EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, APR. 27, 1912. t V f Masonic Temple A WeeklyMCalendar MONDAY: llinviill.in- tuesoay: Tlilnl lligroc. WEDNESDAY: Hawaiian -1'lrM Di.th THURSDAY: FRIDAY: Oeeiililr tATUHDAY: I lilr.l !)itie. AH Tliltlmc marac-em of tar Order arc cordially lnvltsd to attend meetlnrs ol local ledfM WHEN YOU WANT TO MOVE DE MOVED BY MOVER8 " H" CITY TRAN8FER CO. (Jas. H. Love) .'i;UL'fc (URINE F.KGINtEHS' WCKEFICIAL ASWJfflOl lllilllj linltid. Meet on the '.'ml mid llli 3I(ittilnys of each month nl K. 1'. Hull 7:31) P. 31. Members of ether Avso. cl.illous Kir- Shipping (Additional Shipping on Page 6) TIDES SUN AND MOON ""?h.?'per Encounlered Apl n 51 n in p m. B 41 10 V 11 M ii m (HI u 111 3.121 Si r u tn 9 2V I It 14 u m in: is n til 1 10, I -.1 it tn 1 ' ' I SI I I in 4 10 R.W OKI r..si r,u! 0 31 D III ' 1.10 Ml! Oil 5 D 111' 0 81 I I or, jao, 0.8; 710 409, OSV ',S 6 Sell 1'lrnt quarter of the moon April 23 Four inniinttilnous Icebergs uilr' . off Cme Horn Mere i.ihciI lis tli Punch li.i'k Plciro Loll, Captain Al'n rcn 'h- liM Llnntim rocetitlj, white n mute limn irrdirf tu TtHiipllla mil Port- jhnid AlthiiiiKh pome distance awn) It unit Judged that In size encli would ocix compare fiivorublv with Mount Hood Weather condition holni! favorable '""the Hone l.otl completed tho run I nrouiid tho limn, ftom the Atlantic lo the I'm lllc, hi seven 1nK, n stretch of tho passage that Usuallv.occupleH Till from two tn lx wicks Tor live (H)s 1fi In the South Atlantic tho cnptnlii -mid nun e-vee-iiuumiiiy oau vveuincr un i ik-iiuiiii rni uiies continue!! in rniiul I ODDS AND ENDS AT THE PORT 1M. MrhlM I lOllfiE, .0. 8, K. of 1'. ?S5i. Moots every 2nd ai ''it v''i " "Iiib at 7 and 4th Satur- 30 o'clock in cor tort and lter.iaiila Visiting brothers cordially United to attend a r geutz, c c. r f kilbey, k n. s. SIERRA HAS TEN LIFE BOATS; LATE TITANOAD BUT TWENTY Oceanic Boat Has Accommodation For One Hundred and Fifty More Than Her Passenger and Crew Capacity Harpalion Departs for Australia Mauna Kea Brought Oelitihted Vocano Tourists New and More Powerful Propeller for Quarantine Launch. i:cn passenger Bhlp that sails In the Hit of trailers, who numbered out of this port under the American ""'... ,. ,, ,, . flag has enough boats mid rafts to ac- . ., Slcrr S3rlIM0 iias uccn icunmod.ite eery person that the ship spcnt In converting the Sonoma Into Is Ilteti8(d to larry," said Captain tho up to date steamer that sho now Is lloudlette of the Oceanic liner Sierra, said to lRive become under tho dlrec' Ir montlng jesterday on tho tlon of an army of workmen. equipment of American ships Thoj Jus conversation of course grevv out of the M shpg Hu,t)e H,0i terrible disaster of the Tltnnlc ,,() ..hi,,,,!,,,. trclos du Bonl0 mlBl, u is ine amc-ricui ni ...ui uiii )nK )nst W(,ek n tnkI1B cnro of th(J flipping laws ie cspociaii) seme u.H!,eIll lil-l are either present In or iionoi.i'i.i' loiiok, me, . r. o. i: fr .. tw. sin C1G. moots In y.ltOCOIUlU UOURO u vi ft ii r i1 i r j -. their hall, on King St. near Fort, every Friday evening Visiting Broth ers are cordially Invited to attend a r. MrnniY, n n 11 IH VSHKK Sec OVIIP I.0HCE M). 1, K. of P. AP, Meets every first and third Frl F$t day at " 30 o'cIo:k. 1'J thlari Hall, corner Deretanla and Fort streets Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. S DECKER.. C. C O HEINE, K. of R &. S. that noint. and the Inspectors are uilBlity thmoiigh In their Inspection 1 inn tell )ou that I was pleased when appoarliig off the port from many polntx. The Ilobert Searlcs, with cargoes with lumber the Inspectors remarked after Bolng fr()m 10 Son,lu wnf) ' arrha, )agt HA1VAIIA TIIIIJE NO. 1, I. 0. It. 31. Meets every first and third Tuesdj) of each month In Fraternity Hall, I O O F building VHiting brothers cordially Invited to attend IIEMIY A ASCII, Sachem 1.01'IS A I'EIUIY, Coin IIOMMXLl' UIIIIE 110, l ). E. Meets on second and fourth Wednesday evening of each month nt 7 SO o clock. In K of V Hall, corner Fort and Berel.inia Visiting hi others an Invited to atti nd W.M JO.NKS, W P. J V ASCII, Secy. IIOMIU'LI' LODGE M). 800, L. (). O. II, will meet In Odd Fellow s' building, Fort street, near King every Frlda) evening at 7 30 o clock Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend AMI1UO.SE J WIKTZ, Dictator. K A JACODSON. Secretary A. BLOM, Importer Fort St Millinery MILTON & PARSONS Pantheon Dldg. PHONC 3088 FORT STREET THE VERY LATEST IDEA8 IN Spring Hats Miss. Power, MlHlncry Parlors, Boston Block ZEAVE Received ax Lurllne, tho very latett In WHITE SERGE TAILORED SUITS) alto LINGERIE and LINEN TAILORED SUITS. Now on display. 66-67.68 YOUNG BUILDING BON TON HAT SHOP HIGH - CLAS8 MILLINERY Club Stables Block MRS. E. E. DAVIS. Proprietor over the Sierra a few months ago that the considered her to be in the best all-round tondltlon of utiv steamer stilling out of the port of San Fr.in dsco And thev go through everj llt tln detail of the Bhlp Novel siuh a fate as that which the Tltnuli passengeis met could full to the lot of passengers on an Amer ican ship The Bhlp might meet dis aster but there would ulvvajs be mough boats und rafts to carry all the passengers, ahd the crew as well. The present British law Is one that has not been changed since a ten thousand-ton ship vvus the biggest afloat "There b another point our coun tr has niado for the Rafety of the travelling public about which tho foreigners have been making a great roar but I guess they 11 quit after this After July 1, every Bteamer that car ries passengers to or from an Amer ican part must be equipped with u storngo batters (hat will carry tho wireless Independently of tho usuiil source of electrical suppl from the fehlpx motors 'lhat guarantees the wlieless will be working after everj lire in the ship is out and over motor stopped "Fnfortunatolv we havent mail) ships under our Mag hut vou (an bunk on It that tlie passengers carried on oil! ships are bettei piotectod than those Hailing under any other tlag that floats The Titanic disaster was awful It ought to lesult In laws against the high speed and also to prevent ships taking the noithern routu across the Mlantic when ho is known tu be in those waters 'The recoid shows that tho olllters of tho Titanic knew they wero ap proaching Ice, and knew Just about what time thev would meet It I don't see any record of the ship Blow ing down lou can bet your life that I would not run a ship with thousands of women and children on board through the fog and toward Ice at full speed, whether the owner vvns on tho bildge or not. A captain is respons ible for overy llfo on board nnd It Is up to him to protect them, If he has to quit his Job when ho reaches port, and get no thanks for his courage " Regiments Come Sailing Home. '1 hat the United States Army trans ports passing through Honolulu en routo from Manila to San Francisco no to bo crowded to tho limit with olllccrs, civilians and troop piissen gers Is the prediction now freely made at this port At tho beginning of tho new tlscul year on July 1 tho proposed reorganization of tho Philippine) divi sion of tho Arm j will have been com pleted There will remain to garrison the Islands two regiments of cavalry and four of Infantry a reduction by one half of tho number of reglmentB now maintained there However, thoso remaining villi bo iccrultcd up to full war strength, which will give them practically tho same number of rlfleB as the twolvo regiments now have. Tho movement homeward already has begun. The Fourteenth Cavalry and Third Infantry are now en route to the United States, tho Twcnty-tlrst Infan try embarked fiom Manila April IS, the Second Cavalry and Nineteenth Infant rj are to omhark on May in and me Bixin ana mo Nimii mrantry on luno 1ri, This movement is in lino with the proposal to keep permanent leglmentH In tho Philippines, changing niily the olllccrs, whoso terms of duty I will bo Increased to three years. A list or olllcerH Is being Hindu at tho War Department, and those having tho least foielgn service will bo the first picked for dut) away fiom tho States lo lilt vacancies as they occur. The Noeuti has been placed cm the bertli for departure foi Kauai poits Monday evening Several Spanish nnd PortiiEiiCBP Im migrants snlled for Kauai ports lasti evening In the steamer Hall llilnglng passengers nnd gcneial niccexsion for (lie dns, buffeting the "no of Products from Kauai, tho In-j windjammer nround most unmercirul- tcr-lslnnd steamer Klnnu Ib due to ar-J Iv but she iminnRed tn esenne nn- rlvo at all eaily hour tomorrow morn-' icnthed from the clutch of the storm l,8 Shlnyo Maru an Early Arrival Tuel oil and pioducts for the local Monday. ' branch of tho Standard oil Compaiij The Tojo KlRi'ii Knlsha liner Shin nie duo to nrilve here In the American vo Mnru, fiom Manila by the way of stenmei Maverick on or about May Hongkong and tho Jnpancso ports. Is 'h. expected to arrive olT port early Mou- The Bteamer Claudlno In Balling for (InV mnrnlnir. nneniillnL. In nn nnritrrnM, f..i 1 ,t m ... .... HI 1.0 Hailed, April 20, night S S. received nt tho agency of Cnstlo & curried a numbei of novvlv ni rived lin-,'nB,-C.ta.8ilS,nCiJB. r..r !.?VV'!!K. T1-. S'"' ""I"""8 ' ? " take up woik on ....., ....... .. .. .. , , ,, ..,,, ,,K ,.uu ,UIIH uriLiuni various Biigar estates cargo and li.l steerage passengers for (Wain Chris llvdo. .ntr f n, !,,,J'?.r.t...1 LV .'. ,0.".rpR0"t "c"l?n only "deep sea going" tug Intrepid. io uusj.muii mo liner lor anil irancis 11IH uccn enj()i,, iirPr but vie II r'n!n,r,.nbrt 1 f6" f Tnosdav eared Micatlon 'lu m be Ek a kea wharf his post bj thn first of the week "lie oivvtllllfl II1UU IJUIIUI. IIUI11 Of VESSELS TO AND FROMJHE ISLANDS (Special Cable to .Mrrclinnts' Excluinirr.) Saturday, April 27. Port Son I.tils Sailed, April 21, schr Spokane, for Port Gamble. MONTEUEY Sailed, April 20, S S Win F. Herrln, for Honolulu. KUHEKA Arrived, April 27, bktn. M. Wlnklemann, htneo April 4 TACOMA Sailed, April 27. schr He pent, fur Honolulu POUT IUCIIMON1) - Sailed, April 20 S. S Maverick, for Honolulu. AEROGRAMS. 8HINYO MAUI! Will dock nt Ala- kea wharf Monday about 8 n in. from Yokohama with 122" tons cai go and sail for San Francisco Tues day, 1) a in. 1I1I.ONIAN Will arrlie from Seal tic Tuesday morning K. UYEDA 1027 NUUANU STREET HATS Up-to-date Millinery and Men's Hats Sundav- and went to tho railway wharf to illstlinigu on Thursday. Tho Amer ican tanker Lansing had fuel oil for the Hawull port and spout a portion of Tuesday nnd Wednesday there In the dlschargo of tho oil Tlio Lansing failed Wednesday noon for tho Coast. The schooner Spokane was a departure from the port on Tuesday, but owing to unfavorable winds did not succeed in getting clear of the bay before the following day. Tho schooiv er Patterson was discharging lumber lit railway wharf at the time of de parture of tho Mauna Kea for Hono lulu Tho Matson Navigation Bteamer Enterprise for San Francisco was to have sailed on last Friday evening, taking n fow passengers and a cargo of sugar. The American ship John Ena was to be given the first of n large sugar shipment today. David Evans Had a Close Call. The schooner David Evans, which not mum onrn ago was n regular vis Iter at Honolulu, and from hor mast head was proudly cllsplaved the Stars and Snipes, appears to have more than a IIoii'h shaie of troubles since Hie change of ownership and colors The David Evans 1h now sailing under British reglstr. The vessel but re-; ceiitly vvns towed from the Itonl Heads to Vnncouver In distress, hall lug from Osaka, Japan On tho voyage acrnsH the Paclllc the vessel met with n storm which resulted in tho snap ping or cnroliig away of every gaff. ( nptaln Saunders fluallv resorted to oil In order lo save a porllnu of his cargo. ra Honolulan Back Sunday Morning. The Matson Navigation steumer Ho nolulan Is due to arrive at this port tomorrow morning after having ills charged four hundred tons geueial mainland cargo and taken on u mum tlty of Biigar. The Honolulan will sail lor San Francisco at 10 o'clock next Wednesday morning, taking 8000 tons sugar besides quantities of other Ha waiian products. A fair list of passen gers to tho Coast have already been booked at the otllce of Castlo A. Cooke, The Honolulan sails from Hackfeld w harf. PS Hawaii Sugar. According to report brought by Pur ser Phillips of the Inter-lsinud steam er Mauna Kea, an arrlvul from llllo nnd way ports this morning, tho fol lowing sugar is awaiting shipment on Hawaii Olau 30,9 30, Walakea 22,000, Hawaii Mill r.000, Hllo Sugar Co. 1100. Onomea 27,418, Pepeekeo 12,000, I lo ll o mil 10,1100, Hakalaii 24,000, Laupa hochoe 21,000, Kalwikl 10,500, Kukulaii P 4014 M 3298, Hamnkna Mill 20,000, Paauhau 10,000, Honokaa 9C00, Kukul hacle 7000, Punaluu 13,700, and Honii npo 547J sacks. Ba The Hookworm Invades Tacoma. Tacoma, Wash , does not nccord tho hookworm a vory enthusiastic wel come and, lnfact, actlvo steps are be ing taken to regulate tho entry of pas sengers from Oriental portB who are alleged to possess this insidious para site, Tho declaration Is made by Ma rino Hospital medical officers that ful ly 2." per cent, of the steerage passen gers arriving at Sound ports are af- toclcd to u greater or less extent with the malady. fca Samoans Rejoice at Costly Copra. TUTl'ILA, Sumon, via San Francis co SamoaiiB will receive this year for copra 4 V4 cents a pound, the high est price j-vcr paid. Thirteen jears ago, before the Stars and Stripes float i'il over tho harbor of Pagopago, tiad- eis gavo from Jl cent to 1 cent a pound. Ba They Surely Hustled Andy. Thoso San Francisco BteVedorcs are sure Bonio hustlers If the ncxoiiiits now and Ihen wafted down from the Golden Gate can be taken as authen tic. Tho schooner Andy Mahony Is credited with discharging 7110,000 feet of lumber In thlrtv three hours at San nama It Is stated that twenty soveiiFrnnclsco lecentlv. which is consider. Pacific Coast cities were lepresenttded small work foi a sailing veBsel. Sickly Wonien find the strength and ht.illh giving qualities that lire bo necessary to them In Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey It Is a safe and sine leuiidy for all Ilia peculiar to women It acts directly on the vital organs, slim ulatlng them to health) action, aids digestion mid circulation Sold everywhere II01TI.ES ONLY '1 he Hiiffv .Hull llnihesli r, N. jltov JgFMr 111 SEALED Mhlxko) i I'. !S. . Co., I AltlHVED .4 ., Saturday, Apill 27. Hllo via wnv ports Mauna Kea, stmr , n m. I DLI'tllll'.l) f Frldav, Apill 20. Hawaii via Maul ports Claudlno, I stmr , K p.m. Kauai ports W O. Hall, stmr, 1 p.m. FlShEMlEltS AlllMVr.l) Per etmr. Mnunn Kea, from llllo via vvny ports, April 2, Miss Ehrliorn, -. InMli. 1.nl. n- ,. 1,1. , 1..... .... .1, m....... i-- k . e r. . I "" vw. nn iiiiuuei iui vjiuiii Mauna Kea Met Some Rough reached Hoynl Roads, B C. on March weatner. . i,attered bv liurrlrnmw nnd innb.r ino usual nraiHi or sticiiuous vvea- i..-.. ....i.i..- .1...1. , . ... ... .rra p. r. n.irbv. Mm .1 s it,n.i ''fns ciiroilntcred olT Lai.pohbehoo aml 0,.nvRo damaged She wlll''-M Campbell, Mrs. Post. M(ss Mm irl ' n,cr;lB,",1"1 ,Lamer probably enter ESqulmalt drydock frl 'nmi.be 11. Mrs Campbell, Miss II. Mauim Ken oft that port. 'I he liner re- repairs Wolfonl, Miss Cossols, Miss J. lone., turned to Honolulu this morning villh ,,. ,,, ,, .,, , Miss II llrewer, Miss Vnnderllp, It. a fair list of cabin nnd deck passen ""!' '"J"8" E Kni,i?n ,, nr Guocfel.lt and wife. Miss A IlrUer. gers. A small freight vvns received. '"" ,0 ' f, lll T"J,,Klsen ,Kn 8,ia, ,lm'! Mrs. I III llroncr, Jas I) Coyle and Purser Phillips reports rough weather ' '" ,'"rc,rl? ?' ' "V "el,?, Tv &' ai"ni Hernitonn von IW In crossing the channel with strong ,0 H'1 ,t,r tho Jnpairoso company. I , leI1.TfImnimi v. 0sorlo. .1. P Per winds blowing nt Mahuko.iu and Mc- t,lc I'red 't Ion Is made Uiat tils com ' ", ' ''' ', ' Gregors. I'n' '" " forced by tho lapancso ,.,", A II .1 1 II U 'nie W P " . ,i, ........, m , r,.u.:... .1 i.. .. , .1... taig, a 11. .loues, ic. u .nue, vv 1 . 3 r.V.V"" ",V"' "''"'"" "'""" " (;.,0. 1U ,,.n iilnl. II. K. nisi,,,),. ! Irmgard Carried Sugar. Tho harkentlue Irmgard carried 18, 000 sacks sugar when despatched from Mahukonn for San rrnncisco on Inst Saturduy, according lo reports recelv ed lipro today With the arrival of the Inter-Island stenmer Mauna Ken, Irom Hllo and way ports this morning, It was learned thut the Kululanl was sighted off Papaaloa, en routu to Hllo The Wallole was discharging sugni Into the Enterprise nt llllo Thu Wal lole will return to Honolulu tomorrow while tho Helcne, now nl Ookalu, will bo un arrival here on next Wednes day. n A largo amount of lumber Is In cluded In tho cargo to at rive from San Fraticsco nnd Puget Sound ports In the Mntson Navigation steamer Hllo nlau, due hero early next Tuesday morning. The vessel Is bringing lfi7fi tons gen prill cargo for Honolulu For Kaliiilul there are 348 tons freight and 52,124 feet lumber: Port Allen, 371 tons of fetght and f7,2M feet lumber; Hllo, 310 tons freight and 82,!47 feet lum ber; nnd Kaannpall, 42 tons freight. Tho Hilonlan will berth nt rnilwav wharf and will receive an early des patch fur Island ports. Fa Fuel oil to the amount of six hun dred tons Is required by the lupaucsc liner Ten.vn Maru, which Is due to ar rive at Honolulu en route to Japan and, China porticurly Tuesday morn Infi. " The Tenvo Mnru will berth at the Hackfeld wharf according lo tho pros cut Intentions of Castle & Cooke, her ugeuts A number of Japauohe and Chinese are booked for passage to Hie Orient In this vessel. I VI. ..',.. Vliu.,11 t..lul.n .. I. .... 1... ....... New and Faster Propeller. I ,,, nI1y Anglo Saxons 01 , vessels ' ,,ol,I""' P.' "lckK; ,W " Mn' AV' A new and fnster 1110110 er s tn be ,.r n..,i. n. ... i,-...i.i i T. Havvllns, .1. S. C'nliarlo nnd w4fp, filled to tho reientl) acquired, nibtor- Ul,.nl meeting of the hoaid of illicit "' V,- lllclJH- A; " 1!!'l?,1,""'r,, M' ''" U...I-.. .luiiiniiiiiH-luiinin i-eiicnn 1 ins orB In Yokohama, urged Hint while of " , , . uw.ii.iib ni- iiiiu-u ninies iign.iiouse nrpra be lelnlni-d, declaring th.it pas- endcr Ivukiil went alongside tho HCII(.er tralllc would fall nlT If they lnuiich and. rasllng the craft, deposit- er tken nwo from thn responsible ed It oil the quarantine wharf, where positions ine uinuiiiiiiiiiii 111 11 Intnl. poworilll screw will be effected. m LOCAL AND GENERAL Milton k P.iisons rieelvoi! II It Wnssiiuiii, Hov K. Mitsui, F Laiks, F May, II. SnllToii, II. L. Holstelu, (', Kulhor, T Morlmoto mid son, I) Kcllllulooli', C P lb ide, W Vldn. W. Kohololcnl, All Moon, Mrs. Weildlcl. .1 Holt. Mm. Kniiliakou mid child, la- F. Hackfeld, Ins Kennedy nhd wife, A 11 Kenue d. .1. K Kenned), II MiCuhblii, II. Delta r, W. Iliaiuo, W T Frost, Tobrlner, Mrs. S. W Ledeier M (i)lm, S Mnsukl, I Yuiuiimolo, seaman, has roieiwoou, uia inuK.ini .11111 sou. hhlp IMwnid !' Vlckeis, O. T. Whitehead, J pattern This . Noeau In with Sugar. SlilpuiPiitM of sugar to thn nmotiut. of 3IS0 sacks mid 731 sacks rise wen. hats and shnpps bv the Slen.i Included In the list of height brought '' "lock Is now 011 dlsplii) to tills poit horn Knual In the stealu i.owam niiiiivun, er N'nnim Tin. nuunl niol ..III, ,,,.rll, (II 1 Slllt llglllllSt till) east wind and rough season tho home ". claiming J3O.00O foi liijuiles llartcls, wnrd o.vuge llio ollliere leport T.OO r,l',vi!" ""!'. wu"l",F "", l",Mr!1 . J , ,7771 ...T r-.,'. , saeks sugar awaiting shipment nt Kl 'llnln 1'll,' ,,f the ilirlcnl stall LOCAL AND GENERAL inPIli of the road department has beenj '-"- """ "ul"-" "- w .giiiiiiou ii 111 uioiiiiiH viicaiiou ue t til l ' miv IIikiiilIi iiitlmt f,f n ntntiirltv fnn. Harpalion Off for the Antipodes. 1 .1,,,, r .1,.. Hoard. Muiinv oiinosod "li'Khniii will take plan- tnd.i) T. la I). II. T. Ilifoii! 11 o'clock this innrnliii: tho n,., ,,.,,n,. ,1. , i.,ri,, 11, .,1 iu ...ii, o'eloek fiom Williams iuhi 11110 nun neon iasi 011 ine iiriiisn hi.i1 a bad precedent I'.ui'nn. iut-iiiiiHiiii iiiiiianuil illlil llllll vessel Pin.liii.t. V htleluilih,. Ins twitlllnill .louir,- rinu-ii n line-. lllll llt '. mulct taking thlit)-rilx WILL DISPLAY . FIRE TRUCKS Kalmukl residents, mid tlioso along tho streets to ,Kulmul,l, will si n the now auto trucks fur the lire depart ment on display tomorrow The truths are to bo tnken out King strut, through Kuplolunl Park, to Port lin ger und tiionee to Wllhiluiina Itlso, where un ascent nnd diseont will he made, the liniint lie'Rlnuiiig uliout set her course through the channel u,,, iar, that lie will be lead) with J0111" ,(1, ''.is taken out his iiileiitlnn VdJ." 'J'." ,ll,,','Ul0." f ,s,,,u'- N. , plans and speclilcatlons for the rev! ''""r'8 i"n "'lS '"'"' "l Tjmu""- The Iluiiial on brought llfleeii bun. phi.iklng of Queen street bridge over M"U.,"B' "lUI''v ,. .. . . , .1 ii-ii i.ii.iiikii ins uiiii ii-coivei 11 inor- N',mnmi ntnain ns soon as the Teirl- ougi 1 Kiiiioii neioro neing ins- ,rIal ,.,,,, roinp(.,. t,elr woik patched foi tho southern continent. f tnlllsiK a H.inltnr sown "t Thn Outdooi Cliclo of tho KllohniM Mauna Kea Freight. 'Art League has been granted the koi a sinmi iieigni nrrivou Horn iinwall ,iC(. (1f a snuad of nrlsoners to nsslst The case of the United States Geoige Otitis, all old opium smug gling matter, was nolle prossed this inoinlng Curtis has been In J ill for sumo time Tiie (lovei 1101 Ibis morning up- norttt In tin, lnf..r luliu.i , .1 , ... . . . . proven a i iiauge 01 u.iiue 01 nov 1 1,111- pons 111 ine inior isianu in the nlaiillng of cocoanut trees ahum , . ....... . ....... ... . ". 1 1 . . I " '! I IU .-SIMllll III IVlTIIV tlll1III Villlllll iiiiil .Maul hienmor .vinunn iea tins morning n nnMimi of ivnlni.nun n ti- Among the Itoins were n quulitlty of matter has been brought lo tho atlen empty bmrels. casks and drums. 0 ,()I1 r tho Board of Supervisors ciates chickens. 2(1 hacks of lilies, old Hlshop Libert has entered coinplalnl lonpor, 14 (rates carrots, 7 bales hides. nll011t ,), eondltlon of n portion id Ka li pieces or hardwood lumber, 20 colds IMI r(Mll lUh in , i,s Is at iliuih wood, and Pi. iiackagos sundries. Impassable Attention of tho City aim County fntheiH hns been colled in tin The Intel Island steamer l.lkellke, l,giwn Tho suggestion is made t lull which lotuiued lioiu Kuual polls )es-a hill bo cut down to n belter guide tcrdav with 'mm sacks sugar, brought and severnl largo holes bo lllled with P Schmidt nud S Spltzci as piissen broken rock. ,;,'IH I An Hawaiian named Hull was this " inoinlng sentenced to two months lui- 'lheaoht Hawaii went on the mar- prlsonment on u cluiigo of sti tiling Ine rallwaj this mornliig for a clean- mal fiom thn navy heuii Doiuitv lug mid ovciliniillug. Tho American ship Anno, reienll) purchased bv tho Alaska Paikeis' As snciatloii from tho Standard Oil Com pany, has been chartered b) tho Gov Fnlted States Dlstilit Attorney Bit ting stilted that he rimoniheied pros ecuting lliill beforo 011 11 chargo of stealing twentj-toui bags from tlib Paclllc Mall heap A report received b the Depart me lit of Common o and Labor from eminent tn load lonl In May at Nor folk for tho Coast. The ships Aryan Yokohama sas that when the Pminmn nnd Diilgo nro already en routo for Canal Is opened It Is probable that 0110 Bremerton with Government coal or more of the three largo Japaneso cargoes. 'I ho Dlrlgo, owned by tho steamship loinpnnlos Nippon Yusen Sowalls of Maine, will, on hir arrival Knlshn, Too Klsen Kalsli.i and Osa nt Snn Piandseo, be equipped with ka Shoscn Knlslia will either ostend o'clock Much Intirt-st Is taken in this nn auxiliary engine In anticipation of their present Aincrlrn-Japiin Hongkong font Returning, the tiuiks will mine the inireaso In Intoi const business on service 01 establish new Hues to tho for the new Union school that Is to back to the city by Berttanlii nviiiue. the completion of the Canal Atlantic seaboard. bo built. comes hum Pe.irl ll.uhtir, when ho Is well known Clt nnd Count) Engineer While house has been granted now onglueei lug Instruments to the value of $1 ST "0 Action was taken toward the pm i ill. 10 of Hie Kiilne last evening. I.iitilicitus 11 VlhH r of Holland was this iiioiiilug mule a iltL-en of the Unitid Slates On nusvwl to Attcu iie Hitting he stated tliat lie would light against Holland If necessai) M.iiu 'lopit.i, one of the Russians M'lc.iHcd 11 low divs iigo by Hie iiiuui grutlou authoiitloB, has taken out liis Intention papois lie Is th!it)-thi( )iars old mid wits hoin at Nokolsk, Hvnsk, Itussla The tuberculosis exhibit which is now istabllslied nt tho Ccnti.it (I1.1111 iiuii school will be opi n to Hie piihllo eveiy nllonioon and at uiglits On luxt I'l Ida) nlglit Di Sim lair will give a tulle explaining tho various tilings Deputy Attorne) General Aithur (I Smith stilted this inoinlng that h hoped to bo able to at quite the Mason pioptrty In Hllo without condemn 1- tioii procic dings The silo Is waiitid n Sonoma Carried Distinguished t Travelers. The Oceanic sleamshlp Sonoma, iiih 011 which a fortune hns been expend ed In converting Into a thoroughly modern liner, sailed from San "Fran eifceo this week with a very distin guished list of passengers who aro bint on seeing first-hand tho tremeii clous work being accomplished nt Pa- Phone 1704 FAMILY TRADE W. C. PEACOCK & COMPANY, LTD. Wine and Liquor Merchants, Merchant near Fort Street Telephone 1704 ) .1 m hti-Lif i.4 Irtt'ii fik.L.h.''- 'v'"l't'1 - '"'- - -k.- ..,J L.." t AJ i sj J HiksVM. 11.' TM& .'JdA. WjStiS,ili.4JJMilk .,.. - , M'i. 4iasMii iliVai&UWsWcbMiik. I MBKm&Ll&mi&ZuK. I ' -Mbfc ... (, ' lileffliiMitliiteitfai'lfPi lenl'ril