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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
10 EVENINQ BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H SATURDAY, FEB. 10, 1912. IN HAMH-YQUNG COMPANY'S LATEST ARRIVALS ARE WINNERS liVl 1 tic Veil llailltll ( I ; wcip fortun lie i t Kllll.HlC lit r lllllt' IUhlfUOlilh s (Ml llu Inst Sierra ' riie -tin m in' I'd if four llliii ks two I'uk.iid-. inn Klsul Khc .mil niio (Hit land The lluicks wire iho JIibi of ilie lien I'M 2 cam of thU nmVr t.i uiilvi In Honolulu ami t lit i nuxi .1 n gu.t deal (innmotlnii mi t lit dock So an xious were iiuiuhct oi lnteiestid partlps Hint thev assembled around Ilia nlil 'Sltira in.l waited until midnight Jimi t dco the i us as thev were tin lnililcd The rhipmiut ni lluicks con sisted (if two Model .14 Runabouts una Model i Runabout nml mie Mmlct !'' Toiirlnn Cir The Model 31 Runabouts rienteil an nm itng amount of Inter est iih thev an no well udnpteil u. Iliiiinlulu cmiilltlnns ami nie an entlie ! lieu lpe of em ThU Model Ins the nunc Mtiactive ' vnlvo In the hen , tvpe of lnotiir Tor which the llulek luw liei.ii so fniuoiiH for the past five enrii Thin Ivpu of Httlch motor l one of the trimmest and most intli- f,ictyril cilufs evei Install 111 (uw V S l Hfe n ilinlrent ami mro stationer push Kid guide anil a illfTtieut mini for th spiik pIiik setting which pi imk the plu.M In a iiioip iicccsllili million The lillfh this en Ik i.f tlio leiillut luinl roue t'te or lingo luiigiilliiile The triii-unlsslon Is the vital ki! where the Uuloks have ni nil n very gnat eh lime us thev have em bodied the selettive Ivpe, three Heil form of rpiii net which tilarcs tin ru In uniithei class although at piactlcni- l.icturiiv i eiil bi n iijii)niiuli toiirju)ipllo,ilo ' (llo .Mho, uw fell' lie 8qw ')IS in itoi i ili.mie li 'tli,i. The hndv has Mm lolcilool hllalgllt ll.isll design Willi ,n undivided 1 1 on t he it The gisnllno i in v N on the flume liehltul the hi at with .i loiimv tool box on the u.u uv Himci I ill In akes are eniplovel mii'stlng of one expanding and one exteinil (mn.u tint; band on ench nnr huh The t.iili.itoi Is pl.ued a trllle hack of Hie fiont ale and tin limit springs extend iitiusiuill) far nlip.ii! of the axle, giving the i u the long lake which Is so clfccilve In llu mnku-up of a Ituualiout This cat full piiiliicil Including t"P. wlnlshleld I'reslo-llte t mk etc Is to sell lot $1 ii'iimiii laid down in Honolulu 1 he .Model .'s Ituutilintit Is n large! und licavlci car of the suite tvpe hav ing u Toipcdo dash mil! a larei ell Sine han the Miiikl 31 '1 Ilia i ir Is painted In u ilch wine color, tllmnird with hlnck, ami prisonts an extiiini'y iipptaiuhic us well us being n scrvlceilile t e foi touring, oi any other kind of luinl nrnl wink. Tlio tine value of this cat can lie teuillly iipiiieclutcU whin It Is iiuuoiiniuil that It n,u, pin iitki! b Mr I I' I J nli. Pi0sldcnt of llio l,noli ("iiiii pauv Hie priiiulueut C'liutnisslini nici iliaut or the doling lliiildhu The gloat pnpuhtiitv of the Hull ks In Honolulu i in he lealled whin a shiptiuiii of this kind ic.uhcs Hono lulu and rvni mi lint one Is sold Ill s' le o time d is of Us niilval This whs the iiuo In this shipment of llnlcks and lilils fair to ho follow eil up In the coining slilpiucn'M to airho verv shoitlv. The llulek has nlxvavs done rcuiaiknhle Rood vvoik in llono- jlnlii and will no ilinibt scoio a sweep ing vlctor.v In tlio season of 1912. I The Kissel Kar which arrived In this shipment was n 30 II P 5 passen ger touring car with hooded dash This 'i u has the same luiweiful cukIiio which the Kissels have twined such n ipleii(llil icptttntlon with It Is mi ox ircmelv ens rlilliiR car as the spilnm arc uuusiiall soft, tlio til es lame, the upholstcrliiK csiieclallj iliep und Is cntiiulclel) ntted with shock alisoili eis all nrouiiil It Is enulpped with 1 sIiikIo pane wind shield, ilemoimtiihlc rlins 3"ixl'i In tiles, I'icst-O-llte t ink und four doms The upholster itm Is thkkci and muic pliable than tiuv other car on the miiket, nml when nil these Icaliires ure taken Into consideration wc realize that this new car Is koIiir to the hunt M;ry raiidl The Packard-i In this slilpincut con slsted of a G cjllndci, 7 inseiiBcr lour lm; cai, and u G cv Under phaeton, which aio ndnilttcd to ho the fltiist cars in the world In over) tespect These inrs were Inuucdliitelv ilelher cd as I'aikards nie nlwavs sold ahead, so Meat Is tliu demand for them In the Hawaiian Islands The phaeton I (he first tj cv linden Packard l'hac Hin to anlve, nml Is it perfect hcaiitv and lepicseutH the most graceful and magnificent c real Ion of which the mosi advanced civilisation can boast. The tano.OO Overland car which was Included in this shipment adds anoth er score to the tunny victories which have been Ruined In this Territory These popular priced cars nto link ing themselves veiy much heard aioiuul llio ot Id and arc bcltif; most Kcnciall) accepted iimoitKst the appro i lathe cltlrcns of Honolulu The honor roll at tlio von lliimm- IVnuiiR Co, this week conslstB of tho follow InUj .1, i rfnch, N. II. YniiiiK. H. A llal(lvM(l)cuiisi & l!ucklioll7, A A Voiiiik M J. I I.micIi botiKht llio new .Mo del 2S llulek ltutiabont, vvltlili anh ed on tho "Slot i a," ami Is vcrj enthu siastic over the new car, .Mr X II Young bought one of tho now Model 1! llulek Runabouts, whUii I he took deliver of on Trldav Mr S A. Ilablwlii took delivery nf a new r, cvllndci, 7 passenger Packard Phaeton. DcmpsP & lltickholtz ptirchnscil a ni ' In Br m ml' ' mm. rm$M v giTi-ff TflTW r ft if m ffifrfffiTffr : I::: ::: Tire Economy m I HI The Stevens-Duryea is the easiest on tires of all ::: f ": seven-passenger cars. ;;; Wmm' Reasons: light weight; smooth application of power :" f . by six-cylinder engine; saving of strain by flexible m engine support, and by easy springs, HI w rW i - - - WWE ::: Model A, bi-Cylinder, Scvcn-Passenger Touring Car ;;; 1 1m Hi vMrh r In! Wh fa ML Agents KB Honolulu, t.h; tWkw mk WX , -i 7-passengei Packard toui lug car which thc aio to place In the ruit scrvlio on tho Young Hotel nntoinohlle stniul Tho Packard Is admitted as the limit ndiiptnlilo car for the tent scrvlic In Honolulu u driver Is practical! up ngnlust It, as nine-tenths of Hie toui Ists, and cen tile lowti people piefcr to rldo In the Packatds ovei am oth er car in Iho service Deinpso) .: llitckhollz should do will with this ar, as. they arc both vcr.v well known lio)B mid hno llio best of tepitt itlonu for honesty, lutegiltj ami sobielv Mr A. A. Young look delicr.v of a 7 pisschRoi, 0 lylludei tiuiilng tin The tcnlhle atcldcnt on Klngstlect on Haturdav night Is Just another sam ple of wheio the luultlltido suffers for the few. Tlioic are a few veij tin- 1111111I.V drivers In Honolulu, who nit a most lawless lot. This row ni.i ho counted on the finger tips, and am icsponslhlo for llio niplil llio condem nation of the automobile In public This Is the outfit which Is causing llio gentlemanly driver so much trouble Were It not for this Imodium few who aro always breaking tlio laws, ctuvvd- Ins pedestrians and wagons and me nacing the general public at Inigc, the rest of tho dilvcis would not be so censured Hcio Is wheie Honolulu h is n vvcnk 8Kit, It should have a slrotig iiuloniobllo club to take care of Just inch cases and see to It that tho arc enforced where Hie) should bo. and Hint laws nro cotupllul to ptfitcct the nulolst who is Irving lo conform wllh tho lilies mid legulatlons and not bo mientcd rot some slight viola tion of n iiilscoiiRlntctcd speed I tw LOCOMOBILE HAS The ljH;oninbllc C'ompinj of Amci lei Ifffs Introduced a new feature. which Is being exhibited for tlio first lime It conceived the Idea of con- stiuctiiig miniature models painted in tnstofnl, harmonious color coinhlna tlons, and made to scale, thus glWu;; the true lines of tho cms Space at any automobile show bate 1 HUftlccs. to exhibit tvpoH, a vvldo v.i llcty of colois being Impossible. A method of show lug color schemes was needed, us It Is absurd to cxpctl a customer, who objects to tho color of an open icar, to obtain any clear Idea of that car painted iHffeicnily bv viewing a I.linoiislno having tho de slicd specifications. These models mo cut In half, like those of .vachts, so that they can bo bung on walls, and are so light as to penult of tilth being moved about leadilv Tho show exhibit consists of Ivvcu- t.v-lhe minlatiiie models of the diftei cut tais built h The I.oioinoblle Compaii.v painted In various bod) col ors nml striking combinations. The exhibit of thofco models attract- "d a gteat deal of attention anion.: tho visitors at tho New York show, und lecelved a gicut deal of fnvoruble comment It has been u gtent lulp In enabling ciistomciH to select a color sthenic for their tais, ami Is another example of tho liiiKrtniiio of having oveij fa tllltv at band. The in ch will bo sent lo tho vmlous shows at which tho Ikoiiio bllu Couipaii) will exhibit AUTO NOTES Tut mil i mntoilsts bnvn ilccldcd to reorganize tho old Tncoma Autoiuii bilc Club It lb pstiiuali'd that sixty automo biles u da) inn being Mild lit Southern C.illloinla, wlili h alleaily has Ikciiscil about Oil ooo uiaclilncs. Famous for remarkable qualities Blue Label Catsup It is the best Your grocer sells it Von Hamm-Young Co., Ltd. 1I)p wm department lit Waslilng tpn hits oi deled four more motor tnuks fm Held service to he used In conniclloii with iirmy liuineiivi'iJ. The Hoc luster Ailtniuohllu Deilms' Association will bold Its annual show the pck or Juniiaiy 2J-27, In llio Statu ainiorv PIpiikuio cms, iiiin- mciclal vihlilcH und accesorlcs will be shown Plans have Iipi n drawn for u $.w), 11(10 cliili housp for the Autoiiiobllo Club of Philadelphia Tho Hist stoiy, besides being equipped for gaiago piiipobim, with provisions for suppb paits tin automobiles, will huvo thmif feuis' i lading and rost looms Tim second htorj is designed foi u ll In ni j , map room, assembly room, bi llies' parloi, dining mom mid kitchen. "THE DITTY BOX" , r-UH r-tUKUAKT A neat II tl lo niagai'luc called 'The Pltty Ilox" piibllsluil b.v mid foi the crew of tho lr S. S. West Virginia, one of the ciulscrs now In tho h.iibu, Is now out with Hie rebruiuj nuiiibo (i ml Is replete with good things relat ing to the Nnvv mid otbci1 subject pertaining to Hawaii This "Dlttv Ilox ' Is on sale at Arlcigb & Co.'s, on Hotel htico The 'Tinaiuln! Ne'vs" slates that It' Is ti'idoistooii that impoitaut cxton-l slons ,ue I in i ending In cmncclloii with tlio Capo unite to Austrulla as a result of the New ".ealaud Shipping Co and Kedcial S N. Co deal. Those com in sunt with the situation will not lie sin prised If the P and O Cnmp.iu) (.(includes a winking arrangement Willi Sir Ohcii Phillips i eluding thu Caio trnlllo 1912 AMERICAN UNDERSLUNG SCOUTS ANOTHER SHIPMENT WILL Arrive on S.S, Lurline, Feb. 14 American Motors Co., CORNER ALAKEA AND HOTEL STREETS PHONE 3009 GEO. C. BECKLEY, Sole Distributor ETvenin Bulletin 75c. Per Month lliiipnnr William Is said to bo mi illsplPiihoil with tlio titiinhcr of aitlo mobile aiildentH, in which tneuibnrs of his fniiiil) figured, that be, somo titno ago, gave notice that an offend ing pi hue (or pilnccss) might havo tho m.uhlno lonllsciiteil He fore this inundate was Issued tho crown prince, i row n pi Iik ess mid Pilntu August Wilhiliii had llgurcil In incidents The lattei nut with mishap neat lleilln, but his adjutant, by personal appeal to pinpili tms of lleilln IieuHpapeis and foreign lorrespondentH, succeeded 111 keeping Hie luddelit fiiim bis iiiaj eslv's (ins PALE i WILL MEAN MUCH SOON