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A r'- " -r' f v . - "'V'-" jurf 'rj'T?? WISP-5 : fsSSfw'.,'' ' ' "IB ' , , 1 if EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1912. Spj) y-3p 'efrv,fppr ivWN,!r,,'"i I' . Masonic Temple WceKlyCalendar MONDAY: Uremic Sla'nl mid Sic- mill Ilrgin. TUESDAY: i WEDNE8DAY: Honolulu Seriisd Degree. THURSDAY! Honolulu Chapter, !t. .M. l'ractlcc FRIDAY! IliiMiill.iii -llilnl Iltircv. ATURDAti AU rliltlaj msmbars'Ol tkf Order art cordially Invited to attenil raeetlnrs ot local ledrea Meet on the Snd nnd ltd .Mondujs f t-sicli lU'jnlli lit h. 1'. Hull ::ni 1". .. .Members of oilier Asso ciations cor- 4IAP1NE ENGINEERS'. KKEFICIAL AJS-CHH0I. gi.iiiy intitid. Nil, McKIM,i: I.ODdi:, X). h. ii( l Meets every 2nd nnd 4th Satur day evening "t 7 30 o'clock In K ol I' Hull, cor. Fort und Ui'p inula Visiting brothers coullrlly Inv.'ed to attend A F. (1EUTZ, c. c. V F K1U112V, K. U. S. iio.soi.i'i.i; i.oikji:, (ii, it. l. . i:. Honolulu Lodge No Glfi, 1) P O, Klks, llleeUS 111 their hull, on King St, near Tort, ovcry Friday evening. Visiting Broth ers nro cordially Invited to attend A i: MURPHY. 13. It. II IH'NSIini:, Sec. (lAlli; I.OIMJK 0. 1, K. o( 1, Meets every first and third Frl MS day at 7 30 o'clock, Pjtlilali 1 Hall, corner Herctanlu und Fort streets. Visiting brother cordially Invited to uttenil I A HAWKINS. C I' i HiiiNF k or n. ,t h HAWAIIAN Tltllli: 0. 1, I. 0. It. 31. Meets every first nnd third Tuesday of each month In Fraternity Hall. I O. 0. F. building. Vhiting brothers cordially Invited to attend HKNHY A ASCII, Sachem LOUIS A. PFItllY, C. of It. HONOLULU ALItli: 110, I'. p. I). Meotu on second und fourth , Wednesday evening of each mouth at 7 0 o'clock. In K of P Hall, corner Fort nnd lierel ini.i Visiting brothers mo Invited to attend wm .ioni:s. W. P. J W. ASCII, Secy. HO.MILFLir I.OIKli: Ml. 800, L. tl. 0. .11- will meet ill Odd Fellows' building, Fort street, near King every Friday evening at 7 30 o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend AMIlItOSB J WIUTZ, Dictator. U A. JACOIISON, Secretary. A. BLOM, Importer Fort St Millinery MILTON & PARSONS Pantheon Bldg. PHONE 3088 FORT STREET THE VERY LATEST IDEA8 IN Spring Hats Miss Power, MIMInery Parlors, Bntton Block ZEAVE Juit retel cd ex Bhrpi, latest In LINEN TAILORED SUITS, WHITE COATS nnd LINGERIE GOWNS. ROOMS 66-67-68, YOUNG HOTEL BON TON HAT SHOP HIGH - CLASS MILLINERY Club Stables Block MRS. E. E. DAVIS. Proprietor K. UYEDA 1027 NUUANU STREET HATS. MM&&7Z Cv, Up-to-date Millinery and Men' Hate WHEN YOU WANT TO MOVE DE MOVED BY MOVERS " II1 CITY TRANSFER CO. (Jat. H. Love) hippie (Additional Shipping on Page S) IG POLITICIAN FROM EUROPE TO VISIT LOCAL WATERFRONT One of the Larger Vessels In the Harrison Direct Line Ki lauea Returned From Kona and Kau With Sugar and Cof fee Foohng Suey Rides at Anchor Off the Port Awaiting Tow to Mahukona Hawaii Takes Sand Ballast for Ma-hukona. A new Politician" will make a bow to Honolulu with the arrival or ono of the larger steamships operated by tho 1 nrr son Direct Line. I The Politician, with a largo general ......... r...H. I.-.. ..... ...... a.nw.u In nnhml IUIHII null, "uiuj'l'uii ui 10, in nLiivu .......... uled to tall rrom Antwerp on or about' Purser Sheldon reports moderate the 2." tli or this month, according to Informal Ion received at the olfico or Mr. Fred. Wnldlon, the local represen tatlvc for the line. The Politician Is one of several rrelghters or much larger tonunge than nn ol the sleaineis which have here tofore cnlled lit Honolulu. This vessel is rnled at 7228 register ed tonnage. In comparison with the Crown ot Castile, tho Crown of Gall i la and tho Aragon, the Politician is neai ly twice the tonnage of the small er freighters. m Disaster Creates Temporary Scare. The Japanese liner Tenyo Maru, tailing fioni San Francisco following the Titanic disaster and passing through Honolulu tho other day, car- rled ono of the laigest lists of passen- gers In her history, which has led trans-Pnclllc slenmshlp passenger iii'i.ntu In ilt.r-liili, Hint tin, frlchtflll dlsnsler to tho Whlto Star liner would Inn., iw, ininierlahl.. effeet mi irnffle. On tho other hand, comes tho report fi inn San Francisco that tho mammoth I disaster on the Atlantic, In width so' ''ru '" ' I,nsl '" moutiis. is to re. iii,inv iinrHiinu met ilontli llirnllch IlioUleVO tlio Yoiktown 111 Central Ainori- sinking of the liner Titanic, ban had n gicater inlliieiico upon the traveling piddle there limn any of tho prceed- Incr mica Tlin off, , t (in ennstwlno travel Is so marked that It has ptW generally noted During tho past week It hns been announced that the Ituvel bus been re duced full) one-half, ami tho steamers hailing and ni riving nro handling but a fraction of their foimer trulllc. A feature of tho bookings at present Is: that man) people purchasing tickets make careful Inquiry regarding the fn cllltles tho vessel possesses In cuse of at( Ident As a consequence, tho tick et agents ham been compelled to post theniselWH upon the number of life boats nnd rafts nnd supply other data which will leassuro the public. n Steamer Helene Will Tow the Footing Suey. Arrangements weie completed es terda afternoon whereby tho Inter Island steamer lleleno will take tho American balk Fooling Suey" III tow lor Mahukona The command of Citplalu Wlllett was taken to sea by the Matson tug intrepid this moinlng. Tho windjam mer now rides nt anchor off tho en trance to tho harbor, there to be pick ed up by tho Helpiiu, which will bo uvailablo this evening. The Fooling Suoy has been given l!00 Ions suirnr ballast. Tho vessel Is to complete cargo at Mahukona and I from that port will he dispatched forjor sugar destined for Pnclllc Coast re Pelawuro llreakwater for orders. Tho Wineries. last of tho ciow were signed oul r-S lirough Shipping Commissioner Almy, tho other day. Pa Columbian To Depart for Isthmus. Taking departure for the Isthmus of, Tehuantopee by tho way of Island ports this evening, the Amcrlcan-lla wailau freighter Columbian has been glteu tho last ot a large consignment or sugar. The Columbian will call at Kaliiilui, Kaanapall and Illlo to com plete the 12,000 tons of sugar before proceeding to Salinn Cruz. B3 Kona and Kau Sugar for the Isthmus, Sugar from Kona and Knu polls lo tho amount ot 0248 sacks which ar rived this morning In the Inter-Island stenmer Kllauea, lias been transship ped to tho American-Hawaiian freight-) or Columbian, Tho Kllauea returned The Best, Laundry Soap Crystal White Soap from windward Hawaii ports bringing a fair list of passengers. Other lines of freight Included 73 bales hides, 22 sucks conce, as uuncnes oananas, in crates chickens, and 174 packages ami- llllnU winds nnd seas on tho homeward voy age. I'lne weather Is reported along the const of Knu. The Kllauea is to be dispatched for a return voyage to Koua and Kan on Tuesday , noon. Lurllne Drlnalna Big Cargo. A cable received nt tho agency of Cnstlo & Cooko statos that the Matson Navigation steamer Lurllne in Balling from Snu Frunclsco for tho Hawaiian Islands carried u cargo amounting to n.'t'.l tons destined for Honolulu. In addition tho vessel Is bringing G3." tons fi eight for dlschaigo at Kaliiilui. Tho Lurllne Is expected to arrive at tills port early Wednesday morning nnd will be borthed at Hackfeld """" '"? tauIe "mKtta "" oiem on OI ' ' unuer oi passengers nnu tins Information Is oxpectod to bo recolvcd llt '"J" lnto tlirougli tho niedluni of nerogrnms. Another Warrior for the Tanker Class. is re porieu at mare isinnu mat "'' gunboat Annapolis, which has Vt,e" practically rebuilt at tho Navy (Ull HUH'Itt U1 KUllll UH It 1H UUIUIIIIN' sloned, on May lfith, H is currently reported that the Yorktown, which Is a telle ot three decades past and now almost obsolete, will bo stripped nt Its nriiiameirt uud sold nt auction. Hawaii Takes Sand Ballast. A lino grudo of building sand to tho amount of 3.0 tons has been londed "no mo American uarKenunu Hawaii and that vessel Is to bo dispatched to- 'iinv iif inimu, inn 'I'lii, Knit'nd win bo given a full load of sugar at tho Hawaii port. Tho cargo Is destined tor San I'rnnclsto Slio will be towed lo sen by the Matson Navigation tug Intrepid. Pa Britishers To Enter Pacific Trade. WASI1INC1TON. 1). C April 23. no lileu and Shlio Hue, which runs steamers fiom Fugllsh ports to tho Fur Fast, will soon establish a trans Pneltlc servlto lu connection with tho Piinniuu Canal, according to Inforinn Hon lecelved today fiom Hongkong by the Depuitinent of t'nmmcrco uud Labor. Ba Hllonlan Gathering Sugar. A wlieless received at tho agancy of Cnslle & Cooko Ibis morning is to the otTeet Hint tho Matson stenmer llllo- iilau wus taking on sugar at Kaana pall today. This vessel Is scheduled to nail from llilo for San Francisco dl rect on .May utli, taking u full cargo Sugar Awaiting Shipment. Sugar ut Kona and Knu ports of call awaiting shipment Includo tho follow ing consignments, according to report brought to this city by Purser Sheldon "' 'o steamer iviiaueu' tl. A. Uo. Iisou, llouuapo 8000, Houokna 13.S00. Kukul- haelo -JS51, Paauhau 14,000, l'aaullo 21,000, Kukalau 4470 sacks. q 11 II 1 1 1 1 n lids best Iluslncss (let ters. W. C. PEACOCK & CO., LTD. FAMILY TRADE WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS Merchant, Near Fort Ask Your Grocer For It WEATHER TODAY r Tempeiature 0 u m, 73; S n in,, 7C; 10 a m , 78; noon, 77; minimum Inst night, 71. Wind 0 a m , velocity G, direction N. 12.S 8 u in., velocity 9, direction K ; 10 n m, velocity 8, direction N 13; noon, velocity 7 .direction N. 12- Totnl wind movement for past 21 hours, 191 mites. Ilarometer nU S n in., 30 02; dow point nt 8 it lit , CO; relative humidity, 8 u in., GO; tiusblutc humidity, 8 n. m , 5 793 Total rainfall during past 21 hours, .0 Inch VESSELS TO AND FR0MJHE ISLANDS (Special Cable to Merchants' i:cliiiiiire.l Friday, May 3. POUT SAN LUIS Arrived, May 2, S S. Lansing, from Hilo, Apr. 24. TACOMA - Sailed, May f. li 30 a. m, S S. Alaskan, for Honolulu. AT THE PORT The American tanker Lansing, from Honolulu and Illlo, arrived nt Port plaint against Levy to tho Sheriff. Snn Luis yesterday. Asche also gave testimony Intended A mall for tho Coast will bo for- to refute the statement mndo by Abe warded on Tuesdny with the departure llutkloy, a colored boy who was lm of the Pacific Mall 'steamer Slbeila. I prisoned In tho Jnll on tho day In ipies- The not mnll from the mainland Is due to arrive on Wednesday morning In tho Matson Navigation steamer. Lurllne. The hnrkontliie T P. Fmlgh. from Illlo to Port Townsend, is credited with having completed tho passago In nl -.t .". 21 llufj. l I According to announcement mndo hero tho O. S. S. Sonomu has uccom. modntlon for 2ou first-, HO second-, and 80 third-class passengers. Taking' 12,00i' tons sugar gathered from Island ports, tho Amcrlcan-lla- wnllau freighter Moxican sailed from Illlo on Wednesday for Sallna Cruz. Tho United Slntes Army transport Thomas, trout Manila and duo to nr- llvo hero tomorrow morning, will berth at Oceanic whnrr, wheio n Hinnll amount or Quartermaster's cargo and supplies will bo discharged. Tho Sonoma, which is to tompornrl ly replace the Siena on tho Honolulu run, is due to arrive ut Panama on, Sunday. She is to take up the tegu lar run between Sail 1'ranclseo and Australia, beginning July 2ud. On ariived i)t tho O. S. S. Sonoma nt this port tl will be round that this rejuvenated liner has been fitted with six suites do luxe, each having a pri vate hath and possessing all the com foilH or a hotel. i'Assi:n(h:hs Aiiitivi:it Per stmr. Kllauea, from Kona-Kiiu ports, May 3 J. A. Palmer. Miss Pe- because Jailer Asch happened to bo termini, Mis. Peteimau, W. II. Grecu- confined to ids homo by illness, ho had well, Miss J. Muranko, Mrs. J. Kcllctt, tnken another guard with him on ev A. K. Ozawn, '. Schnack, W. Chlug.'ery visit lio mudo to the women's ward. Mrs. M. amaiia, M. vamaim, r-uwaui Kekuewn, J I). Pnrls, Frank (Ionics Ilev S Mur.itu. Miss C. PIllpo. C. W. Ashford. W 11. Ariieiiiniin, W. It. Stoekniaii, Geo. S. Welis, Mrs. Kenuu, Mis. W Notley, Henry Alnpal, Miss M. Soto, ltrothcr Murlern, J. I). Tuck er, 11. J. (luoiroro, II. J Meje;s, Itev I). W K. White, W. L. Fiiiiiklln, F Lucks, Mrs. W. IL Itego, r,0 deck Hat, A. Garcia, ACTRESS WINS SALARY CASE Circuit Jiulgo Cooper this morning icttirued a veidlct tor tlio defemlant lu Iho suit brought by Hnsa Le?i Tyler, Iho uctiess, against Hen Wise, ot tlio Honolulu Amusement Company, tor salary said to be due ho,r. This Is ,i reversal or the Honolulu District Court, which found for tho plulntllf. Miss Tyler's counsel nsked that orei t Icni lo tho court's decision be noted, Intimating that tho caso will bo ni pealod to tho Supremo Court. Miss Tyler asked fur $ll!1.7.r, this sum In cluding tho costs of tho hearing in tho lower court. LOCAL AND GENERAL Churles M Cooke. Ltd.. has clven n deed to Lnwionce M. Judd for prop - erty on Prospect street valued ut $3000 Sam Peter, accused or embezzling a quantity or automobile tires, pleaded guilty in Judgb Robinson's court yes terday and was lined $100 and costs. Samuel F, ChlllliiRworth was appoin ted temporary administrator of the es tate of Thomas R, L. McGuIro, with bond flxod at $11100, by Judgo Whitney, The tuberculosis exhibit will he on display this evening at the Central Grammar School, Dr. A. N. Sinclair wll glvo a talk on sou ices of Infec tion and tho dangers or tho dreaded malady. Judge Whitney today granted John Itodilgucs permission to pay tuxes and other expenses Inclined In hand ling tho ostnlo ot Louisa Hodrlgues, minor, fiom the sum or $l3ilt.r0, In come from Iho ostnlo now hold by John Itodrlguas ns guardian. Application for divorce was filed in Circuit Court today by Klkllla Kurt iu, nun noun icijiu Bupuiiuiuu unm city IJIIIVCISIty, Pacific 1111(1 COllllllor Horlhel Km Iraki on tho gtouuds of cul. It is believed that clubmen gen cruelty and tioiisuppoit. Chlkn Koba- rr.illy will tome tluough with ceuer yashl, charging uonsiipport, also asks mis contributions toward Iho defense that tho matrlinoiilnl bond yoking her k, ouchuuu ivouayumu uo suvereu. SAYS GUARDS AT Ji IL Tl "GET" HIM Hobcrt Levy, former turnkey at Oa hu Prison, was acquitted by a Jury in Circuit Judge Hohlnson's court this nf toinoon of the charge of assault on Maria Wallehua, on tho night of Feb runr) 20. Tho Jury went out ut 12-40 nnd rrnched the decision after about two minutes' deliberation. Thnt several of tho guards at Oalnt Prison had conspired to drlvo him away from his position or to send him iu juii us u n minim mm me Bim "ifr nlltl.orl7.atloii to go on with the the testimony offered by Robert Levy,U,orki uMug Ulc rchcr concrtto thnt former turnkey nt that Institution, In ,mM ,,,,,, oiscovired by test to be his own dcfeiiso I .Is rnornliiK. Lo vy, exaitlv rlaM I HoCr,!,n i!? ""If.?!" I M, . '.I'm Yesterday the last ot the test Mocks istevwwsss-ffta'ir -T,,e" nn",f;,"n'1 uJr ',,,n: if i.i.. i,i i,f.. r.i.i. i.i ii.i.ltbe engliners and tho eontractors hnd inson that ho had gone to County Jail- cr Asch several weeks betoro tho date oi too aiiegcu act ami nau asKcu ui no let out Ho said that at that tlma bo Iliad told Asch of the plot against him 'by several guards. I Jailor Asch substantiated his testl inouy, explaining thnt Levy seemed to have Incurred tho enmity of tho other oinctnls at tho Jail because ho Insisted on a rigid enforcement or tho rules, which tho others didn't like. Audi ns sorted that on ono occasion ho enmo Upon three of tho guards making corn. tlon, lo the effect that he had gazed through tho wicket of his cell and scon bevy upon the door lending to tliu women's corridor, Asch asserted cr as tho most appropriate decoration Hint tho wlckot, a small apertuie In lor tho children to nppeur with. There the mosquito tight netting over thowcro ubout ninety ihlhlicu In tho com- door of each tell, wns closed every paiiy und tho teiicherK who assisted ,..(..!. ...I .!. ....1 1 I (I... .Ilr,.n,h... I,..... ftfl.,,. ,1 1(, In 'limit IVIItMl III ll 1-.OII--I n Hrin (HU-, ,1 Inside, and that theieforo Ilnckloy could not have seen through tho wick- et. A number of character wltnrsses wcro Introduced liy Attorney Ijrrin Andrews for tho defense this moinlng, among them being U L. McCandless, wlio said that Levy had conio to him for advlco several months before tho night ot tho alleged crime. Ho said Lovy hnd told him or a plot against the turnkey and nt that llino tnlked of resigning. Ho advised Iovy, ho said, to remain, believing that his fears woro groundless. Oilier witnesses who testified to long and favorable ucquulutniiec with l-ovy, and who declared his lepiitntlon' lo bo good, wero Chnrlcs Thurston, Fd Tovvse, Charles McCarthy, Jack Lucas and Harbor Commissioner Mc.. Slocker. Levy testified that on Iho night oflclieeks. fifty six children under February 20 be had been been given pai titular lcason lo fear uu attempt ut some kind would bo made to "get him out ot linkway, becuuse, he said ono of tho guaids had openly told lilm I hat they wcro "going to got him shortly." For that icusou, and also uno o film guards, a Hawaiian, was preseul lo substantiate this stale- menl WATER RELIEF To lellevo tho seilous wnler-supply situation In -Mittioa valley. Superinten dent M.uiMon Campbell of tho Depart nient of Public Works links that nil ruMdcnts of Iho lower as well as tlio upper section of that suburb coopeiato to eliminate absolutely all waste, ail Irrigation, anil to cut down tho domes tic Biipply to tho minimum. Unless this is done, ho says, tho people on tlio heights will bo absolutely without wa ter during tho tquiliig dry ported "There cap bo no linnioillatu lellof," assorted Supeilntondent Campbell this morning, "though wo 'plan to' Install, Just ns soon ns possible, nn auxiliary piiinplng-plant nt tlio lower Maklkl springs, to lift tho water to iho heights, At piosont those on tho high er lovel nro at tho mercy of tho people In tho lowlands, because ull get their water tluough tho samo mains. "Tho not innl consumption of tho valley In dry weather Is greater than Iho capacity of the upper Muklkl spilngs from which the cntlrn supply 'ls now received, nnd whqn tlio people ot mo lower levels uso a conaln pur cent, or tho supply there Is not suffi cient piessuro left to solid the re mainder up. "Of the 1,100,000 appropriation mndo by tho last Legislature for Honolulu's water supply only $132,000 wus avail able for tho first year, nnd out of this cxpcntdlturo wo had to make provision for umplo tiro protection to roplaco tho worn-out forco main and make oilier important extensions. To complete tho necessary system for Matioa val ley vlll requite an expenditure of ful ly $100,0110. YACHT RACE "FUNDS FROM CLUB MEMBERS a lu addition to the llbls flint uro lie- lug circulated by members of the Ayau, Miss L. Clilng, Mrs. I, Uakew finance oomiiilttco of the Huwull!ad Mis. A. L Uuahnell. Yacht Club, subscription books are nnen nt the linen social reltilis nf llin of tlio lians-Pacltic jauht trophy by ii,0 htnoouer Hawaii. ENGINEERS CABLE SUCCESS IN The nnvy engineers here ore now certain that the problem of concreting the Peiul Harbor drydock bus been Kolveil I'or nionths the lack of nsult- able mixture to harden uiidir water jnd to withstand the peculiar clieml- cnl notion of the water has been hold-, lug buck the work Hundreds of tests weie made, and doens of failures re- iiirdct! Floored nnd wulled with tho orlglnnlly spetllled concrete the com- pleted section of the drydoik leaked badly when nn attempt was made to pump It That success Is now assured Is In- dlcnted b the fact that this morning n fitliln u-nu tent In VVrmliliu'tfin n.lrllitr '"""',1 Tlle i,r"c"" "V wl"f "innnvy engliucrs bnvo nrrlved nt the success- lunl specifications called for n less ex ful formula has been tedious but In- pensive concrete mndo from local sund. (Continued from page 1) rectrcss, mndo a good showing. Tho children woro sunflowers, nnd nr- tin. In), on their ha's, nnd bad in their hands baskets of jellow (lowers. Ka kaako Is a sunny plnce and the teach. ers of tho school selected tho suntlow ,i- mt -!., (una ,-it- (Minn -, ,v,,i,un( Miss L. Arnold, Miss Hsther Vivas, Miss Ida Logan, Miss Julia Ilelima, Miss M. Fuller and Miss II. Collins. Angelic Kauluwela. The girls from tho Kauluwela Kin dergarten looked like angelic fairies. They appeared lu llght-gieen colors with nrtllcial wings on their shouldeis. As the signal was given by Miss tier tiudo Urown, directress, they dnnru-d with ecstatic glee. Tho parenlB stand ing around clapped their hands und 'congratulated Miss Ilrown nnd her as- sIstantB on their success Tho deco ration of the school nro blue, pink, ei- low, whlto and green. Miss llrovvn s usslslnnts weie Miss (Ian Ida, Miss Kalialianii, Miss Daniels, Miss Knhluu, I Miss Watson, Miss I.eandui. Kallhi Kindergarten. Coming from Kallhi. where the valley brcczo fans blushes into their tho leadership of their teachers inado n tilce amiearniite. Miss Harriet Lucas, directress, and slatt nerfurniod tbelrltho mules will bo sold nt auction. parts well. This school euteied tloatsl of gient splendor nnd ns they passedtl"' ' y Jailer lo place iirlsouers at in review uy tlio stand they received tin) applause of tho spectators. Miss' Knlakaua avenue. These laborers will Rose Herbert, daughter of Dr. Georgo nlso dig holes for tlio planting of trees Heihert, diovv n Hoat lu which weio nnd otherwise nsslst in tho beautify seated thico young girls. Tho float l"g of Honolulu's famous dilvovvay. was prettily decorated, ns befitted its, Municipal automobiles wtuit some occupants. Miss Lucas was assisted during the past month. Reports ro Ly MIks Mnry Lucas, Miss Itoso Her- colved fiom tho police department bert. Miss Freda Faguios, Miss Adelu h"W inllengo of r.2.1 und SOS miles for Avllln. j two machines, Palama In Red. Chief Tliiirslon of the llro depart- Hid was tho lone used by tlio chll- nient reports 228 miles for tlio Carter ilien of tho Palamii Kludorgnit 13.1 car and r,03 miles for tho F. M. F. stitmg Miss (lleiin Jones was dliect-1 Mnrcli Hies tesullcd In property ross nnd the (hlldieii, adorned in led loss or rorty dollars. Liability td n utid gleeu, mndo u good showing, To surnnco coinpiinles Is fixed ut IllliO. iiffset tho Iieat of tho sun which ot- Vacation Time Is Here, caslonull) oiueiged rrom behind tlio Hoyeml employes were grunted va clouds, the children coveted their cations at tho meeting or tlio Hoard heads with umbrelln-IIko helmets, held today. which gave tlio baud a distinctive of- Iho lloaul confirmed tlio action In lect. They were garlanded with green ken bj Filo Chief Thurston, who lias lels and danced meirlly to the music grunted u vacation of two months to or tho Municipal Hand. Assisting Miss K. it. (1. Wullaco, chief clerk fur tlio Jones wero MIiim Mendloln, Miss Allen, Uro department. It Is Bald that Mr. Miss llarrett. Miss Young, Miss Aro- Wallace bus arranged for n Biibstltuto hero. Miss Kuleo und Mr .lou Rich- (luting his nbsenco on tliu Coast. aids, Miller Street School. roquosled a inoiith'H vntutlou, which l'-etweeu seventy uud eighty young- ua grnuled witli pay. steis tamo from tlio Miller Stieet Kin-1 'I'lie objeclois to the closing of Chnp dergailcn. In clinigo of Miss A. L. Il Inno by tho contractors for tlio Illtihtock, directress. Tho children w Cooko hulldlng vvon out on tho woro pink nnd whlto hats and cat rled protest lo tho members of tho Hoard, while baskets. Four strong hoys car- 'J'l' ,n" IH ' but partially closed ilul four Maypoles wrapped with pink l" pedestrian trnlllo, as a rour-foot pas. paper. Tho pules looited like tho,"l!eway will be left, through which stately kahilis ot Iho days or tho ua. persons may pass rrom Fort Btreet lo walluit monarchhy. Tho teachers of, this school leading the children weio I Miss Hitchcock, dliectiess; Miss Km fly Phillips, Miss 1 ,110V Norton, Miss Olgu Kousa, Miss May Dlas. Fort Street School. Tlio Fort Stieet Kindergarten was lu charge of Miss loela Loguu and mudo a very lino showing, indeed, Kalulani Weil-Behaved. Among tho visiting schools present at Thomas Square was Iho Kalulani School. More than two hundred chil dren from this Institution woro Inter ested special ois of tlio overclscs and lu chnige of their teachors behaved remarkably well, Miss Almeo Moss man, Miss Ilernlco P. Cooke, Miss LU zlo Ayau, Miss Haywood, Miss Larson and Mrs. Chalmers wero over watch ful of their charges. Kauluwela There. Forty-eight pupils rrom Iho lower guides or tho Knuluwetn School visit ed Iho closing exercises ot tlio day During tho lunch hour thu little ones tat under a large trco and wero each presented with candy, takes uud other ilclciicli'3, which wcro. it Is needless lo say, Ihtuoughly enJoed, The teachers pieseut wero MIrs llatlle Pohukalna School. One hundred mid Bixty pupils from the Poluikalnn School vyero nmoug tho excited of the Mniy-))ny oxer clfces, uud although they did not luko part lu I io progi tun they vvero pru- pnicd, huld sonio of Iho boys, to com- ptte witli mo other atliool tlilldren. WASHINGTON DKYDOiX TESTS terestlng Hundreds of laboratory tests wire made nnd Dually tho mix- turo that seemed lo fulfill the requlro- muds was iiitliullv poured Into tho ilrjdock liv the Treiney sets, a bIx- foot culie being cast. This wus left under water for a week, mid on being lnlseil to the stirfucc about till days iirh was apparently satl'fnctory. It was ngnln submerged, nnd when II- imlly raised n few das ago Mix-inch tet cubes were taken I" the laboratory of the College of Hawaii, and there (.rushed. It wiis found that tho slx- huh, cubes that had been poured under wnter fullllled every condition that tho nrlnlllfll rllllfiM ent 111 the lllboriltory (HU. Tills meant tlie successiui soiu- tlon of what threatened to be a grnvo pi obleni for the gov eminent to face, T , ,, rIci.r concicle, which Is mnnufnet.ired with Coast sand, will r v? RrT;,,y w.ts,i wiVii; tire Job Th" ndded amount will bo stood by the government ns the orlg AUTO PATROL IS Tho von llnmm-Yoiing Company to day lauded a contrnct tor supplying tho City nnd County police department Willi a motor-driven patrol and ambu lance, wjilch, delivered at Honolulu, will cost tho municipality $3.G.'. Tho Kissel Knr has been selected by the conunltteo utter going Into tho merits nt a number of machines offer- d by various local representatives. They City fat hers rushed through con Hldernblo business at u meeting held loday. They agreed to tho recommendation coming fiom Iho Health and Sanita tion Committee, consisting, of Chnlr maii Kiuger nnd Members Ainnua und McClellnu, that ono thousand dollars ho paid Iho Schumnii Cnrrlago Com pany for four mules. The" animals were purchased after two bids had been lecelved. Tenders from Iho Schumati nnd Club Stables welo of the same liguro for the iiiilmols At ono tlniu It ap peared as ir theio existed u local mulo ttust. However, tho Schiimnu Com pany won nut and payment was an thoilred nt noon today. Municipal Employes Arc Retired. Two municipal employes were today retired fiom thy service, lu this In stnnro they nro two mules, who nro alleged to hitvo seivod their period ot useiiutiosB wiin the I'liy government. government. 4" idatlnn com- Kir Caldwell', 5- According to a recommendation lug from Hoad Supervisor A lesoliillon wns passed authorizing worn in Cleaning up sidewalks along j A. A, Durum or tho flro department leHiuuiues or places ot uusiness on this small thoroughfare. Manager McGrcor of Yo Liberty tlio nter orfored a remonstrance In behalf of tho theater which received atten tion from tliu Hoard. Judge '. T. Wuln nf llrnoliln npent his 7Dth birthday lu Cleveland looking for a ioIIIii, but finding tbu (.lu,t of djlng had gun,, up ns will as tho cost of living be 1 cruse (n pay the priced nskid : Tho touchers lu charge of this bunch woro Mis. Kinmn A. McGuirp, Miss A. Onlul und Mr. C. K. Amona. Kallhlwaena School. From tho Kallhlwaena School enmo about F12 children to witness tlio ex ercises. Miss Haley, Miss Itlckard and fdlsn ('link wero in chnrgo. Cox'b Children Dance. Under tho sliado ot a largo monkoy. pod tieo n group of young bcIioo! chll. dl en, boys and girls. In charge of Su pervising Piluclpal I. Cox, Bang and danced merrily, In tho admiring pies cuco of it largo number or paronts. Many Mothers Present. Almost nil or tho mothers nr tho children participating wero among tho spcclntoia in Thomas Square this moinlng. Carrying their smaller oucb on their backs, the Japanese mothers marched along with their children ns mc uuiiu piuycu. Hundreds of Portu guese. Hawaiian. Chinese, nmi .,n.., 1.1 llWtlltll, lir.ipn ...-. ...1 ,. Sh Tho crowd wiiXinst on I 'rlv .!!!!",: 3A actldeiila of any kind weio .ono t. 1 lopoitod. J J .. t'. v t'. . ' ' SfcQito . .. i... jaT' kmtfmmmmi ftf TKBHEP' "i' ul. ,-KJtlMftctfiiw.wii.'.