Co Ltd M I.orrln K Smith to tun llaiuin- Youns Co Ltd CM Mnhoc Knuttik'Mi ami lili to Mra i:ilr.alietli K I toot li. tr M K'nlu Kal.twc (w) to llnrr) I. Kwul I) John Alapal In Harry I.e Kunl it al , I) (1 W McHoiiriiII and wfto Wil liam J lloopir I Ralph A Kearnh to William W MH.owaii I) Mrn .1 A CuinmluM to Martin Melt IIS O 1. fHtiiMtn and wf to John Mc- rmldeii I) Sol Kauai and wf and ly tr to YonK Shun I) Yoiik Shun hy ntt to DiiKald Cauipliell . . ... M J .1 Ilrummond to Yoiik Shun .. .Itel Entered for Record November 14, 1911. From 8i30 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. V Vim Sam to Tr of Tiuib Coney D Albert Muckeii7le mid wf to Har- rlil C Hitchcock ! Y Ahln lo Willi. nil It Cactle. tr .. M H.nld M Louolilwii nnd wf to A II Lindsay 1) ses Week l Unll.llt SI Bvr ROSA J CO. Good Old Guckenheimer Pure Rye Bottled In Bond JULES PERCHARDS A Fl LB- CALIFORNIA SPARKLING WINES We Deliver to Any Part of the City PHONE Sill ROSA & CO., Alakea and Qneen streets PRIMO BEER Ton'U Ind they're all food lows here. fsl "It's the Fashion" Hotel nr. Fort D. H. Oaeies, Pros Rainier Beer FOl IALI AT AU BAJU Telephone 2131 Macfarlane&Co.Ltd. Agents For INGLEN00K WINES P. 0. Box 48fc OWL 0IOA NOW Is BDKIT 4 CO. . A. Afsnu I acific Jaloon KINO AND NUUANU 8THF.KTI MOVEMENTS OF MAIL STEAMERS -4- 4 vksski.s rii .tiimrt: Friday, Nov. 17. HniiRkonR lu Japnn poita Korea, P. M. S. H. llainliurK, AntKorp nnd iorts Ckiwii of Oiillch, Br. Klinr. Saturday, Nov. 18. Newcastle, N. S. W. Hello of Iro-, llr. atiur. Hllo ia way Kitls Mnuna Ken, alinr. Sunday, Nov. 19. Maul, Molokul ami Lnnal potto Mlkahnl.i, aliur. Kauai potts Klnnti, Kttnr. Kauai mrts Nneaii, Ktmr. Friday, Nov. 24. HnnRknnR via Japan ports Sliltiju Muru, Jnp. stlnr. Tuesday, Nov, 28. San Krunclfco Tono Mum, Jap. Htmr. San Krnnclsco Wiltictinlnn, M. N. S. S. i vi:sm:i,s to hkpaiit i Wednesday, Nov. 15. Manila via ( Thomas, U. 8. A. T., S p. in. Thursday, Nov. 16. Kauai jiorts W. (i. Hall, slinr., C p. in. Friday, Nov. 17. Hawaii la Maul jKirts Claudlne, ktmr., S p. in, Saturday, Nov. 18. San Kranclhco Kmca, P M. S, a. Tuesday, Nov. 21. San Franclscn l.urllnr, M. N. 8. 8. Kona and Kan porta Manila Loa, stinr., noon. Friday, Nov. 24. San rrnnclaco Hlilnjo Maru. Jap stinr. Tuesday, Nov. 28. HnnKkoiiR tla Jnpau (Kirts Tenyo Maru. .lap. stinr. - MAILS 4 Malls are due from the following mints as follows: Man Kranrlsco Tenjii Muru. Nov. 28. Yokohama Korea, Nov IS. Victoria Mamma, Dec r, . Colonies- Mnktirn, Dec. D, Malls will depart (or the tollnwlos points aa follows: Yiiknlinmsi Tclijo Maru Nov. 28. Vancouver Makur.i, Ivec. 5. San Kranclsco Korea, Nov IS. dyilnv) Maratua, Pee. fi ; 4. TRANSPORT SKItVICK 4 Hlx, nt .Manila. !)Rnn, from Manlli, ariived Hoiiolulu, nnil aalled Nov. 3 for 8an Kran clsco. Sherman, sailed from Honolulu for Manila, arrived Nov. .1, Sheridan, at San Francisco, nrrhed Oct. IS. Crook, at Han rrnnclsco. Itufnril, nt San Kranclsco. Warren Stationed at tho Philippines. Thomas sailed from San Kranclsco, arrived at Honolulu, Nov, 14. PASSKMIKIIS DKIMIITDI) Per O. S. S. Sierra, fur Sail Kr.iu 1'lsro, Nov. IS Miss Clara M. Ilium, Mrs. A. Ilronn, C. Ilolle. K. K. Mush, Mrs. B. Colin. Mis. M. II Crawford. Miss C. Crawford, II. B O.tvls, Mrs. C. T. IsHuies, Mrs. .1. ,. Dyer nnd In fant, Mis. II. Ii. ICverdlnc and child, I It. Kredcnhall. M. It. nallnwny .1. M. (liilliiway, H. Ilcrzcr, Mrs, John A. I Inches .1, (1 lliiqhcs, J HiiKhes, Miss I.. Iliiniusnti, Mrs. M. Johns, He v. r'ather Joseph, )r. II. MeV. Mackull. I.. Michael. M. K. MrKnroe. II. W. Mc 'iilnsh, N Nlelsiui, Mrs. c. Pdtlen. Mrs. II. T Plinnmer. Mls I). Plum iner, Hnv. Cither llPRlnnhl, Miss K. :tehsioek, I. Itlchards lrs. Klrhanls, .iit. V. Illrlili'r. Mis. J. C Stone. It. I Taj lor. Mts. Tajlor Miss II. Tll'o .iiisnit. A. Valentllif M'ss B WaMo. Miss M W'nrne. K. M. Watson, A (I. Will". V. K Nelll. Per stinr. Manna Kei. for Hlln li way ports, Nov. II. Mrr Ceo. Dosha, V V. Dunn, O. II Devcrlll, Mrs. . II. DodKe. Ilcv S. Desha, J Ordeiistein, Mr. Odell, Mrs. Halt. H Midicol 'Irs. J. V. McQnlre V lliinl, T. Os.i VI. Mis. IIIrbs nnd friend. A. K. Kiist- cr, I), P Kuster. Mis. C. . lleRRs. MUa lltil. Itev Chum; Haw Hi. J P Mo delros nnil wife. H. Illrcli. J. I,. Ilvnn. (J. II. Wilson; Miss Wilton, (leo. It I.jiiiis nnd wife, P. O .limns, H. A. Kpjstiini-. Itev (J. I.. Kop.i. Mrs, T C Hatlle, Mrs, Cluil Cheo and two children, II (liars mid w'fn Mr. Coe kett, A. (1 llariuer. II K. Ilellliron. Mr. Hamaumtii. Per stmr Kinaii, fur Kmril lsirts, Nov 1 1 K. Oay, Mrs, I.., II Bh icrs, A. Copp, A. (! I.eotiR, J I). Dou hitty. K. A. Alexander. II. M dlttol. S. P. Hob and party, (1. Itlrhard, It. .1 linker. II. S. Henry K. IslioiioRa L. Hoe, I). L. Ales . (. WATKIIKIMI.NT XITK.S 4 Hyades Ready for Sea In December. Tho work of InstallliiR lirco nnl nsses tanks In the Mntsou NavlR-itlnii stoamer llymles Is hclni; rushed altiiiR nt Seattle and that vessel hss been placed on the heith to sail for Hono lulu on December Itlth Thu lly.idcs slirnilil arrUc lietc on or ih'iut lie i ember I'Clh Some llltv thousand ilul l.irs has been spent In making tho iniproveinciiu). liu'nMitatrU i, t- .u-