OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, November 23, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-11-23/ed-1/seq-9/

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" ""WWU"
(I" n The Bulletin's Page of Sports I
' Use Iml I 1 s
i i
w Apple Cider
Stmi Absolulely Pure. fffS
Iml Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., m
Thi charge "f nnfiilr nnil Incotnpe
liit r, fi'n cliu: In (hi' High School-Col
I'm of Hawaii name Kalunlu) last,
I'liuuiht l Hi.' iniiiur lenin. nml the
Hal il Hint nf the iiilitllliiniil ihnrRc of
rounh pliiv iihmIi' by Havvnll, bus served
to tir up inure Intm-st In tnnlhall tlnti
nin Ihiiii? tiiiit luii mine up iIurliiK tin
pn nit n isnn Win ii tviivthliiK wns
l-'ilnt, smimlhlv riiiitliall talk nt 1 1 It'll.
Hit" ii nml Ptiuuhnii was coutlncil tn
One of California's Best Quality Table Wines
Red, White and Sparkling
Large and Small Bottles
Special Attention Paid to Family Trade
Lovejoy Co.,
"A Car for the Discriminating Tew"
Complete American Line for the
Season of 1912
Cor. Alnkea Hid Hotel Sta. . Phone 3009
CEO. B. BECKLEY, Sole Distributor
Tirst conciunment of this Cel Lraletl TADLC WINC to reach this
Temlory from Portugal.
Cases of 1 doz. Large Bottles, $6.50
" 2 doz. Small " 7.00
plattr (iml u fi w enthusiasts Niv
linn' Institution mi' IiiiIiik with
llM' viiril lino only to lose It on downs
l n resistance which seonitl t-mlnw-til
Willi Mii'iiKtli thnt was Kupi'iliiiuiiin
Mill' "III fellows were MUll til plllllt
tu these striiKKlc Willi prlili', as ih-in-iiiisdutlniis
uf the fpli It of tin' Kami
wlili'h made toiirnKi-nus American, uinl
thev wire iiinri' tlmii linir rlKlit
Tin- tin-.vnrd Hup nml tin- live nrd
lino slriiKglcs have been allium clhu
Innti'il It Ik unly rnrel) Hint 1 1 nt
tuckhiK ti'iini N within live Minli nf u
tiiiiL'liiluwii fur it wirlminnuc
ir It docs liuppi'ii ti In' thnt i Inii' tlm
pnilialilllty N thnt n fuiuhli was more
lcspnnslhlu than initial onrrv ln nf the
In the Danger Zone.
I'mli r the new- rule-l, whirr It pa)
in kick nml to have n hoimI kicker the
ml II Klit of foulhiill tukt'H pl.ici' In
wlm t nilulit hi' I'ntk'il tin- danger zone.
the twenty-live-
l.lve wires amoiiK tht local
lilies nri wurkliiK out n plnu for
an alatlon meet, to hi lit hi lu-ie
some lime lutweui now uinl tlu
llmt of thi' i'ur Tin" pioi'i't'ili
of thi' show ari' Inti'iuli il to swell
till' IiuIIiIIiik fuml
The picscnce of II K (lonlnn,
tin- Ciiith.i uvlutor, has stirred
up a lot of liH'nl Interest In tin
HjllIK K.llllf, mul It I thollKht
Tlh.it tlm tluii- Is rtpi' for 11
nit etlni,'. lioiitnn has tun niii
ihlius loiiiiiiK, uinl linn Just pur
ihaHi'il Hit- plane construed d hy
(lu Sihncfir, whkh I" uhout
ri'nil) to tnl.c tin1 nlr
Five-Club League Probable
For Next Year With Fast
Japanese Team In.
Thirn Is 11 probability thnt the Am-
When the
Union-Pacific Transfer Co.
handles your baggage it
gets on the right steamer
Office, Kino 8t, next Young. Hotel Telephone 1874 and 1875
liaii-liMl ami tin, ilowni ur.' ulnio-t s(t.1P -11KUl. ,,i't himkoii A int.-liiiK ..W ...nimi'lliur In HiIk llkt-wls-l
.iiiiii.l.-r.-.l 11 U liiK-uiiiliii! Inii.iTitUii ii ..... 1 . ... . I'IKIK s tiiliipi'iiut, ill iiiik i.imuik 1 . c.nnlrN fluh m -.l.r.ho morii UK.
K.U.ii..l.r.il. It Ii li.-con.lit, Inip.r.itUi. , h, i.M.iit iiluhl l..t.-.-n r.-pr.-rn- . ,,IIU. of llif IlKlilni'lKlilH. Ifil-SHil ,
In tho n.'W kjiih- that the man who llllK,n , ,. jaMllwl. ,.uli mul tli1K, ,.,,SSi r,,, ,,P Tli.-i1eiil.ili tropli. "" " ,,""tl""" """l ""- "'I'lJIo "t
1-.111 kkl. In- RlM'ii hl opportunity Hi-nlor l.i-aiiiu- iiiiiiiiki-iih-iiI. unil tin- nri'i M.iMir Th'ih-in.ili of K.iv- '"x' W'1' H""" ilraivii ncalmt rach
t I... Ij Ulll,.1..Uulll ll 1,11 JIP llll.fc lllll .. .
Win tin r .Mi'Khilov'x i-harm'M will I"-
piu-luil or iltoppiil. hi i'Iiih 11111I1 chh'il
n n Ii Htimll (haiK'i that Haw. ill
woulil iiiih. nt to pl.i tin- Kami- otr
iiKaiii. mul It mi'i'Iiik uiori likih Hi it
tin' mutt, r will ri't with tin- ilinrKi"
uinl tht ili'iilul
Tin 1 outioM iiiv, hnwi'wr, hiiH iu-rv which Wt hi'twi-i-ii
il mil' pnrpo-n' hi wuklni; up rini'Wi'il Mini IIiii'k
Intm-xt In tin- I'iiii.iIioii-IIIiiIi Kiime If 11 ti'.iui nfti-r Komit t'ffort ennenrry
"ilu'iluUil for thin loinlui; Snturil.iy thi- hall to tin- thlrtj-juril llm-. tli'ihi.. i.,. im.,.,U Jmii.iiic-.- hull ti'iini Hi it
Tin' .Mi'Klnh-ylli"! an-worklin,' llki- ilay turntj -Ihi-Minl lliu- ur Im ills -Mini. lilM ,,ofil too kooiI for nn)tliliiK III
iiinoiirM 111 an 1 iron 10 luipinw uu'ir iin.'. mul tin- phiiim me kiowiiik i-x- ,. jm,r i.,.nniu'. will In- In tin- o.ihu
iiuiililii itluii ami pirfi'il tin- trick pi lyi
mul "pi-filv i-inl runt on whkh tlu-
ilcpi nil for iiBKit-iilc tactics, whll.'tlii
I'un ihoim an tukliu; no ch.inci-i of
niiillui; with xurprNc ami i niiiiiiui nt
Comlitions Changed.
I'uiiahoii Hiipportirn claim that their
I1.1111 H pi nun h Hiipcilor nt KtrulKlit
fi'otliull Hint cm n the liln lli'i of tin'
ni'W kiiiih- can't turn 11 trkk on thi'in
TlHj 1 1. 1I111 th.it tlicv can HinaHh
IIiioukIi the HIkIi lliii' for Ktimlv K.ilnx
i inline In Ktoii'M This urKUiui'iit ilocH
not cirry com h lion for tin- n anon Hint
tin- ni'W HMh- of pl.i i:li'i IIkIiIit
tmini u cliiini'i' to in 1I1I1 Htmti'K) mul
ipi-nl MKntiiHt Ktri'UKth mul lm-f
'ouilltloiiN Ikim- i'Ii.iiikicI hi footli.ill
an. I tlicnrliH liac uiiilcrKuuu a Kri-at
1 1 1 i'IikIi ik linn Tin- Hun. h past win n
tlii llnal miKi- of I .i 1 1 1 Ii 111 Ill.i l
to t.iki' placi- nt tin- lUi-vunl llm- than
It at tlm twinty-llvi'-Minl llm-
In thi- 11I1I ilus th.it In, il.iyn which
m.i.li- history prior to tin- new rule-
hnltln utter lull I.- wim foiiKht hv tho
fuii-i-K of the 'Mimllli'M hit wein the ten-
Tli V l 1' A juniors hae
oiKiinlriil two ti.uns fur Iniloor
I'un Imll. ami will liuh toiiloht
lu what iroiuhteN lu l on. of
the li st mtm, s ,er nei n here
Tin Senior I'lrsls win I.,, cap
tntiiiil li Kimik llii hert ami tho
Heninr Xiiiuidf i Put ti'SuIII-
huloiir limeluill Ik iiupulur now
with all iikpk nnd diKrep-t of
urenooMu Kverjone, from the
'illem uilil. I" in the boet of
iiiiiJiti"ii tu the ulnltt liunlneini
mall iiiii pnm lies Ihii new holeM
iiM.nlh in his . K is , uK
tli. mum mil 'ttlni; 11 lot of
fun 1 ut of it
DurltiK; ThnnUKlliiR woclt the
(Iratul Prlro mul the V.iiulprhlll. Aiih1
iIci'h (laH-tlr iiinil lapei, will ho run
at Sn.uiti.ih. It will ho the mnenth
tlllltllllK of tin- YiiiuliTbllt. uinl the
first tllno Hint It will ho coiiipctiM fin
iiw.ij from I.011K IhIiiiiiI
Tlicio liao h-eii tun (lininl Prlc
tares the llrst In 19ii, won hv LiiiiIr
Wiikikt In a l'1-it. .iml 'In1 kociiiiiI
lust nelson, ruptiiti-il by D.nlil llitu-e
Ilruwu In n Hunt
11l1cu01nc11.il nice
piuLtlr.illy adstiti-il that the worhru
o. ul race recoiil will he Inokeii, in
iisinucll iin tliu coin no h.m hi en iciiin
ittriicli'd mul Brctitly liiipnue.l .iml
llii- xliarii ttiniM clliiilniitcil. i:xn-ii-
preillcl that tho winner ! tin.- tliutiil
Prize will hi forced to hm'i.iki 7"
inllcH 1111 liotir fur the entire illnt:iuce
for the pace foiced by the peeiller
Iilkits will he terrific.
On Nov "7, tilt- H.iliic dnj us the 1
Vanderhllt, the fnurlli S.naniiali rhal-l PI hi th. s Inn. II. up ijolf
Iciiko trophv racn, a 'JSI'inlli- will, loin iuiiiu ul im a -.. .1.1 i up orfeied
will he run. earn of L'.tl-SUO clihlc'in is willulmlnn Ti inn-x opeiipil ut
Mrs. Walter Dilliwihnm Placed
at Scratch in Match Play
If lie lx HUcci-KHful the pla ers Hue up ,(,,,. alkeil mcr lu 11 general
In mlilllihl ntiil In-Kin all over attain If.ay
iion-HiueesfuI the Knme tienhiH from In order to i;it 11 lino on tlm eonipnr-tlit-
twi ills -llw-jord line Two.thlrilsl,ltw, Mtr, Kl, ,,f t. Asnlils mul the no
of the hest plnvM In foolhull are iiuidu ,m, hlu Ip.m'iie teams, n kihup he
niiw lutwieii the Iwciity-IUe-Mirilllni'M iwini the AmiIiI 1I11I1 mul tlm Stars Is
In what once wn Hilled iiildtleld U heliiK worki il up for next .Siinda This
l the 11 liter of the liveliest mtlvltj loudest would l- the llrnt or the double
Team. Can't Make It. Iheader whlili would ilu.o with tlm
If 11 BlroiiK limn can come to tlm tlilrtt Kiime of the llawall-I'ortui;ueie
tvveiit-tlvi-aril line on Hie Hist duwu'tlkiiniduiiKlilii nrles If the AhhIiIm ciiii
then- Is a clmnte that Its plnvirs wllliKHt their n-Kiilnrlj ni-heduled kiiiiim Willi
coiitlnue lo try to mlvnuce the ball by the ' A. IJ , In Hie Junior oruunlz 1
KtrlimiiiiisliiK, bnl there lire few teams Hon. iostponed, tli. y will meet tlm
which can net to the twentv-tlve-yaid sturn
Hue on the llrst down, und still fewerl Tlm PortiiKUese are KohiR to nuke
wlih li ciiii kpi to tin, t went) -v aril lliHr,ie Unnl eiTort to Htein the tide of d-
011 the llrnt down. (f.-nt next Sunday They hilleva Hint
The xturdv Klunts of the old days If they tan win from the llawalls they
iii.i deplore 11 lack of the fierce ru- cuu mine buik" and take i-houkIi
xlstmice wlilcli wns enfountered when Kami's to will the pennant, which Iin
11 ti'uni Kut t" the live-) aril line of It now ulnued (dipped out of their (!rns
opponent, but there Is likely to he less fnptnln Preltns will top the hill for
of It lu the future, ns the open forma- the ! A r He hits been ulvlni: I1I111
Mild line mid the xoul .More thuiitloiis ami kkkhiK are called Into use us self several iiiiKtutle kicks for not
onic 11 teiini carried Hu, lull tu lln mcasuri-H both for nttnek nnd defense ynnklni; I'ulro out of Hie box after Hie
"'''',J'!,,,,;!,,,,J,,??j.-jjm"j disastrous second luniiii; III hist Sun
day' Kaiue. and koIui; 111 to pitch him
Mlf. but lie did not feel sure of his
(outrol. mul went 011 hoping that the
I.Ik fillow would steady down mul fit
away with the Kiime aftir all
Mike Hardee, the hiii port-side slah-
slir of the llawalls, will olllelnle for
Hieb-ailirH Hardie was slatisl lo pitch
hint Soiiihiv, hut he Is 11 railroad man,
mid Htilijeit to sinjib-u orilers AUIioukIi
.Malt lliine, liiiiKi'iiiaii. who leieutly
arilveil Hi Sun K1.1111 Isco fioiu lltiemiH
Am en, piedlctH 11 Ioiik mid hillliant
filluie fin- the lacliiK itanie In llm
I'lii- soccer leiiKiie has ilellultelv !
nuniih other helm: kIvhi the opportuult) of
Of cmirHu the piece do leslitlauco Is nrimiKliiK the time 01 plu lo ault
the thrlllliiK liileriialloual tlrninl1, ...1...
rrlzo event Tli'iiikhKlvlui; ll.iv lu
HiIh KlS-lillle battle of the fatties!
speed CI e. it Inns on earth Alueilcau
'I In- eiimllllons of the toiirii inuiit
win ilimmid hefore the start of pli.
drivers with Alueilcau huh will "' "" '" k' ' ""'itili and not 11
match their hIiIII iiK-ilnit Hie ImelBii-i'' ' ,,rr""" i:vn tl sixteen pluvcrs
ers uinl uileuvor lo brlni? the Kiiii nl.re.1, vvhl.li kiivu Hie rlBht
cup hack lo these Hhotes ami Im-I number for match play without the
dentally win a pilncel) amount or, I .r iiiullfvliiK round Nine holes
Kold dollars 'ire tulieii tu louslltute u mutch, except
On the bniiu-uile paid entrs list atulm llnil. whkh will prolmbly be ul is
nreseiiL nin lit. earn Niiiut'ioiiH other holes
cntallvo utrles me on tap, whlili
uiiilmihteilly will Ktnrt, hut which can
not he nlllclallj entered until 1 hecks
have reached the ticatuiicrnf the Sav
annah Autoiniihllu CI11I1. Foreign en-
itrk'H, of course, have to cnuie thriumh
thu recoKtiized iiiitoiuoliile 1I11I1 lu the
country from which Hie entry comes,
mid this of course causes some delay.
The list u week two Included-
(Irand Prize .1 Plat. 2 lleiiz, 2 Mar
111011, 1 Mercedes. 2 Ijizler
Vunderblll 2 Mei cedes, :i rial. 2
Miirinoii, 2 Ahbotl, 2 Ijizlcr
Saviinnali 2 t'ase, 2 Abbott, .1 Mar
1111111, 2 Mercer.
Tledenian 2 Abbott, i;-M-I
With bikh a unlaw of faiuous for
I'Ikh dilvers us Wanner, llcinciv. Do
I'alma, .laKi-rslierKer and others, and
inch boH :ih Ilriice-llrovvu, Hill in ill.
.Mib Walter llllllUKli.iui Is placed ut
si rati h 011 the hum!k'!ii list, the other
plnM rs Is Im; hamlii tipped from her
pi ly Mrs Dlllliu-haui has plated lit
tle Kolf of late, and Is cousldi rubl) off
her name, hut In turn her to.irrl.n.c,
Miss (iavlnrd, she was one venr run
nir up In the Western wouun'M cham
pionship While ilnluir liolhlui; III the
wnv of sioihiK m-sIi rd.iy. she showpd
that In r r.olf Is the 1 1 iss or the lour
iiamiut l'olloivliu,' nre the lesulls of the first
Mrs DlllhiKhmn (scratch) heat Mrs
SoiilhR.ite (71. 1 and I: Mrs. (1111 (7)
bent Miss Hurtwill CO. S nml 2: Miss
Couke (7l beat Mh-s Howltt (IS), 2 and
1. Mis Sutton (IM Iniit Miss K.nnedy
(IM. I up: Miss Alke Cooke (IS) 1)1-it
Miss Achilles (lr.i 1 mid -'. Mrs Phil-
last Suiiilaj was his ,1 1 olT, he k'ot n'lliinlii'H, Pinker, Cube nml
(rant, Dlshrow, Mulfoid, III aui;.i lips (l', h,at Mrs WulhrldKe (IS).
Ileariie. Wlshart, Dawson, P.iIkcIiki-..nml I. Mrs llaiu-lieii- v Mis Ivers
.-.. ...1 ii... ...... ..I ii... 1. .11 ..........iu ,
.. ,,.. ... ,.,',. . ., ''-'Il at the list liniment and cuuldu't American proiliu.tH the fields each il iv .matt lies of
Moilllll mul the last doubt us to the , ., .,, , ... .. , .
. ,111'u iiooiiiio. win lit) uuuillierH. iui)io
other and Mrs I'otti r v Miss llnvllnKx lire
Hu. Ilr t round still to Im
silt 1 1 ss of the minim: seuson bus been '
hoillli Alueilcau lepuhllc, wheie hu removiil Vestuduy Man.iKer (' 11
nas the klliK id HpoitH Is eliJoyliiK jll.illeut-.iie of Hie Itaphl Trunslt notl-
Bienl piosperlly now i II. .1 Secuiiirj (Iruv of the leuisuu that
The United Slates never saw the'ti,,. .,,. ....... ....r,, 1,1.ll.. , .,
day when II londucled iiicIiik as
Nipiaiely iih they now- handle It in the
Awutlue, and New Yoik, San I'lim
iilmc nor uuy other Yankee city evet
pallolilzed the sport iih does Itueiios
A) leu." is the wuy hu n!es up the
Hltuat Inn after fmly .wain lu tlm
i;aine, thu last four of which weld
hpeut us selllni; uiii'lit for the Klineii
dorf SI ml Faun lu the AlKcutluo.
lu thu South Amcilcim ini'liiipollH,
park fin HKiilnr le.iiiue tniiiei.
The season opens Divemlier it with
the usual ihiiible-headi r, unil season
tickets, whlili hive lit eii lu Id hack
until the matter of Krouiids vv-ns iletl
lllll IV Kittled, will be put out for Kl-ll-elul
snle at nine.
The ball ut (he YiiiiiikT, which will
cilthralii the opi-uhiK of hosHUHes he
twein Hie live teams, piouilses to be
lljine biiyH. the Jockey club conduits'" l,l "'"'I-'' -wl Tickets havi
incliii; thu M'nr 1011111I on TliurMlaH,
SiiiicI.ivk and liullil.is, while all out
law association luces iluiliiK the
laiKi-r part of the eur on Tuesilnjs
011 Mile for Home time, ami earl) re.
tiiius liulkiile that thu event will In
laiKi l alteuihd
rrl.lavH Tin- Jiukey club courBe.l McKINLEY SECONDS
he deilari-H, lu the llnest liicliie, plant
In thu win Id. The stands are of mar
ble und Kiiililte, capable of seatlllK
1(1,110(1 people, mul the oval Itself has
Mi Klnlc) IIIkIi School Is KtttliiK IIH
the Sli.epHheail lla, limk b-nked off .r:","""1 ",;"l" """ Kr""t """""V
11,.. i..,i,,u Ith1'1 ''" rh" defeats are not con-
l'i,.r. ...iierinii llvrm. si.vs. Is miiilii ",1,,(l " ,h" ,lr'" "'- Hbr. for lliu
up of rn-veii iiiii'K lu which tlm pmseHis","",N ll"x, n""1" "-v,n'1 "" Wh
iii tiipiioi Kriniiou uoiinrH, am nave
niiim (nun $171111 for the ordluuty
cuds lo $J.",uiiii for the featuit) event
of lliu vear No foielKIl bled hoiBi-S
mo allow ril lo iiiiupetu fol the hlK
ll)iim iitlrihuti-H Hie success of the
K.tliie In the AtKeutllio to the mil t lllll
liellliiK H)HlHIII, culllrolleil ll Ille ;uv
erniiient Thu tlcki Ih, ho nays, raiiKe
I10111 $2 to $2(1, and no bets are ickIk-
I. tiled In evei) Instance
ii-stirdi) the IIIkIi sivomls took
theli third successive luntliiK from tlio
I'uiiahoii seiomls, llm score lielni 20
lo (1 The Kami- was Just us one sldi d
us the IlKures ludlcali
Correct Style
In Regal Oxfords
i .-r-w
W- .A9?i
One kind of a fool Is u man who
tiles to piovo that he isn't
tired lifter tho luiues appear on the, 8 8 B t It it It II R n U n t It t: n
Hack The JiuIkus are KiiwrMliivlit ( paid oIIIi-I.iIh, and their Jolm depeiul
. J 'H Hielr uhlllty to put the kibosh
on llm ciooked work
llyine foi tour )c.iih past I1.1R been
'tllsposlui; of the .1 II Hai;i;lu HtnhluH
in Hie Aiceullne, during which limn
'Im Iiiih stild mul ii 1I11111 000 thorough
hteils Aiiuiui; lilu kales Is Hie Kllueli
doir male Yarlet), wlilcli lias taken
down 1110111 than lldO.oou for her own
er il it 1 1 li); Hie Illicit i-iUH Him I1.1H been
oil the tin f lljliui wiih put nut of
I husliiesH by the p.ikhiiko of a law re-
lently InipusliiK uu uihleil duly of $:tUU
,011 all fnrelttu hied horses luken Into
I the AlKeutllit) lo hu Hold He will le
'main in San rranclbco S V L'liron
' klu.
Electric Medicated
Bath and Massage
1 170 King Street Pbone 2-1071
r.vrv tvrvmnn Anr conirc a rvnifof lnr npw
Women's Regal Oxfords now on display at
our store, will have the satisfaction of knowing
that her footwear is correct in every detail ac
cording to the very latest fashions here and abroad.
K n I .. . .1 t . r. t f.
r0m iegai quaricr-stzcs give you tne lame pericct nt ana comiorc
vwfL that you could otherwise obtain only in exclusive made-to-
order shoes. And in Women's Regals you get the Yery
highest quality of materials and workmanship.
We are confident that every woman who obtains a pair of
these dainty Women's Regal Oxfords at our store
.. .:n . r .. ..!..: 1 i..l
t cix win secure pcneci saiisiutiiun, uuu cuiuc uat&
to ui at the end of the season (or another
pair of Regals,
Regal Shoe Store
$3.50 &
7.,.. !-.0'
er. i".ij.v,2. .;..'
hMtaut. U-1 tUiM-Mvi,v. A ' , tli. .W.WMNiuL
. - tMl AH .'i
1kJt ..'J

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