Newspaper Page Text
From San 'Franeliool Tcnyo Muni I'ebruary 12 For San Franeltool Hhinin .Mm ii l'ubruuiy U From Vancouver, Mnrnnin lVlimary IS For Vancouvari Mnknrn lVlirunryZT Evening Bulletin AS ADVERTISING IS TO EVERY OTHER BUSINESS, SO IT WILL BE TO YOURS IF YOU USE THE BUL. LCTIN AS A MEDIUM OF PUB LICITY. 3:30 EDITION As An Advertising Medium Is Worm While Trying ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 5156. 10 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1912. 10 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. CITIZENS ASKED INTO POLITICAL CONFAB TODAY Prominent business nnd profession- nl men of Honolulu linvc been Invllo.l to i.tlci.,1 n incetli.i; UiIh nilcrniMm In ., , . .i , the law luHcra of Castle & WIIIiIiirIoii to discuss "rimhI Kovcriiineiil" mean- in pit wllli particular rcfcicnro to Iho coining campaign. That the iiunoment Is not a move mrnt for, n third pnrty, that It Ik a nnni'iiii'iil nir a mini i.iiu, iiiiu ii n a meeting or prominent Republicans anil Hint It Ih to Include, Inlliicntlal iimmiiIkth of both liaitlcH tu o sumo ot the rumors that have been con- coining the gathering, whoso Insplr.i- Hon Is said to have been an Invitation Kent out by those dlssnllslled Tor ino reason or another with the present ndmlnlstiallon r city and county :if- """ , , , It II .,,... In a. .. .1 1 T1 f-.w.l... n II. II. 1 limn- hum .1. I. ti.imu mi- lion, two or Iho men who nro expecled to Mr. .1. I. Cooke iiiuld not be reach take a piiimlnent part In this after- ed this morning Tor a Ktateineut as iiooii'h mrotlliK. Mr. Castlo said Hill l whether or not he would fnvnr il morning that personally ho Knows hicuhnvv.iy fiom parly lies. John Wa roiupainllvoly lit t lo or the "move- lei house, of Alexander & llahlvv In said meut", hut he states that It Is not a on the strccl today that ho does not movement for a third party, favor such a iiiiito sn long as tuuulri "As I understand It. this Is a move pal and territorial oaiupilgus nnil for Rood government In muulrlpil of- elections lire held together as they llces," ho said this morning "I mi- aie at piesent In Hawaii. WILSON ROAD FIGHT TO GO TO SUPREME COURT r.intrnclor John II. Wilson's llKlit with the ll.ihu loan fund commission to make the comn.l n uwar.l hhu. as the lowest bidder, the lliel.l Ilea. Il s. .- linn or the Island system will be ciirrliil to the Hiiri'iiie Court, It was aohoiinceil this iooiiiIiik by the loin I it ml lemmlHslomrs, It has been agreed tiy the commis- slum rs to take ail appeal rroni the ruling of Circuit Judi;e Whitney, who. uftir a hiUK b'Kal llxht In the Circuit Court, found III favor of Wllfon anil mjolneil ttu coinmlsslon from pioceed- liur with the contract It had nwaided FULL MILITIA "A substantial Increase in tho Na- tioual (itiaid In one of tho live Issuen In Hawaii Just now," said Colonel Jones, ailju'aul KPiicral or Iho (luatd, tlil.s inornlni! In dlseusslui; the stale - incut of an Army olllcor lehillve to ... I...... il... ri I. mote moilia noom mi ine ii'iiinn.1. printed In yesterday's II u I I o t I n . "The situation iiniiuestlon.ihly calls tor full lOKluieulal stieiiKlh hero ou Oaliu as a minimum, and when Ihe new armoiy Is built, tlio mllllla HticiiHlh will bo practically doubled." the nucleus of uuo'her rcKinicul, and That the War Dep.iitmeut has Its the full Flist asseinhled In Honolulu eje ou Ihe National (luaiil of Hawaii, This plan meets with Hie approval of as an Impnituut factor in Its exlen- Aimy heads bete, slve scheme for t:arr!nonlni; Oaliu,' "Ou the other tslauds also there is and thai the Federal (iovoiumcut much luleiest manifested In mllllla stands icady to appropilato larKP affairs, and II will he an eas mutter sums for the Teriitoiial mlllll.i, Is Iho lo leciull auoiher cnulpuuv at least, opinion or IiIkIi Anuy ollleors lieio, ou both Maul ami Hawaii. These anil today Colonel Jones outlined a companies could form skeleton bat plan id action. Millions ou each or the IslnniUi, with "You cannot hnvo a siucessrul ml- thn third battalion or tho new ier,l lllla niKunlgutlnu without a place lo meut In Honolulu. Willi a full iei;l liouse tho troops," said Colonel Jones, incut and also a four-cninp in lialtal- "It Im't like tho tOKillais, who can pi iliuler canvas at any time, for Riiaids- men must have an annoij or wnno port for their (inns and equipment and also to meet for il 111 ouco or CAMPBELL TO TRY A COMPROMISE No fiulher iicllou will he talon In couueilliill with the IINhop stleet ex teiisloii until Kupirllitcndcnt of I'uh llc Works Mart-ton ('ampbill has tried Ills hand ut anhlni; at u lomproinlse wllh the owners. H. E. HENDRICK, Ltd., Merchant and Alakea Streets Builders' Hardware and Supplies leriland llilrtv or forty Invllnllour I""" '""C" Issued. Kovornl people ('''"I'l' - i! ' HiIb imirnlim to say Hint iwjille tliiv nro In hj tn.iby with Iho ,,,, y ,, ,((t ,, ,,, , ,,,, tilt, titooliutz thht urtcriiimii." The minor was prevalent this iniiril- ItiK Hint thi meeting may resolve It scir Into mi attempt to orKanlro u now parly and ono rcMirt has oven nl- icany Kuril n me nninu l l lueos irmly kIvoii It the nninu of IMtt". On the other hand, no ono of icspuusllilllly ran ho round willing to father lliu lilc.i ot ii distinct lai I v movement along such lines, h1li many Keein strongly opposed to It on Iho ground that the worlt or rogcuorn- Hon, lr It Is needed, eau bo most or- rertlxely done within Iho parly, so long as terrlloilal and inuiilclial eloc- ,""m "lo """"" ",K,'1I",r s '""i nlo ......a I to the Lord-Young Knglnrcrlng I'nin pany (inly u few hours are left In "llU "' "''' "'" ""I"1"- '""' '' will 1e ihuii' lit onrc It.-piity AUunn'.V ,.,.,,., .,..,,.,.,., , ,., rtititl iiimiiilsslnii, while Kinney, I'ros- ser, Audei'MUi .! Mur ale WINou's nt- limicH Hcen tary Pctrle of the commlssloii said this iiifiiiiliiK that Inasmuch us tho I'ummlsslon's action has bieu curried Into touit by 'Wilson, the commission will ask the hiKliest touit to pass upon the nine The appeal will di lay nitiiul work ou the ro id perhaps several mouths huiKcr REGIMENT HERE twice a week. Thrioforo It's nselosa lo slait ni nil In the Nation il ( of Hawaii until Iho new aimory Is built. 1 "When Iho completion of uiory Is In sllt It Is tho lut ..I, .1... ,.., i..r....i I.. I,.. r..!1 ii-iiiiii nil ipi iin.iiiiij iii i" iis ! slreiiKlh or twelve companies rlnlit hiuo In Honolulu. Al present theio aie slv 'companies heie, Ivvo on Maul and one on Hawaii. Tin- outshle' (ompiules could ho detailed, to form' sin iIkIiI heiu In Honolulu, the defi'U slve slieiiRth or D.ihu vvoifld ho kicii ly Incieased or rimrsu Ibis id I would mean also Ihe oii;aulatlon adequate similar) and sIkuiiI I loops The nutter h.iv now len turned over to lllllI for this lillll'se of III Hon If he misuivcssful. three uppialerh appoluled and pi lies put on will the propel ties and the itmtt.r put thioiinh the limits In the usual course FLET TO SEA BOOM THE That the thing of most Interest lo the lourlHi Is tlio rerodiietlon of Rome of the Minium hlstoileal mciics of Hawaii and If such a course was followed out tho Floral I'.uaile would ho of much gioalor Interest In li.rim II,., nii.l ulw.n tn II... InPlllllcrH of ,, ,.,, ,, f; (MI1 (1!IV )V )lv,) t. n,. of M. ,.. , ,H ,ulH ,,,;., ;,,,; ( i,,,,,,,,,, ,y C m,. ratine rent out hl ,., irmntlim t'oiiiiiilHoo ' J)r ,t(, tt 1R j,,,.,) KM! ,,. ,,;,,,: tn,.i ..'shIoiim as lo the p.,rade ,, ircl. ,,rjiitliin the work or the j.,,,',,,,,11,,,, Commi lie l.iiiueheil I I'liuuollou mo.,iin ..k... 1,1,.., ttlii,.i Iho alne hlea. which wii! lecele,l with much r.ior b those present In five cars Mr Hell estimates that be tween Ihc and ten thousand tourists will 1ic coming hcic lioiu the Coast. (The attriicllous In llu- Islands he .states aie mole wondeirul than nny- tiling else In tho win hi. j I'leshlent l'lul l W.ildiiui prosld ed at tho lunch which was held to boost Iho parade. Ho spoke or tho FREAK THINKS LAW-MENDING MAY BE NEED "If tha law la so wide open In regard to certain methods of homesteadinn to permil the squandering of public .lands without any real homesteading, 'then we want to know it, so that we can guard against fake homesteading in the future," (ioviruor Clear AlllniUKh In could not say uuMliliiK as to the decision handed down In Illlo b Judtfe I'arsiuis ! ilny iiftm n .UK'ilust the Ti iiltnry In lounis tlmi I with tin- lioiuestciiiliiiK cases, the (inv entor this moruliiK stolid In no uu- 'mensuiell lei Ills the llttllllde of Ihead- lolnlstialliin recanllui; the situation 'I tun not or coulee discuss the lle Isloll," lie siili), nnlll I have seen III i lur I'okIIIoo w.i that wo wanted (Continued on Page 2) limn HONORS jp J. OR AMBASSADOR I'ull n:ial ln'iM-i' hw hi rank wrrr ut'i tn'ih'il tln iii'W K( utnh.iHsa ilur tu the I'lilli-d Stairs. VlMititllt Chin. 1. 1, iIimIih; IiIh sta hi I Iimoliiln -hIi-hI.i). Itciir-Ailnihal ThtmiaH. m' ininiMiih'il h IiIm HlalT, t'.illftl on t lit mult iKKiilor at thr Imiiihh of the .lap in Hi- iimimuI K iifi'al al :i :. y'ntinl.iy nfti i iiiHin, nnd al I "(I tin- i alt wax i ttniifil mi 1mi.ii l tin' llaKxhlji ('allftir nl. i AtulMH.uloi i 'ilinl.L ifi'chi'd n H.ituti of nhti-tffii kiiiih, four uilTh inn) tin' full Miimd mid hand, a tli oilli lal i-ipiii nlatlvi- of tin- MIKiulo PLEADS GUILTY; GETS TWO YEARS The four men Iodic ted I the Ti r illorlal uiaiiil Jurv sislerdaj ufli riio.ui ,-aine up for iiiiiilijuuieiit this iiioiului: ,,i .luillie Itobllisiill I'ntrlc cen In v I'tioiochii, the second churi,'cil vvlthlar di'Klie, pleaded Kullly ami was si ill. need to twoveiirs' Imprisonment I'linui; Mil lur. iluii'uiil Willi n stalil tor ci line, comes up for pica W.dlies dnv next, us does also Alualiam lt .loveph. who Is limit r u cIi.iiki' of liur lihuv In the sicollll lleglie nnd ulioxe bull Is si I ut Jliiiin Mill .Moon, i hurled Willi iissiiiiII nod batliiy with u weapon d.imOlollH lo life, lllvo comes lip Well- in -das next Hail Is net ut U00. PARADEIDENYlUM0R;CRlISERS Rood thai It docs ani,wh'ii It tncaiiH for Honolulu. Mr Waldioii Hald: "Wo all acknowledge ihe fact that Kiicar Is KIiik and n 1 1 1 . In Hie fiituie bo Kbit; or all other luilu-.irles in Ha waii. "It Is Keiiorally conshleied that the pineapple Is second. In liuirtance, .villi lis last .war's oiitpui nmouutiui; In value to soniclliliic. like Ivvo and a half million dollais. "The impression that the 'Tourist' crop Is, at tlio picsput lime, number Hnee In ltusirlauce as a revenuc-prn-iliuer has. In my opinion cscipcd the nolle i.' of tho icveraKe man abonl town and, when II Is realle.l I the toiii Ist business Is In leallu second only lo siiK'ir, icihaps nunc senium at'en tlou will he i;leu this I'eiu "I hois our vlsllois will pardon a cold-blooded business si itemeut as to my Ideas of tho hard cish value of the average tourist, whether II is ono of our piesent vlsitois u, on Ihe oilier (Continued on Pago 2) Wait Reply (Hl.Tlii UtiKvt n fal,l VASHINGTON, D. C. Fell. 9 Pending tho receipt of the answer of Governor FVear to Delegate Kuhlo's chargce, which is expected nexl Mon day, no further moves have been made with reference to the sending of the special agent to Hawaii to investigate. ALBERT. CHARGES LAID nit- rhartii - hioiiKht hj Cohnifl J Mil'atlhN at tin nii-illiiK of tin hor iiimilf'-lHii Wriliu !t!a arti'Mioou Hint IE. M.itl u, cdilor r tlif .Ml ' oiIImm, s.ilil Iip wih dUliniii'Hl and , hoiiuiit, ami wiiifh Ihc roniinisHitin di't'lilfd hlmilhl h I ill lifil otr to 111' Mtloil' K Hi I ll foi' IllW'MlWltllMI, ll.lM' lltll ( t I fill lit il 1 1 11) I 'I In maltfi' N htlll In tin hiimN 'f ('h.ifiinan M.ntnii (imulM-ll, who Mat i'l till.- inotnliiK thai he will linn tlif in ill i nir In the atlorniy kiii.iI mi) hhoitU MAY DECIDE Owlm: lo tin- fnrt that no ilwMoii i lut fill III il III Imt (Aft II till I'll ' ' mi'l lounlv rllleM mid the II. . hum Inlu IE. Iianvii pivluu eli.MI mi beiw.ui Ihe HtreU Mills, an .tfoil I- belui? inadcMiow to .invent '' isliiiidliiK wherele Mhe iidmllli il lots .ill be placed In hue Hi.- Sii Cnuit for u dccl-don 'Ihe Hapld TnilKlt lompni) ilallo- " i""i " " iii i-i" mid lli-il H not be exiie. led to ihani.'e Iblv iiinuly ,.iv lime the ills and lo put down in w ma- I, rial I'm tie i linn this, If the couipiiiy has lo put liliulithle bitvvieu the ralH It will I I lo be blaslid out eveiy time npailv liave lo be made on the Hacks BLACK EYE IS GIVEN SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION WASNg'tOnI'd.' c!,(Feb. 9.-The mate expenditure, committee today s acted adversely on a resolution ask1n0 tho nations to participate in the San Diego exposition. Aiiuoiiiicemeul is luadt' thai Ihe lleiinan Ihnpeior will lsll Hvvlter I.1111I III Sep'einher, when, at his le ipiesi. ho will u Uncus Ihe aiiuuil anuy inanvem. A nqorl Ililii afternoon lint it !t Iho cruiser West Virginia had. it I! iccelvoil tudilen orders to sail al IS St dalluht tomorrow mortilni; Is do- tt St uled abholulel hy Admiral !S I! Thomas, who mivs that theip's tt tt uolhliiK In II Ho believes the tt tt liimor mew mil of Hie fact tt tt Ihe (lulsei was onleied to tt tt before the culdcKr.iiii calnii Irom tt tt WashliiKlou this nuunliiK semi- tt tt Iiir Ihe licet to set. AeeoidliiK tt IS lo Ihe minor, the ordeis weie at tt tt the Instance or Ihe State lie- St tt partition! In Washington SS St tt tt ti tt it it tt tt tt tt tt St St tt ti tt tt it it U.S. Takes A Hand In Honduras PUEHTO COUTCZ, Honduras, Ffb .9 Seventy-live marines from the U. S. gunboat Petrel today seized the tvharf and railroad, because of the row between the Hondurans and thej(!llHj ( ()inni iinhr of (lit- " Valentine Syndicate, American conces-1 ,,,,, iniiovvnl in a f' minul sionanot The Hondurans had con-1 fiscated the whsrf and railroad. IN TORI rstxti ii no i ii Oil.l. fcb. MUKDEN, Manchuria, fcb. 9. The rebels have bombarded and set fire to the city of Kaipina. province of Chi l, Twenty throo officers of the ini- perta troops have been executed on suspicion of collusion with the revo lutionaries. ABDICATION DATE SET IK Itlll ill Mil I'll.b I SHANGHAI, China, fcb. 9.. Pro- micr Yuan Shilt Kni's representatives here pro mite that the emperor wilt ab dicate on February 15. PICKS TAFT EASY WINNER i it i.. it. .11..!.. ,1.1.. i vVASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 9. Rep r5elatlvr McKmloy of Illinois, today dccarej ,nal pre,ident Tnft will got 78Q . ., . , bai, . .. . (Hlblean nal,onn convention. , m , flHTPPI B I fRI TPO V I L L I ll l 1 1 ll lr iJILLL lilnUlmlLu ( VkmocIiiIiiI Pri-MS fllil- WASHINGTON, D. C Feb. 0. Strol maijn.itcs today, testifyinn be , (ore the Semite finance cominittee, da Iclarud that the proposed steel tariff will endanger the country's business. I.I f" IC 1 1 A I T A I ULL.HIU fLl lll.-lLPU THE REICHSTAG ( Aisocl.ili',1 Pn ss I'ulile 1 I Of RUN, Ger Feb. 9. Peter Spabn, a Clerical, has been chosen president of the UncliM.iu by a vote of 190 to 170 for Aunust Rebel, Social Democrat, OUT IN HURRY All rmir mil ers of the I'uellie llnljlnil il I vvli i. .i,i.. Honolulu .Monday miirulouiMil stnlluu no u tiiid.iv i rtilsit that will Inlo Hi. an iniiiiv miles I i litis purl. iniiouu Ihe ulhir Islands of the ll.iwolhin kioiiii Chi I ioooeii.ers mid liupurt iiit drills In iiuiuei lion with Ihe com On: viii iim lam I luaellse will take up the time until IVhni.m il. when tln'Rnge lb-et will .ikiIii iter lliiooluhi harbor, j "We will be out ten or n eider to IhW iffiit whs rorimi-ltvvclvt. diiv " s.ikl Admiral Tlmiiui to I. it., I slioillv aflir neon lo.lav by Itio'n lliilletln r.mitr 'The Id.a t , i ,i, r In . hi. f. mid will probably j In nil r.fulv for luriiel pru.the and In. . viii, I to tVi iiiinniandlnit otllci i s have Ihe llei I rcinlv fur seu. Koiiim ,,,,. n tl,lv iiflirnooii II Is b.-liiljibts we nun ome lo iineliur nnd I lev I llu lew nliiim are In line with se.r. I Instill, lion sent from V i.lilnuloo Ill.llellllllK that the lb et . nielii Ii.. ti. Ill Ii. ic fur miiiilliR nnd lliul 1 arv drills and miineiir,tlmc beliiK Hy not bin Ins; until Mmi- sh.eil.l be made III llavvallui waters, day Ihe ll.el will K I its mull from thn to lit the lleil for tiiiK'-t pnietlhe. or 1'iHiHt - will not BP out until tho forintlv vice should tho ncd er II u'rloi I; lhl morn- urlse Shuillv arti oil" clplur cableKrnm wiih Into n ulioar.l Ihe Ciilluarnl i, and u rumor pirtinent mattir nut rnr ceiicrai 1111 tlmt the loiiK-evpeilnl Millluit orders ciihhIiiii The biiiwh l. liitMr. Hint bail ilutilly arrive.! spread lllrt' w'ltd"Iri In VIv of an "iliiii)I stj ll.-ro by The siisph Ion that there was "sum r.l. rs of the Stale lleiartim lit. the tliliiK iinliiK" wa vireimlh. i.-l bv Ho' N ivv 1 eNirtiiii nl b s not Int. ml on board of Ailltllril Si.ntlier Hie I'.. lib lb. I vli.ill to ie In clll. leiicy. dUl A1 mmmmmm Mary Pi. nee Inn' .ti ro.H ih' Hiimi atn of mile of lempi siiioiis IMilllc, in crip pled condition nfti r Icivlui; Honolulu without a pound of In her huiiU els, Ihc climax lieiui; iciclicil Willi nie ili.imallc siile'.ile or filler Olllrer Ha l.ada. Iho Tivo Klseii Kalsh.i fleli;ht ei Klvo Main- was Ihe sceno of a llirilllliL- sea diauia. seldom eouallcd III this put of the vvoihl, aieoidllii; In news leiclveil lieio es ei.l.iy. Thiee das aller the Klyo Maru sailed mm Honolulu eu ionic to .la pan poilH mid lloni-.Uoni;. Ihe se in.uiler of the bin freighter was In lurmcil that the suppl or coat had be come exhausted hm icIkiiciI ou the decks! of the vism'I, ror ill ti.insll weie tiav elluK sevual bundled '"' ihe must pait .lapanese, t'lilleans, t'hl- ilesc, and a Mine of KuioppaiiH in Iho c.iblu. Cruiser to the Rescue. The Kill ml HiiuikIi tlliu-l) lescue of the bli; hl'imvhlp, piaclieall leiuler ei helple s hecaliso of lack of' i in I lo Keiici.ite sleaiii in now idle 'hnllciv. hv ,i (siweirul lap.ineso wur i'vcssiI. cuople'es a slot) ot disaster In otit-'lil to Honolulu eteld'l wllh ihe anlval of Ihe Tovo K.iish Unci Shili.vo Mm ll The Klvo Main was llu.ilt.v towed Illlo Tokvo ll.i) and Yokohama liarhoi (Continued on Page 3) SUGAR S I'll M 'I.Si M. ii. r. b. a I 'ike I'l wi ts Ml IIIIUlV -.', .11. I'lev I- Simar in', ,1, hi s lest, nv iiiolalioo I r,t' He, si . r.x 1 - I.I ; pnllv, onv iiiiiit.itioo. ir.s r. i.'d CAR STRIKE THREAT (sielil 11 11 1 1 . 1 1 11 ril.h CHICAGO, III., Teh. 9 A car strike is threatened here. general Suicide; Disaster; Kp SECRET ORDERS SENT iniiini i ml ml ot the ll.l t(ii tlnie . I, linn. Il ro- iiiulmil ill ciHifereiHe fur Home lime, while slnif ollieerv ile-i mlt" the men KiRe The ordi r tn put lu sen ror u limner cruise tltuii ha yit bteii nt lempled folliiwed sliorllj iifler Hi" Iranslutioii and iIIhcohsIoii or III inei- ulliirs we will i iiikkt wnj i nni under nil il.-p.-iuli' .lev pu. Illl.r t .tuitll innii At iniv rat.- which will we Will h .avvny from lluiioliihi as u ! for tlni nni II nrrlM-H." (joesll.ini d ik to Ho contents of thQ ccn t entile. Vdiulrul Thoioan vvus noil- romiuiltal. sayluK lliul ll was n uc- mill tl. 1 il vlll irttin n v i-rK for tlw Election Dates May Be Same ll. It. Pol. ii n ii 11..1 , v. al i nil 1 1. mo. ruts of 1,1 tin it i.riui.irlei mil i Ohio I vol .11, lllll.ll I.I. .1. on Ihe no.- date lu I III. Il.illoll ll coll- v.nlioii iioiv a pioli ilillll today A plan will I., iiioouhl Ix'lui-c lb, Pfliiii. ii ill.- T.iill.iilil eniral toiumltttv ul a ion lliu. InulBlit piovldlui; for prl uiailes, elections null lolivelltioil dfltes abulll til. stillie lime lis Hie llepilbll can voumiittie pie last Moiuluy, and It Is favored li Himil.oii leadert. The Hi . al. II. an conv en lion, a. . in dim: to piesent pirns, U to he held on April I r. n ml this inornlni: .Mii.vor I'l-rn, ctiiilrumii of Hie Demo crullc '1 1 nmiinlltee, and I. K Me. 'audi, ss, the rei.pllve candlilate for leleKiite, l-olli 'Xir.'HSl lllelnv. Ives as lavolillll II dali, ous Willi III. lie of Ihe (i II. P 'Much u pi 10 would preM'iil thep-ir-Ib Ipallou or Iieioiu ruts or Itepubllcans lu Ihe Vollim of Ihe other party, and would Kreally help loniird 11 i;ood prl oim iiieusuie," Mild Mr Mi'i'audless llils moriilui'. 'and p. t oiinlly I am lu lavoi of ll " M.ivor I'ern also said ha felt It Would be ll wise HlllIK The l, oiotriill. nuitliiK loululit marks the form. I opeiihiK of thw Hour bo, 1 i.ioiiiiiIkii In the Tcirltory Pre. elm t nit-. 1 1 1 1 k -v have been held thli week mnl well nil. n. led hy Hi,, llemo. italic The t til 1ft mid tvvelfltl .re, In. Is. r.iurlli lllalrtct, held 11 io.hIIiiii .-diii-uhi) nlghl anil list IllKlll Mi I'. Mi" OHII prei-llli-t club Ii. Id h inr. time 011 l.illlia street Junt .liidd thai vl( roudtd Actlv Hv Is everv wlnre upparenl lu Peino crulli ranks. The oieellnir loiilulil will setlln iiliuibet of ciimpnluii iitiesllons, mid all, of the NIhii.Is will be represented, ul. Hamuli fur a was known this morn. Inn none of the otliei tslnud member of the celilllll committee will be prCHj ent The) will b ivuresiuled by 'proxy Maui Itm ok chnlruun of thuJ Icuininltto will presldu. v i? it il J 1 i i h i! j i A ioi u &m BBiSL'il , uil 1 i Jftmi uA 1 mSm, ifliVtSfcj '.'ff: iJ- -it-suiSivV 1 If -! -fT-ffl-iiiTi ri' I I