Newspaper Page Text
BIG SANiJY NEWS. f. alert i at the p ut office it Lop sa, Ky , second-class matter. ' fttblished ever y Thursday by- M. F. CoNLEV, KOITOR AND PKOPRIETOK Tu- $1.00 per year In adyance QFFICK.1 Ohl Clerk'i Oflk-e Building, U U SA, KENTUCKY. aH?eriUin ; rates furnished u pon application. TirmtsDAY, Jakuarv 8rd, 1889. , Cndidtttes for the Legislature ftre less numerous. ..'- " The Legislative; plum is one not touoh sought after, especially in jioutniul districts. On the 21st inst., a vote will be inken in the National House on the Henate Tariff Bill. There have been some fresh dis turbances in Perry county, though ho one was hurt in the last encoun er. . The Winchester Democrat says there has not been a child born in tiberty, the county seat of Casey, in thirteen years. Daily newspapers are paying $2.50 bt word for bnse-balll news from Australia, where twd clubs from (his country are playing. The Inauguration Committee has flecidad to have no carriages in the procession except those Occupied by President Cleveland, President elect Harrison, Vice President-elect Morton and the Joint Congression al Committee. The Emperor of the vast empire of China, who is eighteen years old, Lns just had two wives nd a sort of assistant wife set apart for him by the Hen press dowager, who is bossine the affairs of the nation. 'J. J.'." "Tom" Wallace, one of the most desperate of the notorious "Hatfield gang" of West Virginia, has been killed by officers of the law while resistine arrest. Before dying, al lace confesseJ that he and Capt Hatfield had been paid 150 each by a deputy sherifl' of Buchanan coun ty, W. Va.( for killing Jeff McCoy of Pike county, Ky. Wallace has been concerned in other crimes. There is a probability that the "Q" strike will bp declared off soon The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers has paid out $420,000 to support the strikers, and, owing to strong protests against further ex pendituri of a like character, all al lowances are to be cut off soon, thus rendering It necessary for the un employed men to get work some where. Over 50 per cent of those who went out cn the strike are now out of employment. The Republicans claim the West Virginia Legislature by one vote, that of Senator Carr of Charleston, elected as an Independent Demo crat. Mr. Carr, howeverj has some views of his own ' on that subject, Hs says :, "My vote will decide who claim to control the Legislature. Noc, t want them to know that there is not money enough in West Virginia to buy my vote. am a friend of Senator Kenna, and, it no better man is put up, I shall vote for him." Gen. Cassius M. Clay is the at put Kentuckian named for Cabinet .honors, hie Mends thirtking that his eminent services demand such fecognition and naming the War Department ad dno that would be Congenial to hiiri. ft. iveauwoou, u&s..; newspaper has taken a vote on the Question of single or double Statehood and a little more than five sixths of those answering its inquiries are in favor of division arid admissioh as two States.- The persons addressed rep resent all o'ccunatio'ns end riolifinnl faiths. Congressman Moffatt, of Penn sylvania, has Become insane, and tft An inmsit.A nf a lunatic aavlntn bongre8sman Laird,' of Nebraska, is said to be dying at Hot Springs, and Congressman Hoge,' of West Virginia, is lost; strayed or stolen, no one having any knowledge of his whereabouts. Not lees than a dozen contests for seats in the next House are outlined, though but one notice that of HartsuflV (Rep.) against Whiting (Dem.) of the Seventh Michigan district has been filed with tb:e Clerk of the House. The defeated Republicans who hope to get into the House because their party has a majority are apt to find numerous stumbling blocks in tneir paths, the chiefest of which will be the very narrow margin by which the Republicans hold that body; ; '''.' -; The Democrats, of the, House are ' nrpn'ftrinflr fnr a ti la.ttlaaintt nf tiiA Sepate Tariff Bill when it comes oyer The Clerk of the Ways and gleans. C(mmittep has beeii. set to tvork collecting statistics and in formation bearing upon the , meas ure, which will be used jointly by the Democrats of the House and Senate. - , .Judge W. H. Holt, the only Re publican metuher of the Kentucky Coijrt of Appeals, anoj.the Hon. Jno. D. White) the only one, of his kind Hi the world, called on Qan, Har.ri son las( week, ; H is, understood na inese snrewd, m.ountainj pplm Rians ar camping, oo the trail of pae "Gen.'.' Wjlliam O. Bradley with the. view of waking his life , .depriving him of rec ognition by the President.-Ex. i Capt. Slocuji has.arrhed in New Kork accompanied by.his wife and itwo children, haying made the.voy age.of nearly,, six .thousand miles fromraiij in. a small sailboat, on ly thirty-five, feet 4ng, seven and a half feet beam, andhree and a half fee, deep. vTe.pny .covering is a small .canvas deck .house. , apt glQCim aaUod. (rptq Rjq Japeirp Ju iy 24 last, an, though they experi l? need some rough weather, he. and hia family arrived:ia New York in good health and spirits; Some-months ago Mr.-1 John J. Jennings, oft the St Lo.uis Post jDiepatcb, started a subscription list ftmong the more favored ohildren of the city, asking contributions for the purpose of distributing presents o the children of very poor people worn a unnstmas' tree.i iNo idea 'was indulged that the project would assume such magnitude as ii did iOver $10,000 was collected, and on 'last Christmas dayfrom the Stage of the large Exposition hall, fully 15,000 children received presents It was impossible to judiciously "use the entire mud for the Christ 'mas tree, and a bate nee of several 'thousand dollars remaining will he 'used in purchasing nhoes, lotbing, A?.., for the children-of .tbe-lKHMv-'It n a nnhle idea grandly executed The next few vears will see a won derful development in the mineral section of Kentucky. Numerous railroads how penetrate these dis tricts. The Eastern coal and iron ore regions are now reached by the Chattaroi, the Maysville and Big Sandy, the Eastern Kentucky, the A. C. & I., the Union, and the Cum berland Valley extension of the L'. & M. Most ot these lines are con templating further extensions. There are few sections in the United which now, hold put better induce ments to the capitalist or laborer; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is recom mended by eminent.physicians, on both sides ot the Atlantic) as the most reliable remedy for colds, coughs, and all. pulmonary disor ders. Inquire of your druggist for Ayer's Almanac. The tobacco growers of Kentucky are forming "Abstention" associa tions pledging themselves to ab stain fioin cultivating tobacco next year, these movements are all very well when the price, of the product is very low, but let the price of tobacco jump up before planting time, and there will be such a demand for plants and Buch burning of agreements rs will aston lshjhe planters themselves.-Frank- forl Capital. The, idea ..seems to possess the Legislature that all legal advertising bills are originated, entirely in inter est, of the newspapers. , So Jong as this notion prevails in the General Assembly, so long .will the bulletin boards, described In the following clipping trom the Hopkinsvillo Daily New Era, continue; to conceal the fact that "property is to be cold VThe old bulletin boards at the court-house have been torn down new ones put in their places. For the information of tho public we state that these, boards. are to be us ed to poet up ad vertisements of land sales, etc,, for .the small boy. and the idler to tear down, mid to com ply with a law which robs the seller of his possessions and turns .them over to the shrewd buyer who is al ways on the look out for these no tices, and who has no special objec tion to tearing them down himself. "Another wonderful discovery lias heen ma Je and that too by a lady in this county. Dis ease fastened its dutches 'upon her . in d for sivn yeirs she withstood Its neverest tests, but her vital rg.tns were' undermined nnd death seemed ir-mincnt. For three months nil? coughed nxiS -silly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle pfUr. King's New Discovery (or Consumpiion and Was so much relieved on taliingthe first' dose that she sl pt all niht JnJ witii one i.ottl;hus bjen mirac uiojsly cured. Uei nnrji: is Mrs. Lntlier Lull," ThitJ write W. C. njmrtclt & Co., 'of Sbefty.'N C.'s-Getlk free trial botrle at W. V. Evan's DrugSMr. Invention's Latest Fruit. ? (New Yqrk Star.; From his workshop in Highland Park, Chicago, Professor Elisha Gray is at last able, to lay on the desk of his correspondent in Mil waukee a fuc-simile of whatever he puts qt) paper at this end of the wire. The finishing touches to the telautograph will be made within the next two weeks. A head com pany has been formed in New York, and subordinate companies are or ganizing over the country to put the invention in use. "The instrument now reproduces each ' stroke of the pen or pencil with almost exact fidelity,'' said Professor Gray to a Chicago Trib une reporter yesterday. "The re production is just up to the point of not being original. Tho differ-1 here the Fault Lies. Mobile lfctrlnter.J It is tho fashion with some to de fend lynching and mob law in this country by charging them to the slowness of tho Ihw and its failure to punish. Tv'hen men bring for ward this argument (hey are care ful to tneul.on notorious case? of escape from deserved punishment by those gui'ty of murder or other capital or serious offenses. It it) al so claimed that lawyers are allowed too much latitude in their Attempts t' save their clients. Therefore, these apologist for mob law reason, it is not at all surprising that peo ple tako the law in their own hands it would bo rather surprising if they did not.. In listening to such arguments as these wo are asked to consider as the Color n (he Cabinet. The colored voters have added a new interest to the Cabinet ques tion bv demanding a high reward for their unswerving devotion to Republican party in all National elections. They claim to have wou the victory for Gen. Harrison, and in return, ask the appointment of one ot their number as a Cabinet oflicer, their favorite being Blanche tv. uruce, ex-linilea State Sena tor from Mivitiippi, und moru re cently;. Register of tbt Treasury. Bruce is a man of respectable abil ity, and hits, perhaps, more than any other man of his race who has sat in Congrenn, tho respect of those with whom ho served. Courier- Journal. -UK ALIUS IK- HartarerIiiar5, S oves, Watsas, enee is enough to prevent long-dis-j main features of a trial the law, the tance forgery. At the same time the copy at the other end Is so near ly like what you write, that for all ordinary purposes it is your hand writing. Several specimens of copy, when compared with the original, show ed a slight waviness ot line as the only distinction. One could come much nearer telling the reproduc tion of a friend's voice by the per fected phonograph from the voice tself than he could a tel-autograph- io copy of the same friend's hand writing from his true fist. "I expect the invention," contin ued Professor Gray, "at once to su persede tho telephone where accu racy is required and over long dis tances: It will also be taken up mmtdlately 18 an adjunct to the telegraph in the transmission of messages involving mom tary trans actions. It cab make no mistakes. It tells at the other end jnst what you write, word for word and line for line. No operators or third par ties intervene as iterpreters between the two pieces of paper. They tand a iac-simile records, in the haods'ni transmitter and receiver, what has nassed between the parties." -: The machine is an artist as well aB a penman. It will reproduce any aedrawing. A girl's head, the picture of a representative mug wump, p. bunch of daisies, and a sunflower were only limited in taith fulneSs by the execution of the draghtsman. An illustrated tele gram will not be one of the least novelties of the future. In Bhort, the tel-autograph is de signed io do the work of the post bffice over the wires. The Vcrdict UNAiirmius'. W.D.halt, U.-ucL'ift, B ..-u. od lesn "S i "I cun rccomnieii 1 Elec.ric Biller t the very beit remedy. Evei bottle sild I. is given relief in every .as,'. n.-iii took tit olU and was cured o I Khenoiatism g. 10 ears' stantlinr;.' Abraham HTc, dm .tit Belly.lle, Ohio, sffirmsi. "fne be t aellii medicine ,1 have eve. I milled in my . 20 years experience, isEclectric Bitters." Thousands of others havj added theiiti' itimony, so t'.at te verdict is unamnu-is thit Lcl -etric Bitters do cure all diseases', 't he I.i.-ir. Kiineys 1 Etood. C .ilv a half dollar a botl.r at W ,T Evan's Drug Store, "President Cleveland, in, the last paragraph of his letter read at the Tariff Reform Club banquet in Bos ton a few days sincfj, sounded the key-note of the mumc the Tariff Re formers in the IIouss propose to march by : '' 'In the track of reform aro often found the dead , hopes of pioneers and the despair who fall in the march. But there will be nei ther depair nor dead hopes in the path ot tariff reform ; nor shall its pioneers fail to reach the heights. Holding fast their faith, and reject ing every alluring overture and ev ery alluring overture and every de ceptive compromise which would betray theiij sacred trust, they them selves, shall regain and restore the patrimony of their countrymen freed Jrsm the trespass of grasping encroachment and safely secured by the genius of justice and equal ity." ;. .,-.'.' :'- .' -.':; ,.- Judge, and the prisoner's caunsel. But there is something . else to be conBiilorod a jury. If there is fail ure of justice, and we admit there is in some coses, thai failure is attrib utable to juries riot doing their du ty. And . who constitute juries? Y hy, the citizens of a community ; you, good sirs, who criticise the ad ministration of the law, you serve as jurors or if you don't you ought to. The reason many a 'man es capes from punishment is either be cause his neighbors or fellow-tow na men shrink from enforcing the law, or because they shirk jury duty and compel the courts to proceed to trial with juries made up of indifferent material. The law is all right, but the juries frequently are not, and we, the people, are to blame for that. We fi ll to do our duty, and then try to make the law a scape gout. This is neither fair nor hon est.'. -. There is tod much loose and wild talk about the l.i.v Um? a failure, nowadays. If the taw is a failur-) civilization is a failure, our institu tions area failure, and the sooner we relaDse in'o the Drimitive Btate ot barbarism frcn which our ances tors emerged the better. The law is rot a failure, but mcny of us tire failures as citizens. Society reBts upon the interests Jits members take in its preservation.' Thai interest is termed patriotism or public spirit. The more of it there is in a com munity the less talk there will be about the law failing to ptlnlsh criminals. Heulth la impossible when the blood is impure, thick, and sluggish or when It is thin and impoverished. Such conditions give rise to boils, pimples, headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism and other disorders. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies, invig orates, and vitalizes the blood. A man who ha practiced medicine for 40 Vears ought to know salt from sugar; read what he hays :. , . - . . Tombo. O.. Jan. 10. 1887 .MeJsM. F. J..('heney 4 Co. Gentle men I haw been lu the .general prae- tlie or medicine lor niota ,4t) years, ,nJ would shv that In all my practice. anil ex perience, hare never teen a preparation that I ctmhi prescribe with as much con fluence 01 stict-e.-s as 1 can Unll' catarrh Cure, inaniifnctured by yotu Have pro scribed it a great many lime ami Its e! lect is wouiK rfiil. and would say In con dition that l.lmyt vet. to find a rase of uatarrn.tbat u.wuitiu not cure, 11 tnev would according to directions. Vours Truly, ly. L. GOKSUCllT. M. b. . Omce,215SumiOit St 1 Wo will give 1100 for auy QAse of Ca tarrh that can not -be cured ..with Hall's Catarrh (.'lire. Taken interiiallv.. Jr. J. CHENEY & CO., I'rop., To ledo, O. a"Sold by UruggUtx, 79 ,:-iSa:'-:', mm? Absolutely Pure. ' This powder never - varies.' A mnr cl of purity, strength aftd wholesomri fiesS.' More economical than tlli' ordina ry kinds, and cttiumt be old In cnmprtl tfon with the multitude 'illnvv le-r,inirt weiirht aJum or phoppeat" powihjrV: "firld Wllylfi ohiW. "KoVal' Aakixo Powdkb Co.. )(IH WhII tt,. N. V. ? llenpt-cked. , tiUlcego Trlbuiic. Little Johnnv (looking curious- iy at me visiior ; y.nere, am ine chicken bite you, Mr. BUIusf J don't see any of the marks," Vis itor "Whv, Johnny, I haven't been bitten by any chicken." John ny "Mamma, didn't you tell papa Mr. Billus was dreadfully henpeck ed? l Why, mamma, how funny you look I Your face is all red." SWIFTS SPECIFIC . ' I entirely n tc'I'J lnrparotion canlatnlnir no Meitiiry, tvti-iH, Aitianc, orctUer puiecnuua Bub!tan:r. . swift's tpncipic ' ' ' IIus tii--1 1'li'iiilreds ofcaK! of Epithelioma or Cnnci-r cf ll- '-.i.ll.t liouwtuN )T coKOf hcli-mn. .dreim of tlmnims of casts of bcrofula, Uloott I'oieon.n "'-vhI Tuii-.t. . SWIFT'S hi'FCIFIO Ha rrllcvi fl thousands of coses f Mercurial Voironic,-". IlUeuinatlstn, and StiDneas of tho -joints. ' - ' ' What Pmvsicians sat of Tna Swirr Sricinc. Wc pp:nil the fiatemcnt of a tm -. 1 lmvc ,. c.i S. S. on pallenn coavMcMlnc from .ever a'nd hm inraslrj. V..IB i hj lw mulls J. N. C'UKsav, M. D. tllaville, oa: ' BnEMr.N, u.s. - 'A'illle While vjaa aniWe Mta to-day tie Is a fa. and t"J?'nKrn',st. D.' ' Bica'noiU' Va., Dec, ''lr-I l-M-r jakca three botlli Of SwiM fiKMM. fn' ini bry- ,lood ion. It ad. much i iter th-mUor ,y other .unrfylba...., M,0. Book on Conlastious Moot Mm nniUd-free. : -All dragdAtf TIIK k"w . ,Cj , Wai 4. Atwaa. Oa,. .ha. -'n., XA broadwuy. - ! Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; Intense ltchltii and tlti(rlnjf) Most at nlnht; vtore by cratchiiiK. If allowed to continue tu- mor$ form, which often blreu and uK-ei- ate, becoming very tore. - Snayne'ii Olnt- tilcutstopMlir Itehlnjjninl bliwtliitf, heal? ulceration, and In nl st ciyea remove the tutnors. At drui;ist9 or by mail. 60c. Dr. Hwaynu A Son, Philadelphia. CIIA1TAH0I KAILW'Y To takeefl'cct Monday, Nov. .'Jiid, 1S(, (Ualiv. except Sii'-uay.) snpiiiWAUii mn jiiahi He id l)vii Head up. STATIONS -- .io.U Xol J ; No4l.ns.. I'ana Pas." l'a.-. I'av. p.:n. a. ni. a. 111. p. 111. 110 6 50 I.v Ashland Ar 9 31 4 30 l ij 7 00 C. lis O; Vrot'n 91a 4 u I js 7 O.'i Normal . . . . . . 9 06 4 00 I 11 7 1A Catletwliurc . . 9 55 3 5 I 46 7 go Wampum...;.. 5" i io 1 1 7 t7 Oakland ...... H 41 34; 09 7 fxisavafelr'ncli . S 7 3 3" J I 8 07 (.ockwooda. .. . S 03 317 3i 8 1.) Hiiraes' . S 56 3 ci ij 8 21 Wrights ...... 7 47 1 59 i V 8 2'. Hoikvlllts ...... 7 : 5' 3 8 4". Curnutt ....... 7 i0 2 3' 3 J" 8 54 I'aulpa. ....... 7 iq '9 3 6 9 Oo Kiillers...... .. 7 06 ! 3 31 9 0i Braillirtin ...... o 5S 1 (l 3 36 9 111 Whltu.. 6 M " 3 52 9 a; iaiuIm 6 1$ 1 4-1 3 59 3a Camp Wound..! V S 1 5 111 S 4. ValbiId(re.,... 614 '3 4 u 9 5; Hummlt.....;.. 6 64 03 4 3' 10 01 I'eeks .....,-,'.. 54 4 39 10 08 Xortllnp . .... .. 5 4 ' 16 4 5 I" a:t I'uuuel ....I.. 5 3 ' 5 '5 10 31 I'eaehOreh'rd... 5 '3 a r 5 JS IO 4(t (forties. ;.-t-, $ 05 11 57 $4" 10 ArKielMrdOE!i... 50 .Iav h.. NoRTHrp, lieeeiveh 13 WBimRS, The rOLICF. GAZETTE will le mailed vrc-lrelt wripped, to anv address ;" the United btates lor inree montns on rrceint di GEE DOLLAP. Liberal discount allowed to pdMrrtattrri cnti and clubv Sample cdples mailed free Address allford era to RICHARD K. FOi, FA!IKU!( SQUAe, N. V . SpecHtlalion. geo.aTromer, BANKER ANDBR0KEH 40 &. 42 Broadway and 51 New Street, New York City. ; Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions and retroleum Bought,- Sold ';, and Corned 011 Margin'.' ' I'.S.-send for explanatory pamphlet Newport iew& k Miss Valley Company, CIII-SPE.KE mVoiho ROl TEI Solid trains EaHt and West and Short Like to ill noints 111 the All trails are First-class. No second-class cars run on th.s C. & 9-f hplrlers o( Endgrant'tickets ride io fiist-clw -jr.. rickets sold to airr destination and dUESTIO:VS to Bl AiNb WterwEI) : V)ie,r'e ttfe'Voii ColhRf .Wlicu'are yon gojng?. , ' Where wilj. yci) start iV6n1? , How man VI ate there in your, party? . . , ... Vriieto r. A. ANOKXWs;gKmigrapt.ftii: Trvelim passenger agent Charleston, W.Va. who will oive Vou the proper answers to the aUve qutstiuns and send , you papers show in n-u.-. ainl amount the tickets will cor Vou illL(ave time and money hy taking the C. AO. i .W.KULLER.Ge.-i'l l'-s. Aft,. - W t-.WICKAM, Uncti'lVKa. ', -, All Kinds 2 Tanning I lnpkinen ts. )oors,Sasli, lHimls, 1 Jn;v - Agents for Victor Cane Mills, Cook's Evapora tors, Buckeye Mowers, Sewing Machines, &c. No. 2 ESTEHI'KISK Hi.oi k, I.ot isi, Kt. GrrY DliWG STOKE, ,5f. :'- 9 lJir'!p-.-VX': Hire 143 M1 S;Mo(licin(s, etc. Prescripl ions carelul Voinpoiihcd. ; Maii)ino(l) Jeweln Sturfc KKO.NT STHtE I', OATLirrrsunuj, ky. J . K. l ord A: Son. kyVJ-.A'iiJ - haawfl v e. -, ? .? "' -.-lurViivH' c,.in I'lett lint ol Wtttclios, Uockn, Kin&s, iihij jp jibt "everything iisully Kvl in A KI HST-Ci,A6S JEWELRY STullK WAl'o kee,is a f.iV stoik if H.uilot, Aeo'ft'-onv Violins and r'intS j B, B. BUTLBR i CO Saw Mill d Grist rrfii. : AIITIIURLAWRKXCU COUsNT Solicit patronage from all those del KV lring tho best of work for the least money, - . (Orders Filled atshort otl6d! BDYAIIT& STRATTON Business (ollege Writ tor ttofntoyw m4 full information. L U U I V I aUL& 4 K Y SANITARY dLOTMlNO x llEALTH WAISTS, UNION IjNDCRGARMfc CmST&US ..PENDERS, STCCKINQ SOPPCRtER ' ' ' - V All eoru of Itralihlul Onrmnl.rt, i re':'noM 'rtirl-Jt , Faatlr t:iertr'r Iis'iio'tiVk, TliitVi, 4. ater ttacV. VsliAj? f r4 SEND FOR Cta'oULhV SANITARY SUfilt ViC). BATTtE CREiK, frIICJT. ;-'..;HEAL.TH FO&DiS fc-olr th clawrstl luvnliJs. ftcnuluo li imM;, , fl i'MitA .-, m-A SEMd for OESCftiFriyE: (f.A?:. SANITARY FOOD F6H :Wt Mi. . BAtTLK CREff, KifCK. ' 1 r Hi iii fin ;.t. Ida tamrket,. 'GR'AMlTErv-lR'OKirVAR P J pC noit.1 fti Ni viG, . -I A ticuv, iiaiim;iu, , Thv Iii rit "U'aro Mndc fur thn t. rUrhci. T -nufaeturca on 1 tty tn CiNC i'N.N AT I.SAN! .'.'OUl'SNIOLT1'!!, v & .mi:ko II! U lcke Conlv)aiiyrs Steamers. . ,i .. .-, John KYLK,rreVt. ;'.:' v Honuhkm., So4 i C.M. Hollow ay, Siiomii ten .lent. ! Cincinnati, P.oin.-.Toy and all,. Wajr land! ngsj EOSTONA-iUji' Sum'ays and ..Thwlnys ; .,;-. Taejdjjrs , j,nd ,.Fri.h j TliLLOKArif L'p TiieLiyja nd I'riJay? , . , -X) '-.m W tdnr-ililya and, B'O SANDY U( Wc-lnesdays nnd &t i Djn Mim I ays and Thursihys ONH1 LEAVliS C,i tinuiu Dsily-siutvt S!n.!iy. - - - AT V O CLOCK, P.- M. - : T '-'Bt'CkUCs's -AltNICA 6AI.V16 . i ' The be -t solve Inth 0r1d fat cnl, bruis'tfs, sores, Mful salt rh em, fner Mres, tell it, cii'ipt'-'ed h-nii. chthlkinV Corns, and nlUkin eiu'l;ons, and positively enre piles, or .10 pay ruiifed. I'. i iriiM..t"ed (o gi rpaitis last, Wi'.rdfft,n;lorwineyWeft.mled. Price. 25 cts nr. bn at V, ', Kvsn's. M BSRewarded u-e ..'tlijose who T y 1 tli is and then aclj ,tney ll'T will find -tonorat)la is niulojv Q nwi.t lliit Will not UkethcrA 1 .. 1 -1 . .1 rom uisir Homes and laniii ih!.. N-The pWntsnB. and sure forever tntlu nous per-on,' man y nTe moue aim ar now niik-irrj; a. month It iienvlor any ruieto mak Snd JJpw.vl nrtiiiri'iho i(rilllriR'toiwnrlM Eiiirr $$ PAii.e oi! old: - oouital nt- llcwLxl ;iMVs ttnri you, Uverythinuew NoBpscial khUiljfJOi qwied y,mj reader.'eirt" dtnit snmrli ) Wiiie tos afoneet fjll pa:;ii.aiar!j. which idfr.'- AddtjV.V -S'lje SriVjoS 5r Co., Fortlsnd, fiTaMio, -o auk - -I 'tJhO xl .!lcit. Cook C;k t,nt Trice tint rrecon 'fit. !l6rtUon So i'tto ;j lisnilon ti.i ..', - .. ., . ...... : . . - ' I ---K . ..-V;.V...'.f ' " - V'- -"cy' : .v. -'rvv..--.;; . .' .'..,--.,, , :" .u,-. . .,. ..;.t -: 1 - i ji : ts. ' pA2a Miity V '! t t - , y-r.'- .. v.i- 3 ' ,it,'I!,,ri.u' -n-.lo, 1-.SJ, p,.j umamfawrn.I nr'-i i . L jwj 4Kf.(Mf.,4 . m nksHi mnjinfaunimi rHB itA.r,i7lca(lvlT;H, ins BMaLLE? BWiEV &!! O'lAP.U Ut.E pow:eu, HlJ.COMPUl,Ut;SHIVE HOOK . "EosltagB and Foildar C'JIHde. .Tf-sy-f Fill 1 .rTV... . "''nl I-ree on Application. ,