12 EVENINO BULLETIN, HONOLULU. T. H., MONDAY, APR. 29, 1912. I ft ! ;. n . , Iv r. Oceanic Steamship Cpmpany S.S. "SIERRA" Liate S. V. Al'ltll. 20... MAY M .... Arrltr Hun. . Al'ltll. 20 MAi 17 163 first rl.ii, iliiglc, S. l'.i $110 C. BREWER Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Steamers uf tlie nbnvc company will call at Honolulu and, leave this (.oil on or about tliu Oaten mentioned lie low: roit iiii: oiiiKvr. foii sx viiam-isco. S. S. Persia May 11 S. 8. Siberia May 7 S. S. Korea . May 16 S. 8. China May 14 S. S. Siberia May 11 S. S. Manchuria May 21 Will c.ill at Uimlln Tor general Information apply to H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., agents T0Y0 KISEN KAISHA Steamers ot the above Company will call nt ami leute Honolulu on or ubu'lt tin! dates mentioned below: i'Olt Till: (IIIIKNT. FOII SIN FUANCISCO. S. S. Tenyo Maru April 30 S. S. Shinyo Maru April 30 8, ft. Shinyo Maru Mav24 S. S. Chiyo Maru May 23 0. S. Chiyo Maru June 21 S. S. Nippon Maru Juno 18 i 'all" nt Manila, omitting rail ut CASTLE & COOKE, Matson Navigation Company Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu. I'KOM SAX rilAM'ISni. I'OK SX FltAM'ISt'O. S. S. Honolulan April 23 S. S. Honolulan May 1 S. S. Lurlino May 8 S. S. Lurline May 14 S. S. Wilhelmina May 14 G. 3. HILONIAN sails from Seattle APRIL 20, 1912. Far further particulars npply to CASTLE & COOKE, LTD., General Agents, Honolulu. Canadian-Australian Royal Mail STEAMSHIP COMPANY i'Olt FIJI X1) ArSTltAI.lt. FOIt VANCOUVER. 6. S. Marama May 22 S. 3. Makura May 21 S. S. Mnkura June 19 S. S. Zealandia June 18 S. S. Zealandia July 17 S. S. Marama July 10 THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., GENERAL AGENTS. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU VI.i Tel tepee, etcry Mlh lajr. Freight recelted at nil timed nt the ('oiiii,iiij'n wharf, 4 ttt Street, South Brooklyn. FROM SEATTLE OR TACOMATO HONOLULU DIRECT S. S. ALASKAN, to sail about MAY 3 E. S. ARIZONAN, to sail about MAY 14 S. S. VIRGINIAN, to sail about MAY 25 Fur further Information apply to II. IIACKFELI) & CO, LTI1., agents Honolulu. C. 1'. .MOUSE, General Freight Agent. PL one 2295 Reaches Hustace-Peck Co., Ltd. A Mi KINDS OF HOCK AND SND FOU COXCUETE WOItK. FIREWOOD AM) COAL. C3 tjUEEN STHEET. p. o. BOX 212 Service Dispatch WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY THE FEATHER RIVER ROUTE For particulars see Fred. L. Waldron.Ltd. 836 Fort Street Pau Ka liana MOVES THE EARTH Forcegrowth Will Do It Airlte S. F. . . MAY C . .MAY 28 llrsl ehi, rnniiil trip, Sun Francisco. & CO.. LTD., General Agents. Shanghai. LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu. for Honolulu direct on or bout Oahu Railway Time Table Outward. For Walanae, Walalun, Kahuku and way Stations "9:11; a. m., 3:20 p. in. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Stations T7-30 a. m., 9:1G a. in., 11:30 a. in., 2:1G p. m., 3:20 p. m., 5:1G p. m 9:30 p. m tll:lG p. m. 1 For Wahlava and I.ollehua '10:20 a. m., C:1G p. m., i9:30 p. m., tU:lG p. in. Innnrd. Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wnl- aiua aim walanae 'a-ao u, in., G:31 p. w. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and Pearl City 17:46 a. m., 8:3C a. m., 11.02 a. m., 1:40 p. in., '4:20 p. m., C:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m. Arrive Honolulu from Wahlawa and ixmenua u:iu a. m timo p. m., ,0:31 p. m.( 110:10 p. m. ""he Hnlelwa Limited, a two-hour train (only first class tickets hon ored), leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:36 a. m.; returning, arrives In I Honolulu at 10:10 p. ra. The Limited stops only at Pearl City and Walanae outward, and Walanae, Walpahu and Pearl City inward. Dally. tSunday Excepted. tSun- day Only. 0. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH, Superintendent. O. P. A. I'hotn Engraving nf highest grade can 11 11 it be secured from tho II u I J c 1 1 u Photo Engrutluc plant Lente Hun. MAY 1 .. MAI .'J ... Established In IS.'.S. Bishop & Co. BANKERS CumiiiiTclal anil Travelers' Letter nt Credit Issued on the Hunk nf California nml The London Joint Stuck H.Mik Ltd., I.ondnn. Correspondents for the American Express Company nml Thai. Cook Sun. Interest allotted ou Terra and Ratings Hank Deposit. BANK OF HONOLULU LIMITED. PA I II CAPITA I, f 000,000 Successors to GLAUS SPRECKELS & CO Intlles your Account and infers Millsfiiclory sen Ice. I.naiii ut market rates. Exchange and Calilo tranj. fern. Tnnclcrs' Credits nnd Checks ntallalile eterjtthere. The Yokohama Specie Bank, Limited HEAD Ol FICE YOKOHAMA Capital Subscribed. Yea 48.000,000. Capital Paid Up.... Yen 30.000,000 ltesertvd Fund . . . . Yell 17,5U0,U0U General banking business trausactea. Savings accounts for $1 and upwards. Fire and burglar-proof vaults, with Safo Deposit Boxes for rent at 2 per year and upwards. Trunks and cases to be ?tept on custody at moderate rates. Particulars to be applied for. YU AKAI, Manager. Honolulu Olllce, lletliel and Mer chant Streets. Telephones 2421 and lf.'JL P. O. Uox 1G8. TWO FORD MACHINE8 Just as good as new I thr seats. One $200 1 one $250. Oahu Machine Shop 301 QUEEN AND RICHARDS ST8. Telephone 514 EMMELUTH & CO., LTD. PLUMBERS and SHEET METAL WORKER8 STOVES and RANGE8 Corner King and bishop Streets Phono No. 3067 BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL KIND8 DEALER8 IN LUMBER ALLEN A ROBIN80N Queen Street ... Honolulu PACIFIC ENGINEERING COMPANY, LTD. Consulting, Designing nnd Con. strutting Engineers. Drldges, Uulldings, Concrete Struc tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys tems, Reports and Estimates on Pro jects. Phone 104G. Hal lot In ads (test Iluslncss (lei tcrs. CRUSHED ROCK We have what is wanted for building Roads or Garden walks and Sidewalks in preparation for cement work. Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd. Robinson Building Queen Street Alexander k Baldwin, LIMITED Sugar Factors. Commission Merchants, and Insurance Agents Agents for Hawaiian Commercial & Suiar Co. Haiku Sueur Company, l'ala Plantation, ilaul Agricultural Company. Hawaiian Sueur Company, 1 Kahuliu Plantation Company. I Mclliyile Sugar Company. Kaliulul Rallroud Company, Kauai Railway Company. Honolus Ranch. Illulku Fruit anil Packing Company. Kaunl Fruit and Land Company. Castle&Cooke, Limited I HONOLULU, T. H. 8UQAK FACTORS, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Agents for FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, TOURISTS' DAGGAGE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE i Representing Ewa Plantation Company V.'nlalua Agricultural Co, Ltd. Kohola Sugar Co. Apokna Sugar Co, Ltd. Mntson Navigation Co. Toyo Klsen Kolsha HONOLULU C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND GENERAL MERCHANTS OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS E. F BISHOP President GEO. H. ROBERTSON i .Vice-President and Manager W. W. NORTH Treasurer RICHARD IVERS Secretary J R. GAI.T Auditor GEO. It. CARTER Director R. A. COOKE... Director A OARTI.BY Director LIFE INSURANCE la nut 11 Luxury; It Is a Necessity. Hut you Must hate the BEST and that Is provided liy tho famous and must equitable Laws of Massa chusetts, In the New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OP IIOSTO.V, MASSACHUSETTS. If jnn would he fully Informed about tlicsu laws, address CASTLE & COOKE, Limited HENEIiAL A 0 EMS. iinxfli.iun. t. n FIRE INSURANCE The B. F. Dillingham Co. LIMITED Ueiicral Agent for Hawaii: Alias Assurance Company of London. Nen York Undent Titers' Agency, l'rotldcufe Washington Insurance Co. 4th FLOOR, STANflKNWALD 1ILIH1. KAHN SYSTEM of REINFORCED CONCRETE. Cup Bars, Rib Mstal, Hy, Rib, Lath, Water-proof Coating, Honolulu Iron Works Co. Honolulu Agents for the Hawaiian Islands Chemical Engines and Watchman's Clocks For Snlo by J. A. GILMAN Fort Street. MOVEMENTS OF MAIL STEAMERS t YESSFJ.S.TO ARRIVE Tuesday, April 30. San Francisco Tcnyo Maru, Jap. stmr. Seattle Hllonlan, M. N. 8. 8. Wednesday, May 1. San Frnncisco Columbian, A.-H. S. 8. Hawaii via Maul porta Clnudlne, RtRir. , Knual ports W. (1. Ilnll, Btmr, llawnll ptntR Hclenc, stmr, Friday, May 2, Kuna-Knii ports Kllnuca, ntmr. Saturday, May 4. Illlo via way polls Mauna Kea, Btmr. Sunday, May 5. Mnnlln via NnKasakl, Japan Thom as. II. 8. A. T. Maul, Molokal and Lannl pons Ml- knhnla, Htmr. Kaunl porta Klnnu, Btmr. Tuesday, May 7. Hongkong via Japan porls Sibe ria, P. M. 3. S. Wednesday, May 8. Maul nnd Hawaii ports Claudlno, Btmr. San Francisco I.urllno, M. N. 9. S. Knual ports W. O. Halt, stmr. Friday, May 10. Hongkong via Japan ports Uuyo Maru, Jap. stmr. Saturday, May 11. Maul, Molokal and Laual porta Ml kahala. stmr. San Francisco Porsln, P. M. S. S. Illlo via way porta Mauna Ken, str. Sunday, May 12. Knual ports Kluau, stmr. Monday, May 13. San Francisco Sherman, U, S. A.T. Tuesday, May 14. Hongkong via Japan ports China, P. M. S. 8. Snn Francisco Wilhelmina, M. N, S. S. Thursday, May 16. San Francisco Korea, P. M. 8. S. Friday, May 17. San Francisco Sierra. O. S. 8. Tuesday, May 21. Australian and New Zealand Porta Mnkura, C.-A. S. 8. San Francisco Honolulan, M. N, R. S. Hongkong via Jnpan ports Man churia. P. M. 8. S. Wednesday, May 22. Victoria and Vancouver Marama, C. A. S., S. Friday, May 24. San Francisco Shinyo Maru, Jap. Btmr. Tuesday, May 28. Hongkong via Japan ports Chiyo Maru, Jap. stmr. Friday, May 31. San Francisco Siberia, P. M. S. S. YKSSKLS TO DEl'AIlT Monday, April 29. Kauai ports N'oeau, Btmr., G p.m. Tuesday, April 30. Hongkong via Japan ports Tcnyo Maru. Jan. stmr. San Francisco Shinyo Mam, Jap. stmr., 9 a.m. Hllo via way ports Mauna Koa, stmr., 10 a.m. Maul, Molokal and Lannl ports MI kahala, stmr., G p.m. Kauai ports Kinau, Btmr., G p.m., Wednesday, May 1. San Francisco Honolulan, M. N, S. S.. 10 a.m. Sail Francisco Sierra, O. S. S 10 a.m. Thursday. May 2. Kauai ports W. U. Hall, Btmr., G p.m. Friday, May 3. Hawaii via Maul ports Claudlne, Btmr., G p.m. Sunday. May 5. Son Francisco Thomas, U. S. A. T. Monday, May 6. ' Knual ports Noeau, Btmr., G p.m Tuesday, May 7. Hllo via way ports Maunn Kea, stmr., 10 a.m. Kona and Kau ports Kllauea, Btmr., noon. Maul, Molokal and Lanal ports Ml kahala, stmr., G p.m. San Francisco Siberia. P. M. 8. 8 Kauai ports kinau, stmr., G p.m. Friday, May 10. Central and South America Uuyo Maru, Jap. Btmr. Saturday, May 11. Hongkong via Japan ports Persia, P. M. 8. 8. Monday, May 13. Manila via Ouam Sherman, U, 3, A. T. Tuesday, May 14. Snn Frnncisco China; P. M. S. S. San Francisco Lurlino. M. N, S.S. Thursday, May '16. Hongkong via Japan ports Korea, V. M. S. S. Friday, May 17. Kona and Kau ports Kllauea, stmr., noon. Tuesday, May 21, Victoria and Vancouver Mnkura, C.-A. 8. 8. Sail Francisco Manchuria, P. M. S. S. Wednesday, May 22. San Francisco Wilhelmina, M, N. S. S 10 a. in. San Francisco Sierra, O. S. 8., 10 a.m. Australia via Now Zealand ports Marama, C.-A. S. S. Friday, May 24. Hongkong via Japan ports Shinyo Maru, Jap. stmr. , Tuesday, May 28. San Francisco Chiyo Maru, Jap. stmr. Wednesday, May 29. San Francisco Honolulan, M, N, 8. S, Friday, May 31. Hongkong via Japan porta SlbO' rla, P. M. S. S. Mm Mnrllmni. .T. flMillY nimnnrAil before tho grand Jury In Now York and gavo testimony In the iiranut in entlgntlou. TRANSPORT SERVICE I Logan, from Honolulu for Manila, salt ed (April 14. Sherman, from Honolulu for San Francisco, arrived April 14. Sheridan from Honolulu f6r San Fran cisco, Arrived April 7. Crook, at San Francisco. Huford, sailed Sail Francisco for Mex ican ports. Wnrren Stationed at the Philippines Thomas, sailed from Manila for Ho nolulu Aprfl 10; -- PASSKNdllUS HOOKED a-i Por (). 8. 8. Sierra, for San Fran--cisco, Wednesday, May 1. Mrs. W. U. Adams, Miss Alitct, Miss A. Alexan der, Mrs. A. II. Allen, Mrs. It. II. Al len, Miss L, Anderson, C Arncmntiii, Rev. Canon Ault. Mrs. Atilt, Mnstcr Ralph Ault. Dr. W. S. Dagot. Mrs. Ilngot. (!. W. Heltcncourt, J. Y. lllge low, Mrs. K. nixel, .1, II. Hlacksheat, II. T, Ulackwood, Mrs. niackwood, Mrs. W. lllalsdell, Mrs. 8. 8. Drad shaw. Miss l. Ilrad8haw, Miss M, Urndshaw, Chns. Drown, Mrs. Drown, C. F. Drown, O. W. Drown, Miss M Dushmnti, 8. K. Cahlll, Mrs. Calilll, Mrs. V. Carlson, Miss H. S. Carlson, F. L. Clark, W. N. Coucanon, Mrs. A. F. Cook, Miss J. A. Cook, Mrs. Geo. T. Cook, Mrs. SI. E. Coulter. Jas. D. Coyle, Mrs. Coyle, V. W. Crlhhens, It. L. Darling, Mrs. Darling. Miss Da vis, Mrs. P. M. Dunn, Miss 12. Dup per, O. Felix, Johauue Felix, Miss 8. Felix, Master W. Felix, H. Fcrnald, Miss I, L. Ferguson, J. V. Fernan dez, Donald (ledge, Mrs. (ledge, Miss K. fledge, Angus H. Gibson, Donald II. Ollmorc, J. U. Golden, Mrs. Golden, Mrs. h. It. Grcert, Shulchl Hanaoka, 11. II. Helnman, Mrs. Helneman, K. Henries, A. Herbert, Mrs. Mary Hol ing, O. V. Jaklns, Mrs. Jnklns, John Jones, Captain Frederick Karlger, Mrs. Karlger and two children, A. D. Ktnnedy, Mrs. Kennedy1, J. K. Ken nedy, Mrs, Kennedy, Mrs. L. II. Kerr, .Mrs. F. i:. King. W. W. Klrklnnd, Miss C. Lambert, O, II. Lathrop, J. Lennox, Mrs. Lennox and two children. Miss Levy, Miss K. M. Lindsay, Mrs. Longacre and chauffeur, W. It. Low- den, Mrs. Lowden, Miss Lowden, Miss M. Lyman, E. P. Maby, F. N. Mas. sa. Mrs. Massa, I). G. May. Mrs. May and child, Mrs. I. II. Merrill, Mrs. E. Merlens, Mrs. J. Milton, Mrs. J. R Miner, Mrs. J. M. Moore, Mrs. A. P. Nahaolelua, Julius Mines. V. .K. M, Osorlo. 11. J. Patterson, Mrs. Patter son, It. W. Patton, Mrs. Pat ton, Miss h. Payne, L. A. Perry, W. 8. Post, Mrs. Post, Mrs. Geo. M. Pullman and maid. Major Purdy. U. S. A., Mrs. Pur dy, Mrs. M. A. Putnam, Dr, O. W. Raymond, Miss J. Raymond, Miss It. Raymond, E. Itcgo, J. P. Ilcgo, Mrs. Ilcgo and child, E. Reynolds, Mrs. Roy nolds, Mrs. G. D. Rowo and boh, Miss F. Ryan, Miss J. Scoby, Miss E, L. Sherman, B. S, Smith, Mrs. G. P. 8parks, J. W. Stoddard, Paul Super. Miss M. Taylor, Dr. T. O. Trcen, Mrs. Trccn, Mrs. G. O. Vandcrllp, John Walker, Mrs. L. R. Walker, Miss Amy Walker, Dr. St. D. O. Walters, Mrs. R. W. Warhapi, O. P. Whlto and two children, Master White. W. J. White, Mrs. White, O, .1. Whitehead, Mrs, Wldcmann, Captain Wilbur, O. S. A.. Mrs. Wilbur, two children and maid; Mrs. F. Wilbur, J. F. Williams. Mrs. h. E. Williams, Miss M. K. Wood. Mrs. II. V. Wright. Mrs. 11. O. Young. Per stmr. Kluau, for Kauai ports, April 20. Miss Jacobson, Miss Sopcr, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawson, Master W Lawsou, Norman Lawson, II. J. Lillle. Per stmr. Mlkaliala, for Maui and Molokal ports, April 30. J. D. Mc Veigh. Per Btmr. Mauna Kea, for Hllo via way ports, April 30. Mrs. T. P. Malln. e REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Entered for Record April 26, 1912. From 10i30 a. m. to 4i30 p. m. Killth K I'ond and hsb to Mnrlon V JcHter D JnmeH 1) Mclnerny to E A Mc- Inerny PA James D Mclm-rny by ntty et ol to Hoinetarii Shelm D Sometaro Shelia to Charles 8 Dcsky M Chilli? Sing Wo to C K Al CM Win Henry, tr, to Sau How I, Ilcrtha Melton nml hab to Roslna. Rose D Eugene A I.o Clnlr to Ira Esltew et nl Addl Chgo W It rvtstle, tr, to John Kniilnllu..Itel John Knukallu to William R. Cas- tlo. tr M Entered for Record April 27, 1912. From 8l30 a. m. to 1030 a. m. First Rank- of Hllo Ltd to Hllo Mcrcnntllo Co Ltd D Mones K Kapaona to Mrs M K Kapanna T J Garcia, tr, to roily Kama itei Mnrln M Johnson and hsl et nl to A 11 Lindsay D John Telxelra nml wf to Mnnuel Telxelra r Joao Fernando nml wf to Manuel A Cnmlira " Mnnuel 'A Cnmhrn nnd wf to First Rank of Hllo Ltd M Ellne Kaiser and hsb to First Hunk of Hllo Ltd f J Hnrn to Elvira M R Smith.... M II R IfnynsM and wf to Volcano 8tnblo & .Transport Co Ltd M William Weeks nml wf to Volcano Stables & Trnnsport Co Ltd.... CM W J Yntes to S Itvashltn h Kimhllo and hsb etnl to Young Men's Snvs Scy Ltd M V V Nowell'to W G Scott BS Ernest N Tarkcr to Hawnyn.Kn- wnbata T Lnhnlni National Rank to I.nlia- Ina Airrctl Co Ltd D Joseph K P Kekan nnd wf to Ai exander M McBrydo.et .nl....... D If Mnsaka to' von Hnmnt-Young Co I4d CM San Antonio Port Hen Soey of Haw tn Jos Ollvelrn nnd wf Rel Charles M Cooke Ltd to Roficrt T Van Deusen D V Song and wf to Trent Trust Co Ltd M The (resolution -placlntr Mnssnchu- .etts In favor of the election of United Stntes Kenntnrs hy n direct vote was nilopted hy tho House hy n vote of 107 to 37, AT THE HOTELS ALEXANDER YOUNG. Mist, L. E. Ilutchins, Pnjn, Maul; A. It. Mitchell, Oakland, Cal ; It. T, Phillips, city; J. E. .Stewart, city; W. J. FoHsuth, KtMi; K. E Mnhlein, Kii tuilj 8, 1. Hartley, 8an Francisco, Cnl.j Alrs. c I.. Ilodrtro, Keulla; Mrs. U K Allen, Suvn; I Vogel, New York; Lieut. George 1 Morrison and. wife, Hehotleld linrratksf II, II, l.lltell and Vilfc, Ban Francisco, Oil.; J. K. Stew art iiml Wife, Chicago, III.; Mlns .Ma rlon Stewart, Chicago, III ; J. M. Perry, Philadelphia, Pn.; J. II. Frlgar, Philadelphia, Pa.; Ml. I Hoffman. Scholleld'Darracks; It. D. Mend, city; P. J. D.ililcU, Kealakckun, Hawaii; C. D. Lufkln, Wnlluku; 11. Lindsay and wife. New York City; C. II. Potter, Han Frunclico, Cat.; W. T. Williams nnd wife, Vlctorlu, U. C; A. a. Mink and wife, Seattle, Wni-h.; MNs Knto P. McAllister, Malt Luke City, Utah; A Schruter, Vuncouver, II. C; W. L. Cummlng and wife, Senttlc, Wash.; V. O, Mattheas, Connecticut; Joseph O. 11 Archer, city; David II. Oldbury, Ilolse, Idaho; Mm. J. Conroy, Snn l-Vnnvlwo, t'nl.; L, N. Dnclt, lYeiiiont, O.; J. 1'. Moites, Max Lcnlm. J. D. Ciunmet, E. II. McDuIIle, Dr. Frank T. Duncan, San I'ranclnco, Cal.; Dr. Fred Wnrkenhen nnd wlfij (I.olt Alugcles, t'nl. j W. J. Gray nnd wife, Snn Fran cisco, Cal.; I. M. Ambrose, Lot An geles, Cal.; T. ('nniher, Kan Frnnclscn, "al ; John Tunnlcllffe nnd wife, Han lYnnclsco, t'nl.; M. R. Dunlcls, Wnrli liiKton, 1). ('.; W. Mnyne nnd wife, Scholleld Il.trrncks; II. T. lllacktsoml mid wife, Han Frnnclscn; A. H. David son, city; W. Tiirnhull, Hllo; CIkih. Huycli1, Kan 'Francisco, Cal.; M. Xi Vnrgim and wife. Santa Clara, Cnl.; Clins. Drown nnd wife, Hchenectndy, "V Y ; C F. lirntvn, Schenectady, N, Y ; Airs. F. Fassett, I.Uermore, ("nl.; Mrs. A. J. lleiierinnnn, llerkeley, Cnl.; Miss E. Arps, Berkeley, Cnl.; Miss E. Mnnn, Stockton; Mlm C M. Pehl, Stockton; Mrs. Edn Elders, San l-Ynn-clsco, Cnl.; E. F. Herman ,nnd wife, London, Eng ; Mrs. A. A. Wilson nnd maid, Illlo; 1). J. Rumbaugii, wife nnd dnURhter, IT, S. A.; W. O. Howell nnd wife, t'. S. A.; W. G. lAWHiin, Oo knla; ft. It. Ilevlns, Kaliulul; P. I,. Rice, ICiiuul; D. 11. Baldwin nnd wife, Kauai; R. L. Hughes, Knual; F. O. Jones, Snn Francisco, Cnl.; A. 1 l.oulison, Hawaii; Jl V. Wllllum, Bun Frnncisco; 11. llryan, Marshall, 111.; II. F. Paisley, Santn Monica, Cnl.; Geo. II. England and wife, HnlyoUe. Mass. PLEASANTON. Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. E. Adams, San Frnncisco, Cal.; Mrs. A. Anderson. Han Francisco, Cul.: Joseph H. Barnes, St. Jlorlts-Dorf, Engadlne, Switzer land; Mlnnetto llurnham, M. D., Ho nolulu; Mrs. P. E. Brad-thaw, Miss P. R Urndshaw, Miss Mary 8. Brndshaw, Superior. Wis.; Mrs. J. II. Brewer, Miss Anne W. Brewer, XIIsm llenrl etto Brewer, Oakland. Cnl.; Mr. and Sirs. T. B. Brown, child nnd maid, Kan I-YniiRlsro, Cnl.: Dr. Victor H. Clark, Honolulu; W. W. Crlbblns. Berkeley, Cal ; Walter Uulsenberir, Snn lYnn clsco; Mr and Mrs. Bruce I. Ellis, Han Frnncisco; Gov W. F. Frear, Ho nolulu; Tom L. Fcrnald, Prciquo Il. Me.; Miss Manmrct Lymun. Minneap olis, Minn.; Miss E. C. McCullnugh. Hollywood, Los AnRclch, Cnl.: Mr nnd Mrs. Robt. W. Patton. ChlcnRo, III : Miss Irma Htarkey, Oakland, Cal : Miss Louise Sherman, Pasadena. Cal ; II. C Wiildron. city; Mrs. U It. Wnlk er. Miss A. Wnlker, Clilcugo, 111.; C. Worth nnd wife, I,os Wngeles, Cnl : Mrs. It. O. YnuiiR, Los Angeles, Cnl. ROYAL HAWAIIAN. J. Craig, W. Crnls. Englnnil; R. Darling, Mexico City: Percy Hunter. Sydney; T. W. Leonard, Denver, Colo.; W. F. Cole, Hllo; J. 8. lie Menn, Wnl nlua, YOUNG. W. J. Conroy, Snn Francisco, Cnl.; L. N, Dcch, Frankfort, O.: J. F. Moses, Max Levin, J, 11. Cnmmet, E. B. Mc DuIIle, Dr. F. T. Duncan,. J. Caraher, John Turncllffe, Snn Frnncisco, Cnl.: M. It. Daniels, Wnshlntiton. D. C: C. W. Irwin, Ewn: H, K. Bishop, Hllo; F L. Hacks, Honolulu; R. II. Znnp, S nnFriinclsco, Cul.: A. II. Kennedy, J. K Kennedy, II. McCuhbln, Ijiha Inn: E. L. Holman. Hllo. I PASSENGERS AUItlVED I ' - Por stmr. Klnnu, from Knual ports, April 28. Rov. 8. Ishtiira. Mr. Mar shall, Tan Wo, Mrs. Kaal and child, I). Lyons, Geo, Kaal, Mrs. Wright, W. Wright, J, W, AbcIi, J, V, Armstrong, M. Hodrlgues, C. Ilettencourt, Miss 1). Carmen, Doctor Osborn and Mrs. Os born, II. Susukl, .1. L'ayor, J, llalmorl, Miss Kamaka, Miss Makalla, Mrs, J. Kamnna, F. S. Christian, M. Itnposo, E. Claudia, Mrs. M. Itcos, MIbb C. Bai ley, P. G. ltlloy, H. C. Wnldron. Jno. Wnterhouso, W. H. nabbltt, M. II. Car. bonell. Per stmr. Mlkaliala, from Maul and Molokal ports, April 28. Mrs. Kalian kou, Mrs. Lupca, Mrs. B. Ilillil, A. It. (lurrey, A. I, Sllva, Mrs. E, Hardy, Miss M. Moore, 11. Hatn and wife, M. Izuml, L Takahlra, Jno. Hughes, Mth, II, II. Judd, Miss Judd, Cuas. llattlgc, Mrs. Jones, Miss Jones, W. 11. ltlce. HAILS Malls are due from the following points as follows: Yokohama Siberia, May 7. San Francisco Tenyo Maru, April 30, Victoria Marama, May 22. Colonics Makura, May 21. Malls will depart for tho following points as follows: Yokohama Tonjo Maru, April 30, Vancouver Makura, May 21. Colonies Maramn, May 22. San Franclbco Shinyo Maru, Apr. 30, e e Artistic Job printing run always he obtained from tho llu I let Ill's com. plctoly equipped Job printing plant. Evuulug llu lie tin, n r .1 I a. iw I nHJ !' y 1 l7 'c yvt!"f hb6 'f 'k''s' V'&tfi&s&iras .UJMMimmimmmiwwm'm' n m n t - -