Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, : : : : October 1, 1859. wor the Ejikmua Nwa, ; .- phe Dead Hope." ; ' v lliWlUfc'- -, . . .... . .-, .' . ;, . . . . i '-J..: L: . " In the white winter will I dig grave, ,; r - ?; ' And gently lay sway my "lent dead;; : Pity xne God, though ia my wretched grief No sigh is given not one tear is abed r, I hare prayed'wUdly through these' dreary hours. Bat much like mockery has been my cry, . For God to spare this one hope of my youth To Jet this cup of bitterness pass by. It will be quite the same another year -The birds will come, the early violets grow; The grass will green upon the meadow-lands, The air grow soft tha murmurous waters flow;--- -.'- . But the sweet dream of my weak woman's heart. Will with the icy winter 'melt and go. But if 'twere better so I still would shrink. And humbly ask for woman's common part, An arm to shield, a smile to cheer and bless To shelter me a loving, tender heart. - Above a winter's gray I stand alone; -, No tears shall flow ome, rather all my ' ' pride ! - : - ' ' ; s Above this wreek 111 simply write these words: "Ho room for grief, only a Hope hath died 1" The Poor Voter on Election Day. T OBX O. WH1TTIXB. The proudest now is but my peer. The highest not more high; : ; f. : ,a . To-day, of all the weary year, , - . A king of men am I. -' " To-day, alike are great and small, ' - The nameless and the known; ...', '.. ... , My palace is the people's hall, , The ballot-box my throne ! . . -, -... . i - -: ' . "Who serves to-day upon the list Beside the served shall stand; - " '' Alike the brown .nnd wrinkled fist, . The gloved and .dainty hand I .u The rich is level with the poor, ' "' The weak is strong to-day; And sleekest broadcloth counts no mora Than homespun frock Of gray. To-day let pomp and vain pretence My stubborn right abide; . v. I set aplain man's common sense , 'Against the pedant's pride. To-day shall simple manhood try The strength of gold and land; The wide world has not wealth to buy ; ; , The power in my right hand ! While there's a grief to seek redress. Or balance to adjust " , Where weighs our living manhood less Than Mammon's vilest dust,- . While there's a right to need my vote, A wrong to sweep away, Up I clouted knee and ragged coat f A man's a man to-day F ' " , A Word to Fretful .Wives. There you are, with your mouth pucker ed up again 1 What's the3 matter ? Are your friends all dead ? No well, have you lost every cent you ever owned ? No are your children ' sick ? Ia your ' hus band cross ? have you got tooth -ache, or heart-ache ? Neither of these, and still as cross as a young bear ! We wonder how your fainily can endure your presence. These young hearts, whose sun you ought to be how you chill them with your frowns and pettishness ! No wonder they long to .get out of the house. And now. you have struck your little child because "he would not stop teasing.'.' Friend, that blow fell on his soul, and left an indelible scar there. He will feel it long after be has forgotten it. Many year3 from now, . when your head i3 laid low in the grave, that blow, given with out cause impatiently, angrily, will do its work. Why can't 70U be good natured. Were ycu never so t Memory points to the days of your childhood seldom the lines of an ger disfigured your brow then. And the man who won your love'' thought "what 'a happy home she will make for me ! How sweet it will be for me to sit down by her side after the cares of the day are over! How beautiful to read for her pleasure to be repaid by 6miles and kisses. And the home -was ready, and the bride established but she proved unworthy of the trust re posed. in her. Instead of meeting care with a hearty laugh, and "get behind me satan," you worried and fretted, and began to tell every little trouble to your husband. It was not womanly; it betrayed a weakness of both head and mind. Imperceptibly ts influence crept into his spirit, chilling it with a worse chill than that of death, till it made a shroud of iron for the disappointed heart, and the charm of love and family and home was gone. .. .. ''Was once ?" how often these words drop from your lips. - '""I wa3 handsome once I was this, that and the other once" and why not now? You, yourself, have , willed your own destiny you have chosen the scold's office; you must receive the scold's deserts. A little philosophy, a few words breathed to heaven for patience a new resolute hope for to-morrow if to-day be stormy a little self-denial in telling pet ty crosses- a great deal less selfishness a desire to make home a sanctuary for your self and little ones as well as your husband and to-day you would have been happier, handsomer, and more, beloved. " J : ; - Fretting sister - in light - affliction, let us ask a few plain questions. Does a spirit of lault-auding lighten your cares? It-your bread is burned to cicaer, does it bring you a good light, ; sweet loaf, to . sit down und worry about it ? If fhe baby ia cross, does it make him. smile like an angel to shake him almost out of existence ? If it rains on washing dav. will vour anathemas hurry out the sun until he stops right over your cioines-nne 7 But if your quick bands should turn to the flour barrel to mould an other loaf if you soothe the weeping babe with sweet words of .a mother's pitying love if you devote your washing day tosome acDroDriate work, how smoothlv ear ;wili iron down his feature, and become your humble slave, instead of the tyrannical master he would be I It is not too late yet; Surprise your bus band with a smile it will be worth a dol lar to see his glance of astonishment; hold the salted water, of. though tfulness in your mouth, that you may say- nothing unpleas ant, and the angel that has been lying pros irate in hia heart with folded wings will be gin to flutter, and lift itself heavenward and look out of its eyes with tha love of the ol den time, and your home will yet be - the paradise you onca coveted. . ' ' . ... It ia good plan to dig the ground wound ten roots of garden shurbs and fruit trees, as it destroys every surface fibre and drives the larger roots downward. Mulching or cul tivating with a hodlo keep down the weeds ci Jet ia the air and moisture, is belter, and fisswer the same purpose. ' Within a lew months K. TV x will be so more. The . bleeding-Territory we have known so long we shall know no more for ever. When we travel into the country we 6hall go out into the State. When we go to the deserts of Lecompton, or the Herald of "Freedom office, we . shall .say,V "Here Walsh plundered the archives, and here Brown preached whatever doctrine seemed most conducive to the public printing." In Leavenworth the pallid fotms of Eastin and Halderman (with- the 'tnaffle hiC in his left hand, ) of Judge Sanders W. Johnson and Dr. Davis will stalk about its black He publican streets with an insane and idiotic glare, aiinueoia turner win en vu iawc a office steps offering shares to a promiscuous public. The play-bills will announce King Lear with H. Miles Moore as Poor Tom. Sammedary, , having failed to make Kansas Democratic, will hastily return to Washing ton, there to await the organization of the Golden Territory. A thousand "as good Free-State-men-as-you-are" will leave in an early boat or become Republicans. All petty incumbents of dirty offices .will swear that they lovd an Abolitionist, and would really enjoy stealing a few niggers. AH these things must come- to pass, but be not ye amazed. -Jilwood Frest. No Use for Trowsefs. On the morning of the meteoric shower in 1832, old Peyton Roberts, who intended making an early start to his work, got up in the midst of the display. On going to his door, he saw, with amazement, the sky lit ud with the taJJmar- meteors, and he con eluded at once the world "wa3 on fire, and that the day of judgement had come. He stood for a moment gazing in speechless terror at the scene, and then with a yell of horror sprang out of the door into the yard,1 right into the midst of the falling stars, and there, in his efforts to dodge them, be com me need a series of ground tumbling that would have done honor to a rope dancer. His wife, being awakened in the meantime, and seeing old Peyton ' jumping and skip ping about the- yard,, bawled out. to him to know what in the name of common sense he was doin out thar, dancin round with out his clothes on. But , Peyton heard not The judgement, and long back accounts he would have to settle, made him heedless of all terrestial things, and his wife, by this time becoming alarmed . at hi3 behavior. orang out of bed, and running to the door, shrieked out, at the top of her Jungs "Peyton, -1 say Peyton, what do you mean, ju.mpin' about thar ? - Come-and put "Trowsers, Peggy, what the h l's the use of trowsers yhen the world's on fire ?'.' The late rain showet? one ludicrous sight an attempt to crowd I two fashiouable dressed women under, an untf orella. . As the soil, however rich it may be, can not be productive without culture, so the mind, without cultivation, can never pro duce good fruit. Gratitude is the music of the heart when its cords are swept by the breeze of kind ness. - ...... . THE GREAT RUSH! Latest from Pike's Peak ! UNPRECEDENTED DISCOVERIES! INFORMATION has just been received that five thousand Indians have collected them selves together in the vicinity of Pike's Peak with a view of driving out the whites already there, and preventing further immigration. But this information is by no means reliable. However, it is a fact that .... HOHNSBY & PICK Have just received, at the "CORNER STORE," In Emporia, the largest and heat selected stoek of SPRING MD jSlIJIER GOODS ! Ever brought into Central or Southern Kansas, to which large additions will be made from time to time. ' Pike's Peak Emigrants ' Will find it. greatly to their interest, U procure their outfits at eur establishment, instead of going w me river towns ior uieru. uur siock consists in part of ..- . " dry goods: Lawns, Silks, Ginghams, Calicoes, Caesinets, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cassimeres, fcc. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Boots, Pants, Vests," Drawers Colico," Hickory, Check, White, Cotton, Woolen, Over and Under Shirts, dc, Ac. : 7 ... r . - HATS AND CAPS. Senate, Cable, Leghorn, Panama, fcc. . - j BOOTS AND SHOES. Men's, Women's and Children's, fine and coarse. GROCERIES. . ... : Coffee, Sugar brown, white, crushed and loaf Teas, Molasses, Elour, drc. .,, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, f I Shovels, Spades, Picks, Saws, ' Hoes, . Axes, ' Car penter Tools, s Butcher, Butter, Case and Pocket Knives. . . . ;,. . '- ; j : GLASS AND QUEEXSWARE,' : A good assortment. - DRUGS AND MEDICINES.--SADDLERY, Doors, Window Sash, Glass, Putty, and, in fact, it is too tedious to undartake, even, to enumerate articles.' The old And the young the afflicted and sick will find at the store of HORNSBYS A FICK whatever is needed, no matter what. You ean hardly name what they haven't got. The poetry lies in the truth of the statement. Call and examine for yourselves, v We would "respectfully call the attention of tha , - - To our stock of '"s .'t,!. V 'f w"-?- - . - Fancy Goods. - : : Ik will certainly not be our fault if in the future they complain that they've "nothing to wear."1 And, in general, we have, and will keep constant ly on hand, .: . . , ;. 4 , Shawls and shoe-brushes, log-thai na and traces, : Pins and pick -axes, linen and Uam. ' Window-sash, side-saddles, shingles and nails. ; iar-ocp waue-oonea out not any whales ; , Claw-hammers and hoops, as well as toe skirts, ! Matches, molasses and Krmrrried clerkt; :: And more than this, the young ladies to suit, 2 A elerk with the goodwell tkrow m to boot! N. B- Butter," Egga, green and dry Hides token in 2ehanlbQod.- - v-HORYSBY & PICK. mporiafcApnl2,l859. ; , SJ-.. FINE BUILDING LOTS ia every part f Em peria, for sale cheap lor cash. " -- March 12, 1859. . L. D. BAILEY. CENTRAL KANSAS LAinr MID COILECTIOH & n isr o -sr : "4 The Oldast Agency id tie Neosho Valley! OFFICE AT THE EMPORIA HOUSE. W" ITH THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE New Year I wish to return my hearty thanks for the liberal support and encouragement that has been extended to me in my business for the past two years. . This office waa opened here about two years ago, not with the expectation of realizing a fortune, but with the hope of contributing some thing towards the settlement and improvement of this beautiful valley; by means of direct personal effort, and by furnishing information to those at the East who were seeking homea and occupation at the West. I have endeavored to keep steadily in view the Future of this town and country, and by means of considerable labor and expense, re gardless of present profit, my business is now es tablished upon a firm, and reliable basis; and I can offer to all who. entrust their business to my care, an intimate knowledge of the country, its in habitants, and their circumstances, derived from extensive travel, and . constant intercourse with settlers, upon and since their arrival. - I claim to be thoroughly conversant with the wants and ca pabilities of this country, and shall never advisd correspondents or emigrants aught they cannot realize. My facilities for the transaction of busi ness are unequalled by any office in the Neosho Valley. I shall attend. all the Government Land Sales, and ean safeiy say to capitalists and others who desire to invest in Western land that I know I can buy better land for lets money, than you could yourselves if present. ' Emigrants in search of claims or eligible situations for lueiness, can always save time and money by calling at this office. Ltate plats showing all unoccupied land, always on hand. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Leases, Co-partnerships, and all other legal docu ments prepared with care, and recorded when desired.. Proof Papers, Declarations, and Affidavits, made and guaran teed perfect. In fact, everything connected with the right of Pre-emption attended to with prompt ness and fidelity. Land Warrants and Money on commisRion or foint account, and coou bargains guaranteed in aft cases. Those having Land, Town property or claims to sell can usual ly find a ready sale through this office, as I adver tise largely, both in Territorial and Eastern pa pers. Those wishing to buy can always find a variety to choose from and good bargains. I will pay taxes for non-residents, and collect debts in all the Neosho river counties. I intend, the ensuing spring, or as soon as the demand will warrant, to commence a series of MONTHL T A UCTI O N SALES Of Real Estate in Town and Country! I now offer for sale the following property, the prices in all cases law, la suit the times : 50 Lots in Emporia, for cash or on time war ranty deeds given. , , ...... 10 Shares in Emporia. , . One House and lot on Commercial street, suita ble for an office or shop, and residence; or for a store. One Houae and Lot corner Merchants St, and Sixth Avenue. ' . 160 acres Land 1 miles from town. 80 acres unimproved land one mile from town. One 6hare in Toledo. Eleven Lots and House in Toledo. Two splendid claims near Toldo. HO aeres land one mile from Emporia. A fine improved, farm of 170 acres, with good buildings, ten acres timber, three miles from town. 160 acres beautiful land on the Verdigris, 40 .neres timber, good water fec'., will be sold very lam. if sold soon. Cl.'ums, Claims, Claims of all Kinds, and in all directions from town. Corresndence solicited. Letters -of inquiry (inclosing si amp) promptly answered. Address: E. P. BANCROFT, January Bth, 1559. . Emporia Kansas. law ;r e n o e WHOLESALE DRUG STORE! WOODWARD & II KEY, In Babcock & Lykins' Brick Building, Are receiving from St. Louis and the Eastern Cities their immense - , - , Spring Stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES, Selected by one of tfte firm just returned from the East. We have the LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE DRUG .. ESTABLISHMENT .. . WEST OF ST. LOUIS !' We will Duplicate Leavenworth or Kansas City Bills with Drugs and Medicines, of the best quality, (guarantied). . At same Prices, or lower! DEALERS, PHYSICIANS, AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY are requited to call or send in their orders which will rective prompt attention. ( ; ; WOODWARD 4t FINLEY. Lawrence, Kansas, June 4th, 1859. ly C. D. FOCLESONC, DEALEJl IX DRY GOODS, HARDWARE CLOTHING, Boots,..Slioe3, Groceries, Hats, Caps, &e., apr23m6.- v . , WESTPORT, MO. THE CORNER STORE! ,TM v D I V E l- E Y ,- . Wholesale , and Retail Deoler .in Groceries and Provisions, S. E. corner of Main and Third sts ; - " f apr23m6 KANSAS CITY, MO Paper Hangings, Borders, &e. C COMPLETE assortment of all . kinds House J Papers. Bordera. Phm n air-t fV. 4 ; and styles to please the most fastidious. Oct 30 Lawrence, Kansas. : , "Wanted, . . , ,. TO borrow "CRAIG'S COMMFRCE OF -THE PRAIRIES-- Any person havipga copy f this wort will confer a favor by bringing it to Tex Nxwaoffiea - - - . -v. " Tor Sale ! G) A f ACRES OF LAND near the Ootton- Emporia, Mareh 12, 1859. 2 - r. t- 7 r I . '. ; . :- '; " To Bent. V. . , - : r il HOUSE AND ABOTJTT THIRTY ACRES XjL of plowed land, under fence, on Dow Creek, seven miles north of Emporia, known as the Alien Pearson place. Apply to L. D. BAILEY. Emporia, March 12. 1853. t . , X7 ANTED, in exchange for goods. Furs, Hides, k f T Tallow, Com, 4c. deell -HORNSBYS FICK. i?-:', s" j - Wholesale Dealers in. vsfr" TOBACCO AND CICARS, ' Campbell's Pour .. Story Building, WEST tEVEE, KANSAS CITY, MO. HU SDELL, VVH EATLEY & CO., Have in store the largest and. best assortment of : Staple, and Fancy Groceries, . On the Missouri Rivera which they offer at EAS TERN PRICES, : with cost, of t transportation added . , . , Ilnbbell, Wheatley Ss. Co ; ": Purchase their goods direct from FIRST HANDS, and are offering them at lower prices than any other house on the Missouri River. Hubbell, Wheatley & Co., J Offer inducements to EMIGRANTS, that no oth er House in the West can offer, . HUB BELL, WHEATLEY & CO., DEFY COMPETITION I Their stock is large and they are determined to sell.' We have in store large quantities of every ar ticle usually kept in a Wholesale . Grocery Establishment. ' . . - - Merchants of Kansas City, South-west Missou ri and Kansas Territory, will do well to examine our stock before purchasing or ordering from St. Louis.. We will at least convince them that no house on the Missouri river can-undersell us. ' lie member that HUBBELL, WHEATLEY & CO. sell at Eastern prices, and only add cost of trans portation. Hides and Corn Wanted ! F OR which the highest market price in gold wm oe paia. HUBBELL, WHEATLEY & CO. Kansas City, April 23, 1859. ly IB U & AND MEDICINES! PRENTISS fis GEISWOLD Are now receiving their SPRING STOCK OF , .. ..' - Drugs and Medicines FROM NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, PITTSBURGH AND ST. LOUIS,. All of which will be sold as low as the lowest at the Lawrence Wholesale Drug , House, . IN THE ELDRIDGE BLOCK, . . OITX POOB SOUTH OF THE MALT EMTKANCI, LAWRENCE KANSAS. N. B. The public in general are invited to " CIV E U S A CALL! V and we will warrant to suit, both in prices and quality. PRENTISS & GRIS WOLD. Lawrence. April 30th, 1859. GEMT WESTEEiV SADPIEEY HAWAEE DOUSE. M'DONAJ-D & KLINE, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Saddlery and Harness, And Wholesale Dealers in Saddlery Hardware, and Trimmings, MAIN STREET, NEAR LEVEE, KANSAS CITY, MO. no69ly UNION HOTEL, MAIN STREET, KANSAS -CITY, MO., THOMPSON McDANIEL, Proprietor, JAMES L. GRAY, Superintendent. ILr This House is centrallv located, has a live ry and J sale stable connected with it. Four lines of stages leave this House daily for different points. D. EL BOLAND & CO, ; Importers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CHINA; GLASS &QUEENSW1RE, Britania Ware, Tea Trays, Table Cutfcrr, Wmhv - Glass" and Leolin .' Glasses WATER COLORS, &C, fcC, ' THIRD STREET, KANSAS CITY, MO. apr33-tf ' " " JAS. C. SANDS, -I-"' "Gr e at "W estern" ' SADDLE AND HARNESS EMP0RIUH, LAWRENCE, KANSAS.' .Wholesale and RetaiL . ; ; n6J-ly , Conveyancing. ' DEEDS and all kinds of Lesral Writing drawn with ;aceuraey at my otBce under Masonic HalL , .; n8i-tf . L. D. BAILEY. For Sale Cheap! LOTS and Shares in Emporia, by ' t April 9, 1859. - , P. B. PLUMB. , For 1 lc at.a Bargain ! A GOOD HOUSE AND LOT in Emporia suitable for a residence. The. location U a good one." For particulars inquire of J. Stotler, at Tux Nsws office. - . - ; : . mav29-tf Cheap Light! BURNING FLUID AND LAMPS ; For sale by , HORNS BY & FICK. , SELF-SHUTTINO Gate Hinges, Gateand Door Catches, Window Sorinffs. Door Locfc and Latches, for sale cheap at PERLEY'S. J LIGHTNING RODS, eheap, at niay21 . ... PERLEY'S. I nnn DRY HIDE3 WANTED, for which , J J KJ the highest cash price will be paid at hovl3-tf . PROCTER'S ; -fNotr is the Time ! TO GET THE CHEAPEST FARM IN THE , Cottonwood, Valley 40. .aeres timber, 40 acres first bottom, 80 aeres second, bottom, 23 aerea feneed,living water, for stock,' a living spring of pure water, convenient to a fine build ing pLaea. Speak quick, or it will be gone. aproOtf - Enqnire of E. P. BANCROFT SPOUTING, GUTTERING, and all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper work done on short notice, by an experienced workman, at iaaySl ' , : PERLEY'S. GUNPOWDER Tie Hazard1 Powder - Company, of Haz- v'- rdyille Connecticut, !:,.:' HAVE BUILT A MAGAZINE AT KANSAS CITY, and will hereafter keep a supply of their Sporting, Mining; and Blasting Powder con stantly on hand, and for-sale, by their Agents Messrs. BALIS & HICKS, of Kansas City. ....... - - : . ' A. G. HAZARD, "President of tha Hazard Powder Company "Hatardville, Sept, 1853. a : O : T I C ' E - ! t BALIS & HICKS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in : ' SCPOL BOOKS & OTATIONBRF , - INCLUDIKa THK : ECLECTIC (M'GUFFEY'S) READERS, NATIONAL SERIES, ELEMENTARY (WEBSTER'S) SPELLERS. - And a large assortment of new and carefully compiled. Text Books Classic and Common. . Wrapping Paper, Wall Paper, Cap, Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes, in every style, Gold Peas, Steel Pens, Inks, fcc, Ac. We Bel! the genuine and imitation : G. D.w PERCUSSION CAPS. Before purchasing elsewhere we ask all buyers to call and examine our Stoek and Prices. We can sell goods in our line lower than any other dealer this side of the Mississippi River. BALIS fe HICKS, Main street, below Third, Kansas City, Mo. n69-ly. . - . N.., FYTCRACKEN, Wholesale Dealer in GROCERIES, FORWARDING fe COMMISSION 2I E 2Ft C H -A. 1ST T. Delaware Street, North side, bet. Second fe Third, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. . no77-ly , - THOMAS CARNEY & CO., successors to cabxet, poset CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' PROVISION Commission Merchants, Corner Levee and Cherokee Streets, 83-ly LEAVENWORTH CITY, KANSAS TREFREU", WARD & CO;, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in: IKON, HARDWARE, GLASS AND STONE-WARE, Agricultural Implements, ! AUBC Rubber and Leather Beltings, - Packing, Sheet Lead, Lead and Iron Pipe, Bos ton Circular Saws, Pump, Rope, Corn Shel . lers. Straw Cutters, Plows, Harrows, Fanning Mills, &c. f LILLIE'S FIRE-PROOF SAFES. Nos. 9 and 10 Levee n60-ly KANSAS CITY, MO. Books, Stationery, etc. O. WIL3I A R T II , LAWRENCE, KANSAS, DEALER in all kinds of -Rooks. Stationerv. Periodienls. rtr. would call the attention of the nnblie to hia new and large stock of goods, which is superior to anything of the kind ever offered to the Kansas public. His stock of WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, INKS, Ac. is particularly fine. He has also on hand ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS now used in the Territory, Fancy Articles, Periodicals, all the popnlar .magazines 01 uie aay; music ana Musical Anstru ments. O" Recollect the place in the New Post Office Building on Massachusetts street, Lawrence.- STREET & BAKER, . WESTPORT, MO., Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, Boots & Shoes, Hardware & Qaeensware. Also, keep constantly on hand, a large stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, AND OUTFITTING GOODS, GENERALLY. We are determined to sell Goods as low as they cau ws uvugut iu uut scvkiuu ui CUUIlLTy. . - n69-ly . v . W. R. SNELSON, KANSAS CITY, MO., Importer and Wholesale Dealer in . FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, Oils, ; fives,; BrnsBes,- Wypw Glass, .Cksswarer Per FUMERY, & FANCY GOODS, and all things belonging to a first-class Drug House - j.u buuiuoq m, large ana wen seieetea stock 01 WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, which are offered at very low figures. . O Orders respectfully solicited. c,r-.-- apr32m6 Hare Chance for Investment. THE subscriber offers for sale, CHEAP FOR CASH, 160 acres of land, within two miles of Emporia,' lying on both sides-of the Cotton wood river and affording one of the very .best MILL PRIVILEGES in Southern Kansas, with ample fall, rock bottom and rock banks. Also about thirty acres of GOOD TIMBER on the land. For further particulars apply to M. A. Morse, Barlingame, or to the undersigned at his office in Masooie Hall Building. Emporia, June 25. . L. D. BAILEY. ; c. u CARTT W. a. SAXSXXT, M'CARTY & BARKLEY, f . FORWARDIKG;CCOMMISSI0K s a ha.,3tts, Greneral Steamboat Agents V - A5D cbsVLECTOBS; ; ! ' Riddlebarirers Fire-Proof Baildingy Nos. 5 and 6 LeTee. - - - KANSAS CITY MO. feb5-ly V "V; . , V . . H A R D .W A E E! Cnamberlin & Carpenter, -' " Levee, 2 Doors. East of Main Street, " KANslS CITY, MOT - I v : Have tn Store, a large and well selected stock of HarfwaSlrbn, Hails, r - steelh glass," sash; : CORDAGE, SAWS SAW-MILL FIXTURES, Blacksmith's and Carpenter'a Tools, and Farm ing Implements, e., &c., which th ey will sell at the lowest CASH prices, ; - ; may2tf-i EICEXED PORK AND WHITE FISH 4 .For sale cheap by t HORNBY3 A PICK; EMPORIA! PINTER'S CHEAP CASH STORE Competition "Ho Whar!" riHE subscriber is happy to annoil JL numerous friends and particularly The People of Southern Kansas in general that he has now in store ana for sale WHOLESALE AND RET4Tp" at his well known establishment. 159 rv street, EMPORIA, the mmejciai LARGEST, BEST SELECTED, AKr CHEAPEST Stoolc of Goods! ever offered to the public South of the Kaw River Valley! Consisting in pait of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, POWDER, LEAD, AC, AC, AC, AC, 40. Among the other articles I would enumeraU lU following, viz: 200 Sacks extra-superfine Fleur; IO Sacks Rio Coffee (New Crop); 5 hhds. prime N. O, Sugar; 5 bbls. white crushed do , IO boxes Malaga Raisins; IO chests best Imperial Tea; 6 " Youug Hyson do; '"a Oolong do; SO bbls crackers; 2 tierces Rice; SO sacks Dairy Salt; SO " coarse do: 50 bushels dried Peaches; T casks baking Soda; IO doz. cans oysters; IO sardine; IO bushels Nuts; 10 boxes Glasgow No. 1 Tobacco; 20 boxes best "Venable" do 5 boxes best Natural Leaf; 5000 pure Havana cigars; 5O0O " Yarra do. 25 boxes Family Soap; 5 boxes Erasive Soap; 3 boxes Castile Soap; IO boxes Star Candles; 1G boxes Mould do; . IO cases Friction Matches; 4' 10 boxes Ohio pattern Axes; 10 kegs Hazard Rifle Powder; 10 " Blasting do; 20 bags shot (assorted sizes;) 25000 "G. D." Rifle Caps; 300 lbs. Lead; 10 coils Manilla Rope; 12 doz. bed cords; 12 pieces heavy Satinett, 10 bales Sheetings and Drillings; 100 nieces Fall and Winter Prints; 5 hales Cotton Battihg; 50 Kegs Nails; 20 boxes glass, (various sizes); 7 ceroons Indigo; . 10 nests Tubs; 10 dozen hooped Buckets ("Shaker Pails"; 2 doz. Well Buckets; And last, though not least, FIFTY CASES CUSTOM MADE B O O TS & SHOES! selected and purchased by myself from the beit Boston Manufacturers. DRUGS and MEDICINES In connection with my general assortment of goods for this market I have also a full and com plete assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, among which I may mention ' . , 50 ounces Quinine; ' ; 10 doz. Smith's Tonic;" 1 ' 10 doz, Cholagogue; 5 doz. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, : Also, ' --' shaxlsnbkrqe&'8 ateb's, . . ' . weioht's, moffatt's, . ' bush's, . tt morse's , PILLS I And an immense variety of other popular Medi- nes. ? . .: ID The Medical Denartment is under chsrgeoi a skillful nd exneneneed Drntreist. All pro scriptions carefully compounded and labeled. I am also the exclusive Wholesale Agent for th sale of ;-. . .' .. . . : . . DR. JAYNE'S CEL2BEATED 1 FAIRLY HEDICLTOi th connhiPK nt P.rpokinrJH ?. M&dison. Butl arid wise, and have constantly on hand a larj supply ior sate low for easni ; Wanted, in Exchange for Qoodsl Dried Hides ; Good shaved Oak or Walnut Shingles; Bills on all sound banks; Drafts and Checks; Corn at - current rates; and' O We dont do a credit business nor take pi in promises! ' .. '- ' - . ; i WE CANT TRUST! ' DONT ASK US.'! TT?nf!TP".Ti t-om th. fmnnrtnnitv to eXPI his thanks to the many friends who have so 'liber ally patronised him "from the tart" and pW himself that if prompt and careful attention. J prices ana jair oeaung ua eaum and increase of the public favor, . - - to merit it :.:- . ftw. v---. - . EE2IE2IEE1I THE PLACE! PROOTEITS EMPORIUM , t,, Comsiettltl Street!7;. West Side two doors south of the EF" V . .u 'C'-tia llovtel -.' ''" : - BE A R IN J) 1 ;' That ray goods are going off like " Hoi C alcei ! at a Kansas Hotel! Call and see for. yfowjj, as the Queen of Sheba did on her icisit to o mon," that "the half ka$ potheen told you. ; ' WHO BUY AT, WHOLESALE! - lanporia, Nov. 7 '483.