Newspaper Page Text
h, E v ening Bulletin Pram San Franolieai 'JYnjo Mum l'cliriiary 12 Far Ban Franelaeei Siberia, l'ebruary IT Fram Vanaauvar. Mn ram . ., February !8 Far Vaneauvari ' Mnkura rvimmry 27 AS ADVERTISING 13 TO EVERY OTHER BUSINESS, SO IT WILL BE TO YOURS IF YOU USC THE BUL. LETIN AS A MEDIUM OF PUB LICITY. i 2:30 EDITION As An Advertising Medium Is Worth While Trying ' ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 5158. 12 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1912. 12 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 I N v Army Gets Orders To Maneuver The first move connected with the handling of Calm's greater army came from tti War Department thin morn ing In the form of u preliminary order for maneuvers this coining summer, Engaging nil troops of nil ornin of the service. Details will follow, hut It la evident that Iluwull la to he one of the great maneuver grounds of the army, and that with the possible exception of the movement" on the Mexican border last ear, the coming maneu ver here will be the most Importnnt held In the United States In recent Commenting on the arrival of tlio in Infantry pome das ago, General Macomb aald that Ita presence would udd to the Importance of any maneu ver that might be held Inter on, and now cornea official continuation of his forecast. If the 16th and 2Sth Infan try are here also, an army of more than (000 men will take part. Marinei Won't Parada. The Camp Very marines will not toko part In the military parade the morn ing of Washington's nirthday. This li the tlnal decision of Admiral Cowles, the departure of twenty-llo men for China and the detailing of about u doirn men as n permanent guard nt jViirl Harbor having depleted the Imt talonrleow the number required to make good showing on parade. jk letter froin Commander Terhune, crjef of slaff of the Paclllc Iteet, was received Saturday at department head quarters, stating1 that as the cruisers o'd 'not return to port until the .twentieth, It was possible that the seamen would not lake part In tlio pnride. This Is believed to be n re fusal only In the event of the fleet's rt'celvlrig salllpg orders In the menn tlme, and coming back to Honolulu only long enough to coal, provision nnd pick up Its left-bchlnds. Chauffeur Is Held . J. E. Johnson, the chauffeur who run Into an express uugon one night u week ago und wus the only one out of eight persona Involved who escaped unhurt In the bud accident that fol lowed, wus thlB morning committed to the Circuit Court for trial by l'ollco Judge Monsarrat. Johnson was charged with heedless driving, uh all of his victims aru re covering He was represented In court by Attorney Ughtfoot Jr., while l)ep uty Prosecutor Urown represented the. city und county. B. I.. MurMiull, a witness of tho ac cident, went on the stand and swore that the machine that struik the wagon was on the wrong side of the road, while J, A Ilaeton, on the stund, 'swore that he had seen the uulomohllH speeding recklessly ulong the street on the night In question The two people In the express wagon. Driver Soujni and his six-year-old sou, Johnny, are both recoirlng, while the five sailors In the uuto were not seri ously hurt By C. 8. Albert. WASHINGTON, D. C, Peb. 1. An announcement has been made at tie Postolllce Depart ment hero that tho postolllce uunex In Honolulu will continue to he used by the government Tho proposal of the McOiindless Hulldliig Company, Limited, to lease the present quarters for five years from Apill 1, 1913, has been accepted, The lease Includes equipment und vvutcr t i: r ?,$$3)t3 H. E. HENDRICK, Ltd., Merchant and Alakea Streets Builders' Hardware and Supplies Taft Men Launching A League President William II. Taft for re election Is the avowed slogan of a group nf fifteen or twenty piomlneut business men of the city who liao been called together fur a meeting ut 4 o'clock this afternoon to launch a Taft League In Hawaii. It was said this morning Hint .1. P. Cooke is ry likely to be tho first president of tho league. Mr. Cooko wns ouo of ihe warm HupiKirtcrs of the plan tlio other day to send an In structed Taft delegation to tho lle- publlcan national convention. Ho Is regarded, In view of nil tho circum stances surrounding tho formation of the Taft tongue at tliln I line, as u log ical man for the place. The meeting Is to ho held In Ile publlciin hendiiinrters and Imitations were sent out by telephone this morning. Tlio gathering this nftei- noon follows an Informal one held lasl Saturday, Political gossip was busy today with rumors as to tho nttltudo the Taft League will nssumn In local pol itics, as tho Governorship controver sy and Taft supporters are pretty well Involved. What the attitude or tho Taft League will be toward Delegate Kuhlo will he watched with Interest. China Is Free (AssocUtnl Tresfl ''utile.) PEKING, China, Feb. 12. Three e-ilcts issued here today establish the Republic of China. The first is the edict of imperial ab dication, the second is the acceptance of the republic, and the third approves all of the conditions set forth by Pre mier Yuan Shin Kal, and Is an un conditional surrender. The third edict is a surprise, as it was believed the Manchus would seek to safeguard their titles and privileges. News received here today is that the Imperial army was routed near Sucho wan (Associated Press Cable. JUAREZ, Mex., Feb. 12. The feder als today defeated the Hernandez reb els In a battle In the western part of Chihuahua. Many were slain. (Associated IVes t-Ql.le 1 ATLANTA, Ga, Feb. 12. The Cu- dahys, packers, have been indicted on 261 counts by the Federal grand jury in connection with falsified Internal revenue returns on the sale of oleo margarine. ATTACK ON TER. GRAND JURY Tho legality nf tho Tmrllorlal Orand Jury Is to he tosliM In connec tion with tin Indictment ImiiiRlit aK.ilnst CIiiiiik Mhiik. a Chinaman charged with having coiniiilltccd n statutory crime Theie was talk homo tlmo ago that tho Jury lind not hcon drawn In con formance with tho rules laid down and that If the matter was brought up In tho legal way It would In all I rohahillty result In tlio panel being dismissed nnd another being drawn, Attorney I.oiriu Andrews Is to bring the chaigo and lias already giv en notice to this effect The Jury was drawn by Judgo Cooier before tho ffiEARREPUES! TAFT AND ON President Firm For Sending Agent (Special Uh Met in Cable.) WASHINGTON, D. C, FEB. 12. GOVERNOR FREAR'S ANSWER TO THE CHARGES OF DELEGATE KU. HIO HAS REACHED WASHINGTON. SECRETARY FISHER LEAVES THE CAPITAL IN THE MORNING, AND NOTHING WILL BE DONE UNTIL HE RETURNS FROM HIS PANAMA TRIP. Coventor Fiear was usked this morning to make public his reply to the Kuhlo charges. Inasmuch uh hl reply has been received In Washing ton. He declined, however, stating (hut he uwiiited hews of the reply be ing given 'out there, lie would not dlscusu the churges further. BY (1 S Al RPRT (Special 11 II I let I II Cum slsjlidence.) WAHIIINOTON. I) ".. Jim 31 The qiMHtlon of Govt i nor Crear's rcupi poiutiiieiit, or the naming or his suc tesMir. has setthd into a desultory Hiatus quo All futuie action In the matter awaits on the reply of (Inv- imor I'reur to the ihnrgis prcfirrnl against his administration by Deleguto Kuliiiiltinaiilf Win ti the renlv Is re- iclvcd, anil the Deli gate permltttd to iiuike n stutemeut 111 rebuttal, some specific movement will he made In the direction of settling the mntroveisy It transpires that home class was MUSEUM EXPERT OF JAPAN I Aflir fauilllarlliig himself with thu mural ininlltlou of the Japanese coin imulal museum hi Honolulu, togither with the ikhIh of thu musi-uiu, tfaklu' Tsuriliul, dim tor of the Impi rial Jap-i unci eomuieii'lal mtisiiim of the Ie-1 . i . 1....1 ! parimeiii 01 t omnii'icu nun ,ikiii-ui- Iiiio, will on his arrival In Japan, use. his lutlutnie In siiurhig mat rial need id for the local Jap.iuise. iiiusi inn lie arrlvid this morning fioni thu St a I en In the Teiivo Muru and vmis gmted at the wharf hv Hnrilniy Itu of the Jap aiieht I'onsulate gineuil Dlreilor Tsuriliul presented tlio Japanese gow mount at the Interna tional exhibition held In Itume, Italy, last veal, nnd aftirwiiids visited nil the principal cities in Ihirope mid III the I'nllid States This morning he lulled on Consul fieninil t'yenn, und was lalir mi t h Messis t) Vonekiira,' V Mntoslilge, T Takiikiiwa. M Kn w.ihnra, K Vamamoto mid V M Miami of the Japanese museum, who showed lilm Ihe exhibit room of the museum I At lunch Dlnctnr Tsuriiml was the guest of local Japanese merchants lie leuves this aftirnoon 111 the Tinvn Mnru for Ills I le In Tnklo, Japan I Mr. Tsuriliul Is u fluent I'rencli eon versatloimllst He nlso speaks Kngllsh inn (lermaii 4 .j v ,j, ,j 5, j . a j $, ? S j criminal court was passed over to tlio I coutriil of ludgfl Itolilnson At tho' tlinn of drawliiK several jiiiymen weio excused and their names taken off tho list because thev had Ihe pierogatlvo of withdrawing If they wished to use It Now tho matter will hu tested right out and tho p'lpeis In the ease should be tiled about Wednesday. FISHER PART THE FREAR PROBE CABINET MEETINGS HELD FREAR CHARGES SUBJECT TAFT FIRMF0R INQUIRY By C. B. ALBERT. ( Kpeclal II u 1 1 1 1 ll Correspondence. : r WASHINGTON, f. C, I'eh 1 Prtsldent Taft remains linn In t his Intention to send a sieclnl ' coiuiiiisslolier to Investigate the charges mudu against (loveruor Kre.u He thinks such a course ' Is the only satisfactory solution of the problem It has developed that the sub- Ject of Delegate Kalanlan. tide's ihurgm was discussed at two cubiliet meetliigH In each In- st Am n the President niude It plain that the best method of ml- justing the situation was to have nil Impartial commissioner Kit Iluwull and go over all tho polutH at Issue. Secietary Fisher has not changed his mind regiudlug the cluiracler of tho chargeH. Hit he- llevrH they do not Justify nil in- vestlgatlou. Forthat reason hu will do cleiyllilng'fn his power to prevent the detailing of a special commissioner for a trip to Hawaii j : i........ ... llsplucd In s oiling the (barges to tlie Com i nor '1 he) uere all aiiangid in book fonu and Hiiiruiiinh d l bind ing of the mint expensive ihiruUcr. They were il.issllltd, paragraph) d and put in such form lis to facilitate ex amination and t espouse Expect Public Reply. Interior l)ep irtini lit ntllcl.ils sav the unswir of (liiviriior I'reur will doubt less he made publli huliltdl ilel Upon JAPANESE INFLUENCE MADE U. S. CDANGUMMIGRANT BILL (Rlelil 11 ii 1 1 et I ii Cciti'im)iI nee ) of tin Stall I . p irtiiu nt An anieiid WASHIMl'Ul.N. I I', IMi I The ., ,ls f,.,,,,,,! up , haiiBhu: tlm Rovtriiiiiiut of Japin has laustd an i,iK,.,K, h to not otT. lid Japan II other eouiplite luikilown In Ihe in it , Is piopo-i d to add thesi vvoiils unless lei of exiludliig Jnpanesu by slatiitu th. iwls( pioildid b tiealj, uiiiven from the Uulliil htatis The strongest ' tlmi or stlpul illoii " kind of 1 1 pi est illations wire made l Jnpiiuise are now ei hided fioiuthls Ihe Hlnte Deparliiunt by thu itutliorl- j , .nititr uiuhr an agreement I'ullon ths at Tnklo. (UlUiils of the Slat" riK t),,. ,.diieatliiual lioubles nil th euilt it. In turn, Hindu such iiigint p.uiiu foist, whtn Japanese Insisted mid empti.ilh appeals to the Stualu lomuilttie on liuuili,r.ill(in that the baikdowu follow id I A piovlslon was carried In the 1)11- lliiKham Immlgialloii bill leirrlug from eiitranee Into Ihe t'nltid Stales "pi i - who are not illgible to beiomii cltlins of the Cnltiil Slates b iiatur- allzatlon." This placid Jnp inese on pieilsely the same footing as Chilli se It moused iiiikIi ill filling and Indig nation at Tnklo rormal protests were hasteiiid to this ill) As a result ad ministration oillelals IxiaineiHllvemul Dually devised u pi in by which the oh Jeitlonable prohibition might be tllin- Inaled They wile nut only excited, I hut strenuous A spielal meitlng or the Senutti ciimmlttt-e on Immigration was called. It was ih i hied In grant the requests MAHUKA CASES START MONDAY Judge Dole aiiiitiiiiKed this morn ing that lie would tiy the case of Cnetk k Cooke, one of tho defendants 111 thu Miihuka Bile condemnation stills, Monday morning next The flieliold und leasehold will b liuor lioratetl In the one case. The fiee hold Is held by the Cummins estate This decision is the lesull of tho Secetary Says Will Not Be Sent llu r.'iHpl lure They fo?, that th (.mirnor will ilfK.r. hiilIi ii step tuk n ' Tho n ply N not rriilly uxptitttl for two or thri'e uivKh It inny innm at' tin uirlUr ptriod, hut It In thought tin (hnrrnor will inki nniph' time In' whkh to fornuihiti IiIh hUW of tin- ran.' tint) pr.H nt It In ht'Ht phr:ieoloK I If tin nnHWtr ilnt'H not renin thin lty for two wct'kH, the ftitlri' m.itttr must ko r until thn rttuni of Hh rlnr rtihtr from IiIm Innpfttloii trip to I'aiKimii lie will hat on IVhm-1 nry l.t 'I In JmiriH'y mill i.imluatlon' of the will I sjnirt at h'.iHt -'! il.ix. A iimnth'H ihfmmnt iniiMt en- nin- ii tut jiiitiiiii n urn iirr ii urn liiuul houh iKijh hfforu the ilnparturo of Sccrt'tnry Phinr. . 1'reMhleiiC Taft riMniili.q llrm In hli Intiutluu to Hfinl u pro la I cotnmtfl Mum r to luwpt.Kat. th harRi'H nmh aKihiKt loviiiior I'rvar lie thinks umli a iniirM' H tht onl H.itlxfat'too Holutlnii of the prohh m Cabinet Meetings Discuss Changes. It Ii.ih ih'Mloptil that tht' Hiihjc t "f I It'k'.'ltf K'nl iulau.mli'H (llUlK wuh ilNiiiNst'il at two ((thhat niiMtlnK4 In fiu h hiKtaiuc the l'rt'Hlih'iit uuulo It plain that the hot mm Haul of nrijiixt- hiK th" Hltuitlou wan to h.ic an Im I'oumlriHlomr Ult Hawaii ami tin ovir till tin points at Ikhih (Continued on Page 8) on iitlindlig Ihe public s bonis of I'alll'ornla, mi arraiigemeut was inadu b whh h lln- Japiuesii governiiu lit unihitoidi to tegulale the admission of n ,,un eillus lulu this inuutrv by p,H,poit svsleiu It was agreed to piohlblt Ihe lsuance of pissports In loollis and sin Ii otln i classes as would bnrrid h) exiluslon legislation 111 t,H uii) Congiess was prevuilul from inssliig a dinstlc fMluslon nit and no alTionl was giviu Japan II Is now ileslnd to tain IhS same uriange meiit In It has nilmllti illy worked well mid no iiceislty exists foi Ihe i uai-liiii lit of ii law to bin Jap nnese Win n the immigration hill minis up In the Si unto for tit Hon the modifying ' ami lulim nt will heoffirnl by Ihe coin- mlllie Infill lil.ll illseussliiu I. eld 111 the I'etl coin t Satuid.iy inoinliig last when the matter was placed before Ihe Judge by the vmlotis utlnrncvs handling the Interests The decision is looked on us n wish to "try It on the dog" .is II will he seen lit the end of this "1So us !) whether or not It Is feaslhli lu tt'J both (lie free and leaseholdi at the H.inie lime or wlielhei in 1'ie Interests of fairness It Is better ti yiaut sep aitite trials throughout Holmes, Stanley and Olson lepie beiit the Castle . Cooke Intel esis and Altorue) l.onlu Autlrevvu the Cum mins cbtato ANSWER KUHIO (HlHCill II u lie tin I'll.l. I WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 12. Aliening a "reckless dis regard for truth" on the part of Delegate Kuhio. Governor Frear's answer to the Delegate's charges has reached Wash ington and was made public by Secretary Fisher today. Governor Frear makes a long general defense ot his ad mitvstration in all of its policies. He takes up the enumerat ed charges made by the Delegate and makes specific re plies to them, denying their acctisatoins. He flatly denies charges of a growing concentration of power in the islands and declares that the Delegate is disregarding the facts. He says that the Delegate's charges arc the result of "ignorance and insincerity." The tenor of the Governor's reply is fairly hot. C. S. ALBERT. U. S. EYE ON BY C. S. ALBERT. j (Kelll II II II el I II rvrHsmiiidMice ) I V ASIll.Ml'IO.N I C. Tib I l'al- mil i Island siniiii ui mm piomlui in t hei and beiauii an Intii- n. ill il Ismh Man) piomlui nl "HI elals dlil not know II was on the map iiliVHhile until lln- tloiihle atoi-e II bi.ois posslhli II mil) liavi- it pl'iie mat lln lentil of the stage for t e thui In mine lioviriior I'n u sliiilnl the inlx-up hv willing a h tti r In the Stale De li ittunnt He lelalid thai l'aluota Island hail foi i ins bun In V11' I"'"" M'sslon nf Judge llenrj i: "Siiipir of the Hawaiian Supuine Colo-.' II was aunoiiiiieil In llnuolul i, fioi ii inn I'rear wioh thai a llrlllsh svu- dli all' had d Ii I uilm ! to assi rl ouiii r ship ovil tl" l-lili'l As a plilllll-. luarv tin gov) inini lit uf ( Ihltnhij uoiild inlalillsh Us suviri Igul) Judge i 'oopi r I ii aim miiih dlsltu bed by lhe npoil At his solli Itallon limit nor Tiiar stut his ininiuuiilititloii In lite Male I), partim nt aulhorllles He de WITH FLORAL 'I In "re mnilng for lite I lord l'i rude t sit ami I full '( lout HI lltn s what a San I'r nn im o p i i tmbll Ins on the Slirias li v t lili 'I lie llieallli Slellllislllli I 'oltip IIIV s Hiu r Sim. i Ciiplaiii II C lloitdlille. vvlilth in ill id I "l i.l.ii at Hum. lulu fiom l Ii Ii m,rt. Kill leave Houollllli ll d IV ahead of Us nglllal ihlle and will he line Mniidav a wiek Instead of a link fi Tmsd.1) The Hun will have In re again for Honolulu Ihe following Tilda) IVI.iuarv n; This change, for the inn lllp onlj. was made so us to luake it possible foi Ihe pissillgus In leaih Honolulu hi lime to witness the Ulilll I'loral I'arilile. will, ll Is Ihe I'lg- gi st evillt of tile Jilll III Ihe mid l'a- illU 'Hie Shria will airlve at Hono lulu eallv rehru.ll 21. the da of til Ii Illation To i liable Ihe passiugns who lake Hi ii i.l Ii In to make lllo most of this i Mill da sp. .'Ill llllilllgemiMlls have hull iiiaih fur a slil. Irli In the voliiino of Kllauea, width Is one nf the wiinilus of Ihe world Time will hi lime (ii visit the volcano, whose lilt- iin in liable Ores in vir llow with mole magiilllt elite than at this season of the iar and i Hough time tn spare befure the Slum sails again for the vlslliu In si e a gon.l dial of Honolulu mid the siiiioiindliig iiuiiilry 'lln Unci will leave lloiolulti Feb ruary -'5 mid will be home again Murth HOT; FLAYED PALMYRA sir, d to know Inm mil win II was p- Uii, for Hit Htilili guv eminent to i .it il iioiiliiih and n siulleate In I il.e p., -. sst. in what bt longed to in Ann rl. in t liii ii (llh.ials i.f tin Mule l. p irtllli lit 4 were llllahle to ullswil Ihe tlleltl0IH liMipouinleil by (litviruoi I'reur The In 'an ii iiihiule luvestlgntlou lu nsci r- ' lain wluil was liitusplrlug mid why It lltippt lied. This will be lolitlTitltd un til tin nilJiiHiineiil of the nihttii Is I iilt The HllliJ.s I will be taken Up with the mitliorllles or ilieat llrltaln. Tin I e Is no disposition to relinquish Ihe Island without II being ilearly di iinmslintiil Ihal It pioperly helungs in llrlllsh snbjeiis r this is mil shown lln Coll.. I Slnlts will take thu in i skiii v s, ,s to nssiit Its own sov .iil'iil uv.r the island ad tlitih pre via! tit. suit, .iiiston atlMilg lit thu fiiluii' I'n tliulii ii v lo Hu hivistlgitlnn thu Slit. 1 1. urll I pi i.ple I.. old d lulo ii. lo. illoii or I'liniMit Mind and (Continued on Page 4) PARADE TOURISTS II i. in. i n ip mil t ike nut) 17 .1 n I p I. I. I I iv Ill .11 ll.ll pIS- ,.111(11. hid l.n it loiiKid fur this trip. Vim. im iluisi I knl hi iiuirlHta from ill puis of lln urn Id Tin re Is one pirlv of Ju pe..ile froin ChUugn nnd a lame iiaiuliii fioni N.'W York BOARD OF AGRICULTURE MEETS THIS AFTERNOON Theie Is In he a mi i ling of the 1'o.tnl of gi.i iiIiiiiV at 2 ii clock this afternoon Tin in iln point to he dls eiiHsetl Is the on iiigeiuelit of the Tei rlloilul tii.ii.iullm sl.iiiou In in. lei to ai'i'iuiiinodaie Hie dogs th it will ho plated them fnltuvvliig the passim; of Ihe legul'itlons enforcing a ' foul months quarantine agaln.11 rab ies. Velerluailan Knrgaaid will plieo his si heme before llio lln ltd for ap proval. The in tiler of inaUIng the Maul po lk emeu liuuuarv luspeiloss of tho ' Hoard so the) can inspect all packages inmliui on shine fioni tho ' nthiM Islands lu t'onni cllon with thu llglil against the Modlloriaiieau fruit II) will also he dlreusseil n . A iiiiit Ii of silt will make Ihe white of all egg beat ilihkt.r PALE will 1110 in much EiKiii. 1; ... '1 M 1 ', I I. id i'4Tr s.l' 1 1 a "a i ,ls,l -, . . 4 - ! ,v i