OCR Interpretation

The Emporia news. [volume] (Emporia, Kan.) 1859-1881, September 03, 1880, Image 3

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016419/1880-09-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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RiilOniA, FRIDAY. SEPT. 3, I860
imw Adverttaeaaeata Thin Wnk.
Hlx Nott-;reco CWk.
Urn. Pnlnl. KH. WkMi Jk C-.
liuiia I" and Acorn" stoves and ranges
Sv. . tlruear.
Moan Made Kujr -fruk ftwhr
CarMia 44. W. NeVBU alto.
Nw-Hn. Kiarirk.
VinmlMmfi-MUMA Wrlrbi.
KUHm( final tiltw-V McCnlbmh.
Addiional Local on the Fourth Page.
TojOna DntuiMiu-aurd not asset
to uknluil I hi. auullf Oa ill dale at the
endtf -tan nddreas oa eath paper. It show
Mm iom tip to watch tbe subscription at paMj.
II voir nauer ta stoiiped do But Own u) th-t
yon lid not know the Um had expired, bat
loukat Um lau and aes how it si sad. and
be bad enough to renew a law day before
Umu eat a bws conr amt .
AUitiujx-On September t, 1880, at
St. AodRa's church, Emporia. Kuua,
by Utc Kef. Thomas Burrows, Mr. June
D. Hoitleu not! Mian Beatrice W. II a?-gias-
Mr. L. Sevcry, tf Ue Santa Ft, ran a
spociitl train to ToH-ka Tutidsy aflcv
doom after the close ofthv senatorial and
Judicial couyenlions, to acwiutiiodale
Um lurpe number of people who- wanted
to go to the convection.
Casket MestriNo. There will be a
banket mecliiig at Columbia KorJ, Su
dajr, ScUmMer 5. IServU-es lo bein at
10 a in. Elder J. M. Rankin ot Burling
ton, will conduct tee services, florae
with banket well filled.
PHoposals rvm. Woon. District S3
willrecvlve bid fur alxteen (IS) corda of
bod wood. One-half must ba hard
wosil. Bida received Ull September 15,
188. Mb. Gkohob Waitb, Clerk,
w3etr Emporia, Kansaa.
Xew Wood baa the beat aad cheapest
flow la the market for cash. Call
aaO : . near corner Com mere lal and,
Foirth. will
at M. W.
(tluMware and queenaware
GiIaoh's, Atucrlcua, Kan.
Umt.A brows water-spaniel dog,
colar-plate marked "Ailaius." Anyone
returning him to the B. VY. Marble
Works, opposite court house, or leaving
tafiirmatloa will receive a reward.
Standard family medicine at M. W.
Gibson's, Americas, Kansas. 29U3
The newest and 1 arrest slock of
hooieopathic laedicine in Southern Kan
sas, at the Emporia Pharmacy.
Fkachss. At the orchard of BIuums
Bucher, twelve miles southeast of Em
poria, at S3 to 50 cent per bushel.
O. A. F.f N. D. 8,T. E. P. 237tfw36tf
Slsple and fancy groceries, at M. W.
Gi beau's, Auiericus, Kansas. 81H13
Tkachkiu' fbtAiiniATioM. There will
be an examination for teachers' era UH
cate in4iie stoao school house in Em
poria, September 11, 1880, commencing
at u a. m. O. B. Whahtok,
. U0t&fcw3St3 Co. Superintendent.
Coffin, casket and trimmings, at M.
W. Gibson', Americus. Kansa. 29U3
Get your drug and medicine at the
new drug store, the Emporia Pharmacy,
opposite court house. 199tf-20tf
The Royal St. John sewing mat-Lines, I
sold by M. W. Gibson, Americus. Kan
sas. ' 8JH13
I will Lkkd Monet at lower rates
than ever before.
Edward E. Holmes,
Office (n Bancroft block, Emporia,
Kansa. w!9tf
Furniture, best quality, low price, at
M. W. Gibson's. Americus. Kas. 21H13
Money to loan on mortgage of real es
tate In Kansas. Correspondence and ap
plication solicited.
Van It. IIolmkb&Co.,
Ilarriton C. Croat, Emporia, Ks.
Van It Holme,
Oti It. Steam. w15tf.
Trade is picking up.
The country would seem to need rsia.
Kansas City Time.
If you were to come out here and any
that the fellows who are waiting &r a
chance between rains to get in their fall
wheat, would he be apt to get after you
1th pilch fork.
Mr. John Lawrence, of Kansa City,
baa purchased 000 head of cattle of Mr.
Wm. Martlndale, and will siitp tbein to
Ilamer, Stewart & Edom, of St Louis.
Mr. Lawrence has sent this firm scarry
one thousand car loads of cattle during
the present season.
The Emporia Hi ties expect to improve
very considerably on the presentation of
the "Union Spy" during fair week, over
their first performance. They will bold
rehearsals every night at the armor ,
and on next Monday evening expect to
have a stage rehearsal.
Thomas 11. Lewis and L. W. Lews
returned last week from the east. The
former has arrived home Just ahead of
hi heavy stock of fall and winter goods,
and the latter left Saturday eveniog for
the Raton mountain to look after rail
road work in hi charge.
There will be a meeting of the Lyon
county Republican committee, at the of
fice of L. B. Kellogg, in the court houe,
at Emporia, on Saturday, September 4th,
1880, tor the purpose of organization
and transaction of such other business
may properly come before the com
The Knights Templar band, of this
city, has been engaged to furnuth music
during the fair, next week. This will
be good news to all our people. The
music will be one of the leading features
of the exhibition. There is nothing that
add more to the attractions of a fair than
good music.
We return our compliments to I. D.
Fox & Co. for a copy of sheet music en
titled. "Knights Templar Grand March,"
by Pierrio La tour and published by
Brainard Jfc Son. It was written in
honor of the late Conclave and is ar
ranged in a simple, though pleasing
Our Welch friend are beginning to
prepare for a grand literary and musical
Estddfod, which will bo held in Em
poria during the holiday. There will
be contests for prizes in music, coin po
stilion and declamation, and visitors
from all parts of Kansas aud from other
state are expected.
G. W. Newman & Co have re-arrang
ed their carpet room and now have the
best of facilities for exhibiting their
slock to the best of advantage. They show
many rich and beautiful deslgus and a
visit to their carpet department is well
worth one's while.
Normal open on the Nth.
City schools open the 13lh.
The conventions are now all over.
Water-works ha plenty of water.
The next boom will bo for ga work.
Nearly all the Chicago
pilgrim have
blue grusa
look nicely.
on the fair ground
The young men' debating club dis
cussed the question of Mornionlatn at
their meeting Monday night It i a sig
nificant fact that the iuexperienced par
ties who put In in a plea for polygamy
were youthful sophist who are utterly
Ignorant of the simplest phases of mat
rimony. V
Mr. T. Prothcro, book publisher of
this city, ia about to remove hi estab
lishment to Kansas City, as a regular
branch of the Hubbard Brothers, of
Chicago and St Louis. Mr. Prothcro Is
much esteemed in this city, and hi de
parture from Emporia will lie much re
The school board met on Monday
ovening for tho purpose of discussing
the adjustment of teachers in the public
school. Tat matter wa talked over
Large shipments of stock continue to 1 among the members, and It was decided
to permit Professor Carmicuael to make
the assignments in accordance with his
own Ideas of convenience.
Holmes Je Jilson are rushing work' on
tho new hotel.
There ia one thing about Buck : lie
never "sours."
The Cottonwood and Neosho are lie
glunlng to rise.
Lyon county will bo In "holiday at
tire" at the fair next week.
move over the Santa Fe road.
Congressman John A. Anderson has
been invited to deliver the address atonr
The rules and regulations of the Lyon
county fair will be found in today's
A number of first-class entries have
been mado for the sieed-riug at Ihe Lyou
county fair.
The race track will be in splendid con-!
dllion for the races next week if there is
no more rain.
Mr. Bulls, of T11 a News, went to To-
peka Tuesday, on the "special" to take
In the convention.
We understand the Emporia Cadets
are to be invited to drill every day of Uie
fair on Uie ground.
Thirteen car-loads of stock were ship
ped from Madison to Kansa City over
the Santa Ke road Monday.
Diku .At Forest Hill, August 24,
1880, at Uie residence of her sister, M. A,
Fuqua, Jennie E. Stevensou, aced 81)
years, 4 monUia.
A valuable mare belong to constable
Johnson wa seriously injured Sunday
by stepping on a garden rako which
lood near her stall.
The pkurtcrefe are at work at Uie Con
gregational church aad expect to finish
in a few weeks.
Mr. J. G. Pitting! 11 is putting up quite
a fine residence at the corner of Fifth
avouue and Merchants strtvt
John Sliansc U building a new black
smith and carriage shop, tttx Sixth ave
nue, between Mechanics and - Market
By a vote taken at the last M. E. quar
terly conference held in this city, it was
dt-ioed that the foundation of the new
Method Ut church of Emporia should be
laid this fall on the lot where the present
edifice stands, thus making a start oa the
contcmDlated work of building a better
house of worship. The matter will come
up for cousideraUon at Uie next meeting
of the trustee of the church.
Onukatk CanaaUoa.
There will be a masscouvention of Uie
National Grceuback Labor party of Lyon
county, Kansas, held at the court house :
in Emporia, Septembvr 11, 1880, at 10
o'clock a. in., for the purpose of noutin
atiug a county ticket, and transacting
g'ucu other buaiueria as may come before
the convention.
All Grecnbackers and others who are
in sympathy with the movement are in
vited to be present W. B. Itoo,
J. L. Williams, Chairman,
The following is a list of superintend.
enU of the various classes at the Lyon
County Fair next week :
Floral Hall T. P. UalL
Cattle J. S. McWhorter.
Horses Dan King.
Sheep G. B. Peters.
Swine Jacob Taylor.
Poultry L..A. Wood.
Agricultural Implements W. B. Wil
Mechanic Arts E. F. Sprague.
Farm Products J. V. Carter.
Horticultural and Floral W. B. lloss.
Fine Art -B. T. Davis.
Textile Fabric Mrs. J. F. Stratton.
Natural History Charles Cavaness.
Class M, honey A. P. Kclley.
Class N, for boys and girls under 15
Mrs. Jacob Stollcr.
Clata O.equcBtrianship E. P. IXruocr.
Plowing Match W. J. Carney.
Educational. O. B. Wharton.
Monday morning Sheriff Moon re
turned from Twiu Mound, where he
weutto interview the wilo of Charles
Hamlltou, the man who was murdered
on Moon creek, some weeks ago. He
obtained, while there, an accurate dis
crlption of Hamilton, and learned that
there were mark upon his body by
which he could be indentitled. Yester
day, in company with a sufficient party
for the accomplishment of Uie disagree
able duty, Sheriff Moon went to Moon
creek, where the remains of
the murdered mau were disin-1
terred, but decomposition had proceed
ed so far that the body was a perfect
mass of putrefaction, and neither form
nor features were distinguishable. The
description given by Mrs. Hamilton of
her husband corresponded with that of I
tho murdered man jdrcady published in
the News, and there Is little doubt that
it was ho who was shot down by a fellow
traveller as he was ou bis way home to
Join his family. Mrs. Hamilton has a
bale a month old, aud is iu rather poor
3,30 Wort Ik ar Iaayrawaaewts M Uw
tiraaarta. .
We visited the fairgrounds Monday
and found Mr. Uainmoad driving the
new improvements now being mad on
the gronnds, with about a doaen work
men. The ground will be in much better
shape, and more' conveniently arranged
for both visitors and exhibitor than ever
heretofore. The new improvements will
cost, when finished, about $C,0C0. They
consist, chiefly, ia a large addition to
Ue barn, "and the building of a new
section of scats, wbich will accommo.
date about 1,000 people. The new sec
tion covers the ground of
the old section, the latter having
been moved about 100 feet further south.
The new section of seat will be arrang
ed in two stories, the upper one being
covered. Under this section is also ar
ranged a row of covered booths for lunch
and refreshment stands. In front of the
entire row of seats, and between them
and the track a tight board fence has
been erected, to protect the track from
the Mocks Of people which have always
thronged upon it heretofore, to the detri
ment of Uie races. Uie danger of the peo
ple and tbe great annoyance of the offi
cials of the fair. There will be now
scats for about 1,500 people. Everything
will be done which is In the power of
association to do lor the comfort and
convenience of the people.
We ought to have the best fair ever
held here. We can have if the people
rill but second Uie efforts ot the asso
ciation and Uie officers in charge. We
understand, of course, there will
not be much of a display of some
articles, but there is a great
deal of good stock iu this couuty now
which ought to be brought out. Floral
hall ought t have a much better exhibi
tion than ever before, and will if those in.
tercbtcd, and estecially the ladies of the
county, will give the exhibition that at
tention which its importance deserves at
their hands. Let all make an extra ef
fort from this oa to make the fair of 1880
eclipse all its predecessors.
All need a holiday. This will be a
good time to take it. Take two or three
day's rest and bring your families to
the fair, there to meet friends, make
new acquaintances, exchange views
about farming, stock raising, domestic
duties, etc.. and reap the benefits of the
C. B Grave. 1
At the County
Fair, Thursday, Septem
ber .
TiikWbeely News to Jamuahy 1st,
1881. We will furnish the weekly News
to new subscribers, for fifty cent to tbe
first of January, 1881.
There is not much of a building boom
on hands In Emporia now, but we can
count up at least $73,000 worth of new
buildings In different stage of construc
G. B. Grave wa formerly interested
Ik a law firm heie though we believe he
did not slay here much of Uie time.
The firm was Watson, Crawford A
; Grave.
t Sow W n eat. We believe it ia Impor
tant that every possible acre of wheat
mourn oe put in una lal I, tor reasons
which will suggest themselves to every
Carl C Zeus, professor of Jlne art and
special artist of western railroad, ia In
Uie city. HI business Is to Uke view
along the line of Uie different road
which employ him.
Wo will give Uie Daily New, to new
subscriber till tbe first of January for
f 1.8.1, or about nine cent a week dull,
ered by carrier lo any part of the city, or
through Uie post office.
The bond of James Khea, of Morris
county, for $1V00, was approved by Uie
sheriff Monday and the prisoner discharg
ed from custody, until the sitting of Uie
district court is September.
Frank Going, of the Neosho Dramatic
Company has quite a reputation In Era
poria aa a negro character and ia said to
be fully a good In the role of an Irish
lad. He plays the part of "Larry De-
Tine" next Friday aad Saturday even-
lags. -
Tbe examinations for admission to the
State Normal will begin at two o'clock
p. m. on next Monday, and for advanced
standing oa Tuesday at the same hour.
It is thought there will l at least two
hundred students in attendance at the
fall term. '
B. T. Wright, formerly of Emporia, is
now a member of the firm of Armstrong
& Cos dealers In all kinds of oils, MA,
Lake street, Chicago, Illinois, n
would like to see all old friend when
they are la that city, aad especially those
who deal In oil.
Tas News at the Faib. Our friends
will find as 00 the fair gnund during the
week of the exhibition, ready to take sub
scriptions from new or old subscribers,
and to furoUb. extra copies of either the
. Daily or Weekly. Give ui a call.
farauaal Mantlo.
W. F. Chalfant returned from Colora
do Tuesday.
Mr. Win. Van Raalte, of Boston, is
visiting bis uncle, Mr. A. E. Abrams
of thi city.
J. S. Bougbton, of tbe Kansas Month.
ly, published at Lawrence, called at Til K
News office Tuesday.
W. O. Lunsford.of the Madison News,
was a delegate to Uie judicial and sena
torial conventions held in this city Tuesday.
Rev. Ml. Dudley, of tho Presbyterian
church, started Monday for Cincinnati,
Ohio, to spend a vacation of some
Mr. L. S. Page returned Salarday
night from Chicago, where be attended
the conclave and thu photographer's con
Mrs. G. E. Worcester and famUy ar
rived homo a few days ago from Yaukce-
dom, whore they bad been visiting for
many months.
Mr. A. N. Boory, who was poisoned
some days since by castor beau resumed
his position behind the counters of D.
Thomas 4k Co. Monday.
A. Hemcnway. one of the former cltl
sens of Lyou county, but now of Colo
rado Springs, Colorado, returned Uii
week on a busiuesa visit
Judge B. W. Kingsbury, of Burling
ton, one of the "old timers," was a dele
gate to the Judicial convention Tues
day, and called at Tub News office.
Senator Plumb returned on Saturday
night from a tour through different parts
of Kansas, during which be put ia some
olid work for Garfield and Arthur.
Mr. E. Bono , and wife, Mr. C. A.
Lelgbton, Harry Hlbben, and
others of Uie Chicago excursionist re,
turned to Em poria on Saturday evening.
Brown, of Uie Burlington Patriot, waa
among Uie throng at Uie Merchants ho
tel Tuesday, and ia now rejoicing at
tbe success of his fellow townsman.
Judge Grave.
Dr. J. W. Stone, mentioned in Tub
New of M outlay, ba rented an office
In the new Mk block on south Com
mercial street, where he will await
hare of the public patronage.
Prof. B. T. Davis, who has been con
ducting several normals in different
counties of Kansas, has returned to Em
poria, and is preparing to asumo his po-
alUon as a teacher in Uie Stale Normal
Mrs. J. C. Burnet and daughter
Maudle, returned Saturday from Uie
east, having spent the aummer with rela
tives and friends at River du Loup, one
Of uie most delightful of Canadian cum
nier resorts.
Geo. D. Loom is started Wednesday
for a few days visit to Kansas City. He
say hi beat girl sent for him, but
think this a mistake. She will probably
end for him if he stay away too
foatutHe Points.
Tuesday, Aug. 31
roni tho number or corsets passing
through, we are led to believe that Uie
Hancock and English clubs are receiving
their supplies by mail.
Aliout twelve or thirteen postal cards
have been dropped in during tho past
two week without address. Put the ad
dress on your cards before writing the
The treasury department has arranged
with the post office depnrtuicut for U10
tree transportation, by mall, in limited
quantities, of standard ullver dollars and
fractional silver coiu. Silver dollars, in
sums of $05, may be obtained of tho U.
S. treasury in exchange for greenbacks,
or bank notes, or duly certified drafts, by
registered mall, the recipient bearing
only tho exense of registration, 10c.
Fractional silver coin, oblaiued in same
manner, in sums of $70.
Nothing makes a young man so hap
py aa to get around to the post office af
ter It Is closed and see a letter In bis
box, to have his bourt whixper it is from
her, to dream sweet and tender fancies,
hallowed with love's socredneas all
night, aud to come down in the morn
ing before breakfast and fiud it's a bill of
$7.50 for his last year's business suit
She halloed at the stamp-clerk's win
dow yesterday and asked: "Could I
procuah a postal card hcah ?"
He thought she eould "Two thents
or one tucnt?" Ono cent ho told her
and she took one, ns bite received it she
asked :
"Have you a pewu aud ink oh?;
They were habdod out alio struck an at
Utuuo on tho counter tho samo a
boy who has eaten to much water-
mcllon would, over a chair; held the
pen poised for half a minute with her
great chalky eyes turned heavenward as
if trying to remember tho name of some
dear friend, then touching it to the card,
she wrote: "H-e-n-r " and the pen
gave a sputter:
"Oh! dwear me! my wyngs bwother
me so-ah," and she tried to get a new
rest for her elbows and show off tho tlx
ring she had on one hand ana the dia
mond on the other.
Theu she went on and finished the
y" and began "Od-a ," when tho pen
sputtered again, and she threw down the
card, returned the pen and rubbed her
hands together and shook herself, say-
"I won't write to him, after awal, for
I can't wlte natual with my wyng on."
The directors of the agricultural so
ciety have arranged to admit,r, Thurs
day, September 0, all pupils who have
attended the public schools of Uie county
during Uie year ; also all teachers w bo
have taught in the county during the
Tho following conditions, however,
must be observed, vi :
1. Each school should come as a school ;
that is, all pupils belonging to the school
should be together.
9. One of the teachers who has taught
the school during the year should ac
company the school.
3. Each school must join the proces
sion and march to the fair grounds.
The procession will form on Sixth
avenue, near the larm or J. f. Jtiov nor-
ter at 10 a. m. After reaching the
grounds the pupils will be seated in the
amphitheater and the following program
will be presented :
1. Address by President It B. Welch.
3. Short talks by visiting principals
and superintendents of schools.
3. Music, declamations, essays and
recitations, by punl's of the different
All work not yet handed in should be
-sent to Uie county superintendent im
mediately. The names of pupils who
will take part iu tho exercises at the
fair grounds should also lie handed to
the county superintendent.
It is hoped that all pupils and teachers
iu tho county will avail themselves of
this opportunity to visit the fair.
Farowoll Katertataaaont.
MUs F. M. Estabrook, assisted by her
class ia elocution, will give aa entertain
ment at the Methodist churca la this
city on Friday evening. September
commencing at 8 o'clock p. . m. The
program will be tbe beet Miss Estabrook
has ever offered to her Emporia friends.
This will be the last opportunity to hear
her, as she starts to California ia a lew
days. The price of admission for adults
wUl be S3 cents ; for children 10 cent.
Miss EaUbrook deserve, and undoubted.
ly will have, a large audience. -
Everybody should note tbe fact that
the best reined v known for cotcghs, cold,
elc la Dr. Bull' cough syrup. Price
only 23 cent a bottle.
Conductor Shot.
We learned Wednesday from a gentle
man who was iu the office, and who
came in on the Santa Fc train from the
west that morning, that a conductor.
whose name wo did not get, was shot at
Ellinwood by a man on the train, Tues
day afternoon. On stopping at tho
station the conductor found two
men on top of oue of the cars. It is said
tho men were going west to work on tho
road in New Mexico. He ordered them
down, telling Uiem that was no place to
ride. They got down, and in
dulged in some improper words
towards the couductor. One of
them finally exhibited a revolver.
The couductor told them they ought not
to carry fire-arms on the train; that it
they would step into the car lie would
show them the rules which all passen
gers were expected to observe.
Further words ensued, the con
ductor endeavoring to reason wilh
U10 men, wheu one of thcui drew his re
volver and shot the conductor in Uie
stomach. At the lime our informant
left the conductor was not expected to
We irlve this Btorv as related to na liv
Uie passenger, not being able to learn
anything lurlucr in relation to it.
The following dispatch to Uie Topcka
Commonwealth confirms the story of
Hie killing of the conductor:
Ellin wood. Kas.. Auor. 31. II. D.
Morgan, conductor on train ro. 8. was
shot by a rough . named Logan Mont
gomery, on tho train lust as It had pulled
out irom uie coal nouse. t he murderer
jumped from the train and made for a
corn neia, but was soon captured, lie is
now naving nis preliminary examina
Uon. The wounded man is not exoocl
ed to live as he was shot in Uie pit of the
stomacn ana is uieeame internally.
There is at present, talk of lynching the
Toraporaaoo Loetoro.
The following letter will explain it
Bismarck Grove, i
Saturday, Aucubt 28. t
Ju4hje Peyton, Kmnorin :
of Iowa, has come Into our state to labor
11 vo days after our meetings close. She
ia state temperance agent ot her state,
and a woman of great ability. Time is
short aud we are compelled to send her
to dilfercnt points, asking that she be re
ceived with courtesy. Iowa sent her.
We only pay traveling expense and en
tertainment bue will take her own
collection and if anything Is over leave
It for Uie temperance work among the
Unions. 111 you please nave her an
nounced to sneak at Emporia. Wednca
day evcuing, September 1st, and sec
ladies for her rsceplion and entertain
ment? 31BS. It. U. f lKi.r. t-or. Sec.
W. 8. C. T. M.
nora-Ura mm tke War fata.
The festive burglar was on Uie ram
page in Emporia Monday night, and got
away with a respectable amount ot
booty, -s mo norses ami harness anil a
new wagon belonging Harry Veach were - participate tn Uie present convention.
stolen from the stable on the rear of bit Mr. Starr reported that Uie Greenwood
lot on Market between Fifth and Sixth county delegation could not be found.
G roan wood Coonty Rafaaaa to Take Part
, la tae lrocdUisa
The senatorial convention of the 24th
district met at Uie court bouse in this
city, at 3 o'clock, August 31, with C. B.
Bucbellcr in the chair and I. D, Fox as
E. Borton, S. A. Martin and C. T.
Cavaness were appointed as a committee
on credentials.
On motion, A. W. Plumb, W. O. Clay
comb and John Wayman were appoint
ed a committee on permanent organiza
Mr. Borton reported that he had wait
ed upon Uie Greenwood county delcga
tion which hail withdrawn from Uie con
vention and that they proposed that a
new set of delegates lie elected from
Lyon county, and that another couven
tion be called at a future date.
The report was rejected by a unani
mous vote. .
un motion. Air. J. It. ntarr was ap-
pointed a committee of one to wait upon
Uie Greenwood county delegation and
inform thein of the . rejection of Uie
report of Mr. Borton, and to invite them
avenues. The wagou was new, having
been purchased but a few days and Uie
enure outfit was much above Uie aver
The stable of the GUchriest Brothers
was also entered, aad a pocket-book
belonging to Charley Gilchriest, con
taining eight aoiiars in money ami a
note, twelve Ivory rings off the carriage
harness, aiid other articles wt:re stolen.
Two men were sleeping ia Uie office, but
neither beard Uie noise.
The meat market of Faust & Ladd,
oa south Commercial street, was also
visited, but all Uie thieves got there was
twenty-five cent which had been left In
the money drawer.
' There is being aa effort made to re
cover Uie stolen property of Mr. Veach,
and to apprehend Uie thieves. It looks
very much aa if uiere was aa organised
band of burglars in our midst and it
will require ihe greatest viligance on the
nart or the ponce 10 note tacm ont
I Meanwhile, our citizens should exercise
uoulue precaution in securing tueir prop
erty and fortifying their premises
against the niia nigni marauders.
The committee on crcdenUals reported
that Uie following gentlemen from Lyon
...... . ..
county are entiticu to seats in Uie con
vention: I. D. Fox, a B. Bacheller,
J. B. Moon, E. Borton, C. I. Cava
ness, N. Wise, A. W. Plumb, John Way
J. B. Starr, Cyrus Stout, W. F.
Hancock, G. H. Thompson, D. Chamb-
lin, A. D. Chambers, Oliver Phillips.
lite committee oa permanent organ
ization recommended that Uie temporary
organization be continued, which was
Oa motion, Uie convention then pro
ceeded to Uie nomination of a candidate
for state senator.
Mr. E. Borton put in nomination Sen
ator Almerin Gillett and moved that bis
nomination be made unanimous, which
was unanimously carried.
vsn mouoa, ine caaimiea or the cen
tral committee of the counties compos
ing Uie 24th district, were made a sena
torial committee for Uie district
Oa motion, the convention adjourned
siss die.
of ftnrllaetoa. NoilaJtd
oa Uto rtrat Ualtat.
The Urpubliean convention of the
Fifth judicial district assembled at the
coart house in Emjria, at 13 ui. Tues
day, August SI, pursuant to call.
The convention was called to order by
L. B. Kellojrjr, a member of tbe Lyon
county Republican central committee.
On motiiw of Job Tbrocmorbwi, of
Coffey county, Geo. n. Li Hie, of Green
wood, was elected temporary chairman.
8. B. Bradford, of Osage county, was
elected secretary. -
On motion of Harrison Kelley, of
Coffey county, a committee of five on
credentials was appointed as follows:
Harrison Kelley, of Coffey ; S. A. Martin,
of Greenwood ; J. W, Jackson, of Osage ;
Job Throckmorton, of Coffey, and 8. B.
Riggs, of Lyon.
On motion, E. G Russell, of Osae coun
ty ; J. W. Johnson, of Greenwood ; L. B.
Kellogg, or Lyon; W. C. Chatfleld. of
Osage, and B. W. Kingsbury, of Coffey,
were appointed a committee on perma
nent organization.
On motion the convention took a re
cess uulil 1 :30 p, m.
Mr. Keller, chairman ofUtecommiUee
on credentials, submitted tbe report of
the committee, aa follows:
Tbe committee on credentials beg
leave to submit the following as the list
of delegates to this couveutiou, bearing
proper credentials from their respective
Osage County W. C. Chatfleld, E. G.
Russell, David Dodge, P. E. Gregory, N.
Fratikhouser, 8. U. Bradford, N-'W,
Laubnuch, J. W. Jackson,1!.1 P." Shreck.
James Hurst, It L. Graham, F. W. Mitchell.
Coffey County Harrison Kelley, B.
L. Kingsbury, M. B Hoover, Job
Thorckinorton, J. M. Lane, Tlios. Cross.
Lyon county L. B. Kellogg, Almerin
Gillett, C. a Bacheller, 8. a Riggs, W.
F. Ewing. It D. Thomas, T, P. Hall, T.
Arthur Wrirfit, J. L. BuUer. H. F-
nolmes, S. C. Delap, W . J. Combs.
Greenwood County. J. W. Johnson,
G. II. Lillie, J. W. Kinner, W. O. Luns-
ford, S. A. Martin, J. 'V. Hy.i . j mi..
1 our committee, in view of an appa
rent inequality in apportionment of del
egutea to this convention, would respect
fully recommend that the counties of
Greenwood and Coffey be each entlUed
to au additional delegate in the conven
tion, and would recommend J. B. Clog
ston, of Greenwood, and T. J. Goodwin,
of Coffey county, to sit ns delegates in
this convention to fill their respective
On motion of Mr. Kellogg, Uie report
of the committee was unanimously
Mr. Kussell from committee on per
manent organization reported the tem
porary officers as permanent officers of
the convention. Adopted.
On motion of Mr. Kellogg delegates
present were authorized to cast Uie full
vote of their respective counties.
On motion 'of Mr. Throckmorton Uie
convention proceeded to the nomination
of candidates for judge.
On motion of Mr. Chat field it was de
cided to vote riiw tot as the name of
each delegate was called, lor the candi
date of their choice for judge.
General Kelley nominated C. B.
Graves, of Burlington ; seconded by Mr.
Clogston, of Green wood.
Mr. Kellogg, placed in nomination J.
Jay Buck, of Emporia.
The roll waa then called with the fol
lowing result: Graves, 30; Buck, 13.
Mr. Graves received every vote from the
counties of Coffey, Osage and Green
wood, and Mr. Buck those of Lyon
On motion of Mr. Riggs, Uie nomina
tion of Mr. Graves was made unani
Mr. Graves was called foraudjoturaod;
thanks, but declined lo make a speech
under the circumstances. He promised
that if elected it would bo his highest
aim to merit the confidence of the con
vention and approbation of tho people.
On motion, the chalrmau of Uie vari
ous county Republican committees of
the district were mode a judicial dis
trict committee.
On motion, the convention adjourned
di. ', .. !
A Little Jaunt.
Last Friday I boarded Net tleton's train
for Otter creek. The car was full of
Democratic statesmen who were jollify
ing over the nomination of Ross. They
seemed to bo happy over the thought
that an ex-Republican was on the way
to salt river. There were two or three
stalwart Republicans aboard who enter
ed into their joy. Poor Ross.
From Eagle Creek to Madison we were
in the ram. At Willow valley we
took refreshments. At Eureka we
left Phc-nis with some or his Dem
ocratic friends. Here it rained again.
On a bill between Fall river and Otter
creek the train "slowed up" and
I lumped off in the mud and dark to
hunt up a parsonage on the prairie. The
parsonage, an unfinished frame house,
was found, and the preacher, G. W.
White, and bis good wife,, gave me a
hearty welcome. Some of our preach
ers ana uicir wives endure a good acai
for the privilege of preaching the gospel
to the poor. - It rained most of the
Saturday moraine we set out. in
open spring wagon, for a ten mile ride
up North Otter, which took ns up into
tbe spurs of the Flint Hills. The bot
tom lands, not very extensive, are all
fenced, which throws the road out on to
the hills. So our ride was up
and down over the rockiest road I have
found in - Kansas. The face of the
country is quite picturesque, and there
are some beautitul little canons running
up into the hills. There are some great
bluffs of rock, unlike anything I have
seen elsewhere in Kansas. Scrueirv Din-
oaks grow out of the irreat crevices of
Uie great rocks. Brae Ui pods, crinoids
and oUicr fossils abound in these rocks.
I captured a SDocimen which resembles
a cross between a trilobite and a bivalve.
This country has been settled about
ten years. There are some very ' fine
stock farms along this stream. The
creek runs the year round, has run a
good stream all this season. Tie caves
and little bushv "frulcbcs alone the 'hill
sides afford fine shelter for stock in the
winter, and the high table lands
afford the best of summer range. The
corn crop is good and there Is a world
of hay. There are no apple-bearing or
chards yet, but abundance of peaches. 1
may say that it rained Saturday after
noon and night, and spoiled our grove
meeting. So on Sunday morning and
afternoon we had a largo congregation
huddled ia and around a small school
house and endured one of the hottest
days of Uie season.
Late in Uie afternoon I rested while
good brother drove nae across Uie coun
try, a distance of twelve miles, tq Eureka,
Here I found a church full of j. -sping,
sweltering people, who sat v.ticnUy
to hear one of Uie hottest ser
mons I ever tried to preach. It
made both preacher and people sweat
1 he r-urekans are good church goers.
lliey have a pond cboir. led by Dr.
Wakefield. Col. Riser, of the Herald.
manages tho bnss. licv. K. C. Brooks,
the pastor, is wide-awake and looks af
ter all the interests of the church. We
spent Monday renewing old and forming
new acquaintances in the city.
Tuesday morn in i; we boarded Nettle-
ton's train again for home. This time
we round the car lull of ltepuMican pol
iticians on their way to Topcka to nom
inate a ticket to defeat Uie Democratic
nominees. They believe that they can
defeat all the ex-Republicans in the
field. So they are happy. I reached
home in eood time and in good tune for
ainner. I am no Tannertte. u. it k.
must not forget that if you want anything in
to call on I . r . UKAlvit. & CO.. sum of the
red cradle.
G "W. TMhlW iAKT Go.
Oar Advoatare Wlia a Booko.
Jacob's Crbee, Kan., Aug. 24, 18S0.
1 was startled aad suprised, 00 being
suddenly awakened, to find my husband
ia a reverential attitude and calling for
divine help. Knowing well that men
only appeal to a higher power in ex
treme cases, I immediately arose to see
Uie cause of the disturbance. By this Use
my nua oana nail fled, at most at a Single
bound, to the kitchen in search of a
weapon not Uie broomstick, however
that would be too feminine but a stick of
wood was procured and the enemy as
saulted, which proved to be a hideous
snake, over four feet ia length, crawling
on a chair-hack close to the bedside, evi
dently seeking some more comfortable
quarters. By the time the weapon was
brought to bear upon him, bis bead was
out a window close by, and he writhed
and slashed uiuisell against uie uouae
furiously, until he wriggled to tbe
ground. But my better half be
ing ueienuincu uit 10 uw uutai,
tlew out Uie door aad after him, in a
manner proving great agility at least,
and dispatched Uie enemy at once. Af
ter searching Uie house, barring the
windows and doors, we again retired.
trying to lose ourselves in slumber which
was not easily doue. as every ung now
seemed to be assuming the Hhape of
reptiles. In time, however, Morpheus
did relieve us of our trouble and we
slept quietly until morning, when we
arose to fiud our enemy quite dead on
the field of battle, showing, however,
a peculiar fullness which, we attributed
to mice he had rid the house of during
hia visit Presently we noticed the bird
cage empty and Uie birds all gone, Uie
cage hanging over the window six feet
from the floor. The first thought was Uie
cat as Uie window was open, but that
idea was dismissed as no feathers or clue
to birds could be found. The second
thought was Uie snake, but this idea
seemed equally unfeasible, as Uie ques
tion arose, how could Uie hideous thing
climb a perpendicular plastered wall or
climb the window? But climb there in
some way he evidently did, and ate those
canaries. In order to settle the
matter satisfactorily, a postmortem exam
ination was resorted to and Uie birds
found within Uie snake. Now the storv
is simply this: While away-on Sunday,
visiting a sister, that miserable snake
had clinied the painted weatherboarding
four fcettto Uie window, climbed Uie win
dow and swallowed those birds, taken
possession of the house, and I suppose
enjoyed bis new quarters and sumptuous
feast to Uie highest degree of serpentine
enjoyment, until he was surprised mak
ing his exit by another window.
But horrors! . Just imagine yourselves
awakened by a hideous serpent trying
to find comfort in your "bed, having
crawiea arouna tne nouse wiui oareioot
ed children, crawled to your ceiling and
perambulated Uie house generally, and
perhaps you can half realize the terror
of such an awakening.
If you doubt Uie veracity of "Our ad
venture with a snake," enquire of
B. F. Hollinoswokth.
Hartford News.
A Happy Mai at Uckawt, X. T.
Xm. C wuiiamsoo, ot this place, is re
joicing over the recovery of his wife.
wno has been an invalid for uie past
four years. She has regained ber
strength, ber complexion is vastly im
proved, and she has walked more ia the
past moo in ami is stronger and better
than she has been in years. He attri
butes these happy results entirely to
Day's Kidney Pad.
Women with pale, colorless faces, who
feel weak aad discouraged, will receive
both, mental and bodily vigor by nsiog
Carter's Iron Pills, which are made for
Uie blood, nerves and complexion. Sold
by North & Ryder. 224l34-w33t4
Use Lets' Dandelion Tonic, the irreat
blood aad liver purifier and lile giving
principle, a preventative of chilis and
ague, and a sure cure lor dyspepsia. 1
Price Si per boUie. jror sale My all
.druggists. iJLxw -
AdvortlaoB Aa
31. ISS.
renou ealliax far aar aXU fullownr tet
ters will Dlca sav -adwiLiiii' ud tfia
Baker Bin Satlle Krraarr Charto J
Hrowa Mr. O 11 Mclairr IHiBcaa
ISroaa Mr RH-aanl ll.nrt k.ra. . ''
Colt-taaa air. UslilB'g-ParrU Mr fnnw A -
rou mi kmim w uue
PavU tUrin Sam M
tUli. Liixa J iaa air8 A
titlMoo Mrs David A WeWwr Bartoo
looi ltt ' W . Wear iieonm
narriMM. 11 wusw ta kUlvia
HrlwirCli Walter ic si. civil
tloitr Mr Jarob -
KuiKBt Mr J M Water Un lui Letti
- - iilb poa rorn -licanv
Mrsu W, r-urtlaaO. Oregoa.
tlvjrt A Co WaChieagu.
Layout Mr Jacuo. Mvrlia. riL
Kued Mr Irat , Watao. Ill
Suut A W. Wai.reo.-y. Kaa.
axe now
Fall Stock: of Gargets!
Call and sea thorn
Market Quotations.
Rud Notice.
Motwo at fcmfcv in wo Un a aatatioa aaa
a pmal w um Okiard ot waaly an -
M Ljas OMtorv. aaaa aoajojt
Saturday, Aug. S3.
Jo. Campbell is gone to Chicago and
that is why Will Brogan warbled upon
the bass drum in the band to-day.. . . .A
very heavy rain fell . in this part ol
"drought-stricken Kansas" yesterday
and last night. . . .A car load of large
rock passea through on tbe morning
train, evidently irom uuniup. as the
rocks were embellished with the words
Dunlap beats 'em all.". . . .Twenty car
loads of cattle were shipped from this
station today. Ten of them, belonging
to Gardner Bros., of this place, were
billed to Buffulo, N. Y., and the balance,
ownod by Messrs. Kirkendall & Staid, to
Tuesday, Aug, 31..
Mr. James Watkins returned this
morning from a trip to the valley of the
Solomon. He says that Uie present rain
is Uie first in that secUon for more than
year.... I. Samuelson. .who has been
east purchasing goods during Uie past
week, returned yesterday, and the new
stock will soon arrive. It consists prin-
i pally of dry cood and notions. . . .Mrs.
Jacob Pruilt is very ill with typhoid fe
ver. . . .Hiram Ruby is going to Wiscon
sin, in company with Harry Bniith.
They will start next week. Success
Joshua Duran has oue of Uie best fields
of buckwheat, just west of town, that we
have ever seen in the state, dry weather
to the contrary notwithstanding. . . .Bill
Taylor and his little blackbirds have mi
grated to uoney county. . . . I lie uoys that
took their lasses to the ball Friday
night in Cal. Moor's buggy, ycxter-
day paid fifteen dollars for the
splinters that the horses made while
running. . . .Charley Johnson, who was
sued for damages on account of his cat
t)' breaking over an unlawful fence, won
U.e suit Joseph Stewart and Sheffield
Maxson have each lost several cattle
from eating too much corn. It behooves
people to carefully watch their cattle at
this season of the year.. 1. .Uncle Gib
Holt has not hail any more "visions"
since he heard from Alabama. . . .Cannot
some one get up a subscription to fence
Uie school buildinifT It is a shame Uiat
it should be left to Uie commons as it
now is Charley Johnson hss bought
a naii interest in u. unavers meat mar
ket. . . .Camnbell & Broean are still In
the lead in their line of business, dailv
gaining new customers, while their older
ones stick to them in spite of the adop
tion or the cash system just adopted.
When vou feel a coueh or bronchial
affection creeping on Uie lungs, take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and cure it be
fore it becomes Incurable.
Lost. An umbrella, between Ameri
cus and Emporia. Finder will please
leave at this office. d?:0tl&wwctl
If not above being taujrht by a man.
use Dobbins' Electric Soap next wash
day; used without wash boiler or board.
and used dinerenuy irom any other soap
made. It seems droll to think of a quiet,
orderly two hours' lisht work oa wash
day, with no heat, no steam, or smell of
washing through tue. house, Instead of a
long cay's hard work ; but h una reus 01
thousands of women from Neva Scotia
to Texas have proved for themselves that
this is done by using Dobbins' Electric
oap. Don't Duy it, nowever. 11 too set
in your ways to use it according to di
recuons. so simple as tseem almost
ridiculous, and so easy that a girl of
iweive yea. s can uo a targe wasn wuuoui
being tired. It positively will not in
jure the finest fabric, has been before the
puDitc.niteen years, ana its saie aouuies
every year. If your grocer has not got
it ne win srei il as an wnoiesaie Erocers
keep it. L L. Cragin & Co., Philadel
phia, manufacturer. John M. Butler
& Co., Agents. dS4jBn27wl0jan30cod .
Try tiie Kocky Mountain Brmit.
They rive tone to the stomach, stimu-
late Uie liver, relieve the over-taxed kui-
neys and purify uie blood. They create
a healthy appetite, improve digestion,
invigorate Uie muscular and nervous sys
tems ana give nniiiancy to vie minn.
Price. For sale by Trimble & Irwin.
drnggists, sole agents for Emporia, Kan
firala. arr oaahrl.
Wbral.SuwX ... TS
Wheal, No. 3 t !
Wheat. Nt.4.. ...
W Seal. reieeleU aa
Cim, KOud If si
Kye 4J
Mere reed, arr ISO Ika.
tiruniMl era and uot. ...
Bkip.luar ,
nnm .
1oar al. prr ISO thai
l ock ol the walk "71
Shawnee, patent rocesl
Burton U. K new biue..
rTir??.i v-r-
llakera Choice ......
Soden'a Karle
- S-X
Armor's AA
y v
Lailtes FriendlX rV.!"!! I
4X - - I
unuun nour. ........
Rye Sour
Cora meal
Buckwheat flour, per lb
. Vngetablra.
Cucumber tier dm
Potatoes, new, per peck-!
.urnipa, per ouueu.
Onion, per pock
Onlou, per bunch . .
Cabuag, per head.
Beetft, er bunch . . .
Squash, each
Sweet potatoes, per lb. . J
owns, per quart
Pannip, per uutbel...
Lettuce, per uuaoh
Radishes, per buaee
PoaUrr, Free are, .
Butter, per lb ,
Kgce, perdoaen ,
Milk, per quart ,
Choose, per lb
Sweet cider, per gal . .
Mince meat iter lb
Chicken, live. ier dozen!
" drewed, per lb
. ui.cti. lire, ..........
Pnan Krai ta
iled raspberrie per qt
Raspberries do
Blackberries do
Gooseberries do
Peaches per pk
Apple. do
Plum perqt.
Lemons, per down.
Oranirea. "
Brie Fralta, par lb.
Ahlcn applet.
California plum
Calilornia pears
Pitted cherriec
Blackberries, new
Un Stork.
Pat hogs, per luu lbs.. . .
Pat steers, per lb
Pat cows. "
Pat sheep. "
Calves, ier head
Fresh milch cows,
lonies, "
Prssli Meabv o, p.r lb
Beef slunk..,
Boiling pieces
Veal ,
Hcst ham
Country ham
Iricd beef, native. . ..
Uriel beef, buffalo
Sausage, home
Sausage, bologna
Wool, per lb.
lnwM,':,.,:. ::
Mldr, per lb.
Iry flint, Kt. 1
Green salted
seiiiratina as a us 11 ly i . lumei,
bt : siamsasma as that na.b.ai sihmi
as imuh u. iw-
ail 00 tho s.rsiosi
aso-t oo
.J.I I
... ,.-
3 so
a m
t !
4 tu
1 su
a so
5 Ml
s se
3 as
S 10
s ua
a 10
a ss
s as
a o
a so
1 uu
1 'R&ta 00
I set)
or too suo tn west worm
saio !. raaieo tt.lWoeo
line a near aa orartsrabt no sno
comaf of te sooUiwa4toamsros' asvSMan la.
Wwasbip bxnuuiv I: also nacao all tu
poritoa M a ruasiy mm last ratissnin. 1
west direcUoas lions too him tsawo tae
sooth 4 qoarter 4f sectsvo la. kowaakoat 11
range hi. as a? tho wan I vl km tho
rsnsty eWrk emra. Lm oimumv. kvaaaaa.
And apoo said pruni losal tao board 11 a
MntU tlMt H4kwlJajc vurwvr: ax J" Kack
aaond. WokWeUsnnd A J. saktsi to anew
at the bejru.aiag' ot M MOtt. oa too (k day
of September. A 1 1-1 al a w-camk a. as.,
and ia coauaectiOB w itb Use awslv satrsesee.
to view, locate aatd sorvey saud road, nasi to
Wa. P. EWlXti.
Coaaty Cntrk,
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Glass,
JSrs -ir&evof sbraaf. im - lor-f.
give all parties a hearing
ny oruer 01 uw ooiw.
Road Notice-
Net tea is nerebv a-trea that a
been presented to too board of coaaty
miss oners ot Lyon coaaty. Ksno. asking
tor tue location of a coaaty road, as bataows.
rll : Cuss meaning 00 too aorta lis. e
! Lyon count at tho northwest emaer of son
tion SU, township la. ranire IS; tbanaa na
ninc soolk oatne soruow lino betas a amo
tions islands. SSnadau aad 31 aad xt to tbe
southwest comer or aectaoo. sx
staadard parallel, the place of term is all a wf
said road, all in towaahtp IS. laai IS. Ami
npon said propose rsssi tao aoaru ap retain
theloUowias; viewers: Root. poUack. Levi
Smith and Hiram Miller, to meet at tho
beginning ot said road, oa Useoxbdnr of
September. A. l. 1 at iu o ciocx a. bl. ana
in conjunction with the coaaty surveyor, a
view, locale ana surcey saja roai. ass so
ClT all parties a hoarina.
ut oruer oa too ouorta-w&aK
Conn ly Clerk.
Road Netice.
Notice is hercbv nivea that a netitiam ba
neen pi tinted to tne board or canity ma
missienera of Lyoa conaty. Kansas, asking
lor tho location ot a county rood, as Chimera,
to. wit : Commencing at tho northeast earner
of sec Uon T, township IT, aad range U ; tmanoa
1 east oa section nno touts nortnrai t earner ax
section S, same township and rnnno, later aart
ing a roal already established oa tho petition
of Joseph Frost, et aL. which said point at
the termination of said road. Aad ns
said proposed road the board appointed tho
following viewers : tUan Moore, Joseph Beat
and John waymnn, to meet nt tne boginaiai
of said road, oa the Uth dav of Sentassher. A.
1. IMS), nt 10 o'clock a. m . aad ia ooninnetion
with the county surveyor, to view, nsnato and
surrey said road, and to give ail parties a
nennng. y oruer ot tne oatru.
WB. F. Ewrsu.
36-37 Coaaty Ctora
Notice of Final Settlement.
the astnto of tieo. T.
Notice is hereby given to nil creditors and
. - .Santas
others inMresi
Veach. latent Lyon county, decanted.
the undersigned intends to make .anl seuie-
meut 01 tne saiu otata at tae next term ot tne
probate court ol Lyoa oouatv, Kansas, ton
mencing on the Srst Monday la October, loan,
and on said day or ns acoo thereafter as tbe
same can be heard: and tnntne will nttno
saiaeUme apply to said court for a reasonable
nllowaace lor nt service as aumtutstrntor
and the expenses of administration.
Administrator of the estate of Uco. T. Veach.
deceased. an-an
Sheriff's Sale.
A Y. Houston vs. A. N. 1 1 anna, et at
Notice is herebv ariren that br virtue of aa
execution issued out of tho Srth ludiclnl dis
trict court, sitting in and lor uroa county nno
state 01 Kansas, in we above entitled eaui
and to me directed, 1 will, on Monday, the a?th
uav ot Meiueutber. A. u. losu. at 10 o cjoca a
m , nt the front loor of the court nous ia tbe
city of Kmporia, Lyon county, it a nuns, offer
or saie anti sen at uuuiie auction, to ine
highest bidder, for cash, nil U10 right, title
and interest of the said dewndnnt.
A. N. 11 anna, in and to the fui.
lowing described real estate, to -wit
1 no west nnii ot tne nortnwest quarter 01
1 du, towasnip xo. range u east, in uaa
county. Kansas, containing Do acres: also lot
S Constitution street, ia the city of Km porta.
sold as Ihe proierty of said defendant, A. M .
tianna, to tausij said execution .
4 js. mw.
sr 351 5 Sheriff of Lyoa county, Kan.
Use Stork Marketa.
ST. Lotus, Sept. 1.
Hog Uoceipts, UO; shipments, JttG;
Yorkers, 4 tfcu- Oi; packing. Si t5 1u;
butchers'. $5 155 SU.
Cattle Market steady: choice shipping
tterrs, $4 Trt.l 40; light shipping, U .4 SO;
co-y and boilers, $a iite3 10; butcher's steers,
r 01 ua W: grass Texans, ti BOtja 15; receipts,
?(); shipments, 5110.
Sheep Choice, tfc,400; receipts, 1,900; ship.
menu .
VA1.BAB 1.ITI. E9-CI1. 1.
Cnttle Choice hcavv steers. S3 4I4.&S GO: fair.
Ii!i..njia; cows, kbiiiis; grass Texans,
sxaucfrssu. iteceiptM. w; snipmeiits,-tsf.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notion is hereby given to all creditors and
others interested in tbe estate of chnrte
istevrart, late 01 Lyoa county, deceased, that
tne undersigned Intends to ranke flunl settle
mentof the said estate nt thenext term of tbe
probate court ol Lvoa county. Kansas, eo
niencing on tne nrst aiooiiay in uctouer, ura,
and on said day or as soon thereafter as tbe
saute can be heard: and that be will nt the
same time applyo said court for n reasonn-
uie allowance ior nis services as numimstra
tor nud the expenM-s of ndministratioa .
Administrator of the estate of Charles Stew
art, deceased. 9Sw4
Horn Keouiots. 1.1104: shioments. 249.
market nrm ; sues at si 01 (&t su
4 ' ' 14 iS
Bbwp Receipts.
market quiet; natives, ia S3.
Grain and Prndara arketa.
Kansas Civv. Sent. L
Wheat Receipt. 8 5ta bushels: shipments.
s,vo3 uo. ntrtn weak. ro- x, ou: no
8. 7iVC: NO. 4.
wirnnucviuu, uiiKaeip I .momenta.
do. No. a mixed, arc: No a white
mixed, XTac.
tints bo. x. xvjfc.
Kggs Firm nt 13c per doaen.
Butter Choice, lS&lSo,
Chicago, Sept. 1.
Wheat-No. I spring. 8Ta7c; No.3,78&au.
Lrn suife.
Oats 72$c.
Rye TUfcc
Barley 7a Xe.
Pork ainaii as.
Bn'k Meats Shoulders. 13 SO: short r-il
in so; snort clear, so w.
AArd T Ml.
St. Lor is Sent. I.
Flour -Choice, $4 7uQ5a5; family. S4 4o4 60
svncaa P.O. a reu. wr no. s. eoifitsau
No. 4. do , b( 401 c
corn 330.
Oats a7c7Jt;e.
Eye 75o.
Pork 17S
Dry Salt Mens IS 40, SS. 75.
Baoon 6 Hi, 8 35, S7X. 75, SO.
"WT'ERMOJfT 8BKEP. Mason A Wright, of
Y Addison eoanty, Vermont, win oe in
amporin, aansnw. in oeiiwumawi wiw a caoaoe
ear loml of registered Merino rams all yonng.
large and heavy shearers, that they will be
plea toil totbowor to sou tao wool grow
ers. All are invited to so tnem ireora par-
chaslag elsewhere. ahuh irutjilT
acta seirgeHV
V of following dates 1 March 5 and 19
ami Jalyft. 1M: Pelvnary 14 nod SS, May
d la. Ix7r Marek L April s and Ueeember
S7. 17H: rebrnary Si juae t9 aad Jnly IS.
1877; Pebrnary 4. 11. 1H, xb. March X5 Jaae S3,
sarasl . lawnaw 1. nan n, in; aau
ary I. Ix7i Aa; anbaeriber supilying na
with eooies of nay of the nbove dules may re
ceive credit on bis aabseriptioa lor double
tbe regular pnoe ot the papers
bulk at
Administrator's Notice.
Notice i herebv given that the andersigned
nas been appointed a-immistrnior or tne es
tateof James Toiiroia. deceased, by the pro.
bate court of Lyon county, K aasas. and that
ne nas aceepieu iui trust, ana nas given
bond nnd analitted according to low as eoch
administrator. JOSEPH PKUUOJA.
Admiuixtratorof the estate of James Peilro-
ja, deceased ana a
Notice for Publication.
U. S. Lakb Orrica, 1
TorsCA, Kansas, Aug 13, 1sMl (
Notice is hereby giTCB that tbe tbUowing
nameil settler has filed notice of hit intention
to make final Drool in tuunort of his clnim
and secure enk -y thereof, and tan aaid proof
will ue mane ueioro tne ciera of too xMstrtet
Court of Lyon county at the eonaty seat on
Saturday, tho ad day ot October 10, vis:
George Rank, nomestead entry No. 4ata for
tne east nail 01 soutnenst quarter ot aretioa
1, in townsnip is, 01 range 10, ana no name)
the foilowiag witnesses to prove bis continu
ous residence uuoa tnd cultivntioa of sail
tract, vis: Llewellyn Horr, Klijah Will Lams,
John Williamt and II. C Pntnam. of Ameri
cus. Kansas. W. II. F1TZPATKICK,
Slit Register.
beta presented to
mis. losers of LtoI
Road Notice.
Notice is hereby given that a petition has
i tbe board or county corn
oil bcmntvii 'Kansas, asking
for the location of a county road, as follows,
to-wit: Comineneingen section line between
section IS and 14. ia tiwnshiplT, range la, at
tne quarter post in saia line (said line Doing
apubiiehignway);theneewestoa center line
or section 14 until it intersects tne creek
tbe ace along on tne north bank of Duck
creek as closeto the creek as practicable until
It intersects tbe section line between sections
14 and 13, township 17, range la. which is also
puuise nignway.
npon said proposed
I tbe following view.
road the board appointed 1
era: J. C Richard. Val Best and John
Bramhill, to meet at the beginning of
taid road on tbe Hth day ol September, A l
lNe, at IS o'clock a at ana in conjunction with
the county surveyor, to view.locnte and survey
sata roaii, ami su give au parties a neanng.
Byorderof the board, Wa. P. EWINU,
wSSS-'-,-"J lauii I " ' County Clerk.
Road Notice.
Notice Is hereby givea that a petition has
been presented to tne hoard of county com
missionert of Lyoa county, Kansas, asking
lor the location of a county road, as follows.
to-wit: tHamencing at northeast corner of
fceetioo so. town.nip is, range it, running
north oa section line ns near as practicable
Ban s nw; uience east lonrtn of n mile;
tlienea north through balanoa of sections SU,
17, 8 and t to the Santa Pa road; also ono
commencing at northwest corner of aeetioa
IN; thence east on section a near as practica
ble to tho northeast eorner of section 17.
ail intownsliip IS, range 11 And upon said
proposed road Ibe board appointed tne fol
lowing viewers: J. K. Leeper, fek. Putnam nnd
Wan. Wayman.touMetat tbe begianingof safe!
road oa the lath day of oeptember, A U. le&
at W o'clock, a.m. and in conjunction wilh
tbe eoanty surveyor to view, locate and sur
vey said load, and to give all parties a hear
ing. y oruer ot tae Doara.
aJt37 wa. P. E WING, County Clerk.
Notice Is hereby given that oa October .
Mm, application will be made to the governor
01 nan. as to pawuoo man. a . uanct, Arc -tenced
to the state peniteatiary April S. law.
for one year for turgrry committed in Lron
eonaty. aansas. as s- 11 tut. km KICK.
Proposed Amendments
To t Aa Constitution of the Stmts f JTaa-
dt. nutmtuta ou (AS LgtMiutun af it
latt eion for ratification or rejection
is the eUetor ot tlu atattx. at tko on.
eroi election to be held on tne 2d slay of
November, 18SU-
Prooosing amendment to section erne of art!
e'e eleven 01 tne consutotion 01 tao state Of
Kansas, relating to property exempt 11
Bt a real f mat if tK Ltgitlatmro of
of Amisi. ism-tAjrat .sll Ui
siscrrst to oacn kouo eoncavriay Owstn.
Sbctiok 1 The following nroooslUoai
amend section one of article eleven of thaaoa
I stituUon of the state of Kansas, shall be t ab
utted to tne electors or too state for ndoo-
tion or rejection, nt tho general el action tn be
held oa the Tuesday snceeading tbe Srst Mon
day la November, A. 1. eighteen hundred
and eignty : mat section one of article asov-
en of the constitution ot the state of K
shall be so amended as to rend na sol lows
"Section U Tbe legislature shall provide tor
a uniform and equal rate of assess meat and
taxation ; but all property aaed exelnsively
lur state, ohi.it, bkbiuiw, literary, rases-
tioasl. tcienuae. religious, benevolent nnd
charitable purposes snail ba exempt
taxation "
Sco. a. Tho mtlowtng sbAll ba tho metbod
of submitting taid proposition: The ballots
anaii be e liner written or printed, or partly
printed and partly written, thamea. roe the
proposition to amend section 00a of article
eleven or the constitution ot Kanan. sink in
out the cinuse exempting two band red stoilnrs
(3U0) parsonal property rrora taxati
Against tne propositioB n nmsnii
ae of article eleven of tho constitution of the
stats of Kansas, striking ont tho elnasnax.
empting two hundred dollars (tauO) personal
property irom taxnuoov
bxc S 1 his resotutioa shall take effect and
be in force from and after its poblieaiios in
in tne scutate una.
I hereby eertiiy that tbe above bill origin
atoii in roe sonnte. January aist, UHt,
parseii tnas aaur renrnnrv nu, stwo.
Lisa. 11. iibnrnssi.
IISKBT BsASbLkV. Presd't of benaie.
tsBcretary ot nensto.
Passed tbe bouse Pebrnary Kb. 17.
Wibt. W. Walvok, iipcakcrof um
Chief Clerk of llonan.
Appro-ted March 4th, l7
-JOiiN P.ST. JOHN. .
Oo set nor.
Ta Stats or K A as. 1
orrica op SncnkTAnr o Siats.!
I. James Smith, secretary of State of (be
State of KnasMst. do hereby certify that tbe
foregoing sa a true nod correct eonv of tbe
origiaal enrolled joint resolution now on Sle
in my omoe. and that the same took eaeet by
itoblicnuoa a Uw atatutn book May ana. A.
Successor to tlrupr k sVacB3urtie.
Pomps, Iron, Leail and Stone Pipes.
L ottEaEry, JM :
Shot-Guns and Rifles,
m-.., WEIR
Agricultrtral Implements,
The crlrtyrmtext HAlSIt Stel 19'irr, Stttnnr mini JVrilst li aAsst.
weiU, ! list Jsssetanrf 0Jmmpa,mtff ft Miantsma
Vitff ssricea, of Te ttc. lOtf
The ballots shall be either written eg printed,
or partly written aad partly printed; a-i
tmn voting tor tho proposnwan shall vuta.
For tao proposition at nsaeml tho Coaastitw
sa aad llrnsa ensina- u.imI -
Uon snail vote, Against tho proposition to
amend the ousstitutMio.'
8sc S. Tbw resolutioa shall tnkoeaVc and
be in force treat and alter its nublieataus in
ie atntnt book.
I nerebv eertifr that tbo . mniia
originated ia tae Sonata, Pebrnary ma. feiTa
and nassnd that body Februnry aist. Mrs
MBA.l u. HUH 111 Ksl,
IlkSBV BBAMbsAV. Presd't of Senate.
bocrotary el Senate.
Passed tbe ttotne March S.L 187.
WiBT W. Walton, Spenker of sloaue.
Cbinf Clerk d llovse.
Approvnal March sth. 1XT
JOHN P. ST JOHN, tsovernor.
Tas stats op Kahsas, r
oppkb or sacagTAsv or S vats. 1 -
I, James Smith. Secretary of State of tbe
state of Kansas, do hereby eertiiy that the
taregoiag ia a true nnd correct eopy of tbe
original entulied joint resolution now on Sle
in my oOiee, nnd that the samo nook effect bv
publication 00 tbe statute book. May au. 1ST.
in leauntooy w hereof I bare hereunto snh
srribed mv nsmn and amm.1 or.
SBAL.l arialseni. Uoso at Topeka, Urn 1st
day ot Jnly, A. t. pea.
Oct. 2 Secretary af !Sine.
Savings Bank,
Ifitcmt Ulmi c. Tims Dssssits.
J. J Al I dtl, Pvesidont
It. Ul'atAP. tasbier.
J. Jsv Hkcb. K. P. Ran kb n.
J J- Wajssr, J. W. Taeawonrsv.
lutf llowsna Ur.ur
D. A. Painter,
rmlesasaa tor UH1TK 4 HOLM IN,
LiTe StQct CcEiiiissiDii lerctaftts,
Kansas frrt, MistodRi. SOinS
succbssob to aioas a atavsa.
M Estate ant ssmm Aiest.
Cheap Money!
oner to lean at a nor sank. I. ..a. mt
irom sn. upon tmpvovad mat estate la
thin and rtjuining ronnrifa
Commissions as Low as the Lowest.
Meats of all Kinds
Cbaapso ateaw at r bet tm
Have Mwtmandajad for sale caeapalarr
tlsMrouglily salted, cared aad ssookedTasTs!
sanl to tb! very best tan eaa be femad aar
wbero. Tney bafe ais a large anantitv mt
lard, by tie barrel or pod . CallTad iT
'"T'm porocwiany requested to give as
onlL The boot of Boer. Mattoa asaf Veal.
kP market, oa weMsidoof
vwn .I4SUL OODOSttO V. ft . KmmmH
ever slight the cUanbility, awtAlea a soidior of
" A,nr". wnssws,etikdrei
sisieew years of ago. dependent snot
fathers, alas b rot ber and staters la.hr t
l -one years are entitled Is a era una
sam laws are now nm liberal than formerly.
are yet entitled to a bounty nnd ami ksow tt.
I will nreeare paSrols far in Tea tors, botn in
this eountry and a Knropa. Aptdy nt oseo.
mesoj sn tbs
U k A.I
pornimg wra an attoraay fas Wbi
i ainmpa snr Masks and intr
pnid lor SCRAP IktOM ia csb by
CHoiiteaa, Earrisaa t Yalls Irsa Cfl.t
oa Maairwj a,--, aa Ifvajt. KL,
MANrVii'Tl tlU Ay
rC2T7 Pe all oiscasks or tbe
J C5 tli THROAT AN li Ll'.Xid Tils!
fore tbo pnbTTe iaT Ti3 itr
p. ie tew taiKX) A LiOAiJl.
Prire as?, ale and l. !.A.L,iiSl TZ.- 7J
druggists keep it tor saie. Try it
u.v. nil a BKACKKTT.
Sow nccetors. Kansas City. Mo.
Portain by J. A-Moom. wiuti
Eapria GairiEEe Factory
-T. L. RYAN,
Manufacture of all kinds of CAKRf AUK&.
bixth aresae east e Coatmercial St. astf
Fays Taxes, redeems lands sold rar taxea.
Will notary nsrtieo nnsosmtoi tax do
ia time to sat penalty.
Bead New York exchange or P.O. ante
Tax KsCBirrs sbt bt karrun Maib o
Kaosirr op Mnxv.
Knclcse stamp, description of lands and pt
sXaea addruaa.
Seal P-state avagbt and Sold as lasnkdaA
Call aa or address
wIStf Pm parse. Lyon Csx. K aasas.
flaring bad Aeeeral - -.
Iwgest law aad etnim oases tn Wnsamgtss,
' . 1 guarantee anusinetma sad a saving
Attorney nt law and eoiieitor of I'. 8.
mmmmxM. mom imn, s maoM. a
West Eiid Geocery !
J. 8. CRAIO,
l'rtiriet4p and Delivery Boy.
tsosda deliverod to
ins. sirs
tbe crly.
St. oiftc.
B SALE-Twmtly-tws
Ft ru uu. Iriw Matbweatern Kansas, vis :
11 OWswes.1 tot year old; 4SUS lambs and
IM wether. 1 to years old. Half of tbo
sheen will arrive about taw i.t of Angost. the
otrer half one week inter, at CaWwell. where
they will be held nwhihv then naoved oa lo
Howard, Klk eonaty. We will sell ff-cosb
or bankable paper. Apply toW.M. Hubble
Coj, --- HAZ2ARU BJM8.
OHKY TO LOAJI Prosn tbrse to- ve
. years tiass. os oirm or gooo y ryT-
erty.ats per sent, inttirast an.i a jwasonaum
umisf Son. 4tM A,a,BBiinai,
ON ET to toaa witiuot coetmHspioa . '
1SU WB. Aivtsiur.
. Road Notice.
Notice fat hereby girea that a petitloa
bees presented to the board ot ounnty
mlsatoners of Lyon county, Kansas, asking
lor tbn location of a county road ns toilvws.
to-wit: commenetugas tne nortnenst eor
ner ot section as, In, II, maning west to tbe
northwest corner of said section ; thence north
f3 rods mure or lees; thence northwest to tbe
north lino of tan soutneast quarter of tbe
sontnenst uarter 04 sortiea as. township IS,
range It: tneacn west to tne northwest eor-
ner6f the southeast quarter of tbe sontnenst
quarter of section ss, townsnip range II;
t be ace norlb au feet ; tbenco west nkKig a
betlge lenca sail! yoa come to the rsd lino of
the nortneg'.t qaarteror inn sootawest qwar
bsr of sectson an. township I . range II, said
roan so uo ws ww. isnq npon
aaid proposed road the board appointed
tho following newer: r as. t. w nour, 1.
a . W inter nnd J P. aleUroen. to meet nt afc
beginning of said read as tbs lb day of
September. A- O. IK!, utld o'clock s. an., and
in ooninnetion wit tbe county surveyor to
new Jwata and survey said road, and to give
ail partsee n bearing. By order of tbe board.
30-S7 wa. r. iwuo, coaaty Clark.
ia my oftiae. and that Ibo same took eSeet by
li I87S.
In testimony whereas I have berenntn ana
scribed my name nnd antxed mv of-
I SCSI. I Demi seal. Ilea nt Topeka. thai 1st
nay es uiy, a . ... i.
skmatk Join r resolution mo-s.
Proiaing nn anaendment to article Sftesa of
ineeonsutntnmof tnontateof n nnsns. sw
latiBR to tbe maaulacture nad nnle of intox
icating liquors, by adding sectson tea to
saidnrticia. ,
Bt it sasctcsT bjr tAs lgUMmro of tho StmU
of A umu, Sw-Oirsii. mil tae inslne
irt& to oscA Homo eofisg lAsrss.-
SBCTina I. Tbe following propAaitioa to
amend the eonitutian of tne sinie of lissisi
shall las SHbmiued to tbe doctor of the state
for adowtioa or rrjcrUoa at tbe geaeral eiee
tion to be held on the Tuesday Siiononiling tae
nt Monday of November. A. U. eignteea
aunnrea ana eigoty; r-roposition men
flCteen shall be amended by adi be e section ten
Utereto, which thrJl reel as fbiuiwa: The
mantunctnae and sale of intoxicating liquors
shall le forever prohibited in tuts state, ex
cept for aaedieai, acstatisc and rfierSselrfil
ono. a. 3H Hfiwvwz snasi oe saw rnkwrnma
of tBDeaitii&f taid pcopoiiuos to tae electors :
Stafile stad Faary
- OOK MOTTO 1 '. "
'V, PLEAS2. 7
J oP fS-
4sfcMvn. KASf Abstiosia
Seventh Ave. Grohfirv
I. O. WI1.COX,
entheaat earner of Comsserrial street and
bWoutb avenns.
Gia I. boogtit lew and aotd neenrdinglr.
.era. -
UAI I iUAixr 0. ni
i inuu, is ni 1 . ex VU.t
Oealera ia . .
O t I t f -afw. rnsHs. ... -
' ' -AKb ".
Also agenU tat tba -
2CeilM for nil K1.1.. - .
- - - j wa ius
. ; ' . filtiliea. .
AMiMinauest wilei;ii
JtSJ-t nUSnd tenlt.

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