OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, March 01, 1912, 3:30 EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1912-03-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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WT- T ,
Masonic Temple
Weekly Calendar
Orriiiitr Mnlrd,
llonnl iiln 'I hint Ileum'.
llavtullnit SitoiiiI Degree.
Alolia Temple Itcgiilnr.
AH vliltlni mcmbiRi ol tkt
Order tra cordially InyltfJ to
attend meetings of local ledcM
Meet on tin--'nil
nnd 111
.MotlllllJS ol
mcli inunlli
nt K. I'. Hall
"CIO 1'. .M.
.Members III
oilier Ahii
clatlons cor.
dlulh hulled.
U.M. .MrKl.M.i: l.OIKJi:, Ml.
Kjtir r.
iro& Mr",s " J'V -"'1 '"1 4th Sntur-
,i-tt.y'v '"liiB nt 7 30 o'clock In
v K .l 7. Hull, cor. Tort and
G HuretuiJn. Visiting brotheis
Mrtllully tnv.tcd to attend
A. !'. (JKUTZ, P C.
f. r. kiuihv. k it s
. OAIIT XMMiV. M). I, K. of r.
Sv, Meets every first and third Frl
SalJ- nt " 30 o'clock, Pythiai
Kvltall. corner Ilorclnnl.i aim
v' Fort streets. Visiting liiothcn
Cordially Imitcd to attend.
s. ii:cki:h, c. v.
o. iii:ini:. k. or it. & s.
i.MM.ru; i.oixii:. cic, ii. r. o. i:
Honolulu I-odpo No. Gtfi
U. I. O i:iks, meetH li
their hall, on King St
near Foit, every Frldii)
evening. Visiting Ilroth
ers are cordially Invited
to nttend.
I). I. It. ISIINItnilG, K. 1L
CF.O. T. KI.Ui:oi:U Pec.
1I.UVAIIA Tlillli: Ml. I, I. (). II. .11.
Meets nery first mid thin'
Tuesday of ouch month In
Fraternity Hull, I O. 0 F
building.. Vis.tfng brother!
coull.illy limited to attend
Hi;MtY A. ASCII, Sachem
I.Ol'IS A. PKKtlY. C. of It
lio.Mii.n.r ai:imi: no, r. o. i:.
lUffi Meets on second nnd fourtl
Jjfc&, Wednesday evening of each
,fjMc" month nt 7 30 o'clock, Ir
San Antonio Hull, Vineyard
street, near Kinnin Visiting brother
me Invited to attend
WM C. McCOY, Secy.
iiOMH.n.r i.oni.'i: no. sod,
. 1.. II. 0. Jl,
will meet In Odd Fellows' building,
Fort street, near King, every Friday
evening nt 7 30 o'clock.
Visiting brothers cordially Invited
to uttend.
AMIIItOSi: .1 WIltTZ, Dictator.
I.'. A. JACOIISOX, Secrctniy
Importer Fort St
Pantheon Bldg.
New Style by the Lurllne
Spring Hats
Miss Power,
Millinery Parlors, Bolton Block
Up.tO'date Millinery and Men'i Hate
K. 0. II AM, X- SON, LTD.
Cor, Kin;; und l'ort .SU, IIO.MH.IU'
Hard "are, I'iiIiim nnd Oils, Ship,
chandlery, .Slows, Crockery, (Hans,
rare nnd Kitchen Utensils I Spurting
floods, duns, llciolurs and Aniinunl.
' (Ion.
You must get the II ill let In In
gl'i I 111' Xl'HH.
OfV . Js
iLiiLv aVK H al HiL bH r Bm
We give all baggage orders our perioral attention
and iee that your trunkeare properly SEALED,
aving you delay and inconvenience on your arrival H
San Franeuco.
Jas. H.
PHONE 1281
Norwegian Freighter Guernsey Begins the Discharge of Ship
ment of Australian Coal Kona and Kau Liner Back from
Round Trip Claudine and Hyades to Sail This Evening
Manchura Will Take One Hundred to the Mainland.
It It ttlih much satisfaction some
slt in nimc cmiilojet or the local
Inandi of the Fedeial CuMinm Sen
tee look iiHin the pioici-ed consollda
lini scheme which Is hcllutcd "III
oon ku into effect under the direction
uf Secretin) MacVuiiRh of the Trena
il. v Dcpaitmeut.
At piesent all the pints of eiilr;- In
Hawaii are under tho Jurisdiction of
Collector Staekahle, with deputies sta
luuccl at the sexcial Islaml iorts. It
is with this fact to the forefront that
the local Man Is enabled to lev with
'laiwiulllty the much mooted plan oc
casioned thioiiRh the Intio.luetluu of
i bill bcfoie Congress to consolidate
customs polls so as to reduce to a
minimum I lie expeiibu of collecting
us oiiih iccnues.
.IiiiIrIiik fiom niHIces received at
Honolulu the customs pints In Oickoii
WashinKtnu and California will leel
the effeci of the new nnans-enicnt,
. Midi means a mailed lediictlnu. In
UreKon theic ale I'ortland, Astoila,
Yaiullia and Coos lla, all of which
t Is deshed to throw Into one ills
rid. thus eliminating tollectors at
Vstnrla, Yaitilna and Coos Hay.
In California theie aic custouis
ii'hIh at I'uiel.a Kan Fiauclhco, I.ih
nt;clcs anil San DIcko. It is pioisis
"d to nia'ie two districts In California
') maklni; Kuti'k.i a sub-ioit of San
''iiincisco and San DIcko a sub-pint
if l.os AltKeles.
It Is well known hcic by those who
'inve given tho nia'ier soine study that
theie aio a ciinsideiablo number of
pints nh.Mc It (osts fiom "lie dollar
to sewial huuilici! dollars to collect
$1 of iecnue. Thesu poits weio of
Importance at one time, but hae been
continued tluough the Influcnco of
CouRiessmeu In whose dlslilcts they
no sit ii.H ed. Secretarj MacVeash
Mild iccently In a icpoit to Cougicss
that conslilcmhlo savliiR eouhl bo ef
Icctcd "by the elimination of a larfio
itiiiiher of customs ports that aio of
no use mulct the sun," and ihnt theio
are lunut custom houses that the
Tieasiiij Depaitmeut would he much
better off without.
Another unnecessary olllco Is said
to be that of Surveyor of Customs, it
Is alleged that his duties cotilil bo bo'
tec performed bv a deputy collector
Hi' Is uieiely u suhuiillnato tho out
side executive olllcer of tho Collector
nnd icceltes most of his orders ill
lectlj Ironi a deputv eollectot.
. r
Found Rough Weather at Windward
Itottnh weather picvalled "iit wind-
aid ports along the coast of Hawaii,
iceuidlng to advices biouglit this
UKiiulug bj I'uiber Logan ol the lutei
Island steainei Klliiuea.
The Kuna and Kau liner leturnod
at an cmiJ) hour with it talr llbt of
IMSsengeis anil caigo Including tho
lolh.ttlng Items 1200 sacks sugar, Vi
b.ilei' bliles is casos fuilt, 7 casen
eggs, 7 bands tlsh, I crates pigs, till
bunches Ikuuiiiis, "17 sacks corfee, 3D
W.C. Peacock Co., Ltd.
Tel. 1704 Wines and Liquors Tel. 1704
Family Trade a Specialty
Sole Agents
h , I
head cattle, 12 calves 33.1 cases pine
apples, 3 hales tobicco and 298 pack
ages sundiies
The Btcnnier Ilelcne was passed at
Ookala, the Mauna I.oa at Mahiikona,
ami the veteran bail: Albeit was dls
cliaiglng supplies at Xasiopoo. A
stiong northeast wind with rough seal
picvalled on the homeward trip.
Heavy Cargoes from San Franeljeo.
Two ficlghters In the Ameileaii-Iln-wallan
service and not one, as report
ed, will be sent from San rrnnclsco
to the Hawaiian Islands direct. Sucn
Is the Information that comes from
the local agent y this morning with
tho receipt of the icnuit that the
Alaskan hns sailed fiom the Califor
nia port with westbound cargoes num
bers 257 und 2."8, which left Xew Yoilt
In lite Oiegoulan Jan, 10th and Toxnuj
Jan. 10th, icspectlvelv. Tho Arlzona:i
Is to follow (lie Alaskan and the Vir
ginian, sailing from tho Sound on
Maich 20lh, will be the first vessel In
some weeks to steam to Honolulu fiom
tho Sound poits.
Manchuria for Coast Tomorrow,
The I'nclflc Mail liner Maiichuil.l
will depait for San IVanclsco tumor
low morning, taking about one bun
dled enbln passengers fiom this port
according to tho present list of book
ings on tllo at the office of II. Huck
leld & Co., the local agents for Ihnt
line. Tho Manchuria was reported as
201 miles oil poll at 8 o'clock last
night, piocecdlug through moderate
seas and fair weather. Tho Manchu
ria Is duo to at the In pint early this
afternoon and vvlll go to Al.ikea wharf
to dlschaigo 1070 Ions Oilcutal caigo.
Hyades for Island Ports.
Tho Malson Xavlgatlon steamer
IIades with a cuigo totaling 3000
tons, Including extensive shipments of
supplies for the Aimy Quaitcruuistcr
Dupaitment, Is being uipldly discharg
ed and Is expected to bo ready to sail
for Island ports und S.in rianclscu
this evening. Tho Hyades will not
icturii to Honolulu but will depart for
tho Coast from llllo, leaving Ihi'io on
March "Hi, nccoidliiK to tho " present
fcrlieilule Tho Hyades will cull at
Port Allen and Kuuultil cu lotito to
Sugar Stored at Kona .-thd Kau Ports.
I'nihcr l.ogan of tho Inter-Island
slCRtncr Kllnuea, on anival this inoiu
ing. tepoited I lie billowing sugar as
awaiting shipment at Kouu and Kau
polls of call: Hunuapo 1900, l'tiiia
luu .'ITU, Hinuikna 3ouu Kukiilliiioto
1200, I'aaulh) 12.100, I'aaiihati 17,50a
Kukalau 2051 sacks.
Molauea for the Hyades.
Tho Miitson Xavlgatlon steamer lly
iidcs will on anival at Kahiilnl tuko
on n shipment or soven huudicd tons
ninlnshcs, which commodity will bo
liiimpcil Into the largo stnrngo tanks
now; enrilcd by that vessel.
Mont Rouge Wines
Mumm's Champagnt
Schlitz Beer
ifi Si s p f1 I s
.r. .-" rn r t2 s 9
' B' b" " S
a zL '3d la e i
v 6 8- $ ?
Frb. tt.m. ,u ni. 11 m n m.
50 IIM l.t ion 3SS T.TC Ml1 (101 Ml
Ji Hill J(N (Hi' .! Oltt LIS
ii in. 1' m' I
S III! 11 J I. II I..S-. CIO 6 If llll Mi
. ir ii! son iio iil: eip'orri Isl
Miir. I
I !J1 J ) ltiO SSI Oil "!' MO
i 3 5J 1.1 ! il.lo J.lJl0l. 6 1 COGrl.c
I . I a in. ii in ' ,
3 3.55 l n i I sj uuj in mi n iifs n ij
Full nu'iulf Jturc i 3 lit 0 11 u in.
Teiuperntures C a. in., 65; 8 A. in.,
i;r., in u. m., 6.1 noon, 60; morning
inlnlmiiut, 65.
llaronlelcr at 8 it. in., 30.08; dew
point, 8 u". in., 60; relative humidity, 8
it in., 84; absolute humidity 8 a. m.,
Ml.l ii n .i ffllnnltv fi .llrnctlnn
X. 14; 8 n. in., velocity 12. direction
X. I! ; 10 a. in., velocity 4, direction S.
i:., noon, cloclty ft, direction I".
llnlnfall tot- :!4 hours fciullilk 8 u. in.,
Tnlnl wind movement for 21 hotltS
eiiiliug & a. m, 223.
(Special Cubic to MerclianU''
Friday, March 1.
SAI.IXA ClUlZ - Alllved. Feb. 29
S. S. Mlssoiirlau, fiom Kaanapall
Feb. 1.
t:i'lti:KA Sailed Maich 1. hktn. Ma
t Viiikleiuann. for Honolulu.
lOUKJl'i: - Sailed Milich I, schr. i:i
dorado, fur Honolulu.
XAl'OOI'OO Artlved Feb 2S, baik
Albeit, fiolu Pott l.udlovv.
SAX FUAXCISCO Sailed Feb. -29
S. S. Alaskan, Tor Honolulu.
S. S. MANCHIJHIA Will nirlvo fiom
Yokohama 3 p. nt. tmlnj and sail for
an Francisco about in a m tumor
row. r r
Sailing Vessels 'To Br Equipped with
SEATTI.K. Wash.. IVb. 19. When
tho fatuous old sailing vessels St
Nicholas nnd' Itcuce, for many jeais
the pride of tho Atlantic, leave tho
Columbia river for the sceno of their
summer operations In Alaskan vvntcra
the) will bo tiiilnieil with wliclcss
nppaiirtis ami iMp-iiue or cniuintinlcnt.
Ing wllli mi) of' thb rti.l8twls0 or Orl
entnl liners pl.1ifg the Xorih Pacific
The Iteuco nnd St. Nicholas will not
only ho tho only sailing, vessels on this
Coast ciiilpped'vvltli wliclcss, but will
bo the only fqiiaic-llggcrH In tho
win M having tho uppiratus iibjard.
Transport Lonah Due Tue.tday.
Tho 1)11(10 States Army transput t
I.ogall, riuiii ' M'untlti rly tho wny of
Nagasaki, .lap.jti, Is duo to arrive at
Honolulu on Tuesday morning, ticcord
lug to wliclcss mlvlceg iccelvcd by tho
local Quintet master yesterday ufter
The l.ognu with olllceis mid tloops
sailed from Manila on Feb. 11th nnd
sjieiit fine day nt Marl voles ouitrnu
line stntlon. Tho vessel took on a
huge iiuantltj of Japanese coal during
tho two dnjs' stay at Nagasaki.
When last neurit fiom tho Logan
was 1118 miles off tho port. It Is tin
derstooii Unit tho Iigan will bo given
a ptompt dispatch for San Francisco.
Nllhau Brings KaUal Sugar.
Sugar to the amount of (i.'oil sacks
ai lived this moinlng from Kauai plan
tntlons in thu Inter-Ishiud btciihiur
Nllhau. This vessel also brought an
automobile, two horses amf similtles.
The report has been iccelved Hint the
steamer Klnau, to anlve hero on Hun
day morning, will bilng 7uoo Backa
Kauai sugar.
All Well with the Wllhelmlna.
A wlieless messago lecolvcil nt tho
agency of Casllo & Cooke, lepichcut
Ing tho Miitson Navigation stoamei
Wllhclmluit, now on thb way to Sun
Fianclsco, gives that vcsbcl'H position
as 170 miles off (ho port at 8 o'clock
last night, KloiimliiK thiough inoderato
seas, with noithwcst winds nnd fine
Plenty of Sugar for the Honolulan.
Sugar to tho amount or 3000 tons
law and 5oo tons rellnod will bo suii-
pllcd tho Miitson Navigation steamer
Ho:ioulau It oni this poit. Tho llono.
lul.in sailed for Kahtilul Inst ovdlilllg
wheio 3974 totis Biigar will bo loaded
i no sieamer is scnciiuiea to sull fiom
Honolulu on tho evening of Murch 0,
Garden Island 6uaar,
Accoidlng In icpoit biouglit lo this
city this ilioinlilg In the steamer Nil
Itmi (he Inllovvllig silgiir Is uwaltlng
thlpmcut at tlaidcn Island porls: M,
A. K 21,103, V.. & It. 15.800, Men. 25.-
307, f.. I '22,745, K. 8. M., 10,000. K,
I'.. 9fi 13, K. S Co., 5500, M. S. Co
S00O. V. K. S0O.
Claudine To Sail for Hawaii Tonlflht
Tho Inter-lsjand utoiunoc Clfiudlno
win no iiisUatchcd for Maill uud Hie
vall Hirtnu nlo'rtnrk this ovenlng
taking a geneinl eaiiji and :i fair list
of cabin and deck p.iHsougeis.
The habit of taking a holiday und
treating In u generally rudu manner
the hospitality sbovvciier by sheriff
henry on the guests or the Teirllory
Is one that bus to be paid for dearly.
lutcirdlng tf) the decision nt rived ut by
Juilge HolilHon this inornlllB In thb
I'liciilt fiiitrt.
Jiilni lam vvns Indicted by tlie Ter
llnrlnl grand Jury rind pleaded guilty
to a charge, ot burglnry couimltteil
vihlleJietvvas nil escaped prisoner frdm
the J0.' After ddc deliberation I.ua
had, sentence suspended fur thirteen
Tills rather linusual course was
taken lifter line deliberation liy City
und County Attorney John V. filth
enrt. The wily be nrgued It Is its rul
laws: At the present tbn Luu bus twelve
n-nre years to serve on bis present
hcntcucc lly giving him u siiMicndcd
sniteuce lit" Is liable lo have another
ti li years talked on to the original
that period. In this way It Is thought
that he Will He punished ninre than by
Just giving him nn ordinary scntcmc.
ith t'huii Duck Snon It Is differ-
.nt. He has only two mid a half ears
ti serve on the original sentence, ho ho
was hiiinled out three more )curs,
which are to enmmence at the expira
tion of tho two nnd u hair years. In
this way both men will be 111 for sclmo
enrs to come.
Nr Hal, the other mini to come up
foi sentence, was sent along rnr ii term
hllll If be breaks J.ill again during
or not niiiri thaii.ono jear. This h
I hi llrst ofTense.
Today noon it collision occiliicd nt
the curlier of Fort and King Micctd
that landed tvvo people In the tjuccli's
Hospital for icpalrs.
Sukumoto. n .lap.incse, driving it
scw'liig-niarhluo delivery wagon, lost
control of tho hut so when that iinlmai
became frightened and bolted. Tho
Japhneso driver vv.-m thrnwti to tho
gitntiiil and iccelved n good thaklng
tip und a few bruises.
The horse. In his mad flight, collided
with and knocked down a Chlncso
hnmcil lllpnl, Inflicting a bad cut In
the cheolc und other minor brulsQ3
about the body, lloth men aio In tho
hospltnl and will be all tight, In a cna
pie of diijs.
Fiikumoto, tho Jap.iiicso dilver o(
the sowing-miichlnc w.lgou, when seen
by Deputy Sheriff Itoso at tho
Quech's Hospital, after Ids woiiiuN
hud been dressed by tho plihlclans
made tho following statement:
"l was driving my wagon on tho
light, when suddenly the horso shied
and started on" with gidnt speed. Tho
hoise arrived iccently fiom Seattle,
and I thought bo was gentlo and ninii
ngeablc. Hut todny while I was driv
ing him ho got filghtencd nt some
thing I did not notice.
"When he started, I hold back on
the iclns us stiong as I could, but ho
got tho best of mo. Install)!)' tho
wngcin Btiuck u telephone post outside
the Hist National mink on Foil
stiect, I was knocked out'of Iho wu
gon iinln tho giuiind.
"Heroic this happened, hnvvdvor, I
saw n Chinaman ahead or me. I tiled
to nvold I nulling into him. After lhl
1 was lohdciod unconscious. I low I
got up here to thu hospital 1 do not
Deputy Sheiltr Huso Informed Fii
kumoto that It was ho ami Ofllcor
ApJtin who todk hltll HI tho hospital
for tieatmont nnd Fukiimutb thanked
Fukuiuirto dlFClalmcd knowledge of
what had happened to tho Chinese).
Ho askeil Deputy Sheriff Itoso nh.ilit
tllo need Chlueso and oxmessed reiriet
ihat an accident liiu) happened while
no wus in charge of the horse.
Hlpol, whoso checks and eyes .weio
badly Injuied by tho accident. Is not
able to Btnto tho cliciimstniices when
ho was suddenly stiuck hy tho wngiln.
He oxpiessed four that hiving to his
ago ho might bo seriously hurt.
Tho Itapld Tiaimlt Company will
sodn Install alihrtiltes on all of Its
cars, tho euiilmnont hnvhiir anlvo.l
C. II. Cooko and A. Lowls, ,lr.( this
morning men tholr Illinl acconnts ns
iidmlnlstrninrH In tho estate of tho lute
Julia Mav.
It Is understood that Iho plaintiff
will icst its case In tho Knueoho
Hunch Company against tho Kunooho
Itlco Milling Company on Monday
next, when tho enso riinics up again
Deputy Attorney Cenoial Aitliur U
Smllh bus Mulshed tlio iiaueis In con.
necllon with tho condemnation suit
Tor tho laud needed fur tho llllo vva
teished, uud thoy will ho sent iicioss
Tho bilcr In the appojl taken by the
l.onl-Vouiig Company against Iho ilu
clslou handed down In tho Wilson
contract case is nipblly being put Into
suape. l)eptil Attorney (ieueial V.
Whlto Sutton Is spending all his spue
time nt It.
Olliers may circulate papers hut the
It ii 1 1 c 1 1 n Is nilmlllcl In haie 1 lit
liirgesl cliiuliill
The lennlns of Jiiiiich F. Mnigati
who was killed hy n train nt Fresno,
5 cf let day, havu been cremated ami
Iho ashen will lm biouglit to Honolulu
on the Lurllne, according to cabled
tlcvtg which i cached Ml'. Moignh's'
fi lends, here today.
Mr. Moi gan's tragic dentil was n
shock to tho entire community.
The nicctlnit of tho Stpclt Kxchnnge
this morning was not hold, nut of re
spect ror the memory of Its former
According to cablo news last night
which supplemented the brier nihlce3
of yesterday, Mr. Morgan vvns killed
rit the Inoad-gaiigc depot nt San Jo?o
while attempting to board it moving
train. He vvns on his wny back to
San Francisco nftcr spending a few
days with friends In San Jose. Ho
W8H dragged under Jhc car nnd' Ills
body cut to pieces. A coroner's Jury
held an inquest In Iho evening nfiil
brought In n verdict or accidental
Ciiuhlaut Khoiillug ut the upper end
of tho railway slip Is assigned us the
cause of tin, slruiidlng of the Amcrl
t'rtil slinioher Fred J. Wliod nn soft
liltiil banks, requiring tonsldernlilo ef
fort upon the part ut the Alntsnn Nav
igation tug to dislodge the little lum
ber vessil In order thai It might lie)
shifted to the iiuarantliii' wharf.
The schooner arrived here on l-Vb-rimry
9 with u shipment ot lumber
ciinslKiieil to tlio City Mill I'liinpany.
Tbe last of tbe timber wits discharged
yesterday, when It was found that tho
bottom of tbe vessel wus 111 inly Im
bedded III tbe mud which bus gruilu
ully silled Into the upper portion or
the harbor, mainly from XUuuiui
The urgent need ror dredging this
portion or the harbor has been npp.lr-
nt for some months past. It Is be
lieved that the experiences of vessels
attempting to lrilve the pint within
iho inft few weeks will forcibly bring
tbe matter of deepening this section
before the commissioners.
The Wooil Is now ut the iU,iruntlne
wharf, from which, after fumigation,
she vvll ho dispatched for Sound purls.
(Continued frdm Page 1)
nuked the Court to tuko notice Unit
llicckons wits tijlng to get an answer
or thb witness to the Jury despite tho
fnct that an objection had been titken.
The case was ono when Olsdn object
ed to u question put by tho District
Attorncj und Ilieckons, without seem
ing to tuko nny nollco or tho attorney
rt)r tho defense, stilted that he want
ed tho witness' itnswer,
"Hut I have objected," declared Ol
son, "Oh, well. It does not nialtcr," ic
tiirnod Ilreckoiis, "tho Jury heaid.hls
answer iinihow."
"They did mil," win tho answer
"mill 'I wilhld like tho Co'uH to take,
notice that tho District Attorney Is
trjlng to .mako the witness iinswcr
even though theie Is un objection
Little mutters like this aio cropping
up light nloug nnd it looks as though
matters will bo exceedingly bitter bo
furc tho case Is thiough.
Yesterday Afternoon.
During the evumliintloii vesterday
uftcinoou l'iatt made tho sUtoment
that tho constiiictlon of it Federal
blilldliig sito on tho pmp'iscd Mahiikn
slto would ho a block to tho growth of
business In Unit section or tho city
Ho stnted that In his opinion the erec
tion or tho building would Imvo u "do-
picssliig effect."
In discussing tho prospect nliont.
Pratt stilled that hit thought values
woiilil ineieaso horn 10 to 20 per cent.
(Continued from Pago 1)
get liuny, uiid tlio huge muss clashed
ncriiis tbe roud, bury Inn underneath It
the heaise In which the inipso was
being tuken to Us last risthjg place.
I'art or the tree hit Muilelrus on tlio
leg, breaking It and making his re
moval to the hospital ii necessity. He
has, spent four months tbeie ultogcth.
cr. iihd, iniiiplk-iitloiiH stttlug In, uni
putatfoii of tho lliuli wus iiitossui).
Miiileiios brought suit iiguliist the
pluntfitliiii rtir $2ft,0UU uml thM morn
Ing lie was ii warded the umouiit nl
rejidy stilted The Jury wus out of tin,
coiut mil) for uboiit twenty -llvo inln
utes, most ni which time wus spent In
llftiirlmr, us iliu Hist vote tuken was
a unanimous one for Iho pliilutilf.
An iippeal bus been noteil, but It Is
not thought llkelt Hint t uhc will
be tuken to Ibe IiIkIiu' louit
Na. 2
Asthma Catarrh
A lmple, nl 10 mctlf IfMlmtnt lot bion
thill trouMn. whhoul J,l Ike Ifwitn '"
Jtoti. Ud wllli niiecft, lor ihliir ' .
Th all irndtied iiiontlr imlwulc I"' t'
llhItrkKiUi. niiltl brlhlrE 'Mt 'rJJ'
iki inle immi. til itopi tin mjti. '
ltli jounc (tillaien inil to tl
Sf ni m jo,ll lo! Vmlnlw borHfl.
Ty Crfwlene . Antl
rllt, Thioil . TlM'H
lo, tbe InllllrJ thiott.
T, lt Imple.
Itc in4 intlieptle. Ol
GaiJfatKllllusn ufl
c. In llampt.
Thursday, Feb, 29.
MeJIIIoncs Aurora, Am. hktn., p.
Fihlay, Mnrch 1.
Kona and Kau porls Kllauea,
shur., a. in.
Ilongkong via .lapan polls Man
churia, I, M, B, S p.m.
Thursday. I"t!b. 29.
Kauai ports W. 0. Hall, Mini., 5
Kahtilul Honolulu!!, M. N. S. H,
p. ill.
Ocean island Shliului Muni, .l.ip.
stmr., p.m.
Per stmr, Kllnuea, from Kon-i ami
Kau isiitB, March 1. A, (1. Ilavves
I'. Dudtey, .1. IJ. Tucker, Dr. H. S.
(loodhiie, Mrs. K. Kainahii, II. II.
Uooth, .1. M. I'ocpoe, Jas. Ako, .Ia,
Umbo, .1. M. Hind, it. Hind, 1). Mr
Coriiston, Miss I.. Ilnrti, F. lt.irn, Pe
ter JJiiiii, Mrs. J, II. Craig. C. A.
Illchardsnn, J. P. Cooke, W. O. Smith
0. N. Wilcox. B. i:. Paxton, .1. II.
Oalt, W. It. Castle. II. A. Dubinin
W. M. Alexander, (1 It. Cuiter, F. i:
Howes, II. Decker, .Inn, Tnyloi, Albeit
Cockctt. J, Smith, Miss ICnos, Miss
McNIcoll, 17 deck.
Admiral Thomas received n wliclcss
this morning to the effect Uiat Admir
al .Mcifz, n veteran sc.i-flghter, ami
identified with tho United States .Na
vy In tho cupaclly of' commandant ut
Cnvlte, Philippine Islands, naval sta
tion, Is proceeding to the homeland us
a passenger In the Pacific Mall liner
It has been some little lime since
Admiral Thomas and Admiral MeiU
have had tho opisirlunlty nr a mill
ion. The Mnnchurla Is expected to hi
live Into tills nftcrnuoii and the ves
sel will bo met by u delegation of n i
val omcers who will bo on hand to
cxtertil it gicctlng to tho visiting com
mander The cullsor Vcst Vlislula coinplrt
rd coaling ship this mtiinliig and tlio
supply stbniuer dlacler vvns slilfled to
n now bcltli ut lluclilclil wahrf.
The general health of tho Heel wa-i
pionounccd as good, no serious lilnosi
or casualties being lepoited fiom tho
Tho Culirornla Is toon to leave Urn
harbor and anchor outside to ptcpuu
for a ciihtlmintleb. oC Bioclal iiiiiuuu
ors, mm 9 i
Barkentlne Coronado Has Changed
Changes In ownership, affecting
several fainllhir coasters of tho wind
jammer type, have been lopottcd din
ing Iho past row daj-B. Tho well
known baikeiitlno Coionudo, 970 Ions
has been sold by Iho Hpreckols Inter
ests' (o tho lliiiliosuu - itlbboid Com
p.Ihy. Sho was oilglually tlio (lei
liiaii ship ,. C. I'tliiRcr and ye.us ago
changed her flag huiI ilg when sho
put in hoio badly damaged. The Miit
son Nnvlgutlon Company bus hiild tlio
hoodoo schooner W. II. Muihliiu, 1 1 HI
tmiB, to tho Charles Xuhon Compaii).
Sho has boon laid up ror suvuial
mouths us ii lesult or being wuter
loggcd whllo stinting on n vo.vago
fiom Iho Oolden Onto to tho llawallnn
IslandB. Tho schooner Queen, 210
tons, hut, been bil, to D. J. Hiiulmi &
Co, lo Moxlrnii Inteiests. Tho bchoo
hor C. A. Tinker, 390 tons. Ims been
dlsiosbd or by tho K. K. '(mi, Lunibor
Company to W. 0 Tllibllls. Tho small
schooner I.lzzlo IMlen or ulnetj-ono
tons has been tuilisrcireij by Coine
llus Anderson to tho Compilgnlo dti
Ilulen. Tlnl schooner Salvator, :isr,
tojis, has hcon puiclinsoil by l.lbby
McNeill & l.lbby f,)m ,,, a Hc-uh-iiti
of Pint Towiibond. Chlimlclo
Chllcott Mere Wth Oil.
Tho American "slllp Mnrlim clill
eott. fiom iho toas twllh a full caigo
or fuel oil, was sighted olf the pint
Ut noon V""'5' nnd v'iis to have eo:ni
liihh'o this iiflqiu i, to illhchaigo ut
tho railway whail. Tho vessel Is
eleven da.vs fiom Unvlola and Is be
llevcM In have ut.'iile n veiv fast passage.
.Jt'tj i ,
'H.j''S.-jiC ' i

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