Newspaper Page Text
EMPORIA NEWS. FRIDAY. MAY 14, 1875. Will It Pay. The SUte of Kansas has had in her employ for aome time a number of eminent educators. Like child ren who plant teed in the morning and scratch It op in the evening:, the Kansas people could -not wait for results from the labors of these gen tlemen, but commenced last year a cultinjjdown and kicking out pro cess. Bat the Individuals assailed hare not lost anything. l'rof. Madge from a humble position in the obscurity of the Agricultural College of Kansas is promoted to an honorable connection with Yale College the foremest institution of learning In the land. 11. u. rtonon goes to California to a much better position than be ever had here. Now will It pay to let such men go just for the sake of saving a few dollars on their salary ? Are they not worth as much to Kansas as they are to Yale or to California ? Eurefca ueraia. The -lames Desperadoes. The "detectives," in a supposed attempt to capture the "James boys," used an explosive missile that killed a young lad and maim ed a woman. The Missouri Leg islature passed long resolutions of censure and sympathy, tne gov ernor sent the Adjutant-General to investigate, and on the heels or the excitement resolutions of amnesty were introduced and supported by the press, and received a very large vote in their faver. The "James boys" next shot down Mr. Askew, in hi own yard, yet not a move has been made nor a finger raised to avenge the broken law, and arrest the murderers. But there is one difference the amnes ty resolutions, recited in glowing rhetoric, the services of the "boys" in favor ot the freedom of their country the Confederacy the account of Askew's killing said he was "a radical." And that ac counts for all. Kansas City Journal. The Ccateaalal. A report made recently at a meet ing ot the Centennial Board of Fi nance represents the prospects of the International Exposition at Philadelphia, in 187C, as most en couraging. No less than thirty one foreign Governments have al ready accepted invitations to take part in the exposition. The foundation for the main building is all laid. It will indeed be a mammoth structure, covering more than twenty acres. The manufacture of iron frame work for the superstructure is also in an advanced state of progress. The grounds about the buildings will have several miles of - roads, and be enclosed in three miles of fence. A perfect system of drain age has been devised, and an abundant supply of water for all purposes will be secured. The means ef transportation will he as nearly perfect as the skill of man can invent. There is now on hand about three-quarters of a million dollars and the outlook is auspicious for ample means to carry the great undertaking to the most successful termination. More than a hundred thousand dollars have been added to the treasury within the past month. It is now estimated that the num ber of paying admissions will reach fully ten millions, and should this prove correct t,hc Hoard will be able to return every dollar to the stockholders. Bowles m Beecher V.l. deace. It seems tons the following from the Springfield, (Mass.) Republican edited by Hon. Samuel Bowles, is a pretty fair estimate of Beecher's evidence in the great trial: Sir. Beecher left the witness stand yesterday, his testimony hav ing occupied a little over ten days As we predicted, he has borne him self proudly, and made a most gal lant light for life. He has certainly done as well as could be expected, better than could have been expect ed of any other man thau Henry V ard Beecher, environed with such a terrible cbrdon of lated evidence. He baa denied impressively, and explained with all the plausibility that his utmost eloquence could command. Yet we think it is the verdict of the great majority of impartial ob servers, and will be the verdict of history, that Mr. 'Beecher has failed ' in the effort to reconcile himself with himself. As the Republican said when he took the stand, he has been the chief architect of the case against himself, and he has not been able to destroy his own work. Ac cepting his testimony as against all other witnesses for the prosecution, he has failed to break down the two worst lutoeasea against him, Hen ry Ward Beecher and Elizabeth 11. Til ton and the fated evidence of their acknowledged acts and words. Mr. Beecher's pen has proved itself mightier than his tongue. Plausi ble as some of his explanations ap pear, his present theory of his con duct and letters daring the past four years does not, as a whole, shake the conviction of his guilt which that conduct and those letters originally made upon the public mind. Mr. Pan, ridge, who was once a lawyer, made a couple of good points while on the stand as a wit ness in the Beecher. trial. Being asked, according to custom, a hy pothetical question, he rejoined, "How can 1 tell what I would have done when I don't recollect that I did anything?" Then, dur ing Mr. Evart's redirect examina tion, Mr. Beach having broken in with, "Stop! won't you atop, 6ir! ou re a lawyer, you know. "I haven't been one for so long," Mr. Partridge responded in his weak, patient voice, "that I didn't suppose it would be brought up against me. The Postmaster at Monticello, Oa., recently performed the feat of reading a letter without hear ing its contents. An old woman who had never been to school, got a letter one day, and asked the Postmaster to read it for her. She did not want him to hear it, so she took a wad of cotton oat of her pocket and siufled Inn ears. She then had him read the letter in a low voice, and was perfectly satisfied that the reader conld not hear a word of it. This is report ed as an actual occurrence. Talk about your patriarchs! Why, here's a Butts county, Ga roan who has his quiver full with sixty grandchildren and thirty ninee great-grandchildren, all living. ' YtoIIea Siowrm. Import of silk one-Lai f leas than last year.3; ,, j ; j Florida has thirty ' rnilliOH ju-reV Umber land. - The Maine coninultiorv-ediicaliou law works finely. Japan andEgyyt arc establishiDg schools for girls. $ v t - ,. - In making Goblcin tapestry.1 23,- 000 distinct shadows of yarn are used. One Illinois shorthorn buil sold for $7,000, and $4,001) refused for another. . - . ..y. Albany has the first locomotive used in the United States ; imported 1330. Eighty-four per cent, ot the "weather probabilities" In March were correct. One ton of Arkansas authracite coal eauals two tons of the best Pittsburg. Wheat is now cheaper in England than oats or barley,, and is fed to cattle. A sixteen year game of chesa, by latter, between Baden and New York, won by latter. The poverty of Kansas farmers is aflluence , compared with that of Minnesota farmers. In England street cars are run by clock-work. Stationary engines wind up the springs. Paris has an elm tree planted in in 1G05, tne leaves of which are as early as those of younger trees. There are not tcu persons . in America, out of a salaried position, who make a living by literature. The New Eozlanders who howl loudest that iarming doesn't pay, grow bushes on their best land. Kansas wants the New Jersey judge who sentenced a defaulting cashier to eighty-four years' im prisonment. The Kansas Pacific has contri buted in freight to the relief busi- nessSzo, UiX), and the A. T. x . F. $35,000. "Mother wants to know if your won't lend her your preserving kettle, cause as how she want3 to preserve?" "We would, with fleasure, boy, but the fact is, the ast time we lent it to your moth er she preserved it so effectually that we have never seen it since." Well, you needn't be 60 sassy about your old kettle, mother wouldn't have troubled vou agiD, only we seed you have a new one." BANKS Howard Dunlap & Co BANKERS, Corner of Commercial utrnct aait Mxtti aveuuo. EMPORIA KANSAS. Camta! and Surplus, $110,000 Interest paid on time deposits Lralts drawn on Eastern cities and ail points iu Europe. Special attention paid to collections. Golil coin and sterling exchange bought at current rates. -Advances Made on Shipments or Grain and Stock, and Commercial Paper discounted. The highest price paid for school, town ship, city and county bond". P. B. Plumb, President. V. T. Sodkx, Vice President. L. T. Hcritagk, Cashier. DIRECTORS: P. B. Plumb, W. T. Boden, L. T. Heritage, Lewi Lutz, C. Hooii. Dan iel Bitler, A. CI . Ediniaton, M. W.Phillips. A . ltoberts. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EMPORIA, KANSAS. GASH CAPITAL $100,000. Vf til buy and sell Foratlgn and Eastern Ciehaiif, Gold nnd Silver, and nil kind of IT. S. Securities. Will boy nnd sell School Bonds nnd oth miscellaneous sncttrlties. COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to and remitted tor oo dav of payment nt current rates of exchange. Interest allowed on time deiMtslts. H. C. CROSS, NOTE8 SPICKR. President. Vice Presides R. B. HCRST. Cashier DIRECTORS- E. It. HOLDKKMAN, NOYKS SPICKh, Wm. Hartindalk, R. B. IllTKST, H. C Cross. lnnlti HOME MANUFACTURES. Zivan & Conner's Emporia Carriage Factory Horseshoeing A. Repairing. Heckaaie 6U. between 6th A 7th it. Carriages and wagons made to order All kinds of repairing and jobbing don in the best manner by skillful workmen Prices very reasonable. We invito an in spection of our work and guurantee sail faction. Come and see us. RYAN CONNKR. H EMPORIA Shoe Manufactory A. mohEer, Manufacturer cf Women's, Misses' & Children's Shoes, 195 Com'l St., Emporia, Kao. Goods warranted to be better than Eastern made work ; much more durable and as low in price. I ask the patronage of the people hem to aid me in building up an itnpor-, tunc home manufactory. CUSTOM WORK, Boots and Shoes made to order at all times from the best materials and bv the best workmen. 1 44 MILLIONS IN IT." Sweet Potato Plants, Cabbage Plants, Tomato Plants. . x , V ejyetables. j j AIT13 Kai-l.-v GEO. isim 10 auuwuuru 10 mo piiuuc mat tic is ' nouses ana ground am avs freely now ready to supply alt ttm ubuvu Uut anil . - , ofen to visitors. " vejfe tallies tlicy may ilcsire. Oni-r of lor i uri.tpl. " .. fn?m 100 to iou,(m prooiiaiy otieir lie ; w?aVrAou WMl ' e mrxsery ready for a big mu ou laut and vegetable, i tss;S Unf, come or senti to ... ,-. v-. llewants it distinctly known Uiat ho cannot! IialUei-5'. Emporia Niiraerv aud will not be undersold, and that his luiii J n" : -luality. iii, ,Ktatoc-s j Always a force of men on taa-ad to liSl or. are Kod Nanoeiuond. cllor Naiisemond. anu der sj ft a t h - 1111 or Uenuuda. j aer9 ,msl 49 they coiTi, in. Waite'o garden aljoinin; the city on the ! Call and See for Yotirmnl t ftouthtsa&t. Ofco. WAJXai. 1 r, P.G.HAIXUEILOr GENERAL. -ntir elv W OTP X 3E& Y G O O I 5 . X3ni1rnoiiie: nil tli at pertains totlio dry goods .lino Ol" liiiio. THIS IS A FACT AND NO MISTAKE EXPLANATION: Wo lately sold and delivered to llanos Brothers, every yard and thread of, dry pood, trimmings, notions, clothing, boots, shoe, Ac, and entirely cleaned ourstore or every thing except musical instruments and tewing machines. We want it distinctly un derstood that we entirely and completely disiKxted f all our stock, in the dry (roods Ae. line, laaving our shelves nnd drawers bare as Mother Hubbard' cuhlioard. Now, having decided to go again into the dry goods business we have l-eplentished with an JEntiroly Now Just bought of the largest eastern wholesale dealers, and not fitbroad or an ounce ot which has ever before been in a retail store We Need Say Our goods are all styles, for a select assortment of J. C. A. S SMITH'S HAVE ARRIVED. (JO AND SEE THEM EVERYBODY, New Dress Goods, Trimmings and Notions, New Cassimers, Cloths, and Cottonades, New Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods New Boots and Shoes New Hats and Caps. Sec. E voivtliinx Now, G0013 and Olieap. "Everybody are Invited to Examine the Goods Bancroft & Ilavo .In Hi, Tfciicoiveti Tlieii SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HATS, &c. BOUGHT IN And. Avill lo 3olcl T-.ow icv CASH tomnet riiTCKra iiatm TTrvtTaH. Our Sprin and Summer Oooclis are all iw. TSToTt One Dollar ol Summer (loodw Oeinf Carried Over. SPRING QF 1875.; Don't Del&v Your Orders.' HALLBERG'S EMPORIA riURSERY JH 13 IvAKHKH . - ' I have the largest stock of Trees, vines, shrubs and' plants. I1V CEyritAI. KAXSA.M, I 1PILL not be UJTlKRSO K J ! t -. i . . . oy enner Dome or ioreiifii nurse? y men. my stock of all kinds ot" Vegetable Plants Is tmuien-. ami verv cheap, hv the cii, M, or l.WiO. A., theses varle-lie- of Strawberry, Pie Plant, .Radish, Tomato, Let tuce, Sweet Potato. Cabbage Onions, Celery, &c, Cirr-ot.;;ooc berry. Blackberry. Rasjilwrrr iiaic mcs.auJ OrnaxuentallTcesand " .Shrulte. Hot House or Budding Plants. Iiy o nt plan u 100 or ,j00. THE LARGEST GREEN HOUSE STOCK IM KANSAS, consisting or oVer 5.000 Varieties of Plants ALSO 50,000 BULBS- Little More. and cheap. Come to iij new goods at low prices. HAIX & MoCaxter NEW YORK, NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO S "Vibrator Thresher. Savins. Xiuio-SavliMr THRF.8HKR. is . rece-triitl in tUe annals of Kami Aisi-hin- ry. in a uriei penua it nas kecocuc wiaeiy known au1 Fully Kataibllsbad ai toe "Leading TBKESBUIG IML.CHIN1C." OFiA-IN RAISERS BEFCSE to submit to ta e wastetui ana lmpenwM wgrk ui waer Thw sdiers, when Kted on tb yast sunerior sty c sT this one. for savins; srraitf. sarlug- time, and Aoiag fast, thorough and economical MV kkmiug find It bisblr adrantax- eou to run a machine that has no "Beater." "Pi rr." or "Apron," that Huodles laiu ( tin tin. Loos Straw, Headins. I lai., Tiuio thf ; Milieu, and all such diflicult srrain and see dtt, wiUi Btire mmmm smm! cftVactivatsiea. tie auis to perfection: save the farmer his tUt hbill hv extra saving of grain: makes no i titterings ;" requires ls.- than o ba If tae usual Belu, Uoxe$, Journals, and lit strs: easier managed; less repairs; one th as frrain. raisers prater to emloy and wait fa r v as advanced prices, while othei m aehinek are "out of jobs." fVxir size? raade with C, 8, 10 and 1 2 borse "Mounted"' Towera, also a pecialty of Separators "alone," ex p rtesiv for Steam Power, and to match 0 AhfiT ilorse Powers. I Tf laserested ta grain nisiBr, or tbreshlns; T rrice for Illustrate.1 Circnlars (ient free) with 1 tli ptitkulsKof !ue,tjk, prkei, tenii,ic XtCHOLS. SHIPAEO CO . . - - Jiattle Creek, Miehifaa. GROCERIES. Go to the Bakery 2 Itoorm South of Post off re, to flirr yock Fresh Bread, Flea, (kikes and ' (Tracker, Tremens and Oranges, Cigars, Fine Cut Tobaccc, A-e. I will have IN TOXN OF ICU that I will deliver to ray old customer at the lowest market pric . BresUa DetfTOsvd to all parts of the city. Lam Yu DSULXK IN Stasia aifl Fancy Groceries. JGO Commercial Street. Country Produce Bonslil and Sold. Buy bis goods for cash, and se'ls at thever lowest. cash, price. H5 WJOdU33 spoo3 aoj adiitcqaxa nj nwi PII IP JO aroaaoii jlxx&lioo ki ssstvxa o sjassaoang . Honoraioon l W. M. WICKS. WICKS & BENNETT, successors to WICKS A KAYSK. DEALERS IN Groceries aiH- Proniiis, 168 Com.'l Street east side, Emporia, Kansas, Will pay tUe nixkeat market rates tor all kinds of Country ' IProclu.ce. We keep a rery large stock or the bent Family tiroceries, Provisions. Fresh FruiUand Vegetables in their teuon, and everything pertaining to a lirst-class grocery house, which we sell at the Cheapest Rates for Cash. Goods promptly delivered. Call and see us. 25 WICKS & BENNETT. ALD. A.BaXKR, RlDKNOUK A BaXKR, Kmporla. Lawrence, Aid. A. Baker & Co.. WHOLESALE grocers AN1 C0IOHSSI0N MERCHANTS, 1) KALES IN PT.OUK, NAILS, GLASS. And Confectionery, Opposite the Court Mouse Emporia, Kansas. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe KAH.UO A J), aoM ATCHIMON V14' GKAMSHOFrti:, WPEKA, HARMON DALK, OSAGE CITY, EMPORIA, KLORKNt K, CEABOUV, TO lIUTtHINSOS. lXlOfiE CITiT, AND WICHITA, CiKVIVy.IA, cor... Offers a new and short route, via the GREAT ARKANSAS YAXLEY", TO SoutHerii Colorado & Kew ttm. CONNECTIONS At ATCtrtsOK. witti trains of seven Kail roads centering there, lur all poiuw, rast. 'aj'et. Mrtb aud boitb . Oireet .vaiiectionis tu and from Cbieag, Qnincy and t- Luais. Daily Stages ran in connection with trains on this road as follows : From Esiveaia. for lareka and liowavnl. r)n Fl4ehcs. for Marion Center Chel- ea. Auausta. Uoairlas and Klaiarado. From WlCMITA. lor Aarusta. fsBnaias. in field, Arbaaas Cit- Msdliogtcm and Caldwell. From HfTCHlNSOX, for CaaiJeton, I laa City From Grssmda, for 1mm Ajilsniw. TrinW dad and Pnebls, COtVOltADO. awl Las Vafss, Haala ', mod mil , f ths PristeiosA Twtets) isi XFW MEXICO. The whole eciuiPBieBt of usnad - ,' . and first-class. raeaver traitu? ara Gtted out with aliller JSateiy I'uitiorSi, ami uest iugbouso A ir Brake. 3,000,000 Acre of the het Faraiin-r and Atrrieuttoral Lands in Ajaerh-a. itccl ia and near the beautiful Coatoswuud and irmt Atrkaasaa vsilv, the garden of the Wost, oa It yaws' Croats, wlttt ? stor eesrt. itasor st, tk Co sw casta. -dlriMMBt for ias proVgnnta. Fsrs Kafsuadod u parchas n of land. - CTmuiara with map, givinr full information, goat free. Add .- A. t. Jatan OB, Acting Laad Comtatusssraer, Topeka, 1l. 1"SE sure yonr ticket reads via Atrhl sOcoad take & other. . kf . I SABttKXT. Gen'l Freirtt and Ticket Agent, Top-, kTaasas. . F. MOB&K, iBosTtaeamdett. lUt GENERAL. FUEHITUEE. IWAST the people to know that I an making new and repairing old onlce am bouse furniture a cheap as it can he don elsewhere, and will call and p-i it and retain It without extra charge. Cirienter and join er wor done also. Picture frame made Shop id wet side or Commercial street, door north of 7th avenue. ur.BAiur. Weaver .c Sill 3ueveftorrt to HELWIC & LANE. Wholesale Liquor Dealers. 183 Cook'l St., Kmporiav Kansas. Keep a full supply ot WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS OU cepper distilled KENTUCKY. BOl RBOJi and RVE WHISKIES. "Will duplicate all J-eavenworth. Kan saa City, St. Louis or Cbicaco bills in out IDC U WAVB & BIIOu JEWELRY STORE, Apple Trees on Time AT J. W. TRUITT'S Emporia Nursery. Those who desire to plant trees this sprins and are not prepared to pay for them till an other crop is raised can procure APPLE TREESoCme onfiandl2 months Liiue, un notes with approved security. I OFFER a LARGE AX1 FIX STOCK Of FRUIT TREES, Small Fruits, Evergreens, Hedse Plants. &c, at Low Rares. Call nncl See 31 y ocli. Nursery adjoins the fairgrounds on tlie south. J. W. TRUITT. Proprietor. 22 A FORTUNE FOR $1! Positively the Last Postponement. "NOW IS YOUR TIME." Dane fortune helps those who help themselves LEGALLY Ai;TUOttlZEl. Teias Gift Concert Association, Iu aid of the Public Improvements in the City of Denison. Texas. Will Give a Grand COncert lowtlio , May 31st, 1875. And will distribute to the ticket holders $250,000 IN GIFTS-! The Concert and distribution ol Gilts guaran teed to POSrtI VKL V take place on t he above dale or tne money w in ue re funded. 1 st Canital Gilt. 00.000. Sd Capital C if 1. 1 5.000. 2d Capital Ciilt, 25,000. 4th Capital Gilt 10.000. Bosmea uuts in proportion anioununi; in mi iu S250,000. Distribution to commence immediately after the Concert. AGENTS WANTED! Liberal Commissions to Responsible Agents. CLUBS. Clubs can be organized in localities where we have no local agent, and a prorata divis ion of Gifts drawn can be made. Send tor special rates to clubs. HOW TO REMIT TO US. Money sent at our risk when sent by 1'ot ofiice money order, draft, express, or register ed letter. Jg"Orders for tickets aent direct to us promptly tilled, .3f Address us for circulars giving references, niannerof drawing, lull particulars, etc. Address all orders for tickets, communica tions, and make all remittances of money to A. K. COLLWS, Sec'y, Denison, Texas. N. B. Orders for tickets amounting to ?5 or over sent C O. D., per express. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FREE! FREE! FREE ! ! THE PIONEER A handsome illustrated newspaper, rontain ingr information for everybody. Tell how and where tu secure a home cheap, bent free tit all nmrts of the world. Iteontains the New Homestead and Timber Laws, with other interesting matter found only in tliis paper. SEND FUR IT AT ONCE. It "Will only cof t you a postal cai-d. New number for Aitril Just out. Address O.K. IIAVIS, Land Commissioner U. 1. It. It. Omaha, Xel. HOST EXTRAORDINARY Terms of Advertising aeeofl'ered for News papers in the fctatc of Send for !it of patters aud schedule of ratos. Address Gw. P. Ewe!I k Ca, ' AJvertiIfig Agents, N. 41 PARK RW. SEW YORK. KCFKIt TO KDITOB OP THIS 1'irK. $5S $20 per iny at home. Terms tree. AHin-ts oeo.stixsos ; Co ronlatid, SI ami-. $77 A WKK ifiiarautertt u Male and Fe male Agents, in ttieir IfKJility. Cots Notb n r to t r v iu Fart icn I ars Vreo . 1. O. V1CKEKY It O Augu-L Ale. 6fifl.P.RflGll&C0. conduct au Atf ncy lor the reception of ad- most complete etblishueut of Uie fciud in tbe world. His thousand Newspapers are eit reailarlv on file, open tw insrection by custeioei iSvery Advertisomans is taken at ttm home price of tbe paper, without any additional charge or coinuiJx&ioa. An adver tiser, ia dealing with tbe Agency, is tared trouble aud correspondence, making one contract instead of a dozen, a hundred or a thousand. A Kook of eighty pages, contain ing lasts of tiest papers, largest circulations, religious, agricultural, class, political, daily and country papers, and all publication which are especially valuable to advertisers. with soma information about prices, is oent FBBti to any address Ou application . Fer sons at a distance wishing to make contract for advertising in any town, city, county, btate or Territorry of the United tstates, or I any portion ot tne isoniiiuon 01 ubhu, mj ' send a concise statement of what tliey want. . sL. aa-k t AMnr n' t h A t W SAIMa I Uict l,ire insertl , ao.l will receive intorma- di bv return mail which will enable them to a ecide wbetber to increase or reduce tbe order, p er soch iafurmatioB) taere ia no charge. r d -rs axe taken for a single paper as well as al'tnt-toratiuicle dollar as readily as fora lar-rutu. othecs (Times Buiklingj. ' 41 Part Est. N.Y. mm ON WELL improved farms on live years time, or less, at a lower rate of interest than rrer before charged in this state. TO st. AT FRY'S U. W ATKINS & CO. LAWKENCK, KANSAS. IK1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. READY lOTt THK I."R.XrC and TRADE. At no time Kince we havtf been In iiiiMties in KiiiiiorlA have we been able to put lefore the people of - As coiopleto a stork in all its trices as this spring. We were in henght time to secure good bargains for our customers. Our Dress Goods Department consists of a very SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF EVERY VARIETY OF STYLE. Also a line of LADIES' ELEGANT READY-MADE SUMMER SUITS, selling low as S2.50. A large assortment of Parsol?. Fans, Clmtalaine Chains. Handker chiefs of every variety, Hamburgh Edgings selling as low as 5 cents per ard. Kid gloves in all shades for only $1.00. Corsets, from o0 rents to $3.00. Ladies' Ties of every color. "Kuches of various style. Hosiery in all grades. " Bleached, Brown and Tarkey-TIed Iinen lUnuk, with uapkinsto match White Marseilles Spreads, Sheeting?, l'iHotv-ciPin. Muslins. Sec. Also a large stock of BOOTS, SHOES. MATS. CAl'.S AJ1 CLOT II IXC, which we ar felling at bottom prices. 4fa?-W have added to our Ftock an entireU new line of CARrETS including LATEST STYLJS and LEADING ItKANDS, which we are selling from 30 cents to S1.75. Thanking the public for past favors, we hope to merit a larger por tion during the coining Reason than ever. . Yours Trulv, . GEO. W. NEWMAN & CO. STOVES TINWARE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS HfNo. 153 Com'l St., Emporia, Kansas, T r 1IDEALEE5 IN G Agricultural Implements, t"e have a large and complete stock of Geiral'H Hardware ai Mecbiic's Tools ALSO IRON, STEEL, NAILS, HORSE SHOES, PLOW STEEL, ' Wagon Wood-work of Every Description, FJSIVOE "VVIXtK VS. IV I STAPLES, Garden Tools. Soes, Rakes & Forks OF EVERY KIND. We are still in the market with TIlO FamOUS JOHN DEERE Moline Plows and Cultivators, which baso lont; stood at the head of the market in the West. -O : We will trarrant our ods to be the very best manufactured. Our aim always is to eatisly and please our customers; more particularly thore who pay cash for their (ioodx, nntl Kxamine our- 4'ood. Spriiis: tol mf los 3tnal 'ult! v:i.Iot-M already in. J. M. GRIFFITH & BR0. O O I x O O fc 00. ltir and 1C7 Commercial St., Fmporia, Kau. WncaH the attention of id! wh( want 0rst-clas goods at very low-price, to their larce stock of new and carel'ully selected SI ti 1L a aL S The most approved IXXTKS. JII3TGES, nd SIIEI.F an.l HOUSE BUILDING flAKD WA Kit are U lie found at ouc store. Wo try to ifft the very lest and most reliable kiuds. A full line 01" TABLE KNIVES ami FORKS, FocKet Knives 1111 1 1 General Cutlery. PrifeM lw r, Steel.'Nails. Wagon Sprinw and Horseshoes, Ksiecial attention U called to our Mechanics' Tools and Garden Tools. Thui e are no letter made tools iu the market. Always have a tool that will stand use. Wagon Wood Work Ceneral Wood Work, Fence Wire, Rope. Churns, Buckets, Bellows, Saws, Chains, &c. Don't lail to examine these heavy goods. Our A; n ieiiltural Department l'arniiusr tools, CELEBRATED WIER CULTIVATORS, MOLixra: plows. Stad baker Farm Wagons, Spring Waprons and Open lop HB'gieH. Un' Our' stores i uel exlnsivl.v lor Farm achinery Wosons, &c. We are Agents forhe al ways reliable Hain es Har vester and Wood's Reaper and Mower. WefclkeepalirKt-class stm-.k of tTOVKH, TIN and COPI'KK W ARK. ai the W-iding kuuii in market-;. nn.l our tin and copper war 1.- made nt h.mie. the stock at COPPOCK JSC CO'S- EMP0I.IA FOUNDRY AtJD MACHINE SHOP. JoiiG, Hughes Co., Successors lo PR0SSER & GRAVES, MANUFACTURERS OF PortaWe aifl Stationery Steam Enpes ail Bote laon Fronts, Iron Jail Work, Machinery Castings of all JDe stiriptions. Castings made and famished to order. hlHX-ial attention Riven to repairing or saw and srriM mills, and all kiud of machinery and Faoming la.piement. Cash paid for Cast Scrap Iron. All work promptly attflnled ui.'anil work doue without dc-hty. Satisfaction Guaranteetl. Give its a Trial. Address Emporia Foundry and Machine Shop. 10... 3 EMPORIA, KANSAS. STOVES AND TINWARE ! wiioLrMAu: aii ui: a is. HRUNER fc IclVlUIi'X'JRrlKe KMJ'OKl A, V B1VC THK CCI.K BRATKD CXXJKUG STOVKSS 5 Charter Oak, v. Kansas Pacific, f INIKITHtk KATTKKXII. Iron ' - Lead and SJttono iipe. lSBootiDS, Oauerlng and alt klndi of Job Work doe to tin T.TXIV'OK departments, and at as satisfactory Jfew York and JSoston at just embraces besides all kind of a full line of tbe KANSAS. A UKGE aaTD WKI.L sKi.xcreD sock Heating Stoves f. . :t AMI g..-..?- t T '.. ! .. " 1 MV M. J ) H ' - - r - 1TSV. t MISCELLANEOUS. DR.. TH0S. P. DAVENPORT. Cor 6th Avenue and I'ont.'l St., .T. A. YOUSU. T K T I ' S Ilooms over First Nationtl Bank. Emporia, Kansas. Teeth extracted without pain by the usof Narcotic Spray (freezing); Nitrous Oxyd (laughing gas), ether, etc. Any of the various anasthetics administered at all hours bv an experienced operator. ianltf x,ooo TONS fW Jl 1,0(0 TONS 1,000 TONS For sale ly the pound or car load. I put up ths past winter i,ooo TONS OF -Pure IMesoho Ice. I deliver dally in any part of the city. lie in'r th tu you take ICE of the man who ba-t kol cnouKb to carry him tbroiiKti Ihi ira4n. 1 ain tne only fk'altr wms xtora. has never gixea uut. ie-tf W. C. FITHIAN. Jas. B. Hinkle, l KALE It IN O ROCK ERY ! GLASSWARE. LooliB Glasses, wail Paper Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanter CABS. QIGS AJBD VEBAMBTJ LAT0RS. Will duplicate prues in in marke w th transportation added. 1 7 G Co mmerct i I street, EMPORIA, - - KANSAS janltf jl"s.!13!5ISi I st & Co., rKAi.r.Rs n PINE LiUfBER. Glased Sash, DOORS, MOULDJNCJS. SHINGLES. Pickets, liatli, Etc. On pleasant tlaye. between lhe hoars of 9 and 12 o'clock a. m., dur ing the winter, we will deliver Lumber to any part of the city free of expense. YARD AND OFFICE: Corner of Constitution Street and 4th Avenue, EM PORTA, - KANSAS. t.f:wis I,. UALI.KCK. MAK1.IX W. ;iIX.HKIKST, WILLIAM JAY. ec. lst.lsn. HALL, VAITE & CO.. FROPH tKTORS of the oldest and most reliable MUSIC HOUSE in Central Kansas) Krg to annoiim-e to the -nile tli;tt in--arejrllitix PIANOS. ORGANS. Small Instruments OF AIX XIS. SHEET MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKS at Eastern Prices No Krtra Charge for Freight, which U no small item tu the urtha-r. Every Piano or Orean war ranted for Five Years. - We make a specialty ot the celebrated 1 SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN, an Tnstruroeot which has given universa. sathfatHinn for oearlv a (quarter ef a eenturv, .! SIXTY THOUSAND HOW IN USE. Ahis fact thuuldXe iudut tu rou vmce all, tbat there no better rd OR CA made. Come to Our Jloonts and SEE, HEAR AND JUDGE for yourselves. ' We give tbe most liberal terms lhosi who wish time, and a liber al discount tor caeh, Second-hand Inst rumen ta taken in part paj lor new.. Rases & Organs Tnnci ill Repaired , in tbe moat approved style, aoJ sustisw rcllai CJeairmsBteea. Kespactftilly, 4 HALL, WAITB . EMPORIA, KANSAS. I . -. ... -t- - -.