Newspaper Page Text
IMPORT A XEWS. KUIOAY, MAY 14, 1875. N.w Ai Kit risj'.vKST'. We pre.ient thin week the following list or new ad VtTtiseinent. than. K. Vlftvm & Co. Lumber. Kandolph & Sedgwick Legal uotice Titndj & Kaxtman Pocket book found, Wanted A irl to do bouse work. To trade A iony for a cow. S. M . Wheeler Co wt for sale. lobu K. Muddock Administrator' no- tire. S. J. Smith A Co. rump for sale, list of letter remaining uncalled for in the pout oilier. K. McLennan Houae for sale. Hruner X MeMurtrte -Charter Oak The a-eMor is around. s.J. Smith ba pot in a vory large as sortment of uun, of every kind. . Keoiviuber the sociable at Itev. V.'altsr's next Wednesday evenlnj. Mr. ONGKEUATIONAC CHURCH. Lat erv. ! of the sesson at 11 next Sunday. AOASSiZ Cxub. Regular meeting, free, at the formal hall nest Friday evening. High W. Ind bus been doing- a heavy business In this part of the country lor xorne week. Kev. A. L Averill Mill preach at the r.aptist church next.guadar evening;, at the usual hour. A CO pound cattl.,1, caught In the Neo sho. was sold In slices on Comraerrial "treet last Friday. Mr. IIupp, of Center township, report rop and fruit prospect, good In that por tlun of the county. Maua Muller will binn the hay.roaklng at r.ancroft hall on the ocasloa of the reat Haymakers' concert. Johh aagacloiuly aaya "moat people re pentov their than king Uod they ain't so wicked az their nabora." Tho wife and son of J. II. Houston, K.. arrived from Cleveland thia week, and will become permanent resident. 111. Conner I putting up a 1J story ad dition to his hou.e, 1 1 by US feet, and will improve tho old houae so as to make a v-ry eligible residence. Hoy your fruit where tho largest a, ooi tmeut la kept. HankJa A Butler al ways have a aupply of orangey lemons, lunanaa, dates, Ilga, apples, c. The A., T. A tt. F. well at the round home furnishes eight feet ot water. This is an Important matter, and may result in an enlargement ot the building. Not to speak of the best soda water fountain in Emporia, llankla & Butler liavo the largest variety imported Key West and domestic cigars to select from Wo have all heard a great deal about -making hay while the sun shines." Tbatts an easy job. If you want to see how It ts made after the sua goes down, lake the early train for Bancrott hall Krlday evening. May 2Sth. ti. W. Blrney, tho telegraphist at the A., T.!& 8. F.-depot, went to St. Louis Wednesday, and will visit his home in Northern Missouri fir a couple of weeks, to sec if he can't fat up a little. He has run down to only 180 pounds. iJociABLR. The ladies of the M. E. church will entertain the members and friend or the congregation at the real, donee of the pastor, on the corner of Con titiitlcn street and Fifth avenue, on Wednesday evening next. May lth. The members of other societies and tho public generally are invited 'to be present. Re. IreshmenU will be served. Speaking of advertising, we got a pos tal card Monday, saying: Fort Scott. Mav ?. is:r.. "In the laat number of Thk New you auveruw a gooa uavis rerrigeralor Tor sale. How good is It? What is tbe low est it can bo bought tori"' And yet some business men try to de lude themselves with the idea that people don't read little advertisements . K. P. Bancroft, who was in Leaven worth Monday evening, and saw Col Anthony a few minutes after be was shot says that unless Embry had soon been well guarded In jail, tbe citizens would have lynched htm. He thinks there Is no chance for Anthony to recover, and that It was only his fainting which permitted tbe blood to coagulate and stop its flow trnni tbe severed artery. New SnoP. James T. Kskridge has opened a new shop In the old Dixon building, comer of Commercial street and Seventh ayenue, for making and repair lug boots and shoes. Mr. K. Is a well known workman, having been engaged nt William Clapp'a for several years. His work will reconimeud Itself. He de serves a full share of the patronage of tbe public, and we hope he will receive it. Topeka is squirming at a- fearful fate over Its anxiety to get the Insane Asylum bx-aled llpre, aud its equal anxiety to avoid paying my lonus, Tho trustees h ive selected a f IK500 site, and will locate itlliere if the citizens buy and donate nul l site, and they want to buy it bad. but don't want to pay anything for it. The way they wiggle is distressing. II I bey can't donate a site, the trustees had lct ter come to J&mporla. Emporia Builder Ahead. John Hammond, of thla city, has received the contract to build tbe agency biddings at i he new Potto watomle agency on the Soldier, twenty miles north of Topeka. His bid was 97,oOO on the work. It Is to be doue within two months, wheu Mr. Hammond will go to work on his $7,000 contract of a similar character In the In li au Territory. John generally gets away with the baggage. ' j'atuonh. Take Notice The next regular meeting of Amcrlcus Distrist Council or Patrons or Husbaudry will Ue held on tbe tfrst Monday in June, at 10 o'clock a, m. Installation of officers and other important business to be transact ed. There will also be a meeting or the directors ot Amerlcus Commercial and Manufacturing Company on the same ly. Let us have a good turn out. i:, J, Moore, Secretary. " . Cueai Advertising. Wo start this week a column beaded "Five Cents Line," to accommodate parties who wish to advertise little matters, such as want ed, found,, stray a, for rent, for sale, Ac It will be kept tn tbe same place every Is sue, t&e last colutnu ou tbe second page, and if used, by the public, as it ought to bo at those rates, will e readable and generally looked after. Each advertise- pient will be uniform in style, condensed. tilassiiled, and cheap. Emporia capitalists have branched out into a new business, mere is nuiie L-rowtb of black walnut In the Indian Territory lvlair between Kansas and Tex as. It is known that walnut lumber brings a hish price In tbe eastern market. Two Kansas men are now in the Na tion" getting out walnut timber. Thy have made friends witu tos leading; ineu amon the Indians, and by the pay went ora small royalty, have lite prlvt. leue or taklu all tbe timber tbey choose. Tuey are taking the walnut cieau for a UWtaaeeof sevenly-live miles alone tbe railroad, and a strip about ten miles wide. They deliver it on board the cars tn tbe capitalists of Emporia, at tbe State line, and tbey ship U to Boston, and will make their "leeUe pile." Commonwealth, Correct, but we are not at liberty to mention names. Tho Haymakers. Friday evening. May 28, 1875, has been fixed upon as the date of the coming mu sical entertainment, to which we railed attenUon last week, and Bancroft hall as the place. The price of admission will be announced next week. The rehearsal is entirely carried on by a number o' the bent singers and most accomplish ed musicians in eur city, and It is expect e J to lie a rare musical treat. WEST POINT CAIKTSIIir. Having a Cadet at Wet Point to ap point from the 3d Congressional district, a couipetiUvu examination will be bad belore Dr. O. It. Pomeroy, Ires't State Normal school, L. D: Jacob, M. 1)., and F. B. Hunt, Esq, County Superintend ent of Chase county, at Emporia, on Sat urday, the 20th day of May, a. I). 1875. Candidates must bo between tbe ages of seventeen and twenty-two, at least live feet in hclgutb, and must be phy sically fit for the military service; they must be well versed in reading, in writing, in cluding orthography, and in arithmetic, and have a knowledge ol the elements or Knglish grammar, of dewiriptive geogra phy, especially of our own country, and of tbe history of the In i ted States. The randidate rejortod to me by tbe ex anil n iners will ie appointed, and must report etWet Point on the linh day or June pro v. Wm. K. Brow.v, M. C Cd Dint, or Kansas. Now then, here Is a chance, offered in tbe broadest republican spirit, by oar member e-r Congress, which we trust the youth of this district will appreciate. Tbe diligent scholar may win tbe ap pointment. , ! I. O. of Q. T. The lollowing officers were duly instal led at the last regular meeting of the Good Templars in Orange hall in this city: Kev. Clark. W. C. T.; Miss E. Melville, W. V. T.; Kev. Walker, W. C: A. OriJ- ley, Jr., W. 8.; F. H. Clark, W. F. S.; A. Stubbs, W. T.; Joe Murphy, W. M.: Miss Piper, W. I. O.; John Carter, W. o. tt. I.BO 1 AdTtsra, Subscribers will ' please' to remember that our rates are $2 per year ir not paid in advance; '(LM' if paid til advance. There are a number who have not yet aid for 187a, and if they want to save .V) cents, by getting Th News for $LM In stead oft, they wilt make a note of this. Call and hand in or send us the itaxh without much delay. We must have sub scriptions paid up promptly. 'He why, he's one of the most intern lerate men in town." What! loea he drink ". . J 'No, but be chews tobacco all the time." This is all we caught of tbe conversa tion as we passed, but It suggested to us the idea that Intemperate chewing, smok ing, lying, swearing, and swindling, may be as objectionable as Intemperate liquor drinking. Yes, and backbiting, slander ing, and gossiping are more so than any others. Pity that all kinds of intemper ance can't be suppressed. a 1 1 (9VKRNMENT AID TOR LYON COUNTY. Sergeant Johu Staby, of Co. 1 19th In fantry, Fort Riley, has been in the city for several days distributing the portion of government aid allowed to this county. He has bis headquarters and supplies over tbe suinple store of the Elevator and Milling Company, and we found him at h'.s post and everything In readiness to relieve those whose names were on the list. He brought here lbi.ofcorn meal, 7,070 lbs. of shoulders, and 1,413 lbs. .of beuns. This is to be distribut ed to L12S persons. The Sergeant had a list or the suiferers mode out by townships, which we believe were rurnishej by the trustees. We were rath er surprised at the array of names In this county who could take the necessarv oath to get this aid. Of course a large proportion, of them were women and children. The names of several gentle- men, appear whom we supposed owned good farms. It Is estimated that the pro visions will furnish ten days' rations for each individual on the list, anil savea them from buying over $1,000 worth of provisions. A Supply of Watar. some of our citizens take an i merest in water works, and Topeka is figuring on that question. From the report of the Topeka city council proceedings of Mon day we clip the following, as the est! mates would no doubt answer closely for Kniporia: Tho Mayor introduced F. M. Mahan, president of the National Water Works, which company hal put in such works in some titty cities. Mr. Mabau said he bad not had time yet to give full details, but would to-day ex amine further. He spoke in general terms of the value of such works, the decrease in tne rates or insurance, etc., and askeu lor an expression as to whether tbe citv wauled to own the works, or desired to grant a franohise to some company to supply the city with water. He thought there was no place high enough for a res ervoir, and therefore tbe direct pressure or nouj system wouia nave to be used. ir a franchise was granted, it would be expected that the city would guarantee a certain net revenue, but tbe amount be coma not now stale, but thought It would oe aooui tf'ju.ouu. nansas City guaran teed the sum of sixty-eight thousand dol lars. He estimated tbe ot tor family purpose at $2 per year fur each room in a bouse. Bath rooms and water closots f& per year. miMnesa nouses or tbe pur poses of spriukling street, washing floors. etc.. aud use of water at ttrst, Sti.i.l for a lot i.'i tret wide. The cost of pipe from the maiu to the bouse :ui cents a foot. The cut oil' $7 and tbe other expenses ac cording to tbe taste of the occupant. It is more expensive than gas titling. It is usual when franchise is granted to give It for years with privilege of renewla, the cily to have the privilege or buying at any time. Will expect donation of land lor works and exemption from taxation The Coialns; House. Mr. Kskridge evidently follows the scriptural advice about building houses, as ins foundation wall proves. It is be ing constructed In this wsy. A cellar is excavated under the entire building, to a depth of reet. The wall then goes up -licet Above the surface, making a total ncigntu of 7H ft for the cellar. At the bottom Is lirst placed a layer of broken stones, six inches deep, upon which ts poured ccmeut, making the layer solid throughout. A row ot stones one foot high and three feet wide, are set uin this cemented bed, and then the wall is continued up, or lirst -class stone, to the top. where it is two reel wide, and the brick work goes down between the joists ana ueninu tne sill to moet the stone. thus bedding the house completely into the wall. The brick wall will lie tbe same thickness all the wit uu as that of tbe Aorinal school building, 10 inches. with an air chamber of two Inches, mak log IS inches in all At every fourth course the brick will connect the outer and inner walls together. Tbe caps and sills will all be ofdresed stone, of course, and the roof is to be set on in such a way uiat tt wm stay there. We have not seen the plan of this real denoe, which was drawn by Haskell, of Lawrence, m accordance with Mr. Ek ridge's outlines, but understand it is to be one of the largest and best real deuces in the state. Th heights Is two full sto ries. The foundation wtll be finished by July 1st, and II Mr. Eskridge concludes to enclose the building this season, the brick walls will he started not later than August 1st. It may be, however, that he will defer doing more than the founda tion work until next spring, when the reaidcoce will be pushed to corajjetlon wiinoui iaii. " ood Thomas can fix your house so that the seetle an j lovable "mnskeeter" cannot present his bill to your form, nor the hungry and devouring fly will not mUe you afraid when you want to sleep mornings. If you want to keep your wire ana uaugoters sweet tempered all summer, consult these gentlemen. Ton will save the cost on whitewash. OI K ni M .US. A Card. Kos. News: Since the announcement two weeks ago in Thk News that I would hereafter place loans on long time at ten per cent, interest, payable at the end of each year after the Interest is earned, it has been industriously circulated th at this advantage is made up for by certain outside charges, commisbions, Jtc. 1 therefore take this measure of saying that these loans will be made at as little ex. pense to tbe borrower as will be incurred with any other loan agent in the city. Edwin Watekbuky. May 13, 1873. ' ; , 0U C. F. Pierce A co.'s card to-day tell the story in brief. They have a very large and choice stock, and it is wighty hard work to undersell them. Smoke James Smith's celebrated Inipc. rial cigarvthe finest in Kansas. Concentrating Wibley A Jlenson have sold their store at Cottonwood Falls to C. C. Watson, or that place. Their ob ject in so doing was to get Howard Kath bone back to Emporia, as their force of salesman here was not adequate to wait on their customers. Wc arc informed that notwithstanding the hard times, Wibley & f Ienon are selling goods faster this season than at any time during last year. The public can depend upon find ing at their dry goods and clothing empo rium at all times accommodating clerks and proprietors, ready to show all the latest styles O' seasonable good.. Ami as for prices, W. A B. can dive down lower, and stay down longer than most anybody else in that business. Their new sum mer goods arc worth traveling a hundred miles to look at, or to purchase. To tho Fnbllc. We are tfce sole agents for the sale of the Howe Sewing Machine tn this part of the state. The Improved Howe Machine cannot be purchased of any one else in this or adjoining uouatie. If any wish the old style Howe machine', we will "ur nih It at thirty per cent. on". Hanna & STAltK. Smoke James Smith's celebrated I-jiite- rial cigars, tho finest in Kansas. - ' ' ' Th Popnlar Blachlnv. Below we cive the statistics of the sales of the different sewing iuachiiies for the last threo years. As will be s.n, the sales of tho Finger has steadily incrcascdi while the sales of all others have decreas ed, with one exception. This shows the reference tbe people have for the Sinirer machines. J. C. Hall & Bro. r th. gents In this place, and they inform us their sales this year wilt exceed the sales of any previous on. They have some machines in their store that are beauties, aud will do any one good to see them. If ou want a reliable machine, take the ex perience of thousands' of others and buy a Sinirer: SEWING MACHINE SALES TOli Tiinn? YEARS. 1872. 18-3. 3874. 21,758 232,444 2 1,C70 174,08 llj,lSJ i)2,M7 40,554 40,114 fcVaO Singer Wheeler a Wils. Domestic TOTAL lilCi.SW :s,l5 112,368 108,189 S4,708 Ul ,438 50,043 40.041 :;ono ;si,773 :S0,270 O rover A Baker (estnntiteih 53,010 43.444 33.G39 lM,8il7 3,171) ai,7.'j 1B.8M 21.S47 1M31 20,0TO ao,4.i5 13,710 17.5S5 15,314 18,5t S5,CW 17,fcOS 5,517 Weml WitleoxJtGiblH Wilson Gold Medal American B.II, liowe (est'd) Kemington 14.12 No retarn 4.HM 9,183 i lorem-e B. P. Howe Victor Davis 15,7J 11,4)07 11,001 11, mo -.,05U Bit 8. SIM J 18,U1 7.44ti 2S,836 C25 35,0i 20,337 11.51 1 !),S09 M.282 8,(l no ret. Blee A'.tnn :;,0rl l.Sfifi y,4l 4,541 217 a7 1,000 2;V) 514 no ret. lis Seoor Keystone Bartruin & FenU-n 1.000 2,'Jlil 2,350 Centennial 1.0U0 1,514 McKay 138 708,rj6 077,500 028,013 1,812,000 A. gentleman writing from Ohio to have his name put on our list, says: "1 am pleased with The Mews in all respects. Prom its appearance I would not think It hailed from a countrv where the grasshopper is a burden." We would like to have some men tell us their laea as to how The News cre ates abroad the -impression that this city and section are alive and progressive. It Is simply because it shows a large amount of home advertising. That Is what peo ple always judge the business nnd enter prise of a city by. It payB, too. to create such an impression, because It attracts a good class ot new settlers. If you want Emporia to be judged favorably! east. Keep its papers full of advertisement. City Flaaneea. The present cltv erovernnient iniK-rit.l a floating indebtedness or $l,iiu.3.". Lt us see wnai is will lo with it. ileal Estate itegisier. It can probalrly, with a license revenue all the year, clear off that indebtedness. We think so for the following reasons The city government which begun opera uon April 20, 1871, Inherited a floatiug indebtedness, of outstanding general fund scrip, of fl.2C7.38. The first claims it passed, May 4, were for expenses incur red by the previous administration, to the amount or tSSZ.U. Add this to 1.- ot.uo, anu its entire Inheritance or un paid scrip was f 1,093.62. During the year tne license revenue was suspended several times, and unusual legal bills, In cluding some rroni Messrs. Kuggles, Buck, Bay and Hunt, alt on account of old suits beguu in 1872 and 1873. were paid to amount of about $ 1,XJ. $3.13 were also appropriated as legal fees for the old float suit. It is therefore evident that had not it leen lor the settling of these old claims, the cltv government which weut out last mouth would have left little or no Aoatintf indebtedness, and as it Is. it scents that it left 1 100.20 less such indebtedness than tt inherited. We get the latter figures from tho tacts that when the nrcsent citv Government began, April 19, it found outstanding gen eral fund scrip .to amount of $1,0.".4.87. The bills, f 431.87, It passed Monday even. Ing, May 0, were Incurred under the pro ceeding administration. Total, $1,40.24, or $10ti.2u less than was outstanding May 5, 1374. The city therefore did not run Into debt last year. It was also a lucky year tor ine city, because the courts quuhed its 4,5)0 manufacturing bonds. and it won the liquor and improvement suits, including judgments of several thousand dollars. The improvement bonds have not cost more than a Taw years' Interest, and at least resulted in the establishment of a permanently suc cessful foundry uuder its present man. agement, so those who Ixsued thein may take due credit. Taking the financial results of the pre vious year Into consideration, and every year since Emporia became a city, and comparing Us debt and that of other cities in the state, we know of none which has done better from the beginning after all, or la uiorc lightly burdened for what it pos sesses. We believe that tbe present citv government will have aud wisely improve many tluancial advantages, and should soi.w surpnscu it is closed its vcar free of floating debt aud with scrip at par, ii it uas not to lneur any unusual ex penuitures, and we do not now foresee any large oues of that description. So mote it be. Frn Groeatwood County. Lena Valley, May s, 1S75. auis is ine northeast corner of Greenwood county. We have changed the name from mii Valley to Lena T auey, the name of our agricultural society to the Excelsior Farming Club, anu our souooi house to Fairview. We have preaching regularly every Sab- oatn,jina babbath school, and all feel use we are Drethren, and that U tlie way we ought to live. We have had rather close times for the last six months, as we raised noth injj last year. But let ns stick to it, beys, plant more fruit trees, watch over them, and keep out the borers. Plant shrubs of all kinds. Don't be discouraged, and you. wlU cam out all rightly. fe- tame .to ibli stat to etayj and intent to u?k to iti Our corn is nil in,' arul evcrythin-r looks favorable. v 1 have a Jettcc4rom Fulton county, 'Illinois,' iying -that the Kansas fever is lively in tlmt state. We will have fruit in Kansas this year, as the bmls sre all right. We are look ing for Childers back Ironi Illinois in a couple of weeks, and then we will tell wltat lie ha to say altout thinjrs there. J. W. . : An Opening. Hue week from, next Saturday there will be an examination .at .the . Xonnal school of candidates for the" West' Point military academy. Candidates rntist hi from 17 to 22 years old, able-bodied - The examination will 1e ou the ordinary Eng lish studies. The candidate attaining tha highest grade will become a Cadet, re ceiving one ration and 300 per annum during the course of study, aud rcceiyiiiir a coimniiMtoii in the armr upon rradiiat- The school at Weit Point is understood to Ie tliorout-h in several department, especially mathemat lc, the French lan guage, engineering, and physical culture. It It supposed to graduate a line, dashing lot of jounz officers, whose future li rea soaably assured ly the nature cf their" profession. Steady employment and rea sonably good pay ore the .certain perqui sites of Captain JlnLs. lie ban no moral right to marry while .in the service and his society will be mostly aboriginal. His principal duty is that of policing the frontier, and his prospect of promotion not over-brilliant, as colonels and Rcnerals "seldom die and never reMga". in these tines pf peace. The men under his com mand will" not intensify, his respect for human nature; only the lowest grade of dead betiTsy-fTiliisl npw-a-.days in the regu lar service- KevertbeleB, U. 4s a good and honorable" sphere of wort, 'and we hope taatoiir district wilf- He worthily refpresented at West Point. THINGS AS I SAW TH KM IN IIABTFOUU i ,Kiitoi.s Emporia Xkws: I arriv- ei in Hartford verv uarlv in the d.iy, and proceeded at once to tlie school house, where I found a nrnrry- mtiking group of childrcd and our old time friend and classmate,-at'the ybr- ml, John M. Spaugler. Xine o'clock caane and went, and the school was eajled to order, opened by tlie calling of tin; j-oll, and devotional ,eercLjoi." aio singing was "the best ever heard by the writer in a school of this land, and the sweet little song snng Hopes with these words: -,?jt ! "I love to tell tbe story, j For those who know it best beera hungering and thirsting 1 To hear it like the rest i ! And when In scenes of glory. I I'll sing the Mew, New Song, ' 'Twill be the Old. Old Storv 3 1 1 f ' " !i'f"-J That I have heard so long.' , 34 The song was sung -'with the spirit and understanding," and as the sweet, thrilling strains of vocal music filled tlie room, it also lilled our hearts with joy and gladness. Following this ex ercise came the reading of the '4th chapter of Revelations, and then re peating the Lord's Player In concert. The reading of the morning lesson and tho Lord's Prayer were rendered in perfect unison and concord and very feelingly. Eight here allow ma to say to my friends that the years of patient la.'bor of our able superintendent, Prof. A D. Chambers, have not been in vain, but have been the means of pro ducing many excellent scholars. Hart ford has been very fortunate in secur ing first-clas3 teachers . aud citizens. aaaong whom are Prof. Chambers, Wm. p. Gould, formerly principal of tbe city schools of Emporia, and J. M. 3pangler, of the Xormal. Prof. Chambers commenced his woik as a teacher in this place about the fall of 13CG, and remained in the school till the year 1S70, when he was selected to the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, and after serving his time of office, returned in the school, I be linve, and there remained till last win ter, when he was again called to lill tie above mentioned office. Mr. Wm. P. Gould Is another of our best educators. How long h taught in Hartford I am unable to say, but did good work for his pupiu?. We found him at home, surrounded with friends, comfort and ease, besides be ing on the stall of the railroad compa ny. TJut a few years ago, with the writer, he belonged to the useless army of crusty old bachelors, but now he has a kind and loving- wife arnl a boy after his own heart, and he is si goo 1 husband and a happy man. May ho ever prosper. Mr. Spangler is also well known to all Knaporiaites, and it needs but a line or two front, mp pen, to teUypn that he is still filling the rs'.nksof the teach er and preacher. As a teacher, I judge" him to be a success", and arenerallv liked. His school hi very orderly, stu dious and wide-:-wake. I remained in it a half day, and noticed its work ings with pleasure and prolit. 'Among the many good recitations heard was a class in Knglish grammar. Several essays were road on tho subject, "Which is the more profitable and pleasant employment, larming . or school-teaching ?" Several young men and ladies read their papers with cred it to themselves and teacher. The tiest essay on this occasion was read by a Mr. Carey, who is beyond an av erage of composition writers, even in our state institutions. He is also one of the assistant, teachers in the same school; also, Messrs. liuby and Rule, and Miss Julia Baysinger, each of whom Is doinsr a. good, work; Upon -the whole, I think the school is prosper- i ing ami tne pupus advancing nicely. Dr. Sutton, formerly of Americus, is the pro prietor of a good stock of drugs and doing a large business in the heal ing art. He is also the village post master, and. judging trom his court eous manner towards all, he certainly is the right man in the right place. C Harden & Bro. occupy the same building with the Dr., and have a good stock of goods dry goods, gro ceries and fancy notions and are hav ing a good trade during these hard times. Tbe senior member of the firm, a bachelor of the deepest hue, is now preparing to go "down east," and for what is tbe question hurting some of the young folk3 of this and adjoin ing towns. As to when he goes, or where he goes, or what he does, or who he brings back with him, is none of my easiness; but I hope that Mrs. Hardin will retarn with him, and that they may live long together. , -. Married. At the residence of the bride's father, April 2." 1S75, by Elder Miller, Mr. Wm. Bethuram and Miss Allen, both living near the Rapids. ' Mr. B. was an okl soldier comrade of ours, and if be snakes as good a bus- -band as he did soldier, his sweet bride, surely'will not complain. And so the old baches go one; by one, passing trom single to their double state. f Je will succeed in life's battles better. Ti'ow than ever, and may he ever prosper. Respectfully,' Wm. pjsid. : Xeosho Rapids. May 10, 1S75: i - iteiicsiiiiis snoM-p Frank Campbell ia rusticating in Denver. . - .Look-oat liir iue-eHnnif-'TH.-iifW. tjjio assessor. - Birds may-.. now., indulge Ju.xiMyr Itarmlcss lays. Spring lias cotu at last. Prominent GrangPr?4H?4Ko4 church fctautling-, 'V ill ptoase reineniber lliat they are. gettin putsUc. kof t $hc discipline ly liIiiii. on, lie lirt day of the week. Cat. Ta'yfpr aV.ft Ta'niily leave tlih week to spend a coupleof months with their friends in EaftJ?cVe. t4i,,,; The'l'ashldriabla "sm of croquet is coming into vogue again since the "spring time has cptncejitle A.nn'c." Why don't these "gallant young men invite "gentle Annie" to take part in their games? -' '" Tlie sliower -rnttutday-mgiit.iid ibe warm weather Sunday nearly pulled gras attfi nrH up tv Oie roms; Tiitvilu haVt; com Hp rejiort a line star.! generally,,; ;F,vry available acre in this vi.-oikv i 1'Hjifi i-urti, and If we have a gtiOii i-o-n year there will be plenty. Garden vegetables unit luwii by the frost, are coming forward again Grasshoppers are tnick in spots, and where they are plenty, are dam aging garden;, wheat and oafs to some extent. The larmers" frere expect to loose some corn bythenij.when they get larger. , Your correspondent,; tas In error in one itenf. 'Mr. 'Rector dirf not'plow up any of his wheat. J . , The lirst of 3Iay was as soon as cattle could ;et a decent living on green Vrasf timl f.lJh'i'arue' eowld be said of cacii.of the last four j-ears. Wheu furthers mako, . cal-ulatujis . to fetili their stock till that time, tnere will be less "tailing up" ajid skinning to do in the spring;? hot ; probably when we have a. lew warm days next March, there will lie as many as ever i sayt 0, yes; efOTluiVf filBtjr bt gr:bis'r stock by Ifie f O'tli of AprUX V large family of small childeren are convenien t .sometimes. I saw ' a man tl"pe'f Tjdfays since using 'abolit a dpzen of "his ichlldrM ibr weights Ion his corn masher. - That might be call ed larming for pleasure and proiit. . Fishing is getting to be quite a i usfne tere' Somehalf a dozen par ) ties- have -" hoop inet and .inesr awl several .lrundrcd . nounds iire taken each week. August Kick man caught aline one weighing sixtyfonr pounds a few days since, , Joe. it . Iteniember you Jiave live kinds and twenty -live grades of Tea 'to- sifecsr ironi at llankla & Butlers tea boose.-. All are guaranteed to suit, according to price, or nvney refunded. ' r -. ' - KOLTllWIT. A" party of Teximi who "passed through Wichita last, week, en route for the Black mils, reported that tlie ranges in Southern Texas were giving out, the cattJe there were being moved te northern Texas, where about -5 new ranges will be established this season. 3fo herd had crossed Red riyer up to , April 1C, becanse the grass on the trail to Kansas was behind time, making the drtve la"ter Tlian usaal this year. '' Meigs and Kinne of Arkansas City, have contracted to erect a substantial stone mill at Dexter, to have two sets f burrs, and - In -ready Jfor grinding next lall. . - . . - , ; The Cottonwood Fall9 leader says : We understand that :i gentleman from Missouri has brought one or two thousand head ol Sheep Into this county and is pasturing them in the neighborhood ol Jacob s mound. 250 car loads f stones were1 shipped from here during tlie' month of April. The stone company pays out to their hands, over $3,500 per month. During the progress of a case before "Squire Mc Williams, yesterday, lawyer Sook found it necessary to cuss Jones. In answer, Jones cussed Sook and the Squire. Whereupon, the court laid aside) his otiutn euBtd;. for a lew mo ments, and the way he cussed lotli at torneys satisfied every one within hearing that that court don't affirm, it swears. McDermott, whofe arrest on charge of stealing earile, aa we reported last week, has been held to $500 bail. 1 Several ga ngs of desperadoes camp ed on Medicine Lodge and Cinnamon creeks, rob settlers, steal cattle, and commit half, the outrages ' that are charged upon ttie Indians. The leader of one gang is named Hurricane Bill, and he is now being pursued into Xcw Mexico by a party who want to" 'recov er 1SJ0 head "of cattle recently stolen from a party which wintered oil the Arkansas above Fort Dodge. ' Another gang is led by a villiau named Ander son. A Wichita man' named Charley Cor derio has - returned home with rich specimens of gold and silver, he wiys ho took out of the Black Hills-. :- . r . BUSINESS NOTICES. Lower prices dry goods store.. Smith lltf . We have just added to our toek an en tirely new line , of carpets, oil-cloths, mats and mattings. The' goods were all bought since the reduction,' and we are enabled to sell them at extremely low prices. O. W. Nkwmax & Co. Vear X.tle ll orth IO Cesin. . Sickness prevails everywhere, and everybody -complains' 'of some disease fiuring their life. When sick, the object Is to get well; now we say plainly that no person in this world that is guttering with Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint and its effect, such aa Indigestion, Costive nees. Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart burs, Palpitation of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, Biliousness, Ac., can take Green's August Flower without getting reliet and sure. If you doubt thif, goto your drug fUt, Speucer A Cutter, and get a sample bottlo for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 75 tents. Two doses will , relieve you. ' 18-yleow Positively th Kj at Postponement. The Concert and Grand Distribution of $25O,C0O in Gifts will positively take p'aee Monday, May 3lst, 1373, or the MOSEY WILL BE RETUSDED.5 " The Texas Gift Concert Association, la aid of public Improvements in the city of Denison. Texas, stands to-day the tint and foremost of such enterprises. Its mauagers' arc men of characteristic ener gy and enterprise,.- aed have theunqual ed endorsement of the best citizens of Denison and Texas," Their list of gilts to he distributed Is unequale.l. 200,000 In cash, and $30,000 in valuable Improved real estate, will be distributed. Their capital gift Is $.-.0,500. This is mot em phatically an enterprise for' ihe people Tickets are put at 'the low price of one dollar toal,!ow all an ppportunit)- to Ifi a fdiare in n- Texas "Bonanza.' fcTe hima is short". SendIasyour orders' for uekeU at once. If you cannot buy of a-t local agent send orders direct, or sesulXor special rates to club. See advertisetueai in another column. .194 BUSSNESS NOTICES. Hundrettasof Calloa. I VfUft Urgestnilbehk assortment ol mix. fi lialnts erTirotight to Southern Kan sas just received and for sale, by the quart or gallon, at Tandy Kalinann drug store. . m Ur.Ut IlaSTS.-tIQ.Iss) heje plants ftr s$j at pel? ijm. "r y . WW" "VStratton, SampIe'WtVre. Newman Co. for 25 cents. will sell you a parasol I t A good dinner at Tom Harvey's for 25 CU. ' 15tl An endless variety of faxs at li. W. Newman A Co.'s. Sewaiaii & Cou will sell you a xt ry Ilambunr edse for 5 cents iwr vr.i A lady's uU.'JeleganUy trimmed, for only $2.50 at . W. Newman Co.'s r.Icai Curat. I will sell and deliver ice this season at y cent per pound. A nd if any responsible parties tliiok that my stock will not last untt! next January, I will contract to wait for my pay until the M-awiii is dosed, charging interest on tbeir account, and if the tee gives out I wili ti.;t vban; anything for what I fur nish Hum. ' (iive fue your orders. !Mt4 Frank ScH.Miri.isr.. The only place. in town where you can find a good line of ladie-' suits Is at U. W. Newman's t Co.'s Newman & Co. have the largest best selected, and cheapot assort iiieut of par asols in the citv. We would respectfuily invite' the In dies, one and all. lo . onie and examine Our dress KOOds tleoartmenl. sinnn- which are to bo found choice selections or camel's hair plaids, invisible plaids, sum mer silks, iougee lusters, serge suitings, poplin, aaccalrish poplins, gros-grain Silks. k tU'uaatiBifi. a Alack 1 . hernannfa. ScotolitaifUauv-perealcs, uglish and French laivns, together with a larjre line of, linen suitings. G. W. iEWMAS & CO. Cheaper Kent and Cheaper Goods. To our friends (if we have anv), we would say that we have y dug out," and taken up our quarters lu the building once occupied by U. T. Wright, corner or Com. street and 4th avenue, where we expect to sell goods good goods,) cheap er tnan any other man cm afford to do, and keep it up forever. Call and see our plows, planters, cultivators, machines, farming tools, &c, 4c. Kitf S. J. SMITn & CO. ice. Persons who wish Ice will please leave orders with Frank Schmidling. Ice constantly on hand at the meat shop at the lowest market price, aud delivered to any part efthe city. All orders guaran teed through the season. lTtf . WOOD. I want to trade 200 pair lirst rate Chicago made boots for wood. 'Sep. 21. . I. K. l'XRLF.Y. : Elegant business suits suitable for professional men and others, equal to custom made, and at about one half tbe price. Call and see them at Per ley's. ; 40tf We would invito the attention of the ladies to our large assortment of Ham berg edgings which we bonght at a bar gain and are selling very cheap. . ' C W. Nb wman &co. Go and see how much it costs you to " fare sumptuously" at narvey's new restaurant, old corner of Fergu son & Harvey. 15tf MipwWood Cemetery. n.Conner is the Authorized agent for the sale of 10tslirtmrcemeteiy, located- north west of the 'city. He will attend to having graves dng for those who de sire him to do so. janl-tf Will Hembve tfCTIVotliinsf lnt 1 H u r: S3 S . S3 S O m 3 55.. r. . , ft I BUSINESS NOTICES. An elegant line.ef white . shirU, linen collars, BritiRh. Krench anc American hosiery and tiauerware, at Ia '.ley's. ; A lull line ot lamps and . fixtuies at cost at J. A. Moore. Emporia Pork House. 3 "o. 1 hams, hacort and shoulders at wi .olesalo xr retail, at very liberal rates a t r . , , f . Wm. Gkikjm suiNa. A fplendid stock of shoes just re 14tf ceived at A. S. Smith's store. Lie style in hats and neck n ear just received at Fn ley's. Hot baths, in first-class at vie. baths, in first-class Fred, naussler's barbershop. . 50tf ErKOPKAX Tic:rrs. H. E. 2"orton Real Estate Agent, is agent dor the Anehor line of steamers, ami ia ready to supply tickets to all persons who may wish to visit at any joint in Eu rope, both to go and reenrn. Special inducements "ofl'ered to tlsose wl may wish to bring friends to thi3 cocntry, from any joint In Europe. He is agent for the sale of tickets to all im portant point? east or west, north or south, over the M. K. A T. railway. II you are going east it will pay you to I see Xorton before purchasing a ticket. Silk undershirts very fine and cheap, Silk suspenders, worsted suspenders, al! other kind of suspenders atl'erley's. I f yoii want a good shave, shampoo and hair cur, go to Fred. Hanssler's, under Dur.lap's bank. 50tf I.' E. Pcrlcy have received an extensive stock of spring suits. We have good suits lor $7.50; pants fori $1.2.. All late styles in hats and caps, i 12-tf Cold and hot baths, in first-class style at Fred Haussler'a barber shop, under Dunlap's bank. OOtf Trunks. Zinc covered, leather cover ed and paper covered. Leather and cloth satchels, school straps, tourist straps, Ac, at Verley's. Being anxious to know where all the people got such nice clothing last Saturday, we found out that they were bought of A. S. Smith at $7 per suit. We are bound to have a suit. Itf Heavy drugs, oils, French and American window glass, single and double in any quantity, and size? a specialty at J, A. Moore's5. Farmers, Attention ! When you come to town go to Harvey's old stand of Ferguson fc Harvey, and get a "square meal" for 25 cents. 15tf Parties wishing non-explosive brass safety lamps will find them at manu facturer's prices at J. A. Moore's. Fine assortment of perfumery, toilet articles, toilet, sets, flower vases, Ac, for tlie holiday trace ana soia at panic prices at J. A. Moork's. WOOL. To Farmers and Country'llealers. E. Epstine & Co. have taken a contract ta deliver 200,000 pounds of wool to eat ern manufactories during the preient fipring, and therefore will offer higher and bigger prices in cash, for all grades of wool than any houae in the west. Special attention paid to wool dealers, . We therefore advise all farmers and wool dealers not to sell pntil they have Investigated our prices, as it is to their own benefit to do. so, if they wish to re alfz'e the outside ligures in cash for their stock. Place ol business, :lP.ii Commercial STREET. 45tf. .nrm toiblcco stables, to Holderman Block About June- Equivalent ( .uupowiler 1, 1.10, l.fiW Imperial - io,ZZ, 70, S5, 1.00, 1.20 V. Hyson 55, 70, SO, 90, l.OO llneolorwlJapan 50, 75, 85, l.Oi l.ughsU lireakfast C5, 1.00s Oolonpj liO, 75. I. (Hi 1 m;ortel Key West Sultana Uofcer Carnival Smuggler Plantation Sonny Side, undoubtedly tbe best cigars in the market for , Isabella i Vueltnabago Beauty Longfellow ' 1-2,15, 20 12,15 15, 2 for 25 101 10, 3 for 25H 10, 3 for 25H 10, 3 for 25 5c 5, 6 for 25 3 for 10 3 for 10 2 for 51 BUTLER. NEW ADVERTISEMNETS. (Bfim Ml of L4fe an Wikl ik AND Praia o c C3 .MxwiiBSKiiiuin ine pn-ai urirnioa w all business relations, it i RratUvins to ns . purchases Uils season being larger by larthan at aay time during onreftit husinnsa in Umporia. ...;( y , ; In Quantities or Package Lots. Fleasc note the following goods and prices: - ' - ' 20 Spools Thread, warranted,' 200 "yards, for". '. 'IT.'.. 10 pair Ladies' Hose for ' ,-. li pair Ladies' Hose, best, for .'. ; : S Hemmed Handkerchiefs, all liuen. -Good Hip Gore Corsets GO pair Ladies' Gaiters, per pair ' ; iu yaras y a wme Dieachetl muslin, 10 sheeting; "r Ladies fine Ottoman Shawls, Also a fine selection of O AT?TTVTM2. 5iio1h.ii 11 r ITimn TntrrffIiYC V! mm ster, Tapestry and Body Brasselis; all tlie new styles and shades from 35c to SI.SO. All other goods at correspondingly low-1 nrleesV roii sungot Millinery Trimmed Coods. 3 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and Gent's Furnishing Goods. " We most cordially extend the hospitalities of our house to tho ciu-toraers of lluv late arras who have closed out their business, irtmranteeiiis them satisfaction, as w,- ' now take the stand ot THE OLDEST BUSINESS HOUSE IK EMPOkIA Soliciting your orders or a visit when in the city, We Remain as Ever, WIBLEX & TIENSON, Houses at Emporia and Cottonwood Falls, Kan, CLOTHING. On Clotlinf- anl Otlioi (3 nods, -AT- 151 COMMERCIAL rl?. Roods am, Maple domestics. I havelhe'siraWe -UlX-ht v"..." u"" So Suits Hint I osiocia.ll,' nnxioiiH to soil in the next OO cIxi-.vh. .. '. and dnrinsr that, time 1 will oiler BETTER SUITS FOR TIIK PUICH than Lave ever been shown in this place. I am overstocked and bound to sell. Don't fail to see my flock, for I have made an Extrnordinnvy Roduotion in nil tlio lino si that r s?oll. Hay 6th.. 75. buys GoodHnfiis. 15 i sr a ? s " 2 PBtt M) H hj: s5 gd o t0 ?c M o t OF XEW uis uiura nu hir nomwani teriissrv n- ; to know that wo have lullv sustaiiiai our- . ... Tf ars or ' I $1.00.:; - '5f. falTsize, r. --"v I E. PERLEY s. j. shith:& co , , Firptbriok store north of Court House Emporia, Kan. agents for SKINNER'S PLOW, Skinners Breakers. Tho TtortfoW! ni.llnc Cultivators, Gang and bulky 1'lows.iiud the Itockroni (Meel standRnl) walkiii oultivator, whirh wc wish ewrr obo to examine Itei'orc imrrha m. it 1 the rrcinium col tivator. Areiitl"ortlie . ... Sood old ' " 1 KIRBY REAPERS, -Mowers aud Combined Machines. The leading combined machine or the world. The best self Raker and tlie clcauen Slower. Agents for the Original "MBrfih Har vester." on Which two or l"r2lnT.ui;i. (standing) tcu acres per day. While oihc-r L'niSi'v. nf. f'" Mnrsh aro left to-do llu5 SIT11M, aud Li INU a, long as they pin. Two-Hone Corn Planters. Tlie Quincy and tlie Uimax, (cheap lor easli) ; ie li!,U;,r;9 llaa,'1 yorn l'lanteru, with walnut silc. floes, Hakes, Fork as gool as anv and lor less money. Come and see us, unt we will convince you, thai, good can Iw in Knioriii. at fair pi-iren. If Yon "Want to Purchase Grain, Flour, Feed.; Produce, Bacon. Salt " OR AKIC1 LTIT.AL 1MPI.KMKNTS, '.-:. M.whines of any kind. aiilv'lo the saionlo aiul OiiifniA.ion llfiM!orthr KU-vi.U.r ' .MiUini; and Cotumcn-ir! Com lany, nt , 1 iiS Com. Stroet, KIff)niA, KANSAS, . . All kinds of grain, pr.xluce, (lour. and f. -! or lH.),-m nis or or tlH will Im- taH-a on rrnnniKsiou. .f y sTKVT"l'ON : AK.OI. K. BOSTON. Heal Estate Agent EMPORIA. KANSAS. Fsrs TasM, reeXm Umt uU far taxM. Mill ttrjr pmrum aaeaat er tax 4mr , Urn U save seasltr. end New York exchange or 1. O. order. Tax receipts aoat by retarn mll mtt roeelpt of mony. - Enclose stamp, description of londa n.i post office addrens. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD 03f COMMISSION. Call on or address, E. BORTOX. '3 Km porta. Lyon waaty, Kaa. To The Ladies of Em poria and Surround ing Country. , I. THOIVIAS, Late of Chicago, desires respectfully to calf tlie attention of the Ladie to hu stose r FANCY DRV CKXJDS. just opened in the liancron Itlock. lie intends that his store ' tiiall be second to none .of the kind went of Ibo large cities. Any new style tn good- that will appear in the market aad desireable, will be exhibited in hi more a soon as they can beeonveyel, and price a low aa charged as retail anywhere in tltu KUUes. Ilia block will cobm&I in part as fol lows s Real and Imitation Lace, llambnrir Kdgingft, Insertions. Uibboas, Hosier)-. KhL aiKiotiier glove,, bilk bcarf and Ties, Fan, Corsets. ParaaoU, a large aMrtment of But tons. Zephyr Worsteds, Caovait, I'erforatetl Jfcwtnl, oil Silk, Lilies Underware, Drc Prntoctor, Uuchings. Linen Collar and. , Cuff. Iortmonic. Cotton jm1 Linen Hand- . kercaiera, llabies Wawta. Victorutajxl BiijHip Lawn. Comb and a large variety of Kotion.