jid jidO jidI J 1t 4 + t + + + + + + H + + + 4 + < + U + + tt + + 4TH18 4 + + + 4 + + + H + + O + + + + + + + + + + + y THE WEEKLY NEWS NEWSoalte NEWScalla I Patronize PatronizeOur PatlOnlZedenied s sdeuced calla attention to the COB COBdensed NEWS1t denied form of did it1l it1lworlds Ihtfworlds T THE HE WEEKLY NEWS Our OurAdvertisers Ourthe worlds news thus thUilOovb savjHff savjHffthe savl > t t 1 1the the reader wading thru thrua t1uia a mass of long reports inthe in inthe DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY CITYOUR Advertisers AdvertisersVol the daily papers papersCH1o I J JVol OUR MOTTO A PAPer In Every Home Single Copy OOPyNJ B dents Oento nts 3 + + + 4 + + 4F + + + + + + Io + + + + + + Q + + 1 + 4 h hVal + + + < + CH1o + + + + + + J + + + + + Jo + + + + + + = = = = = = = = = = = = WASHINGTON D C DECEMBER DECJ imI R 111000 11 IfiOD No Nogm 2 Vol 1 L x 10cal ocal flews IRewsBUILDING dewsBUILDING flewsBUILDING BUILDING FIGURES LARGE LARGEHeavy LAttGEHeavy LARGEHeavy Heavy Operations Beyond the OldOity OldCity Old OldCity City Lines LinesThat LineaThat LineeThat That portion af f the city of ofWashington ofWIIbiugton ofWashington Washington lying beyond the old oldHue oldlinel oldlines Hue is I several 1 hundred thousand thousanddollars thoUHnddollars thousanddollsre dollars ahead of the city proper properm m ill the matter of building opera operations operations operations ¬ tions according to the November Novemberreport Novemberreport Novemberreport report of the inspector of build buildings buildinga buildjugs ¬ jugs Ilia figures show 496075 496075as as the value of the building oper operations operatieoa operatiens ¬ ations in the county tMl 54160 O for forthe fOltho forthe the northeast sectionof section of the city city11I24000 citytf24O60 424000 for the southeast 413500 413500for 3500 3500for 3500for for the southwest and 86700 700 for forthe fori i j the northwest The northwest northweitsection northweateection northwestsection section leads in in repairs with with117701t 117704 the county tt section sectionhas Mctionbu sectionhas has 44701 701 uortheaat has 18 058 southeast has 4855 and andsouthwest andaoutbwest sndsouthwest southwest has 1387 1387Str 1387StrCONIIOIlNOJ 1387StarCONSOILNCE Stir StirCONSCIENCE CONSCIENCE FUND SWELLS SWXLLSSome SWELLSSome SWJLLSSome Some one in Washington Wa ineton en entirely entirely ¬ enbe tirely unknown and not to tosought be besought beBought sought has contributed too 60 to tothe tothe tothe the conscience oon ienoe fund of the Treas Treasury Treuury Treseury ¬ ury It was received lute Monday Mon Monday ion ionday ¬ day afternoon a terJoon The money in inbills inbilla inbille bills was inclosed in an envelop enveloppostmarked enveloppoabnakad enveloppostmarked postmarked Washington with without withit without ¬ it out accompanying note or letter letterThe letterTbe letterThe The same me day a 100 00 gold eertifl eertifloate etlfti esrtlflcote i oate was received from Philadel Philadelphia Philadelf Philadelphia ¬ f phia accompanied by a note say saying ayiog saying ¬ ing that thsttt it was to pay customs c1181om8duty customsduty customsduty duty belonging to the United UnitedStates UnitedI States StatesOOLLDBR St StatesOOLLIIER tel teli I i r OOLLDBR OUT OK OAIL OAILi OAILPolioeman BAIL BAILPoliceman SAILPoliceman i Policeman Convicted of Man Manslaughter MaJll1urhtr Manslaughter ¬ slaughter Furnishes Bond BondJohn BondJohn BondJahn John W Collier the former po policeman pOlieeman policetnan ¬ liceman reeentUjhtttia recen nmcl guftfy IU of ofmanslaughter otmanslaughter ofmanslaughter manslaughter in connection with withtho withtho withthe tho death of Police Captain Wm WmII WmH WmII II Matthews was yesterday ye terdny lib liborated liborated libborated orated in 10000 bail on tho sure sureties suroties euroties ¬ ties of W W Stewart and Samuel Sam Samuel Samuel ¬ uel II WalkerJustice Walker WalkerJustice WalJorJu Justice Ju tice Gould in declining to tomake tomake tomake make the bail higher said he hewould he4t Ie Iewould 4t would hear further from the die district diatr dietriet trict tr et attorney in the event that thata a motion for a new trial is grant granted granti granted ¬ i ed Colliers attorneys have not notfiled BotI notfiled I filed notice that th they y Intend to toseek toseek toseek seek a new trial but it is expect expected ¬ ed that they will do so in the very verynear verynear verynear near future futurei futureOLD futureOLD i OLD SHACKS CONDEMNED CONDEMNEDHundred CONDBMNEDI CONDBMNEDHundred CONDEMNEDHundred I Hundred In Southeast Section SectionMay SeotionMay SectionMay May Be Torn Down DownThe DownThe DownThe The board for the condemnation condemnationof of insanitary buildings has its itseyes it iteyes itseyes eyes on one hundred shacks haok in inQarfield inOarfteld inGarfield Garfield and HillsdHle which are aresaid aresaid aresaid said to be so far gone and so un tinfit unfit unfit fit for habitation that only complete com complete complete ¬ plete demolition will satisfy the thestandards thestandard thestandsrds standards of sanitany living The TheDEPOSIT Them TheDEPOSIT m 1 DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS SAVINGSIN i IN THE THEEast THEBast THEBast Bast Washington WashingtonSavings WashingtonSavings WashingtonSavings Savings Bank 312 Pennsylvania Av Ave S E EManaged Jt JtManaged EManaged Managed strictly as a savings savingsbank savin savinbank savingsbeak bank by responsible citizens citizenprominently citizenspromiently citizenspromiently promiently identified with East EastWashington EastWuhillatolt EastWashington Washington individually own owning owning owning ¬ ing considerable real estate in inthis inthis inthis this section of the District and andadvocating andadvocating andadvocating advocating a policy poIi that will best bestpromote bestpromote beetpromote promote the interests of East EastWashington EatWulrington EastWashington Washington The only savings savingsbank savinpbank savingsbank bank organised under the laws of ofthe ofthe ofthe the District of Columbia there therefore therefore therefore ¬ fore is entitled to your patron patronNo patronap patronage ap apNo No commercial accounts ac accepted accepted accepted ¬ ceptedPars ceptedPa cepted ceptedPays Pays Pa 3 interest on deposits depositsLoans depotitsLOIlni depositsLoans Loans on real estate at current currentrate currentmtM currentratan rate Dont expose your funds fundsto to lose 1 by fire or thiev thieves s when whenyou whenou whenyou you ou can enjoy absolute safety in inthis inthis inthis this institution blltitutionI I aback ar are eecupied almost entire entirely entirely ¬ by ealored families familiesItoy futUItDy familiesIoy Itoy B Haynes Bayn aeeretary to till tillboard tII tIIhoard theboard board ill aura that ti tine uis will willno b bno be beno no difficulty in carrying out till tillorders till tillorders t e eorders orders of the board The owzers owzersof owners ownersof onalof of the buildings realise MftU that tho to toearry tooarry tocarry carry put the th regulations and r rpair J1r J1rpair repair pair the dwelling would cost aostmere GOftlItOle costmore mere than it would to tear them themdown Ute Utedown thetadown down and build new houses housesConsul k kOontul housesConsul Consul General Danl DIB1ty y Here HereCharles 1IereOllarel HereCharles Charles Denby formerly eW o1itlf o1itlfclerk ehicfclerk f fclerk clerk of the State Stateand Department Departmentand and more recently consul general generala ral rala a Shanghai China is spending a afew afew afew few days in Washington before beforeproceeding belenproceeeU beforeproceeding proceeding to Vienna to assumethe assume assumethe e etIle the duties dutl of consul general eneNl at atthat atthat atthat that post postDEAD pGIItDEAD patDEAD DEAD LETTER OFFICE BUSY BUSYRed BUSYRed USYRed Red Cross Oro Stamps Used as Post Postage Postage ¬ I Iage age Carry Letters Astray AstrayThousands AltrayTlloulmdl AstrayThousands Thousands of letters bearing bearingRed burin burinRed bearinglied Red Cross stamps are being sent sentto lentto sentto to the dead letter office or held at atpostofflce atI100toMoei atpoetoMces postofflce for postage Notwith Notwithstanding Notwitlltau Notwitlistanding ¬ standing tau inr the plain instructions in is issued issued issued ¬ sued in connection with the sale saleof laleof saleof of Red Cross stamps thousand thousandof tho thousandsof ulland ullandof of letters are being mailed bear bearing belring bearing ¬ ing these stamps in lieu of regular regularpostage r8lfUlarpoatage regularpostage postage postageIt It is desired by the Po Pat t Office OfficeDepartment OMoeDepartment OfficeDepartment Department officials that it shall shallbe sh11be shallbe be understood that the Red Cross Crossstamps CI081atalops Crossstamps stamps are not postage stamps stampsand atampand stampsand and that letters or other loailablo loailablomatter mailablamatter mailablematter matter bearing these the stamps alone alonemust alouemust alonemust must be treated as unpaid 1mp cl matter matterThe matterThe matterThe The addressee is notified to remit remitpostage remitpoItap remitpatage postage and lMt if it is not received receivedthe receivedthe receivedthe the letter of other matter is sent sentto I8ntto sentto to the dead letter office officeMatter omoelatter officeMatter Matter bearing Red Crew CrewBtrnnpt 01011wtMnpt CrosQatarnpe Btrnnpt is S11 nontfntrWf ir4 t n1 Id to 1omails 1IOmails Hi Himails mails of Great Gr at Britain ev even eventhough < n nthough nthough though the Ut regular postage is at attached attached attached ¬ tached and is admitted to the theGerman theGerman theGerman German mails only whtm hen tho lied liedGroan ItlllCr08 RedCross Groan stamps are attached to the theback theback theback back of the letter or parcel parcelMr parcellfr parcelMr Mr A D Heyworth article articlein in this weeks issue on Whiskey Whiskeyfound WIliakeyfound Whiskeyfound found on page 4 is worth read reading readine reading ¬ ing Dont fail to read itWantedBright it itWanted itWantedBrieht Wanted WantedBrieht Bright young ladies Iadiesto Iadi Iadito to represent The he Weekly News NewsGood NeWliOooel NewsGood Good wages guaranteed naranteed lad StRandle St StRandle StRandle Randle HiglUande D C CHermit CKermit CKermit Kermit Roosevelts Doings DoingsNaribi Doi DoingsNaribi > > g8 g8Naribi Naribi British But Africa Dec DecSKermit Dec8Kermit 8 SKermit Kermit Roosevelt arrived here heretoday heretoday heretoday today lIe is going to Mombasa Mombasaon Mombaon on a hunt for sable ble and other ante antelope antelope antelope ¬ lope lie hiss just secured two twobongo twohongo twobongo bongo Col Roosevelt has not notarrievd notarrlevd notarrivvd arrievd here from Joro but butexpected i iexpected is isexpected expected soon soonWomen loonWomn soonWomen Women Wage War on Big Hate HataOkuro11 HatsChurch HateChurch Church women of Columbia SC SC S SC C have begun a war al against dt > > t tit titweaclnc thewearing the thewearing wearing of big hats in e1mrehR ehurehResolutions elrareh elrarehResolutions R Resolutions olotioWl denouncing the thepeaek thepeach I Ipeaell peach basket and other IIt1 large deare designs de designs ¬ signs are bein being passed in all thechurches theokurolt the thechurches okuroltrhe churchesThe churches churchesThe The Bduoational Review has 11 re resewed re received reoeind ¬ sewed a composition oolftpo tioo written by a aboy aboT aboy boy in a Springfield Mass Massschool Massschool I Ieenool school aftejf < visiting the recent recenttuberonlosis reoenttuberunlMla recenttuberculosis tuberculosis exhibit in New Pork YIorkfrom Porkfrom ork orkfrom from which we extract the fol following followillC following ¬ lowing information Tuberculos Tuberculosis ¬ is iras u started in 1884 by Dr Tru Trdean Trudean Trndeau dean dean who had it in the Adiron Adirondack Adirondub Adirondacks ¬ dub Although consumption is isnot i inot isnot not herited and does not belong belongto to this climate it is getting very verypopular verTpopular verypopular popular The sleeping bags are arevery arevery arevery very useful to the consumptive consumptivepeople eonmmptivepeople consumptivepeople people because they can put their theirheads Uleirhead theirheads heads alone into them or leave leavetheir leaetheir leavetheir their heads out and put the rest restof rtof restof of the bodies bodl into them I saw sawthe laWth9 sawthg the th9 germs It is i a big white ball ballwft11 ballwith with 111 blue spots pot on it I think it itwould itwouhl itwould would be fine to sleep in one of ofthose ofI ofthose those beds with the head inside insideand insideand insideand I and the lungs outside ootaidel l j the Wodbs MOt 1orras lb s flews BeweARTIFICIAL 1lewsARTIFICIAL flewsW l lAlTIFIOIAL W = T h ARTIFICIAL TSARS EN ENABLES uABLU EN ENABLIiiS ¬ ABLES OLD MAN TO SEE SEEStuttgart I IStuttgart ZZ ZZStuttgart Stuttgart Dec 4 4A A noted oc oculist 00U oc oculist U ulist 8t reports the tbefolloW following Dg in a aGerman aGerman aCarman German scientific paper of o repute reputeA reputesixtyyeArold A sixtyyearold peasant con consulted COI1IUlted consulted ¬ sulted me the t e other day daym daytusking daytuskingthe making makingthe I1I I1ItIt the tIt following strange ttr statement statementweak ItAtentweak statenuta a i a aweak weak but I have fomul of late latethat latethAt latethat that I am able to read small print printif if thore are tears in my eyes Such SuchI I formerly produced at will but butnow butnow butnow now I seem unable to do so when whenwanted wlHmwanted whenwanted wanted For this reason I want wantto wantto wantto to get glasses glassesThe glllHlilThe glassesThe The oculist says he investigated investigatedthe the case thoroughly and i is I satis satisfied satisfted sailsfled ¬ fled that the man could not read readeven readeven readeven even large print with dry eyes eyesAfter eyealfter eyesAfter After producing a atear tear in each eye eyehe eyehe eyehe he read aloud for four minutes minutesfrom minuteafrom minutesfrom from a paper with exceedingly exceedinglysmall exceedingIram exceedinglysmall small am all print A As llon soon as the tear tearhad teatbad tearshad had dropped out of his eyes he hehad helead behad had to stop reading readingThe readinelhe readingThe The oculist say the tear acted actedlike aotedlike actedlike like a strong louse and in fact factas as a concave glass of twelve de degrees dtcree dcgross ¬ gross The patient now wears wearsspectacles welollIlpeotR wearsspectacles IlpeotR spectacles ll8 of that strength for forreading forreAding forreading reading At one time he wa wu able ableto ableto lbl lblto to produce tear in his rye yee with withan withIn wtthan an average avera staying power or tor torminute tert tertminutes minute minuteWhole minutesWhole Whole Village Riots RiotsOver RiotsOver RIotsOnr Over Just One Doll DollPittaburg DollPittaburc DollPittsburg Pittaburg Pa PaA A doll and Del the theargument theargument theargument argument of two little girls for its itspossession itapOll8uion itsposeeuion possession caused a riot at atM atMdow Mea Meadow Nek Nekdow dow Land near this th l city The Thefighting Thefthting Thefighting fighting wa wu furious until a squad squadof of State police restored order by bywring byOlin byusing wring Olin their baton vigorously vigorouslyTwelve V vigorouslyTwelve IfOroual7Twelve Twelve of the one hundred com combatants combatanta combatants ¬ batants were arrested arrestedThe arrestedThe arrestedThe The children after quarreling quarrelingwith qllarre1incwith quarrelingwith with words fastened their fingers fingersin in each others lock pulled with withall wi wiall withall all their might and screamed screamedwith IIereamedwiUl screamedwith with anger and pain The men menand menand menand and women women of their families fatniU rush rushed ru rushed h heI ¬ ed from their homes and in an in instant fnatant instant ¬ stant the real trouble started startedNeighbors BtartedNeill1boltJ startedNeighbors Neighbors became involved involvedBricks involvedDricb involvedBricks Bricks were thrown and clubs olnbswere clubswere lublwere were used Several persons were wereknocked wereknocked wereknocked knocked unconsciousWalked unconscious unconsciousWalked I Walked Around U S Border BorderStarl BorderStarl lorderStarl Starl Cronley a Toledo youth youthwho youthwho youthwho who started October 23 1907 to towalk towalk towalk walk around the border of the theUnited theUnited theUnited United States ha h has arrived home homeHo homeIo homeIIo Ho Io say he walked 12820 128 miles milesand mileand milesand and shows the signature of more morethan morethan morethan than 1200 postmasters po tmaster upon his histraveling hi hitraveling histraveling traveling register regi ter terJ J I I Hit J I WXLLER FOROOMMIUIONBR FOR FORCOMMISSIONER 101OOMMIIIION COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONERThe OOMMIIIIONrIM The Dry of Beat set t Washington WashingtonSay WMhl WashingtenSays > > reIl reIla Say a Gorretpenoent Oo IUIt isThe to toToe WT1H Toe Weekly New NewNo NewNo NewsNo No man in East Washington Washingtonhas has It been so generally endorsed endorsedby endor cl clby by the Citizens Associations and andso andNo so highly lii nly regarded as the man manfor 811for manfor for tile 11 tit 1 ptoae naeby by tfe general 1 pub pubTfo publto pubiia Tfo 1M ie JfM f 1r IVelfirflriBmt IVelfirflriBmtthe 1fwrriIW 14e19ih p 5thVCleettt4 5thVCleettt4the L f ftIll the East I at Waftliingiton Wallltin ton n Savings SavingsBank SavinsInlc SavingsBank Bank BankSouthoast BankSouthoast Inlc InlcSouthoast Southoast East WashingtonLincoln Washington WashingtonLincoln VaHhingtonLincoln Lincoln Park Fairmont and andBenninge nndBennings andBennings Bennings Associations have unan unanimously unanimoUily unanimously ¬ imously endorsed Mr Weller for forCommissioner forCommi forCommissioner Commi Commissioner aioner In this tM it is i I not notthe notthe notthe the cam of a man seeking IIMJ nc office officebut olloebut officebut but the office seeking the manMr man manMr miDKr Mr Weller is a man who fills fillsevery flU flUevery fillsevery every qualification for that high highoffice highofBoe highoffice office and one who ha lies shown shownaggressiveness abownagl1eiven shownaggressiveness aggressiveness and strength of ofpurpose ofpurpoee ofpurpose purpose in work which i 1a so I much muchneeded muohnetelecl muchneeded needed in a leader In other otherwords otherworda otherwords words he ha 11 has brought things to topan top toThe topass pan p passTlie panThe The reconstruction of the Penn Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ¬ sylvania Avenue bridge was wallrlfe wallrlfe1y large largely largely ¬ ly due to his h l untiring efforts The Thereclamation Thereolamation Thereclamation reclamation of the Anaooetia Anaoo ti flats flatshas fiath flatshas has h been his hobby for many manyyear a ayear ayear year In nearly every speech do delivered doUnred dollvered ¬ livered lie has spoken of the re removal removal reinoval ¬ moval of the mud hole thus re relieving reli reloving ¬ loving li ving the Eastern section of it iteyesore its itaeyelOre itseyesore eyesore and unwelcome blot and andbeing andbeing andbeing being placed as chairman by the theBoard theBoard theBoard Board of Trade on Rivers and andHarbors ancirrarborl andElarbors Harbors hit influence has been beenfelt beeRfelt beenfelt felt and his wisdom heeded in the themuch theuel1 theuoh much uel1 needed improvement improvementKc Kc M 1 L Weller has 11 also had hadthe hadUle hadthe the honor of serving ne five consecu consecutive COWIMUtive conaeeutive ¬ tive times 11th i > hairman of the public pub public pubIto ¬ lic comfort oo oojpmittee mittee at the in inaugural inaugural inaugural ¬ augural ceremeriUis ceremeriUisI cerettU cerettUI I am glad to tee the citizens of ofBast ofBut ofBut But Washington M nnfted to Mx Mxpressing II IIpreuinr x xpressing pressing themselves thelRH1 a AI favorilig favoriligMr favor IC ICMr tgMr Mr Weller for District Comm Commissioner COlnmsioner Commsonar ¬ sioner sionerI sonar sonarI y I trust that the President will wilFuse wiUUH willuse use that good judgment which whichha whichIt whichthas ha It has characterised oharaoterl c1 him on so I many manyimportant manyimportant manyimportant important occasions and which whichhi wdohhis whichhis hi his message to Congress has been beenso so full of U True AmericanismEast Americanism AmericanismHast AmerioammmlLlt Hast Washington with about aboutonehalf aboutonehalf aboutonehalf onehalf of the city oft area and andabout aDdabout andabout about onethird of Its population populationwith populationwith populationwith with no representation in the oity oitygovernment oItygovernment citygovernment government is not American and andi andnot andis i is not the principle applied in the thechoice Ueohoice thechoice choice of representatives and andsenators ancisenatore andsenators senators And for the best wel welfare welfare welfare ¬ fare of the oity and nd District there theremust theremUlt theremust must of necessity neoea ity be a representa representative ¬ tive of the people by the people peopleand popleand peopleand and for the people peoplei i v i A COMPOSER WHO WHOHATES WHOHATIII WHOHAT1A HATES THE PIANO PIANOParis PIANOParia PIANOParis Paris Dec 4 4While While the piano pianois is generally regarded as the com composers 0018poeers composers ¬ posers best friend as a necessity necessityto neceuitto to him the late French critic criticIrnest critiErnest criticDrnest Ernest Reyer composer of Sigurd Sigurdand Sigalrdan Sigurdand and an other operas hated the piano pianoand pianoand pianoand and constantly fought against its itsuse ita11liC Itsuse use in private in newspapers and andperiodicals andperiodtuo1t andperiodtunle periodicals He proudly called calledhim oalledhim calledblot him 41 c cfIio olfUiopinUft olfUiopinUfthave isrtopll = isrtoplllifr fIio lifr lifrhave Mll MllaYe have aYe always been good goo pianists pianistsBaothovon pianistsBeothovon pianistsBeethoven Beethoven Schumann Weber WebarWagnor WebrWngnor WeberWagner Wagner otc were indeed very veryfine veryfine veryfine fine pianists Rossini Ro ini who wrote wrotemore wrotemore wrotemore more than a hundred pieces for forthe fortIle forthe the piano was unable to play playeither playeither playeither either of them Though he tried triedhard tril trilharel triedhard hard he remained a miserable miserablepiano nlleerablepiano lHrahlepiano piano player all his life lifeMy lifecc lifeMy cc My y greatest ambition ta to toplay toIlay toplay play the piano as well M the theworst theworet theworst worst pupil Liszt r isat ever had lie lieused heuncI leused used to say He often signed hi hiletters Iiiletters his hisletters letters ccROI Roesini fnl pianist of the thefourth thefourths rank and he WM glad lad it itwasnt itw Itwasnt w wasnt n t the fifth rank rankA rankA j jA A NEW GAMBLING GAMBLINGCITY GAMBLINGOITY GAMBLINGCITY CITY IN SPAIN SPAINMadrid SPAINZIadrid SPAINMadrid Madrid Dec 4 The The government govern government covernment ¬ ment ha hu sold a concession for a aCaeino ItCRsino aCasino Casino like that of Monte Carlo Carloto to French capitalists The gambl gambling gambling gambling ¬ ing hell will be established in San SanSebastian SanSobutian SanSebastian Sebastian the famous Spanish re resort raIOrt resort ¬ sortAll sort All the game allowed < 1 in MonteCarlo Monte MonteCarlo onw onwCarlo Carlo will also be played in the theSpanish Uepanlab theSpanish Spanish establishment It Its open opening openinl opening ¬ ing is planned d for the winter sea aeaIon season 1811IOn ¬ IOn of 1911 1011The 1911The 1911Time The backers reckon the tll fact thatSan that thatSan thatSan San Sebastian i is easier mer to reaeh reaehfrom reaehfrom moultfrom from America and England titan titanMonte UnMonte thanMonte Monte Carlo while it italit1Jatlon its situation i ifully WI WIfully Isfully fully a as beautiful A number of ofnew ofnew ofnew new hotel are re being erected and andreal aadreal andreal real estate i ia booming boomh There will willbe willbe willbe be twenty gambling parlors and anda a corps of international detective detectivewill deteetiv81will detectiveswill will be employed to keep out un undesirable undesirable lD lDcleairable ¬ desirable person Only the risk riehfere 11 11e riske fere e to have free entry at all time timeOutside timOutaide timesOutside Outside the license lice fee f the theSppnbh tilteovCllnment thisSp0anhsht Sppnbh Sp0anhsht government receives per percen peree percet ee cen ages of the grow gro receipt receiptKno reoeJptaKBO receiptsKnov Kno Knov f In God We Trust on onAustralian onAu oni i Australian Au walfn Gold Pieee PieeeVienna Pi PiVien PlanViers Vienna Vien Dec 4 4The The new hun hundredfrioe hUllredfr bundyedfr dredfrioe redfr c gold piece 2000 has hfton h hon hason on it a iiotto otto appealing to the Al Almightyl Air Airmighty AJmicht mightyl mighty The inscriptions are in inLatin J JLatin 1Latin Latin jn nODe n one skis i is a new per portrait pertrait 8r 8rtrait ¬ trait of trfVCmperor o Cmperor mperor Francis Joseph Josephon i ion on the other 0 her the twoheaded eagle eaglelittli eagleI I A littli ad in The Weekly News NewsWJll Newsw WJll w lll bri big results resultst > 1 t r THE HEAD ON OUR CENT CENTAsk OENrAsk CENTAsk Ask the next person you meet meetwlmt meetwhRt meetWhat What is the head on a United UnitedState UnitedSt UtnitetlStates State St tcM onecent pieee and coo aeowhiit HOWlI1t coowliat whiit answer you get t How many manyeven numyInn manyeven even of those who rend thin thinkriowl tIt tItIJcnow7 thisltnmvh kriowl Probably Ute U l majority majoritywill ma40ritywill majoritywill will be surprised at the jilt informtt inform information informstteu ¬ tion tt ulven given in the tll following followingfriendly followlnrfJItIMIlr followingb friendly b letter from a Vermont Vermontrender Vermontreader Vermontreader reader readerWe We are glad that the statd ststemost statdwants atatdtntl wants tntl in year paper and net our ourNtper ourIMI ourpaper paper IMI a aa well 11 are trustworthy trustworthyIBreK tM1ItWlMthyJDTtIt trustworthyICvert IBreK a I little slip up from aooutvey aooutveytherefore ACOUrMyerefe aoouraoytherefore therefore becomes notable Wasnt Wasntthere Wtthere Wasntthere there such a little slip on page parem 497 September 1 1906 number numberMrI numberMrs T TMrs Mrs Byrner calls 011 attention to the tit titIme theimage thoimage image on the American cent and andealls aawlaIlI andealis ealls it the head of an Indian If Ifwe Ifwe Ifwe we look again shall we not see seethat l8ett seethat that all the Indian about it in isthe inthe illtIte the headdress the face being beingttmt ben bent1tat beingthat < < that of a white child f I wish h I Ioould IctOuld Ioeuld oould tell you in what number of ofthe ofthe oftime the Christian Advocate Advocateprob Advocateprobably prob probably probAbly ¬ ably some time in June Junethere Junetherered Junethereappeared there thereappeared appeared red a story purporting to be bethe betIll bethe the true history of this effigy effigyNow etftlr1Now effigyNow Now get out your pennies and andhunt a11l1hunt andhunt hunt in vain for any Indian phy physiognomy phyononlY physiognomy ¬ siognomy ononlY there 1 The New NewYork NewYork NewYork York Christian Advocate of May 17 1006 contained the article articlereferred artllereferrecl articlereferred referred to by F A Noble and amithe andtJte andthe the substance of the facts is as asfollows asfol1cnr asfollows follows followsIt fol1cnrCI CI It i is the head of a gracious graciousAmerican graolouaAmeMn graciousAmerican American woman who for many manyyears IDAnyeArl manyyears years eArl was held in admiration both bothfor boUIfor hodsfor for her beauty beaut and her 81 goodness goodnessi frOOCIaeand V Vpassed and i who only i a feW few weeks ago fIOpUlled agopassed passed on to her great reward rewardHer re reHHer rewardliar HHer Her name was Keen eenrah BeenSarahLongsere eenrahLongaere Sarah SarahLongacre Longacre Keen She lived in inPhiladelphia inPhiladelphia inPhiladelphia Philadelphia For thirtyfive thirtyfiveyears thirtyftyeyeArI thirtyfiveyears years she WM the secretary I18 retal of the thuPhiladelphia tit titPht1adelpW thePldladelphie Philadelphia Bwmeii of the thetonwy theFo the1Vom 1Vom e Fo For estonar tonwy SaWhen Sa Sarah ¬ = j t tJlon When Jlon rah wan wda a child of five or six ix year of age ac a dftlega dftlegabi dgb14U1 dalegltthen bi then n of Indian from the h Ntrth Werthwest Ntrthwest NlrthWWlt west visited Washington Wu il1gton They Theyoaine Theycame rhy6flJlle came to see the flight ilh and pay paytheir PlY PlYtheir paytheir their respect relt tt to the Dig Oltlef of oltho ofthe oftime the nation After having spent spentconsiderable spentoonMerllhle spentconsiderable considerable time at the capital capitalthe o ospltilthe pltMl pltMlthe the Indians were taken to PhiladelphIa PhHfV PhHfVdelphia Phlllc1elhla delphia Here they were shown shownthe I shownthe OWJ1 OWJ1the the mint The little girls ftttker tllihrwas fatherwas ftttkerwas was a fine engrave and WII m < he lard lardofficial hjidofficial JdoftIe official oftIe 1 connection with Wi M tits this great greatmoney I Ioney greatmoney money oney factory He wa w was a abenevolent kifteUy kifteUybenevolent Idedilbenevolent benevolent man nl as well and d Jti Jtiinvited keInvited k kinvited invited this delegation el atto red men mento teento to some sort of an entertainment entertainmentat at his home One of the chiefs eUefshad chiefshad Wet Wethad had his attention attracted to the thelittle thelittle thelittle little mi twin and be wa w M pleaeed pleaeedwith p1eMedwith pleesedwith with her figure and maidenly maidenlybearing mdlrbean maidenlybearing bearing bean that in a mood ef r rivene ajseH ajseHiveness e eiveneee iveness ivene he took off hi hll hlll1cl headdaeand hsaddfrjB hsaddfrjBand and l1cl put it on her head She WM WMnot i WMtot + vtmt vtmtnot not frightened i but lending her herself kreelt herself ¬ self to the enjoyment of the joke Jakeshe jokeabe jokeshe s stime she stood for a moment and wl let letthe letthe the company look at her Skims Skimsone Iomeone Someone one present who had both oth an 811for eye eyefor ye yefor for beauty and artistic IVt tio skill wa waso W nae naeso I so struck by the appearance wliteli wltlhlittle wlitelilittle whlhlittle little Sarah S rah Longaere made in inher tnh8r her Indian hat that he sketehid alutoludher sketehidher ntehlaher her on eu the th spot The sketeh wan wanengraved W II IIenarrllved sr srengraved engraved by her father fatherJust fatheree fatherJust ee Just then the th penny in its itspresent 1 1lrell8nt itbpresent present form WM w about to he Ie I Isued Is Jtauecl Issued ¬ sued but the figure with whisk wWehits whiskits WIlt WIltita its face WM to be ornamented tad tadnot hadnot 4 4not not been enosen eIto chosen n This engraved engravedsketeh eqraWllllaketch engravedsketch sketch went into competition for forthe fortIle forthe the honor It WM accepted in inpreference inpreference y ypreference preference to all other oth l and the theimprint theimprint theimpriat imprint of it WM transferred to tothe tothe tothe the neat little pennies peII8i wfcsohUncle whisk wWeltUncle whiskUncle Uncle Sam for forwo so many yean rea reabeen has hasbeen begbeen been sending out into the world worldDout worldDon worldDont Dout Don tp go roun eenaplaininbent eemplainin eemplaininlieut eetnplahdHut Hut de way yoke friend has hatitreated hul iI iItre tre treated ted you wid d Uncle Bbeu Bbeukind EbenW7tes = = = t W7tes tt 1R q qiiittd kind l ficl o irieatfli friwirt fcl iJtnc111t iJtnc111tci118e itslf1t 5tV riueclty riuecltyoiiBe + aClw aClwdouse douse oiiBe he dWnt deserve em CHRISTMAS NIGHT NIGHTSometimes lj ljSometime A ASomnetirnes Sometimes I think that Christmas nights the best bestBefore b8Rtnefore beatsBefore > Before the nursery lire when were und ll undressed undressedAnd reused IrelllClAnd reusedAnd And all the toys are put away except exeeptPerhaps eXlMptPerltltpl exceptPerhaps Perhaps my engine and the babys bear bearThen HMTMn bearThen Then Mother comes away from from all n the vest vestDownstairs restDownstairs st stDownatailll Downstairs to tell our Christmas Chri tmu story there thereSite therSIt thereShe Site SIt takes the baby bab on her lap and we weSit we8ft weSit Sit found her on the hearthrug so we see seeTke l8ePke seeThe The picture in the fire and then site tolls r rAbout dl dlAbout About how 10 sheplierds watched their fleeko eeka by nfgli nfgliAfld nrlJtk nrlJtkAnd nigkAnd And what time angel said and how the tI three threeWise tt11Wiae threeWise Wise king kin came riding ridil1gAnd and the big stars bu light lightAnil 1IIlttAlIIl a aAnd And then she tell us n how it showed the way wayTo wayTo y To just a l stable where the oxen sta staAncl stay stayAnd tay tayAnd And thee they the found Him in hi hhl Mothers 8 arms saneA armsA 1 1A A little baby ChristChild ChriltCbildl1Il and Us smiled smiledAnd IIi mailedAnd l lnd And nd that she says is what made Christmas day dayFor dayFor dayFor For you 011 and me and every little childBefore child ohlldDCor oimildlefor Before the nurser nursery lire when lien were undressed undressedSLUMBER un undrem rNHd rNHdSamtimes sad sadSometimes Sometimes I thin t1link that ChrJatmlUl niltt nights tbBlbt tbBlbtDVlUYjod time best bestIlverybodys > DVlUYjod IlverybodysSLUMBER P SLUMBER SONG OF THE MADONNA MADONNAWeep MADONNAlleep MADONNASleep Weep little baby I love times tlieeSleep tileeItp timessleep Sleep little king kiUf I am bending above thee fJI1Jow tkeelIxow 1 1How How should I know what wIt At to t tII sing singHere slugflare Here II in my arms a M I swing the th to sleep lIMPjIghaby f fHushaby n Hushaby low lowRoakaby low10 lowt t Roakaby so soIng 10XS soK1 XS Ing + aga may y have wonderful jewel to bring bringottier b nl iN toUter ottier has only a kiss k II for her king king11Way I Im7 Way should my singing so make we lit weep weept weeptOnly wee weeOnJ7 > > Only I know that I love 10 thee I love the theLove tkee tkeeLove 1 1 1Love Love thee my little one sleep sleepAlfred aleepAlfrod sleepAlfred Alfred Noye No NoyesProperty NoyeProperty J JProperty H I Property for Sale in all allSoutheast allSoutheast allSoutheast Southeast SoutheastAmaowtia Amaowtia ABa Gltia Benningv Congress Heights Bast WashiBojitlafc WashiBojitlafcEast Washington WUhbtg1Qa1malt WashingtonEast East Washington Washing ton Height Garfield Goed Hope Kenilwoct Kenllwoutwt KenllwoutwtDays nJO li liDays i iDays iT iTFor I Days Rasdle Highlands Twining City CityFor OltyFor For information consenting1 all these the e properties propertiesApply propmiApply propeutieApply Apply to toR toR j jR t < R F BRADBURY 2228 IPennsylvanIa Pennzy vanfa Avenue S E Twining City D C 0TERMS CTE CTERMS TERMS TE TO SUIT S IT 25 Years Yearsin in Business BUI 1eM