OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 29, 1912, 3:30 EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1912-04-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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Evening jSullbtin
CO., LTD., at Kerr Building, Alakea St., Honolulu, T. H.
Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday.
in the Territory of Hawaii.
i i,
Wallace R. Farrington, - - - ' Editor
tti Mouth, tnywhere In 0.3 9 .711 rt Am, Montos .rtu
PQurter, .nrwhtrt'o U.S .... 3.00 r Vmi, iTb.i1al).S .. ,, l.x
fi Vm,aibtn InUS. H.oo Pti tut mriikJi Cimdi. I.flo
uftVi, poud, mttiiD 13. uo P.t Yur po.tM!d,lomn .. 3.x
Lidltorlal Rooms,
Business CJfflce,
There arc condition for each individual under which he can do the moil
and the best worl(. It it hit business to ascertain those conditions and to
comply with them. Luther Culiclt.
Whether there is any Connection between the introduction of a bill in the
United States Senate to enforce Prohibition in Hawaii, and the recent
meeting in this city of the Anti-Saloon League, the Bulletin is not in
a position to state. There is not the slightest question, however, that the
people of jthls Territory are Very decided in the conclusion that Prohibition,
by. Federal enactment, or any other enactment, is not wanted. ' '
With Albert Horner, H. K. Bishop and L. M. Whitehbuse available as
candidates for the position of Superintendent of Public Works, it is certain
that the Governor cannot complain of a lack of first class material to fill
this important office. Others may be in line and available but of all those
mentioned, these three appeal to the Bulletin as satisfying the demand
for experience and proved efficiency.
Mr. Horner is of the type that is often mentioned as most desirable for
public office and almost always on the unavailable list. He has made good
as an executive, is a keen business man, has had practical experience in the
management of big propositions and would certainly get down to the brass
tacks of detail and results.
Mr. Bishop is an engineer of nationil reputation, who so far as he had
gone in his work here in Hawaii has made good. He has made a good im
pression and though best known as ai expert in road construction, which
he has made his specialty, there is every indication that he would carry a
new atmosphere into the Public Works department which would do the de
partment and the whole Territory good.
The only possible objection to Mr. Whitehouse is that he is just the ijian
needed for the important work the p'ty and County has on its hands, and
why take him away just as he has got well started. Mr. Whitehouse has
the qualifications of technical training, executive capacity and a thorough
acquaintance with local conditions. Whether Mr. Whitehouse would be
pleased with the request that he staV where he is, we are not informed,
but there is not the slightest doubt tint high standards of efficiency are as
vital to the municipal government as t3 the Territorial. A time goes on
the office of City Engineer will be, if i' is not now, a more important office
than the Territorial Public Works S iperintendent.
The right man for Superintendent of Public Works is one who will not
be so terribly jealous o his position aid the Territorial prerogatives, real
and imaginary, as to refrain from tur'ing over to the municipal govern
ment so far as he is able to do so, th' duties and responsibilities that nat
urally fall to the local administration. He should know his business in the
first place, and endeavor in every wa-' possible to cooperate with the coun
ties. Any one of the men mentioned it in this class.
Oh, what Is so rare as May 5th?
The Colonel does not seem to have
time to denounce the Mississippi Hood
as a nature fake.
There can't be much to that Mag
dalena Bay story, or 'elsd'Hobson has
nof heard of It yet.
f From now till the primaries, there'll
tie a hot time. In every town of Mas
sachusetts every night,
' - " i
I Why Is ox-Senator Ileverldge chuck
Ing his hat Into the stump-speaking
rtng? Is he the dark horse that Is to
tie trotted out by tho Roosevelt forces
tfa'unlte the party?
J : . rr! ;tt3
I After all,,.the talk that UocWelt
lias ,madp In past yearB concerning
'fpoor loserB," It Is pf special Interest, iniono of tho garages,
tp know how lie will .stack up when!..'' u- u
tfa lo nil liv tita InnaRnmo
.o ,. u., UJ ...u .U..vw....
.( -
,j The biggest mistake Madero has
.made since he took the seat vacated
by Diaz, was the attempted suppres -
slon. of the Ileraldo, a newspaper pub-
Jlshed In the City of Mexico,
j The Carrol county Aliens are being
-'relentlessly 'j-ressed. Uncle Sam has
I' She And you swear that you aro "Yes, sir."
'not taking me oil-account of my mon
J- He On tho contrary, darling, I'm
taking tho money on account of you.
Jonah entered tho whale. "This
me original waier wogonr no exciaim
ed. Herewith none wondered that he
remained aboard only three days. ;
"Fifth grado tills year, Tommy?"
nitrcd ftl lh Pmloact si Hntv tola
v leunKWIasi matter
.APRIL 29, 1912
to olllclally overlook a small thing like
a wholesale murder, but the inanu-
facture of unstamped whiskey, never.
Illg hurrah nowadays when the Col
onel captures an even break at some
convention. Will somebody kindly
look up the Colonel's delegate-getting
record In "Wisconsin's preferential
primary, held April 9,
From ucross the pond comes the
echo of considerable agitation, and dis
cussion on the' Monroe doctrine.
America is the lone judge as to what
the Monroe doctrine nieuns, and there
Is no recall attached.
"Mentioned candidates" for Dele-
'gate are getting so common that peo-
i pie here think no more of shaking
hands with one of them than they
would If he were merely a Jilred man
I Ilplepntn Ulltiln la llio milv ninn fnn
.-0.-. . ..... ..,, ....... .,
i the Republican party to buck for Deli
'egato to Congress this year. He has
made good and Is making good right
. along In his work for Hawaii In Con-'
gress. What more do you wunt from
n Delegate?
j Republicans of the City and County
of Honolulu could well afford to let It
- "You're in decimals
now, no doubt?"
"No, sir. I'm In crochet work
clay modeling now."
Is Young Lady Won't oiio ol tlie' gen-!
- nemen in rno car oner me ids seat?
Conductor I (hlnk not. miss, you're
Koo jirelCy, 'Thoy've'all:gotf,tJi0lr,WIve's
iiriin niatii a -
with tliem.
bo known Hint they will not support
In the election u cniiillilnto whoso can
didacy Ims not been announced pre
vious to the primaries to elect dele
gates to the nominating conventions.
.Induing from reports a tremendous
amount of good could be accomplished
In the Interest of good government If
the Island of Knual were given a
thorough investigation In Its manage
ment of the lawless clement that lives
off tlie earnings of the laboring men.
'" Th contest In Massachusetts be
tween President Tuft and Col House
veil Is u, real light. And the Nation
nwnlts with great Interest to know
Whether the Slate of 'the Plymouth
Hock aristocracy Is conservatively
progrnsslvo or wild-eyed In Its sup
port of the man on horseback.
Judged from the outside, a request
for making promptly available loan
funds upproprlnted by the lust Legis
lature, ought to meet with favor.
(loudness knows that up to the pres
ent time we have had enough loan
fund money tied up and not working
except drawing interest which the
taxpayers must eventually pay, pay,
Hawaii's Republican National Com
mitteeman Is by all odds the most
important figure In National political
counsels at the present time, and there
Is every reason why he should be on
tile Job at headquarters, to render ill I
the assistance that may be possible
in the preliminary organization of the
National convention. The National
committee passes: .upon the temporary
roll of the convention, and by deciding
contests determines the temporary or
ganization. Conventions and commit
tees rilled by proxies is not the ap
proved system of national politics,
consequently Hawaii Hepiibllcuns
should consider themselves mighty
fortunate In having a National Com
mllteetnnu Willing to tnke the time to
attend the committee meetings. As
conditions are shaping nt the present
time, it may be found that Hawaii's
best work for President Toft will be
done In the National Committee. Ap
pearances Indicate that there's going
to be same fighting between now and
the day the convention assembles In
(Continued from Page 1)
as they are unaccustomed to tho ten
hour day, the day being eight hours In
'ho Philippines, but those who havo
'een hero more than six months don't)
mind It much.
"The climate here is very
much bet-!
i. I" IfdVo
'or than In tho Phlllnnlnes
been In places where it Is cold
daces where It Is hot. and I have been
pleased lo see ihat tlffere Is not very
much humidity hero. This Is the great
Inconvenience of labor- In tho Philip-
pines. When It Is warm It Is1 too hot
and when it is cold too liumld,.but this
Ir not true r all parts of our: Islands.'
In somo partB tho climate Is much llko
ul c,n;
Little Sickness.
The Filipinos here do not get sick
much. .The principal sickness. I find.
br,c " i;"8" Mn
rTl.i1tiiPf'nrC8V. 'Tobablyomo
of It originates hero from lack of-caro
Hi selecting and preparing foods1.. Other
sicknesses nro found to a slight ex-
tent, such as tuberculosis.
,"I have met some Filipinos whom I
knew In the Philippines and now they
sneak a little Kngllsh and are more
The Territorial Veterina
rian in hli official reports
recognizes the efforts we
are making to supply our
customers with a pure,
rich milk from healthy,
wellfed cows.
That these efforts are suc
cessful is proved by en
dorsements experti havo
given our milk.
Phone 1542
' ""' - " - " ' '
0iucn1ci1,a1bVgVgrlciillitrai lines. " I
-.u,1oj)innjii.j')ii lnaj. immigration
will -00111111116. for two' reasons: tlrst.
tecagjsejt te achos. tho Filipinos about:
modern methods of cultivating and I
tnnniifacturing sugar, and second, be
inyo'thc tfethand 'for labor hero In
creases wages In the Philippines. They
get low wages there at' present. As 1
am ono of those ?wJio mWe Tbdcri work
ing for tllo betterment orliio laborers
lor the last ten years, I (Mink that
these reasons should asstlre the con
tinuation and Increase of Immigration
here." I
Ill-Treatment Slight. f
He was nsked If any cases of Ill
treatment had "been brought to his at
tention, and replied that on three
plantations there had been somo com
plaints that the lunas had used harsh
laugungo to tho Filipinos and had call
ed them foul names. "It must be re
membered," said Honor I.'almorl In this
connection, "that the Filipino Is very,
sensitive, and harsh words disgust and'
hurt lilm."
Asked If any cases of 1odlly Ill
treatment had been .complained of to
him, he said that only one Instance of
the kind had occurred, n complaint be
ing made that a lima had struck a Fil
ipino with his lists.
Lunas Not Americans.
"Tho lunas of whom these com
plaints were made;" commented Senor
llalmori, "were not Americans. They
were foreigners."
He Bald emphatically that ho will
make n 'favorable report to the Philip
pine Assembly. "The gcncrul condi
tions hero are satisfactory," ho ob
served. He was questioned as to the prob-l
alio best sources of labor In the Phil
ippines that can bo secured for Ha
waiian plantations, anil replied that
the Vlsayas, Pampanga, 1 locos and
Southern Luzon will furnish tho best
and most available labor.
"After making my report, I have no
doubt that Immigration to Hawaii
from tho Philippines will largely in
crease," ho said. "Now many are held
back because of the scare stories sent
from here. The first Filipino laborers
to come over were very largely stu
dents and young fellows who escaped
trom their parents, and they didn't get
along very well In the fields. So tho
bad news wa? sent back. 13ut oven
some of these aro now holding good
positions in. Honolulu. Tho wages
hero are double tl)Oso In tho PIiIIIik
pines." i
A coiiy of, tho oMlclul order hurry
ing the return of 'regiment from the
Phlllpplnesf ivlllch are being with
drhxyil In accordance with the plan to
form n permanent colonial corps with
a . reduced number of regiments re-
t-ulrteil Up to full 'war strength, has
JukI' been received here. According to
(he original' plan of ' the War Depart-J
men'f. the 'SMbnd Cavalry, nnd Sixth.
Ninth arid Twehty-nlnth Infantry. I
were td return on tho tranports leuv-
Ing Manila" the "middle 'of July,
gust, September nnd October,
regiments TuTvc Ijeffl fo depli
Irnnfcfer. bdn'eve'r, t'lui't 'It will
plcted by
be pos-
slide to brlnir two on n slnsle trans- '
port. Tho Svcond Cavalry nnd Nine-1
feenth Infantry are therefore to em-'
bark Muy. 15, while the 8lxth and Ninth
.win crosj together on the June trans-1
port. I
Mnjor Alonxo Orny. cavalry, has Just I
reported for duty lnsnector irenernl '
nf tl,p Western Division. It Is possl-
Ii... ,.... .. i ..., . ,n trn,..(i
,.. . !.,.,. .... ..... . .....
;;;..; "I .. .1. ".". '?. . ' 'WJ .
Frier's trip had been postponed, de-
partment headquarters las heard noth-1
, ....,.. .'... . . .. .
Z'r m "' '""'on 10'
' . . .
llnnr r-wr-r.Viir-
run Mnm ' l"t-,,,
(Continued from Page 1)
nenrly carrying out the spirit of tho
order that tho ono who does a compul
fsorv hlko of an hour around tho bar
racks. The new Schoflold ordor reads that
"Systematic physical exercise will bo
required of all olllcers on duty status,
such oxerciso to consist of horseback
riding, walking, polo, polo practice,
goir, tennis, baseball, etc.
"One .hour of vigorous excrclso In
the open air shall bo taken each day
throughout tho week, Saturdays and
aununys excepted, and for tho most
part tills exerclso shall bo in addition
to and shall vary from tho usual dally
worn, in any case the exercise shall
bo eiiulvulent to n walk of ono hour at
tho minimum rate of threo miles or a
horseback ride at a minimum rate of
six miles."
At Fort Shaftcr tho oriier prescrlli
ng, physical exerclso for otneurs Is less
explicit. It merely states that 'JA'ny
exercise out of doors or gymnasium
work consuming nt least live hours
per week, exclusive of regular duty,
win uo satisfactory.
At Fort linger tho requirements nro
a trllle moro strenuous, and ovory ofll
cqr must submit a written statement
ovory Sunday certifying that ho has
con)iled with tho ordor, und Betting
lurui 111 ueiau wnai lorm or oxerciso
he took.
Six hours per. week aro required of
tho Coast Artillery officers at linger,
tue oruer stating thoTJNot moro than
J.wrffour."df the" six to1 be iwrformed
In any one tlfty, except that officers out
011 trips exploring the mountains and
valleys, following, trails, etc., may
count all tlmo devoted toaucn trips
toward tho six hours required In any
one week."
JfiW eillllflir 6f Aniericii'ii.llnvfiill,
People and Industrie, noils for llfleen
centn 11 ropy, Wrapped nnd mailed
for tiu-nly-lln- cents when addresses
ire kupi'lkd to the I! u 1 1 0 1 1 11.
A bargain If told
3 bedrooms) ' gas,
water, sewer, Fine reitdence street,
Maklkl, If sold on or before April 30
can be bought for $2900. Easy terms.
WE all know that
best results-wlien
Therefore we mix
then we develop by
Take no chances. Go
prepared to manage your estate
and look uftor your Interests
here. You will llnd It greatly
to your advantage to placo the
inunugemeut of your affairs with
u responsible concern.
Come nnd see us ns to terms.
Bishop Trust.
&Co., Ltd.
The crack ball team of tho Monna
Hotel defeated the Fort Ilugep Inm
nt Knplolanl Park Sunday nfternoon
by a score of H to 4'.
SIiODAHL In Honolulu. April 2S,
1912, to Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Shodahl,
a son.
For news mid the truth about It nil
proplu buy Hie Ilulletln.
83ir-rTirfYYV7h r-YKtcwm-TrrKtfYm-r-TriAMtt-vK u-.-ntw
Waterhouse Trust
Kaimukl " Ave., .Klilmukl; 2-bed-room
collage,-' with lot, well
Improved, 100x160 S3G00
lliiildlng lots, Pololo Hill, Manoa
Valley and Kaimukl.
House and lot, Palolo ltd 2200
Houses for Rent
WaJalao Rd. ...r......3 .Ii. R. JKO.OJi
Manoa Valley . . . . J n.f t ' " - TG.00
Manoa Valley ...J. '....2 " 75.00
llthandl'ahoa Ave 2 " 40.00
Keeaumoku & Domlnls.,2 " CO.OO
Kewulo 2 U. R. J15.00
Powaa, nr. Klng'Bt 3 " 25.00
Ueretanla St. ..........3 " . 27. CO
1266 Matlock Ave 2 " 27.68
I.unalllo S! 3 " 32.50
Lunalllo St 3 " 3500
Kalukuua Ave " 40.00
Manoa Valley :...2 " 5.00
',-' ri,
1-IVJ .
at once.
8lx rooms, -
light, city'
developer gives the
Ours fresh every day
hand to see results.
It used by the business man who
, appreciates the value of time
(Continued from Page 1)
ed States of America In Congress ns
sembled, That any person, except
agents hereinafter specified, who shall
manufacture or sol I. directly or Indl
rectly, or expose for sale or advertise
as for salo In said Territory nny vin
ous, mnlt, or "fermented liquors, or any
other Intoxicating beverages of any
kind whntsoover, or shall knowingly
shop, restaurant, hotel, drug store, or was nn arrival by the Sierra nnd Is
building or premises which ho owns the guest of her sister, Mrs. James
or controls, or who Shall give away Olrvln, Mrs. Togson will be reinem
any Intoxicating drlnk.pxccpt lij. Jils bered locally ns u daughter of Captain
own private residence, shall be punish- Wllfong. She has made n reputation
cd by n lino not cicceedlng'flvo hundred as a pnlntcr of fruits nnd dowers, nnd
dollars and by .Imprisonment for not contemplates giving nn art exhibition
less than ono month nor moro than during her stuy In the city,
five years, with forfeiture to tho Ter-. . m .
lures and fiirnlturo found on the prern"! JOHN WALKER'S VACATION
Ises; nnd It Bhall bo tho duty of dls-
trlct attorneys nnd of nil executive of-l John Walker, the contractor, leaves
fleers to prosecute all violations of this n "' Sierra for the first vacation
Act. ,10 llaB taken In thirty years. After
Section 2. That for a second or sub- leisurely, traveling ncrosrt the contl-
boqucnt conviction tho fine nnd imprls-
onment shall bo double that of the pro-
ceding conviction, and In case of a
Housd nnii Lot, Pnlama J 1,060
I ' ' . . i
. House v-nndt Lot, Palamn 2,00
i ;' -k'. .-
iHouke nndfLot, Asylum Rd.'.V.. 1.760-
V" ' ' i - 1
d Lol1
inuklf ...'i,.Y.ji..'.. S.25?
ft.. . .' 'fn i it
Building LtJty'Kewalo ....'. ,'jV' L00
Business Property, Kukul Lane 3,D0(jJ
Guardian Trust Co., Ltd.
Second Floor. Jurid Building ,
bus been demonstrated superior
lo hand development
' Hspeclnlly with 'suc'i a wonder
' ful .equipment ns we have Just
Installed r a .duplicate of .that .
used by the' 'Kastrtian liodak
faclory--the onl lip - lo - date
plant In the Inlands.
Photo Supply Co.,
"Everything Photographic"
landlord tho third offense In tho same
building shall bo punished In addition
'br forfeiture of the building to .the
Section 3. That an agency for tho
salo of alcohol for medical purposes
shall bo established by tho Governor
of tho Territory In Honolulu nnd such
other towns as ho may designate, un
der such rules as ho may make, in
charge of agents ho shall appoint, who
shall give adequato bonds to sell only
on prescription of a licensed physl
clan,, and, to. keen an accurate, register ,
of ov,(ery.sajelsh'(lng',tlio 'purjhaser
ahd I no amount' sold.
Section 4. That this Act shall tako
effect threo 'months after Its enact
Mrs. Annie- Togson of Hollywood,,
il.-. und nn artist of' lilnh standing.
'""", ho will sail for Liverpool, where
he plans- tov connect, with an automo.
bllo and tour tho, "right little tight
little Isle' He Yvll. then motor
through Ireland, and finally "follow the
man from Cook's' on nn, cxcurson to
Rome uhd other principal centers of
Interest on tlo continent? . haven't
had 11 vacation In1 thirty years," re
marked Mr. Walker to a friend, "t(
I'm going to tnke n Hay off. I expect
to lie back on the Job next September."
Gems of
That's what our Diamond! arc. .
; Our stbtk'ti particularly' clean
, and flawless, and tho variety
JfbitiSf. ty'ry'elie and .cojor. .
In mounted stones we have an
llrnmenie 'assortment of Rings,
Jorojiciies, Scarf Plnsj Lavalllers,
Pendants, etc., set with Rubles,
Diamonds,' Emeralds, Ptarlt, Sap
phires, ' anil all precious and
semi-precious, stones.
Leading Jewelers
Uuslness properl?,-Queen St. lMOOJRf,
'iiulftliigLot, HeVtutil1i St. ...)j5,0007
i K ' ' .'" "W ' wj
House mid, Lc-VllUi Ave kit-,' i R
I mukl?.;.'..Y.ii..'.. .".....'.'& S.25QB

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