Newspaper Page Text
12B 'iililH! pSi;. LLETli Bu smmmmBmmmmmmmsmmmmHf mmm From Sn Franetscoi l.urllne .. ....... Fop Ban Francisco) Vnlurn . ... Trom Vancouver! '.'u In ml l.i . . ., Tor Vancouver! Mtirum L --: . EVENING tiii: oi:ni:rai. Auvi:uTisi:n is iu:niNNiN to avaki:m to tiih TACT THAT Tllr: IIVIIXIM paper - i:.ssi:ntiam.y tiii: home pa- I'KIt amis tJI'H'K Ai'TluN IM- Mi'.niATi: i.ih l.fll T "' - I it lT.h July 17 Jul 10 ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 66 PAYLESS ARMY" AXE FALLS; CIVILIANS ULT IT The Shortarjc in Army Funds Causes Discharge of Un- classified Employes J u t: :: :: :: .: :: :: :: :: :: :: t: :: :: m ARMY OFriCERS GET PAY. :: Captain CooUc. Ilu army pay- t! muster here, roielved n table t! this minnlng vvlikli will ohnso tho '.'. (iIimiiiim tiwuv from tlio oIIIccih' : iliiiuli'iH, and In lilt; Hut muted !! Iiijh liai k t" Ihclr on ai;nlii. :: Tin' message Hinted tliat a do- !J puHlt had been niadu Id tliu local Si1 paymaster's ucdlt In llio N'nv !1 Vnrk kiiIi tii'iimiry. and Hint from J! lldK fund lie wns In pay ult nil '. i onimls-sloiieil (illkcrH for llio !! month of .lime 'I'll In linn no t: lii'iirnu; in tin' tu my uppioprln- tt linn Idll, liui incaiiH that t lift Wnr tt Department bus been able to tt urate un enough mill to pay sonm tt nt Un ili'litn fur llio l.iKt mimth tt of llio old fiscal ji-iir. Tin enlist- ti I'd mi'ii, however, will (nullum) to tt llvo mi piililiillHin and promises, tt tt tt tt tt It tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt XX r , 'I tin iio lian fallen on tho quarter mnstci's ilrpaitiiii'iit, and Major II, 1- rank Cln'iilliiuii. chief ipinrtei master nf tin' dcparltni'iit, linn donned the, lilni k tap In ilcturinlno which of Ihu' (MIIiiii cmplojees will do led to the' lili'i'l: A Iiiiik ciibk'il oulcr received at !) paitiuent lieadqiuutnia this mumlng dlioita tliat wherever possible civilian quui lei muster's employes shall lie re placed by enlisted men Clussllled oinplnves, iiH'.iiilni: thoso under civil siivhe. aiu lutloughoil without pa, while unclussllled employes 1110 In lie discharged. Such uiuplo)es as mu ab solutely necessary to the loiiiIulI of the quartermaster's department mu to be it tallied under cuntinct, and as thu M'lettlon Is entirely within the discre tion of Ihu chief iii.irtei master, thu list Is helm: vory caiefully gone ovur. "This will liinko no difference tu the lonstiuetiuu woik ut Schollcld llitr l.icks, or the uther coustriutloti wurk In thu deii.irtment," said Major Chea tham to u II u I let I n reporter this mm nillK- "It I" I'l'l'l f"r "llt r "l n iit iutlmiB already made, and is not alfnted by this older I can not sny how many men will bo dropped or fttr lnughed Just now, fur I haven't had time; tu tuko up the uuittei " I Under the huad of "unclassltled om ploes" aiti hotse-shoois, blacksmiths,! wagoners, Janitors, and hulf a doen othei trades Thu olllcu clerical folic Is under civil sorvko, and can only bit laid off ' "No ipiartermastcrs einployes will lie letalncd lifter Junu 30, 1912, In thu ubsoiico of uiipioiilatlons, whoso em-' ploymcut Is not le.isouahly Incident to thu execution of this order, not whore It may be practicable tu replnco the oiupluvea by enlisted men," buys the isiblo te lived today SUGAR KAN PltANClKCO, Oil, June 29 lints M aiialj hIh. 10s ti 3 Id, par It) ' .(.i 1'ievluiiH ipiutatluii, IDs. Hid Special Sale of Safes H. E. HENDRICK, Ltd., Phono 2648 Msrchant and Al'e Hi IIBflsiHUHll DHBI BelllllllllakiSslllVl II jPPtn"",' 3:30 EDITION 5276. MANY-HUED FIRES WILL LIGHT CITY Fourth of July Committee Gets Supplies tor Punchbowl "Eruption" Ked lire, green lire, Itoman lire, duel; lire niul every otliir kind of lire anlviil mi the Ventura jesterdaj for the Pointh of July "eruption" of Punchbowl, and thu eninniltlio In limine Ik now getting rend for a dls Plnv on the old mount that will be spectacular, hi, sl..IIni; and stipe rlatlvel) startling The mint inrcfiil ineasuieM are to be tain a to KUaul liKiiin&t any ihiu Kir, but, as a matter of fact, while the lire Htunt Is spectucuhir In the ex treme, there Is deldoui any d.imtir whatever, eviu when the lire Is IuiiiiIiik near bulldliiKS, mid In this tase -tt will be on a puffttl b.iri' spate anil there Is no chance soon of It KiltliiK In 'met cunliol Major Neville of the limine mrps Is enoperatiii'? with the cummltteu by KtatloiiliiK sIkhuI iiicii for Punchbowl and the watei front ho that the II. lines will be tilrniil up and down like n lamp wleU to Krade to the pioper ef fect J. Wullir )nle s.ihl toda that this iruptlou feature Is arniisliu; In tuest In ult purts of the Inland anil that visiters aru lumliiK, to xee-frmn the entire cuutitry lie iiIko niiuuiiuied that an lidded feature Is the icprcsiiitnthui of Niro liddllm; iliirhn,' thu burnliiK of ltume. It. J lluehly belui; last In thu part of Nirn Plans and specifications aru now hcliiK drawn fur a toffii for Mr. Ilucldy Uite orders for the parade are us fnlluivH Parade to start promptly at S irilucK. Authiiies and hlirilblts sictlon tu as. Kimllle at the drlllsheil un Miller street not l.ilir than t.'M The entries In this section do nut have tu be formally maile at thu headipuirti is, but may bu put In up to thu lust inoniuit. I'luuts tu utKinil7e on viiiaut lot ad j.iiint to the Lewis stables The (uinnilttic Is much pUasid with the i imperii t Ion shown by the I'ulon OH Compiiny, thu Ktuiid.iid, OH I'um- paii) and the Associated Oil Company, all of which have donated thu oil used In the Piuuhbnwl illt-pla Pi hue Kuhlu, marshal of the p trade, has bun iluluii; suiuu Kreut wurk In Kittlnt; thu Hawaiian urcauUatiuns to participate, and thu puolas and the Hill I'liloiin will bu lu.ivll) ri present ed In the paiade, It was anuuiincul this inuiiiliin; OVER HALF Hawaii's recoiil-breaklntr ctop of IUI2 Ii inoio than half ship ped and Just about half-marketed MumiKcir Nowoll of tho SiiKur Pnc- tors' Company this nun iiIiik kuvu out 1 tlutircs for tliu month of Juno us well us totnls up to Junu SO Thu miKar shipped durliiK Junu amounted to 43, 3iiu tons, and thu total shipped of tho 1912 crop, up tu June HO, amounted to Xli.cou Of thu marketed suuar, r.r,,- TOO tuns at lived diirlilK .lull.!, and the total Bitgnr in rived up to Junu 110 vmib UDI.IUU Sueur ulloat now uuiiiuuts tu r.ii.r.oy 1 Of thu total siiL-iir shipped, 2UI.7U0 toii'i, ut (ousldorubl) over one-half, hits koiio by the Auierlcan-Iluwullnti ftelKlitoi.i to Tehuuntepec The Capo Hoi n hulling vessels havo taken "2,- iUU tuns, and thu test has none thiouisli the PiiLllle Coast ehauncls Of tho sugar nrilvcd, KIS.UOO tons lius gone by Tehuaiitepee. COOO tons bj f'upo lluin snlllng vessels and the biiluiicu h) Ihu Paclllc t oust e 1'or soveiul wiekn past moio II th linvo gnuo to thu fertlllzei loiupanlna tlinu hnvu been bold to tho tutnll timlu , In Now York illy. I Tvvout) eight children woio killed and llfty-iilno seriously Injured by ve hicular Iralllc In thu slrcotH of Now , Yolk during tlio mouth of May. I Ml as Mary Hedgor, u wealthy yoiiiu: 24 PAGES. HONOLULU, GREAT SPEECH QUEEN ST. RUSHED Supervisors in Hot Session McClellan Tries ineffectually to Block Measure, but Majority "Steam Roller" Was on the Job Bitulithlc to be Laid in Hurry (Jin in street, from lt Inttrseetloii No conipi tltlon In bids was permit with Niiuami strut tu the brldRe teil by a majority membership on the cniKsliiK the river, will bo paved with boanlwho declared llntfiiotcd fur bltu bltullthl materlav, the wmk to lie lithlc and no other puvement. derpltu ilonu by the louil iiiniiru under the struiiK iirKUments made In behalf of dlrittinn of Joseph tlilui.iti. vho holds crtosotid wood hluik by Mctlcllan, who the eontiol for this brand uf tuve- deilared that crtsnuteil wood block mint pivement its laid on streets In such The Honolulu llltullthli Company Is cities us New York New Orleans and to perform the work at iiiroxlmitel) llronklju had remained duwn and In twmtv-slx thousand dollars. (Continued on Pago 3) LINDSAY DOFSN T IN SUPREME COURT BY COLBURN lust how John I Culhiiru repre- the uues reielvluir lut, mid none touch- sinllnc the Kanlol ml lNtute. will cause tin TiTrltory nny trmiliU dii the l'muli bowl hoiuesteailliiB proposition, mid upon what basis be will appeal to the Supreme Court tu prevent thu awurd of priftrence riKhts us already decld- id, me iiuestiuns pur7.llnK Attorney (Stiunil Alux. Idndsuy Jr, Hslay. They inlftht'be pUrlluB-'l.alid Comrtllssluner JUsbu.i Tinker, ton, were It not fur tlie fact that he Is iKUnrant nf thu stnry Riven nut ennceriiluK tlic Culbiirn plans Tucker Is en roiilu to Hawaii, nav nB icu iionoiu i 5esiernay nun n 'llio stoiy of ColliuniH activity III tliu ulTuIr Is siuutid by the iiltumey eltia ns. Imr un uwr.ihv of about Kniernl U1X.00D In i.ntals" "What Is he roIiir to appeal to thul Home of the Puiviliboui -nants talk- rMiiiiine uiii l init'iii unnn '.iiiwbm. -ii iiil iiiiiiii.i iit will . . vuitiuiii "If he has inuile the charKe, as stated, jesterday iiftirnoon. nnd ) I.uso, thu that the Terrltor) has dealt unfairly PorliiKiiese paper, last ulKbt published with the PurtiiKUese, by exiludlnK thu follow Iiik liotln neurl) lift) pi r ent of the iippllcants, "Pi luce Kalanlaiiaole reipiests nil the he Is speaklnK from a fnlso premise. I'ortURiiese residents of the land uf "There were lit applicants for pref- Ailwalollinu to unit him ut the Ku ireuce rlithts In the Punchbowl tract, ploluul bulldlni; on Tuesday, Jul) 2, nml H',1 uf these will receive lots when I'll:, at 1- o'thick noun" the land 1 everts from thu Kaplolnnl Attorney (iemral l.lndsay dues not Hstate to the government on AUKiist fenr .Supreme Court iiitlon, and says If, Tills haves only thlrty-sK nppll- that the Kuplolaul I'xtatc has luid all cants whose leipusts have bun de- uleil ' ' "We have beard little lomphilnt from JAPAN TO TAKEj$l4,000 TO PARI IN FAIR AT FRISCO That Jspan has politically decided tu take part In the liiteriiatlouul ex position to be laid In San rrnueiscu III 1U1S Is evident bj the fill t that tlinu Japanese special ciiiumlssloners will ar rive from Toklo In the Million Mnru on July 10 They will piucced tu Kan Prauclsio In the sumo stunner The thne coiiilulssluiiirs in o lliirillil Yuniawakl, furnurly seirctary to the Jaimnesu iniumlsslunirs to the Anglo- Japan Hxpusltlim hi Id in l.omlon some 'eiirs ugn; Uolchl Taketa, tuglueir otKrilur. Arnold nml thu Truism y Department, und n high oilUlul from thu Department of Agri culture and Commerce These men, aicordlui; to the Nlppu JIJI, which re eelvid a spiclal cable from Japan, will select a building site fur Japan III the exposition grounds In Sun Prunc'lsio In order tu curry out the Intuition of the Imperial gnu rnmiut, the lltt at Its lust session Hindu un uppropihi t ton to meet all expilidltures Unit may bu Inclined fur the construction und maintenance of the Ju panose cxpoilllou building In San I'riinclseu Aftu thu eiiniintsslniurs havu iniulQ a thuiiiugh liivestlgutluii uf thu build ing site fur Japan's exhibits in Kan I'liinilsio, they will return to Japan mid submit their report to thu pruper nuthorllbs During the short stay of thu Slilnjo Mnru In this port, tint euiumlsslunel's will he eiitirtuliud by the local Jap anese line of the piiHstngirs to uirlvu In the euiuu sleanur will thu the lion Toklchl Tuiiaku, Japan's new consul Kiucifil fur Hnwull Thu urrlvul of thn liner will bu u waited with n meat deul of Interest by the loeul Jiipaueno Whithei or not Japan would utllouil ly tnlm part In thu exposition bus been a inn 1 1 1 1- of t'ouslduublu doubt TERRITORY OF HAWAII, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1912. 24 TO PAVING THROUGH lK 'be pi lees sU on thu laud Theso I were iiilnmlb fad, laiiKlrm from entu tu III m.titM imp Mitnuri, flint wlfll Un nvernKe pilco of nboul 6 oriO ceiitH p(r suunm foot. The i;ovrrnin-nl has heen very liberal In Its luterpii tatloii of the statute nttemptlm; to Rive n ilalm to eviryoue who had a Ick.iI or inurul rlKht ' "lf this Is up rely nn atttmpt nf the Kuplolaul 'llstute and Its representa- tli'es tu stir up tiuublc. It lertalnly mines with nn III Kraee The estate has held ii least on tint land for thirty eiin..m a reiuai or nun. ami mriiiK that tlinu has rtnted In the PortiiKUeso , the best of the situation undir thoi'ii n pair of ovornlls which were Rlv- tirms of a vny liberal luise It has on him. This InslKtila of innk seems held I to liavo overthrown his totterltiB rcn ARMORY BY CITY l'nurtPcn thousand dolhns ns a do- notion to assist In the eoiistructlun of tin uiiuory building for tho National (liiard of the Ten ltnr of Hawaii, will be muile bv the illy und county uf II ,..!.. iiuiiuiiiiii ti ii metiiiii; oi lue iiouril oi nil- lurvlsors held ut noon today u special resolution culling fin thu appropriation of $11,000 us u ihimitliin passed on ilrst rending, onlj after u luigthy nml splr - Hid discussion Hupcrvlsnrs Murray, Am.'iiia voted fa- vorhiK the gift, while Low, und Dwlglit opposed the mcusure Refine the urinory donation was II- nally settle il. Low. In rhamplniiliiK the " B opposltlun to the donation, went Into fuels und llgures shew lug the ileplur uhle euuditliiu of school buildings the outside districts He Insisted that lltteen huiidrid chlhlrui were lit the1 present time without pruper fucllltles fur riielvliig up education He nntid thu absence nf permanent ipuirters mid pre die ted that to supply the dellclincy ut least fortv rooms would have to be constructed us additions to tho several buildings McClellan ulso took a stand against the girt h stating that hi his opinion the ell) und county roads wire In great in ed or uttiutloii The sum to he uwiirdid in urinory lOiistrilctlon might be luttir spent on some nf the doiity lug bridges In Mr. MeClellun's opinion Mm lay huiiiploncd the cause of the urinory und declared that the now building when luiuplctid vviuild servo some live hundred guardsmen us u club and Is) a fin lor for good In thu eoiiimiiiiltj Tho iluiuitluu to thu urinory has been one that bus been fought out In ruin- inltlee, ami II look action by a full bo.'lld to KCtllo the illolloll Advertisers Have No STIRS DROP UNDERWOOD'S MEN PIVOT MAY SWING NOMINATION mmmgmmmmmaammm 9ytt - A njJT ri !! uJ mmmmwatma)MaaaamJmauamammmaWamaamwm' w' bHH ttaLmaaaaaaammfytvLVi aWaaaa iSamWH lalllllllllllllllBHPlK. VVB .BlllllllllllllP Vt BBtaWr k immitmlSvfttMI aaHaa. HaHlAaalH JaHiBHavlif JMw ST It J tVtlljf 'LmmWm Ttinc I'lnorllo Soux. rrniu Lvti tu HIkIiI -(Jinornnr I'nn of Mjis:trlni ncIIh, (.'ouriHtr Iliirkr of urth Ihikoliii UnuTiior lluMuIti of Comu client. ( CROWN "My klnitdom for u horse," said son, and lie immediately hernmn coll Itlclmrd, which ileclaumtloii has been vluced that he was the owner of n adapted by a local (, siiffuriui' iironi a rush or rovnny to tnu nraiu, into the cry or A pair ot pants tor ,ny Klnmlum." a , r i,iiiw.iiinilnii ui,i I. ui.nt.l ,, c.(I1,i(. ,., it ,,ot fur tint fuct thul ju tiir,,n(ei,s to end In a truitedy, wns cae,i t , attention of tint pollco this mornliiK by mi army oHlocr nt diadem. The Celestial ultliiiatiim wns Port HiiKer. whose life lias been that the olliier must cither ko to the threatened hv n demented Chlunmnu, Const and brim,' hack tint irowii, oi who claims that his royal crown has furnish the claimant with money for been purloined bv the finny mun, and the trip. that he can nut marry thu royal prill- What sounded like harmless rnv cchs, to whom he Is alllclanceil, In oril- Iiiks took on n serious aspect when Innry liendKenr threatenliiK letters lieKnn to arrive. The story runs that n Chlueso cook, and severnl abusive visits followed in omplosod nt linger by till ollker who inpld suctesslou. This mninlin; the has reiently been transferred, found olllcer, fenrliiR for llio sufetj of his :i ciown stamped as thu trado marl: CORNELL 8 FIRST IS LAST ' rAsnotnletl Tr"iM Catile.l POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y.. June 29. The Intercollegiate regatta, which was rowed here today, resulted In a win for Cornell University. Wlscon- sin was second, and Columbia third. r. - l.. - .-.I B...I..J i Syracuse, rcnnsyivdiua iiiu mii,uiu - ; nnisnea in ine orucr iidincu. i nc showing of the Pacific Coast crew on its first Invasion of the East was a great disappointment. 1 Tho Stanford eiuw, which Willi Ihu i liniupiuiisiiiii nt mo rnuuc tonsi went l.'ast with High hopes of win- Uilng Ihu great Intercolleglato ovont, uui uius.nopes wero buuiuvmuu uuiup ''"" wlll, "l0 PW" a," uncKa' i t,.. Oithftifdkftjl ,ilir.ll sllila V1IU llifilllfvl """""',",,".'" ',' . . """' built in tho Kant, would nut bo cone pleled nnd thul tho Curdlnnls would uso ono of Columbia's old cuift This wns undoubtedly a heavy huudlinp lor tho Const nllilulrt. Aguln, tho crow was somewhat ills organized by tho inability ot I'roil Wlchmau, of Honolulu, who rowed No. U In the iliainplnuslilp Staiifurd crow, to iiiuke thu l;nslcrii trip. Ills ,,.,; wa nV.(,n ,,y ,,,,,, , u,,f tho team work und rhythm, wns broken up nngllBliwoniiiu, who sals she has been hnndlinpped by her fnthur's riches I r,.r,,l '.,w Vnrk iei,.iitlv In uuest nt' I' Job The best wuy to mend u liultuiibolo. which Is loin nut. Is tu luy u ideiu uf chuely-woveii tune hack of It, sow n piiu.o, hell! thu old bilttouliolu to II. cut' out nnd work a new buttonhole In ( Its place ( When a bullon Is torn out it small piece uf tape Is laid Hal between the fold of Hi band and the rouged eilites are hemmed to It und Hi button sewed to tlu Ul Dull Season PAGES. liUnVtSi HUN CIVILIA ) real crown, which hud been spirited to thu i oist ny his former omplovei rue (.liinamiiu maile a pHKrlmnite tu the Post. nml. Ill Hood i:i ullsh and no- nnn.mlv u,.oL-i,. r,,iinii.. plained tho sltunth ollker's suecossor, Fonally responsible Ion to thu dejiarled lioldlnt,' him per for thu loss of tin homo nml family every time he left the post, nppllcd to tho polleo for ns tdstumc Tlio ariust of the crazy Clilnnmnu Is cxpeclod this ufternoon. CONVENTION MEETS AT 830 TONIGHT (Slseml ItuleSln CaMf BALTIMORE, Md June 29. The convention has adjourned until 8:30 o'clock tonight. The progressive dele gates havo considered tho availability of John W. Kern, U. S. Senator from Indiana, to sweep the field. Some pre dict that a nomination will be reached before six more ballots are taken. t Associated Press Catit V BALTIMORE, Md., June 29. The twenty-second ballot gave Clark 500, Wilson 396, Foss 43. ISiws-lnl tin lit I In rahle 1 SEAGIRT, N. J June 29. Wilson wtan. . decided not to go to Biltimore. He thinks ft would be undignified. U. S. SHOOTERS WIN (hnraiil It ii 1 1 1-1 1 ii futile ) STOCKHOLM. Sweden. June 29. The United States team led in the first day of the International rifle shooting, part of the Olympic games. Great Britain is second. AVIATORS FLYING iReeclal 11 ii I let I n ruble) BOSTON, Mass., June 29. The third annual aviation meet opened today, with Harriet Qulmby and Blanche Scott, the women flyersi Lincoln Boaehey, Martin, Fish, Hamilton and others entered, ,,,.,-,., ,.v ,' T ,' . ". i i:itM:i.i:. cm Juno io.jlaiiiiii Millers fume and persona" nppeai- line o it !nrz,1,,eu,:!.1?z!,),,'::r uioilnl Arthur W Itleu und (Jeorge i: Thorn , unnia ii i. I'miitnin hill. I nftor nn hour of eonsultntlon. ending with cci tain slRiud iloi'iimentB and thu ,, ":'" -"- .""" ,u """ liansffr ot ii iheik. hecuiod valuablo '' ''' aJPa"nl hl Underwood has pinnies or tho nged itoot III his homo " ,'"""'., The delegation has voted lit "'llio llclRl.U" to ignore these Instructions. , m . A report is current that there is a Of thu. 15,01)0.000 bushels of bonded i',or Underwood to step aside for lllllinillnn grain linnilleil hy llio ulovn' C"' anU th,al, ln f'ur Underwood lum In Uulinli, thcro nro only a,O0U,..wi'' be named for the speakership. 000 bunliolg left, I 0n ",e twenty-first ballot, the voto The Mayor (luyuur Titanic relief stood i fund hak reuchrd a lotnl of. JU9.TS5 Clnrk, 608 Wilson, 39SVi. Th other showed little change. PRICE 5 CENTS. A' -Vi Bryan Thought To Have Ruined Chances f AsstK'liiliil T'rss cillle DALTIMOME, MD., JUNE 29. THE DEADLOCK IS APPARENTLY BREAKING. THE TWCNTIETH BALLOT GIVES CLARK 512 TO WIL SON'S 3S8. IMMEDIATELY AFTER , THE TWENTY FIRST BALLOT i GIVES CLARK S03, WILSON 395. Assni'intin r-rrsn cable I BALTIMORE, Md. Juno 29. Tho convention has now pono through with iti eighteenth ballot, with tho variout delefjatloni. in most cacet standing stubbornly by 4hoir first choices. There has been practically no varia tion' tor many ballots. Tho eighteenth ballot shows the vote as follows: Clark, 535; Wilson, 361; Underwood, ' 125j Harmon, 29j Marshall, 30j Bryan, 1! Kern, 3' ,,; absent, V 7. On the, fourteenth ballot Hawaii' delegation switched its vote slightly," casting ono vote for Wilson, four for Clark, and one for Underwood, and ha continued this lineup on the succeed. Ing ballots. Y.iinnin jcnnings uryan caused a sensation when he cast vote fop Wilson on the fourteenth ballot. Ho declared that he would withhold til vote from Clark as long as tho New York delegation voted for Clark, as serting that the New Yorkers renro- sented only the wishes of "Boss" Mur phy, the Tammany leader, and that Murphy represented the same interests that sought to dominate In the Chi cago convention." He then cast his voto for Wilson. His speech, eloquent and Impasiioned, sent the convention into an uproar. It is the general belief among tho political wiseacres that Bryan has now eliminated any chances he may have had of being a serious candidate, and that he has offended not only tho Clark forces, but powerful Democrats more closely Identified with the Tammany interests. No nomination was even approached on tho nineteenth or twentieth ballots. On the twentieth, the Kansas dele gates deserted Clark for Wilson amid cheers from Wisconsin. The Undervood delegates are now regarded as the pivotal point of the convention. Underwood has controlled from 110 to 125 delegates since the bal loting first began. Tho candidate to whom he cajts his strength should be able, it Is asserted, to pick up enough more votes to get tho necessary two thirds. ( ililllluiml eahle news l'liuc !)) BRYAN MAKES ANOTHER GREAT CONVENTION SPEECH fiwlil ltnlti tin Oabio) BALTIMORE, Md, June 29. Tho twentieth ballot gavei Clark, 5t2i Wil. son, 38B'2i Underwood, 121'a Har mon, 79, Marshall, Mi Bryan, 1) Foss, 2l James, 3. Bryan's speech created tho wildest scene of the convention nnd was the fost sensational incident of the gather ing to date. The famous Nebraskan leaned on the rail, holding a palm leaf fan and shak ink n warning finger at the delegates. With a defiant glare in his tye, the perspiration streaming from his face and his voice husky, he made a bold and defiant harangue for a progressive candidate and n progressive platform. Cheers, yells, hisses and wild Ques tions were hurled at him, but he did n0 take heed of anvllilno hut ih. nu,. poto of i,,, denunea10, (WILSON WON'T VITHDRAW. Voodrow Wilson may reach Balll- mor1 ,odRVi So (ar h ,, , ,d leieorm from ,,... Kin.. . mi.. ?-:'. .-''" "" "- . ..v.r T... ." ... R,,,. R ... .. . I ne eorgin 5tate senate has wired r"1,,uli!" L'" ff "."d ,n,r"et,"' " uiii i m f- .. .- ' rr- mmm hv iTKr . e.V-.iHim ,' A ' -VMM IM.K.. 1 J.