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-"?' - 4 "7? " " - vrgy 3T y,?"--vr--'Mfr jw "- -T-p, 7 - --j--- i ... -? ,TMN0 OVER 7,000 COPIES OF BULLETIN'S FEBRUARY 22NB SPECIAL EDITION ALREADY ORDERED IS YOUR ORDER IN? E v ening Bulletin From San Franelseai Hlcrrn IVIiiunrySi For San Franelseoi l.urlluo (....February SO From Vancouver. Mnrania , .February 28 For Vanoouvari Miiluiru l'cliriiiiry 27 A BUSINESS IS QUICKLY DUILT UP IF COURTESY DOMINATES the working fortes If that courtesy l backed up by OOOD MERCHANDISE AND GOOD ADVERTISING. 3:30 EDITION Presents Opportunity For Bettering Business Conditions ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 5165. 12 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1912. 12 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. I REPUBLICAN CHIEFS WAIT ALL SET POR MIDWINTER CARNIVAL Clark Is Strong In MissouriiTo (Associated Press Cibles) JOPLIN, Mo., Feb. 20. The name of Champ Clark, sprung today in the Democratic State committee meeting, was the caute of a demonstration. Clark supporter! are preparing reso lutions to instruct the Missouri dele gation of the national Democratic con vention at Baltimore for Clark. (Associated Prcs Cublr.) CHICAGO, III., Feb. 20. The Fed eral grand jury here has indicted two railroads, two theatrical concerns and four individuals for rebating for ad vertising. Iho Interstate Coniincrca Cominls nlon .mmiii Al'MtH kku stopped the thru le ultimate prnctli-u nt allowing rch.ito rati s for advci Using, nppl)lng partlc uliirl) to lullrnads. NEW MORGAN SKYSCRAPER ANNOUNCED IN NEW YORK ' Assm Ixtcel Pits r.'ahtp.) NEW YORK, N. Y, Feb. 20. J. Pirrpont Morgan 4. Co. will soon begin a skyscraper to take the place of the present structure housing the big banking concern. commerce'commission fixes ujmber rate I Associated rr?M Calile.t WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 20. The Interstate Commerce Commission has prescribed an eighty-cent rate per hun dred on hardwood lumber to the Pa cific Coast. STOCKS ARE QUIET (Assrclatcd Press Cahlei ) NEW YORK, N. Y., Feb. 20. Stock trading today reached the lowest ebb of the year. SUGAR SAN FRANCISCO. 1'nl , Poll 20 Hoots 8K uuul)sls, lf.M, 1 l-2il : iiiilly, CISc Previous iiii)tntlnn, ll,s 2 1-4(1. SAf JOHNSON IS Htcmio nf deliberate lolalluii of the unlit) iiiitomolillu, J K Johnson, (ho (lmiilTciir whose license was revoked rticutl) by Police Judge "Mousnirat, Mil) llml lilmsilf charged vvllh n serious olTonso for drl lntr nil uulomnhllo lust night Johnson was th lunn who Mime tlniH ugo hanged Inln Manuel Knuxa's wugon on King itliKt mill Injured Sniizu nnil his slx,-vuir-old son When liniiiRlit before Judge Monsnr uit, Johnson's license uno revoked Johnson, It vvns icportid tills morning, plckid up u crowel nf Joy-riders UiBt nlRht mid deliberately ilmui the nvi chlno through tho streets of Honolulu .Motor?) cla Otllccrs Chilton nnd .biou will inuko n thorough Invcstl Riitl'in of Johnson's case H. E. HENDRICKS Ltd., Merchant and Alakea Streets Fire Escapes and Ornamental Iron fciiuAf .-.(ifccii &SltfekmJ&MtMltiitk. o,.iJtaiMiim ...iiai..' ' ..Uj.(lU'i..iA Hji.. Matson's New Liner Be Fine 'V ! Feutuies of the lion Mutsun j Navigation llm I', u contract for f ! which will suon bo iiwatdcd: i Length ocr nil, 50l) feet, f " Heain niouldcd. tin feet. y s Depth moulded, ib (i fict. f Speed, loaded, :H-fuot draught, ' v lli knots ' ! Displacement, Jl-fuot draught, 'S ; 15.120 : Deadweight cargo, IncliiMvo of fue-l, sloros, etc , short tons, S.'ol Number statement's 8G ' Capncll) huIooii passengers. Cupneit) steerage passengers, 8G l)lulnR-iooni scutlng cip.icll), !' Private h-ithronms, 24. Stutcnioiiis loiuueli'il with V pilMiti' Imtli, M, HinokliiK loom nllujUd for- ward. v Ktatcrooiiih located on threu ' dieltH IjilRCt mid lliicat lltted ntutc- " roouiH, on proimnado deck, s .. t, V t .J, 5 S S S J 'S V ! '5 '5 S w Plan4 for tho prnpostd MatHon Nav iRiitlim C'iiiiiiiiii) liner wero iicclveil h) Vlce-l'ieHldi'iit and (cmrnt Mun iRr i: I) Tunny of 1'iiHtln &. Cnoku thlH inoinliiK with tho mrlviil of tho hteumnhli Wllhi liulim from tho Coaxt. (Continued on Page 2) COMMISSION URGES EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY (Bnrclil Hullo tin Cable) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 20. President Taft today submitted to Congress the report of the employers' liability commission. The report urges the enactment of employers' liability and compensation bills, stating that this would Insure protection for the employes and at the same time clear the courts of the present congestion of damage suits. ZAPATISTAS LOSE ISliilll flu I let In Cable 1 MEXICO CITY, Mex, Feb. 20 The Zapatistis were defeated in a hard bat tle at Santa Maria. It is reported that twentyseven prisoners and guards were killed at Puebla in an attempted escape. TROUBLEJN HAYTI (Kprclal Hill tot III Ctiblo ) HAYTI, Feb. 20 Revolutionists have killed forty federals on the San Do mingan frontier. A hoy of hlx ) oni8 and n Klrl of four wore1 Iniriipd to deuth In tholr Iii'iIh iw Iho riwilt nf an explosion of nil oil lump In tho homo of Louis Hlcn of Now York Mrs James l)als of 1'ortlaml, Oio, In an effort to break her husband's habit of stiij Iiik out late at night, hud friends strap hero to her bed unci gag her, nnd when discovered by her hus band said masked robbers had set upon her. Finest F Do ilen, son of former Fnlted Stales Senntnr Joui F Hr dc II, was elided preside lit of tho I'm (Initial Insurance Company to succeed his father who was president of thut eoiupan) lit the time nf his death H few" weeks ago REVELRY TONIGHT STARTS FLORAL PARADE OF 1912 DECORATED AUTO SECTION NEW RECORD A icruiil-litiMkliiR list of c-iitrlcx In Iho if ccural cil-ii ti I ii section of the VMS ritual l'arado wan reported tills nioiii In; when the special commiltca hu Iiir this section In tharRO held its flnul meeting this morniiiK In the Kxitnu or tho liawull l'lomotloii Com inlttcc. i:iecnlli-liniir cnlrics uio coiiiIiir in now, and it will lie linKihllilo to Ret a complete lint until the parade ItHcif fornix, hut up to date tho cars far out number those In any pioviomi p.iRcalit. Iiiiro auto IIu.iIr uro In eluded In thu Rcncral auto tocllon. Morcoci, the decorations pmnilxo In ho more elaborate tills jeur thiin ocr bcfoie Mrs. J. M DoMsctt, chairman of tho conimltteoiinnoiineeK that ciitiics mo' open up until the beginning of tho parade All onirics must report nt tho capital rkiiiikIh hcfoio tho parade (Continued on Pays 4) FLEET IS No orders us lo Iho future! moe ments of the I'.iellle Meet luiwi been reeched by Admluil Thomas dining thu lon-d.t)' that elided this inoruluR when tho llaKshlp California tied up In the na) clock at 1 J-IS. Ho far as tho comm.iuiler-iiichlef Is con cerned, thu situation K exuctl) us It was whin the Meet left hero Febru ary 13. 'There Is absolute I) nothing In tho wiy of gone nil ne-ws," said Commander Trrhuue, chief of stalT, lo u II ill I e- tln reporter this morning Wo luivo had ii successful inline ami accom plished conshhiablo In tho way of gun pointers' practise while wo have been at sea." Whllo at KialnkeKiia Hay, where tho cruisers made u stop nnd put thu Cap tain Cook iminuim lit In repair, tho bluejackets explored the ines In the ellfis, mid wero ilellghte'd to llml what they at llrst thought to bo burled souv enlrx of old Hawaii When the')' brought their Mucin to light and (lis COW red that they had dragged from The llrst Impntlmit step taUin In Iho mattu of providing u permanent mail from Honolulu to l'eurl Harbor was luauRuiated today at the noon meeting of tho city nnd county super- Isors Thlrt) thousand dollais wero appro priated fin tho construction of this much needed IiIkIiwii)' whin tho re cent hiidhct passed to a limit reading and was adopted by that hod) Supervisor Murra) today lutindiiccd a resolution that the road committee In conjunction with the city and coun t) engineer, bo Instructed to draw up plans and specllleatluns for tho con struction of tho Moalialua-l'iiuloa road, the plans and speelllcatlons to bo sub mitted to the hoard and that upon up pi oval b) the boaiil, tho elt) and count) clerk bo authoriid to call for tenders for tho pioposed work. Thu Ultulithle I'aving and ComretH has c liino forward with un offer to lay u pavement ot Wierrrnlto surface along that section of King street between Kal ikiiuii aveiuio and I'liiuhbowl street, ail area of approxi mately 00 J I Hcpim o )ards, for tl.M a square )ard, agreeing to furnish ma terial nnd lav n pavement that In ev er) wav will prove highly xntlxfac-loi) FORMATION ORDER AND RULES NOW COMPLETE Till: FORMATION ' l'ollro Maislial nnd Allies Hawaiian Italic) (on foot) David Kalakauii nnd srnits Island 1'rlncchseM, pjftcs, outrldors and nttciidniits. KIiik and (Jueen Float Mounted Hand, Fifth Canulry llorse-drnwn Floats Section St. I.ouls ColleRC U.ind Dcuiiatcd Ailtuiuubilo Sect Inn Ulcjcle Section FORMATION ORDUIIS II) Marslml A. M. Ilrowu All features enter b Hotel street Bate. Autos Filter FxoeutUo tiulldliiK RinuudH and nrriiiiReil by Marshal's aides, llorso-diHwn FloatV Kmni either slilo of Miller nticot and iilung Unlet street of Miller. I'rlnccxsi'H .ind FscoitA Filter by t.lkclike i Irect gato nnd lakn up hihI (Contlnued on Page 4) IN DARKIExtra For their long rest the leui.ilus of Iho old llauallaus theiu.clws, the) mule haste to leturn them In their tombs with all possible reeerinec. The souvenir hunters who returned aboard ship wire In ii chastened mood Thu ships stopped three da)H at llllo, where there wero u number of i nlertalnmiiits and return entertain mints ashore and Almost all tho mirliies, who were In camp when the lh it tumid Its llrst expedition to llllo, took the opportunity of elsltlug tho Milcauo There wire no Incidents or accidents to niir tho erulse The Impression prevails that tho West Virginia will rejoin tho lie et hero befeiro long Tho Ninth Dakota did not follow the Callforuli In, but will dock lati r In the afternoon, as will the Colorudo. which had to sla) outside until the Mohican, moored In the end ot tho Alakeu ilea k for tho "IMnnfnro" per formance. Is shifted slightly to glee the cruiser a birth on tho Fwa side of tho wharf The proposal was iiiailo to the board at Its muting toclu). Tho tender vvai turned over to tho retael committee III u lomniiinliatlou Dr J S II I'ratl, preside nt of the Territorial lloaid of Health, rcenmtnrudh to the boaid that In tils opinion the name of the sinee'ssful caiidhlates ut tho recent examination for health Inspectors might be published David K Martin has submitted u proposal that the board use ii dry chemleiil lire extinguisher, wide It he claims Is suitable for the outside dis tricts of Honolulu Thomas F. Wall was gr lilted per mission to ellspla) a large Atmrlcuu Hag across King street from tho Re public building to the Walt) block Iho hoard has been asked to tabu jvel several old cannon which wero since mounted III the old fort mid whh h wire spiked at tho time tho French took pos-e-sslou of the fort Su perintendent of I'ubllc Works Camp bell Is of the opinion that the relies should ho preserved ami suggests that the) bo mounted In Kapiolaul Park To the road loinmltte e has been le- feired a communication finui N. C Petri sun In regard to the location ot a building vvlihh Is being erected ut (Continued on Page 4) HARBOR TO BE SCENE OF GAJEIY t m i 4, -i t J- i ' J j . ... WHISTLE SIGNAL. s Announcement was made this afternoon that If a sudden chauo In the weather latir In tho day should make necessary the postponement of tho water paRcnut slid performance of "IMiiiifiiro" toulRht. the Hawai ian Flo trie ('ouipan)'s IiIr MtilMIe will be sounded llvo thncH I'Uc whistles mean that the performance Is postponed. .t (, 4 a . . s, 4 It diirnds on the wuither whether oi not the nptiiliiR ulKht of Floral I'aiade hc.imui will really he tho opi it- IllR IllRllL A suddi n chaiiRo In tho wind es- trrd.i) with ii sllxht rain today, made the Floral I'arnde niaiinRi'itii lit a little hit dinilitriil, hut tills iifti moon Inter- (Continued on Page 4J Hawn. Com. Hawaiian ,Vi Sug iii Co Is In Hue fur u spiclal dlv blend next month of llfty cents nr share Alexander At IIiIiIhIii ellleitors have re coin ine nib cl that the extra be de clared on Mu rib B, mid this Is considered praetleall) equiva lent to actual decision J P Cooke aliiinunicd tho preipeised extra this morning. He also nihil d tho good news thut "If tho prlen of sugar holds good, we hope to pa) an extra divi dend of llfty icnU per sharo iuarlcrl) during tho )iar" yy Aj S J V V'S''l'V'V'VS'9 MANY FLOATS TO ENTER BIG Cliulniitin Ch.iilcs ll Fmler of tho hoiso-drnvvn llo.its coinmlllco of tho 1012 Parade announced this nrternoon Hie list or entries In thU scitlon to (Into ns follows: Honolulu I'lio Department Chlnose Itetolutlonsts M)rtlc Boat Club United Chlneso Society C Hrovvcr t Co Cnstlo & Cooko Alexander H llilcjwln .1 Walter Do)lo'x Waterwiigon Honolulu Rapid Transit, ami Land Co Finest Kind's Trniibailouis Hawaiian Fibre Compan) Outrlggor Cutioo Club llaiiils-Aiound-tha-Paclllc Club Tiall and .Mountain Club Hoy Scouts Honolulu School for Hojs (2 floats) Native Sons of (lolclen West King nud Queou Float Hawaiian Diedgiiig Coinpnuv O I!. & U Co I KUHIO EXPECTED TO A CONFERENCE The feature In Inside political clr. cles among the Republicans today Is a conference between Delegate Kuhlo and J. P. Cooke, that, so far as could be learned up to 2 o'clock, didn't come 0((, The conference is said to have been first proposed by Delegate Kuhlo, who wanted to get right down to facts and' see where he stood and why an agree.1 ment couldn't be reached for harmony all around. Mr. Cooke was wllllna and ready to talk on a harmony basis and It looked ', as If many of the troubles caused by, others than those .10 directly con. cerned would be avoided. But at .'.. .. .. .j. t. ! .; ' $ y "5 S- s ' t 'V 'V 'if Paul Iscnberg slated as tho Republican candidate) for Dclcgato v to CnnRrcss, following n reported conference of tho higher-ups nnd ! tho (iiivernor 1V Underneath tho activities of sumo of the men who have swung Inlo line for Taft, Roosevelt sentiment that will not mnko Itself ! felt until they nrc successful In being elected delegates to tho Nn- , tlomil convention. ' .1. P. Cooko n probihlo dclcgulo to tho Chfciico contention from 5 Maul, thus tuklng tho placo of Coventor Frenr on tho Hawaiian dol- CRiitlon. ' Tho "Klll-Kulilo" crowd soro hccmiso tho slrulgiilforvvnril stale- v ment of tho DelcR-ite on his nnlvnl homo blocked their gnmo com- s plclely mid upset tho campaign that was nlreud) framed up to read s Kuliln nut of tlie party and shnpo things for Isenherg'H enndhhry v , And In addition, to these nnd 11 few other things aro Iho friends who nro lighting under I'ovor nnd urging the Delegnlo In go for- ward nnd fight for principle though ho bictik his political neck In so doing Link To Stay On The Job That I.. I MrC'ancllesK Is prcpirltig to mako tho hardest fight In 11 long series of hind lights for Delegnlo In Congiess Is evident b) tho develop incnls of tho past fow das ler) llilng will ho subordinated lo this striiRRlo to land t li 0 coveted po litical plum. In fat I, so keen Is Mr McCamlless' determination tti win this campilgn Unit ho has put behind him nil thoughts of going to tho Demo cratle National Convention Ho said )osterdu). In answer to 11 direct question from tho II it 1 1 0 1 1 ft that hu will not consent tei licfomo a randlcluto for convention delegnlo If ho Is nominated by tho Democrats as Delegnlo to Congress. This decision, of course, rests on tho nssuiiiptloii Unit thu Democrats of tho Tcrrltor) will iigien In the plan for holding the two Tenllorlal conventions on iho tamo day April Hi, 011 what has been dubbed tho "double-convention" ss torn In other words, If McCniidlens Is nominated for Delegnlo to Congress, ho Is going to stii) In Hawaii fiom April If. In November nnd dovnlc his tlmo to hlb campaign Meanwhile tho probablo Republican nominee ma) (Continued on Page 7) MulNIIrs of nil (lie sugar estatex In the Mauds nrc printed In Ihe II 11 1 le tin's 1UI: Industrial Kellllon. .News cillUon with regular Issue nf the Bul letin on sale fur Ihe ci ill- 'I hur. In). ( a banker, was refused uilmlttmiro to probate b) the court In Chicago Starting from the exphulnu ot an automobile 11 lire destrojed the opera house liloik at Attlelioio. Mush with 11 loss Hint will reach 1200,000 aJatohf (irs. . Af.... noon Mr. Cooke said that while he had been expecting to hear from the Delegate, he hadn't yet heard, The Delegate and A. W. Carter were In conference for a long time thl morning at the office cf the Kaplolanl Estate, and at 1:30 o'clock no develop, ments were apparent, The outcome now expected Is that when the Taft League and the Dele, gate's forces will have several features to be talked over before an under. standing Is reached. It was under. stood that at noon today Kuhlo would have something definite to say to the Taft League, but such was not the case. .. J. . . e. ii ty fj At . $ These aro a few of tho things Dele gate Kuhlo lias buniiH'il up ngulnst sliico Ills arrival in tho city and aro some of tho things Hint uro nlleged to mako the 1s1lllle.1l situation dUHcilIt In iiutiingle, Proliihl) ihe biggest thing In tho whole business that was In bo handled under tho auspices of Iho Advertiser "Klll-Kiililo" leadership was tho r.iu illdiicy of D P II. Isenberg. It Is 1111 dcixtood thut tho whole game was framed up mid tho blast In tho Ad vertiser tho morning of tho Dele gate's arrival was Iho first blast, though Iseiibeig himself went off to. Sail li am Iscn so as to ho personally out nf It It is staled Hint Mr. Iscn- heig, previous lo Iho program being luudc up, Ii id a conference with thu Coveruor and thu word wiib passed Delegate Kuhlo must go and In due) season Mr Isenberg would be spuing (Continued on Page 2) SYNDICATE BUSY WITH OLAA With the be.'(V) bu)lng of a big nud powerful svinllcato of local capitalists out for (Una bonds, these six per cents are getting Hlronxer mid stronger and the transactions huvu been uun of Iho market fentuiis of tho past few ebi)s 'I he Hi'iir) W.iterhouso Trust Com pall). Illslmp t.'o and ChtuH A.. Ilotb an the luokeluuo linns that h.iv'o llguriai piomlneiitl) In the s)iidlcu(u'a stock exrhiingo bii) l(ig, mid "tho street" Is watching the operation vvllh much Inti rest Ohm Is one of the sugar prnpertliH whose Intrinsic strength Is becoming more mid more apparent, nnd the stocks mid bonds ure both protltlng The Immense umouiit of laud held in fee simple, the rapid wa) In which the plantation Is getting firm on Its llnan elal feet, and the wa) In which Its sugar Is going to market all uro help ing thu securities, mid the suln of the Isunls shows the eoifildenco of the hii)lng public In loiiR-lerm Invest ments i..,.; I,- - .-... awAi?ih.ja; -- 1