OCR Interpretation

The Big Sandy news. [volume] (Louisa, Ky.) 1885-1929, May 13, 1921, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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Friday, May 13, 121.
Good Clothes Are
An Inspiration
. When a young man knows
he looks right he can
do b e 1 1 e r. He has
great e r confidence,
greater assurance. V
Our CLOTHES are right
in style, in mater lal,
in tailo ring they are
clothes that you can be
. sure bf.
Just now we are featuring j
an extra ordinary value at
926-928 4th Ave. Huntington, W. Va.
- Bom; to Mr. and Mrs. Powe Steele
A line boy.
Ora Compton and Vaster Pattou
were married last TufsdV,W wish
them a long and happy lire,
MiH8 Lizzie Steele wan calling on
2.1 isms Margie and Kiln Cust'e. Sun
day. Sorry to hear of Floyd Burchett
getting hurt. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webb left last
Thursday for Louisa. .
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paulv were calling
on Mr. and Mrs. Milt Smith Sunday.
. Virgil Hatten and David Lowe were
shopping at Helller Friday. :
, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson were
calling on her parents Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harding Ramey were
colling on her brother, Mr. an.1 Mrs.
Andy Webb, Sunday.
.Mr. .and Mrs. George Thompson
pent Saturday and . Sunday with
friends at Kockhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Compton and
little son were calling on his mother
' Mrs. Victoria and Miss Margie Cas
tle were shopping at Helller Saturday.
They say the wedding bells will ring
here soon.
Mrs. Archie Bradley was calling on
her parents Sunday.
Everybody come to Sunday School
next Suuda. LONELY QIKL.
We are having a fine Sunday School
and are preparing for a Childrens Day
entertainment the third Sunday in
June. There will be church here Sat
urday night and Sunday by our for
mer pastor, Rev. J. H. Cleveland.
Several of this place attended sing
ing at Estep Friday night. The sing
ing school is being conducted by Prof.
M. H. Rice.
. Miss Gladys Rice who has had an
attack of appendicitis, is . improving
rapidly. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Joe White spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Fannin
. of Culbertson.
Arthur Turman of Buchanan attend
ed Sunday School here Sunday.
Misses Anna Humphrey and Nora
White spent Saturday night with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe. Beilomy of Tyree.
Misses Amanda and Sallie Sutton
and Lindsey Lambert of near Culbert
son attended Sunday School here. . .
The Farmers Vacation ;j
1 WillSTLH..
i: S mi . ,
i 1
DR. L. H. YORK.......
R. L. VIN80N
Wv. W. A. Hay delivered a Very In
teresting sermon to a large congrega
tion at this place Sunday night, ,
Tivls Hay of New Boston, Ohio, is
vh-iting relatives at this place.
Mies Rebecca Hay spent . Sunday
with Viryl Bradley.
Misvut Gertrude Fletcher and Carrie
I 'Irk ri II were calling on MIskce Km ma
ami Ida Muncy Sunday.
Allen Hutchison attended "church at
this i lace Sunday night. "
Slieloy Fraxler and Earl Tackett at
tend the pie supper at Mt. Pleasant
hattird&y night.
Ray Williamson of Borderland. W.
Va. ufcs in Louisa Saturday tn route
to Pikeville. . ,
Mrs. 'Lindsey Cyrus ' spent Sunday
with her sister. Mrs. Vint Nolen.
Mrs. Sam Fletcher and daughter.
Audrey were shopping at Busseyville
Monday. H
and Mrs. W. A. Hay spent Sun
day night with Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
Hay. : . . ' '
Remember Sunday School at this
place Sunday morning at 1:30 also
prayer service at 2:30 p. m. Everybody
come. ' BLUB BELLS.
We are sorry to say that Eliza West
who has been sick for the but month
Is no better at this writing.
Rev. Henry Griffith Oi Loinunsvllle
preached a very Interesting sermon at
Knob Branch Sunday. Church was
largely attended.
Mrs. Rufus and Luther Stambaugh
were shopping In Blaine FaVlay
Mrs. Norman Osborn was caHftig on
Mrs. Stella West Monday.
Misses Rhoda aad Mary were calling
on Mrs. Stambaugh Sunday.
Misses Spray and Nellie Berry and
Carey Pack were out horseback riding
Jolly Arnett was calling on Spencer
West Sunday. He is from Magoffin
county. ;
H. D. Smith Is better.
Mrs. Arthur Boggs was calling on
her mother, Mrs. America Kazee. who
has been sick for some time.
Mrs. Jack Peters was the guest of
her mother Sunday.
Miss Maude Sparks was calling on
Misses Ethel and Opal Kazee Sunday.
Luther Stambaugh made a business
trip to Blaine Saturday.
...... Vie President
....Assistant Cashier
There will b churoh at this place
the third Sunday morning in May at
ten o'clock by Rev. E. B. Wiley. ' Also
Sunday afternoon at three or lock by
Rev. Kincaid. Everybody welcome 'to
attend these meetings.
Miss Belva Bnrchett who has been
sick for some time is improving.
Dewitt Diamond was out on Catt
luaf mr tti.tr An hllNinefta. . '
. Miss Maxle Taylor is visiting rela
' tlves in Louisa.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bays spent Sat
urday and Sunday with J. H. Bays and
family. -
Several from this place attended
church at Vatesvllle Sunday.
. Miss Llssle Taylor was visiting Mrs
Claudia Taylor, last week. .
Everett and Walter Bariiett and
families were visiting Job Carter last
Misses Madge and Bertha Carter
ifpent Sunday with Miss Karen Dla-,
mond. "
llll'ver Burchett paseed up. our creek
one dny last we'k.
I Willie Austin still makes regular
trips to Mr. Diamond's.
I MIhs Shirley lYeoce attended meet
ing at Yatesvllle Sunday. '
Miss Virginia Diamond was visitini;
: Mies liura Carter Sunday.
Misses Karen and Virginia Diamond
were- shopping In Louisa laal week.
Since the rains have ceased the far
mers are getting busy planting their
cropB... , :'v -
Everybody remember our meetings
Sunday and attend.
If the printer does not get tired of
setting the type for this letter we will
try to let the people hi-ar. from Deep
Hole ugain through the columns of
the dear old Big Sandy News,, -
- I. L. M. S.
R. I'. Kohinson was the dinner guest
of C. R. Ltiyne Sunday.
Mr. and Mrsi Ell Mooro and two
little children. Daniel and Reba. were
calling on Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nunley
Dova Hutchison entertained quite a
few young people Sunday.
Cyrus Wooten. of Catlvttsburg, is
visiting his cousin. Com Wooten, at
this place.
Lillian Nunley was the guest or Cora
Wooten Sunday night. . .
Tom Wooten and Boss Nunley were
railing on Olga and Anna Moure Sun
day. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ida Franher and sons.
Earl and Byford, were calling on Mrs.
Uertha Nicholas Saturday.
. Mary Lee and Alonzo Brooks were
calling on their aunt, Mrs. Nancy
Moore, Sunday.
Sunday School is progressing nicely
at thl place with C. R. Layne Supt.
John and Banner Fugate and Oar
land Webb passed down our creek one
day last week.
Tom Wooten was calling on O. M.
Nunley Sunday.
There will be a pie mite at this place
Saturday night, the 14th.
C. B. Stuart from Greenup spent the
week with friends and relatives here.
Nellie Calne was at M. V, Thomp
son's Tuesday. V
D. J. Thompson of- Normal spent
Saturday and Sunday with his sister,
Mrs. K. H. Stuart.
Theodore Chadwlck spent Monday
"night with Ballon Thompson at Den
nis. Adam Harmon was the dinner guest
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Dearfleld.
Geneva and Ray vanhorne of Lou
isa are visiting their grandparents at
this place.
Mary Chadwlck was calling on Viola
Shortridge Friday. -
: Nellie and Arma Calnes and Ollle
and Zelda Ekers were the guests of
Dova Boggt Sunday.
Mr. . and Mrs. Ben Vanhorn were
calling on Mr. and Mrs. Heber Rlffe
: Victoria Abels was visiting her sis
ter, Hester Bentley, Sunday. .
C. B. Stuart spent Sunday night
with his daughter, Mrs. Edna Riffe.
Hobert Smith of Tuscola was on our
creek Sunday.
Vlrgle Moore was visiting on Long
Branch Saturday.
Henry Ekers was the pleasant guest
of Nellie Caines Sunday.
Several from here attended the 1. O.
O. F. lodge at Fallsburg Saturday
night. -
Ben Fannin was on our creek re
cently. '
E. H. Stuart who is working at
Prestonsburg ia expected home soon. :.
Mr. and Mrs. Bascom Shortridge and
children were dinner guests of Mrs.
Clara Ctuart Sunday.
' Mrs.- L. J. Mills and little son Junior
of Norton. Va., ' are here for a visit
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. F.
Jordan. -
Misses Hazel Graham and Goldle
Woods left Saturday for Red Jacket,
W. Va., for a few days visit with he
tatter's sister, Mrs. R. M. Horton.
The Trinity girls and boys attended
Sunday School here Sunday.
Miss Ruby Carroll and Haskell
Thompson were dinner guests of Miss
Beulah Caudill Sunday. ' .
Miss Lola Carroll has returned from
Ashland where she had befn for sev
eral days having her eyes treatod.
Charles H. Woods of Normal Is vis
iting home folks.
Marion and Estllle Jordan attended
church at Jattte Sunday night.
Miss Nannie Rucker and Zeal I).
Woods were out horseback riding Sat
urday. Miss Ions Adams of McDaniel and
friend, James Sturgill of Louisa, were
at Baker Sunday.
Sylvester D. Woods' af Red Jacket,
W. Va., Is expected homo soon for a
visit with home folks.
A. E. Graham returned to Detroit
Miss Garnet Jordan entertained a
hunch of youngster Sunday. .
Lloyd E. Webb of Ashland was the
guest of Miss Hazel Graham recently.
The first Saturday night and Sunday
morning in June Rer. Mr. Harvey will
preach her. Come, everybody.
Remember Sunday School at II o'
olock. HA I HA! HA!
you can roll
lOcts from
ohm baft of
Bull Durham
: Sv t-ral : from this pac attended
church' at Little Blaine Sunday. ,
Ir. L- S. Hayes and daughter iMro
thy cullid on Mrs. Mary Dean Hh
Sunila. 1
Tommy Johnsoa called at ; Davis
Silencer's Saturday afternmin.
iN-e fiartln and Claud Etep of WIU
t.ur attemind . church at: this place
Sunday. '. V :-
Mr. siul Mrs. Lon Hinkle called on
Mr. find Mrs. Chllt Griffith Sunday.
C. W. MiMire of Rich Creek visited
his sister, Mrs. M. J. Siiencer at this
place Sunday.;
rlle and Elizabeth Hayes called
on Klla and Ina B. 8iencer Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dixon and chil
dren of Jenkins, are here visiting
friends and relatives. -t .
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Preston nnd Mr.
and Mrs. South Dixon took dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. K. I Moore Sunday.
Ella Spencer spent Saturday night
with Opal Hlnkle.
Rev. Llnzy Cyrus preached to an
appreciative audience here Saturday
night and Sunday morning. We are
always glad to bave him preach fer
Miss Effie Nolen spent Sunday with
Vint Nolen and wife.
Mrs. J. A. Moffett of Huntington, W.
Va. la vUiting her mother, Mrs. Mattie
Miea Delia May called at Mudge
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Haws spent Sun
day afternoon wtth her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. PereneM.
M. Nelson and Ollle Chapman spent
Sunday with Dan and Vaut Wetlman.
Mum Gladys Haws has returned
Vmr from the K. N. C,
Miws- Samantna Nelson and Inez
Wt i:m.n have returned from a week's
viu with relatives at Columbus. Ohio.
Miss Bessie L Bradley of Ashland
upeht the week-end with home folks.
Miawk Gladys Oorgia I.e and Em
llv If ii va. Jewel and Garnet Dsmron
were the Sunday afternoon guests of
Mr. .Mattie Meek and Turtell Turner,
Mr and Mrs. t-'mlth Adams and chll-
dr-n of Doephole, spent Sunday , with
ri'l"'.ie here.
M:lt Wellman of Ledoclo was the
Sunday guest of relatives here.
Allen Hutchison and Monnle Plgg
attended church at Smoky Valley
Sundt.y night. -
Mlsai'S Ivory and Mollle Hays of
Adaros spent Saturday night and Sun
dny with the Misses Burnett.
Mr and Mrs. W. M. Berry spent
Suii'lay with relative at Twin Branch.
Don and Charlie May vhilted rela
tive at Evergreen Baluntay night and
Sunday ' - i! " ' "
Mre. Lee M. Nolen visited relatives
on l.i'tle Blnlne Monday. XXX.
CJraydon McGranahan spent Satur
day night and Sunday with Herman
W. M. Chapman Jr. Who has been
very sick, is Improving.
Ina Spencer, Opal lllnkle and Jay
Scarberry attended church at Marys
Chapel Sunday.
Klla B. Spencer entertained a num
ber of young folks Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Lucy J. Ball and son Willie
and Miss Maude Hayes took dinner
with Mrs. W. M. Chapman Saturday.
Ends All
lost A Good For Calltue. Kooty
Back If It Fail. .
Thirty seconds after you toneh the corn
with this liquid corn remover the jab
bing. tubbing pain of it stopsJor all time.
aii a. a. a. t - - i -,
No sorn. hard or soft. Is too old or too
deeply rooted to rtoUst 'OnU-It." Im
mediately It dries nnd nhrlTelii, the edges
loosen from the true fltwh and soon yoa
oan peel It right nlf with yoar Ongen as
palnleHiily iui yon trim yonr BHa
Iwnt coddle oora pwits. Don't rnirss
. . , An , na 1 -m
tbein. KKMOVK them 1Ui ' JKTf IT j
VattHiii st nny (iriiirnloro. Ad til. by 1
12. lrenel...4'hlfi.
t'ongress is to urge the return of
the United States femes on the Rhine,
More than two million men were out
of employment in this country May I.
The average consumption of coffee
In this country ur thirteen pound to
each Inhabitant.
fn China a man may "rent'! his
newspaper, if he so desires. Instead of
'living it outright.
William Jennings Bryan haa Joined
a W-ishlngton lu- lirm for the practice
of international law.
. Wagea f seamen on all United
StMles merchant slilps have been cut
llfteen per cent. "effective. May 1.
The badoliall team of Wasmlu Unl
verslty,. Japan, reached San Fninctmo
M iy 1 for an American tour.
:'. Prince Henry, the third son of the
King of England, who attained his ma
Jortty recently. Is to, have a military
I A group of eighty Swiss manufac
1 Hirer and tm-rchnitls will lour , the
J United Slates early in May to study
I .American metliods.
Italy Is in entire accord with the
I United States with rpTt to the
island lf Yap and other former Oer-
mun ovrnwiw possessions. .
The reUso of 100.OOV.000 gold pesos
to regulate exchange with the United
(States has been urged upon the Ar
gi-utine government.
The first national bank to he con
trolled hy nrgroi'K -the IotiglHS Nil
ttonal - Ibtnk of Chicago- has : been
opened for bUMlneM. -.
The railway ear (n which the nr.
mietlce was Bismol on November 11
llg. has leen placet! in the .Kren.
army muwum In the In-alld. ......
A new substance has beeii discov
ered for decolorising sugar. Scientists
are said lo have been searching for
sixty years for such a substance.
The town of Braxton, near Juckaon,
Miss wua demolished by a tornado
April 2C. eighteen tiersona being killed
and mre than thirty Injured. .
Charles R. Forbes, of Seattle, Wanh..
has been appointed director of the liu
renu of War Risk Insurance, succeed
Ing R. (I. Choimeley Jones, resigned.
Cases of ships being lost at sea have
recently become numerous that ma
Tine Insorancs companies are institut
ing Investigations into these "dlsaa-
tera." - ., . . . - , ,
, President Harding last week aent
eighty-four nominations for pontmoat
era to the Senate, these being the ftrst
nominations for postmaster sent In by
hiav,v -
Nth hundred Germans whose pun
ishment has been demanded by Che
Entente for crimes committed during
the war, are to be tried at Lelpvie be
ginning May 23.
The Labor Board has canceled the
arrangement with the officials of the
Chinese Merchant' Association per
mitting Chinese industrial students to
enter this country', ttpon Information
that this na a scheme to bring in
shirty thousand Chlneae laborers.
Mrs. Amy Davis Wlnshlp, mho has
just reirbrnlrd her ninetieth birthday,
ha made application to enter the
summer school at the University . of
It hns been dccidud by the bishop
in London that th- Church of England
women may apeak and pray in church
es on other occasions tluui regular ap
pointed services.
With every amendment relating to
dixarmament thrown out, the naval
appropriation bill, carrying a total of
f 3.000.000. has been passed by the
House, StZ to IS.
Sixty fighting ships of the Atlantic
Division of the United Slates fleet
were reviewed by President Harding,
the new commander In chief of the
navy, at Old Point Comfort, April Is
CapL Merlon C, Cooper, of Jackson -
villa,. Fla, : the Kosciusko eyjnndron
flyer, who was shot down on the Po
lien front and captured by the Rus
slana last July, has escaped from prla
on in Moscow. .
King Alfonso of Siailn has issued 1
decree nominating his brother-In-law.
Don Carlos, as captain general and
military governor of Andalusia, com
prising almost the entire southern
portion of Spain.
The creation of a national food-
marketing bureau under the chairman
hip of the Secretary of Agriculture
has been suggested by Secretary
Hoover as a means of relief to farm
ers and consumers.
Credit problems of the farmers will
be studied by Governor Harding, of
the Federal Reserve Board, who will
make a personal survey of conditions
in the reserve districts of the South
and Middle West,
Louis Agasiiz Shaw.vaHHistant in
structor In anplled physiology at the
Harvard Medical rVhsol, Boston, has
been arrested by Federal prohibition
officers charged with - manufacturing
Hquora In hta home.
General Pershing. It is suid, will go
to France to bring back the body of an
"unknown soldier" In July, and Mar
shal Foch is epected to return with
him for the purpose of attending the
convention of the American Legion.
A formal complaint against the
United States Steel Corporation and
nxleven subsidiary companies, alleging
unfair competition In interstate com
merce, hn been issued at Washington
by the Federal Trade Commission.
Otto Christensen, attorney of Chi
cago, has roceived a wireless from hie
client, William Haywood, . dated at
Christiana, Norway, stating that Hay
wood had reached Moscow and was
attending a conference of trade In
dustrial unions and would return to
the United States soon after the con
ference,'' Haywood is under a peniten
tiary sentem, with a number of other
I. W. W.'S at Chicago.
Six hundred gallons of roal beer,
seized by the police in New York City
under the new State law last weok.
were poured down a sewer. Men and
women carrying ipltuhera and baslim
tried to break through the linos, but
were driven back.'
The famous Ifoselnsko souadron,
which was recruited In America for
Office in Or. Burgess Building
Opposite' Court House
Office Hours: 8:00 s. m. to 5:00 p. m.
Office and Residence Phone Ne. 119
Office In Bank Block, between ta
two banks. Louisa. Ky
Off.ee Hours: 8:00 . m. to :00 p. n
Special Hours by Appointment
Airent for Pensions
aiiu uuuiiit littiiu vidiius
-V ' May 30, 1120
- rinu rAPT rA v
. Cast Bound
No. 4 Daily...;...,., .....MI A M
No. Dally -4 A. M.
Ns, 1 Daily..;,.,... 1:51 P. M
.. West Bound
No. 1 laily., i:!tl AM
No. IS Dully. ......... ;..1S:M P. M.
No. 2 Dallr. 8:11 P. M.
Pullman Cars and Dining Car Service
en trains I, 4, 16 and it.
Oen'l Pass. Agent,
Roanoke. Va
TWs cessptets EWtris LMf assl
Powwr risstt
Enjoy your family circle under
bright. Mifr, convenient rlcctric light
E. C. BERRY, Blaine, Ky.
service In Poland against the ftusstan
Holsheviki. will be demobilised this
we'k at Warsaw, and the memoirs
will return immediately to the United
Activity of German citizens In ob
taining patents from the American
government embodying many of the
principle of American railroad artil
lery and other ordnance, has caused
Secretary Weeks to reau st Congress
to limit the granting of patents ta
foreigners.. - :.
E. C. Convener, New York capital
ist, who died In llisedena. Cal, April
ft. left I10S.0O0 to be divide damong ten
eolkwea. Amherst to twelve t20.809,
and Bowdoln, Ikurtmouth, Leland Stan
ford Jr.. Dberlln. Smith. Trinity, Tu
kegee, Welto, and Win Lams I'.O.evO
each. He also left I2&.098 to the Boy
Sce-uta of America. ,
During the wk President Harding
has made the following nominations:
K I. Lewis, of Indianapolis, and J. II.
CampbHL of SpolJUie, Wash., to be
members of the Interstate Com me re
CommlHslon: John R. Mitchell, of SL
Paul, to Iw a member of the Federal
Reserve Board; and Col. Edwsrd Clif
ford, of Kvnnston, 111., to be Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury. .
Lieutenant General Sulto, command
er In chief of the Japanoae division at
Vladivostok, has committed suicide,
his death being a sequel to the shoot
ing or l.'niled States Naval Lieutenant
W. II. Lahgilon in that city In Jan
uary by a Japanese sentry. General
tfailo is sail! to liave erther held hlm
elf responsible for the death of Iieut.
Langdon or to have been Irritated
over his government's manner In deal
ing with the affair.
: Mrs. Ray McKlnstor and little daugb
ter Audrey were calling on Mr. and
Mrs. James Adams Sunday,
' Mr. and Mrs. ln rrlp nn,l kll ..
dren spent Saturday and Sunday with
ineir motner, Mrs. Lioek Tlnce.
Misses Edith Ball and Eilna Prince
attended church at Hlnmun avenuo
faturnay night.
McKltllev Hnll iin.t f c'rtr .4
Curtis Hall attended the ball game
Miinilny nrternnon and reported a nine
time. Columbus won from Toledo, 1-0.
.Mont llall who has hwn lk tir
some time Is slowly Improving. .
McKlnley Ball was catling on hid
best girl Sumluy.
Miss Kill III hill land tllll..
Kny AHams. are Cfintemulatlnv a vlmr
to Kentucky soon. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Fugltt ire con
templating visit to home folks In
liucfrus, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Mont Hull ar n nina.
on Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ball Sunday. .
r.an wiinam Bail was calling on
his little cousins, Mildred and Clydw
lutymona r.ai 1 Sunday.
We had aunshl 11 a In ( f 1 1 1 m Kit ai Bst..
urday. the first time it mlinut ninin
fn. IS Sah ,.,!.,. nr , .
to old Kontucky though for our moon
shine. .lames R. Down via nilllnn nn rwi.
nie Crloeo Sunday. , .
Air. a tin Mm 1 1 r n-.n i. .
plating a visit over to (liutr.n wai-.
day, .
Willie Thomnann l nl 1 tinir,, n ..In .
to Kentucky.
Austin Bontley of Leon. W. Va , wan
In Columbus this week.,.
Mrs. Dock Prince who hn do. iu
-.wu.a .ivk
for some tlmo Is improving nicely,
vvura is pioxing up slowly.
Mrs. Mary Moore is Improving.
Wo are alwavn elcl m a,. ..
come so as to got our Big Sandy News.,
n cutiii'tiANT.

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