Newspaper Page Text
3s Evening Bulletin Trom Ban Franciscol Tenjti Mnru April 30 For San Francisco I Hhliiyn Mnru April .10 From Vancouver) Mnkiirn May 22 For Vancouver! Zenlatidla liny 21 Publicity Is The Life Of Local Trade 3:30 EDITION ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 5222. 14 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1912. 14 PAGES. TITANIC TRAGEDY WAS The logical, medium for high-class arlM is the EVENING BULLE- VM TIN'S growing prestige and purchase jjl producing capacity, in addition to a 'I awl universally known reputation for bus- Iff! mess-producing ability. 'Ill If PRICE 5 CENTS. in it .1 lSMAY'S STORY REVEALS TRUTH OF DISASTER: TITANIC, AT 26 MILES AN HOUR, STRUCK GIANT BERG AND WAS RIPPED TO PIECES $2,000 A Tlieimit I'lirki-r, eighteen car-old heiress, ipu'i'ii of llio vast estate (in Hawaii, mill kooii to he wedded to young Henry tiulllnril Smart, will i in of Hawaii's richest uiul luckiest girls In the mutter of Income. Vodteiduy nrternooii Miss I'urkcr signed a trust deed under the terms "I which the ostutc In to ho ud iiiIiiMcmiI us a trust, with Alfred Outer ah trustee. Ah forccuHt Ity (lie II ii i let In, he will bceoino inuungir if the estate iih lie has heen while rllarillan nf Miss I'urkcr. The de .tallH of the trust became public wl the execution the trust deed, whlol wan signed hy Miss I'urkcr and Al lied Carter at 2:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon In the presence nf Attorneys Hnhhiiill. Anderson and llenj. J,. .Murx. Hut, although Miss I'urkcr lit given a rortune under the trust deeil and will lime an Income greater than tli.c of nearly any puhllc olllelul hut th riisldem, fhc eau'l dispose of It Just iih she wishes And her hush.ind when she mar ries can't, either In rait, ho will limp mi control oxer her wealth. I On the point of disposing of herj property, her Income, her monthly al lowance, the trust deed Is clear, llrni ' mid strict ' No transfer or assignment or any thing may he made either hy Miss I'arker or her mother And the deed says: "The Income meriting to said Annie T K Parker and to wild Klizahcth J. Knight shall he paid to each of them for their sole and separato use, freo ironi tho control of any husband " Fiom Guardian to Trustee, I (Continued on Page 4) MONTH TO 'HEIRESS INITIAL LIST OF CANDIDATES CHOSEN TO COMPETE FOR PRIZE APPEARS TOMORROW Look Over This List Carefully If the Name of the Young Woman Whom You Wish to Sec ' Win the Splendid Capital Prize" 1912 "Regal" Automobile, and Elegant $550 "Remington" Player-Piano, a Perfect $100 Diamond Ring or One of the Many Other Handsome Awards Docs Not Appear in This List. SEND IN HER NAME AT ONCE, DELAY Youi Candiflato May Bo Waiting For Someone to Nominate Her Boforo Slatting Out to Woik, Dofornjinnd to Win Big Campaign Is Assuming Hugo Proportions -Evciyono Is Interested Greatest Affair of Its Kind Ever Conducted in tho Ton itory. Tomorrow ovonlng tho Inlllal list of iiominiillnnH In thu II u 1 1 o I I n's (iriind Popularity Campaign will he published. This Hat has been eagerly awaited hy many over slnco tlio an liniilicenient nf the cnuloHt, as tlio great niimlior nf people Interested in tho campaign huvo hcon anxious to Know Just who tho young vvomon are who have lieon solccted hy tholr ft lends to compote for tlio many splen CRIMINAL AND NEEDLESS DUKE SAVES MAN AT ATLANTIC CITY i Hawaiian Crack Is Given Chance To Use Skill Duko signalized his liisler visit lo Atlantic I'ity hy sav lug a man from drowning Hut for the prompt uctlou of tho Hawaiian swimming champion, schooled hy a long apprenticeship In the Walklkl surf to note the llrst signs of distress manifested hy a liather, a human Hie would have heui.sncrUiccd with lain drain of people looking on in ignor ance of tlio tragedy. Tile rescue was effected In tho lly gela HatliK. Atlantic City's newest swimming pool, which measures till h 12V 'feet. Letters received hy thiH burning's mall say that of the ,hiin dieds present Sunday morning, Duko Kohauainoku was the first to dlscoer the Iwhcreliouts of a hathcr whir, slightly the worso fur liquor, hud sunk lo tho bottom or the pool Ouko (lived for the man and brought him to safe ty, and It was more than twenty min utes before he recovered conscious ness, Duke hlinsdf. In n letter to l.cwr lleu.ler n, inertly gives the Incident pisslni' mention. Incidentally lie men- U. S. HITS .The government lias thrown out all the bids for the paving of I'e.irl Har bor roads and stteets, ami will do the work Itself This news, received this morning In a cable to Admiral Cowles from the lliireiui of Yards ami Docks, will bo a rude shock to local con traitors, who see In the step the pos sible future hiss of government work sliculd tlio bids run over the estimate Proposals for the I'earl Harbor pav ing were opened here April 0, the Illlulltlilc I'.ivhiK and Concrete (V of did prizes OVKK $4, which , will ho awarded on Juno 22, which Is only n fow short wceka iivvny. Tim 'ntinicu of llieso young women should ho koiio over carefully. Nearly itvct) reader and subscriber nf tho Hullo 1 1 n will dud a friend In tlilit list a worthy and amhltloux young woman whom ho or lie would like to sen .win ono of tlioso prlzoH. After )ou havu gone over this lint carefully, and are DROWNING '3' - ' I '?a III'Ki: KAIIANA.MOKir, .III. I tloucd lint lie had won unnthci race, w it'it nt the Adams Nntatorliim lit Philadelphia. , The distance tvns 7k sntds, (In c-c lvpgths of tile tank. Duke defeating Shyrix k, (lie Intercollegiate champion, and Saiiville He received a handsome silver loving, cup LOCAL BIDS this city being ton ludilcr with HI. G9t Tho I.ord-Voiing Engineering Co asked $39,8.15, mid the Honolulu ( on structlon mid Dr.iylng Co tl2JMiO duly 1.10,000 was available for the work, this being the estimate of the. limy engineers II was thought here Hint I'm Ip Sain would pay the added price, hut this ufo'i ulna's cable puts new phase on Hie entire local trading situation The engineers will commence vvoik witli a ymd forco lin uiiillately GAINS NOTHING Biire Hint vim know someone whom vnu would like to see win tlio Capital PiUo I!H2 Coniplotcly-oiuippo(l "Ho gal" Automobile; mi iilegaiit $!i.'(l "llemlngtoii" plnyer-plniKi; a peifect $Hni diamond rim; or ono of tho othei prizes, moio than niijnno elso listed there, get busy Immediately and send 'In her name. Hy dnlng tlilx you may ho utartlug her on. a successful cum (Continued on Page 9) DISTRESS SIGNAL WAS E STRAUS AND ASTOR BODIES POINTS IN GRIM TITANIC TRAGEDY .i, Starlet of lifntrrjr. snrron, ill, nsfrr, lirriilsiu mill sarrlllre lire liilil lis the score In tlio ilelnlN nf the Ti tanic it reck mill suliriiirtil Inictl. gnlliin. The ilrtitlN nrrlveil hj Imlaj's mil II from Hie roust, the storj IicIiik unit lirniik'lil up to lliciiilitlit of April III. Alining the niiiuj .points hrniiu'lil nut itml mntil Hit llioiisnnil'i nf more or less vague rumors, here are some of Hie limit Important friitiiresi The nrcek of (lie Tll.inlr was mi iloilhleilh due to speeding tlirotiglt the night ami In (hingerniiH nnlers. The lollmnnv of .1. Ilruce Iiiiuj, I'luilrmnn of tlie Ulilte Star line, glies the .peed of the ics-cl as aliotil turn-t)-l miles mi hour vtIiiii the Ire licrif was struck. Tliere was priihahl) little inlxmnn iigeiiiinl nf the llfe-hiial, hut the lioals were fur loo fen The liriner) and discipline on heard the ill.mlr were evlraordlnar). (lull Inn seaiiien In a llfrhoiit riiulil he niiislcnil, rml In nianj hoals wo-1 Die n had to row Mini) (oiiHIrllng reports us to Hie part pi. i j id daring the wreck lij Is. ma). Some siinliors saj fie Inslstril on going Into the lifeboat; olhers Unit lie walled until nil Hie women were saied. Illgli Irlhitle paid lo hnmrj of ('apt. .Smith of 'lll.inlc mill Ills (ifllrcrs. Cnl. John Jaroli Aslor ami MaJ. Arclilb.ild Hull, I. S. A., both ills pl.ijeil conspicuous heroism. Ilesii'rale elYotls miiile hy White Star olllrlnls to keep ortlrcrs nuil crew of 'lllanle from being put under lu tes ligation In Hie I'lilleil States. Mrs Astor heglus work of raring for wreck urplians. Chief wireless operiitiir of Tllanlc slit) t'd on ship lo end, llnallj got aboard raft hat illnl from exposure. Mcanicr arrlied mi scene nf wreck Just too late to pick up bonis anil roiilil II ml no surihors In wulcr. First hoals to lie launched prolinhl) hail tiiranl places In llieiu. TesHiiioii) sljiiws most sleanurs on Atlantic carrj too fen lioals. Vomig Vim cut Aslor prepares to sill In search of father's body. Iro.licrg which 'lllanle struck wis half it mile In Irnglli and rose III" fret oat of water. 'lllanle ripped olY part nf port side III collision. Wireless operator on liner Parisian, close b), was asleep when Tllanlc's call for hcln weal oat, and Parisian did not learn of disaster. Operator on Carpal hla slajcd up ten minutes Inter than usual mid caught Hie mes. sage lij pure chance and providence. Ilr. Hiishlnutoii Dodge, and fiimll), of rranclsco, ilellitltel) known lo he saved. Congressional urlloii being taken lo maintain heller control of wireless, enforce more adiiii.ile laws to protect shipping, and In general ii general carry nut reforms throughout Hie merchant i marine ueid nf which Is made evident' hi Hie lllanle I raged) ' ' A now dally newspaper to no edited hy progressive Iteptibllrnn leaders will uppcar on the streets ofhlcugo soon, OFFICIAL STORY AS TOLD ON STAND Ni:V YOltK, N. V., April 19.- I.ux ury. Coslb ornamenlB. precious palulliiRK, glided IHtlngs and furnish ings, mahogany, carved nnd curved to tho Insle of tho mllllnualro maker of nil tho Aslor wealth. In tho oust room of tho Wnldnrf-AKtnrla, set above the very silo of tho old homo nf tho foun- ller of that fnlnilous fortune, tho Sen atorial intpieKt into tlio Titanic trag edy was opened this foronoon. The plain, ipiletly dressed United Rlatett Senatori; at .In tho chairs re. iter veil, for tho rlchcsf' and , Jirftudesl On earth In (ho subdued setting of tlio elegancies of extravagant wealth In- (Milrlng Into weallli's legRcy of woo. Senmnnllkc. short i slockv. sandv- halrcd Captain llristron, the iklrior of tho argosy of awe, Cnrpathla, alilfleil occasionally In his Vent. Tho captain, n galluut and skillful sailor, Is no car pet knight of tho seas. A plain, bluff man, ho told a plain, blunt story when called upon to tes tify, looking his liiiiulsltorH straight in tho eye, responding without hesitation, oxcept when efTorlH were mado to draw him, ok ho might put It, "out of his depths." Facts Without Nautical Speculation Ho offered no lmzarda, Indulged no nautical speculation!) whon iiuohHoiik wcro put, a direct or unstudied answer to which might havo heen construed Into rcllcctinns on tho dead niastoi ami urst oinccr of tho lost linor or (Continued on Page 6) CAPT. HARLOW HAS RETIRED Captain Charles II Harlow, com mander of the irulser California, has Ix'en retired from tho navy at his own request, being taken off tho active list April IS. It Is probable that ho will pass through Honolulu on Ida way to the Ktntcs In a few weeks. Captain llarlovv Is best known to lloiiolulaus as the iniiii who look the llrst warship through tlio I'earl Har bor channel. December 14 last, with Adiulrnl Thomas, then commander of tho I'acllle licet. Admiral tioulberlaud, Admiral Cowles. (leneral Macoinh and many other naval, military and civil olllcl.ils aboard, he coursed tho snip through tlie tortuous passuge, and then iidomplltdicd the still more dllllcult feat nf bring her out In tlio dusk Captain Harlow's retirement comes as a surprise to thoso who know hli keen deslro to retire us a rear ad miral lie had about four tears more to serve before reaching the ago limit, but was entitled to retirement under tho 30-year service law. with eight years to spare. Ho hns a son graduates ft mil Annapolis this year, and ills friends here believe that a deslro lo si e his boy take up the leer he Is closing, liillurucid Captain llarluw to ditlre Ills removal does not create a vacancy, as lio wiih nn exlia number In tlie grade TRANSPORT ORDERED TO SUCCOR AMERICANS I AnsocUted Press Cstiln.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Apr. 20. The transport Duford has been or dered to scour the Mexican coast for American refugees, ICIghty automobiles wore destroyed when tho garage of Hannnn & Henry nt Ogdonsburg. N. V. was hurnod. Thu total loss Is about $200,000. ( It n I lc tin Calib ) LONDON, England, April 26. Th c crew of tlie Titanic have been sub poenaed to appear for an Investigation here Immediately upon their arrival. An International conference on lilesavlng and better protection of ship ping will probably bo held here. I xhh1(OiI Press Cable ) WASHINGTON, D. C, Apr. 20. Before the Senate investigating com mileo today Donkeyman Gill of tho s learner California sworo that Captain Lord of the steamer saw signals of distress from tlie Titanic and refused to respond. SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., Apr. 26. The White Star liner Olympic has abandoned her voyage and returned t o port. The seamen aboara struck be cause non-union 'men were used in ra pUcing tho firemen and oilers who struck. NEW YORK, N. Y- Apr. 26. The bodies of John Jacob Astor and of Uidor Straus have been recovered. s - W. G. IRWIN HERE; HEALTH POOR William (1 Irwin, Kan I'rauclsco cap italist and a mnn whose distinguished financial career has been closely Men tilled with the development of Ho wall, arrived) oh the Sierra from Sail I'rauclsco this morning, accompanied hy Mrs. Irwin. II wns with keenest regret that a hoxt of his friends, many of them former associates, who met him or saw him this morning, found him in soiucwhnt poor health and much feebler than when ho wiih last here. Mr Irwin spent a large part of his lltno on tho voyage down In his alnte loom, nnd whon he was on deck wns in the euro of his valet a good deal of the time. However, the sii vojnge is ROOSEVELT GETS 8 IN MISSOURI ( AssiH-l.lted Hppsi Cable.) ST. LOUIS, Mo., Apr. 26. Eight delegates have been instructed for rtootovelt, and tlie Taft forces, dis satisfied, have met at a hotel to name four. (Rfwelal null. tfn Clblel OYSTER BAY, N, Y April 26. Col. Roosevelt savs that he will an swer President Taft'a attack In Wor cester tonlqht. He la expected to dis cuss the charaes that he had the Har vester Trust Investigation dropped. BEET SUGAR UP (Hpeelnl II II I le t I II Csble ) NEW YORK, N. Y., April ?6. Amcr lean beet sugar Is up 3 cents. LA F0LLETTE TOURING LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 26 Sen ator La Follette will be here tonight. BACKS UP REPORT it :: It 1 linllen Ibnl fitw, of (lie imttnru li t: Is making nn nltark on the Saul- St II Inry t ommlsslnn report, stnled I; It die Hovernor this morning "I Jt IS am very sorry lo see thai, he It St cause tho members of Hint Com- IS SI mission gave up so much nf tholr St SS time mid effort to bringing out it IS tho report." SS lleiherl A. Snvvver. Huston mnnnger for the (iorhnin Silverware Comnanv. wns run over and killed hv n subway train nt tho Grand Central station, Now York, recently. Witnesses to tho accident said Snvvyor jumped In front in the tram, i DISREGARDED I ID reported to have ilotio him much good. It la hoped Hint Ida visit to tho scenes In which ho plajed nn nctlvo part for mi long will help him. Mr. nnd Mrs Irwin will ho here probably until July, mid are staying out nt their splendid Walklkl beach residence, which has been closed prac tic ally oil of the (linn allien Mr. Irwin disposed of must of his Interests hero and dellnltely ninde his homo In Cali fornia The residence has been reop ened and refurbished In preparation for their coming It wiih wild this morning hy close friends of the Irwlns that they will not go Into hnrlotv much here and that Mr. Irwin will lemnln quiet for the llrst few weeki. at least. HIGH OFFICIALS AT FUNERAL OF GRANT II u I Ir t In Cable ) NEW YORK, N. Y. .April 26. Pres ident Taft, Vice President Sherman and General Wood and other distin guished civil, military and official rep resentatives aro prominent figures at the funeral services of the late Gener al Grant. ACADEMY OF MUSIC IN PITTSBURG IS BURNED (Hlccl.ll Hill let In Cable ) PITTSBURG. Pa., April 26. Tho historic Academy of Music building . has been destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of J250.O00. I I frm - si B?r Multigraph H. E. HENDRICK, LTD. Merchant and Alakea Phone 2648 mi I ", 1 " ' ' LV11Mpss1MsV3sM