OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, May 18, 1912, 3:30 EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1912-05-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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" Tlio commission this nflcr- i
noon nwnrdcd tho contrnct for s
e Hecllon No. 1 of the bolt roud S
to John II. WIlKon, settling tho S
light. !
p 5 J 4 Q
iiki.t iio.ii
111 I)H.
Section Xo. I
J. II. V llson, ?7, !)!s, rumple le liy
Jul) 31, 1013; Lord-Young Knglnirr
Ing Co., $S5,00'I, complete lij Septem
ber 211, ll.
Section Xo. 2
Lord-Young Knglnccrliig Co., $!)!),
-llll ....... .I.!. I.. 1..I.. 1 11111. I II
.p..-. i inr ,i .un; i, .....,, . .
HINo... 10S,S, complete by Aiprt
Mayor Kern, as a minority of one.
clashed sharply with tho other mem-j
licrs of the Oahu I-onn Fund Commls-I
kIoii ut a noon meeting today nvcr 4ho
nwnrd of belt road contracts, nnd lif
ter nearly an hour of verbal display
that nt times was a la fireworks, tho
commission adjourned until 2 o'clock
with half of tho battlo settled uad the
hottefst half yet to bo fought.
Tho light waB preclpltoted when tho
majority of the commission decided,
that tho contract for Section No. 2.
ought to bo awarded before that for
Section No. 1. Tho question, Involving
tbo rocky routo tho commission 1ms
travelled In the past, tho litigation,
tho Supremo Court decision that throw
out all tho first bids on Section No. 1,
nnd tho commission's resultant deci
sion that canceled tho existing con
tract on Section No. 2, was milled over
again today.
Fern In Action.
Kern opposed tho majority of tho c
ommlsslon on grounds that if Section
No. 2 wero let first, un award for the
first section might bo Impossible Ho
brought forward this point after En
gineer Stuart Johnson, of tho com
mission, In response to n quetlon by
Chairman Adams, made an Informal
estimate that thero Is not enough
money now in tho loan fund to pay
for both Jobs and also for tho neces
sary engineering expenses of tho com
mission. It uppcars that his estimate
Is ii few hundred dollars over what Is
In the treasury.
(Continued en Page 8)
(letting himself linked In tho cold
storugo vegetable room at tho Hllo
Hotel und spending u chilly night thero
was tho uncomfortable, cxperlenco of
u Japanese porter In tho hotel, uc
(ordlng to news arriving liy tho Man
ua Kea this morning. Tho Japunesa
went Into tho vegetablo room nnd tho
door closed and locked Itself, nppur
intly. This was about 11 o'clock last
Wednesday night Tho man was ills
lovcred about fi o'clock noxt morning.
.Meanwhile he had closed a transom
between the vegetublo room und tho
lio-rnom, and had found some pieces
or box and matches und built a lira In
Ihn room. AlmoKt suffocutcd, half
frozen and scared to tho extreme, tho
Japanese was exhausted when res
We have the largest ttock In the city
of both Granite and Marble.
Orders will have our prompt atten
tion. H. E. HENDRICK, Ltd.,
Phone 2M3
Merchant and Alaker
Pcn.iljiK motions for a new trial
nnd for setting iislda the verdict of
tho Jury, Circuit Judgo Ilnhlnsnn this
morning sentenced Chung Kung, tho
ininumun convicted or criminal us
vault on ullttlo girl, to a Ufa term In
.. ientriitliirv T
fense, was noted n
The appeal, by At-
rews for tho de
ns noted nnd ii transcript of
tho cvlilenco in the case Is In
the case Is In prep
Tho court's decision was not unex-
LecteiL nnd the nennltv ciimo ns no
surprise, for It wus tho general opin
ion that capital punishment would not
be named, not so much because of the
report of tho court's aversion to hang
ing, but ns a result of tho evidence
given In the hearing.
Hccauso ho was accused of stealing
n handful of lemons. Georgo Hronson.
an enlisted man of tho First Infantry,
tried to make away with his own liroi
during tho voyngo of tho transport
Sherman from Portland to Honolulu,
The man was saved by exceptionally
prompt work on tho part of tho offl-
cers and boat cre,v of tho Rhc,rmnn,
and owes his urn to tho met that his
Intentions ncr discovered beforo ho
had actually launched himself Into tho
spa. ,
The man had been brooding over
(lie, accusation of theft, und one morn
ing when the ship was sovcral days
out he announced that ho could stand
life no longer. Ills friends did not
tako tho stntcment seriously, but soon
uftcrwards ho was missed, nnd nol-
tiler, looking over tho stern. Raw
IlTonson crouching on the sill, Just
nbnvo tho roaming watorllno. The-
alarm of "Man overboard!" was given
and a llfo preserver wns In tho water
Just ns Hronson slipped from his pre
carious perch and disappeared from
sight. Tho Sherman wns stopped and
n boat lowered In record time. Uron
boii, tho moment ho struck tho water,
began to swim valiantly for his llfo,
but oncumbered by his uniform ho
wns much spent when picked up. Ho
sank just as tho boat reached him and
wns hauled aboard with somo dtfllcul
tv. -" .
"111 novor commit sulcldo again!
wore his first words when tho wntcr
was rolled nut of him,
Thero Is n curious coincidence In
this attempt at sulcldo, which Captain
Hall of tho Sherman rotates. Ho sayn
that only ouro beforo In his experi
ence has an ntlompt of this sort boon
made,- That wns crossing tho Paclllc
several years ago, and tho slrango
iiuii. ill Ik WU mat vwiuiiu. kiuuiiiihu-
glo and Major Krlcr of tho Inspector
hclieitwn iiuiiui iiuuiii, won nmu ian
nengcrs this trip, wero both aboard
thon, Tho cases worn almost Identi
cal, ho would-ho sulcldo lowering him
self by easy stngeB Into tljo wnler in
both Instances, and being quite ready
for resruo ns Boon ns ho foil tho om
brnnco of tho Pacific.
First a Crack Regiment,
Tho First Regiment of Infantry, otio
of tho most famous organizations of Clarence V. T. Richeton, convicted of
tho United Stales Army, about which murdering by poison hit former tweet
Is gathered much of the real romanto heart, Avit Llnnell, and tentenced to
of American soldiering, arrived for sta- be electrocuted, hat collapsed from
tlon at Schoflcld Ilarracka.- For mnro hytterla,
than Ihreo years tho homo of tho First t
has heoil In tho IMrthWOBt, Ut Van The lila- Mhv festival is In nrocress
couver llarracks, Washington, nnd llfo
at a tropical post will bo a brand-new
nvnarlnnrn In tnnnv nf llin nnllatnrl
men, who have entered tho servlco
slnco tho regiment rnturnd from Its
(Continued on Page 3)
Seaman Repudiates Release Says Forced to It By Drink and
Misrepresentation "Millionaire Tramp" Lawyer Busy.
Hacking up their allegations of fraud
with, an alllduvlt from Seaman Frunk
BuTllvan, Attorneys (leorgc D. Little
nnd Oeorgo S. Curry, counsel for Sul
livan In his 130,000 libel suit ngulnst
tho ship IMnnrd Sowull, (his morning
tiled documents In tho Federal Court
asking, In effect, the reopening of the
now famous case.
Tho nttorncys for the defense, II.
W. Ilreckons and Judge Stanley, tiled
this morning u plea In bar, to which
Inched tho release that Hull I-
.o some days ngn of his claim.
this "release," negotluted with
out the knowledge of his own attor
neys, that Sullivan now repudiates,
and his repudiation furnishes tho
warmest sensation the staid IYderul
Court has seen for many months.
No sooner did the attorneys for the
IMwnrd Sewall flic tho release ami
lisk tho discontinuance of tho case,
than I.lttlo and Curry llled n motion
to strlko from tho Records the release
.and ttiat the discontinuance bo con
sidered null nnd void. Tn this is at'
'ached Sullivan's nllldavlt. In which
e repudiates tils release, und claims
that he signed the release whllo un
der tho Influence of liquor, that he
was threatened liy Cuptilln Quick of
Annual Session For Discussing.
Course of Study For
Public Schools.
t. i i i r , 7 . .. i . . .stood, la what Copoland wnnts to put
Prlnclpa Copoland o Maul started , th'0 lac0 of w'hat tho Department
his educational war this morning nt ,. ,,,! , .i.im, u t,.. i....n'
tho mooting of supervising principals
held In tho headquarters of tho Do-
I artmont of Public Instruction.
uopeinnu is generally credited witn
being tho source of tho trouble that
has nrlsen over tho course of study,
und It was to support his Ideas that
me Commissioners passed some rcso-
lutlmis at their last previous meeting,
though ii is uouuuui it somo nt tho
Commissioners knew just what they
wero doing.
Copeland's first movo this morning
was to call for a new organization. Ho
claimed, that this was what tho Com
mlssloners of Public Instruction pass
cd their resolves for. Tho apparent
purpose of this was to get rid of Mr.
l'opo ok tho president of tho organlza-
tlon atul possibly put Copoland lu.
Copeland's movo In this direction was
not approved. Among thoso who vo-
ted with him wero Mr, Wells, Mr. Da
Plans are being completed by r-
, eniieci ii
chltect II I Kerr and bills will ho
Vnlleil for
within n fow days on n hlB
concrete warehouse at Queen and u
Ilea streets for tho California t'oid
Co, Ltd.
The building will bo of otio tor
reinforced concrete, will linvo n lilin
dred-foot frontage on each utreet ai.d
will huvo 12,000 square feet of Moor
space. Tho warehouse will tio or
,h,)rollKhy modern design and con-
u..,.m .ultl, IM.nu n nn , ,,rn..-
ArcllllPct Kcrr ,,, ,H lmirp,K ,i,t
bids will probably bo culled for within
ten days.
( Aftsoclatrt rrna CaMa.I "
BOSTON. Mats., May 18 Tho Rev,
. Thnln.1B ti,i .,ri,.pn.,n ,n.i
will cioso at 10 o'clock tonight. Thou-
Bum,H ure n""nB to aid tho worthy
rnU8 f a Catholic chapel at Puna-
the Sewall, nnd Hint Ids signature was
obtained tinder misrepresentation
This morning's developments fur
nish the real scnsutlcn so far In n
case full of sensations. They began
when the ship Sewall reached hero
with Attorney Utile, Sid It Iranc!n
und A. It. Dupont, as the "millionaire
tramps," aboard as seamen. Then
came tho tiling of Sullivan's suit for
130,001 for Injuries, received while
aboard the vessel and dun to negli
gence, ho claimed, I.lttlo sprang from
ii fuc'sle senninn V a full-Hedged and
sharp-witted attorney, lie and Curry
battled against Hrecknns and Judgo
Stanley In several notable legal
clashes Then came out the story that
Sullivan had settled 111' claim for r,0
nnd was not to be found, and now
Sullivan's ullhlavlt Is llled In which
ho says he didn't know what he was
doing and woke up the day after un
der n lumber pile.
Uttio iVnclCuVry tiled the following
this morning: .
A.I. r... El.......!....
"Proctors Oeorgo S Curry nnd
(leorgo I). I.lttle iii-k the release and
discontinuance of tho action llled by
proctors for tho lebcilco unit that It
(Continued on Page 4)
vis, Mr. Cox and Mr. King.
Incidentally Mr. Copeland has
brought tn town with him a course of
study outline that consumes ninety
typewritten pages. This, It Is under.
v y KCIUrnjy praised by fnany noted1
,.',,. I
I " .i... ,,.. mrlli- wmh
,""",, ,""v , ": ,",. ,.",,
n,"ewc"0",K1 l,ft an. a. d Mr Cope"ai.d
,l'a' wa " K"'"t "" '' a'l ',V?Ih' i
, T Uor.
" "-;' ", ,.","."' ",
planned for the supervising principals
to do at this session. Tho Commis
sioners meet next Saturday,
During tho meeting It was voted to
Invite many of thoso known to bo in
terested In education, nmong them
Illshop Rcstnrlck, to bo present nt tho
meetings ami take part In tho dlscds
clons. The session continues during
the afternoon. Mr. I'opo In his open
ing remarks said:
Pope's Address.
"It Is nullo In order for mo to ex
press satisfaction in calling this meet
(Continued on Pago 7)
r AMUH-lnteil I-rcia Cable.)
Putting a team of tcrubt In the field
becaute many of the regular threat
ened to ttrike if Center Fielder Ty
Cobb were not reinttated after being
euapended for striking a spectator, the
Detroit Tigers were today beaten by
the Philadelphia Athletica by the
tcore of 24 to 2. A crowd of 20,000
aaw the game, and many demanded
their money back.
i Associated Proas Cabin.) In Manila to inaiiagii tho exhibit and
SACRAMENTO, Cal., May 18. the Philippine Assembly has upproprl
Harrit Weinttock, tpeclal governor's ated 2M,000 for expenses,
tommlationer, who hat been invest!- Six ucres will be used at tho expo
gating, now reports that the to-called sltlon fur the exhibit, said Mr Forbes.
"Vigilantot" have been more to blame Tho Philippines free-trade clause In
than the Industrial Workers of tho.thu present tariff law has greatly In
World in the San Diego rlota and la- creased California trade with the Orl
bor troubles. He recommends prate- ent, anil i specially Manila, declared the
eution of the offenders. governor general. ,
s e "The growtli will be especially
Tho eggB of tho German hell run marked within tho next two years," ho
as low us ten to tho pound, declares.
C Associated rriraa Cattle.)
Judge Dunns today dismissed the in
dietmentt agalntt Aba Ruef, Haltoy,
Brown, former Chief of Police Dlnan,
former Mayor Schmlti, Eddie Qraney,
Jim Coffroth, the tportlng man, and
Glass. Judge Lawlor, before, whom
the original Ruef trial waa'held, will
rule on twenty four Indictments
against Schmltz and ten against Clan
next week, finishing the graft prose
(Kpeclal nutletln Cable.)
The body of Isaac Cohn, a tailor, who
hat been milling since last Sunday,
waa found today in a vacant house.
He had been robbed of $500 and the
police aay he waa murdered.
! -. .
(KisH'lal Bulletin Cable.)
EL PASO, Tex, May IB Juarez is
likely to fall. The federela have Gen
eral Orozoo, rebel leader, surrounded,
and it it believed it is hit laat ttand
in Chihsjahua,
nun LY.)ZflLKn nr-.TU
(Hotels! nullotln Cable.)
B0LCI okl,i' M 18 Five tlu-
dentt have been burned to death in a
" " ". Indian college.
. .
ATT ' fo DDA7M
uuv i. mi ihuio uiihciu
(Special liulletin Cable.)
NEW YORK, N. Y May 18 The
government hat attacked the Brazilian
coffee valorization attociation at an
alleged truat.
(HtM-eliil ntiMtoMn Cilhlt.l
j NEWPORT NEWS, Va., May 18.
The battleship Texaa wat launched
(Rprclal till I let 1I( Cable.)
LOS ANGELES, Cat., May 18 Ten
jurors have been to far tworn in in
the Darrow trial.
nnai taiamnn i-airi r-rniir
(Rpeclsl nu I lot In Cable.)
WILKE8BARRE, Pa, May 18 Tho
anthracite coal workers and operatort
have ratified their agreement and the
minora will return to work.
People In Hawaii who think that
Hawaii, In tho richest und most pros.
pei mis period of her history. Is pot
able to alford 150,000 for un uxiilhlt
at tho Ban Francisco exposition,
should read the following:
tloiernor (lencrnl of tho
Muy 10 --
W Cumiron Forbes, has arrived hero
to arrange the details with tho Un
real! of Insular Affairs for tho Fili
pino exhibit ut the Punumii-Pucltlc ex
position A board has been crcuted
Proposals Made To Elect Super
visors By Districts, For 4
Years, And With Recall
1. That the election at large of tho wholo Board of Supervisors be die
continued. 2. That the Fourth electoral dittnet elect three tupervitora.
3. That the Fifth electoral district elect three lupervisora.
4. That the seventh supervisor be eliminated, and hit place and pow
ers be vetted in the mayor who shall be elected at large.
Alternative for No. 4 That the six supervisors to elected by popular
vote elect a teventh, and that in cato no majority vote can be secured for
any one candidate, the Governor of the Territory to appoint the seventh tu
pervitor, or that the mayor elected for the tame term" cast the deciding vote.
A. That the election of county office be every four yeart.
O. That the recall by vote of tho people be provided for, affecting all
tuch officers.
C. That county elections be iot held during the tame year at Terri
torial etectlont,
Months of discussion as to changes .listed above as A, U und C Thofour
in tin, cninitv law.-Involving aweenlng year term of olllee .for. county ofll-
revlalon- or, the present supervisors' jclals, the recall, and tho nlternatQTer
system, have nt last crystallized Into ritorlal and municipal elections are
iletliilto proposals for changes. , proposals which Mr von Dunun, who
11. von Dunun yettrrdity put forward has carried out the Informal "quet
the suggestions ubovo numbered 1, 3 I tionnlre," heartily agrees with and
nnd 3 Ills suggestions are put for- j subscribes to. He does not, however,
fard after talking the mutter over , believe that the alternative suggested
for so,me weeks With many prominent . for No. i will be of practical benefit,
business men and others actively ddeii- I These suggestion It Is proposed to
tilled with Republican politics nnd who Incorporate In the present county law
arc anxious to correct whatever funlts us amendments, or at least to submit
muy bo found with tho present mil-, to the next Territorial Legislature,
nlcipul system. ' Naturally, this probably Involves ao-
J P Cooke, president of tho Tuft Hon by the Republican party, and
League, Is tho uuthor of suggestions (Continued on Page 4)
"It seems to mo that my forcenst
nt Ihn nnlrntno In the finnato has been
reasonably correct," modestly com
'mentcd Mr. II. St. C.onr of tho San
Pranclsco Arm of l-M. Pollltz & Co.
"Tho action of tho Senato Commit
Ico on Klnanco Is better than many
uuvo us liopn to expect and It con
firms my position takon from tho out
ant Hint tin IpoIhIhIIoii thnl will destroy
i tho sugar industry enn bo put through
tho leglslatlvo bodies of tho United
States. Tho Democrats don't want
freo sugar. Don't you helloio It If
anyone says they do. And cerlalnly tho
lopubllcnns don't want It. .Ml ono
"Wo hao good cnuso for congratu
lation at tho very wlso and ronsorwi
tlvd position taken liy tho Hcpubllo
ens. Many felt that tho uepuuiicaus
might bo frightened Into bucking
down nt Bomo vltnl point. This feat
has not been realized, liy wiping nut
tho Dutch standard nnd the dlftcrcn
Hal ,tho principal featutcs which the
Progressives claim nrn especially nil
vanlageous to tho Trust, go by On
board, leaving tho producer of raw su
gBr well protected against ruinous for
cIkii competition,
. "in my estimation tho price of raw
Uugar will go higher from this time
on. Tho prlco of bents is coming elo
or to n parity with centrifugals, and
I think J on will lltid raws ndvamiim
rather than moving In tho other ill
"I am leaving for San Francisco on
tho .Wllhclmlnn Wednesday. I have
had a very pleasant slay. My trip to
Hutchinson plantation nnd other prop-
ertlcs on tlio Island nf Hawaii was
very satisfactory. Kvorythlng looks
good nnd Hawaii peoplo novo no reu-
son to worry.
"I Just want to any In passing that
the steamship Wllliolmlna Is one, nt
tho llnest on which I havo over trnv-
cled. It Is so comfortable clean uud
homelike that It takos away tho do-
slro of many people to travel on ono
of tho 'big llncrs.'Tlio Wlllielmliia Is
Because Hawaii has been left out
of the Congressional appropriation
provldlm) for rural post road mall
deliveries. Delegate Kultlo will ho ask.
ed to lmn Haw all's claim Inserted
licfnro tho bill passes Congress. , This
mutter was discussed lust night by
TlcpuhUcans who attended the meet
ing of tin- central committee called to
discuss rules, and Chairman A. D.
Cooper has It In hnhd today
The rural putt roads hill carries ap
propriations graded uccnrdlng to the
.milculty r the routo lo be covered by
the free ilelltery For roads of tho
A class tho appropriation If 120 a
mile, II class K0 n mile und C class
Jtr. ii mile. It appears that Haw-all
was left out of tho bill, Terrlto-'i-s
being overlooked, and Kuhlo will bo
cabled to lu order to get the Terri
tory iut back In before the bill pais s.
The management nf the Alexander
Young Hotel will ghc n dunce tonight
In huunr of the officers and ladles of
inspu nurniiuu. io wu.cu iu.,
" J na)y peop e, RUosts of other
hololH anil society folk nro cordially
""'"'" t t
I oUuAn
MX FIlANi'lSCO. Cnl . May IS.
lleits. kS unaljsls, l-.. parity, t.5tc.
Previous imitation, lis. 10 l-sd.
U n tt St IS K n 8 tt U
palatial In comfort, though she may
not bo so largo as somo other ships
that ply tho Pacific.
c ,
.L ' ...... ' vVla1sVAj:-A.a.i i- A. -W-fr..
Jk.. .i
ii i i imai ist injHMI
i iii 7Hijriijwlw.piiiiiiiriipiii..iiiiiis 'iijjOayi ii
- .i.j jj.
. MiLdi

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