OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 29, 1912, 3:30 EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1912-04-29/ed-1/seq-14/

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... vj.
The Race For Evening Bulletin
ten Mm
i v
i .
t . 'i
Prizes Has Started In Earnest
Many New Candidates Enter Great
Contest It Costs Absolutely
Nothing to Nominate
A Candidate
! ! ! ! !! !
Prominent Yonng Women Are
Nominated By Their Friends
To Compete for the Many
Grand Prizes Now Is the
Time to Nominate Your Candidate
Consists of Honolulu ami tlio
Island of O.ihit from the center
of Xiiuumi Street. West.
Tlio iirl7.es that must ho won
In this district arc an elegant
"Kemlngton" player-piano; a
perfect $100 diamond ring; a !
solid Bold Indies' watch and n
round trip to Kliiuuen or llono-
luln nnd leturn. .Winners of tlio
plnjor-platios bav ttio privilege !
of choosing a round trip to San
Francisco, with a stay of ten
days In tho Western Metropolis.
All districts linc an equal '
chance for tho Capital prlzo 1912
"Hegul" automobile.
(lerliudo Watson, 215 School.. 18,500
Ulna Nlrpcr, 1221 N, King... 17,070
Aloic Prostldgo, 1201 run Lalio 18,000
Allco D.ircy Alea 0,200
Tho livening llullctln (irnnil dates, and no noniluallon linH been en- Hose Solomon, 1731 I.lliha.... 2,020
Pnp'ilnill) Contest for jonng women tered Tor her, ou should tnko stopi In Flora Oygnx, Alea 2,000
onrtod Snliirilav with a Inrgo list of sec (hat surh noinliiatlnn Is placed on 'r. (loo. Kinney, Wntertnwu. 5.110
lanilldates. and uianv new additions tile at one" or telephone tho Contest Marlon A. Fauth, 2305 Itosu... 2,000
ire noted In todays Issuo. The list .Mutineer. He will give you prompt at- Hollo Forrest, Alea 2,000
win ui'iiouiiImiiv grow rrom dny to tenllon.
iin will, a steadv Increase of votes for ,, lnr ,H mntMnK CUIlcenilnK IIl0
hose who have ..solve, to win ono or ,,,,, ,, ., ,, mt lmuur8,nml
. ,e s.vcntco,, grand prlros offered by wrll0 to . Vontp8t .... Tliprn
I , ! , ' ,. K ,,""",'n- . T'o will ho n ilally wilto-up In tho paper Olynipla Sllva, lleretatila St...
reader- of this paper ami frimids of (,ncI, ,,,. from nmv nn'lm,, , cIoSl) Mis Tanakn, Alea
. iitP..ni,t..an help their favorites liy ,,r t)lc (.0Iltc8li aml 10!)0 ntercil,ed Kvn Hawkins, Ilerctnnla St....
i v Utile effort on their part. To ra Kc(11 , cm ,,,, ,u, tll0 Mario Wood. Kallhl
.mi the jminou from (ho II u 1 1 o 1 1 n .8t nml ,.nmpeinK candidates. Ccr- Trances Williams, Walalun....
mii hi ib. mi, mr-Ho may no tlio ,, u ,8 Umt BevolCP , wonlcI1 Melon Klml.all, Walalua
ISItchlo fi. Cockett,
Daisy Forrest, Alea
Ida McKeague, Alea
1513 Fcr-
... . i . .. i i i ii in umi rvtl'ltli-ril JUIIIIK ()UIUII ! in, miiiiiiuii
i . . .. i T??"",K "i""1?" f tlio Terrltor are cncl, going to Rot Helen Kimball, Walalua
lll ln the eleKant 1912 cnmplctol- no r thes0 maRiillUcnt awards, nml Hcbccca lopa, Walanno
n'pped ' IteRal" niiioinohlle or one of
Hie 'iintiv valuable rl7cs.
Com. stants anil their friends should
rc'Koitibor these fa.ts: In each ills
1 1 let will bo Rlen one handsome J550
II. iiiliiRioa" ilaer-plano; ono perfect
fl" lila.uond IIIiirj ono Solid (Sold
! a He Watch nnd one trip to Klhuiea
i i .! olu'ii and return.
(' iniehtniits can tnko subscriptions
It Is left to tho renders of tlio Hullo- Miss II. Voss, 2333 N. KIiir
tin to decide. Josephine. Pratt, 13C2 Nuiianu.
Anyone who desires to voto In this Jlr8- "avid K. Watson, Walanao
contest may do so by coupons clipped "CI" Zerbe, Davis & Co
from the Bullet In nnd by special M- " Harris, Scliolleld liar.
vote ballots obtained by subscrlbltiR ''C5' l'lcndurn, Walanno
to tho llu Hot In. Tho ballots so- Kdna l.lojd, 2194 N. KIiir
cured by subscribing may bo held as Mrs. Xorrls, Schnflcld Ilnrracks
Ioiir as desired and voted at nny tlmo Mrs. Otto Wlssenberry, Bcho-
up to tlio close of tlio contest, but con- Held llarrneks
f omi nny part rf t,o I'nlted States, pons cut from tho paper aro Rood only Mrs. W. (lalbralth, 1028 Llllh.i
n .a i of Hie Territory, or any part for ten days from tho dato of piihllcn- Albert Whollcy, Ft. Bhnfter...
it !! wnild. The districts luuo been Hon, nnd will not bo counted If voted Mrs. .Ins. Kennedy, Ft. Shatter
niratiRe.1 simply for tho cnual dlslrl- after tlio dato printed thereon. Mrs. Win. Heed, Ft. Shnflor....
iiiiiii.i III .lie prices. IIIO JU12 "IIO- Pn.m, llln. I. ... ji.i.i.i .. .... I.liev Hurler l!-fn P,.nl
yoiini? ronllncd to votlttR fyr candidates In '':vi1 Kealolia, Children IIos..
lliclr own districts, but mny voto for Helen olIcy, 323 llneklo Iino
anybody In tho.raeo. Mabel Crossman, Kallhl
This nfforils the innnr wniiien of tl... Hazel Mcdnwan, Kallhl
Territory an excellent opportunity to Mnrtlia McKcaRiio, Alea
rceclMi valuable presents, and Bplemlhl I'1""1 OHiIih, Hon. Plant., Alea
trlptat tho expenso or tho HvoniiiR '"a "nnuon, vmoynr.l St. ...
niillotln, Klnn Ulnnahcle. 1735 Mllha..
Jnnnlo Williams, Vineyard St..
M I'D Mfllll tfnnnn tlnL.ln
If ... .1 r..ii i ....t it ",ic" ,MM viiu, i uniia
ii jw'i ii iiiil iiiiiv iiniii'i niiinii inn i.. - I. ... .
rnd ncpinlntaiuos. Kiibscrlhers tnn proi.ositlon or thcro Is any Information T...... a. :,..,?. ':', ,.'.'' . 'Mz
"I . uiiin unu'Wl ,UJf
JIcGrcRor, 31 Illshop
Knlckn, Kallhlkat... 2,940
al ii'iiomohUe will i;n to the
woman who receives tlio most votes' In
I. II dlstilcts.
Votes Free to Patrons.
Hint votes that will ilceldo . who
hhall become the proud possessors of
theso mnRiilMccnt prizes nro freo to
tho Hill let Ill's patrons. All Hint
Ik required of the mndldnto in order
lo win in this popular voting contest Write for Information.
Is industry and a larpo clrclo of friends
i .in iiiipmiiiiaiieos. miiiHcnnerH (nn proioslllon or thcro Is any Information i v.tln Almla
olo by ellppltiR the coupon'i from the von dcslro about tho details, wrllo lo i, ' ,. , ,, .
pnpor .lull), ns each of theso counts If or call upon tho Contest Manager. Ho 7'"'
seni to mo rouicst Manager before will take pleasuio In giving you tho
Hie expiration .Into printed thereon, itnln yon deslro nnd If you will fllo tho
I eople subscribing nml paving ihelr iioirlnatlnn of yourself or aoino friend
substrlptlons, also old subscribers wo will send tho necessary blanks aim
puvlng iirrcnrs or piepavlng their sub. forms with which to conduct tho can-
.ililluri will receive a special "voto vaxs for frco votes.
...upon which ,-an bo voted at nny Unpald Subcrlptlons Count.
time during tho contest. ' , , ., , , .,
Therefoie, any person who watiis to ,A" "'""'cHhcts lo tlio 1 ii 1 o t n
iitcr..i.iiR.. nn ambitious youiiR woman ?,ho "r" '" 1arro,ir? '"J lr'auli8cr p-
can do so by paying or prepaying his ,lrn "'"";. and who pay up ho
or her subscription to tho It til lot in , " "ro 0'" '""", "' "na- acco";
mid giving her the special voto coupon. '" n, """",'"!, im,,1, WllP" yo" Kny
... .... . ' Vmir nnliur.rlr.llrt, i tin unrn tr.ti, .nnnlim
Voles will be allowed and credited to ;, . ..., ,.. ,,,,u
-he utndldatcs selected by the pattous lc1' ,PB "1 ' Ch '11 "1 0"tltlc,,
l..or.'lng lo tho sehedulo published Summary of Prizes Offered,
fully In tho 11 ill lot In. Payttienlu Tho (Irnnd Capital Prlzo n hand
mav be imulo at tho llu I lot In or BO'l,p 1!'12 ciiiuilolely-oiillpieil "116
lice, or to any cntidldalo or represent- Knl" nuloinobllo, will go to tlio young
ntlvo or Hits pnpor. Cnndlilntes mny nman having tlio greatest number or
also solicit nml eollect subscriptions voles nt tho conclusion or tho contest,
In nil cuhoh giving tho mibscilbor tlio repnrdless or the district hIio mny to
receipt nuthorlzod by tho Kvqnlni; Hl;10 '" . In rncb "r "m four districts
II u 1 1 o 1 1 n for that purpose. '" l,n Rlvon nn elegant $550 "nomlng.
Nominations. lon"iplayer-pliinn; a hnndsomo ?10ii
Tho contest will ho a short and "Hnionu ring; a solid rciiii mules'
slinrp ono. It has Just Btnrled, but ""'ch nml a trip lo Kllnuoa or lloim- Klonnnr Holt, I-ord & Young
Consists or Honolulu and the
Island or O.ihu rrom tho center
or Nuiianu Streot, Kast.
Tho prlzos that must bo won
In this district mo an olegant
"Itcmlngton" playor-piano; a
perrect $100 dlauiond ring; a
solid gold Indlos" watch and a
4-rouml tiip to Kllatien of llono-
lulu and return. .Winnors or tho
playor-plnnos Imvo tlio pilvllego
: or choosing a toiind trip to San
Francisco, with a stay or ten
days In tlio Wcslorn Metropolis.
All districts have an cnual
chanco for tho Capital prlzo 1912
"llegnl" nutomohllo.
; ; : ;.
wltliln a few short weeks It will nil bo '"III and leturn,
over and tho prizes gained. No con- How TerrltorV Is Divided. ,
instant In any of tho districts hns nny District No. 1 consists ot Honolulu
meat amount or votes, anil thero Is nnd tho Island ol Oahu, rrom tho ton
plenty or tlmo for now contestants lo tor or Nuiianu Street, West,
enter tho raco nnd hnvo tho sumo District No, 2 consists of Honolulu
r banco In win, us thoso nlrondy on tho nnd tlio Island ot Oahu. rrom tho con
list ir vnu should wish to ontor tho ler or Nuiianu Street, Kast
.oiliest and sliaro In tho many splon District Nn. 3 consists or tlio Islands
lid prlzos that will bo nvvardod, or or Knual Anil Maul,
should duslro lo seo a friend, telatlvo District No. 4 consists of tho Island
or aciualntanco In tho Hut of candl- ot Hawaii.
Ida Fernandez, Young St 12,100
Paula M. Ilosscllo, Tho Donna 2,000
Mis. draco Clson, 81(1 King...
Ilvclyn dp la Ntix, 1071 Klniiii.
Hose I.ea Hong, 1436 Aleandnr
Agnes M. Johnson, 1252 Young
Paulino Vooller, 830 Young
Mrs J. T. Do Holt, Kalmiikl. . .
Hdlth !:. I'rntt, 1C31 Kaplolanl
Klleu K. Dwlght, 1513 Mnklkl.
Allco W. Smith, 1530 Wilder
Hazel Iliickliind. An.ipunl .... 2,000
l.lbblo Peck, 2)7 S. Vineyard.. 2,000
Marjorie MeC.ulic, Olllcu Sup
ply Co '..-.. 10,200
Ad.i Kershner, 1177 Alnkca St. 0,200
Mrs. Kenla Knal Carter, Puna-
lion St 17,000
Mrs. Allco I lay wards, Johnson
House 4,220
Mly Ackcrmnn, Y.W.C.A 2,000
Aras WlndKir, YouiiR St. ' 2,000
I mm Wndehoiise, 1503 Nuiianu 4,200
It cno Ilovd, 1041 Knlakaua .... 2,000
Irimlbc Zerlie, Lowers & Cooko 5,290
Mrs. Jus. Hlce. Illom's 2,000
Mrs. Uulman, .Ionian's 2.000
Dollli. Miduicn, Whitney &
Mnrsli 1.130
Minnie ljurcli, Hotel St 2,000
Clnlro Ilerry, 0 II. & I 5,110
Annie Pnngelln.in, King nnd
Ilcthel 2,000
Miss Yiiinnniolo, Ilotol St 2,000
Ladvblrd Turner, 319 S. Ylneyd 2,000
Kiln Murray, Perkln's Studio.. 2.000
Calllo I.ucns, 1231 Herelanln.. 4,900
Carrie Crows. 110S Wilder .... 2,000
Wllheliiilna lllacklc, Hlshop &
Co 2.000
Julia Colburn, 1002 Klniin .... 2,000
Daisy Smith, 1450 Fort 2,000
Kthel Cnrtcr, Knima St 2,000
Knnnii lliiRhes, 708 Klnaii 2,000
Kllzaheth Daniels, Arlclgh's. . . 3,010
Hilnn llrown, Y.WC.A. Home
stead 2,000
Miss Keallng, Hlshop & Co. ... 2,000
Alice Schooler, 1852 laisltnnla 2,000
Molllo Mossnian, Island Curio
Stole . 2,000
Miss I-ish, Palm Ilakcry 2,010
Kvn McCorrlston, 1901 Punch-
bov.1 2.000
Huth Mills. Sweet Shop 2,000
Kthel Cannon, Sach's Diy
Goods Co 2,000
Myrtle Sclmman, 1448 Kecau-
nioku ".420
Mrs M. Handall, Knglcsldo
Apis 2.000
Hilda Smith, 1150 Fort 2,000
Miss Windsor, Illncksbcar's
Hat Shop 2,000
llentrlco Tn lor, Hawaii Pro.
Coin. ..'. 2.000
Mrs.., Paul Smith, Sach's Dry
Hoods Co 2,000
M.iudo Sullivan, Illshop Co.... 2,000
Mlnnlo Totld, Ilavvnllan News
Co , 9,200
Margaret Kramer, niackshc.ir's
Hat Shop 2,000
MIse Aknl, Orccn l,ano 4,090
MagRlo Todd, Illshop Co 2.000
Adolo Wlckc, 1071 Klnaii 2,000
Marlon Stacker, KIiir St 2,000
Miss Illloy, Moana Hotel 7,300
Mrs.W.IVWootcn, Ft. Do Hussy 2,000
Mrs. Iliinnun, Ft. Do Hussy... 2,000
Mrs. Hesscn, Ft. Do Hussy.... 2,000
Mrs. Dr. Tuttlc, Ft. Do Hussy. 4.910
Hachol Wllklns, 1885 Kalakaua 3.0S0
Sybil Hobortson, Ilrcwcr & Co. 2,000
Jane Johnson, Kceaumoku St. 2,000
Mrs. Phillip Woiir, Knlmukl St 0,220
Mrs. Mary Williams, 015 S.
Ilorelanla St 2,000
Allco Mnklko, Kaullnnl Homo. 2,000
Mary Ah Ping, Normal School 2.910 '
Allco llrlckwnod, Kauilunl
Homo 2,000
Matilda M. Knos, Manoa Valley 2,000
Mrs. Winters, Junction Candy
Store 5.020
Florence Abbey, Kaullnnl Homo 2,000
I.tilu Drummond, 079 Prospect
St. 2.000
Mary SpnuldlnR, 1317 Piinnhoii 2,090
Jotophlno Amos, King St 2,000
Kvn OonsalveB, 018 S.IIerctanla 3,010
Molllo niock, 511 S. Hotel.... 2,000
Daisy McKenguc, 1550 Kccau-
mok'u St 17,210
Clarlssn Cummlngs, Walklkl.. 2,050
Mrfl.K.J.Timborlakc, Ft. Huger 2,000
Mrs. .1. 8. Johnson, Ft. Huger. 2.000
Mrs. C. C. Carter, Ft. Hugor... 2,700
Mrs. K. 8. Sjkes, Ft, HilRcr.... 2,000
Mrs. Clara Horner, Aloha Lano 4,010
Violet Smith, Killers k Co 2,000
l.oulso Rolilnbnn, McKlnlcy
High School 4.030
Alberta Miller, Kaullnnl Homo 2,000
Knthcrlno Iloblus, Kalmiikl... 4,020
Couzlo Snuza, 819 Kawalahao. . 2,000
Acnes Aylolt, King St 2,000
$ t ! ! 4 i $
Consists ot tho Islands of
Knual nnd Maul
Tho prizes that must be won
In this district aro nn olognnt
i "Hcinlngton" playcr-plano; a
! perfect $100 diamond ring; a
! solid Rold ladles' watch nnd n
round trip to Kllauoa of llono-
lulu nnd roturn. .Winnors of the
plnyor-phmos Imvo tho prlvilego
of choosing a round trip lo Sao
! Frnuclsco, with a Blny ot ten
! days n tlio Western Metropolis.
' All districts hnvo an equal
chance for tho Capital ptlzo 1912 !
"Hegal" ntitoiuobllo.
Loslln Lewis, Knhuliil, Maul.. 10,130
ldn Williams, Pain, Maul 9,410
Mrs. W. J. Qnodliuo, Knluup.t-
pa, Mnlokal 13,420
Mrs. Hohnck, Kcnnao, Mnul ... 2,000
Vlrgliilu Sllva, Hnnapopo.
Knual '. . U.Q20
Cecilia Akin, Knlnupnpa 2,000
Kinmn A. Clinng, Millie, Knual 5,330
Mattlo Jordan, Kcknha, Kauai (1,010
Hose Hocking, Pala, Maul .... 12,130
I.ncy Adams, Ijihulna 2.000
Illanl Weight, Wnllnkii, Maul 2,000
Adair Carlcy, Pain, Mnul 4.20O
liana Cummlngs, Walluku,
Maul 2,000
Mnry Niiiicb, Pala, Maul 2,000
Irmn Wodehouso, Walluku,
Maul 2,000
Tsulau Choy, Ijihalna 2.090
Mnggle Fernandez, Pain, Mnul. 2,000
Adeline Hose, Ijihnlnn 2,000
Miss I.. Keating, Kllatien, Knual 2,000
Stella Podgett, Mnkuwell.'
Kauai 2,000
Mrs. A. M. Da Vlco, Kekalm,
Kauai 10,010
Miss II. Tom, Kidmen, Kauai. 2.000
Mrs. F. Crawford, Walluku .... 2,010
Ilerllm Heifers, Mnkuwell,
Kniint 10,110
Miss K. K. Kdwards, Kllatien,
Knunl 2,000
I,. Kcohl Hurt, Walluku, Maul. 2,100
Hachel T Klnkona, Pe.ihl, Mnul 2,nno
Isnhello Henry, Pnuvvelln, Maul 2,000
Catherine Choy, Penhi, Maul... 2,000
Ciesslc Carrlcra, Pala, Mnul ., 2,H(l
Adeline Corrca, I.lhuc 2,030
Consists or all of tho Island !
ot Hawaii,
Tlio prizes that must bo won
1' in this district are an elegant
"Itenilngton ' player-piano; n
! perfect $100 diamond ring; n
solid gold ladles' watch and a
round trip to Kllauoa of llono-
lulu and return. .Winners of tho
plnver-planos hnvo tlio prlvilego
"t of choosing a round trip to San
Francisco, with n stny of ten
days In the Western Metropolis.
: All districts have nn cnual
' chance for tho Capital pjlzo 1912
"Hegal" automobile.
Mrs. Mary T. Lclto, llllo 11.200
Nancy Daniels, Kiiristnvvu .... 2,000
.Malauilo M. Coleman. Kolinla.. 4,900
Mrs. John Guilder, Holunlon.. 12,250
Wlnlrrcd Livingston, Knmuclii 2,000
Maria Hell, Kawalhao 2.000
Mary Nulllinii, Kurlstown - 2,000
Qiiccnlo Sharratt, Kamucla ... 3,010
Mrs. C. K. Hnlllngcr, Ohm .... 41,000
Mrs. Maud C. Slsson, Mt. Vlow. 3,190
Jennlo Medelros, Mt. Vlow .... 4,920
Helen Watson, Olaa 2,000
Amy F. Williams, Illh 2,000
Mrs. k: 8. Capellas, Ilakalau.. 2,000
Mrs. II. I). Corhett, llllo 3.900
Allco Hattle, llllo 2,000
Mrs. W. If. Smith, llllo 2.000
Mrs. P. C. Ilcamer, llllo ...... 5,200
Kmlly Kwallko, llllo 0,300
Mrs. Phocbo McLean, Volcano
House' ' 2,000
Mrs. Wm. .1. Stone, llllo 2,000
IrOiiisn Mcluciko, Wnlohlnu. . 2,000
Miss Curtis, Ktirtlstown 3,100
Jennlo Williams, Kohiiln 2,000
Miss Williams, llonokaa 2,000
Allco It. (Jnlnn, Kolinla il.r.so
Lilly Moses, Ijiiipnhoehoo .... 2,000
Ilertha Henderson, Haknlaii ,. 2,010
Moraca Kamnkiivvivvoole, Huno-
kaa 2,030
Loulso do llnine, Kolinla 2,020
Annlo Nap ler, llllo .2,020
One Given in Each District
Exquisitely Enfjravccl
Ladies' Solid Gold Watches
Purchased from Wall k Dniichrrlj.
One Given in Each District
Beautiful and Perfect
$100 Diamond Rings
Purch.iM'tl from Wall & Ilimglicrl.
COUPON Not good after May 9th.
Honolulu, T, II.
This Coupon Will Count for 10 Votes
Address ..Dlst. No.
City : . . '. Hland .
C.onil for 10 votes vvbon llllcd out nnd sent to tho K veiling II ill lo
ll n oflleo by mall or olhorvvlso, on or beforo bxplrallo'ti dato. No ballot
wlli bo altered In any way or trnnsrerred niter being reculved by the Con
test Manager. Unless ballot Is caiofully trimmed a round outsldo llnca It
will not bo counted.
Value of Subscription Payments
Amount Volos (Hi en
Price New Old
One Mould .75 700 350
Three Months .. 2.00 3,000 1,500
Six Months .... 4.00 10,000 5,000
Ono Year 8.00 25.000 12,500
Two Years 10.00 00,000 30,000
l'rlco Nevr
Ono Year $12.00 30,000
Two Years 24,00 85,000
Changing from tho Week I
shlered a NKW subscription,
tho 11 u 1 1 o 1 1 n olllco or paid
Tin: jiiiLLLTiN .vi:i;kly
Price New
Six Months $ .00 700
Ono Year LOO- 1,500
Two Yearo 2:00 3,000
Ono Year $ 2.00
Two Years 4.00
y Hullotln to tho Dally will bo con
Subscriptions must bo sent by mall, paid at
to tho candldato In porson,
i-Ek 1 1 1 i

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