Newspaper Page Text
. i I .)! From Ban Franclscoi Tenyo Maru April 33 For San Francisco) Shlnyo Morn ' April 30 From Vancouveri Mnkurii .'.MnyS2 Tor Vancouver! , Zculnnilln May 21 Evening Bulletin 3:30 EDITION v 1.,. wn Publicities The Life Of Local Trade The logical medium for high-class advertisers it the EVENING BULLE TIN'S growing prettige and purchase producing capacity, in addition to a universally known reputation for bus Inets-producing ability. ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 5223. 22 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1912. 22 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. MO FIGHTING FOR PLANTATION LABOR SANITATION WORK MADE HONOLULU NON-MFECTIBLE FOR $100,000 1 1)0,000 SPENT IN CLEAN-UP Honolulu lias been iiiailo "nnii-ln loellble" nl an expense nf approxi mately $100,000, $2:1.000 less tlinn Iho original estimate niailo by Dr. Donald II. Cuirlo when (In1 nlitlinosn,uIlo cam paign WHS HI't 111 IIUll 1(111 UK till.' 11'Slllt of a illHcuvcry of u jollow fever caso hole. Tlila morning tlio Civic Sanllatlon htudyliiK .'illinium'.', which ims in-.mcu miii in gunlzcd Iho work, hold n meeting 111 I ho olllco of (Inventor Crcnr ami dis banded DEATH ENDS CAREER OF R, WILCOX' FIRST WIFE I'lidor tin title of the "Ilomance of an Ilnllnn Utrl," an Lugllsli newspaper gives the following account of Iho death of Iho llrst wife of the lute Hub ert Wilcox, Hawaii's first Delegate to Congress : Tim celebrated woman Journalist known on Mantua, whoso career Is tinged Willi rouiatice, lias illcil sudden ly In Koine. Doiinu (Una Sobrero, for that wns her real name, was the daiiKhter of u Pledinontosu colonel and a Neapolitan baroness, Colomin ill Stlgllnuo. When u girl of llftcen, In I urln, sho met Iho no- HAWAII IMMIGRATION IN DANGER; HOUSE DECIDING COMMITTEE URGED TO EXCEPT ISLANDS FROM LITERACY TEST (Special Dull tt In C.ilile- ) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 27. Delegate Kuhio and other representatives of the Ha waiian Islands appeared today at the hearing of the House Committee on Immigration, to protest against the educational test incorporated in the immigration bill that has passed the Senate and is now before the House. It is proposed that Hawaii shall be excepted M from the requirements of the test. C. S. ALBERT. firuve fears lire fill by the member) concurrent with the approval ., 1.1, ii.,,iu of tlio Merchants' Association mid Ihoi siKiiorlna Soln Chamber of Commerce. ,,;,,, ))rIlc'' torlous ndvonturer Wilcox, n nntUo of r t,0 Territorial board of Immlgru llonololii, who boasted royal HneaRo tlon that tlio House will pass thu new Olid claimed to bo klllK of tho Sand- IminlKnitlon bill without excepting lluwull from the wurkhiKS of thu cdu- lircro, stirred by tho, cation or "literacy tent," which re- iisnniti- iirlnr-iVtt iinrsiiiiiilll V nnrt the iilt-..u l . 1Y....1 1 1... , .ill ..ll..,,.. .mliti. a report w111c.11 is 111 oeioi v0111.11 1. u(!,,n( ()f chivalry associated with Ills )IK the United .States, except ililldreii, A teport which Is to bd forwarded to ImnlCj on(,,(1 ,,y lnnrryB blni !U1il lie- be aide to read mid write, expense to tho Terr lory of running cniiijianylhg him on u honeynioon oy-l Up mill n few das ago. It was Urn campaign for live- mouths has ,, ,m(.k , tho lnml Nslll,,. ,, l,x. ,,, fl)r ,..,,,, ,.,,,. Huwull would been $HI,H00, while Willi the money .,,.ac(i ,,,,, n!l ,llcc.. On ,Pr ur. , Klv-.-it mi eceitluii, us was spent by tlio Federal authorities In rlvul ,,,, it,.mHM that Iho youtlifill incorporated In the Dillingham hill t lllilwl it Is Just over the f 11)11,(101) orelrndor'H lieulcst title to the Ihmiui1 Tills substitute bill. however, n.isscl 1I1U1K. 1111s is iBUinsi mi. emiiiiuie. uaH ,at of liuvlng u fathur .who, ns a lircparcd b Ur. (urrle of $12J,0U0 for BkllrH carpenter, had been employed 11 three months campaign. rnstructlni; a handsome wooden The teport outlines tho reason for ,ll(ino f()r le mo,mrc,, After a ollB Hie comlnUIco being culled and gives ,,.,,. ,)f mnrtyi ilom at tho hands of n short summary of what has been .,,,. ,... slmll8Ci lhs rollnorl. highly dono In connection with tho mosipillo luu(,(, ym,nB a,y succeeded In es-ork- ' ... , Uapliig to California with her Infant A strong recommendation Is mnde una,.!,,,,,., Kiimlly she cntmi back to nun iiiibiiichkiuc n siiouiii see iiini phi- Ilny ,vhel0 llcr nwBUt for tho .annul. the Senate with the llterney test ap plying In Uawall us well us to tlio of the mainland, It was stated then that the passage of the bill In this form was due to an oerslKbt, which would be corrected In the House. Just how serious this oversight may lie Is shown by the fuct Hint, accord ing to the teiords of liiimlgtiints en tering bete, about 75 per cent, of the Sp.iulMi 11111I Portuguese are Illiterate mid from :I0 to 40 per cent, of tho Iliissluns. This Is In round ttgures. Commissioner of Immigration Clark was asked tills morning as to the ef fect of nuking the literacy test appli cable, to lluwull "Of the three nationalities entering most largely Into ouf .Jmiiilgrutlon," ho sjibl. "the Itiissl.iiu.,.nie Ihe best, edit; chted, the Spanish next and the" Por tuguese next However', the Portu gm se limngrnnts have been moro strletl) iniiutry-hrcd people, which iiiaj account partly for this Approx imate!) T.'i ier cent of the Spanish 10 per cent, of the Russians." Dr Clark, however, makes a com ment which may be taken us pointing a possible wny to getting plantation labor ccu should the test be eu fori ed. SUFFER IN CHINA (a!iocl:itt Vrcnn chh ) SHANGHAI China, Apr. 27. The Red Crosi oraaniiation of China hat cabled an urgent appeal for relief, declaring that a million people are tuf fering from famine and ditea&e. m mum t SEVERAL VESSELS NEARJTTANIC WHEN SHE SUNK ( AssiHi.itisI Pr. ss Culib' WASHINGTON, D, C, Apr. 27. Captain foore of the iteamer Mount Temple teitified today before the Senate investigating committee that he was near the ill-fated Titanic. He (aid no unidentified schooner and a tramp tteamthip were also near. ( II ii ll" I In C.ilib ) NEW YORK. N. Y., Apr. 27 The body of Franc!- D. Millet, the artist who perished in the Titanic disaster, has been recovered. i i itue i DESPERATE CIVIL WAR BREAKS OUT IN PARAGUAY "Of lute (Assocliit-'il Press Cubic DUCNOS AYRES, Paraguay, Apr. 27. Civil war has broken out des neratelv in Paranuav. The rebels in battle repulsed and damaaed four war jears the cbarncler of the ,hlp, commanded by loyalists. mid Poilugiiese are Illiterate and 30 to pinse Italians coming Into the United Slates has largely ihaUKcd." he said, "and cen the Sicilians are largely literate Ptrhups nbout Iwo-lhlriW of the HI cllluus can rtud and write." , Dr. tyiark also imluts out that should the literacy test lie enforced on tho iiiiilnluinl but not In Hawaii, the re sult would greatly stlmuhito Immigra tion here ns will as prevent Immi grants from luuiiig for the Coast af ter (oming lure at the Territory's ex- POSTMASTER FATALLY I WOUNDS CRACKSMAN ( Sls-rlnl II It I I e 1 1 n Cable.l ' STOCKTON, Cal., Apr. 27. A cracksman named Hartman was fatal ly wounded by Portmaster Williamson after the bnndit had blown the safe. ner legislation Is rnrneit tlirnugli in nsiiro tlio Hoard of Health the neces sary $2.ri" it month Hint is reipilred for keeping down tho mnsipilliics. It fcv pointed out that keeping the town Immune from ellow fovr Is now a matter of commerclnl Intel est. incut of her man Inge created immense' iutciesl, terminating In u favorable judgment mi the score of mistaken persunnllty GIVEN PEARL HARBOR DEMOCRATS TO MILLIONAIRES IN. ROLE OF SAILORS i How Three Aristocrats Shipped To Honolulu AS TOLD BY THE "MILLIONAIRE TRAMPS." NOTK. Lured by tho spirit of unrest and the desire to boo life with tho bark (iff. four young fellows with all kinds nf money decided to work their way around tho world. Tho four wcio Sidney It Cram-Is. sou of ox (loVeruor l'ruucis of Mlssouil, A, It, Dupotit. son of the famous photographer Amy Diipont of Now York and a scion of Ciciich nohllllj ; Hcywood Drown of New York urlstocrauy, and (leorgo II. l.lttle, son of a noted St. I.ouIh capitalist. Their inn el adventure brought theiu Into Instant and country- ho rltoilal politicians Intend to curry a wldo notice ns "Tho Millionaire Tramps." After gelling to San Crnnclsco that fuil line of samples. There will ho and being entertained there nt a luncheon to which sat down two Covern- this woik has been deemed necessary lmudieilH of pines and hundreds of ors and Iho Mayor of tho city, tho ndvoutuious ouug men shipped on tho liv tho committee, mid that HJias been gallons of Pined ar mid pineapple big windjammer Kihvurd Sewull from San Crnnclsco to Hawaii. In tho fol- Included In tho estimates for tho torn- juice, and after being treated lo theso lowing story, wilttcu for the II u 1 1 ct I u , they r.le their impression of Word has been tc. el veil nt Iho tmvnl dcllinclcs, delegates from Iho uull-su- Iho "roiiiunco of Iho se:i."l Htutlon Hint tho repot t of tho llouso gar Slates will bo Informed thut overy Commlttco on Naval AITnlrn cairles Industry of Hawaii, Including plneup. mi Item of $t;r0,0uti fur Pearl Harbor, ios and their products, will bo shot to: lug year Tills will insiiio tho on MEXICO-QUIETER. iBrs-eiil It ii tie tin Cable.l WASHINGTON, D.-C, Apr. 27 The Mexican situation is more reassuring today. The Indians are reported quiet. It is reported that Great Britain will send a warship to protect British In tel ests. Hawaiian Democrat) see a chanie lo do some offectlw polities for tho whole Territory dining the National convention, nud Iho entlro delegation Thla sum Is not Itemized, and thero Is t lint, goes to llnlljinnro will bo primed no means nf lulling for Just what work with facts mid llgiues relating to tho II Is Intended, although olllclals here sugar Industry ctihululcd to show have a prclly good guess. their mainland brethren tho error of This Is tho exact amount of Iho es- tliolr wnyH on the tariff question. Ilmtito of. tho naval engineers for tho Cesldes n long lino of talk, the Tor- proposed Sflu-foot extension or drydock, and tho supposition Is GIVES FORTUNE AND DIES POOR "noisfc-i rrss caMO CHICAGO, III., Apr. 27 Dr. Daniel K. Pearsons, the aged philanthropist, died at his home at Hinsdale, near this city, yesterday. 1500 THREAD FACTORY OPERATIVES STRIKE ( Dili let In Cable.) ! WILLAMANTIC, Conn, Apr. 27. A strike of 1500 operatives of the American Thread Company occurred today. COLUMBUS SENATOR IN PEN FOR BRIBERY ".Murlatei! trr Cable.) COLUMBUS, O., Apr. 27. State Senator Andrews has been sentenced to nine months In the penitentiary for bribery. i k it :: :: n n t: :i :j mt :: :: :: :: M s: J: JS :J.,. ,, ClnCT I IOT ne -Aiinini ... . . . ...w, blu, v,r winuiunita m mis ISSUE I Dr Pearsons has for vears ben one ' of the world's roremost phllauthro ilits After making a fortune eMI miiteil us high as Il0.00ii.000 III busi ness In Chicago, be began u systematic distribution of It He was accustomed to cell brute his hlrtluhiys by gifts nf hundreds of thousands of dollars for various charitable and educational purposes A few months ago he gave uway all but enough money to keep lilm In modest comfort lie was it J , yeurs of age. t: i, ,,", !Xg" lAnt "L1??8 Ifl8""- "' nm lM "f tandldntes In tho M llu I el Hi's Grand JI.00O.0O Popularity Campaign for young "von en o Hawaii appears. This list ncli.dcs tho votes received for each i":;: ''"i",1,'.'" I,r.ljnji.".,!!i,!'."'i!iiin,'( .i. ..., mese r, ...., .... .....i ,,,,,,1-ur ,Ua, inn inercnrter tho ote-stand-Ings will chnngo dally. Iok over the list rim fully and If Iho name of soineoiio whom you'd llko to win one of the innnv ImiiUsome prlies does not nppear there. Bend In hir name nt onte The lime Is short and the luwnrds aro worth tho effort of anjone :: :: :: n n :: :: n :: :: t: n u t u n :: :: t: :: :: n a WILL BAHLE" AT MANEUVERS BUF0RD LEAVES ON RESCUE MISSION MONDAY tll' '.ill.O null, ami , nieft with i nun alike lie I thin the tie Ciilllp Dijftion of iiiiiiouncenn'iit will f.iMir of o.llcers and SAN f Associated rtss rabli.. FRANCISCO, Cal., Apr. 27. 1 The National Ou.ird of Hawaii wll I clash wltii Uncle Sam's regulars In lllilllfe warfare, ns n U'ltnl-nu l ilw. n-giilar summer camp of the nillltli- """ ,,"'",r"1 MMcnml l-artminti ,,, r the mllltla went Into camp oinmaiider, sees no reason why the ' at Hi hutlelil, two conipaules at u time, regulars should not take the Hi Id with ''lit this jour the plan Is for the en- llllla. and probably the gatrlsoo I ,,ri" "r"1 reglimnt. liicludlng the two upiiiiMiiini wo .iiaui iiiio one on nn- lurgement of Iho dock from 800 to (Continued on Page 4) . ' J .-U.HWI ' Jt' '. ' ITn to nnr ileiinrturo from San Krnn "lndlsnosed" uml droooed the iinclidr .. . . . '. . '.' , . ' . ' II i i ne Iran i Don uuiorn. wnien nai Been pieces If tho KirllT Is (mnpered's'" l" I,nn numoereu lour. i u is s t Wn iiji. All Iho real suitors ordered to scour the Mexican coast or ' "rl Winner will be turned out for It Is believed that with tho tasto of tho I'"'" Hcywood Ilrowii abandoned tlio u;s indisposed from their last for American refugee-., will leave here the maneuvers. luscious fruit still lingering. It will bo "'! to Bcttlo down In Urn Angeles, no-1 night nshoro. and had to bo hauled out Monday at noon on her mission. I The Ouurd cunin this voir i ill I,.. . ... - . .. .... ..... ... ..,.,.. Hint llin nnrtv mm' litllllbels tliref. I r n I i i.. ,.. ll.. .1 - - " .,,(i,'u lu"i nils tur Will lie lilipossinio lor me ucieguien 111 sine - - -- 1 men loiunn, no uunii nil ut Moanalua, S, M . Damon having with tho freo sugar crowd. Allan Her Wo nppllcd to dipt. (Julck, tunstor deck or sneak haik nt Iho first oppoi. lines) jour money In llullctln gen permission for the Territorial bert is to huo full charge of Iho lln of Iho l-Mward Sewnll, lo he taken on tunlty. I nilirrllsliig mid II returns lo von troops to go under canvas on his es- wullnn exhibit, which will Incluilo pni''ns 'fnromast hands for tho trip to llo-i ......I.... Illniiiliii.n nu .,ll n .li.n.iltn' tif.tllll. 11. J ntllnn tllll. fl Hill ii f TiKII ! motion literature, pi odiicts, as well as deflullo CAMPAIGN FUNDS OF 1904-8T0 BE PROBED (Bun-ml ntllf'.ln Cilhlo.) WASHINGTON, D. C., Apr. 27. Sanction for an investigation of the presidential campaign funda of 1904 pnd 1903 was today given In Senate committee. SUGAR KN I'ltANCIHCO, Cat. Apr. : Huts, ss imiilyi-K Pis, Od.; parity, I fcic Pielous iiiitatlon, las. 7d V Multigraph :t it :s :: :: :: ti :: :: :s tt t: t: it n tt :: Si The business levlew usually np- ii lioiillll. mi camo wiin a nme irouij Mayor Itolph. Ho licsllnteil tn take lis. on. doubting that wo expected lo bo' treated as tho rest of thr! crow. Wol wore Indignant nt this, and llunlly gained his reluctant consent to tuko us on, Wo shipped as ordinary seamen, bunking In tho " 'midship house," wages flfi per mouth. On Crlday, April o, wo left Iho Mis slou street dock mid anchored out In Iho hay. All day tho launch piled to mid from tlio bout, bilnglug thu crow In twos nud threes. Wo learned then that this Is customary for sea wind jammers to bo out of swimming ills- I tnnco In order lo keep a crew aboard till they can get to sea, Ixoxl II ap peared that of tho twenty men who shipped as nblo seamen fourteen wcro us ignorant as ourscDcs, These things began to throw a now light on (Continued on Page 6) hundred fult. wall, to camp together for a llve-dny period The date has not been defi nitely st. but It will lie late In July or enrlj In Anuie-I In this year's Held work Ihe problems studied In of llrers' siliool during the winter and tute The camp this yeur will be on "I ring will be worked out In practise. it pearlng 111 Iho lln Hot In on tl10 o'ldaln's special faor In Inking H. E. HENDRICK, MercbanJ and Alakea LTD. Phone 10-13 ti Saturday will ho published noxt tt1"H " Si Monday Instead of today. iti At 0 o'clock tho noxt morning (Sat it ii it tit: :: is :s ii Si is ss ii ii SS SS n ui day) tho tug hooked on uml wo i glutted out of tho (Jolden (lute. What I I'ntler tho will of (len. John W. No-wltli drunkenness nud Ignorance It Ik blo, lllod in SI. Louis, his law library, a munel how wo over got tho ship tin will go In tho Washington University, dor Bull. The llrst nintu camo aboard An Honest, Wholesome Beverage for the Family PRIMO PALE Hardwlg Harders llrcwmastcr uud Chemist tteaMLMaWVlt itfMi -jiimU aiTrVi l'fettiv-.riStnViawiitt .JuKhi